


inserting Access data in documents, 372

mail merge, importing data for, 251

merging with documents, 372-373

Accessibility Checker, 27

Acrobat Reader, 376

action items for meetings, 431


changing options, 58-59

embedding, 391

inserting information with, 58-59

managing, 403

showing, 382

XML properties, saving as, 390

ActiveX controls, 328, 401

flash movies, playing, 427

harmful attacks and, 326-327

inserting, 422

list of, 424

properties, setting, 425

security alerts, 423

security options, 333

VBA code, adding, 426

Ad-aware, Lavasoft, 326

add-ins, 328, 401. See also COM add-ins

harmful attacks and, 326-327

loading/unloading, 352, 404-405

managing installed add-ins, 403

security alerts, dealing with, 405

setting security options, 332

user interface errors, showing, 392

viewing installed add-ins, 402

adding/removing. See also deleting

borders, 174-175

features, 32

Quick Access Toolbar, items from, 7

shading, 174-175

Status bar, items on, 9

watermarks, 172-173

Address book for mailing labels, 266


Company Address Quick Part, 226

default mailing address, 392

form letter envelopes, addressing, 266

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 297

Web addresses, 297

adjustment handles for shapes, 182-183

Adobe Systems

Acrobat Control for ActiveX, 424

Acrobat Reader, 376

Photoshop, 123

Type Manager fonts, 68

adware, 326

agenda for meetings, 431

alerts. See Groove; security alerts

aliases in XML schemas, 366

Align commands, 194

Align Group for SmartArt graphics shapes, 138-139

aligning. See also objects

columns, text in, 176

of equations, 244

of existing text, 74

paragraph alignment, changing, 74

tables, cells in, 152

all caps text, 66

alternative text, 27

animated GIFs, 110


animated GIFs, 110

feedback with, 392

in organization charts, 142

showing, 382

Anonymous FTP sites, 307

antivirus software, 327

Apply button, 8

Arabic, support for, 280

arrows in dialog boxes, 8

articles, text boxes for, 180

ascending sort, 147

ASCII symbols, 246


Full Screen Reading view disabling attachments in, 18

opening in, 380

harmful attacks and, 326-327

meeting attachments, 431

Author Quick Part, 226

AutoComplete, 48, 386

AutoCorrect, 60-61

example of changes, 61

spell-checking with, 270-271

AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box, 60

AutoFit for tables, 153


for long documents, 208-209

revising documents with, 208

Automated Safe mode, 338-339

automatic links, updating, 392

Automatic Updates, 327

AutoRecover, 31

AutoShape, 397


printing, 292

working with, 228-229

averaging values in table cells, 158

Avery Standard 1529 labels, 262-263



printing in, 385

repagination, enabling, 392

Web pages, opening, 294


page backgrounds, adding, 174-175

print options, 384

removing picture, 126

as shape fills, 188

WordArt fill and, 128

Backspace key, 50

bulleted or numbered list, ending, 61

Backstage view, 3, 5

balloons. See sharing documents

Banded Row or Banded Column option, 156


citation and source, adding, 236

indents, setting, 78

placeholders, adding, 237

bitmap images. See BMP files

black and white color option, 122

blank documents, creating, 36

Blog Accounts dialog box, 311

Blogger, 308-310, 311


creating postings, 308-309

document contents, creating blog, 308-309

existing posting, opening, 310

managing accounts, 311

BMP files

cropping bitmapped pictures, 124-125

modifying pictures, 123

resizing images, 119

boilerplate for mail merge, 250


in index, 220

long documents, formatting in, 208

shape text, 187

text, 64, 66


creating, 238

for indexes, 220-221

navigating to, 238-239

showing, 382

borders. See also paragraphs

adding/removing, 174-175

applying, 82-83

edge, moving, 10

pictures, adding to, 116

tables, applying to, 155

Borders and Shading dialog box, 82-83

bottom-aligning objects, 194-195

bound document, preparing for, 215

breaks. See also page breaks

column breaks, inserting, 176-177

brightness of pictures, changing, 121, 398-399

Bring Forward for objects, 198

Bring to Front

for objects, 198

SmartArt graphics shapes, 138-139


documents, opening, 12, 295

viewing Web pages from, 297

browsing in documents, 47

Building Block gallery form controls, 420

Building Blocks Organizer, 227

bulleted lists

copying/pasting options, 387

creating, 61, 80

multi-level lists, creating, 81

options, 386

style of bullets, changing, 80-81

buttons. See also specific types in dialog boxes, 8


Cancel button, 8


AutoCorrect changes, 61

drop caps, 170-171

Match Case option, 70

uppercase text, 66

Caps Lock button, 9

captions, creating, 240

case of text

changing, 66

Match Case option, 70

CD-ROM, inserting pictures from, 111

cells. See tables


of equations, 244

objects, 194-195

of text, 74

centered as group alignment of equations, 244

certification authority (CA), 322

Change Color button, 142

Character Code box, 246

characters. See also symbols

drop caps, 170-171

finding and replacing special characters, 71

inserting special characters, 247

spacing, changing, 68, 388

styles, 92

wildcards, finding and replacing with, 73

charts. See also organization charts

axis titles, changing, 165

bar charts, formatting, 166

creating, 159

custom chart templates, creating, 168

data labels, changing, 165

deleting, 162

drop lines in, 166

editing data in, 167

entering data in worksheets, 161

entire chart, changing type for, 162

error bars in, 166

gridlines, showing/hiding, 165

high-low lines in, 166

inserting, 159

layout, changing, 163

legends, changing, 165

line charts, formatting, 166

opening chart data, 160

saving chart templates, 168

series lines in, 166

showing/hiding elements, 164

style, changing, 163

titles, changing, 164

trendlines, options for, 166

type, changing, 162

up/down bars in, 166

viewing chart data, 160

wrapping text around, 178-179

Check Box button, 424

check boxes, 8

Check Office documents that are from or link to suspicious Web sites check box, 327, 336

Check for Updates button, 33, 312

Check Office documents that are from or link to suspicious Web sites check box, 327, 336

