

  1. A-1 Operator’s Club Award, 116
  2. AC6V, 134, 279
  3. access control tones, 138139
  4. accidents, reporting, 174175
  5. adapters, 331
  6. ad hoc network, 13
  7. ADIF (Amateur Data Interchange Format), 301
  8. Advanced class license, 67, 93
  9. A index, 357
  10. airplane scatter, 214
  11. alarm systems, 343
  12. algebra, online tutorials, 393
  13. Amateur Extra class license
    1. active population, 67
    2. call signs, 93
    3. defined, 66
    4. privileges, 65
    5. test, 66
    6. upgrading to, 89
  14. amateur licenses, 1415
  15. Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF), 237238
  16. Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), 46, 167168
  17. Amateur Radio Guide to Digital Mobile Radio, 153
  18. Amateur Radio Service, 14
  19. amateur service, 6264
  20. amateur television, 242
  21. American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
    1. awards, 211
    2. benefits of joining, 4647
    3. benefits to the hobby, 4748
    4. benefits to the public, 48
    5. call sign search, 89
    6. defined, 45
    7. emergency communications, 48
    8. exam session, 78
    9. national and division conventions, 57
    10. Net Directory, 117
    11. online emergency communications training courses, 173
    12. RFI Information page, 342
    13. search engine for exam sessions, 73
    14. technical awareness and education, 48
    15. Technical Information Service, 134
    16. technical references, 48
    17. vanity call web page, 94
    18. as VEC organization, 47
    19. VHF/UHF Century Club, 215
    20. W1AW station, 4748
    21. website, 45
  22. amplifiers
    1. HF, 252253
    2. linear, 257
    3. VHF/UHF, 257
  23. AMSAT, 51, 239240, 369
  24. AM signals, 108109
  25. angles, 394395
  26. antennas. See also feed lines; towers
    1. beam, 22
    2. Buddipole, 320
    3. connectors, 270271
    4. dipole, 22
    5. experimenting with, 9
    6. feed lines, 267271
    7. ground-plane, 261
    8. in ham shacks, 18
    9. HF, 262267
    10. jargons, 352353
    11. lip-mounts, 261
    12. mag-mount, 254, 261
    13. masts, 272273
    14. mobile, 314316
    15. omnidirectional, 261, 265
    16. patterns, 367368
    17. portable, 319321
    18. pre-set, 315
    19. QSOs, 127
    20. quarter-wave whips, 261
    21. rotators, 275276
    22. in stations, 246
    23. supporting, 271278
    24. towers, 273274
    25. trees and, 271272
    26. tripods, 272273
    27. TW vertical dipole, 320
    28. vertical, 265
    29. VHF/UHF, 260262
    30. wire, 262265
  27. antenna switches, 22
  28. Antenna Towers for Radio Amateurs, 271
  29. antenna tuners, 22, 277278, 353354
  30. antipode, 301
  31. AOR Digital Voice, 146
  32. Applegate, Alan (KØBG), 310
  33. arcing, 344
  34. AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network), 186188
  35. ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, 48
  36. ARRL Operating Manual, 134, 205, 232
  37. ARRL Repeater Directory, 107
  38. ARRL RFI Book, 342
  39. ARRL'S Tech Q&A, 74
  40. assistant section manager (ASM), 169
  41. attenuation, 259, 365
  42. audio codec, 252
  43. audio connectors, 331
  44. audio filters, 25
  45. audiovideo equipment interference, 343
  46. aurora, 32, 213
  47. automatic key, 231
  48. automatic link establishment (ALE), 185, 197
  49. Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS)
    1. defined, 8, 200
    2. frequencies, 200
    3. maps, 201
    4. position reporting by, 201
    5. resources, 202
    6. short-message format, 202
    7. trackers, 200201
    8. use of, 200202
    9. Winlink and, 185
  50. autopatch, 140, 175. See also repeaters
  51. auto repeater, 108
  52. auto-tuner, 354
  53. awards
    1. applying for, 227
    2. chasing, 224227
    3. defined, 13
    4. examples of, 225
    5. finding, 225226
    6. recording (logging) contacts, 226227
    7. volunteering for, 44
  54. AX.25, 200
  55. azimuthal-equidistant map, 205, 301
  56. azimuthal pattern, 367


