
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


Alt-P key combination (Linux/Windows), Asking the Interpreter for Help, Ensuring Initialization Before Use
angle brackets, Examine the Raw Data with View Source
annotations (function), Use Annotations to Improve Your Docs
append method, “Growing” a List at Runtime, What Looks Like a Copy, But Isn’t, Processing Data: What We Already Know function, Decorating a Function with a URL, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web, Rendering Templates from Flask
apt-get utility, Install Python 3 on Linux
*args keyword, Accepting a List of Arguments, The Final Step: Handling Arguments
about, Introducing Functions, Functions Can Accept Arguments
adding multiple, Making a Generically Useful Function
any number and type of, Accepting Any Number and Type of Function Arguments
by-address argument passing, Giving your code away (a.k.a. sharing), Demonstrating Call-by-Reference Semantics
by-reference argument passing, Giving your code away (a.k.a. sharing), Demonstrating Call-by-Reference Semantics
by-value argument passing, Giving your code away (a.k.a. sharing), Demonstrating Call-by-Reference Semantics
dictionary of, Accepting a Dictionary of Arguments
function decorators, Handling Posted Data, Accepting a List of Arguments, The Final Step: Handling Arguments
interpreter processing, What About Type Information?
list of, Accepting a List of Arguments
methods and, Method Invocation: What Actually Happens, Are You Serious About “self”?, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
positional versus keyword assignment, Positional Versus Keyword Assignment
specifying default values for, Specifying Default Values for Arguments
arrays (see lists)
arrow symbol, Use Annotations to Improve Your Docs
assignment operator, Data Structures Come Built-in, Creating Lists Literally, What Looks Like a Copy, But Isn’t
assignment statements, Data Structures Come Built-in
associative arrays (see dictionaries)
asterisks, Accepting a List of Arguments
asyncio module, 7. Running Your Code Concurrently
async keyword, 7. Running Your Code Concurrently
AttributeError exception, Be Careful When Chaining Method Calls
attributes (state)
about, “Everything Is an Object”
classes and, An Object-Oriented Primer, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
dictionary lookup retrieves, Dictionary Lookup Retrieves State
displaying, Generating Random Integers with Python
Flask’s session technology and, Flask’s Session Technology Adds State
initializing values, Initialize (Attribute) Values Before Use
methods and, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
objects and, Objects Share Behavior but Not State, It’s Worth Repeating Ourselves: Objects Share Behavior but Not State, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
authentication, Your Webapp Is Working Well, But...
automated testing, 9. It’s Not Over ’Til It’s Tested
automatic reloading webapps, Using Request Data in Your Webapp
await keyword, 7. Running Your Code Concurrently


backslash, List Slices in Action
BDFL (Benevolent Dictator for Life), BDFL: Benevolent Dictator for Life
Beazley, David, 7. Running Your Code Concurrently, Our Favorite Python Books
behavior (see methods (behavior))
BIF (built-in functions), Recalling the Built-in Data Structures
binary mode, Reading Data from an Existing File
blocks of code (see suites of code)
bokeh library, 4. Doing Data Science
bool built-in function, Functions Return a Result
boolean values, Avoiding KeyErrors at Runtime
by-address argument passing, Giving your code away (a.k.a. sharing), Demonstrating Call-by-Reference Semantics
by-reference argument passing, Giving your code away (a.k.a. sharing), Demonstrating Call-by-Reference Semantics
by-value argument passing, Giving your code away (a.k.a. sharing)


call-by-reference semantics, Giving your code away (a.k.a. sharing), Demonstrating Call-by-Reference Semantics
call-by-value semantics, Giving your code away (a.k.a. sharing)
CamelCase, Creating Objects from Classes
caret, Understanding the Failure Messages
case sensitivity and conventions, Avoiding KeyErrors at Runtime, Creating Objects from Classes
cd command, Running Python from the Command Line
Ceder, Naomi, A Tolerant Community: Respect for Diversit
ChainMap class, 6. More from the Standard Library
about, An Object-Oriented Primer
attributes and, An Object-Oriented Primer, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
creating, Hooking into the “with” Statement
defining functionality of, Objects Share Behavior but Not State
empty, Creating Objects from Classes, Creating Custom Exceptions
methods and, An Object-Oriented Primer, Adding a Method to a Class
naming, Creating Objects from Classes
objects and, Creating Objects from Classes
with statement and, You’ve Seen This Pattern Before, Hooking into the “with” Statement, Consider What You’re Trying to Do, Revisited
class keyword, Creating Objects from Classes
@classmethod decorator, 3. More on Object Orientation
client error messages, Understanding HTTP Status Codes
close method, Python Supports Open, Process, Close
Code of Conduct, A Tolerant Community: Respect for Diversit
collections module, 6. More from the Standard Library
colon (:)
blocks of code and, What Happened to My Curly Braces?
comprehensions and, How to Spot a Comprehension
dictionaries and, How to Spot a Dictionary in Code, Sets Don’t Allow Duplicates, How to Spot a Comprehension
functions and, Naming a Chunk of Code with “def”, Use Annotations to Improve Your Docs
lists and, Lists Understand Start, Stop, and Step
combinations function (itertools module), 6. More from the Standard Library
comma, A List Is an Ordered Collection of Objects, Sets Don’t Allow Duplicates, Watch Out for Single-Object Tuples
command-line, running Python from, Running Python from the Command Line, Install the Testing Developer Tools
comments, Introducing Functions
comparison operators, Data Structures Come Built-in, Deciding When to Run Blocks of Code
compilation, Code Runs Immediately
comprehensions, What’s the Big Deal?
(see also specific types of loops)
about, What’s the Big Deal?, That Feeling You Get..., Concluding Remarks
Bahama Buzzers example, Bahamas Buzzers Have Places to Go
converting patterns into, Converting Patterns into Comprehensions
dictionary, What’s the Big Deal?, Deal with Complexity the Python Way, How to Spot a Comprehension
examining, Take a Closer Look at the Comprehension
list, What’s the Big Deal?, That Feeling You Get..., How to Spot a Comprehension, Parentheses Around Code == Generator
reading CSV data as dictionaries, Reading CSV Data As Dictionaries
reading CSV data as lists, Reading CSV Data As Lists
set, That Feeling You Get...
spotting patterns, Did You Spot the Pattern in Your Code?
transforming data, Transforming Data into the Format You Need
tuples and, That Feeling You Get..., What About “Tuple Comprehensions”?
concatenation operator, 4. Formats for Strings and the Like
concurrency options, Doing More Than One Thing at Once
concurrent.futures module, 7. Running Your Code Concurrently
connect function, Confirm Your Table Is Ready for Data
constant lists (tuples), Ordered Collections Are Mutable/Immutable
constructor methods, Initialize (Attribute) Values Before Use
contextlib module, Consider What You’re Trying to Do, Revisited
context management protocol
about, You’ve Seen This Pattern Before, Hooking into the “with” Statement, Managing Context with Methods
creating a context manager, Consider What You’re Trying to Do, Revisited, You’ve Already Seen a Context Manager in Action
creating a context manager class, Create a New Context Manager Class
exception handling and, Handling Other Database Errors
function decorators and, Creating More Decorators
initializing context manager class, Managing Context with Methods
performing set-up, Managing Context with Methods, Perform Setup with Dunder “enter”
performing tear-down, Managing Context with Methods, Perform Teardown with Dunder “exit”
readdressing webapp code, Reconsidering Your Webapp Code, 1 of 2
testing context manager, Perform Teardown with Dunder “exit”
control statements, What Happened to My Curly Braces?
copy method, How to Copy a Data Structure
Counter class, 6. More from the Standard Library
CPython, 10. Alternative Implementations
Cross-site Scripting (XSS), Web Attacks Are a Real Pain, Your Function Calls Can Fail
CSV data
Bahamas Buzzers example, Bahamas Buzzers Have Places to Go
reading as dictionaries, Reading CSV Data As Dictionaries
reading as lists, Reading CSV Data As Lists
csv module, Reading CSV Data As Lists
Ctrl-C key combination, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web, We’re Ready for a Test Run
Ctrl-P key combination (Mac), Asking the Interpreter for Help, Ensuring Initialization Before Use
curly braces { }
blocks of code and, What Happened to My Curly Braces?
comprehensions and, How to Spot a Comprehension
dictionaries and, Selecting a Frequency Count Data Structure, A Dictionary Containing a Dictionary
sets and, Sets Don’t Allow Duplicates
template engines, Create the HTML, then send it to the browser
current working directory, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, How Are Modules Found?
cursor method, Confirm Your Table Is Ready for Data, How Are You Querying Your Database?


