
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


absolute positioning, Arranging Objects on the Page, Arranging Objects on the Page
Accept button, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Comparing and Merging Documents
accepting revisions, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
all in document, Comparing and Merging Documents
accessibility, checking, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
activating blogs in Word, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
active document, closing, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
Add Template dialog box, Styles
add-ins, Changing Default Program Options, Changing Default Program Options, Changing Default Program Options
Add-Ins dialog box, Changing Default Program Options
address lists, e-mail (see )
advanced options, Changing Default Program Options
Align button, Arranging Objects on the Page
Align Center button, Presenting Information in Tables
Align Center Right button, Presenting Information in Tables, Formatting Tables
Align gallery, Arranging Objects on the Page
aligning diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Modifying Diagrams
aligning objects, Arranging Objects on the Page
aligning text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
around objects, Arranging Objects on the Page
around pictures, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
in tables, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables, Formatting Tables
with tab stops, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
alt text in tables, Presenting Information in Tables
anchoring text to objects, Arranging Objects on the Page
Apply Styles dialog box, Styles
Arrange All button, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
arranging stacked objects, Arranging Objects on the Page, Arranging Objects on the Page
arrows on buttons, Working in the User Interface
Artistic Effects button, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
aspect ratio, Glossary
Attach File button, Sending Documents Directly from Word
Attach Template dialog box, Styles
attaching templates, Templates, Styles
attachments, e-mail, Sending Documents Directly from Word
(see also )
inserting, Sending Documents Directly from Word
sending documents as, Sending Documents Directly from Word
attributes, Glossary
authenticating documents, Sending Documents Directly from Word, Ctrl+Alt+Function Key
author name, viewing, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
authors (see )
adding to list, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
fixing spelling errors with, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
options, setting, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors, Changing Default Program Options
AutoCorrect dialog box, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors, Creating and Modifying Lists
AutoFormatting options, Creating and Modifying Lists
customizing settings for, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
options, setting, Changing Default Program Options
AutoText for user name/initials, changing, Inserting Building Blocks


Back button (Help), Getting Help with Word 2010
appropriate use of, Changing a Document’s Background
color, applying, Changing a Document’s Background
gradients, applying, Changing a Document’s Background
overview of, Add Simple Graphic Elements
pictures as, applying, Changing a Document’s Background
textures, applying, Changing a Document’s Background
Backspace key, Edit and Proofread Text
Backstage view, Working in the User Interface, Working in the User Interface, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
displaying, Working in the User Interface
Help page, Working in the User Interface
Info page, Working in the User Interface
New page, Working in the User Interface
opening documents from, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
Print page, Working in the User Interface
Recent page, Working in the User Interface
Share page, Working in the User Interface
balloon comments
balloons for, Glossary
defined, Glossary
deleting, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
displaying, Adding and Reviewing Comments
displaying all text, Adding and Reviewing Comments
editing, Adding and Reviewing Comments
from specific reviewer, hiding, Adding and Reviewing Comments
hiding, Adding and Reviewing Comments
highlighting, Adding and Reviewing Comments
inserting, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
navigating, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
nesting, Adding and Reviewing Comments
responding to, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
reviewer’s name, displaying, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
balloons (see )
banded rows in tables, Formatting Tables
bar charts, Glossary
compiling, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
inserting, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
overview of, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
updating, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
Bibliography button, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
Bibliography gallery, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
bilingual dictionary
overview of, Fine-Tuning Text
translating text with, Fine-Tuning Text
blank documents, creating, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
Blank Page button, Inserting Building Blocks
blank pages, inserting, Inserting Building Blocks
blocking content, trusted locations for, Changing Default Program Options
blog posts
creating, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
defined, Glossary
overview of, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
publishing, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
saving, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
Blogger service, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
blogs, Glossary
activating in Word, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
addresses for, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
creating, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
drafts, opening, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
e-mail publishing, turning on, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
home page, navigating to, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
on Windows Live Spaces, creating, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
overview of, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
picture upload options, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
posting to, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
publishing documents as posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
publishing posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
publishing posts as drafts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
registering accounts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
saving posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
service providers, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
setting up, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
Web links, adding, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
Bold button, Manually Changing the Look of Characters, Creating Tabbed Lists, Changing Default Program Options
bolding text, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
book features and conventions, Features and Conventions of This Book
booklets, printing, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
Bookmark button, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
Bookmark dialog box, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
displaying, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
hiding, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
inserting, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
jumping to, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
overview of, Explore More Text Techniques, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
spaces in names, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
Border button, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
borders, Changing a Document’s Background
(see also )
3-D, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
adding, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
cell, Formatting Tables
table, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
Borders And Shading dialog box, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Formatting Tables, Changing a Document’s Background
Borders button (tables), Formatting Tables
bound documents, previewing, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
breaks (see , page breaks, line breaks, section breaks)
Breaks button, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Presenting Information in Columns, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
brightness, adjusting, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
Browse By Page button, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
opening Web pages in, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
previewing documents in, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
setting for Web pages, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
specifying, for Web pages, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
browsing objects, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
building blocks, Inserting Building Blocks
(see also header/footers, )
cover pages, Inserting Building Blocks, Inserting Building Blocks
creating, Inserting Saved Text, Inserting Building Blocks
defined, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors, Glossary
deleting, Inserting Building Blocks
entering in existing text, Inserting Saved Text
gallery of, Inserting Building Blocks, Inserting Building Blocks
in templates, Templates
inserting, Inserting Saved Text
keyboard shortcuts for, Inserting Saved Text
overview of, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors, Add Simple Graphic Elements
page numbers, Inserting Building Blocks, Inserting Building Blocks, Inserting Building Blocks
properties, viewing, Inserting Building Blocks
saving, Inserting Saved Text
text boxes, Inserting Building Blocks, Inserting Building Blocks, Inserting Building Blocks
Building Blocks Organizer, Inserting Building Blocks, Inserting Building Blocks
Building Blocks template, Templates
bullet points
merging, Making Text Changes
selecting, Making Text Changes
bulleted lists, Glossary
(see also )
bullet symbol, changing, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists
bullet symbol, live preview of, Creating and Modifying Lists
creating, Creating and Modifying Lists
in diagrams, adding to, Creating Diagrams
Bullets button, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists
buttons, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
(see also specific button names)
adding to Quick Access Toolbar, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
arrows on, Working in the User Interface
inactive, Working in the User Interface
ScreenTips for (see ScreenTips)
separator between, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
viewing information on (see ScreenTips)