  1. backbone, 187
  2. balanced tuner, 354
  3. ballooning, high-altitude, 16
  4. band-pass filters, 323, 366
  5. band plans, 100
  6. band-reject filters, 259
  7. bands
    1. defined, 29, 63
    2. identifying by ear or eye, 114
    3. sub-bands, 99
  8. band-stop filters, 366
  9. bandwidth, 259, 365366
  10. barrel connectors, 356
  11. batteries, 369
  12. battery chargers, 345
  13. baud, 192, 339
  14. Baudot code, 194
  15. beacons, 104, 210
  16. beam antennas, 22, 260261, 266267
  17. Beringer, Paul (NG7Z), 290
  18. binary FSK, 194
  19. bit, defined, 192
  20. blogs, 299
  21. boom, 261
  22. bps (bits per second), 192
  23. brag macros, 116, 163
  24. braid, 24
  25. breaking in, 125, 160
  26. Bridge-Com systems, 153
  27. bridge devices, 112
  28. Broadband-Hamnet, 13, 26, 148, 202203
  29. broadcasting, 33
  30. Bruninga, Bob (WB4APR), 200
  31. buckshot, 356
  32. Buddipole antennas, 320
  33. bug, 231
  34. bulkhead connectors, 356
  1. Burningham, John (W2XAB), 153
  2. buzz, 355


  1. cable modems, 346
  2. cables, 18
  3. cable TV leakage, 346
  4. Cabrillo format, 221, 301303, 352
  5. callbook, 40
  6. calling frequency, 99
  7. call signs
    1. associating with FRN, 91
    2. availability by license class, 93
    3. class and, 89
    4. CQs, 130
    5. database searches, 8889
    6. defined, 69
    7. finding, 8589, 92
    8. identifying with new privileges, 89
    9. inability to find, 88
    10. license class and, 70
    11. picking own, 9293
    12. prefix, 70
    13. remote control stations, 282
    14. search for, 92
    15. slashed-zero character in, 94
    16. special event, 93
    17. suffix, 70
    18. tactical, 183
    19. tips, 131
    20. ULS database search, 8688
    21. vanity, 9293
  8. cantennas, 278
  9. capacitors, 25, 333
  10. carriers, 108
  11. center conductor, 24, 267
  12. CEPT, 15
  13. Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE), 80, 8384
  14. channels, 106
  15. channel spacing, 136
  16. characteristic impedance, 267
  17. character spacing, 228
  18. charity events, 179180
  19. chassis punch, 332333
  20. check in, 180181
  21. Chirp Software, 142, 256
  22. Circuitbuilding For Dummies, 330
  23. Citizens Band (CB), 33
  24. cleaning equipment, 330
  25. cloning radios, 143144, 256
  26. closed repeaters, 140141
  27. clubs
    1. activities, 4445
    2. checking out, 42
    3. choosing, 41
    4. classes sponsored by, 73
    5. contests, 45
    6. defined, 10
    7. finding, 41
    8. hams participation in, 40
    9. insignia, 44
    10. joining, 4045
    11. libraries and equipment, 44
    12. locating mentors in, 7576
    13. meetings, participating in, 4243
    14. newsletter, 44
    15. specialty, 40, 4854
    16. station, 44
    17. volunteering services for, 4344
    18. website, 44
  28. coaxial cables, 18, 24, 267
  29. codec, 111, 146
  30. code plug, 256
  31. Coffey, Stgerling (NØSSC), 291
  32. Collier, Ken (KO6UX), 139
  33. commercial mobile radio, 33
  34. Commission Registration System (CORES), 9091
  35. community colleges, 73
  36. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), 168
  37. community events, 11
  38. competitive clubs, 49
  39. Complete DXer, 204
  40. Complete Guide to Wiring, The, 293
  41. computers
    1. choosing, 279280
    2. digital modes and, 280
    3. electronic noise, 345
    4. in ham stations, 287
    5. hardware considerations, 280
    6. logging by, 299
    7. PC versus Mac, 279
    1. radio control (R/C), 280
    2. in radio shacks, 18
  42. connectors, 270271, 356
  43. constant amplitude, 192
  44. contacts. See also QSOs
    1. awards, 13
    2. breaking into, 125
    3. contests, 13, 218221
    4. defective, 344
    5. defined, 12
    6. digital mode, 122123
    7. digital networks, 13
    8. DXing, 13
    9. ending, 131132
    10. failed, 123125
    11. on HF bands, 121122
    12. logging, 220221, 226227
    13. logs of, 298303
    14. making, 1214, 120131
    15. nets, 1213
    16. online maps, 105
    17. ragchews, 12
    18. recording, 226227
    19. repeater, 120121
    20. special-event stations, 14
    21. weak-signal, 115
  45. Contact Sport, 221
  46. contests
    1. being polite in, 223
    2. benefits of, 216
    3. Cabrillo format, 221
    4. calendar, 217218
    5. calling CQ in, 221223
    6. choosing, 217218
    7. clubs, 45
    8. contacts, logging, 220221
    9. contacts, making, 218220
    10. defined, 13, 216
    11. DXing and, 117118
    12. finding, 223
    13. jargons, 352
    14. logging software, 220, 277
    15. logs, submitting, 301303
    16. operating in, 218221
    17. popular, 217
    18. QRP, 235
    19. searching and pouncing in, 222
    20. tips from winners, 221
    21. winners, 216
  47. Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS), 139
  48. continuous wave, 22
  49. control box, 275
  50. control link, 140
  51. conventions
    1. attending, 5558
    2. defined, 1011
    3. exam sessions at, 79
    4. finding, 57
    5. volunteering services for, 44
  52. cordless telephones, 343
  53. corona discharge, 344
  54. coronal mass ejection (CME), 357
  55. coverage map, 300
  56. CQ Communications, 50
  57. CQs
    1. anatomy of, 130
    2. calling for ragchews, 159160
    3. call sign, 130
    4. on HF, 130131
  58. CQ World Wide DX Contest, 216
  59. CQ/X, 220, 301
  60. crank-up towers, 274
  61. crimp connectors, 356
  62. crimpers, 271
  63. crossband, 239
  64. cross-polarization, 261
  65. crystal filters, 259
  66. CubeSats, 16, 51, 239240
  67. current ratio, 27
  68. CW (Continuous Wave). See Morse code
  69. cycle, 27