database-enabling webapps
creating code to work with database and tables, Task 4: Create Code to Work with Our Webapp’s Database and Tables
creating database and tables, Task 3: Create Our Webapp’s Database and Tables
exception handling and, Databases Aren’t Always Available, Input-Output Is (Sometimes) Slow, Your Function Calls Can Fail, Handling Other Database Errors
installing MySQL-Connector/Python, Install MySQL-Connector/Python
installing MySQL datebase driver, Task 2: Install a MySQL Database Driver for Python
installing MySQL server, Task 1: Install the MySQL Server
introducing Python’s DB API, Introducing Python’s DB-API
reusing database code, How Best to Reuse Your Database Code?
sharing code (see context management protocol)
storing data, Storing Data Is Only Half the Battle
Data Science, 4. Doing Data Science
data structures
built-in, Data Structures Come Built-in, Meet the Four Built-in Data Structures, Recalling the Built-in Data Structures
complex, Combining the Built-in Data Structures, Does This Remind You of Anything?
copying, How to Copy a Data Structure
dictionaries (see dictionaries)
lists (see lists)
sets (see sets)
tuples (see tuples)
datetime module, Executing Code, One Statement at a Time, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Let’s Do the Basic Conversions
day attribute (, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
DB-API, Advance Praise for Head First Python, Second Edition, Using a Database: Putting Python’s DB-API to Use, Introducing Python’s DB-API
debugging, Refining the Edit/Stop/Start/Test Cycle, 10. Debug, Debug, Debug
decorators, function (see function decorators)
decrement operator, Updating a Frequency Counter, v2.0
default values for arguments, Specifying Default Values for Arguments
def statement
about, Introducing Functions, Naming a Chunk of Code with “def”
async keyword and, 7. Running Your Code Concurrently
default values for arguments, Specifying Default Values for Arguments
positional versus keyword assignment, Positional Versus Keyword Assignment
delimiters, List Slices in Action, Log a Single Line of Delimited Data, How to Spot a Comprehension
describe log command, Confirm Your Table Is Ready for Data, Confirm Your Table Is Ready for Data
about, An Unordered Data Structure: Dictionary, How Can a Dictionary Help Here?
of arguments, Accepting a Dictionary of Arguments
checking for membership in, Checking for Membership with “in”
dictionaries within, Storing a Table of Data
dynamic, Just How Dynamic Are Dictionaries?
easy to read, Make Dictionaries Easy to Read
empty, Selecting a Frequency Count Data Structure, Storing a Table of Data, Recalling the Built-in Data Structures
frequency counts in, Recap: Displaying Found Vowels (Lists), Sets: What You Already Know
growing at run-time, Working with Dictionaries at Runtime
iterating over, Iterating Over a Dictionary
iterating over keys and values, Iterating Over Keys and Values
iterating over rows of data, Iterating Over a Dictionary with “items”
key/value pairs and, An Unordered Data Structure: Dictionary, A Dictionary Stores Key/Value Pairs, Just How Dynamic Are Dictionaries?
of lists, Transforming into a Dictionary Of Lists
reading CSV data as, Reading CSV Data As Dictionaries
specifying ordering on output, Dictionaries: What We Already Know
spotting in code, How to Spot a Dictionary in Code
spotting pattern with, Did You Spot the Pattern in Your Code?
square brackets and, Insertion Order Is NOT Maintained
dictionary comprehensions, What’s the Big Deal?, Deal with Complexity the Python Way, How to Spot a Comprehension
difference method, Taking Advantage of Set Methods, difference Tells You What’s Not Shared
dir built-in function, Generating Random Integers with Python, Learning More About the Request Object, Dunder “init” Initializes Attributes
distribution packages, Getting a Module into Site-packages
Django framework, How Does Flask Work?, 5. Web Development Technologies
about, Introducing Functions
adding, Use IDLE’s Editor to Make Changes, Creating Another Function, 3 of 3
adding information to, Use Annotations to Improve Your Docs
updating, Making a Generically Useful Function
doctest module, 9. It’s Not Over ’Til It’s Tested
documenting functions, Use Annotations to Improve Your Docs
dot-notation syntax, Importation Confusion, “Growing” a List at Runtime, Invoking a Method: Understand the Details
dunder name, Creating a Flask Webapp Object, Preparing Your Webapp for the Cloud, Dunder “init” Initializes Attributes, Managing Context with Methods
duplicate objects, sets and, A Data Structure That Avoids Duplicates: Set, Checking for Membership with “in”
dynamic assignment of variables, Data Structures Come Built-in, Numbers, Strings...and Objects
dynamic dictionaries, Just How Dynamic Are Dictionaries?
dynamic lists, Meet the Four Built-in Data Structures, Removing Objects from a List