calculations in tables, Presenting Information in Tables
capital letters (see uppercase)
Caption dialog box, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
captions, Glossary
case formatting, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
Cell Margins button, Presenting Information in Tables
addresses, Glossary
borders around, Formatting Tables
defined, Glossary
deleting, Presenting Information in Tables
inserting, Presenting Information in Tables
merging, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
setting width of, Presenting Information in Tables
shading, Formatting Tables
splitting, Presenting Information in Tables
Center button, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Presenting Information in Columns, Inserting Building Blocks, Adding WordArt Text
Center Tab button, Creating Tabbed Lists
centering text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Presenting Information in Columns
in header/footers, Inserting Building Blocks
in tables, Presenting Information in Tables
in WordArt objects, Adding WordArt Text
keyboard shortcut for, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Presenting Information in Columns
with Click And Type, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
Change Colors button, Modifying Diagrams
Change Shape button, Modifying Diagrams, Modifying Diagrams
Change Styles button, Quickly Formatting Text, Quickly Formatting Text, Styles, Styles
change tracking
final version, displaying, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
in balloons, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
options, setting, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
toggle button, adding, Adding and Reviewing Comments
turning off, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
turning on, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
user information, changing, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
character formatting, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
(see also ; )
appropriate use of, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
attributes, Glossary
bolding, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
case, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
clearing, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
copying, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
defined, Glossary
underlining, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
character spacing, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
changing, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
defined, Glossary
character styles, Quickly Formatting Text, Styles
(see also )
defined, Glossary
finding/replacing, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
characters, non-printing (see )
chart area, Glossary
chevrons, Preparing Data Sources, Glossary
Choose A SmartArt Graphic dialog box, Creating Diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Creating Picture Diagrams
citations, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
(see also )
inserting, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
style guide, setting, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
Clear Formatting button, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
clearing formatting, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
Click And Type
centering text with, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
defined, Glossary
clip art, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
(see also )
inserting, Add Simple Graphic Elements, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
saving, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
searching for, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
Clip Art button, Add Simple Graphic Elements, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
Clipboard, Making Text Changes
closing, Making Text Changes
defined, Glossary
deleting items from, Making Text Changes
options for, Making Text Changes
viewing, Making Text Changes
Clipboard dialog box launcher, Making Text Changes
Close button, More Information, Working in the User Interface, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
Close Header and Footer button, Inserting Building Blocks, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
Close Outline View button, Reorganizing Document Outlines
closing Clipboard task pane, Making Text Changes
closing documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
closing Word 2010, Working in the User Interface
co-authoring documents, Collaborate on Documents
collaborating on documents, Collaborate on Documents
Collapse button, Reorganizing Document Outlines
collapsing outlines to single level, Reorganizing Document Outlines
collating printed documents, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
Color button, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
Color gallery, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
color saturation, Glossary
color, user interface, Changing Default Program Options
coloring backgrounds (see )
coloring pictures, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
colors, for revision marks, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
column breaks, Presenting Information in Columns
defined, Glossary
inserting, Presenting Information in Columns
column charts, Glossary
column headings, Glossary
columns, Organize Information in Columns and Tables
(see also )
applying to entire document, Presenting Information in Columns
defined, Glossary
formatting, Presenting Information in Columns
hyphenating text in, Presenting Information in Columns, Presenting Information in Columns
indenting text in, Presenting Information in Columns
justifying, Presenting Information in Columns, Presenting Information in Columns
margins, Presenting Information in Columns
overview of, Presenting Information in Columns
section/column breaks in, Presenting Information in Columns, Presenting Information in Columns
separated by tab stops (see )
spacing, changing, Presenting Information in Columns
Columns button, Presenting Information in Columns
Columns dialog box, Presenting Information in Columns
Columns gallery, Presenting Information in Columns
Combine Documents dialog box, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
combining documents (see )
commands from previous versions, adding, Working in the User Interface
balloons for, Glossary
defined, Glossary
deleting, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
displaying, Adding and Reviewing Comments
displaying all text, Adding and Reviewing Comments
editing, Adding and Reviewing Comments
from specific reviewer, hiding, Adding and Reviewing Comments
hiding, Adding and Reviewing Comments
highlighting, Adding and Reviewing Comments
inserting, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
navigating, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
nesting, Adding and Reviewing Comments
responding to, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
reviewer’s name, displaying, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
Compare button, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
comparing documents
by combining, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
overview of, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
viewing results of, Comparing and Merging Documents
Compatibility Checker, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Compatibility mode, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
Compatibility Mode, Working with Styles and Templates
compatibility with earlier versions of Word, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
compatibility, checking, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Confirm Password dialog box, Password-Protecting Documents
contacts (Outlook), mail merging, Preparing Data Sources
contrast, adjusting, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
Convert button, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
Convert Text To Table dialog box, Presenting Information in Tables
Convert To Text button, Presenting Information in Tables
converting documents
to .docx format, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
to Web pages, Changing Default Program Options
converting tables to text, Presenting Information in Tables
converting text to tables, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
Copy button, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Modifying Diagrams, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
copying character formatting, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
copying diagrams, Modifying Diagrams
copying formatting, Manually Changing the Look of Characters, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
copying pictures, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
copying tables, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
copying text
in selection, Making Text Changes
keyboard shortcut for, Making Text Changes
vs. cutting, Making Text Changes
with Copy button, Making Text Changes
Corrections button, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
Cover Page button, Inserting Building Blocks
cover pages, Inserting Building Blocks, Inserting Building Blocks
Create button, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
Create New Building Block dialog box, Inserting Saved Text, Inserting Building Blocks
Create New Style From Formatting dialog box, Styles, Styles
Create PDF/XPS button, Saving Files in Different Formats
Create Source dialog box, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
creating documents with templates, Working with Styles and Templates
Crop button, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
cropping pictures, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
Cross-reference button, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
Cross-Reference dialog box, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
cross-reference entries, Glossary
inserting, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
jumping to, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
overview of, Explore More Text Techniques, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
updating, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
defined, Glossary
function of, Working in the User Interface
keyboard shortcuts for, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
moving to beginning of line, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
moving to end of line, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
paging up or down with, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
placing, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
status bar display for, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
Custom DPI Setting dialog box, Changing the Width of the Ribbon
custom keyboard shortcuts, Keyboard Shortcuts
Customize Keyboard dialog box, Keyboard Shortcuts
Customize Quick Access Toolbar button, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
Customize Ribbon page, Changing Default Program Options, Customizing the Ribbon
customizing ribbon, Customizing the Ribbon, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
Cut button, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Inserting Building Blocks
cutting text, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Inserting Building Blocks
keyboard shortcut for, Making Text Changes, Inserting Building Blocks
vs. copying, Making Text Changes
cycle diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Glossary


data markers, Glossary
data points, Glossary
data series, Glossary
data source (charts), Glossary
data source (mail merge)
creating in outside program, Preparing Data Sources
editing, Preparing Data Sources
field names in, Understanding Mail Merge, Preparing Data Sources
filtering, Preparing Data Sources, Preparing Data Sources
for e-mail addresses, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
Outlook contacts list as, Preparing Data Sources
overview of, Understanding Mail Merge
queries for, Preparing Data Sources
recipients, adding, Preparing Data Sources
selecting, Preparing Data Sources
sorting, Preparing Data Sources, Preparing Data Sources
subset, merging from, Preparing Data Sources
Date & Time button, Inserting Fields, Inserting Fields
date and time
as field, vs. as text, Inserting Fields
automatic updating, Inserting Fields
automatic updating, turning off, Inserting Fields
inserting, Inserting Fields, Inserting Fields
updating, Inserting Fields
Date And Time dialog box, Inserting Fields
decimal alignment, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
Decimal Tab button, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
Decrease Indent button, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
default font, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
Delete button (tables), Presenting Information in Tables
Delete Comment button, Adding and Reviewing Comments
Delete key, Edit and Proofread Text
deleting building blocks, Inserting Building Blocks
deleting comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
deleting keyboard shortcuts, Creating Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
deleting page/section breaks, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
deleting styles, Styles
deleting tab stops, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
deleting table rows/columns/cells, Presenting Information in Tables
deleting text, Edit and Proofread Text, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes
Demote button, Reorganizing Document Outlines
demoting outline headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines, Glossary
deselecting text, Making Text Changes
desktop publishing, Glossary
destination files, Glossary
Developer tab, Styles
diagrams, Insert and Modify Diagrams
(see also )
aligning, Creating Diagrams, Modifying Diagrams
colors, changing, Modifying Diagrams
copying, Modifying Diagrams
creating, Creating Diagrams, Creating Diagrams
defined, Glossary
entering text, Creating Diagrams
gallery of, Modifying Diagrams
in bulleted lists, Creating Diagrams
inserting text, Creating Diagrams
layout, changing, Creating Diagrams, Modifying Diagrams
pasting, Modifying Diagrams
positioning on page, Creating Diagrams, Modifying Diagrams
punctuation in, Creating Diagrams
resetting to original, Modifying Diagrams
selecting, Modifying Diagrams, Modifying Diagrams
shapes, changing, Modifying Diagrams
shapes, deleting, Creating Diagrams
shapes, selecting, Modifying Diagrams
sizing, Creating Diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Creating Picture Diagrams
text overflow, Creating Diagrams
Text pane, opening, Creating Diagrams
text placeholders in, Creating Diagrams
text wrapping, Creating Diagrams
types of, Insert and Modify Diagrams
dialog box launcher, Working in the User Interface, Glossary
dialog boxes, Working in the User Interface
(see also specific dialog boxes)
closing, Working in the User Interface
displaying, Working in the User Interface
help with, Getting Help
dictionaries, bilingual, Fine-Tuning Text, Fine-Tuning Text
digital signatures, Sending Documents Directly from Word, Glossary
directory paths, Glossary
display settings different from book, Changing the Width of the Ribbon
distributing documents
electronically, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
in XPS format, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
dividing cells, Presenting Information in Tables
.doc format, Saving Files in Different Formats
document format, setting default, Changing Default Program Options
document headings
navigating to, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
tables of contents based on, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
document history, Working in the User Interface
Document Inspector, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
document navigation keyboard shortcuts, Finding and Replacing Text
document outlines (see outlines; )
document properties
displaying, Working in the User Interface
inserting as fields, Inserting Fields
inserting in fields, Inserting Fields
viewing, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
document review (see ; )
document statistics, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
document summaries, viewing, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
document templates
applying, Styles
attaching, Templates, Styles
building blocks in, Templates
Building Blocks template, Templates
Compatibility Mode, Working with Styles and Templates
components of, Templates
creating, Templates
creating documents with, Working with Styles and Templates
default, Working with Styles and Templates
defined, Glossary
displaying, Working in the User Interface
downloading, Working with Styles and Templates
file name extensions, Templates
global, Templates, Styles
graphic elements, Templates
macros in, Templates
Normal template, Working with Styles and Templates, Templates
opening, Styles
organizing, Styles
placeholders in, Templates
previewing, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
recently used, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
sample, installed with Word, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Working with Styles and Templates
saving, Templates
saving documents as, Styles
searching for, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
switching, Styles
Document Themes folder, Changing a Document’s Theme
document title, inserting as field, Inserting Fields
blank, creating, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
closing, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
closing, while leaving Word running, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
compatibility with earlier versions, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
creating, Working in the User Interface, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
creating from existing, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
formatting in columns, Presenting Information in Columns
(see also )
full-screen display, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
inserting in other documents, Inserting Saved Text
maximizing, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
moving to top of, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
navigating, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Making Text Changes
opening, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
outlines, viewing, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
read-only, opening as, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
recently opened, Working in the User Interface, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
renaming when saving, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
repairing, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
saving, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
saving, as earlier version, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
saving, creating folders for, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
saving, creating folders when, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
saving, in new location, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
saving, renaming when, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
scrolling through, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
selecting, Making Text Changes, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
sharing (see )
side-by-side display, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
splitting into two panes, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
switching between, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
translating, Fine-Tuning Text
viewing multiple, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
views for (see views)
zooming in/out, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
.docx format, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Create Documents for Use Outside of Word
.dotm format, Templates
.dotx format, Templates
downloading practice files, Using the Practice Files
downloading templates, Working with Styles and Templates
dpi settings, Changing the Width of the Ribbon
Draft button, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
Draft view, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Glossary
drafts, publishing blog posts as, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
drag-and-drop editing, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Glossary
dragging objects, Glossary
drawing grid
positioning objects with, Arranging Objects on the Page
turning off, Arranging Objects on the Page
turning on, Arranging Objects on the Page
Drawing Grid dialog box, Arranging Objects on the Page
drawing objects
absolute positioning, Arranging Objects on the Page
alignment options, Arranging Objects on the Page
defined, Glossary, Glossary
hiding, Arranging Objects on the Page
overview of, Add Simple Graphic Elements
positioning, Arranging Objects on the Page
positioning with grid, Arranging Objects on the Page
sending backwards in stack, Arranging Objects on the Page
wrapping text around, Arranging Objects on the Page
drawing tables, Presenting Information in Tables, Arranging Objects on the Page, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
(see also )
drawing text boxes, Inserting Building Blocks
drawings (see ; )
Drop Cap dialog box, Adding WordArt Text
drop caps
defined, Glossary
inserting, Adding WordArt Text
duplex printing, Controlling What Appears on Each Page


