
aspect ratio

The ratio of the width of an image to its height.


Individual items of character formatting, such as size or color, which determine how text looks.


In Print Layout view or Web Layout view, a box that shows comments and tracked changes in the margins of a document, making it easy to see and respond to them.

bar chart

A chart with bars that compares the quantities of two or more items.


A frequently updated online journal or column. Blogs are often used to publish personal or company information in an informal way. Short for web log.

building block

Frequently used text saved in a gallery, from which it can be inserted quickly into a document.


Descriptive text associated with a figure, photo, illustration, or screen shot.


A box formed by the intersection of a row and column in a worksheet or a table, in which you enter information.

cell address

The location of a cell, expressed as its column letter and row number, as in A1.

character formatting

Formatting you can apply to selected text characters.

character spacing

The distance between characters in a line of text. Can be adjusted by pushing characters apart (expanding) or squeezing them together (condensing).

character style

A combination of any of the character formatting options identified by a style name.

chart area

A region in a chart object that is used to position chart elements, render axes, and plot data.


A small control or button that indicates that there are more items than can be displayed in the allotted space. You click the chevron to see the additional items. Also the « and » characters that surround each merge field in a main document; also known as guillemet characters.

Click and Type

A feature that allows you to doubleclick a blank area of a document to position the cursor in that location, with the appropriate paragraph alignment already in place.


A storage area shared by all Office programs where cut or copied items are stored.


Either the vertical arrangement of text into one or more side-by-side sections or the vertical arrangement of cells in a table.

column break

A break inserted in the text of a column to force the text below it to move to the next column.

column chart

A chart that displays data in vertical bars to facilitate data comparison.

column header

In an Excel worksheet, a shaded rectangular area at the top of each column containing a letter. You can click a column header to select an entire column. See also row header.


A note or annotation that an author or reviewer adds to a document. Word displays the comment in a balloon in the margin of the document or in the Reviewing pane.

cross-reference entry

An entry in an index that refers readers to a related entry.


A representation on the screen of the mouse pointer location.

cycle diagram

A diagram that shows a continuous process.

data marker

A customizable symbol or shape that identifies a data point on a chart. A data marker can be formatted with various sizes and colors.

data point

An individual value plotted in a chart and represented together with other data points by bars, columns, lines, pie or doughnut slices, dots, and various other shapes referred to as data markers.

data series

Related data points that are plotted in a chart. One or more data series in a chart can be plotted. A pie chart has just one data series.

data source

A file containing variable information, such as names and addresses, that is merged with a main document containing static information.


In an outline, changing a heading to body text or to a lower heading level; for example, changing from Heading 5 to Heading 6. See also promoting.

desktop publishing

A process that creates pages by combining text and objects, such as tables and graphics, in a visually appealing way.

destination file

The file that a linked or embedded object is inserted into. The source file contains the information that is used to create the object. When you change information in a destination file, the information is not updated in the source file.


A graphic in which shapes, text, and pictures are used to illustrate a process, cycle, or relationship.

dialog box launcher

On the ribbon, a button at the bottom of some groups that opens a dialog box with features related to the group.

digital signature

Data that binds a sender’s identity to the information being sent. A digital signature may be bundled with any message, file, or other digitally encoded information, or transmitted separately. Digital signatures are used in public key environments and provide authentication and integrity services.

Draft view

A document view that displays the content of a document with a simplified layout.

drag-and-drop editing

A way of moving or copying selected text by dragging it with the mouse pointer.


A way of moving objects by pointing to them, holding down the mouse button, moving the mouse pointer to the desired location, and releasing the button.

drawing object

Any graphic you draw or insert, which can be changed and enhanced. Drawing objects include AutoShapes, curves, lines, and WordArt.

drop cap

An enlarged, decorative capital letter that appears at the beginning of a paragraph.

embedded object

An object created with one program and embedded into a document created by another program. Embedding the object, rather than simply inserting or pasting it, ensures that the object retains its original format. If you double-click the embedded object, you can edit it with the toolbars and menus from the program used to create it.