Eclipse IDE, 2. Alternatives to IDLE
edit window, Jump Right In, Use Your Editor When Working on More Than a Few Lines of Code, Invoking Your Function
elif statement, What “else” Can You Have with “if”?
else statement, What Happened to My Curly Braces?, Checking for Membership with “in”
embedded dictionaries, Storing a Table of Data
embedded suites of code, Suites Can Contain Embedded Suites
empty classes, Creating Objects from Classes, Creating Custom Exceptions
empty dictionaries, Selecting a Frequency Count Data Structure, Storing a Table of Data, Recalling the Built-in Data Structures
empty lists, Creating Lists Literally, “Growing” a List at Runtime, Recalling the Built-in Data Structures
empty sets, Returning More Than One Value
empty statements, Creating Objects from Classes
empty strings, Functions Return a Result
empty tuples, Recalling the Built-in Data Structures
Enter key, Returning to the Python Shell
__enter__ method, Managing Context with Methods, The DBcm Module, Revisited
environ attribute (os module), Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
environment variables, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
escape characters, List Slices in Action, It’s Time to Escape (Your Data)
escape function (flask module), It’s Time to Escape (Your Data), Processing Data: What We Already Know
escape function (html module), Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
Exception class, A Lot of Things Can Go Wrong
exception handling.
built-in exceptions, A Lot of Things Can Go Wrong
catch-all exception handler, The Catch-All Exception Handler, The Catch-All Exception Handler, Revisited
context manager and, Handling Other Database Errors
creating custom exceptions, Creating Custom Exceptions
databases and, Databases Aren’t Always Available, Input-Output Is (Sometimes) Slow, Your Function Calls Can Fail, Handling Other Database Errors, What Else Can Go Wrong with “DBcm”?
functions and, Your Function Calls Can Fail
import mechanisms, Importation Confusion
indentation errors, Don’t Forget to Try the Beer Song Code
misspelled variables, Don’t Forget to Try the Beer Song Code
output display and, View the Log Through Your Webapp
PEP 8 failure messages, How PEP 8–Compliant Is Our Code?
run-time and, Just How Dynamic Are Dictionaries?, Always Try to Execute Error-Prone Code, Is Your Webapp Robust Now?
syntax errors, What Happens Next..., Use Your Editor When Working on More Than a Few Lines of Code
webapps and, View the Log Through Your Webapp, Databases Aren’t Always Available, Your Function Calls Can Fail, Getting Back to Our Webapp Code, Silently Handling Exceptions
with statement and, The DBcm Module, Revisited, Handling SQLError Is Different
executing code, Just How Dynamic Are Dictionaries?
(see also run-time)
Alt-P key combination for, Asking the Interpreter for Help, Ensuring Initialization Before Use
Ctrl-P key combination for, Asking the Interpreter for Help, Ensuring Initialization Before Use
F5 key for, Understanding IDLE’s Windows, Press F5 to Run Your Code, Use IDLE’s Editor to Make Changes
interpreter processing in, Executing Code, One Statement at a Time
invoking functions, Invoking Your Function
pausing execution, Extending Our Program to Do More, Arranging to Pause Execution
running concurrently, 7. Running Your Code Concurrently
running immediately, Code Runs Immediately, Returning to the Python Shell
running multiple times, Extending Our Program to Do More
__exit__ method, Managing Context with Methods, The DBcm Module, Revisited, Be Careful with Code Positioning
extend method, Extending a List with Objects
extends directive (Jinja2), Create the HTML, then send it to the browser