  1. Daso, Dan (K4ZA), 271
  2. data connectors, 331
  3. data interface, 24
  4. data modes, receiving, 112114
  5. DATVC-Express project, 242
  6. dawn enhancement, 206
  7. decibels, 269, 365, 389391
  1. delta loops, 266
  2. demodulation, 26
  3. desks, 288289
  4. dielectric, 267
  5. DigiPan software, 162, 193
  6. digipeater, 200
  7. digipeating, 200
  8. Digital Coded Squelch (DCS), 139
  9. digital message networks, 184188
  10. digital modes
    1. ALE, 197
    2. APRS, 200202
    3. Broadband-Hamnet, 202203
    4. computers and, 280
    5. contacts, starting, 122123
    6. defined, 24
    7. MFSK, 196197
    8. operating via, 190203
    9. packet radio, 199200
    10. PACTOR, 197198
    11. PSK31, 192194
    12. receiving, 112114
    13. reporting quality, 127
    14. RTTY, 194195
    15. signal reports, 126
    16. software resources, 191
    17. WINMOR, 197198
    18. WSJT, 198199
  11. digital multimeter, 328
  12. digital networks, 13
  13. digital QSOs, 160162
  14. digital repeater networks, 148149
  15. digital satellites, 239
  16. digital signal processing (DSP), 190, 258
  17. Digital Squelch System (DCS), 141
  18. digital voice
    1. defined, 145146
    2. HF, 146147
    3. receiving, 111112
    4. UHF, 147148
    5. VHF, 147148
  19. dimmers, 344
  20. dipole, 22, 262264
  21. direct burial, 353
  22. directed net, 180
  23. direct FSK, 195
  24. direction-finding, 237238
  25. direct sampling, 258
  26. discriminators, 108, 255
  27. displayed frequency, 109
  28. distress calls, 176177
  29. DMR (Digital Mobile Radio), 111112, 148149, 152153, 156, 256
  30. DominoEX, 196197
  31. Doppler shift, 370
  32. doublets, 264, 353
  33. D-STAR, 111112, 147149, 150151
  34. dummy load, 278
  35. dupe list, 220
  36. duplex, 101, 134
  37. DX4WIN, 299
  38. DX Atlas, 205, 302
  39. DXCC List, 307
  40., 40
  41. DXers, 49, 203
  42. DX Heat, 300
  43. DXing
    1. awards, VHF/UHF, 215
    2. awards programs, 211
    3. clubs, 49
    4. contesting and, 117118
    5. defined, 13, 203
    6. HF-band, 154155, 204
    7. nighttime, 206
    8. pileups, 155, 209
    9. split-frequency operation, 209
    10. spotting networks, 210
    11. on VHF and UHF bands, 211216
  44. DXLab Suite, 105, 299
  45. DXpeditions, 195, 203, 303, 305
  46. DX signals
    1. daytime, 206
    2. nighttime, 206
    3. picking up, 204205
  47. DX stations
    1. contacting, 207208
    2. spotting, 210
  48. DX Summit, 210, 300
  49. DX Zone, 37, 134, 279