e-mail hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
e-mail mail merging, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
options, setting, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
previewing, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
selecting recipients, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
e-mail messages, Sending Documents Directly from Word
(see also )
formatting text, Sending Documents Directly from Word
greeting lines, inserting, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
importance, setting, Sending Documents Directly from Word
merge fields, inserting, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
sending, Sending Documents Directly from Word
e-mailing documents, Coauthoring Documents
as attachments, Sending Documents Directly from Word
as PDF files, Sending Documents Directly from Word
as XPS files, Sending Documents Directly from Word
earlier Word versions, saving files for, Saving Files in Different Formats
Edit Data Source dialog box, Preparing Data Sources
Edit Hyperlink dialog box, Adding Hyperlinks
Edit Name dialog box, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
editing comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
editing documents
after finalizing, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
in Full Screen Reading view, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
multiple editors on (see ; )
restricting, Controlling Changes, Controlling Changes
editing hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
editing sources, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
editing text
drag-and-drop, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Glossary
tracking (see ; )
undoing, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes
editing, drag-and-drop, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Glossary
effects, text
applying, Quickly Formatting Text, Quickly Formatting Text, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
defined, Glossary
live preview of, Quickly Formatting Text
efficiency, improving, Working in the User Interface
embedded fonts, Changing Default Program Options
embedded objects, Glossary
Encrypt Document dialog box, Password-Protecting Documents
encrypted password protection, Password-Protecting Documents, Password-Protecting Documents
encrypting documents, Password-Protecting Documents
defined, Glossary
formatting, Use Reference Tools for Longer Documents
Enter Text dialog box, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
entering text, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Edit and Proofread Text
Envelope Options dialog box, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
Envelopes And Labels dialog box, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
Envelopes button, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
envelopes, printing, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
errors, fixing
flagging of, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
with AutoCorrect, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
with shortcut menu, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
with Spelling and Grammar dialog box, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
exercise format, Changing the Width of the Ribbon
exiting Word 2010, Working in the User Interface
Expand button, Reorganizing Document Outlines
Expand button (Mini Translator), Fine-Tuning Text
Expand The Ribbon button, Working in the User Interface
expanding outline headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines
expanding ribbon, Working in the User Interface, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
Extensible Markup Language (XML), Glossary
extensions, file name, Glossary
(see also )
.docx, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
.dotm, Templates
.htm, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
.rtf, Saving Files in Different Formats
.txt, Saving Files in Different Formats
for templates, Templates


fancy effects (see )
faxing documents, Sending Documents Directly from Word
features and conventions of book, Features and Conventions of This Book
Field dialog box, Inserting Fields, Inserting Fields
field names, Glossary
Field Options dialog box, Inserting Fields
fields, Understanding Mail Merge
(see also )
code display, toggling, Inserting Fields
components of, Inserting Fields
date or time, inserting, Inserting Fields
defined, Inserting Fields, Glossary
for document properties, Inserting Fields
inserting, Inserting Fields
locking, Inserting Fields
options, setting, Inserting Fields
overview of, Explore More Text Techniques, Inserting Fields
switches, Inserting Fields
syntax, displaying, Inserting Fields
updating, Inserting Fields
file formats, Glossary
(see also )
changing, Saving Files in Different Formats
default, Create Documents for Use Outside of Word, Changing Default Program Options
Plain Text, Saving Files in Different Formats
Rich Text Format, Saving Files in Different Formats
saving as, Changing Default Program Options
saving documents in different, Create Documents for Use Outside of Word
Single File Web Page, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Web Page, Filtered, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
file locations, specifying, Changing Default Program Options
file name extensions, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
(see also )
.docx, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
.dotm, Templates
.htm, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
.rtf, Saving Files in Different Formats
.txt, Saving Files in Different Formats
for templates, Templates
File tab, Working in the User Interface
files, inserting in documents, Inserting Saved Text
Fill Effects dialog box, Changing a Document’s Background
Filter And Sort dialog box, Preparing Data Sources
filtering, Glossary
filtering mail merge data sources, Preparing Data Sources, Preparing Data Sources
finalizing documents, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
Find And Replace dialog box, Finding and Replacing Text
Go To tab, keyboard shortcut for, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
Replace tab, displaying, Finding and Replacing Text
Find button, Finding and Replacing Text, Finding and Replacing Text, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
finding text, Finding and Replacing Text, Finding and Replacing Text
(see also )
advanced options for, Finding and Replacing Text, Finding and Replacing Text
and replacing, Finding and Replacing Text, Finding and Replacing Text
in bilingual dictionary, Fine-Tuning Text
keyboard shortcut for, Finding and Replacing Text
matching case when, Finding and Replacing Text
ScreenTips with page numbers for, Finding and Replacing Text
search direction, specifying, Finding and Replacing Text
sound-alikes, Finding and Replacing Text
wildcards in searches, Finding and Replacing Text, Glossary
finding/replacing formatting, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
Finish & Merge button, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
first line indent, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
First Record button, Creating and Printing Labels
folder paths, Glossary
folders, creating when saving documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
Font button, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
font color, Manually Changing the Look of Characters, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
Font Color button, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
Font dialog box, Manually Changing the Look of Characters, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
font effects
applying, Quickly Formatting Text, Quickly Formatting Text, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
defined, Glossary
live preview of, Quickly Formatting Text
Font gallery, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
font size, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
changing, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
defined, Glossary
incrementing, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
keyboard shortcuts for adjusting, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
font style, Manually Changing the Look of Characters, Glossary
fonts, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
(see also )
applying, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
attributes for, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
available, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
default, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
defined, Change the Look of Text, Glossary
embedding, Changing Default Program Options
in themes, changing, Changing a Document’s Theme
Footer button, Inserting Fields
footers (see )
Footnote And Endnote dialog box, Use Reference Tools for Longer Documents
defined, Glossary
formatting, Use Reference Tools for Longer Documents
foreign languages, specifying, Changing Default Program Options
form letters (see )
Format Painter button, Manually Changing the Look of Characters, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
format previewing (see )
formats, setting default, Changing Default Program Options
formatting, Styles
(see also styles; )
automatically (see )
copying, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
restricting, Controlling Changes
saving style from, Styles
selecting similar, Use Reference Tools for Longer Documents
formatting marks
displaying, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
hiding, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
keyboard shortcut for, Making Text Changes
section break indicator, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
showing/hiding, Making Text Changes, Creating Tabbed Lists
formatting option thumbnails, Working in the User Interface
Formatting Restrictions dialog box, Controlling Changes
formatting tables, Formatting Tables
formatting text in columns, Presenting Information in Columns
formatting, finding/replacing, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
Formula button, Presenting Information in Tables
Formula dialog box, Presenting Information in Tables
formulas in tables, Presenting Information in Tables
constructing, Presenting Information in Tables
defined, Glossary
referencing cells in, Presenting Information in Tables
Forward button, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
Forward button (Help), Getting Help with Word 2010
frequently misspelled words, correcting, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
Full Screen Reading button, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
Full Screen Reading view, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Glossary
functions, constructing, Presenting Information in Tables


building blocks, Glossary
closing without making selection, Working in the User Interface
defined, Glossary
of formatting thumbnails, Working in the User Interface
sizing handles, Modifying Diagrams
General Options dialog box, Password-Protecting Documents
global templates, Templates, Styles
Go To Footer button, Inserting Building Blocks
grammar checker, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
(see also checking spelling)
graphics (see ; , drawing objects, , )
grayed-out buttons, Working in the User Interface
grayscale, Glossary
Greeting Line button, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
positioning objects with, Arranging Objects on the Page
turning off, Arranging Objects on the Page
turning on, Arranging Objects on the Page
gridlines, chart, Glossary
grouping shapes, Glossary
groups, ribbon, Glossary
Grow Font button, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
guillemet characters, Preparing Data Sources, Glossary