A note that appears at the end of a section or document and that is referenced by text in the main body of the document. An endnote consists of two linked parts, a reference mark within the main body of text and the corresponding text of the note. See also footnote.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

A format for delivering rich, structured data in a standard, consistent way. XML tags describe the content of a document, whereas HTML tags describe how the document looks. XML is extensible because it allows designers to create their own customized tags.


A placeholder that tells Word to supply the specified information in the specified way. Also, the set of information of a specific type in a data source, such as all the last names in a contacts list.

field name

A first-row cell in a data source that identifies data in the column below.

file format

The structure or organization of data in a file. The file format of a document is usually indicated by the file name extension.


Displaying files or records in a data source that meet certain criteria; for example, filtering a data source so that you see only the records for people who live in a particular state. Filtering does not delete files, it simply changes the view so that you see only the files that meet your criteria.


A graphic design applied to a collection of numbers, symbols, and characters. A font describes a certain typeface, along with other qualities such as size, spacing, and pitch.

font effect

An attribute, such as superscript, small capital letters, or shadow, that can be applied to a font.

font size

The height (in points) of a collection of characters, where one point is equal to approximately 1/72 of an inch.

font style

The emphasis placed on a font by using formatting such as bold, italic, underline, or color.


One or more lines of text in the bottom margin area of a page in a document, typically containing elements such as the page number and the name of the file. See also header.


A note that appears at the end of a page, section, chapter, or publication that explains, comments on, or provides references for text in the main body of a document. A footnote consists of two linked parts, a reference mark within the main body of the document and the corresponding text of the note. See also endnote.


See character formatting and paragraph formatting.


A sequence of values, cell references, names, functions, or operators in a cell of a table or worksheet that together produce a new value. A formula always begins with an equal sign (=).

Full Screen Reading view

A document view that displays a document as it would appear on a printed page. The view is optimized for reading documents on a computer screen and was previously referred to as Reading Layout view.


A grouping of thumbnails that display options visually.


Any piece of art used to illustrate or convey information or to add visual interest to a document.


The spectrum (range) of shades of black in an image.


In a table, thin lines that indicate the cell boundaries in a table. Table gridlines do not print when you print a document. In a chart, lines that visually carry the values on the y-axis across the plot area.


On a ribbon tab, an area containing buttons related to a specific document element or function.


Assembling several objects, such as shapes, into a single unit so that they act as one object. Grouped objects can easily be moved, sized, and formatted.


A line, or lines, of content in the top margin area of a page in a document, typically containing elements such as the title, page number, or name of the author.

hierarchy diagram

A diagram that illustrates the structure of an organization or entity.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

An application of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) that uses tags to mark elements in a document to indicate how Web browsers should display these elements to the user and should respond to user actions.


Splitting a word that would otherwise extend beyond the right margin of the page.

indent marker

A marker on the horizontal ruler that controls the indentation of text from the left or right margin of a document.


A list of the words and phrases that are discussed in a printed document, along with the page numbers they appear on.

index entry

A field code that marks specific text for inclusion in an index. When you mark text as an index entry, Word inserts an XE (Index Entry) field formatted as hidden text.

index entry field

The XE field, including the braces ( { } ), that defines an index entry.


Making all lines of text in a paragraph or column fit the width of the document or column, with even margins on each side.

keyboard shortcut

Any combination of keystrokes that can be used to perform a task that would otherwise require a mouse or other pointing device.


The orientation of a picture or page where the width is greater than the height.


A key in a chart that identifies the colors and names of the data series or categories that are used in the chart.

line break

A manual break that forces the text that follows it to the next line. Also called a text wrapping break.

line graph or line chart

A type of chart in which data points in a series are connected by a line.

linked object

An object that is inserted into a document but still exists in the source file. When information is linked, the document is updated automatically if the information in the original document changes.

list diagram

A diagram in which lists of related or independent information are visually represented.