  1. EchoLink, 149
  2. effective radiated power, 365
  3., 40, 134, 237, 284
  4. Elecraft, 236
  5. electrical safety, 293
  6. electrical tape, 329
  7. electrical units and symbols, 363364
  8. electric fences, 345
  9. electromagnetic radiation, 27
  10. electronic ballasts, 344
  11. electronic keyers, 231
  12. electronic noise, 344346
  13. electronics/technology
    1. antennas and, 9
    2. in coding radio, 9
    3. designing and building, 8
    4. in digitizing radio, 9
    5. in enhancing hobbies, 9
    6. for hybrid software/systems creation, 8
  14. electrostatic discharge (ESD), 328, 334
  15. elements, 261
  16. elevation pattern, 367
  17. Elmers, 3536
  18. email, 13
  19. email by radio, 184186
  20. emergencies
    1. national, 168
    2. operating in, 174178
    3. outside your area, 177178
    4. reporting accidents/incidents, 174175
  21. emergency communications (emcomm), 166, 177178
  22. emergency equipment
    1. go kit, 171172
    2. home, 173
  23. emergency organizations
    1. finding, 166167
    2. joining, 166167
    3. volunteering for, 167168
  24. emergency preparation
    1. elements of, 170
    2. equipment, 171172
    3. go kit, 171172
    4. home, 173
    5. how to be of service, 173
    6. national emergencies, 168
    7. where to find emergencies, 167168
    8. who to work with, 170171
  25. emergency preparation center (EOC), 170
  26. emergency teams, 11
  27. endorsements, 211
  28. eQSL, 304305
  29. equipment. See also specific equipment
    1. building from kit, 347348
    2. building from scratch, 348
    3. clubs, 44
    4. emergency preparation, 171172
    5. interference to, 342346
    6. old, 283284
    7. station, 283284
    8. tips, 359362
  30. Exam Review for Ham Radio, 74
  31. exchange, 118, 218


  1. facsimile over radio, 242
  2. factory reset, 341
  3. Family Radio Service (FRS), 33, 139
  4. Fansworth method, 228
  5. fasteners, 329
  6. fast-scan television, 242
  7. FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service, 133
  8. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 14, 47, 6163, 9091, 343
  9. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 73, 167
  10. Federal Registration Number (FRN), 80, 86, 91
  11. feed lines. See also antennas
    1. characteristic impedance, 267
    2. coaxial cable, 267
    3. defined, 18, 25
    4. jargons, 353
    5. loss of, 267270
    6. measurement, 25
    7. open-wire, 267
    8. relative cost, 269
    9. types of, 2425, 267268
  12. female connector, 328
  13. ferrites, 346
  14. Field Day, 11, 322324
  1. fills, 208
  2. filters, 25, 258259, 366367
  3. first aid, 294
  4. fixed stations, 88
  5. flashing, 296
  6. FLDIGI, 112113
  7. flutter, 127
  8. FM radios, mobile, 253256. See also VHF/UHF radios
  9. FM signals
    1. defined, 101
    2. receiving, 106107
    3. repeaters, 134138
    4. reporting quality, 127
    5. signal reports, 126
    6. tuning in, 106107
  10. foam, 353
  11. Fokkens, Tanner (KEØKIZ), 291
  12. Ford, Steve (WB8IMY), 191, 282
  13. formulas, online tutorials, 392
  14. forward error correction (FEC), 192, 196
  15. fractions, online tutorials, 392393
  16. Franke, Steve (K9AN), 199
  17. FreeDV, 111, 146147
  18. frequencies. See also radio waves
    1. radio control (R/C), 9
    2. units of measurement, 29
    3. wavelength and, 2729
  19. frequency allocation, 29, 6364
  20. frequency-length conversion, 394
  21. frequency shift keying (FSK), 194, 252
  22. full quieting, 127
  23. full-wavelength loop antennas, 264
  24. fuses, 329


  1. gain, 257, 365
  2. gateways, 151
  3. General class license
    1. active population, 67
    2. defined, 66
    3. privileges, 65
    4. test, 66
    5. upgrading to, 89
  4. General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), 33, 139
  5. geocaching, 238
  6. geo-foxing, 238
  7. geomagnetic field, 357
  8. George, Jim, 221
  9. Get on the Air (GOTA), 319320
  10. Get On the Air with HF Digital, 191
  11. GFCI (ground-fault circuit interrupters), 323
  12. gigahertz, 29
  13. glossary, 377385
  14. go kit, 171172
  15. Google Groups, 37
  16. Google Images, 39
  17. grandfathered licenses, 6667
  18. graphs, online tutorials, 393
  19. Greeno, Chuck (WA7BRL), 321
  20. greenstamp, 306
  21. grid squares, 215, 355
  22. ground-independent antennas, 265
  23. grounding, 295296
  24. Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, 297
  25. ground-plane antennas, 261, 265
  26. ground screen, 265
  27. ground wave propagation, 31