F5 key, Understanding IDLE’s Windows, Press F5 to Run Your Code, Use IDLE’s Editor to Make Changes
False value, Functions Return a Result
FileNotFoundError exception, Always Try to Execute Error-Prone Code, The Catch-All Exception Handler, Revisited
Flask class, Here’s What Happened (Line by Line), Rendering Templates from Flask
Flask framework
about, How Does Flask Work?, 5. Web Development Technologies
accessing HTML form data, Accessing HTML Form Data with Flask
associating function with multiple URLs, Functions Can Have Multiple URLs
creating webapp objects, Creating a Flask Webapp Object
debugging mode, Refining the Edit/Stop/Start/Test Cycle
installing, Let’s Install Flask
Jinja2 template engine, Create the HTML, then send it to the browser, Producing the Results As HTML, Generate Readable Output With HTML, Producing Readable Output with Jinja2
Markup object, It’s Time to Escape (Your Data)
rendering templates from, Rendering Templates from Flask
request object, Accessing HTML Form Data with Flask, Learning More About the Request Object
running webapps, Running Your Flask Webapp for the First Time
session mechanism, It’s Time for a Bit of a Session
testing webapps, We’re Ready for a Test Run
threading and, Don’t Get Bummed Out: Flask Can Help
flask module
escape function, It’s Time to Escape (Your Data), Processing Data: What We Already Know
Flask class, Here’s What Happened (Line by Line), Rendering Templates from Flask
session dictionary, Flask’s Session Technology Adds State
for loop, What’s the Big Deal?
(see also comprehensions)
about, Extending Our Program to Do More, Iterating Over a Sequence of Objects, That Feeling You Get...
lists and, Python’s “for” Loop Understands Lists, Reading CSV Data As Lists
slices and, Python’s “for” Loop Understands Slices
spotting patterns in, Did You Spot the Pattern in Your Code?
format method, 4. Formats for Strings and the Like
data, Transforming Data into the Format You Need
strings, 4. Formats for Strings and the Like
form dictionary (Flask), Accessing HTML Form Data with Flask
<form> tag, Understanding HTTP Status Codes
forward slash, Decorating a Function with a URL
frequency counts
about, Recap: Displaying Found Vowels (Lists), Sets: What You Already Know
incrementing, Updating a Frequency Counter
initializing, Updating a Frequency Counter
selecting data structure, Selecting a Frequency Count Data Structure
updating, Updating a Frequency Counter
function decorators
about, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web, You’ve Been Using Decorators All Along
adding, Rendering Templates from Flask
adjusting behaviors, Decorating a Function with a URL
arguments and, Handling Posted Data, Accepting a List of Arguments, The Final Step: Handling Arguments
components in writing, You’ve Been Using Decorators All Along
context managers and, Creating More Decorators
creating, A Recipe for Creating a Function Decorator
URLs and, Decorating a Function with a URL, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web, Displaying the Webapp’s HTML Form, Handling Posted Data, Recap: We Need to Restrict Access to Certain URLs, Back to Restricting Access to /viewlog
function objects, Pass a Function to a Function, A Recipe for Creating a Function Decorator, Creating a Function Decorator
functions (see also arguments (functions); specific functions)
about, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Introducing Functions
best practice for, Follow Best Practice As Per the PEPs
built-in, Recalling the Built-in Data Structures
creating, Naming a Chunk of Code with “def”, Creating Another Function, 1 of 3
documenting, Use Annotations to Improve Your Docs
editing, Invoking Your Function
embedding generators within, Using a Generator: What Just Happened?
exception handling and, Your Function Calls Can Fail
importing, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Arranging to Pause Execution
invoking, Invoking Your Function
invoking passed functions, Invoking a Passed Function
methods and, Invoking a Method: Understand the Details, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
modules and, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Functions Beget Modules
multiple URLs, Functions Can Have Multiple URLs
naming, Naming a Chunk of Code with “def”, Making a Generically Useful Function, Creating Objects from Classes
nested, Functions Can Be Nested Inside Functions, That’s almost too easy, isn’t it?
passing to functions, Pass a Function to a Function
returning from functions, Return a Function from a Function
returning results, Functions Return a Result
reusing code with, Reusing Code with Functions, Functions Beget Modules
sharing, Functions Beget Modules
string quote characters, What’s the Deal with All Those Strings?
troubleshooting, Giving your code away (a.k.a. sharing), Demonstrating Call-by-Reference Semantics
variables and, Coping with Scoping
functools module, The Final Step: Handling Arguments, 6. More from the Standard Library


id built-in function, Understanding CountFromBy’s Representation
IDLE (Python IDE), Jump Right In, How Does Flask Work?, 2. Alternatives to IDLE
if statement, What Happened to My Curly Braces?, Checking for Membership with “in”
ImmutableMultiDict dictionary, Logging Specific Web Request Attributes
ImportError exception, Not Found Modules Produce ImportErrors
import statement
about, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Arranging to Pause Execution
Flask framework and, Here’s What Happened (Line by Line)
interpreter search considerations, How Are Modules Found?
positioning, What About That Import?
sharing modules witth, Functions Beget Modules
threading module and, Doing More Than One Thing at Once
Zen of Python, The Zen of Python
increment operator, Updating a Frequency Counter, v2.0, Adding a Method to a Class
indentation levels for suites, Suites Can Contain Embedded Suites, Don’t Forget to Try the Beer Song Code
indenting suites of code
about, Deciding When to Run Blocks of Code, Is Indentation Driving You Crazy?
for functions, Introducing Functions
for loops, Iterating Over a Sequence of Objects, Indent Suites with Format...Indent Region
index values, lists and, Popping Objects Off a List, Lists Extend the Square Bracket Notation
informational messages, Understanding HTTP Status Codes
__init__ method, Initialize (Attribute) Values Before Use, Providing Sensible Defaults for CountFromBy, Managing Context with Methods, The DBcm Module, Revisited
inner functions, Functions Can Be Nested Inside Functions, That’s almost too easy, isn’t it?
in operator
about, Deciding When to Run Blocks of Code
dictionaries and, Just How Dynamic Are Dictionaries?
lists and, Putting Lists to Work, Checking for Membership with “in”
sets and, Taking Advantage of Set Methods
input built-in function, It’s Time to Update Our Code
insert method, Inserting an Object into a List
INSERT statement (SQL), Confirm Your Table Is Ready for Data, How Are You Querying Your Database?
InterfaceError exception, Always Try to Execute Error-Prone Code, Does “More Errors” Mean “More excepts”?, The DBcm Module, Revisited
interpreter (Python)
about, Code Runs Immediately
alternative implementations, 10. Alternative Implementations
asking for help, Asking the Interpreter for Help, Asking the Interpreter for Help on a Function
case sensitivity, Avoiding KeyErrors at Runtime
dictionary keys and, Iterating Over Keys and Values
functions and, What About Type Information?
identifying operating system, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
identifying site-package locations, How Are Modules Found?
internal ordering used by, An Unordered Data Structure: Dictionary, Iterating Over Keys and Values
running from command-line, Running Python from the Command Line
syntax errors, What Happens Next..., Use Your Editor When Working on More Than a Few Lines of Code
whitespace and, Is Indentation Driving You Crazy?
intersection method, Taking Advantage of Set Methods, intersection Reports on Commonality, Returning More Than One Value, Creating Another Function, 2 of 3
ipython shell, 1. Alternatives to >>>
IronPython project, 10. Alternative Implementations
isoformat function (datetime module), Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
items method, Iterating Over a Dictionary with “items”
itertools module, 6. More from the Standard Library