Chinese, support for, 280

circles, drawing, 182

citations, adding, 236-237

class modules in VBA, 407

Classic style set, 90

Click-And-Type text, 74

clip art, 109

cropping, 124-125

locating and inserting, 110

recoloring, 122-123

shapes, applying picture fills to, 190

Clip Art task pane, 110

Clip Organizer, 110, 169


copying text to, 52-53

options, changing, 52

storing text on, 50

Close button, 42


documents, 34

task window, 10

window panes, 10

code. See VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

colors. See also font colors; gradient fills; themes

comment colors, setting, 350

menus, adding to, 99

for organization charts, 142

page colors, adding, 174-175

picture color, editing, 398-399

properties of, 103

recoloring pictures, 122-123

schemes, selecting, 380

shapes, adding color fills to, 188-189

SmartArt graphic colors, changing, 137

3-D colors to shapes, adding, 193

Web page colors, changing, 295

columns and rows. See also charts; tables

breaks, inserting, 176-177

mail merge data, displaying, 255

modifying text columns, 176-177

newspaper-style columns, 176-177

COM add-ins, 403. See also ActiveX controls

loading/unloading, 404-405

Combo Box button, 424

combo box form controls, 420

command buttons, 4, 424


accessing commands not on Ribbon, 396

choosing, 5


all comments, deleting, 346-347

colors, setting, 350

editing, 346

handwritten comments, inserting, 345

inserting, 344

reading comments, 346

responding to, 345

specific reviewer, deleting comments from, 346-347

voice comments, inserting, 344

Company Address Quick Part, 226

Company E-mail Quick Part, 226

Company Quick Part, 226

comparing documents, 351

Compatibility Checker, 26

compatibility mode

converting existing documents, 15

diagnostics, 32

options, setting, 393

saving documents, 22

compressed zip package, 421

compressing pictures, 120

connection status help, 21

contact us, Microsoft, 312

contacts. See Groove

content controls, 420-421

content filtering, 337

contextual spelling, 274-275

contextual tabs, 4

contrast in pictures, changing, 121, 398-399

converting existing documents, 15

copy, opening document as, 12

copying. See also drag-and-drop; text

Excel, data from, 368-369

hyperlinks, 302

importing/exporting with, 360-361

macros, 415

options, changing, 387

templates, functionality between, 352-353

window contents, 111

copyright symbols, 68

cover pages for long documents, 223


pictures, 124-125, 398-399

showing crop marks, 382

cross references

in documents, 214

in index, 220

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 306

custom dictionaries, 272-273

Custom Dictionaries dialog box, 272-273

Customize Quick Access Toolbar list arrow, 6

customizing, 379. See also themes

advanced document properties, 28

caption labels, 240

drop caps, 170-171

hyphens, 57

InstalledTemplates, 88

line numbering options, 243

margins, 282-283

picture fills for shapes, 190

Quick Access Toolbar, 7

texture fills for shapes, 190

theme colors, 102-103

watermarks, 172-173

cutting options, 387

cycle graphic type, 132


damaged files, opening, 12

data documents, 249

creating, 253

editing, 254

identifying, 251

data labels, changing, 165

data series, 159

databases. See Excel

Date Picker, 420

dates and times

in headers or footers, 210

inserting in documents, 212-213

Debug toolbar, 414

debugging macros, 410, 414

decimals, displaying table numbers as, 158

Delete key, 50

deleting. See also Groove; tables; themes

AutoText entry, 229

borders from pictures, 116

charts, 162

column breaks, 177

columns, 176

comments, 346-347

dialog boxes, files in, 12

digital signatures, 323

encrypted files, 317

footnotes and endnotes, 233

guides, 197

hard page breaks, 286

headers or footers, 210

hyperlinks, 302-303

hyphens, 57

with keyboard, 50

macros, 413

page numbers, 212

password protection, 319

Quick Access Toolbar, items from, 7

section breaks, 286-287

shapes, 182

SmartArt graphic shapes, 135

Status bar, items on, 9

styles, 89

tables of contents, 219

text, 50-51

theme colors, 103

watermarks, 172-173

XML tags, 365

descending sort, 147

Design Mode. See ActiveX controls

desktop publishing

backgrounds, 174-175

colors, adding, 174-175

columns, working with, 176-177

drop caps, adding, 170-171

text boxes, working with, 180-181

watermarks, 172-173

wrapping text around object, 178-179

destination files, 358, 362

Developer tab

ActiveX controls on, 422

options, setting, 409

showing, 409

diagnosing/repairing problems, 32

Dialog Box Launchers, 3, 8

dialog boxes

deleting files in, 12

options, choosing, 8

renaming files in, 12


custom dictionaries, 272-273

exclusion dictionaries, 272-273

familiar words, adding, 271

for spell-checking, 270

digital signatures, 322-323

macro projects, adding to, 416

Status bar, checking with, 9

XPS support for, 376


shapes, 3-D effects on, 193

tables, changing text direction in, 152

text box, changing text direction in, 180

WordArt text, changing direction of, 131

disk diagnostics, 32

Distinctive style set, 90

distributing objects, 194

DOCM files, 25

Document Information Panel, 28

for final documents, 340

selecting template, 428

Document Inspector, 314-315

Document Library, 456

Document Map in Full Screen Reading view, 18-19

Document Properties for Quick Parts, 226-227

documents, 1, 238. See also comments; formatting; grammar-checking; long documents; macros; mail merge; metadata; printing; read-only documents; saving; sharing documents; spell checking; technical documents; text; themes