  1. Hadlock, Jim (K7WA), 317318
  2. halos, 262
  3. hamfests
    1. attending, 5558
    2. buying at, 5657
    3. defined, 1011
    4. exam sessions at, 79
    5. finding, 55, 57
    6. preparing for, 5556
    7. volunteering services for, 44
  4. Hamfests and Conventions Calendar, 55
  5. HamLog, 301
  6. Ham Nation, 38
  7. Ham Radio Blog, 38
  8. Ham Radio Deluxe, 105, 191, 299
  9. Ham Radio License Manual, 74
  10. Ham Radio Now TV, 38
  11. ham radios
    1. communicating with, 1516
    2. electronics and technology, 89
  12. ham radio stations. See ham shacks
  13. hams (ham radio operators)
    1. characteristics of, 7
    2. community, 1011
    3. defined, 7
    4. homebrewing and, 8
    5. licenses, 1415
    6. participation in citizen science, 1617
    7. term origin, 19
  14. HamSCI (Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation), 16
  15. ham shacks
    1. antennas, 18
    2. bonding, 295297
    3. building, 1718
    4. cables and feed lines, 18
    5. computer, 18, 287
    6. designing, 285292
    7. desks, 288289
    8. electrical safety, 293
    9. ergonomics, 286289
    10. examples of, 290292
    11. first aid, 294
    12. focal point, 286
    13. grounding, 295297
    14. headphones, 18
    15. keys, 18
    16. lightning and, 294
    17. logs of contacts, 298303
    18. microphones, 18
    19. mobile/base radio, 18
    20. notebook, 285286
    21. radio, 18, 288
    22. RF exposure, 294
    23. shelves, 288289
    24. term origin, 19
  16. Hamsoft, 279
  17. Hamstudy, 75
  18. HamTestOnline, 74
  19. ham trade/swap, 284
  20. Ham TV, 242
  21. Ham University, 74, 228
  22. handheld operation
    1. accessories, 248249
    2. decisions, 248249
  23. Handiham, 50
  24. handle, 69
  25. Hansen, Andre, 188
  26. hard reset, 341
  27. head-mounted magnifiers, 327
  28. headphones, 18
  29. Heavens Above, 369
  30. Heliax, 353
  31. hertz, 27
  32. HF (high frequency) bands
    1. activity map, 102
    2. adjusting of time of day, 103
    3. beacons, 104
    4. calling CQ on, 130131
    5. chewing the rag on, 154155
    6. contacts, 121122
    7. day/night use, 103
    8. digital voice, 146147
    9. DXing on, 204
    10. HF-band, 204
    11. for HF bands, 251253
    12. listening on, 101103
    13. mobile radios, 309311
    14. organizing activity on, 102103
    15. radios for, 251253
  33. HF antennas. See also antennas
    1. beam, 266267
    2. defined, 262
    3. vertical, 265
    4. wire, 262265
  34. HF radios. See also radios
    1. amplifiers, 252253
    2. basic, 251
    3. data in/out, 252
    4. digital data on, 251252
    5. FSK (frequency-shift keying), 252
    6. high-performance, 251
    7. line in/out, 252
    8. PTT, 252
    9. standard, 251
  35. high-altitude ballooning, 16
  36. high bands, 206
  37. high frequency (HF) bands, 30, 64, 9899
  38. high-pass filters, 366
  39. high-speed data, 13
  40. A History of QST, Volume 1: Technology, 1617
  41. hobbies, 9
  42. homebrewing, 8
  43. home station, 247248
  44. hops, 103, 206
  1. hotspots, 148
  2. HSMM-MESH, 13, 26
  3. hum, 355
  4. Hurricane Watch Net, 11, 177
  5. hybrid software/systems, 8
  6. Hyperterm, 280


  1. iambic keyers, 231
  2. Icom-7100, 310
  3. ICs, 333
  4. ignition noise, 356
  5. image communication
    1. defined, 240241
    2. facsimile over radio, 242
    3. fast-scan television, 242
    4. slow-scan television, 241242
  6. impedance, 346
  7. impedance matcher, 353
  8. improper wiring, 340
  9. impulse noise, 260
  10. incremental frequency keying (IFK), 197
  11. incremental tuning, 251
  12. inductors, 25, 333
  13. industrial-equipment interference, 344
  14. input frequency, 136
  15. insignia, 44
  16. Instagram, 38
  17. Instructables, 38
  18. Interactive Mathematics, 392
  19. interference
    1. common devices, 343
    2. jargons, 355356
    3. to other equipment, 342343
    4. RF, 296
    5. to your equipment, 344346
  20. International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), 15, 104
  21. International Grid Chase event, 355
  22. International Space Station (ISS), 239
  23. International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 14, 63
  24. inverted-V antennas, 264
  25. ionizing radiation, 27
  26. ionosphere, 16
  27. IRLP (Internet Relay Linking Project), 149150
  28. Islands On the Air (IOTA), 54, 237, 319