len built-in function, “Growing” a List at Runtime
level of indentation for suites, Suites Can Contain Embedded Suites
list built-in function, Experimenting with Ranges, union Works by Combining Sets
list comprehensions, What’s the Big Deal?, That Feeling You Get..., How to Spot a Comprehension, Parentheses Around Code == Generator
about, Data Structures Come Built-in, Meet the Four Built-in Data Structures, A List Is an Ordered Collection of Objects, Lists: Updating What We Know
assignment operators, Data Structures Come Built-in, Creating Lists Literally, What Looks Like a Copy, But Isn’t
checking for membership in, Deciding When to Run Blocks of Code, Putting Lists to Work, Checking for Membership with “in”
copying existing, What Looks Like a Copy, But Isn’t
creating literally, Creating Lists Literally
dictionaries of, Transforming into a Dictionary Of Lists
dynamic, Meet the Four Built-in Data Structures, Removing Objects from a List
empty, Creating Lists Literally, “Growing” a List at Runtime, Recalling the Built-in Data Structures
extending with objects, Extending a List with Objects
growing at run-time, “Growing” a List at Runtime
iterating over a sequence of objects, Iterating Over a Sequence of Objects
of arguments, Accepting a List of Arguments
popping objects off, Popping Objects Off a List
reading CSV data as, Reading CSV Data As Lists
removing objects from, Removing Objects from a List
slice notation, List Slices in Action, Slicing a List Is Nondestructive
sorted, union Works by Combining Sets
spotting in code, A List Is an Ordered Collection of Objects
spotting pattern with, Spotting the Pattern with Lists
square bracket notation, Data Structures Come Built-in, A List Is an Ordered Collection of Objects, What About Using Square Brackets?, Square Brackets Are Everywhere, Slicing a List Is Nondestructive
starting and stopping with, Starting and Stopping with Lists
stepping with, Stepping with Lists
tuples and, Ordered Collections Are Mutable/Immutable, Making the Case for Tuples
when not to use, What’s Wrong with Lists?
working with, Putting Lists to Work, Lists: What We Know
working within edit window, What Happens Next...
literal lists, A List Is an Ordered Collection of Objects
localhost, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web
logins/logouts, Managing Logins with Sessions, Creating a Function Helps, But...
logs and logging, Task 4: Create Code to Work with Our Webapp’s Database and Tables
(see also database-enabling webapps)
determining structure for, Decide on a Structure for Your Log Data
dir built-in function and, Learning More About the Request Object
examining raw data, Examine the Raw Data with View Source
open, process, close technique, The “with” statement manages context, Data is logged (behind the scenes)
single line of delimited data, Log a Single Line of Delimited Data
updating webapps, Recalling the “log_request” Function
viewing through webapps, View the Log Through Your Webapp, Viewing the Entire Log in Your Webapp
loopback address, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web
loop comprehensions (see comprehensions)
loops (see specific types of loops)


MacPorts package manager, Install Python 3 on Mac OS X (macOS)
maps (see dictionaries)
MariaDB, Database-Enabling Your Webapp
Markup object (Flask), It’s Time to Escape (Your Data)
matplotlib/seaborn modules, 4. Doing Data Science
memory management, Removing Objects from a List
messages, HTTP status codes, Understanding HTTP Status Codes, Redirect to Avoid Unwanted Errors
methods (behavior)
about, “Everything Is an Object”
arguments and, Method Invocation: What Actually Happens, Are You Serious About “self”?, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
attributes and, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
chaining method calls, Be Careful When Chaining Method Calls
classes and, An Object-Oriented Primer, Adding a Method to a Class
decorators adjusting, Decorating a Function with a URL
functions and, Invoking a Method: Understand the Details, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
invoking, Invoking a Method: Understand the Details
objects and, Objects Share Behavior but Not State, It’s Worth Repeating Ourselves: Objects Share Behavior but Not State, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
running webapp, Running Your Webapp’s Behavior(s)
MicroPython project, 10. Alternative Implementations
about, Executing Code, One Statement at a Time
adding to site-packages, Getting a Module into Site-packages
creating, Functions Beget Modules
functions and, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Functions Beget Modules
ImportError exception, Not Found Modules Produce ImportErrors
importing, Importation Confusion, Functions Beget Modules
sharing code, Modules: What We Know Already
third party, Batteries Included
MongoDB, 7. More Data Sources
month attribute (, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
multiplication operator, Python’s “for” Loop Understands Slices
multiprocessing module, 7. Running Your Code Concurrently
benefits of, All That Remains...
DB-API and, Introducing Python’s DB-API
exception handling and, Databases Aren’t Always Available, Input-Output Is (Sometimes) Slow, Your Function Calls Can Fail, Handling Other Database Errors, What Else Can Go Wrong with “DBcm”?
installing MySQL-Connector/Python driver, Task 2: Install a MySQL Database Driver for Python
installing MySQL server, Task 1: Install the MySQL Server
querying considerations, Waiting: What to Do?
MySQL console, Task 3: Create Our Webapp’s Database and Tables


object class, Dunder “init” Initializes Attributes
object instantiation, Creating Objects from Classes, Initialize (Attribute) Values Before Use
object-oriented programming (OOP), An Object-Oriented Primer, Dunder “init” Initializes Attributes, 3. More on Object Orientation
about, Numbers, Strings...and Objects
attributes and, Objects Share Behavior but Not State, It’s Worth Repeating Ourselves: Objects Share Behavior but Not State, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
classes and, Creating Objects from Classes
creating, Creating Objects from Classes, Initialize (Attribute) Values Before Use
defining representation of, Understanding CountFromBy’s Representation
duplicate, A Data Structure That Avoids Duplicates: Set, Checking for Membership with “in”
extending lists with, Extending a List with Objects
function, Pass a Function to a Function, A Recipe for Creating a Function Decorator, Creating a Function Decorator
key/value pairs and, A Dictionary Stores Key/Value Pairs
methods and, Objects Share Behavior but Not State, It’s Worth Repeating Ourselves: Objects Share Behavior but Not State, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
popping off lists, Popping Objects Off a List
removing from lists, Removing Objects from a List
sequence of, Iterating Over a Sequence of Objects, Creating Sets Efficiently
webapp, Creating a Flask Webapp Object
open function, Python Supports Open, Process, Close
opening editing window, Jump Right In
open, process, close technique
about, Python Supports Open, Process, Close
invoking logging function, The “with” statement manages context, Data is logged (behind the scenes)
reading data from existing files, Reading Data from an Existing File
with statement and, Reading Data from an Existing File
operating system, identifying for interpreter, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
assignment, Data Structures Come Built-in, Creating Lists Literally, What Looks Like a Copy, But Isn’t
checking for membership with, Deciding When to Run Blocks of Code, Putting Lists to Work, Checking for Membership with “in”, Checking for Membership with “in”
comparison, Data Structures Come Built-in, Deciding When to Run Blocks of Code
concatenation, 4. Formats for Strings and the Like
decrement, Updating a Frequency Counter, v2.0
increment, Updating a Frequency Counter, v2.0, Adding a Method to a Class
multiplication, Python’s “for” Loop Understands Slices
super, Deciding When to Run Blocks of Code
ternary, Checking for Membership with “in”
ordered data structures, Meet the Four Built-in Data Structures
OrderedDict dictionary, 6. More from the Standard Library
os module
about, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
environ attribute, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
getcwd function, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
platform attribute, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
usage example, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
output display
exception handling and, View the Log Through Your Webapp
Python Shell and, Returning to the Python Shell
raw data to readable, From Raw Data to Readable Output, Generate Readable Output With HTML
readable via Jinja2, Producing Readable Output with Jinja2
specifying dictionary ordering for, Dictionaries: What We Already Know