Access database in, 372-373

AutoText, working with, 228-229

bibliographies, 236

blank document, creating, 36

bound document, preparing for, 215

browsing through, 47

captions, creating, 240

closing, 34

Compatibility Checker, 26

converting existing documents, 15

cover pages for, 223

cross references, inserting, 214

digital signatures, 322-323

Document Inspector, 314-315

double-sided documents, printing, 290

Excel worksheets, inserting, 368-369

existing document, opening, 12-13

final documents, 340

in Full Screen Reading view, 18-19

headers and footers in, 210-211

hyphens, inserting, 56-57

inconsistent formatting, checking for, 268-269

inspecting documents, 314-315

letters, creating, 39

lines, numbering, 79, 242-243

memos, creating, 39

merging documents, 351

multiple-author documents, creating, 206-207

multiple documents, working with, 44-45

new documents

blank documents, creating, 36

existing document, creating from, 37

templates, creating from, 38

Office Web App, creating, 485

page numbers, inserting, 212-213

paging through, 47

part of document, allowing changes, 321

passwords for, 318-319

PowerPoint slides, creating, 370-371

previewing, 288

proofing, 270-271

properties, viewing, 28

Quick Parts, inserting, 226

readability of documents, 271

reading, 18-19

recovering documents, 30-31

restricting formatting/editing, 320-321

scrolling in, 47

selecting text in, 48-49

single file Web page, saving document as, 304-305

subdocuments, inserting, 206-207

symbols, inserting, 246-247

tables in slide, embedding, 370-371

tables of contents for, 218-219

tables of figures, 241

templates, creating with, 38

in Thumbnail pane, 18-19

two-sided documents, printing, 290

views, changing, 16-17

Web page, opening as, 294-295

word count statistics, 222

zooming view, 29

DOCX files. See documents

double-sided documents, printing, 290

double strikethrough text, 66, 327

downloading. See also security

Acrobat Reader, 376

add-ins, 402

checking files on, 327

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) files, 307

Office program Viewer, 12

templates, 38

XPS file viewers, 377

draft quality printing, 385

Draft view, 16-17


options, 386

SmartArt graphics, 132-133

for text, 50-51


print options, 384

showing on screen, 382

drop caps, 170-171

drop down list form controls, 420

drop lines in charts, 166

duplex printing, 290, 385

duplicate words, eliminating, 270


e-mail. See also attachments

Company E-mail Quick Part, 226

document for review, sending, 354-355

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and, 307

hyperlinks for sending, 299

mail merge to, 260-261

PDF files, sending, 354-355

spam, 326

XPS files, sending, 354-355

Edit Data Source dialog box, 167

Edit Points command, 185


AutoCorrect entries, 61

changing options, 268, 386

chart data, 167

comments in shared documents, 346

data documents, 254

embedded objects, 362

exclusion dictionaries, 271-272

final documents, 340

footnotes and endnotes, 233

freeforms, 185

hyperlinks, 302

macros, 415

mail merge fields, 257

with Picture Manager, 398-399

in Print Preview, 288

properties of document, 28

restricting formatting/editing, 320-321

text, 50-51

theme colors, 103

WordArt text, 127

XML data files, 365

eFax, 356

effects. See also shadow effects; 3-D effects

pictures, adding to, 117

theme effects, choosing, 106

WordArt, applying to, 130

Elegant style set, 90

em/en dashes, 61, 208

embedding, 358. See also charts

Excel, data from, 368-369

existing objects, 363

fonts on saving documents, 390-391

linguistic data, 391

new objects, 362-363

save options, 390-391

slides, Word tables in, 370-371

emboss text, 66

en/em-dashes, 61, 208

encryption of files, 316-317

endnotes. See footnotes and endnotes

engrave text, 66

Enhanced ScreenTips, 278

envelopes. See form letters

Equations gallery, 244

equations in technical documents, 244-245

error bars in, 166

Esc key for format painting, 98

European languages, support for, 280

Excel. See also charts

document, inserting worksheets in, 368-369


data, 368-369

worksheets, 360

mail merge, importing data for, 251

opening, 14

picture, importing data as, 369

exclusion dictionaries, 272-273

existing document, opening, 12-13


Word, 34

Expand Chat button, 430

exporting. See importing/exporting

expressions, VBA, 406


Fancy style set, 90


Internet fax, sending document by, 356

feedback options, setting, 392

fields. See also mail merge

caption fields, adding, 240

navigating in document with, 217

Quick Part building blocks, 226-227


cross references to, 214

tables of figures, 241

file block settings, 328, 330-331

file extensions, displaying, 15

file formats

list of, 25

saving documents in, 24-25

File tab, 3, 5

files. See also documents

default locations, changing, 392

encryption, 316-317

non-Word format files, opening, 14

pictures from file, inserting, 111

WordArt text, applying to, 128-129

Files tool, Groove, 454

FileZ, 327

Fill Color button, 99

fills. See also shapes

gradient, 191

shapes, adding color fills to, 188-189

tables, applying to, 155


content filtering, 337

mail merge, records for, 255

FIM-A codes, 266

Find and Replace dialog box

Match Case option, 70

specific page in long document, 216

Find command, 54-55

finding and replacing. See also formatting

items, finding, 70

locations, finding, 70

text, 54-55

Firefox, 430-431, 438

Firewall. See Windows Firewall

first-line indents, 78

flash movies, playing, 427

Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score, 271

Flesch Reading Ease score, 271


objects, 199

pictures, 398-399

floating tables, 144

Font Color button, 99

last font color, displaying, 105

font colors

last font color, displaying, 105

shape text, adding to, 187

text, 64

Font dialog box, 68

for shape text, 187

fonts. See also font colors

changing fonts, 64

changing options, 388

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for Web pages, 306

deleting theme fonts, 106

draft fonts, using, 382

for drop caps, 170-171

embedding fonts on saving, 390-391

for indexes, 221

for letters or memos, 39

point size, 65

printer fonts, 65

shapes, text in, 187

symbols, availability of, 246

theme fonts, choosing, 104-105

TrueType fonts, 65

Web page font, changing, 295

footers. See headers and footers

footnotes and endnotes

continuation notice, adding, 235

converting notes to, 235

creating, 232

editing, 233

formatting, 234-235

navigating in document by, 217

renumbering, 234

foreign languages, 256

adding languages to program, 280

keyboard, enabling, 277, 280

proofing, 276-277

support for, 256

thesaurus for, 275

translating text to, 278-279

form controls, 420-421, 422

form letters, 249

common words, use of, 257

creating, 256-257


addressing, 266

creating, 264-265

extra spaces, 257

mailing labels, 266

personalizing, 259

printing, 259

Formal style set, 90

Format Cells dialog box, 64-65

Format Painter, 98

Format Shape dialog box, 188, 191

formatting. See also aligning; charts; fonts; SmartArt graphics; styles; tables

applying, 67

automatic formatting for long documents, 208-209

bar charts, 166

case of text, changing, 66

clearing, 67, 69

comparing text formatting, 97

effects, 66-67

for emphasis, 66-67

finding and replacing, 69-70

special formatting, 72-73

footnotes and endnotes, 234-235

graphic formats, adding, 111

inconsistent formatting, checking for, 268-269

in index, 220

line charts, 166

line numbers, adding, 79

line spacing, changing, 75

long documents, automatic formatting for, 208-209

marks, viewing, 77

quickly formatting text, 64-65

restricting formatting/editing, 320-321

shapes, text in, 187

similar formatting, selecting text with, 69

SmartArt shapes, 188

WordArt text, 128-129

forms. See also Groove

controls, adding, 420

field properties, changing, 421

security for, 421

Formula dialog box, 158

FoxPro, 251

frames, hyperlinks between, 300-301


converting shapes to, 185

defined, 169

drawing, 185

modifying, 185

French, translating text to, 278

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 307

Full Screen Reading view, 16-17. See also attachments

Document Map, displaying, 18-19

function procedures, VBA, 407


galleries, 3

getting started, 312

GIF files, 123


in organization charts, 142

pictures, adding to, 117

in text, 66-67

Go To dialog box

bookmarks, selecting, 238

navigating in document with, 217

gradient fills, 191


settings, changing, 275

showing/hiding errors, 274

grammar-checking documents, 270-271

graphical lists, 132

graphics. See also clip art; pictures; shapes; SmartArt graphics; WordArt

AutoText, working with, 228-229

navigating in document by, 217

SmartArt, graphic layouts, 132, 140

wrapping text around, 178-179

grayscale color option, 122

Grid and Guides dialog box, 196-197


chart gridlines, showing/hiding, 165

objects, aligning, 196-197