  1. jack, 328
  2. jackets, 25
  3. Jalocha, Pawel (SP9VRC), 197
  4. jargons, 351357
  5. J-pole, 352
  6. just making, 127


  1. K3FN QSL Service, 306
  2. Karn, Phil (KA9Q), 32
  3. Keplerian elements, 239, 370
  4. kerchunking, 120
  5. keyboard, 160162
  6. keyers, 22, 277
  7. keying, 192
  8. keys, 18, 277
  9. Kiessig, Rick (ZL2HAM), 105
  10. kilohertz, 29
  11. K index, 357
  12. kit equipment, building, 347348
  13. Koch method, 228
  14. Kutzko, Sean (KX9X), 51


  1. ladder line, 25, 353
  2. LaFreniere, Bernie (N6FN), 149
  3. Laurel VEC, 73, 78
  4. lead-acid gel-cells, 321
  5. lead-acid storage, 321
  6. length conversion, 394
  7. LF (low frequency) bands, 103
  8. libraries, 44
  9. license classes
    1. Advanced, 67
    2. Amateur Extra, 66
    3. call signs and, 70, 89, 93
    4. General, 66
    5. grandfathered, 6667
    6. Novice, 66
    7. populations of, 67
    8. privileges by, 65
    9. Technician, 65
  10. licenses
    1. amateur, 1415
    2. international regulations, 1415
    3. maintaining, 94
    4. paperwork, completing, 8385
    5. registering in CORES, 9091
    6. remote control stations, 281
    7. types of, 6567
  11. licensing exams
    1. areas covered by, 72
    2. classes, 7274, 76
    3. demystifying, 7172
    4. at events, 79
    5. exam day, 7982
    6. exam session, finding, 7778
    7. in homes, 79
    8. mentors in studying for, 7576
    9. online, 79
    10. online practice exams, 75
    11. passing grade, 81
    12. pointers, 82
    13. private, 79
    14. public, 78
    15. registration for, 81
    16. resources for study, 7275
    17. second-chance, 8182
    18. signing up, 7879
    19. study guides for, 74
    20. studying for, 67, 7176
    21. taking, 68, 7782
    22. websites, 7475
    23. what to bring to, 80
    24. what to do after taking, 8182
    25. what to expect, 81
  12. light, speed of, 28
  13. lightning, 294
  14. Li-ion batteries, 321
  15. Li-iron-phosphate, 321
  16. Lindquist, Rick (WW1ME), 36
  17. linear amplifiers, 257
  18. links, 200
  19. Linux, 279
  20. lip-mounts, 261
  21. listening
    1. about, 9798
    2. bands, 9899
    3. on HF, 101103
    4. on the input, 108
    5. maintaining, 94
    6. monitoring and, 97
    7. tuning and, 97
    8. on UHF, 100101
    9. on VHF, 100101
  22. Locher, Bob (W9KNI), 204
  23. Logbook of the World, 208, 301, 304305
  24. logging software, 220, 277
  25. log-periodics, 53, 261
  26. logs
    1. basics to record, 298
    2. on computers, 299
    3. contest, 301303
    4. defined, 24
    5. software, 299301
    6. typical format, 298
  27. loss, 365
  28. low bands, 206
  29. lower sideband (LSB), 101, 109
  30. low-pass filters, 366