hanging indent
adjusting, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
defined, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
in columns, adjusting, Presenting Information in Columns
Header button, Inserting Building Blocks, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
centering text in, Inserting Building Blocks
closing, Inserting Building Blocks, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
defined, Glossary
different first page, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
editing, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Inserting Fields
hiding, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
inserting, Inserting Building Blocks
moving to, Inserting Building Blocks
navigating between, Inserting Building Blocks
overview of, Inserting Building Blocks
settings inheritance, Inserting Building Blocks, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
navigating to, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
tables of contents based on, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
Help button, Getting Help, Getting Help with Word 2010, Working in the User Interface, Glossary
Help page of Backstage view, Working in the User Interface
Help window
navigating, Getting Help with Word 2010
opening, Getting Help with Word 2010
printing from, Getting Help with Word 2010
searching, Getting Help with Word 2010
table of contents, displaying, Getting Help with Word 2010
topics, displaying, Getting Help with Word 2010
hidden characters, displaying, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
hidden formatting marks, displaying, Making Text Changes
hidden text, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution, Creating and Modifying Indexes
hiding bookmarks, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
hiding comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
hiding formatting marks, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Creating Tabbed Lists
hiding headers/footers, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
hiding Mini Toolbar, Changing Default Program Options
hiding objects, Arranging Objects on the Page
hiding revisions, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
hiding ribbon commands, Working in the User Interface
hiding text, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Creating and Modifying Indexes
hierarchy diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Glossary
High Importance button, Sending Documents Directly from Word
Highlight Merge Fields button, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
highlighting comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
highlighting text, Making Text Changes
(see also )
color selection for, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
removing highlighting, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
Home Page button, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
home page, blog, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
Home tab, Working in the User Interface
horizontal scroll bar, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), Glossary
HTML format, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
(see also )
HTML tags, Saving Files in Different Formats, Glossary
Hyperlink button, Adding Hyperlinks
hyperlinks, Explore More Text Techniques
appearance of, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
deleting, Adding Hyperlinks
editing, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
following, Adding Hyperlinks
for e-mail addresses, Adding Hyperlinks
in blog posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
inserting, Adding Hyperlinks
jumping to target, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
opening in new window, Adding Hyperlinks
ScreenTips for, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
targets, setting, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Glossary
hyphenating text
defined, Glossary
in columns, Presenting Information in Columns, Presenting Information in Columns
Hyphenation button, Presenting Information in Columns


images (see )
importance, setting in e-mail messages, Sending Documents Directly from Word
inactive buttons, Working in the User Interface
Increase Indent button, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating Tabbed Lists
indent markers, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
defined, Glossary
moving, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
indentation, Web page, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
indenting columns, Presenting Information in Columns
indenting lists, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists
indenting paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
Index dialog box, Creating and Modifying Indexes
index entry fields
defined, Glossary
deleting, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
displaying, Creating and Modifying Indexes
editing, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
inserting, Creating and Modifying Indexes
marking, Creating and Modifying Indexes
selecting, Creating and Modifying Indexes
indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
(see also )
constructing, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
cross-references in, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
defined, Glossary
editing, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
formatting, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
inserting, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
marking all instances of word, Creating and Modifying Indexes
marking entries, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
overview of, Use Reference Tools for Longer Documents, Creating and Modifying Indexes
subentries, marking, Creating and Modifying Indexes
updating, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
Info page of Backstage view, Working in the User Interface
information bar (see )
AutoText for, changing, Inserting Building Blocks
setting, Changing Default Program Options
Insert Above button, Presenting Information in Tables
Insert Address Block dialog box, Preparing Main Documents
Insert Below button, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
Insert Cells dialog box, Presenting Information in Tables
Insert Citation button, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
Insert File dialog box, Sending Documents Directly from Word
Insert Greeting Line dialog box, Preparing Main Documents, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
Insert Index button, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
Insert Left button, Presenting Information in Tables
Insert Merge Field dialog box, Preparing Main Documents
Insert Picture dialog box, Inserting and Modifying Pictures, Creating Picture Diagrams
Insert Right button, Presenting Information in Tables
Insert tab, Working in the User Interface
Insert Table dialog box, Presenting Information in Tables
Insert Table gallery, Presenting Information in Tables
inserting text, Edit and Proofread Text
inspecting documents (see )
installing add-ins, Changing Default Program Options
international languages, specifying, Changing Default Program Options
Internet faxes, sending documents as, Sending Documents Directly from Word


Keep Text Only button, Fine-Tuning Text
keyboard shortcuts, Keyboard Shortcuts
creating, Keyboard Shortcuts, Creating Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
defined, Glossary
deleting, Creating Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
for bolding text, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
for building blocks, Inserting Saved Text
for centering text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Presenting Information in Columns
for clearing formatting, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
for copying text, Making Text Changes
for cursor placement, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
for cutting text, Making Text Changes, Inserting Building Blocks
for demoting outline headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines
for document navigation, Making Text Changes, Finding and Replacing Text
for expanding outline headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines
for finding text, Finding and Replacing Text
for Font dialog box display, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
for font size, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
for formatting marks, Making Text Changes
for Go To function, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
for inserting page breaks, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
for inserting SmartArt graphics, Creating Diagrams
for justifying text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Presenting Information in Columns
for left-aligning text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
for line breaks, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
for moving outline headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines
for navigation, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
for pasting text, Making Text Changes
for printing, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
for repeating editing, Making Text Changes, Presenting Information in Columns
for replacing text, Finding and Replacing Text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
for Research task pane, Finding and Replacing Text
for right-aligning text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
for selecting all, Making Text Changes, Presenting Information in Columns
for selecting documents, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
for underlining text, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
for undoing editing, Making Text Changes
moving cursor with, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
keywords, adding, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
Knowledge Base, More Information


Label Options dialog box, Creating and Printing Labels
labels, mailing, Glossary
(see also )
address blocks, inserting, Creating and Printing Labels
creating, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
merge fields for, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients, Creating and Printing Labels
previewing, Creating and Printing Labels
printing, Creating and Printing Labels
recipients, selecting, Creating and Printing Labels
vendor, selecting, Creating and Printing Labels
Landscape orientation, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Glossary
languages, specifying additional, Changing Default Program Options
languages, translating
entire documents, Fine-Tuning Text
options for, Fine-Tuning Text
Layout dialog box, Adding WordArt Text, Creating Diagrams, Modifying Diagrams, Arranging Objects on the Page, Arranging Objects on the Page
Layouts gallery, Modifying Diagrams
left indent, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
Left Tab button, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
left-aligning text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
legacy commands, Working in the User Interface, Customizing the Ribbon
legacy compatibility, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
legacy Word versions, saving files for, Saving Files in Different Formats
legal citations, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
Line And Paragraph Spacing button, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
line breaks
defined, Glossary
inserting, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
keyboard shortcut for, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
line graphs, Glossary
Line Spacing button, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
line spacing, for pictures, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
lines, selecting, Making Text Changes, Quickly Formatting Text
linked objects, Glossary
linked styles, Styles
linking text boxes, Inserting Building Blocks
linking within documents (see )
links (see )
list diagrams, Insert and Modify Diagrams, Glossary
lists, Glossary
(see also )
converting text into, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists
ending, Creating and Modifying Lists
indenting, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists
modifying, Creating and Modifying Lists
multiple levels, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists
overview of, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
sorting, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists
undoing formatting of, Creating and Modifying Lists
Live Preview, Working in the User Interface, Changing Default Program Options, Glossary
locking fields, Inserting Fields


machine translator, Fine-Tuning Text
macros, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
macros, template, Templates
magnification, adjusting, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Quickly Formatting Text
by percentage, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
globally, Changing the Width of the Ribbon
to full page, Changing a Document’s Background
to view multiple pages, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
mail merge, Glossary
(see also data source (mail merge), )
for e-mail, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
from Outlook contacts list, Preparing Data Sources
main document, selecting, Preparing Data Sources
overview of, Understanding Mail Merge
previewing, Preparing Main Documents, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
recipients, excluding, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
recipients, selecting, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
setting up, Preparing Data Sources
to new document, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, Preparing Data Sources
mailing address, setting, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
mailing labels, Glossary
(see also )
address blocks, inserting, Creating and Printing Labels
creating, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
merge fields for, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients, Creating and Printing Labels
previewing, Creating and Printing Labels
printing, Creating and Printing Labels
recipients, selecting, Creating and Printing Labels
vendor, selecting, Creating and Printing Labels
Mailings tab, Working in the User Interface
mailto links, Adding Hyperlinks
main document (mail merge), Understanding Mail Merge, Glossary
address block, inserting, Preparing Main Documents
greeting lines, inserting, Preparing Main Documents
highlighting merge fields, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
overview of, Preparing Data Sources
saving as normal document, Preparing Main Documents
saving before merging, Preparing Main Documents
selecting, Preparing Data Sources
setting up, Preparing Main Documents
Manage Sources button, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
manual page breaks, Glossary
changing, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
defined, Glossary
gallery of, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
in tables, Presenting Information in Tables
mirroring, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
of columns, Presenting Information in Columns
specifying, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
Margins button, Working in the User Interface, Manually Changing the Look of Characters, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Creating Picture Diagrams
Mark Citation dialog box, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
Mark Entry button, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
Mark Index Entry dialog box, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
marking documents as final, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
marking index entries, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
all instances of word, Creating and Modifying Indexes
as subentries, Creating and Modifying Indexes
displaying, Adding and Reviewing Comments
hiding, Adding and Reviewing Comments
mass e-mails (see )
master documents, Reorganizing Document Outlines
mathematical functions in tables (see , functions)
matrix diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Glossary
Maximize button, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
maximizing documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
Merge Cells button, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
merge fields, Understanding Mail Merge, Preparing Data Sources, Glossary
editing, Preparing Main Documents
highlighting, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
in e-mail messages, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
in mailing labels, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients, Creating and Printing Labels
inserting, Preparing Main Documents, Preparing Main Documents, Preparing Main Documents
Merge List button, Making Text Changes
Merge To E-Mail dialog box, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
Merge To New Document dialog box, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
Merge To Printer dialog box, Creating and Printing Labels
merging addresses (see )
merging bullet points, Making Text Changes
merging cells in tables, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
merging documents, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
hiding revisions by specific reviewer, Comparing and Merging Documents
viewing results of, Comparing and Merging Documents
Microsoft Knowledge Base, More Information
Microsoft Office Clipboard, Glossary
Microsoft Office Online Web site themes, Changing a Document’s Theme
Microsoft Product Support Services, More Information
Microsoft SharePoint, Changing Default Program Options
Microsoft Translator service, Fine-Tuning Text
Microsoft Word 2010
closing, Working in the User Interface
compatibility with earlier versions, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Saving Files in Different Formats
first time starting, Working in the User Interface
new features in, If You Are Upgrading from Word 2007
starting, Working in the User Interface, Working in the User Interface
upgrading to, If You Are Upgrading from Word 2007, If You Are Upgrading from Word 2007
uses for, Introducing Microsoft Word 2010
Microsoft Word Help button, Getting Help, Getting Help with Word 2010
Mini Toolbar, Making Text Changes
character formatting with, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
hiding, Changing Default Program Options
Mini Translator, Fine-Tuning Text, Fine-Tuning Text
Minimize button, Working in the User Interface
Minimize The Ribbon button, Working in the User Interface
minimizing documents, Working in the User Interface
minimizing ribbon, Working in the User Interface
mirroring margins, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
misspellings (see )
Modify Style dialog box, Styles
More button, Modifying Diagrams
Move Up button, Reorganizing Document Outlines, Customizing the Ribbon
moving tables, Presenting Information in Tables
Multilevel List button, Creating and Modifying Lists