pandas tools, 4. Doing Data Science
parentheses ()
comprehensions and, How to Spot a Comprehension
function arguments in, Naming a Chunk of Code with “def”
object instantiation and, Creating Objects from Classes
return statement and, Returning One Value
tuples in, Making the Case for Tuples, Watch Out for Single-Object Tuples
partial function, 6. More from the Standard Library
pass keyword, Creating Objects from Classes
pausing execution, Extending Our Program to Do More, Arranging to Pause Execution
pdb debugger, 10. Debug, Debug, Debug
pep8 plug-in, Getting Ready to Check PEP 8 Compliance
PEP (Python Enhancement Protocol)
about, Follow Best Practice As Per the PEPs
DB-API specification, Introducing Python’s DB-API
line length standard, One Final Change to Our Logging Code
testing for compliance, Can I Test for PEP 8 Compliance?, 9. It’s Not Over ’Til It’s Tested
PermissionError exception, try Once, but except Many Times, The Catch-All Exception Handler, Revisited
permutations function (itertools module), 6. More from the Standard Library
Peters, Tim, The Zen of Python
pip (Package Installer for Python)
downloading requests library, Using a Listcomp to Process URLs
installing Flask, Let’s Install Flask
installing packages with, Installing Packages with “pip”
installing pep8 plug-in, Getting Ready to Check PEP 8 Compliance
installing pyreadline module, Add to Python 3 on Windows
installing pytest testing framework, Getting Ready to Check PEP 8 Compliance
platform attribute (os module), Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
podcasts (Python), Python Podcasts
pop method, Popping Objects Off a List
positional assignment of arguments, Positional Versus Keyword Assignment
PostgreSQL, Database-Enabling Your Webapp
POST method (HTTP), Understanding HTTP Status Codes
pprint function (pprint module), Pretty-Printing Complex Data Structures
pprint module, Pretty-Printing Complex Data Structures
print built-in function
about, Deciding When to Run Blocks of Code
accessing dictionary data values, Iterating Over Keys and Values
default behavior, Reading Data from an Existing File
displaying objects, Defining CountFromBy’s Representation
identifying Python version, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
optional arguments, One Final Change to Our Logging Code
product function (itertools module), 6. More from the Standard Library
programming tools, 8. Programming Tools
prompt (Python Shell) (see Python Shell)
protocol port number, Running Your Flask Webapp for the First Time, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web
PSF (Python Software Foundation), BDFL: Benevolent Dictator for Life
ptpython REPL, 2. Alternatives to IDLE
PyCharm IDE, 2. Alternatives to IDLE
py command, Running Python from the Command Line, Install the Testing Developer Tools
PyCon (Python Conference), BDFL: Benevolent Dictator for Life
PyLint tool, 8. Programming Tools
pymongo database driver, 7. More Data Sources
PyPI (Python Package Index), Modules: What We Know Already, Let’s Install Flask, 6. Working with Web Data
PyPy project, 10. Alternative Implementations
pyreadline module, Add to Python 3 on Windows
pytest testing framework, Getting Ready to Check PEP 8 Compliance
py.test tool, 9. It’s Not Over ’Til It’s Tested, 8. Programming Tools
Python, Breaking with Tradition, 1. What About Python 2?
Python, Jump Right In
about, Hooking into the “with” Statement
installing on Linux, Install Python 3 on Linux
installing on Mac OS X, Install Python 3 on Mac OS X (macOS)
installing on Windows, Install Python 3 on Windows
usage recommendations, 1. What About Python 2?
about, Pythonanywhere: Deploying Your Webapp
configuring webapps, Step 5: Configure Your Webapp
creating starter webapp, Step 4: Create a Starter Webapp, 1 of 2
extracting and installing code, Step 3: Extract and Install Your Code
preparing webapps, Step 0: A Little Prep
signing up for, Step 1: Sign Up for PythonAnywhere
testing deployed webapp, Step 6: Take Your Cloud-Based Webapp for a Spin!
uploading files to the cloud, Preparing Your Webapp for the Cloud, Exploiting Dunder Name Dunder Main, Step 2: Upload Your Files to the Cloud
Python community, Advance Praise for Head First Python, Second Edition
Python Core Developers, 10. Alternative Implementations
Python Packaging Authority, Modules: What We Know Already
Python Shell
about, Understanding IDLE’s Windows
accessing prompt within, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Both approaches work with Python
alternatives to, 1. Alternatives to >>>
asking for help, Asking the Interpreter for Help, Asking the Interpreter for Help on a Function
copying code to editor, Use Your Editor When Working on More Than a Few Lines of Code
experimenting at, Both approaches work with Python, Experimenting at the Shell
recalling last commands typed, Asking the Interpreter for Help
running interpreter from, Running Python from the Command Line
terminating statements with Enter key, Iterating Over a Sequence of Objects


Ramalho, Luciano, Our Favorite Python Books
randint function (random module), Extending Our Program to Do More, Generating Random Integers with Python, How Are Modules Found?
random module, Extending Our Program to Do More, Generating Random Integers with Python, How Are Modules Found?
random number generation, Extending Our Program to Do More, Generating Random Integers with Python
range built-in function, Iterating a Specific Number of Times, Is Indentation Driving You Crazy?
CSV data as dictionaries, Putting Slices to Work on Lists
CSV data as lists, Reading CSV Data As Lists
data from existing files, Reading Data from an Existing File
README.txt file, Creating the Required Setup Files
redirect function (Flask), Adding a Finishing Touch
redirection messages, Understanding HTTP Status Codes
remove method, Removing Objects from a List
render_template function (Flask), Rendering Templates from Flask, Adding a Finishing Touch
REPL tool, Understanding IDLE’s Windows, 2. Alternatives to IDLE
request object (Flask), Accessing HTML Form Data with Flask, Learning More About the Request Object, Dunder “init” Initializes Attributes
requests library, Using a Listcomp to Process URLs, 6. Working with Web Data
requests module, 6. Working with Web Data
results, functions returning, Functions Return a Result
return keyword, Introducing Functions
return statement
about, Functions Return a Result
parentheses and, Returning One Value
returning multiple values, Returning More Than One Value
returning one value, Returning One Value
return values (functions)
about, Functions Return a Result
interpreter processing, What About Type Information?
variable scope and, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
route decorator
about, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web
adding, Rendering Templates from Flask
adjusting behaviors, Decorating a Function with a URL
optional arguments, Handling Posted Data
exception handling, Just How Dynamic Are Dictionaries?, Always Try to Execute Error-Prone Code, Is Your Webapp Robust Now?
growing dictionaries at, Working with Dictionaries at Runtime
growing lists at, “Growing” a List at Runtime
RuntimeError exception, Always Try to Execute Error-Prone Code