showing/hiding, 197

table gridlines, showing/hiding, 148

Groove, 452-455

alerts, 454

creating workspace, 452-453


workspace, 452

inviting users to, 455

launching, 452

Microsoft SharePoint Workspaces, 452-455

permissions, changing, 455

roles in, 455

sharing files in, 454

starting, 452

tools, Documents, managing, 454


objects, 200-201

tables, 200

tabs, controls on, 4


deleting, 197

objects, aligning, 196-197

showing/hiding, 197

gutters, setting up, 215, 282-283


hackers, 316

handwritten comments, inserting, 345

hanging indents, 78

hard page breaks, inserting/deleting, 286

hardware graphics acceleration, 383

headers and footers

for different pages, 211

in long documents, 210-211

Quick Parts for, 226


cross references to, 214

navigating in document by, 217

in outlines, 204

text boxes for, 180

Hebrew, support for, 280


of drop caps, 170-171

of rows, 150-151


connection status help, 21

Help Viewer, 20-21

Tech Support, 33

Help Viewer, 20-21

Web page appearance, changing, 295

hidden text. See text

hiding. See showing/hiding

hierarchy graphic type, 132. See also organization charts

high-low lines in charts, 166


text, 66

homographs, 326

horizontal ruler, 76

HSL colors, 99, 102-103

HTM/HTML files, 25

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 293. See also Web pages

pixels for HTML features, showing, 383

hue, 103

hyperlinks, 359

between documents, inserting, 299

deleting, 302-303

within document, inserting, 298

e-mail, sending, 299

editing, 302

frames, creating between, 300-301

ScreenTips for, 303

in table of contents, 218

theme colors, 100

using, 302

hyphens, 56-57

long documents, formatting in, 208

setting hyphenation options, 76

words, hyphenating, 271


Image button, 424

importing/exporting, 358. See also Excel; mail merge

with copy and paste, 360-361

files, importing, 361

other programs, exporting to, 361

with Picture Manager, 398

inconsistent formatting, checking for, 268-269


paragraph indents, setting, 78-79

withTab key, 78-79

indexes, 220-221

multiple page entries, 221

Insert Hyperlink dialog box, 300-301

inspecting documents, 314-315

InstalledTemplates, 88

InterFAX, 356

international languages. See foreign languages

Internet. See also blogs; browsers; hyper links; Microsoft Online; Web pages

fax, sending document by, 356

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 307

parental controls, setting, 336-337

updates on, 33

Internet Explorer, 430-431, 438

Internet Properties dialog box, 295

inviting users to Groove, 455


in index, 220

long documents, formatting in, 208

shape text, 187

text, 64, 66


Japanese, support for, 280

JPG files, 123


of equations, 244

of text, 74


kerning, 68


correcting typing with, 50

foreign languages, accommodating, 280

grid settings, overriding, 197

keyboard language, 277

KeyTips, 4

Korean, support for, 280


Label button, 424


captions, custom labels for, 240

mail merge, creating with, 262-263

mailing labels, 266

landscape orientation. See orientation

languages. See foreign languages

Lavasoft Ad-aware, 326

Layout Styles groups, 142

layouts. See also page setup

for charts, 163

for organization charts, 142

SmartArt graphic layout, changing, 132, 137


in table of contents, 218

in tables of figures, 241


of equations, 244

of objects, 194-195

of text, 74

left indents, 78

Legacy tools, 420

legends in charts, 165

letters. See also form letters; mail merge creating, 39

lighting 3-D effects with shapes, 193

Linear equation display, 244


defined, 169

document lines, numbering, 79, 242-243

numbers, adding, 79, 242-243

spacing, changing, 75

tracking changes options, 350

linguistic data, embedding, 391

Linked Notes, from OneNote

creating, in Word, 375

opening, in Word, 375

links/linking, 358. See also hyperlinks

charts to worksheet cells, 164

existing objects, 363

files in Word, 360

with Paste Special, 362

printing, updating linked data before, 384

text boxes, linking, 180-181

updating links, 363

List Box button, 424

list boxes, 8

lists, 3

graphical lists, 132

table lists, sorting, 147

live preview, 4

enabling, 380

Paste Options, 52

theme fonts, 104


add-ins, 352, 404-405

templates, 352

locking/unlocking master documents, 207


on letters or memos, 39

as watermarks, 172-173

long documents, 203, 238. See also technical documents

AutoFormat for, 208-209

automatic formatting for, 208-209

AutoText, working with, 228-229

bibliographies, 236

bound document, preparing for, 215

browse object, navigating with, 217

captions, creating, 240

cover page, adding, 223

cross references, inserting, 214

gutters, setting, 215

headers and footers in, 210-211

indexes, creating, 220-221

lines, numbering, 242-243

multiple-author documents, creating, 206-207


with browse object, 217

to specific page, 216

numbering lines in, 242-243

outlines, creating, 204-205

page numbers, inserting, 212-213

searching in, 216

specific page, moving to, 216

subdocuments, inserting, 206-207

symbols, inserting, 246-247

tables of contents for, 218-219

tables of figures, 241

word count statistics, 222

Lotus 1-2-3 files, 14

lowercase text, 66

luminosity, 103


Macro Recording and Playback, 9

macros, 328, 401

copying to other documents, 415

creating, 412

debugging, 410, 414

deleting, 413

description of, 410

digital signatures, adding, 416

editing, 415

harmful attacks and, 326-327

opening documents with, 419

Personal Macro document, 410

Quick Access Toolbar, adding to, 417

recording, 411

running, 413

saving documents with, 418

security alerts with, 419

self-signing certificates, creating, 416

setting security options, 334

stopping, 413

mail merge, 249. See also data documents;

form letters

with Access database records, 372-373

common words, use of, 257

database, importing data from, 251

to e-mail, 260-261

excluding recipients from, 258

extra spaces, 257

filtering records, 255

labels, creating, 262-263

Outlook, importing data from, 252

personalizing, 259

previewing, 258

printing, 259

sorting records, 255

starting Mail Merge wizard, 250

Mail Merge wizard, 249. See also data documents

Outlook, importing data from, 252

starting, 250

Mailing tab, 249

maintenance, performing, 32

Manage Source dialog box, 236-237

Manage Styles dialog box, 94-95

Manager Quick Part, 226

Manual Duplex option, 290


for balloons, 350

options, changing, 388-389

Page Setup, creating with, 282-283

quickly selecting standard margins, 283

tables, changing cell margins in, 152-153

visually adjusting, 282

Mark as Final command, 340


printing, 292

master documents, creating, 206-207

mathematical symbols, 244

matrix graphic type, 132

Maximize button, 42


Ribbon, 4, 6

windows, 42

McAfee antivirus software, 327

measurement units, 383

Memo wizard, 39

memory diagnostics, 32

memos, creating, 39

menus. See also shortcut menus

colors, adding, 99

File tab, 5

merge fields, 249

merging. See also mail merge

Access database records, 372-373

cells in tables, 150

documents, 351

Message Bar, 328

changing security options, 335

macros in, 334, 416

messages. See also e-mail

metadata, 314

customizing, 394

viewing, 28

methods, VBA, 406

MHT/MHTML files, 25

Microsoft. See also Excel; Outlook; PowerPoint

Customer Experience Improvement (CEIP) program, 328

Forms 2.0 controls, 424

InfoPath controls, 424, 428

Paint, 123

Tech Support, 33

Update Web site, 33

Web Browser, 424

Works, opening, 14

Microsoft Office Online,

accessing, 312

Help Viewer, 20-21

templates, choosing, 38

themes, searching for, 101

Microsoft Office Picture, 379

Microsoft SharePoint. See Groove

Microsoft Organization Chart. See organization charts

Microsoft Outlook. See also e-mail

Internet Fax, sending document by, 356

Microsoft Window SharePoint Services, 308

Microsoft Windows Metafile, 110

middle-aligning objects, 194-195


commands on, 5

formatting actions, 64

showing, 380

MiniTranslator, 278-279

Minimize button, 42

minimizing. See maximizing/minimizing

Modern style set, 90

modules in VBA, 407

motion clips, 110

mouse, resizing windows with, 42

movies, playing, 427

moving. See also navigating

Clipboard, text in, 52

hyperlinks, 302

Quick Access Toolbar, 6

in tables, 146

windows, 42

multiple-author documents, creating, 206-207

multiple documents, working with, 44-45

My Data Sources folder, 251

MyTemplates, 86

MyFax, 356


names. See also renaming

dialog boxes, files in, 12

in headers or footers, 210

navigating. See also long documents

to bookmarks, 238-239

Navigation pane

browsing, 46

displaying, 18-19

finding and replacing, 54

headings and page view, 19

searching, 46

nested tables, 144, 153

New dialog box, 37

templates, choosing, 38

new document, creating, 36

New Document dialog box templates, 88

newspaper-style columns, 176-177

nonbreaking hyphens, 56-57

Normal global template, 352

Normal view, 243

notebook (OneNote)