name and initials, entering, Working in the User Interface
naming documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
navigating comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
navigating documents, Making Text Changes
navigating revisions, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
navigating tables, Presenting Information in Tables
Navigation task pane, Finding and Replacing Text
(see also )
defined, Glossary
displaying, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
editing while open, Finding and Replacing Text
Search tab, displaying, Finding and Replacing Text
nested tables
creating, Arranging Objects on the Page, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
defined, Glossary
formatting, Arranging Objects on the Page
worksheet data as, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
New Address List dialog box, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
New Blog Account dialog box, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
New Comment button, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
New dialog box, Styles
New Folder button, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Styles
New page of Backstage view, Working in the User Interface
New Style button, Styles
New Windows Live Spaces Account dialog box, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
Next Comment button, Adding and Reviewing Comments
Next Page button, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
Next Revision button, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
non-printing characters (see )
Normal template, Working with Styles and Templates, Templates
note separators, Glossary
notes (see )
numbered lists, Glossary
(see also )
creating, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists
number style, changing, Creating and Modifying Lists
numbering value, setting, Creating and Modifying Lists
restarting numbering, Creating and Modifying Lists
Numbering button, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists


objects, drawing
absolute positioning, Arranging Objects on the Page
alignment options, Arranging Objects on the Page
defined, Glossary, Glossary
hiding, Arranging Objects on the Page
overview of, Add Simple Graphic Elements
positioning, Arranging Objects on the Page
positioning with grid, Arranging Objects on the Page
sending backwards in stack, Arranging Objects on the Page
wrapping text around, Arranging Objects on the Page Web site templates, Working with Styles and Templates
online bilingual dictionary, Fine-Tuning Text, Fine-Tuning Text
Open dialog box, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
opening documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
as read-only, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
from Backstage view, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
from Recent page, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
from Windows, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
opening Web pages, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
opening Word 2010, Working in the User Interface, Working in the User Interface
Options dialog box, Saving Files in Different Formats
orientation, page
changing, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
defined, Glossary
defined, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Glossary
setting options for, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
Outline button, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Reorganizing Document Outlines
Outline view, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
closing, Reorganizing Document Outlines
defined, Glossary
displaying, Reorganizing Document Outlines
symbols in, Reorganizing Document Outlines
collapsing, Reorganizing Document Outlines
creating, Reorganizing Document Outlines
demoting headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines
displaying, Reorganizing Document Outlines
expanding headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines
moving headings in, Reorganizing Document Outlines
promoting headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines
Outlining tab, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
Outlook contacts list, mail merging from, Preparing Data Sources
overwriting documents when saving, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents


page borders, Changing a Document’s Background
Page Borders button, Changing a Document’s Background
Page Break button, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
page breaks
deleting, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
inserting, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
keyboard shortcut for, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
manual, Glossary
soft, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Glossary
Page Color button, Working in the User Interface, Changing a Document’s Background
page colors, previewing effects of, Working in the User Interface
Page Layout tab, Working in the User Interface
page layout, with tables, Arranging Objects on the Page
page length, defining (see )
Page Number button, Inserting Building Blocks
page numbers, Inserting Building Blocks
formatting, Inserting Building Blocks
inserting, Inserting Building Blocks
page orientation
changing, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
defined, Glossary
Page Setup dialog box, Working in the User Interface, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Creating Picture Diagrams
pages, jumping to, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
automatic, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
paragraph settings, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
widows and orphans, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
paper size, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
Paragraph dialog box, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
opening, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
tab alignment, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
paragraph formatting
aligning, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
borders, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
creating styles from, Styles
defined, Manually Changing the Look of Characters, Glossary
saving as style, Styles
shading, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
paragraph marks, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
(see also )
paragraph styles, Quickly Formatting Text, Styles
(see also ; )
defined, Glossary
finding/replacing, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
aligning, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
defined, Glossary
first letter, formatting, Adding WordArt Text
indenting, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
keeping lines together, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
keeping with next, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
overview of, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
selecting, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes
spacing, changing, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Creating Tabbed Lists
width, defining (see )
Password dialog box, Password-Protecting Documents
password protection
choosing passwords, Password-Protecting Documents
entering password, Password-Protecting Documents
read-only documents, opening, Password-Protecting Documents
removing, Password-Protecting Documents
setting up, Password-Protecting Documents
unencrypted vs. encrypted, Password-Protecting Documents
Paste All button, Making Text Changes
Paste button, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Modifying Diagrams
Paste Options button, Making Text Changes
pasting diagrams, Modifying Diagrams
pasting text, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes
from Clipboard pane, Making Text Changes
keyboard shortcut for, Making Text Changes
options for, Making Text Changes
without formatting, Inserting Building Blocks
paths, Glossary
PDF files
creating, Saving Files in Different Formats
optimizing size, Saving Files in Different Formats
options for, Saving Files in Different Formats
saving documents as, Saving Files in Different Formats
sending documents as, Sending Documents Directly from Word
Permissions dialog box, Password-Protecting Documents
permissions, restricting, Password-Protecting Documents
personal information, clearing, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
photographs (see )
Picture button, Add Simple Graphic Elements, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
picture diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Glossary
entering text, Creating Picture Diagrams
inserting, Creating Picture Diagrams
inserting pictures in, Creating Picture Diagrams
overview of, Modifying Diagrams
Picture Options dialog box, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
Picture Styles gallery, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
pictures, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
(see also )
and line spacing, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
artistic effects, adding, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
as backgrounds, Changing a Document’s Background
aspect ratio, Glossary
brightness, adjusting, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
captions, Glossary
contrast, adjusting, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
copying, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
copying formatting between, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
correcting, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
cropping, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
defined, Glossary
incomplete display, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
inserting, Add Simple Graphic Elements, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
inserting in diagrams (see )
modifying, Add Simple Graphic Elements
overview of, Add Simple Graphic Elements
recoloring, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
resizing, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
styles, applying, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
text alignment around, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
troubleshooting, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
uploading to blogs, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
pie charts, Glossary
placeholders, template, Templates
Plain Text format, Saving Files in Different Formats
plot area, chart, Glossary
pointing, Glossary
points (unit of measure), Glossary
popup tips (see )
Portable Document Format (PDF) files
creating, Saving Files in Different Formats
optimizing size, Saving Files in Different Formats
options for, Saving Files in Different Formats
saving documents as, Saving Files in Different Formats
sending documents as, Sending Documents Directly from Word
Portrait orientation, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Glossary
Position button, Adding WordArt Text, Creating Diagrams, Modifying Diagrams, Arranging Objects on the Page
Position gallery, Arranging Objects on the Page
positioning diagrams, Creating Diagrams
positioning objects, Arranging Objects on the Page
absolute vs. relative, Arranging Objects on the Page
manually, Arranging Objects on the Page
stacked, Arranging Objects on the Page
with drawing grid, Arranging Objects on the Page, Arranging Objects on the Page
posts, blog, Glossary
(see also )
creating, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
defined, Glossary
overview of, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
publishing, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
saving, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
ppi settings, Changing the Width of the Ribbon
practice files, Using the Practice Files
preformatted tables (see )
Preview Results button, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
previewing color effects, Working in the User Interface
previewing documents, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
as bound, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
in Web browsers, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
navigating when, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
previewing formats (see )
previewing mail merge, Preparing Main Documents, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
previewing styles, Styles
previewing table styles, Formatting Tables
previewing templates, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
Previous Page button, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
Previous Record button, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
Previous Screen button, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
Print button, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Printing Documents
Print Layout view, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Glossary
Print page, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
Print page of Backstage view, Working in the User Interface
print previewing (see )
settings, changing, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
status, viewing, Printing Documents
switching, Printing Documents
collating, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
duplex, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
Help topics, Getting Help with Word 2010
keyboard shortcut for, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
number of copies, setting, Printing Documents
pages per sheet, setting, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
settings for, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
with default settings, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Printing Documents
printing booklets, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
printing envelopes, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
printing mailing labels, Creating and Printing Labels
printing to PDF/XPS (see PDF files; )
priority, setting in e-mail messages, Sending Documents Directly from Word
process diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Glossary
program window
minimizing, Working in the User Interface
overview of, Working in the User Interface
resizing, Dynamic Ribbon Elements, Working in the User Interface
scrolling contents of, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
Promote button, Reorganizing Document Outlines
promoting outline headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines, Glossary
proofreading, importance of, Fine-Tuning Text, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
displaying, Working in the User Interface
inserting as fields, Inserting Fields
inserting in fields, Inserting Fields
viewing, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
Properties dialog box, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
protecting documents, Sending Documents Directly from Word
(see also )
by restricting formatting/editing, Controlling Changes
by restricting permissions, Password-Protecting Documents
marking as final, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
Publish as PDF Or XPS dialog box, Saving Files in Different Formats
Publish button, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
publishers (see )
publishing blog posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
as drafts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
via e-mail, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
publishing documents as blog posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
publishing PDF/XPS files (see PDF files; )
pull quotes (quote boxes)
defined, Glossary
inserting, Inserting Building Blocks
modifying, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
replacing text in, Inserting Building Blocks
wrapping text around, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
pyramid diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Glossary