Live Preview

A feature that temporarily displays the effect of applying a specific format to the selected document element.

mail merge

The process of merging information into a main document from a data source, such as an address book or database, to create customized documents, such as form letters or mailing labels.

main document

In a mail merge operation in Word, the document that contains the text and graphics that are the same for each version of the merged document.

manual page break

A page break inserted to force subsequent information to appear on the next page.


The blank space outside the printing area on a page.

matrix diagram

A diagram that shows the relationship of components to a whole.

merge field

A placeholder inserted in the main document that is replaced with variable information from a data source during the merge process.

Microsoft Office Clipboard

See Clipboard.

Navigation task pane

A task pane that displays an outline of a document’s headings, or thumbnails of a document’s pages, and allows you to jump to a heading or page in the document by clicking it. Also provides content search capabilities.

nested table

A table inserted into a cell of a table that is being used to arrange information on a page.

note separator

A set of characters that separates document text from footnotes or endnotes. The default separator is a horizontal line.


An item, such as a graphic, video clip, sound file, or worksheet, that can be inserted into a document and then selected and modified.


The direction—horizontal or vertical—in which a page is laid out.


The first line of a paragraph printed by itself at the bottom of a page.

Outline view

A view that shows the headings of a document indented to represent their level in the document’s structure. You can also use outline view to work with master documents.


In word processing, a block of text of any length that ends when you press the Enter key.

paragraph formatting

Formatting that controls the appearance of a paragraph. Examples include indentation, alignment, line spacing, and pagination.

paragraph style

A combination of character formatting and paragraph formatting that is named and stored as a set. Applying the style to a paragraph applies all the formatting characteristics at one time.


A sequence of folders (directories) that leads to a specific file or folder. A backslash is used to separate each folder in the path. For example, the path to a file called invoice.txt might be C:DocumentsJulyinvoice.txt.


A photograph, clip art image, illustration or another type of image created with a program other than Word.

picture diagram

A diagram that uses pictures to convey information, rather than or in addition to text.

pie chart

A round chart that shows the size of items in a single data series, proportional to the sum of the items.

plot area

In a two-dimensional chart, the area bounded by the axes, including all data series. In a three-dimensional chart, the area bounded by the axes, including the data series, category names, tick-mark labels, and axis titles.


The unit of measure for expressing the size of characters in a font, where 72 points equals 1 inch.

pointing to

Pausing a pointing device over an area of the display.


The orientation of a picture or page where the page is taller than it is wide.


A message published on a blog, message board, or help board.

Print Layout view

A view of a document as it will appear when printed; for example, items such as headers, footnotes, columns, and text boxes appear in their actual positions.

process diagram

A diagram that visually represents the ordered set of steps required to complete a task.


In an outline, to change body text to a heading, or to change a heading to a higher-level heading.

pull quote

Text taken from the body of a document and showcased in a text box to create visual interest.

pyramid diagram

A diagram that shows foundation-based relationships.


Selection criteria for extracting information from a data source for use in the mail merge process.

Quick Access Toolbar

A small, customizable toolbar that displays frequently used commands.

Quick Style

A collection of character and paragraph formatting that makes formatting documents and objects easier. Quick Styles appear in the Quick Styles gallery and are organized into ready-made Quick Style sets that are designed to work together to create an attractive and professional-looking document.

Quick Table

A table with sample data that you can customize.


A setting that allows a file to be read or copied, but not changed or saved. If you change a read-only file, you can save your changes only if you give the document a new name.


A collection of data about a person, a place, an event, or some other item. Records are the logical equivalents of rows in a table.

reference mark

The number or symbol displayed in the body of document when you insert a footnote or endnote.

relationship diagram

A diagram that shows convergent, divergent, overlapping, merging, or containment elements.


A change in a document.


A user interface design that organizes commands into logical groups, which appear on separate tabs.

row header

In an Excel worksheet, a shaded rectangular area to the left of each row containing a number. You can click a row header to select an entire row. See also column header.


In color management, the purity of a color’s hue, moving from gray to the pure color.


