Getting Help

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this book. If you do run into problems, please contact the sources listed in the following sections.

Getting Help with This Book

If your question or issue concerns the content of this book or its practice files, please first consult the book’s errata page, which can be accessed at:

This page provides information about known errors and corrections to the book. If you do not find your answer on the errata page, send your question or comment to Microsoft Press Technical Support at:

Getting Help with Word 2010

If your question is about Microsoft Word 2010, and not about the content of this book, your first recourse is the Word Help system. This system is a combination of tools and files stored on your computer when you installed Word and, if your computer is connected to the Internet, information available from You can find general or specific Help information in the following ways:

  • To find out about an item on the screen, you can display a ScreenTip. For example, to display a ScreenTip for a button, point to the button without clicking it. The ScreenTip gives the button’s name, the associated keyboard shortcut if there is one, and unless you specify otherwise, a description of what the button does when you click it.

  • In the Word program window, you can click the Microsoft Word Help button (a question mark in a blue circle) at the right end of the ribbon to display the Word Help window.

  • After opening a dialog box, you can click the Help button (also a question mark) at the right end of the dialog box title bar to display the Word Help window. Sometimes, topics related to the functions of that dialog box are already identified in the window.

To practice getting help, you can work through the following exercise.

Set Up

Set Up

You don’t need any practice files to complete this exercise. Start Word, and then follow the steps.

  1. At the right end of the ribbon, click the Microsoft Word Help button.

    Set Up

    The Word Help window opens.

    Set Up

    You can maximize the window or adjust its size by dragging the handle in the lower-right corner. You can change the size of the font by clicking the Change Font Size button on the toolbar.

    If you are connected to the Internet, clicking any of the buttons below the Microsoft Office banner (Products, Support, Images, and Templates) takes you to a corresponding page of the Office Web site.

  2. Below the bulleted list under Browse Word 2010 support, click see all.

    The window changes to display a list of help topics.

  3. In the list of topics, click Activating Word.

    Word Help displays a list of topics related to activating Microsoft Office programs. You can click any topic to display the corresponding information.

  4. On the toolbar, click the Show Table of Contents button.

    Set Up

    The window expands to accommodate two panes. The Table Of Contents pane appears on the left. Like the table of contents in a book, it is organized in sections. If you’re connected to the Internet, Word displays sections, topics, and training available from the Office Online Web site as well as those stored on your computer.

    Set Up

    Clicking any section (represented by a book icon) displays that section’s topics (represented by help icons).

  5. In the Table of Contents pane, click a few sections and topics. Then click the Back and Forward buttons to move among the topics you have already viewed.

    Set Up
  6. At the right end of the Table of Contents title bar, click the Close button.

    Set Up
  7. At the top of the Word Help window, click the Type words to search for box, type saving, and then press the Enter key.

    The Word Help window displays topics related to the word you typed.

    Set Up

    Next and Back buttons appear to make it easier to search for the topic you want.

  8. In the results list, click the Recover earlier versions of a file in Office 2010 topic.

    The selected topic appears in the Word Help window.

  9. Below the title at the top of the topic, click Show All.

    Word displays any hidden auxiliary information available in the topic and changes the Show All button to Hide All. You can jump to related information by clicking hyperlinks identified by blue text.


    You can click the Print button on the toolbar to print a topic. Only the displayed information is printed.

Clean Up

Clean Up

Click the Close button at the right end of the Word Help window.

More Information

If your question is about Microsoft Word 2010 or another Microsoft software product and you cannot find the answer in the product’s Help system, please search the appropriate product solution center or the Microsoft Knowledge Base at:

In the United States, Microsoft software product support issues not covered by the Microsoft Knowledge Base are addressed by Microsoft Product Support Services. Location-specific software support options are available from:

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