queries, Glossary
Quick Access Toolbar
adding buttons to, Customizing the Ribbon
customizing, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
defined, Glossary
legacy commands, adding, Working in the User Interface
moving, Working in the User Interface
resetting, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
specifying for active document, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
Quick Parts (see ; )
Quick Parts button, Inserting Saved Text, Inserting Building Blocks, Inserting Building Blocks, Inserting Fields, Inserting Fields
Quick Parts gallery, Inserting Building Blocks
Quick Print button, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
Quick Styles, Quickly Formatting Text
(see also )
applying, Quickly Formatting Text
applying multiple, Quickly Formatting Text
changing style set, Quickly Formatting Text
defined, Glossary
live preview of, Quickly Formatting Text
saving, Styles, Styles
Quick Styles button, Adding WordArt Text
Quick Styles gallery, Quickly Formatting Text, Styles
displaying, Quickly Formatting Text
navigating in, Quickly Formatting Text
removing styles from, Styles
Quick Tables, Formatting Tables
(see also )
defined, Glossary
inserting, Formatting Tables
overview of, Presenting Information in Tables
Quick Tables gallery, Formatting Tables
quote boxes
defined, Glossary
inserting, Inserting Building Blocks
modifying, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
replacing text in, Inserting Building Blocks
wrapping text around, Creating and Modifying Web Documents


defined, Glossary
opening documents as, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
recommending when users open document, Password-Protecting Documents
recent documents, displaying, Working in the User Interface
Recent page of Backstage view, Working in the User Interface
opening documents from, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
recoloring pictures, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
recommending read-only, Password-Protecting Documents
records, Glossary
red wavy lines under words, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
Redo button, Working in the User Interface, Making Text Changes
redoing editing, Making Text Changes
reference marks, Use Reference Tools for Longer Documents, Glossary
reference materials, specifying, Fine-Tuning Text
References tab, Working in the User Interface
Register A Blog Account dialog box, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
Reject button, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
rejecting revisions, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
relationship diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Glossary
relative positioning, Arranging Objects on the Page
Rename dialog box, Customizing the Ribbon
renaming ribbon tabs, Customizing the Ribbon
repairing documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
Repeat button, Making Text Changes, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
Repeat Insertion button, Presenting Information in Columns
repeating editing, Making Text Changes, Manually Changing the Look of Characters, Presenting Information in Columns
replacing styles, Styles
replacing text, Finding and Replacing Text, Finding and Replacing Text
keyboard shortcut for, Finding and Replacing Text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
options for, Finding and Replacing Text
Research button, Fine-Tuning Text
Research Options dialog box, Fine-Tuning Text
Research task pane
keyboard shortcuts for, Finding and Replacing Text
opening, Fine-Tuning Text, Fine-Tuning Text
Reset Graphic button, Modifying Diagrams
resetting diagrams, Modifying Diagrams
resizing diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Creating Picture Diagrams
resizing pictures, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
resizing program window, Dynamic Ribbon Elements, Working in the User Interface
resizing ribbon, Dynamic Ribbon Elements
resizing table elements, Presenting Information in Tables
resizing tables, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
resolution, screen, Dynamic Ribbon Elements
responding to comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
Restore Down/Maximize button, Working in the User Interface
Restrict Editing button, Controlling Changes
Restrict Formatting and Editing task pane, Controlling Changes
restricting document permissions, Password-Protecting Documents
restricting formatting and editing, Controlling Changes
return address, setting, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
Review tab, Working in the User Interface
reviewers, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
(see also ; )
accepting/rejecting changes from, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
hiding comments from, Adding and Reviewing Comments
reviewing documents (see ; )
Reviewing pane
closing, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
displaying, Adding and Reviewing Comments
opening, Adding and Reviewing Comments
overview of, Adding and Reviewing Comments
resizing, Adding and Reviewing Comments
Reviewing Pane button, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments
revisions, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
(see also )
accepting, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
accepting all in document, Comparing and Merging Documents
appearance of, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
clearing, before distributing document, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
colors for, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
customizing display of, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
defined, Glossary
displaying, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
hiding, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
inline display of, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
navigating, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
rejecting, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
reviewer’s name, displaying, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
button appearance, Dynamic Ribbon Elements
buttons, separator between, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
character formatting with, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
commands no longer on, Customizing the Ribbon
commands on, Modifying the Display of the Ribbon
commands, adding to, Customizing the Ribbon
customizing, Changing Default Program Options, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
decreasing width of, Dynamic Ribbon Elements
defined, Glossary
dynamic nature of, Dynamic Ribbon Elements
expanding, Working in the User Interface, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
groups, Working in the User Interface
groups, displaying all commands in, Dynamic Ribbon Elements
groups, removing, Customizing the Ribbon, Customizing the Ribbon
hidden groups, displaying, Dynamic Ribbon Elements
hiding commands, Working in the User Interface
legacy commands, Customizing the Ribbon
location of, Working in the User Interface
minimizing, Working in the User Interface
moving commands on, Customizing the Ribbon
navigating and using, Working in the User Interface
overview of, Modifying the Display of the Ribbon
resetting customizations, Customizing the Ribbon
tabs, removing, Customizing the Ribbon, Customizing the Ribbon
width, changing, Dynamic Ribbon Elements
Rich Text Format, Saving Files in Different Formats
right indent, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
Right Tab button, Creating Tabbed Lists
right-aligning text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
rights management software, Password-Protecting Documents
row headings, Glossary
deleting, Presenting Information in Tables
inserting, Presenting Information in Tables
resizing, Presenting Information in Tables
setting properties of, Presenting Information in Tables
.rtf format, Saving Files in Different Formats
rulers and gridlines
displaying, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
hiding, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
markers on, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
setting tab stops with, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
running Word 2010 (see )