Office Web App, creating, 485

notes. See also footnotes and endnotes converting, 235

Notes pane. See footnotes and endnotes

Num Lock, 9

numbered lists

copying/pasting options, 387

creating, 61, 80

multi-level lists, creating, 81

options, 386

style of numbers, changing, 80-81

numbering. See also page numbers

customizing line numbering options, 243

document lines, 242-243


objects. See also embedding; shapes; VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

aligning, 194-195

to grids and guides, 196-197

clip art objects, 110

connecting two shapes, 198

customizing creation methods, 397

distributing objects, 194

flipping, 199

grouping/ungrouping, 200-201

hard-to-select objects, selecting, 194

hidden objects, viewing, 198

preset increments, rotating/flipping with, 199

rotating, 199


order, objects in, 200

with Selection pane, 194

Selection pane, selecting with, 194

stacking order, changing, 198

troubleshooting arrangement of, 201

VBA objects, 406

wrapping text around, 178-179

accessing, 312

clip art, inserting, 110

Help Viewer, 20-21

options, 392

SmartArt graphics, 132

text boxes, 180

templates, choosing, 38

themes, searching for, 101

Office Clipboard. See Clipboard

Office program Viewer, 12

Office Web Apps

accessing documents, 437-438

browser support, 430-431

collaborating, documents with, 449-450

compare to desktop app, 436-437

creating documents, 442

downloading files, 447

file compatibility, 430

introduction, 429-430

Microsoft Silverlight, 430, 432-433

Office Mobile, 458

opening documents, 438

preparing to use, 430

saving documents, 434-435

saving files, new name, 447-448

using, 430

Windows Live ID, 429-430, 432-433

, 433

OLE (object linking and embedding), 358.

See also ActiveX controls


creating, in Word, 375

opening, in Word, 375

Open dialog box

default file location, changing, 13

file extensions, displaying, 15

properties, changing, 28

OpenDocument Text (ODT), 25

Open Packaging Convention, 421


blog postings, 310

encrypted files, 317

existing documents, 12-13

macros, documents with, 419

non-Word format files, 14

password-protected documents, 319

Picture Manager, 398

templates, 87

Web page, document as, 294-295

XML data files, 365


character spacing, 68

option buttons, 424

in dialog boxes, 8

optional hyphens, 56-57

organization charts

colors, changing, 142

creating, 141

dotted lines in, 142

layout, changing, 142

lines in, 142

Quick Styles for, 142


quick setup options, 40

SmartArt graphic orientation, 136

Original document status, 30

orphans, 285

Outline view, 16-17, 204-205


display, changing, 205

for long documents, 204-205

for master documents, 206-207

PowerPoint presentation, creating out-line from, 374

shapes, applying color outline to, 189

text, 66

as you type, creating, 243

Outlining Tools group, 204-205


mail merge, importing data for, 252

opening, 14


page breaks

controlling, 285

hard page breaks, inserting/deleting, 286

page covers, 226

page numbers

background repagination, enabling, 392

in headers or footers, 210

inserting in documents, 212

Status bar, checking with, 9

page setup. See also orientation

customize size options, 41

display options, setting, 381

margins, adjusting, 282-283

options, changing, 388-389

quick setup options, 40

section breaks, inserting and deleting, 286-287

paging in documents, 47, 217

Paint Shop Pro, 123

painting, format, 98

paper size, 284

options, changing, 388-389

paragraphs. See also desktop publishing

alignment, changing, 74


adding/removing, 174-175

applying, 82-83

cross references to, 214

default paragraph text, changing, 389

drop caps, 170-171

indents, setting, 78-79

marks, showing/hiding, 77

page breaks, controlling, 285

selecting, 48-49


adding/removing, 174-175

applying, 82-83

smart paragraph selection, 386

styles, 92

table of contents, adding to, 218

tabs, setting, 77

parental controls, setting, 336-337


deleting password protection, 319

for documents, 318-319

with file encryption, 316-317

for FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 307

part of document, allowing changes, 321

strong passwords, using, 316

templates, protecting, 353

Paste Link in PowerPoint presentation, 374

Paste Options button, 52

live preview, 52

Paste Special

Excel worksheets, inserting, 368-369

linking with, 362

Paste Special button, 52-53


importing/exporting with, 360-361

options, changing, 387

with special results, 52-53

text, 52-53

PDF files, 25

document as PDF file, sending, 354-355

saving document as, 376


SkyDrive, Windows Live, 442

Status bar, checking with, 9

Personal Macro document, 410

personalizing form letters, 259

phishing, 326

Picture Border button, 116

Picture Effects gallery, 117

Picture Manager, 379, 398-399

Picture Quick Style Gallery, 111

Picture Shape gallery, 115

pictures. See also shapes

artistic style, 113

borders, adding, 116

brightness, changing, 121, 398-399

compressing, 120

contrast, changing, 121, 398-399

cropping pictures, 124-125, 398-399

editing, 398-399

effects, adding, 117

Excel data as picture, importing, 369

file, inserting from, 111

form controls, 420

Picture Manager, 398-399

placeholders, showing, 382

precisely resizing/scaling, 118-119

Quick Styles, adding, 111

recoloring, 122-123

removing background, 126

resetting to original state, 123

resizing, 118-119

rotating pictures, 124-125

scaling pictures, 118-119

Screen shot

capturing, 112

inserting, 112

shapes, applying picture fills to, 190

sharpen and soften, 121

SmartArt, graphic layouts, changing, 132, 140

transparent backgrounds, setting, 122-123

undoing changes, 399

wrapping text around, 178-179

pinning with Recent Documents list, 12-13

pixels for HTML features, showing, 383

PNG files

modifying pictures, 123

Web page option, 306

points for fonts, 65

polygons. See freeforms

Pop-up Blocker, 326

portrait orientation. See orientation

POSTNET bar code, 266

PowerPoint. See also gridlines;

guides documents, creating slides, 370-371

outline from presentation, creating, 374

themes, matching, 101

presentation (PowerPoint)

