To-be flow

At a high level, the supplier delivers goods to its customers—customer A and customer B. The supplier issues invoices to these customers for payments. Invoice 1 is due in 30 days to customer A and invoice 2 is due in 90 days to customer B. The supplier needs immediate cash and puts invoice 1 and invoice 2 for sale at a discount of 5% and 10%, respectively. Bank 1 and Bank 2 are also participants of the blockchain-based business network (KonsensusChainBC). They browse for the available invoices and factor them. Bank 1 factors invoice 1 and pays 95% of the invoice value to the supplier, while Bank 2 factors invoice 2 and pays 90% of the invoice value to the supplier. Factoring will result in the immediate payment of the invoice to supplier. Immediate payment confirmation will result in the customer's account receivables being updated. Now, customer 1 needs to pay Bank 1, while customer 2 needs to pay to Bank 2. The amount that's payable is updated with new payee details. Upon the due date, the account is paid from the payer (customer) account directly to the buyer's (the bank's) account, and the AP systems of the customers are updated. Upon 100% payment of the invoices by customer 1 and 2, the buyer will pay the remaining invoice amount to the seller (supplier). However, the buyers (Bank 1 and Bank 2) will pay the remaining to the seller, minus a transaction fee.

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