sample templates, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
saturation, Glossary
Save Address List dialog box, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
Save As dialog box, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Create Documents for Use Outside of Word, Saving Files in Different Formats, Styles
Save As Quick Style dialog box, Styles
Save button, Working in the User Interface, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
saving blog posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
saving documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
as earlier version, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
as PDF files, Saving Files in Different Formats
as templates, Styles
as Web pages, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
(see also )
as XPS files, Saving Files in Different Formats, Saving Files in Different Formats
automatically, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
creating folders for, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
folders, creating for, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
in .doc format, Saving Files in Different Formats
in different file format, Create Documents for Use Outside of Word
in new location, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
in Rich Text Format, Saving Files in Different Formats
in Word 97-2003 format, Saving Files in Different Formats
overwriting when, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
saving templates, Templates
saving themes, Changing a Document’s Theme, Changing a Document’s Theme
scaling printed pages, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
screen magnification, changing, Changing the Width of the Ribbon
screen resolution, Dynamic Ribbon Elements
customizing display of, Working in the User Interface
defined, Glossary
displaying, Getting Help, Working in the User Interface
feature descriptions, hiding in, Changing Default Program Options
for search results, Finding and Replacing Text
language, specifying, Changing Default Program Options
overview of, Getting Help
viewing, Working in the User Interface
scroll bar navigation, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
searching for templates, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
searching for text, Finding and Replacing Text, Finding and Replacing Text
advanced options for, Finding and Replacing Text, Finding and Replacing Text
and replacing, Finding and Replacing Text, Finding and Replacing Text
in bilingual dictionary, Fine-Tuning Text
keyboard shortcut for, Finding and Replacing Text
matching case when, Finding and Replacing Text
ScreenTips with page numbers for, Finding and Replacing Text
search direction, specifying, Finding and Replacing Text
sound-alikes, Finding and Replacing Text
wildcards in searches, Finding and Replacing Text, Glossary
searching Help, Getting Help with Word 2010
section breaks
defining, Glossary
deleting, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
for columns, Presenting Information in Columns, Presenting Information in Columns
formatting mark designating, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
inserting, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
overview of, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
sections, changing margins for, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
Select Browse Object button, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
Select button, Presenting Information in Columns, Presenting Information in Tables, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Select Data Source dialog box, Preparing Data Sources
Select Recipients button, Sending Personalized E-Mail Messages to Multiple Recipients
Select Table dialog box, Preparing Data Sources
selecting, Glossary
selecting all
keyboard shortcut for, Making Text Changes
with Select button, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
selecting documents, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
selecting index entry fields, Creating and Modifying Indexes
selecting tables, Presenting Information in Tables
selecting text, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Presenting Information in Columns
(see also )
all, Making Text Changes, Presenting Information in Columns, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
by line, Quickly Formatting Text
deselecting, Making Text Changes
in tables, Presenting Information in Tables
with similar formatting, Use Reference Tools for Longer Documents
Selection And Visibility task pane, Arranging Objects on the Page
selection area, Making Text Changes, Glossary
Selection Pane button, Arranging Objects on the Page
Send Backward button, Arranging Objects on the Page
Send button, Sending Documents Directly from Word
sending documents via e-mail, Coauthoring Documents
sending e-mail messages, Sending Documents Directly from Word
sentences, selecting, Making Text Changes
Set Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box, Adding Hyperlinks
Set Numbering Value dialog box, Creating and Modifying Lists
Set Target Frame dialog box, Adding Hyperlinks
cells, Formatting Tables
paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
Shading button (tables), Formatting Tables
Shape Fill button, Modifying Diagrams
Shapes gallery, Modifying Diagrams
Share page of Backstage view, Working in the User Interface
SharePoint file location, setting default, Changing Default Program Options
sharing documents, Working in the User Interface
shortcuts, keyboard, Keyboard Shortcuts
creating, Keyboard Shortcuts, Creating Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
defined, Glossary
deleting, Creating Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
for bolding text, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
for building blocks, Inserting Saved Text
for centering text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Presenting Information in Columns
for clearing formatting, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
for copying text, Making Text Changes
for cursor placement, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
for cutting text, Making Text Changes, Inserting Building Blocks
for demoting outline headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines
for document navigation, Making Text Changes, Finding and Replacing Text
for expanding outline headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines
for finding text, Finding and Replacing Text
for Font dialog box display, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
for font size, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
for formatting marks, Making Text Changes
for Go To function, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
for inserting page breaks, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
for inserting SmartArt graphics, Creating Diagrams
for justifying text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Presenting Information in Columns
for left-aligning text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
for line breaks, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
for moving outline headings, Reorganizing Document Outlines
for navigation, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
for pasting text, Making Text Changes
for printing, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout
for repeating editing, Making Text Changes, Presenting Information in Columns
for replacing text, Finding and Replacing Text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
for Research task pane, Finding and Replacing Text
for right-aligning text, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
for selecting all, Making Text Changes, Presenting Information in Columns
for selecting documents, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
for underlining text, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
for undoing editing, Making Text Changes
moving cursor with, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
Show Level button, Reorganizing Document Outlines
Show Markup button, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Comparing and Merging Documents
Show Table of Contents button, Getting Help with Word 2010
Show/Hide ¶ button, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Making Text Changes, Creating Tabbed Lists, Creating and Modifying Indexes
Shrink Font button, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
side-by-side page display, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
inserting, Inserting Building Blocks
resizing, Inserting Building Blocks
signatures, digital, Sending Documents Directly from Word
sizing diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Creating Picture Diagrams
sizing handles, Glossary
sizing pictures, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
SkyDrive, Collaborate on Documents
smart cut and paste, Making Text Changes
SmartArt button, Creating Diagrams, Creating Diagrams, Creating Picture Diagrams
SmartArt graphics, Insert and Modify Diagrams, Glossary
(see also )
gallery of, Modifying Diagrams
inserting, Creating Diagrams, Creating Picture Diagrams
keyboard shortcuts for, Creating Diagrams
SmartArt Styles gallery, Modifying Diagrams
soft page breaks, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Glossary
Sort button, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists
Sort button (tables), Presenting Information in Tables
Sort Text dialog box, Creating and Modifying Lists
sorting lists, Creating and Modifying Lists, Creating and Modifying Lists
sorting mail merge data sources, Preparing Data Sources, Preparing Data Sources
sorting tables, Presenting Information in Tables
source files, Glossary
Source Manager
entering sources, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
opening, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
Source Manager dialog box, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
sources, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
(see also )
compiling, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
editing, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
entering in Source Manager, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
inserting, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
style guide, setting, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
spaces, automatic insertion of, Making Text Changes
spacing, column, Presenting Information in Columns
(see also paragraph spacing)
special text (see )
Spelling & Grammar button, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
Spelling And Grammar dialog box, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
spelling errors, fixing, Edit and Proofread Text
flagging of, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
with AutoCorrect, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
with shortcut menu, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
with Spelling and Grammar dialog box, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
Split Cells button, Presenting Information in Tables
splitting cells, Presenting Information in Tables
splitting documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
stacked objects, Arranging Objects on the Page
arranging, Arranging Objects on the Page
defined, Glossary
Start button, Working in the User Interface
Start Enforcing Protection dialog box, Controlling Changes
Start Mail Merge button, Preparing Data Sources, Creating and Printing Labels
Start menu, displaying, Working in the User Interface
starting Word 2010, Working in the User Interface, Working in the User Interface
statistics, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
status bar
cursor location on, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents
default items on, Working in the User Interface
defined, Glossary
strong passwords, Password-Protecting Documents
style area pane, Reorganizing Document Outlines
Style Pane Options dialog box, Styles
style sets, Quickly Formatting Text
(see also )
changing, Quickly Formatting Text, Quickly Formatting Text
displaying list of, Quickly Formatting Text
live preview of, Quickly Formatting Text
saving, Styles
applying, Styles, Styles
creating, Styles, Styles
deleting, Styles
displaying available, Styles
displaying style area pane, Reorganizing Document Outlines
editing, Styles
limiting, Password-Protecting Documents
modifying, Styles, Styles
overview of, Styles
previewing, Styles
removing from gallery, Styles
replacing, Styles
reverting to original, Styles
updating, Styles, Styles
Styles task pane, Styles
styles, character, Styles
styles, linked, Styles
styles, paragraph, Styles
styles, picture, Inserting and Modifying Pictures
styles, table, Formatting Tables
styles, table of contents, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
subdocuments, Reorganizing Document Outlines
subentries, Glossary
summaries, viewing, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
Switch Windows button, Using Tables to Control Page Layout, Adding Hyperlinks
switches, Glossary
switches, in fields, Inserting Fields
switching documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
switching templates, Styles
synonyms, Fine-Tuning Text
(see also )
defined, Finding and Replacing Text
searching for, Finding and Replacing Text, Fine-Tuning Text