scikit-learn tools, 4. Doing Data Science
scipy modules, 4. Doing Data Science
scope of variables, Coping with Scoping
SELECT statement (SQL), Database INSERTs and SELECTs Are Different
self argument, Method Invocation: What Actually Happens, Are You Serious About “self”?, Prefix Your Attribute Names with “self”
sequence of objects, Iterating Over a Sequence of Objects, Creating Sets Efficiently
server error messages, Understanding HTTP Status Codes
session dictionary (flask module), Flask’s Session Technology Adds State
about, It’s Time for a Bit of a Session
managing logins/logouts with, Managing Logins with Sessions
state and, Flask’s Session Technology Adds State
set built-in function, Creating Sets Efficiently, Returning More Than One Value, Creating Another Function, 2 of 3
set comprehensions, That Feeling You Get...
setdefault method, Substituting “not in” for “in”
about, A Data Structure That Avoids Duplicates: Set, Sets Don’t Allow Duplicates
combining, Taking Advantage of Set Methods
commonality between, Taking Advantage of Set Methods, intersection Reports on Commonality
creating efficiently, Creating Sets Efficiently
creating from sequences, Creating Sets Efficiently
difference between, Taking Advantage of Set Methods, difference Tells You What’s Not Shared
duplicate objects and, A Data Structure That Avoids Duplicates: Set, Checking for Membership with “in”, Sets Don’t Allow Duplicates
empty, Returning More Than One Value
spotting in code, Sets Don’t Allow Duplicates
setup function (setuptools module), Creating the Required Setup Files
setuptools module, Getting a Module into Site-packages
single-object tuples, Watch Out for Single-Object Tuples
site-packages, How Are Modules Found?, ImportErrors Occur No Matter the Platform
sleep function (time module), Extending Our Program to Do More, Arranging to Pause Execution
slice notation
for loop and, Python’s “for” Loop Understands Slices
lists and, List Slices in Action, Slicing a List Is Nondestructive
__slots__ directive, 3. More on Object Orientation
sorted built-in function
about, 5. Getting Things Sorted
dictionaries and, Dictionaries: What We Already Know
sets and, Sets Don’t Allow Duplicates, union Works by Combining Sets
spaces versus tabs, Is Indentation Driving You Crazy?
split method, What’s Joined Together Can Be Split Apart, Processing Data: What We Already Know, Reading CSV Data As Lists, Stripping, Then Splitting, Your Raw Data
sqlalchemy module, 7. More Data Sources
SQLError exception, Raising an SQLError
SQL injection (SQLi), Web Attacks Are a Real Pain, Your Function Calls Can Fail
SQLite, Database-Enabling Your Webapp
square brackets [ ]
comprehensions and, How to Spot a Comprehension
dictionaries and, Insertion Order Is NOT Maintained, Accessing a Complex Data Structure’s Data
lists and, Data Structures Come Built-in, A List Is an Ordered Collection of Objects, What About Using Square Brackets?, Square Brackets Are Everywhere, Slicing a List Is Nondestructive
tuples and, Tuples Are Immutable
standard library
about, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Reusing Code with Functions
additional information, Batteries Included, 6. More from the Standard Library, 8. GUIs w ith Tkinter (and Fun w ith Turtles)
cautions adding/removing modules, Getting a Module into Site-packages
concurrency options, Doing More Than One Thing at Once
identifying locations, How Are Modules Found?
usage examples, Executing Code, One Statement at a Time, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
start value, Asking the Interpreter for Help on a Function, Lists Understand Start, Stop, and Step, Starting and Stopping with Lists
state (see attributes (state))
assignment, Data Structures Come Built-in
control, What Happened to My Curly Braces?
displaying output, Returning to the Python Shell
empty, Creating Objects from Classes
reusability of, Consider What You’re Trying to Reuse
terminating with Enter key, Returning to the Python Shell
try...except, Catching an Error Is Not Enough, Silently Handling Exceptions, Does “More Errors” Mean “More excepts”?
@staticmethod decorator, 3. More on Object Orientation
status codes (HTTP), Understanding HTTP Status Codes
step value, Asking the Interpreter for Help on a Function, Lists Understand Start, Stop, and Step, Stepping with Lists
stop value, Asking the Interpreter for Help on a Function, Lists Understand Start, Stop, and Step, Starting and Stopping with Lists
storing data
in databases and tables, Advance Praise for Head First Python, Second Edition
in data structures, Advance Praise for Head First Python, Second Edition
in text files, Python Supports Open, Process, Close
strftime function (time module), Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
assigning to variables, Numbers, Strings...and Objects
empty, Functions Return a Result
formatting, 4. Formats for Strings and the Like
iterating a specific number of times, Iterating Over a Sequence of Objects
joining together, What About Using Square Brackets?, Viewing the Entire Log in Your Webapp, What’s Joined Together Can Be Split Apart
key/value pairs and, A Dictionary Stores Key/Value Pairs
quotation marks and, List Slices in Action, What’s the Deal with All Those Strings?
splitting apart, What’s Joined Together Can Be Split Apart
turning into list of letters, Starting and Stopping with Lists
whitespace and, Stripping, Then Splitting, Your Raw Data
strip method, Stripping, Then Splitting, Your Raw Data
submodules, Executing Code, One Statement at a Time
success messages, Understanding HTTP Status Codes, Redirect to Avoid Unwanted Errors
sudo command, Install the Testing Developer Tools, Let’s Install Flask, Install Python 3 on Linux
suites of code
comments in, Introducing Functions
embedded suites within, Suites Can Contain Embedded Suites
functions and, Introducing Functions
indentation levels and, Suites Can Contain Embedded Suites
indenting, Deciding When to Run Blocks of Code, Iterating Over a Sequence of Objects, Indent Suites with Format...Indent Region, Is Indentation Driving You Crazy?
looping, Extending Our Program to Do More, Iterating Over a Sequence of Objects
running multiple times, Extending Our Program to Do More
unindenting, Indent Suites with Format...Indent Region
super operators, Deciding When to Run Blocks of Code
syntax errors, What Happens Next..., Use Your Editor When Working on More Than a Few Lines of Code, Creating Objects from Classes
sys module, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Haven’t We Just Lost Something?