Office Web App, creating, 485


gradient fills with presets, applying, 191

rotating/flipping objects with, 199

preview boxes, 8

previewing. See also live preview

documents, 288

mail merge, 258

styles, 95

Web pages, 296-297

previous versions, showing, 12

Print command, 1

Print dialog box

Manual Duplex option, 290

previewing work in, 288

Print Layout view, 16-17, 381

background colors/images, showing, 382

ruler, displaying, 383

Print Preview, 288

Web pages in, 296-297

printer fonts, 65


all of document, 289

AutoText entries, 292

displaying print options, 384

document properties, 292

double-sided documents, 290

draft quality printing, 385

duplex printing, 290, 385

form letters, 259

gutters, setting, 215

hidden text, 84, 384

key assignment, shortcuts, 292

mail merge, 259

mailing labels, 266

markup, list of, 292

options, changing, 385

pages per sheet, 291

part of document, 289

in reverse order, 385

speed, improving, 284

styles, 292

track changes, documents with, 348-349

two-sided documents, printing, 290

privacy, 328

link to Trust Center, 328

parental controls, setting, 336-337

setting options, 336-337

Privacy dialog box, 2

procedures, VBA, 407

process graphic type, 132

Professional equation display, 244

program tabs, 4

projects, VBA, 407

proofing documents, 270-271. See also grammar-checking; spell-checking

languages, 276-277

options, changing, 274-275

thesaurus, working with, 275


for ActiveX controls, 425

advanced document properties, 28

of colors, 103

document properties, viewing/editing, 28

editing document properties, 28

form field properties, changing, 421

Save As dialog box, changing with, 28

table properties, changing, 151

VBA properties, 406

XML properties, saving as, 390

protected view, 328, 330-331

public key, 322

publishing. See blogs; desktop publishing; Web pages

pull quotes, 180

Quick Parts for, 226

pyramid graphic type, 132


Quick Access Toolbar, 1, 3

add-ins, loading/unloading, 404

adding/removing items from, 7

commands not on Ribbon, 396

commands on, 5, 6

customizing, 7

macros, adding, 417

moving, 6

Quick Print button, 289

resetting, 6, 396

voice comments, inserting, 344

Quick Parts, 226-227, 420

Quick Print button, 289

Quick Styles

artistic style, picture, 113

adding styles to, 94

for organization charts, 142

pictures, adding to, 114

resetting document to, 90

for shapes, 186

SmartArt graphics, adding to, 136

for tables, 154

templates, 89

text boxes, adding to, 186

QuickTables, inserting, 144

quotation marks, formatting, 208


ragged alignment, 74

read-only documents, 318-319

marking, 340

opening, 12

readability of documents, 271

thesaurus, use of, 281


comments in shared documents, 346

documents, 18-19

Reading Highlights button, 54

Recent Documents list, 12

recent documents options, 383

Recolor Picture Quick Style gallery, 122-123

recoloring pictures, 122-123

recording macros, 411

Recovered document status, 30

recovering documents, 30-31

red-eye removal, 398-399

redoing actions, 62


pictures, adding to, 117

in text, 66-67

relationship graphic type, 132

repairs. See also troubleshooting

damaged files, opening, 12

diagnosing/repairing problems, 32

maintenance, performing, 32

recovering documents, 30-31

Replace command, 54-55

replacing. See finding and replacing

replacing text as you type, 61

Research task pane

options, changing, 231, 395

topics, researching, 230

translating text with, 279

Reset Picture button, 121


bitmap images, 119

pictures, 118-119, 398-399

shapes, 182-183

split windows, 45

tables, cells in, 153

task panes, 10

Text pane, 134

Web pages, 305

window panes, 10

windows, 10, 42

Restore Down button, 42

Restrict Formatting and Editing task pane, 320-321

restricting formatting/editing, 320-321

Reveal Formatting task pane, 96

reverse page order printing, 385

Review pane, 342-343

comments, working with, 347

showing/hiding, 348-349

RGB colors, 99, 102-103

Ribbon, 1, 3, 4. See also Developer tab

accessing commands not on, 396

color options, 99

commands, 5

accessing commands not on, 396

choosing, 6

customizing, 7

maximizing/minimizing, 4, 6


of equations, 244

of objects, 194-195

of text, 74

right indents, 78

Roman numerals for footnotes and endnotes, 234

rotating. See also 3-D effects

objects, 199

pictures, 124-125, 398-399

SmartArt graphics shapes, 138-139

WordArt text, 131

round bullets, 80

RTF files, 25

form controls, 420

importing documents as, 360

saving documents as, 373


measurements, changing, 76

in Print Layout view, 383

showing/hiding, 76

Run dialog box in safe mode, 339


Safari, for Macintosh, 430-431, 438

Safe for Initialization (SFI) settings, 333

safe mode, 338-339

disabled items, viewing, 339

saturation, 103

Save Address List dialog box, 253

Save As dialog box, 22-24

Save command, 1

Save dialog box

file extensions, displaying, 15

options, accessing, 22

saving, 22-23

advanced save options, setting, 390-391

chart templates, 168

compressing pictures on, 120

Document Management Server, documents to, 456

Groove workspace, 452-455

macros, documents with, 418

older Word documents, 23

options, setting, 23

other formats, documents with, 24-25

PDF file, document as, 376

RTF files, documents as, 373

shapes as pictures, 111

Web pages, 304-305

XML documents, 22, 367

XPS file, document as, 377

scaling pictures, 118-119

Schedule, opening, 14

schemas. See XML (Extensible Markup Language)