tab stops, Glossary
(see also )
center-aligned, setting, Creating Tabbed Lists
default, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
defined, Glossary
deleting, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
left-aligned, setting, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
moving, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
precisely placing, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
right-aligned, setting, Creating Tabbed Lists
tabbed lists, Glossary
(see also )
defined, Glossary
entering text for, Creating Tabbed Lists
formatting text in, Creating Tabbed Lists
overview of, Creating Tabbed Lists
setting up, Creating Tabbed Lists
tab leaders, Glossary
Table button, Presenting Information in Tables, Formatting Tables, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
table columns
deleting, Presenting Information in Tables
inserting, Presenting Information in Tables
resizing, Presenting Information in Tables
setting width of, Presenting Information in Tables
Table of Contents button, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
Table Of Contents dialog box, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
Table Of Contents gallery, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
Table Properties dialog box, Presenting Information in Tables
table styles, Formatting Tables
defined, Glossary
previewing, Formatting Tables
Table Styles gallery, Formatting Tables
tables, Organize Information in Columns and Tables
(see also nested tables; )
aligning text, Presenting Information in Tables, Formatting Tables
alt text, entering, Presenting Information in Tables
banded rows, Formatting Tables
borders around cells, Formatting Tables
borders, removing, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
calculations in, Presenting Information in Tables
captions, inserting, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
cell width, setting, Presenting Information in Tables
centering text in, Presenting Information in Tables
column width, setting, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
components of, Presenting Information in Tables
converting to/from regular text, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
copying, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
creating, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
cutting and pasting, Presenting Information in Tables
deleting rows/columns/cells, Presenting Information in Tables
drawing, Presenting Information in Tables, Arranging Objects on the Page
entering text, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
formatting, Formatting Tables
formatting text in, Presenting Information in Tables
headings, turning sideways, Formatting Tables
inserting rows/columns/cells, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
margin settings, Presenting Information in Tables
merging cells, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
move handle, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
moving, Presenting Information in Tables
navigating in, Presenting Information in Tables
overview of, Creating Tabbed Lists
page layout with, Arranging Objects on the Page
previewing, Presenting Information in Tables
resizing, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
row properties, setting, Presenting Information in Tables
saving as Quick Tables, Formatting Tables
selecting elements in, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
shading cells, Formatting Tables
size handle, Presenting Information in Tables, Presenting Information in Tables
sorting, Presenting Information in Tables
splitting cells, Presenting Information in Tables
styles, applying, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
total rows, Formatting Tables
width, setting, Presenting Information in Tables
tables of authorities
creating, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
defined, Glossary
tables of contents, Creating and Modifying Indexes
(see also )
creating, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
defined, Glossary
deleting, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
formatting, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
in Help window, displaying, Getting Help with Word 2010
linking entries in, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
overview of, Use Reference Tools for Longer Documents
paragraph spacing, setting, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
selecting field, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
styles for, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
tab leaders, setting, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
updating, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
tables of figures
creating, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
defined, Glossary
tabs, Working in the User Interface, Glossary
tabs, keyboard, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
(see also )
tabs, ribbon
customizing, Customizing the Ribbon
removing, Customizing the Ribbon, Customizing the Ribbon
renaming, Customizing the Ribbon
tagging documents, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
tags, HTML, Saving Files in Different Formats
applying, Styles
attaching, Templates, Styles
building blocks in, Templates
Building Blocks template, Templates
Compatibility Mode, Working with Styles and Templates
components of, Templates
creating, Templates
creating documents with, Working with Styles and Templates
default, Working with Styles and Templates
defined, Glossary
displaying, Working in the User Interface
downloading, Working with Styles and Templates
file name extensions, Templates
global, Templates, Styles
graphic elements, Templates
macros in, Templates
Normal template, Working with Styles and Templates, Templates
opening, Styles
organizing, Styles
placeholders in, Templates
previewing, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
recently used, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
sample, installed with Word, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Working with Styles and Templates
saving, Templates
saving documents as, Styles
searching for, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents
switching, Styles
Templates And Add-Ins dialog box, Styles, Changing Default Program Options
Templates folder, Templates
entering, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Edit and Proofread Text
formatting in columns, Presenting Information in Columns
hiding, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Creating and Modifying Indexes
selecting (see )
text boxes
defined, Glossary
drawing, Inserting Building Blocks
inserting, Inserting Building Blocks
linking, Inserting Building Blocks
overview of, Inserting Building Blocks
positioning, Inserting Building Blocks
replacing text in, Inserting Building Blocks
saving to Quick Parts Gallery, Inserting Building Blocks
Text Direction button, Formatting Tables
text effects
applying, Quickly Formatting Text, Quickly Formatting Text, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
defined, Glossary
live preview of, Quickly Formatting Text
Text Effects button, Quickly Formatting Text, Quickly Formatting Text
text files, Saving Files in Different Formats
Text Highlight Color button, Manually Changing the Look of Characters, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
Text pane
closing, Creating Diagrams
opening, Creating Diagrams
Text Pane button, Creating Diagrams
text wrapping, Arranging Objects on the Page
absolute vs. relative positioning, Arranging Objects on the Page
around diagrams, Creating Diagrams
around objects, Arranging Objects on the Page, Arranging Objects on the Page
around quote boxes, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
around WordArt, Adding WordArt Text
breaks (see line breaks)
defined, Glossary
layout options for, Arranging Objects on the Page
textures, applying to backgrounds, Changing a Document’s Background
theme colors, Changing a Document’s Theme
changing, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
previewing effects of, Working in the User Interface
Theme Colors button, Changing a Document’s Theme
Theme Fonts button, Changing a Document’s Theme
applying, Changing a Document’s Theme
color set, changing, Changing a Document’s Theme
defined, Glossary
displaying gallery of, Working in the User Interface
font set, changing, Changing a Document’s Theme
from Microsoft Office Online Web site, Changing a Document’s Theme
live preview of, Changing a Document’s Theme
mixing and matching, Changing a Document’s Theme
overview of, Changing a Document’s Theme
saving, Changing a Document’s Theme, Changing a Document’s Theme
Themes button, Working in the User Interface, Changing a Document’s Theme
finding synonyms in, Fine-Tuning Text
overview of, Finding and Replacing Text
Thesaurus button, Finding and Replacing Text, Fine-Tuning Text
3-D borders, Manually Changing the Look of Paragraphs
defined, Glossary
of formatting options, Working in the User Interface
tick-marks, Glossary
title bar, Working in the User Interface
title, document, Preparing Documents for Electronic Distribution
titles, Web page, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
toolbars (see specific toolbars)
total rows in tables, Formatting Tables
Track Changes button, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
Track Changes Options dialog box, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
tracking changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
(see also )
final version, displaying, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
in balloons, Tracking and Managing Document Changes, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
options, setting, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
toggle button, adding, Adding and Reviewing Comments
turning off, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
turning on, Adding and Reviewing Comments, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
user information, changing, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
Translate button, Fine-Tuning Text, Fine-Tuning Text
translating text
entire documents, Fine-Tuning Text
options for, Fine-Tuning Text
Translation Language Options dialog box, Fine-Tuning Text
Trust Center, Changing Default Program Options
Trust Center dialog box, Changing Default Program Options
trusted locations, setting, Changing Default Program Options
.txt format, Saving Files in Different Formats
typos (see )


Underline button, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
underlining text, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
Undo button, Working in the User Interface, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes, Reorganizing Document Outlines, Arranging Objects on the Page
undoing editing, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes
unencrypted password protection, Password-Protecting Documents
unloading add-ins, Changing Default Program Options
Update Citations And Bibliography button, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
Update Index button, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
Update Table button, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
Update Table Of Contents dialog box, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
updating bibliographies, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
updating cross-references, Adding Bookmarks and Cross-References
updating fields, Inserting Fields, Inserting Fields, Inserting Fields
automatically, Inserting Fields
updating indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes, Creating and Modifying Indexes
updating styles, Styles, Styles
updating tables of contents, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents, Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
upgrading Word, If You Are Upgrading from Word 2007, If You Are Upgrading from Word 2007
uploading pictures to blogs, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
uppercase, formatting text as, Manually Changing the Look of Characters
user information, Tracking and Managing Document Changes
user interface color scheme, Changing Default Program Options
user interface elements, Explore Word 2010
user name
AutoText for, changing, Inserting Building Blocks
setting, Changing Default Program Options


Web browsers
opening Web pages in, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
previewing documents in, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
setting for Web pages, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Web Layout button, Viewing Documents in Different Ways, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Web Layout view, Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing Documents, Creating and Modifying Web Documents, Glossary
Web links (hyperlinks), Explore More Text Techniques
appearance of, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
deleting, Adding Hyperlinks
editing, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
following, Adding Hyperlinks
for e-mail addresses, Adding Hyperlinks
in blog posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
inserting, Adding Hyperlinks
jumping to target, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
opening in new window, Adding Hyperlinks
ScreenTips for, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
targets, setting, Adding Hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
Web logs (see )
Web Options dialog box, Creating and Modifying Web Documents, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Web Page, Filtered format, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Web Page, Single File format, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Web pages, Glossary
(see also )
browsers, setting, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Compatibility Checker, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
conversion settings, Changing Default Program Options
entering text, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Filtered format, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
indentation, changing, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Office-specific tags, removing, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
opening, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
previewing documents as, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
quote boxes, modifying, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
saving documents as, Saving Files in Different Formats, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Single File format, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
titles, setting, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
unsupported formatting error, Saving Files in Different Formats
white space between pages, hiding, Viewing Documents in Different Ways
wide margins, Previewing and Adjusting Page Layout, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
defined, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Glossary
setting options for, Controlling What Appears on Each Page, Controlling What Appears on Each Page
wildcards in searches, Finding and Replacing Text, Glossary
Windows Live Online Services, Collaborate on Documents
Windows Live SkyDrive, Collaborate on Documents
Windows Live Spaces, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts, Creating and Publishing Blog Posts
Windows Live Translator, Fine-Tuning Text
windows, switching, Using Tables to Control Page Layout
Word 2003, upgrading from, If You Are Upgrading from Word 2007
Word 2007, upgrading from, If You Are Upgrading from Word 2007
Word 2010
closing, Working in the User Interface
compatibility with earlier versions, Creating, Entering Text in, and Saving Documents, Saving Files in Different Formats
first time starting, Working in the User Interface
new features in, If You Are Upgrading from Word 2007
starting, Working in the User Interface, Working in the User Interface
upgrading to, If You Are Upgrading from Word 2007, If You Are Upgrading from Word 2007
uses for, Introducing Microsoft Word 2010
word count, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
Word Count button, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
Word Count dialog box, Correcting Spelling and Grammatical Errors
Word Help button, Getting Help, Getting Help with Word 2010, Working in the User Interface, Glossary
Word Help window
navigating, Getting Help with Word 2010
opening, Getting Help with Word 2010
printing from, Getting Help with Word 2010
searching, Getting Help with Word 2010
table of contents, displaying, Getting Help with Word 2010
topics, displaying, Getting Help with Word 2010
Word icon, Working in the User Interface
Word Options dialog box, Working in the User Interface, Working in the User Interface, Creating and Modifying Web Documents, Merging Main Documents and Data Sources, Changing Default Program Options, Changing Default Program Options, Changing Default Program Options, Changing Default Program Options, Keyboard Shortcuts
word processing, Explore Word 2010, Glossary
word wrap, Glossary
WordArt button, Adding WordArt Text
WordArt objects
centering, Adding WordArt Text
converting text into, Adding WordArt Text
defined, Glossary
inserting, Adding WordArt Text, Adding WordArt Text
overview of, Adding WordArt Text
positioning, Adding WordArt Text
starting new lines in, Adding WordArt Text
styles, applying, Adding WordArt Text
text wrapping, Adding WordArt Text
words, selecting, Making Text Changes, Making Text Changes
works cited, Adding Sources and Compiling Bibliographies
(see also ; )
wrapping text, Adding WordArt Text, Arranging Objects on the Page, Glossary
absolute vs. relative positioning, Arranging Objects on the Page
around diagrams, Creating Diagrams
around objects, Arranging Objects on the Page, Arranging Objects on the Page
around quote boxes, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
layout options for, Arranging Objects on the Page
Wrap Text button, Adding WordArt Text, Creating Diagrams, Arranging Objects on the Page, Creating and Modifying Web Documents
Wrap Text gallery, Arranging Objects on the Page


y-axis, Glossary
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