tables, Decide on a Structure for Your Log Data
tables, Task 4: Create Code to Work with Our Webapp’s Database and Tables
(see also dictionaries)
<table> tag, Generate Readable Output With HTML
tabs versus spaces, Is Indentation Driving You Crazy?
<td> tag, Generate Readable Output With HTML
template engines
about, Building the HTML Form
embedding display logic in, Embed Display Logic in Your Template
preparing to run code, Preparing to Run the Template Code
relating to web pages, Templates Relate to Web Pages
rendering from Flask, Rendering Templates from Flask
ternary operator, Checking for Membership with “in”
testing developer tools, Getting Ready to Check PEP 8 Compliance, 9. It’s Not Over ’Til It’s Tested
text files, saving data to, Python Supports Open, Process, Close
text mode, Reading Data from an Existing File
Thread class, Doing More Than One Thing at Once
threading library, Doing More Than One Thing at Once
threading module, Doing More Than One Thing at Once, Don’t Get Bummed Out: Use Threads, 7. Running Your Code Concurrently
<th> tag, Generate Readable Output With HTML
time module, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library, Extending Our Program to Do More, Arranging to Pause Execution
tkinter library, 8. GUIs w ith Tkinter (and Fun w ith Turtles)
today function (datetime module), Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
trailing whitespace, Is Indentation Driving You Crazy?
<tr> tag, Generate Readable Output With HTML
True value, Functions Return a Result
try...except statements, Catching an Error Is Not Enough, Silently Handling Exceptions, Does “More Errors” Mean “More excepts”?
about, Ordered Collections Are Mutable/Immutable, Making the Case for Tuples
comprehensions and, That Feeling You Get..., What About “Tuple Comprehensions”?
empty, Recalling the Built-in Data Structures
lists and, Ordered Collections Are Mutable/Immutable, Making the Case for Tuples
single-object, Watch Out for Single-Object Tuples
spotting in code, Making the Case for Tuples
turtle module, 8. GUIs w ith Tkinter (and Fun w ith Turtles)
type built-in function, Making the Case for Tuples, Understanding CountFromBy’s Representation
TypeError exception, Are You Serious About “self”?, Pass any amount of argument data to dunder “init”, Providing Sensible Defaults for CountFromBy
type hints (annotations), Use Annotations to Improve Your Docs


web applications, Task 4: Create Code to Work with Our Webapp’s Database and Tables
(see also database-enabling webapps)
adding finishing touch, Adding a Finishing Touch
adding robustness to, A Quick Recap: Adding Robustness
automatic reloading, Using Request Data in Your Webapp
calculating data needed, Calculating the Data We Need
creating Flask webapp object, Creating a Flask Webapp Object
deploying with PythonAnywhere, Pythonanywhere: Deploying Your Webapp
edit/stop/start/test cycle, Refining the Edit/Stop/Start/Test Cycle
exception handling and, View the Log Through Your Webapp, Databases Aren’t Always Available, Your Function Calls Can Fail, Getting Back to Our Webapp Code, Silently Handling Exceptions
exposing functionality to the Web, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web
function decorators, Decorating a Function with a URL, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web, Displaying the Webapp’s HTML Form, Handling Posted Data
functions with multiple URLs, Functions Can Have Multiple URLs
global variables and, Your Web Server (Not Your Computer) Runs Your Code
handling posted data, Handling Posted Data
how they work, Let’s Build Something
HTML forms, Building the HTML Form, Accessing HTML Form Data with Flask
HTTP status codes, Understanding HTTP Status Codes
installing and using Flask, Let’s Install Flask
preparing for the cloud, Preparing Your Webapp for the Cloud
producing results as HTML, Producing the Results As HTML
redirecting to avoid unwanted errors, Redirect to Avoid Unwanted Errors
request data in, Using Request Data in Your Webapp
restarting, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web, We’re Ready for a Test Run
running behaviors, Running Your Webapp’s Behavior(s)
running for first time, Running Your Flask Webapp for the First Time
stopping, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web, We’re Ready for a Test Run
testing, Exposing Functionalit y to the Web, We’re Ready for a Test Run
updating, Reconsidering Your Webapp Code, 1 of 2
viewing logs, View the Log Through Your Webapp
web development technologies, 5. Web Development Technologies
what do we want them to do, What Do We Want Our Webapp to Do?, Recall What We’re Trying to Build
what happens on the web server, What Happens on the Web Server?
web development technologies, 5. Web Development Technologies
web servers
about, The Web Is Stateless
HTTP status codes and, Understanding HTTP Status Codes
webapp process and, Let’s Build Something, What Happens on the Web Server?, Your Web Server (Not Your Computer) Runs Your Code
while loop, Iterating Over a Sequence of Objects
whitespace, Is Indentation Driving You Crazy?, Understanding the Failure Messages, Stripping, Then Splitting, Your Raw Data, One Final Question
WingWare IDE, 2. Alternatives to IDLE
with statement
classes and, You’ve Seen This Pattern Before, Hooking into the “with” Statement, Consider What You’re Trying to Do, Revisited
context management protocol and, You’ve Already Seen a Context Manager in Action
exception handling and, The DBcm Module, Revisited, Handling SQLError Is Different
open, process, close technique and, Reading Data from an Existing File
split method and, Stripping, Then Splitting, Your Raw Data
viewing logs through webapps, View the Log Through Your Webapp
wonder name, Creating a Flask Webapp Object
wraps function (functools module), The Final Step: Handling Arguments


year attribute (, Functions + Modules = The Standard Library
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