Screen shot

capturing, 112

inserting, 112


for add-ins, 402

for hyperlinks, 303

for macros, 417

shortcut keys, showing, 383

styles, selecting, 380

for themes, 101

turning on/off, 6

Scroll Bar Button, 424

scroll bars, showing, 383

scrolling in documents, 47

searching. See also finding and replacing

for exclusion dictionaries, 271-272

for help, 21

for inconsistent formatting, 269

in long documents, 216

metadata criteria, 394

for themes, 101


breaks, inserting/deleting, 286-287

navigating in document by, 217

security, 313. See also passwords; security alerts; Trust Center

digital signatures, 322-323

Document Inspector, 314-315

encryption of files, 316-317

for forms, 421

harmful attacks, avoiding, 326-327

restricting formatting/editing, 320-321

security alerts

for ActiveX controls, 423

add-in security alerts, 405

macros, alerts on opening, 419

Select Browse Object button, 217

Select Text with Similar Formatting command, 69

selecting. See also objects

footnotes and endnotes, 235

options, 386

similar formatting, text with, 69

style formatting, 96

table elements, 146

text, 48-49

Selection Mode, 9

Selection pane, 49, 194

self-signing certificates, creating, 416

Send Backward for objects, 198

Send to Back

for objects, 198

SmartArt graphics shapes, 138-139

Send To Microsoft Word dialog box, 374

Send2FAX, 356

sepia color option, 122

series lines in charts, 166

Set Transparent Color command, 123

setup diagnostics, 32


adding/removing, 174-175

applying, 82-83

shadow effects

pictures, adding to, 117

shape text, adding to, 187

shapes, adding to, 192

text, 64, 66

to WordArt, 130

Shadow or 3-D Effects gallery, 66-67, 130

shadow text, 66-67

Shape Effects button, 189

Shape Effects gallery, 192-193

Shape Fill color, 188-189

Shape Outline button, 116

Shape Outline color, 188-189

Shape Quick Style gallery, 186

shapes. See also freeforms; organization charts; SmartArt graphics

adjusting, 183

applying shapes to pictures, 114

color fills, applying, 188-189, 190

connecting two shapes, 198

customizing creation methods, 397

defined, 169

deleting, 182

drawing, 182

effects, applying, 192-193


color fills, applying, 188-189

gradient fills, applying, 191

picture fills, applying, 190

texture fills, applying, 190

gradient fills, applying, 191

outlines, applying, 189

Quick Styles, 186

replacing, 183

resizing, 182-183

saving shapes as pictures, 111

text and, 184, 187

as text boxes, 184

texture fills, applying, 190

transparency, applying color fill with, 189

of WordArt text, 129

SharePoint. See also Groove

Office Mobile, 458

Microsoft SharePoint Workspaces, 452-453


co-authoring documents, 457

opening from, 457

saving to, 456

shared folder, 452

workspaces, 452-453

SharePoint Files Tool, Groove, 452-455

sharing. See also importing/exporting; sharing documents

OLE (object linking and embedding), 358

sharing documents, 341. See also comments; Groove; Review pane; tracking changes


options, setting, 350

for revisions, 342-343

showing/hiding, 347

comparing documents, 351

e-mail, sending for review by, 354-355

Internet fax, sending document by, 356

Show Markup button, showing/hiding elements with, 342-343

templates, sharing, 352-353

tracking changes, 342-343

Shockwave Flash Object ActiveX control, 427

shortcut menus

choosing commands from, 5

objects, grouping, 200


printing, 292

program shortcuts, 2

ScreenTips, showing in, 383

symbols, assigning to, 247

Show Markup button, 342-343

showing/hiding. See also gridlines; text; Word Options

balloons, 347

chart elements, 164

Developer tab, 409

document formatting elements, 342-343

Document Inspector viewing hidden text, 314-315

footnotes and endnotes, 232

grammar errors, 274

Mini-Toolbar, 380

objects, 198

Review pane, 348-349

reviewers, 349

rulers, 76

Show Markup button, elements with, 342-343

spelling errors, 274

subdocuments, 207

table gridlines, 148

text, 84

Text pane, 134

white space, 287

side-by-side tables, 144

side-by-side windows, comparing, 44


cross references to, 214

Quick Parts for, 226

text boxes for, 180

signature lines, adding, 324-325

signatures. See digital signatures

signing signature line, 325-326

Silverlight, 431-433

Simple style set, 90

single file Web page, saving document as, 304-305

size. See also resizing

page size options, 41

paper size, setting, 284

Size and Position dialog box, 118

cropping pictures with, 124-125

Size Dialog Box Launcher, 119

shapes, resizing, 182-183


browsing folders, 437-438

creating folders, 439

deleting folders, 440

renaming folders, 440

setting folder permissions, 441

slide presentations, creating, 370-371

slider, 29

small caps text, 66

smart cursoring, 386

SmartArt graphics. See also organization charts

adding shapes, 138-139

blank graphics, creating, 132-133

changing shapes, 138-139

colors, changing, 137

creating, 132-133

deleting shapes, 135

diagram type, changing, 132


orientation, changing, 136

Quick Style, adding, 136

shapes, 188

text, 135

graphic layouts, changing, 132, 140

layout, changing, 137

orientation, changing, 136

picture layouts, 132, 140

purposes, list of, 132

Quick Style, adding, 136

shapes, formatting, 188

text, working with, 135

Text pane

showing/hiding, 134

text, working with, 135

working with, 132-133

Snap to Grid for objects, 194-195

Snap to Shape for objects, 194-195

soft edges

in organization charts, 142

pictures, adding to, 117

soft page breaks, 286

software. See also ActiveX controls

antivirus software, 327


mail merge, records for, 255

table contents or lists, 147


with clip art, 110

feedback with, 392

source files, 358, 362

source program, 362

sources, adding, 236-237


character spacing, changing, 68, 388

line spacing, changing, 75

WordArt text spacing, 130

spam, 326

Spanish, translating text to, 278

spell-checking, 270-271

contextual spelling, 274-275

language, 276-277

options, changing, 274-275

Word options, changing, 275

as you type, 270-271

Spin button, 424

splitter, resizing, 10


cells in tables, 150

windows, 44-45

spoofed Web sites, 326

Spotlight section, 38

spyware, 326

squares, drawing, 182

stacking order of objects, changing, 198

standard modules in VBA, 407

standard tabs, 4


Mail Merge wizard, 250

Word, 2

statistics, displaying, 394

Status bar, 3

adding/removing items from, 9

word count statistics, 222

Status Quick Part, 226


shape text, adding to, 187

text, 64, 66

styles. See also Quick Styles;

WordArt character styles, 92

chart styles, changing, 163

clearing formatting, 89, 96

comparing text formatting, 97

custom style set, creating, 91

Format Painter, applying with, 98

list of styles, viewing, 93

managing styles, 94-95

modifying styles, 93

new styles, creating, 92

pane options, changing, 84

paragraph styles, 92

predefined style sets, 90

previewing, 95

printing, 292

quick styles, applying, 89

ScreenTip styles, selecting, 380

selecting formatting, 96

sets, changing, 90-91

table style options, changing, 156

Styles pane, 94

sub procedures, VBA, 407

subdocuments, inserting, 206-207

subscript text, 66


changing options, 394

superscript text, 66

surface of 3-D effects with shapes, 193

switching between windows, 43

Symantec antivirus software, 327

Symbol dialog box, 246


AutoCorrect changes, 61

inserting, 247

mathematical symbols, 244

technical documents, inserting, 246-247

synonyms, finding, 275

syntax for VBA code, 406


Tab key

indents with, 78-79

objects, selecting, 200

tab leaders. See leaders

tab stops for header/footer text, 211

Table Quick Style gallery, 154

tables, 143

adding contents of columns and rows, 157

additional rows or columns, inserting, 148-149

aligning text in cells, 152

averaging values in cells, 158

Banded Row or Banded Column option, 156

borders, applying, 155

clearing formatting, 154

converting back to text, 144

creating, 144-145

custom tables, drawing, 145

decimal percentage, displaying numbers as, 158


contents of cell, 146

rows, columns or cells, 149

direction of text, changing, 152

entering text in, 146

even distribution of columns and rows, 149

from existing text, 144

fills, applying, 155

floating tables, 144

height of rows, setting, 150-151

margins of cells, changing, 152-153

merging cells, 150

moving in, 146

navigating in document with, 217

nested tables, 144, 153

outlines, applying, 155

properties, changing, 151

Quick Styles, adding, 154

QuickTables, inserting, 144

quickly creating new tables, 145

resizing cells, 153

selecting elements in, 146

showing/hiding gridlines, 148

side-by-side tables, 144

size of cells, changing, 153

slides, Word tables in, 370-371

sorting contents or lists, 147

splitting cells, 150

style options, changing, 156

summing rows and columns, 157

Total Row option for, 156

ungrouping, 200

values, calculating, 158

width of columns, setting, 149, 150-151

wrapping text around, 178-179

tables of contents, 218-219

manually creating, 219

tables of figures, 241

Tablet PC

handwritten comments, inserting, 345

signatures with, 324-325

voice comments, inserting, 344

tabs, 3, 4

in dialog boxes, 8

paragraph tabs, setting, 77

tags. See XML (Extensible Markup Language)

target frame, setting, 300-301

task panes, 10

Taskbar, 383

Tech Support, 33

technical documents, 225. See also bookmarks; footnotes and endnotes

AutoText, working with, 228-229

bibliographies, 236

building blocks, working with, 226-227

captions, creating, 240

equations, creating, 244-245

lines, numbering, 242-243

numbering lines in, 242-243

Quick Part building blocks, inserting, 226-227

Research task pane, working with, 230-231

symbols, inserting, 246-247

tables of figures, 241

templates. See also styles

changing, 88

chart templates, creating and saving, 168

copying functionality between, 352-353

creating, 86

defined, 38

Document Information Panel template, selecting, 428

documents, creating, 38

global templates, loading/unloading, 352

macro-enable templates, 418

opening, 87

password protection for, 353

resetting documents, 90

sharing, 352-353

Templates/Charts folder, 168

text. See also foreign languages; formatting; printing; tables; text boxes; themes; WordArt