  1. Macintosh computers, 279
  2. mag-mount antenna, 254, 261
  3. magnifiers, head-mounted, 327
  4. Maia, Fred (W5YI), 78
  5. mailbox stations, 13
  6. maintenance tools, 326331
  7. Makins, Tim (EI8HC), 205
  8. male connector, 328
  9. Mapability, 205
  10. maps, 301302
  11. MARC (Motorola Amateur Radio Club), 153
  12. Martinez, Peter (G3PLX), 192193
  13. masters, tips for, 371374
  14. masts, 272273
  15. matchbox, 353
  16. Maxim, Huiam Percy, 47
  17. maximum usable frequency (MUF), 206
  18. medium frequency (MF), 30
  19. megahertz, 29
  20. memory channels, 105, 141142
  21. Memory mode, 141
  1. mentors
    1. being and finding, 3536
    2. experience with, 76
    3. locating, 7576
  2. mesh network, 186
  3. metal bristle brushes, 330
  4. meteor trails, 32, 214
  5. metric system, 387389, 392
  6. MF (medium frequency) bands, 103
  7. MFSK (multiple frequency shift keying) modes, 196197
  8. MFSK16, 196
  9. microphones, 276277
  10. micro-scale satellites, 16
  11. microwaves, 30, 98
  12. Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS), 167, 169
  13. milliwatting, 234
  14. Missouri University of Science and Technology, 291
  15. MJF Contest Keyer, 277
  16. mobile antennas, 314316
  17. mobile/base radio, 18
  18. mobile phones, 9, 33
  19. mobile rig, 22
  20. mobile stations
    1. antennas, 314316
    2. HF mobile radios, 309311
    3. installations, 311314
  21. modes, 26, 99
  22. modulation, 26, 111
  23. moonbounce, 98, 198, 240
  24. Morris, Steve (K7LXC), 271
  25. Morse Academy, 228
  26. Morse code
    1. automatic key, 231
    2. bug, 231
    3. calling frequencies, 156
    4. code copying, 230
    5. contacts, making, 122123, 232
    6. defined, 24, 227
    7. equipment, 22
    8. Fansworth method, 228
    9. mastering, 227234
    10. pounding brass, 76, 230232
    11. prosigns, 228, 232
    12. ragchewing by, 160162
    13. receiving, 114115
    14. reporting quality, 127
    15. sending, 230232
    16. signal reports, 126
    17. skills, sharpening, 228229
    18. software, 233
    19. straight key, 230
    20. tips, 233
  27. MOTOTRBO, 148
  28. mountain topping, 215
  29. Muething, Rick (KN6KB), 198
  30. multiple frequency shift keying (MFSK) modes, 196197
  31. multiprotocol controllers, 24


  1. N1MM Logger+, 220, 277, 299
  2. N3FJP contest loggers, 220, 299
  3. National Contest Journal, 223
  4. National Electrical Code (NEC), 293
  5. National Hurricane Center, 11
  6. National Parks On the Air (NPOTA), 54, 319
  7. National Weather Service, 73, 143, 178179
  8. NCVEC Form 605, 8485
  9. net control station (NCS), 180181
  10. net manager, 180
  11. nets
    1. access tips, 117
    2. checking in and out, 180181
    3. defined, 12
    4. directed, 180
    5. exchanging information on, 181183
    6. HF-band, 101, 154155
    7. participating in, 180183
    8. public service, 12
    9. swap-n-shop, 13
    10. technical assistance, 12
    11. types of, 1213
  12. Newkirk, Robert (W9BRD), 36
  13. nibbling tool, 332
  14. Nifty E-Z Guide to Echolink Operation, 149
  15. Nifty Mini-Manuals, 142
  16. NOAA SKYWARN, 11
  17. nodes, 150, 200
  18. noise, 32, 258259
  19. noise blankers, 260
  20. noise-canceling technology, 32
  21. noise figure, 257
  1. noise reduction, 260
  2. non-ionizing radiation, 27
  3. nonperishable food, 172
  4. non-resonant doublet antennas, 264
  5. notch filters, 25, 259, 366
  6. Novice license, 66, 93
  7. NTSC, 242


  1. O'Connor, Dan, 172
  2. off frequency, 108
  3. official emergency station (OES), 169
  4. official observer (OO), 169
  5. offset, 136
  6. Ohm's Law, 364
  7. Olivia signals, 197
  8. omnidirectional antennas, 261, 265
  9. online communities
    1. blogs, 3738
    2. email reflectors, 40
    3. podcasts, 38
    4. social media, 3738
    5. videos, 38
    6. webinars, 38
    7. web portals, 3940
  10. online contact maps, 105
  11. online groups, 10
  12. online licensing exams, 79
  13. online practice exams, 75
  14. opening the squelch, 106
  15. open repeaters, 140141
  16. open-wire feed line, 25, 267, 353
  17. operating chair, 288
  18. operating frequency, 109
  19. operating systems, 279
  20. orbital, 239
  21. OSCAR-1 satellite, 51, 238
  22. oscilloscopes, 332
  23. OTA (on the air), 319320
  24. output frequency, 136