A note that appears on the screen to provide information about a button, tracked change, or comment, or to display a footnote or endnote. ScreenTips also display the text that will appear if you choose to insert a date or AutoText entry.

section break

A mark you insert to show the end of a section. A section break stores the section formatting elements, such as the margins, page orientation, headers and footers, and sequence of page numbers.


Highlighting text or activating an object so that you can manipulate or edit it in some way.

selection area

An area in a document’s left margin in which you can click and drag to select blocks of text.

sizing handle

A small circle, square, or set of dots that appears at the corner or on the side of a selected object. You drag these handles to change the size of the object horizontally, vertically, or proportionally.

SmartArt graphic

A predefined set of shapes and text used as a basis for creating a diagram.

soft page break

A page break that Word inserts when the text reaches the bottom margin of a page.

source file

A file containing an object that is inserted in a destination file.


A set of graphics that overlap each other.

status bar

A row of information related to the current program. The status bar is usually located at the bottom of a window. Not all windows have a status bar.


An index entry that falls under a more general heading; for example, “Mars” and “Venus” might be subentries of the index entry “planets.”


In fields, a setting that refines the results of the field; for example, by formatting it in a particular way.


A tabbed page on the ribbon that contains buttons organized in groups.

tab leader

A repeating character (usually a dot or dash) that separates text before the tab from text or a number after it.

tab stop

A location on the horizontal ruler that indicates how far to indent text or where to begin a column of text.

tabbed list

A list that arranges text in simple columns separated by left, right, centered, or decimal tab stops.

table of authorities

A list of the references in a legal document, such as references to cases, statutes, and rules, along with the numbers of the pages the references appear on.

table of contents

A list of the headings in a document, along with the numbers of the pages the headings appear on.

table of figures

A list of the captions for pictures, charts, graphs, slides, or other illustrations in a document, along with the numbers of the pages the captions appear on.

table style

A set of formatting options, such as font, border style, and row banding, that are applied to a table. The regions of a table, such as the header row, header column, and data area, can be variously formatted.


A text string used in HTML and XML to identify a page element’s type, format, or appearance. Many elements have start and end tags that define where the element starts and stops.


A path that identifies a linked object, such as a location in a document or a Web page.


A file that can contain predefined formatting, layout, text, or graphics, and that serves as the basis for new documents with a similar design or purpose.

text box

A movable, resizable container used to give text a different orientation from other text in the document.

text wrapping

The way text wraps around an object on the page.

text wrapping break

A manual break that forces the text that follows it to the next line. Also known as a line break.


A set of unified design elements that combine color, fonts, and graphics to provide a professional look for a document.


A small representation of an item, such as an image, a page of content, or a set of formatting, obtained by scaling a snapshot of it. Thumbnails are typically used to provide visual identifiers for related items.


A small line of measurement, similar to a division line on a ruler, that intersects an axis in a chart.

View Shortcuts toolbar

A toolbar located at the right end of the status bar that contains tools for switching between views of document content and changes the display magnification.

Web Layout view

A view of a document as it will appear in a Web browser. In this view, a document appears as one long page (without page breaks), and text and tables wrap to fit the window.

Web page

A World Wide Web document. A Web page typically consists of a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file, with associated files for graphics and scripts, in a particular folder on a particular computer. It is identified by a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).


The last line of a paragraph printed by itself at the top of a page.

wildcard character

A keyboard character that can be used to represent one or many characters when conducting a search. The question mark (?) represents a single character, and the asterisk (*) represents one or more characters.

Word Help button

The button located at the right end of the ribbon and labeled with a question mark (?), that provides access to the Word Help system.

word processing

The writing, editing, and formatting of documents in a program designed for working primarily with text.

word wrap

The process of breaking lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins of a document or window boundaries.

WordArt object

A text object you create with ready-made effects to which you can apply additional formatting options.


Also called a category axis, the axis for grouping data in a chart, usually the horizontal axis.


Also called a value axis, the axis for plotting values in a chart, usually the vertical axis.


Also called a series axis, the optical axis that is perpendicular to the x-axis and y-axis, usually the “floor.”

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