aligning, 74

AutoCorrect feature, 60-61

AutoText, working with, 228-229

boundaries, showing, 382

case of text, changing, 66

Click-And-Type text, 74

columns, working with, 176-177

comparing text formatting, 97


with Clipboard, 52-53

with drag-and-drop, 51

default text options, changing, 388

deleting, 50-51

drag-and-drop, 50-51

editing, 50-51


formatting, 66-67

options, 388

equation as text, displaying, 245

finding and replacing, 54-55

as you type, 569

header/footer text, tab stops for, 211

hidden text, 66

Document Inspector viewing, 314-315

printing, 384

hyphenation options, 56-57

inserting, 50-51

keyboard corrections, 50

pasting, 52-53

selecting, 48-49

shapes, adding to, 184, 187

showing/hiding, 84

size, increasing/decreasing, 18

watermarks, 173

wrapping text around object, 178-179

Text Box button, 424

text boxes

with cover pages, 223

defined, 169

in dialog boxes, 8

effects, 66-67

existing text, creating from, 180

inserting, 180

linking, 180-181, 180

Quick Styles, adding, 186

shapes as, 184

showing on screen, 382

word count statistics, 222

Text pane. See also SmartArt graphics

resizing, 134

texture fills to shapes, 190

Theme Colors dialog box, 100

Theme Effects button, 106

themes, 100

accent colors, 100

applying, 101

custom colors, creating and applying, 102-103

custom themes

choosing, 108

creating, 107

defined, 85


custom themes, 107

effects, 106

fonts, 106

effects, choosing, 106

fonts, choosing, 104-105

hyperlink colors, 100

searching for, 101

viewing, 101

thesaurus, working with, 275

third-party add-ins. See add-ins

3-D charts, 162-163

3-D effects

in organization charts, 142

pictures, adding to, 117

for shapes, 192-193

for text, 66-67

to WordArt, 130

Thumbnail pane, displaying, 18-19

times. See dates and times


chart titles, changing, 164

in headers or footers, 210

text boxes for, 180

Toggle button, 424

toolbars. See also Quick Access Toolbar

commands, choosing, 6

tools. See Groove

top-aligning objects, 194-195

Total Row option, 156

tracking changes

modifying options, 350

printing documents with track changes, 349

reviewing changes, 349

as you work, 348-349

tracking changes on documents, 342-343

trademark symbols, 68

transform, opening document with, 12

translating text to foreign languages, 278

Translation, 278

keyboard language, 277

languages, 280

MiniTranslator, 278-279


pictures, setting for, 122-123

shape color fill with transparency, adding, 189

trendlines in charts, 166

Trojan Horses, 326-327


objects, arrangement of, 201

XML file problems, 365

TrueType fonts, 65

kerning with, 68

Trust Center, 313, 326-327. See also add-ins; macros; Message Bar; privacy

file block settings, 330-331

protected view, 330-331

safe mode, working in, 338-339

Trusted Publishers, Locations, 328-329

viewing, 328

Trusted documents, 328, 330

Trusted locations setting, 328, 329

Trusted publishers. See also ActiveX controls

setting, 328, 329

TuCows, 327

turning on/off ScreenTips, 6

2-D charts, 162-163

two-sided documents, printing, 290

TXT files, 25



long documents, formatting in, 208

shape text, 187

text, 64, 66


actions, 62

pictures, changes to, 399

shape changes, 188

up/down bars in charts, 166


automatic links, 392

Automatic Updates, 327

checking, 312

diagnostics, 32

links, 363

printing, updating before, 384

table of contents, 218

Web updates, 33

uppercase text, 66

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 297

User-Initiated Safe mode, 338-339

USPS bulk mailing, sorting records for, 255


VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), 401. See also macros; Visual Basic Editor

ActiveX controls, adding code to, 426

building projects, 407

function procedures, 407

harmful attacks and, 326-327

introduction to, 406-407

modules, working with, 407

procedures, 407

sub procedures, 407

writing code, 406

vector images, 110

vertical ruler, 76

video, playing, 427

view buttons, 3

viruses, avoiding, 326-327

Visual Basic Editor, 407-408

Modules window, 407-408

Object Browser, 407-408

Project Explorer, 407-408

viewing, 408

VML (Vector Markup Language), 306

voice comments, inserting, 344


washout color option, 122

watermarks, 172-173

Web addresses, 297

Web Layout view, 16-17

Web pages. See also blogs; hyperlinks

appearance, changing, 295

browser, opening document in, 295

frames, 300-301

opening documents as, 294-295

options, changing, 306

previewing, 296-297

resizing, 305

saving document as, 304-305

single file Web page, saving document as, 304-305

table of contents, links to, 218

white space

gutters with, 215, 282-283

page display options, setting, 381

showing/hiding, 287

Widow/Orphan control option, 285

widows, 285

width of columns, setting, 149, 150-151

wildcards, finding and replacing with, 73


arranging, 43

copying contents of, 111

display, changing, 43

moving, 42

panes, resizing, 10

resizing, 10, 42

side-by-side, comparing, 44

splitting, 44-45

switching between, 43

viewing, 3

Windows Explorer

documents, opening, 2

starting Word from, 2

Windows Firewall, 327

Windows Live

adding files to, 443

copying documents, 444

creating documents, 442

deleting documents, 444

downloading files, 445-446

embedding links, 449-450

moving documents, 444

opening documents, 434-435

renaming documents, 444

saving documents, 434-435

sending links, 449


browsing folders, 437-438

creating folders, 439

deleting folders, 440

renaming folders, 440

setting folder permissions, 441

Windows Live ID, 429-430, 432-433

, 433

Windows Live Spaces, 308, 311

Windows Mobile, 458

Windows Write, opening, 14

Word add-ins. See add-ins

Word Count button, 222

word count statistics, 222

Word-Macro-Enabled Documents, 418

Word-Macro-Enabled Templates, 86, 418

Word 97-2003 Templates, 86

Word Options. See also printing

add-in dialog box, opening, 404

Advanced pane options, 382-383

compatibility options, setting, 393

display options, changing, 383

editing options, 386-387

editing options, changing, 268

feedback options, 392

General pane, 409

Hidden Text option, 84

page display options, setting, 381

readability of documents, checking, 271

Save pane, 390-391

setting, 380

tracking changes, 342-343

WordTemplates, 86

Word XML schema, 364

creating, 367

WordArt, 109

converting text to, 127

direction of text, changing, 131

editing text, 127

effects, applying, 130

existing text, apply different style to, 128

fills, applying, 128-129

formatting text, 128-129

inserting, 127

rotating text, 131

shapes of text, 129

spacing, changing, 130

WordArt Quick Style gallery, 127

WordArt Styles group, 128


compatibility options, setting, 393

opening, 14

words, selecting, 48-49

workbook (Excel)

Office Web App, creating, 485

workspace. See Groove

worms, 326-327

wrapping text

around object, 178-179

forcing text wrapping, 286

showing wrapped text, 382


XLStart folder, 410

XML Expansion Pack, 403

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 25, 357

associating XML transformation with schema, 366

attaching/separating schemas, 364

Document Inspector viewing, 314-315

editing data files, 365

importing documents as, 360

inserting XML data, 367

opening XML data files, 365

options, changing, 364

printing tags, 385

saving documents in, 22, 367


deleting, 365

printing tags, 385

Actions as properties, saving, 390

XML Transformations file (XSLT), 366-367

XPS (XML Paper Specification) files, 25

document as XPS file, sending, 354-355

saving document as, 377


zip codes

mailing labels, 266

sorts letters by, 255

zip package, 421

zooming, 29

controls, 3

in Print Preview, 288

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