  1. packet radio, 52, 199200
  2. PACTOR, 185, 197198
  3. paddle, 22, 231
  4. panadapter, 111, 258
  5. paper chasers, 224
  6. parades, 179180
  7. peak envelop power, 365
  8. Pearce, Gary (KN4AQ), 38
  9. percentage, 391
  10. Perkiömäki, Jari (OH6BG), 300
  11. phase, 193
  12. phase shift keying (PSK), 193
  13. phones, 99100
  14. phonetics, 121122
  15. Pignology, 282
  16. pileups, 209
  17. ping jockeys, 214
  18. plasma TVs, 346
  19. plug, 328, 356
  20. PODXS Ø7Ø Club, 194
  21. polarization, 261
  22. popcorn noise, 355
  23. portable antennas, 319321. See also antennas
  24. portable operation
    1. antennas, 319321
    2. defined, 317
    3. frequencies for, 318
    4. planning for, 317318
    5. power, 321
  25. portals, 3940
  26. port assignment problems, 340
  27. pounding brass, 76, 230232
  28. power, 364365
  29. power-line interference, 344
  30. power-line modems, 346
  31. power problems, 337338
  32. power supplies, 22
  33. preamplifiers, VHF/UHF, 257
  34. privacy codes, 138
  35. private exams, 79
  36. privileges, 99
  37. programming software, 142143
  38. propagation, 9, 300
  39. prosigns, 164, 228, 232
  40. protocol errors, 340
  41. PSK31 signals, 112113, 192194
  42. public exams, 78
  1. public information officer (PIO), 169
  2. public-safety radio, 33
  3. public service
    1. defined, 12, 45
    2. organizations, joining, 166168
    3. parades and charity events, 179180
    4. providing, 178179
    5. weather monitoring, 178179
  4. push-to-talk (PTT), 121, 252
  5. push-up masts, 272


  1. QRM, 351
  2. QRP
    1. contests, 235
    2. defined, 53, 234
    3. direction-finding, 237238
    4. gear, building, 235
    5. getting started with, 235
    6. North American HF calling frequencies, 234
    7. resources, 237
    8. special gatherings for, 235
    9. transceivers, 236
  3. QRP Amateur Radio Clubs International (QRP ARCI), 53, 237
  4. QRP clubs, 53
  5. QRP Quarterly, 5354
  6. QRX, 351
  7. QRZ, 351
  8., 35, 3940, 76, 8889, 134, 284
  9. Q-signals, 98, 119
  10. QSKs, 160
  11. QSL cards
    1. accuracy, 304
    2. defined, 303
    3. exchanging, 304
    4. format, 303
  12. QSL Corner, 305306
  13. QSLs
    1. applying for awards, 307
    2. bureau system, 306
    3. defined, 10, 352
    4. sending and receiving, 304307
    5. sending overseas, 306
    6. sending via managers, 305306
    7. services, 306
  14. QSOs. See also contacts
    1. antennas, 127
    2. common information exchanges, 126127
    3. concluding, 163164
    4. conducting, 126128
    5. contesting, 117118
    6. defined, 98, 352
    7. digital, 160162
    8. DXing, 117118
    9. FM style, 128130
    10. nets, 117
    11. organizations, joining, 235
    12. parties, 218
    13. QTH location, 126
    14. ragchews, 116117
    15. rig, 126
    16. signal reports, 126
    17. topics to avoid, 128
    18. types of, 115118
    19. weather, 127
  15. QST magazine, 46
  16. QTH location, 126
  17. quads, 266, 352
  18. quarter-wave whips, 261


  1. radiation, 294
  2. Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), 167, 169
  3. radio clubs. See clubs
  4. radio control (R/C)
    1. computers and, 280
    2. frequencies, 9
  5. radio discipline, 183
  6. radiograms, 181182
  7. radios
    1. accessories, 276277
    2. choosing, 250260
    3. cloning, 256
    4. coding, 9
    5. defined, 18
    6. digitizing, 9
    7. filters, 258259
    8. FM, 253256
    9. in go kit, 173
    10. in ham stations, 288
    1. HF mobile radios, 309311
    2. noise, 258259
    3. operating chair, 288
    4. setting up, 141142
    5. software-defined, 9, 190, 245, 258259
    6. VHF/UHF, 253257
  8. radiosport. See contests
  9. radiotelephone, 100
  10. radioteletype (RTTY)
    1. defined, 194
    2. operating via, 194195
    3. resources, 196
    4. signal reports, 126
    5. tones, 194195
    6. tuning in, 112113
  11. radio waves
    1. defined, 27
    2. experimenting with, 9
    3. frequency, 2729
    4. propagation, 3132
    5. spectrum, 2930
    6. wavelength, 2729
  12. ragchews, 101
    1. calling CQ for, 159160
    2. defined, 12, 116117
    3. good times for, 157
    4. HF bands, 154155
    5. by keyboard and Morse, 160162
    6. knowing when, 157159
    7. knowing where, 154156
    8. not-so-good times for, 157158
    9. ragchewer identification, 159160
    10. sharing, 160
    11. term origin, 12
    12. UHF bands, 156
    13. VHF bands, 156
  13. random-length wire antennas, 265
  14. receivers, 22
  15. receiving filters, 25
  16. receptacles, 356
  17. recordkeeping, 246
  18. Reddit, 37
  19. reducers, 356
  20. reflectors, 39
  21. regions, ITU, 63
  22. remote control stations
    1. accessing, 282283
    2. benefits of, 281
    3. control of, 282
    4. identification, 281282
    5. licenses, 281
    6. permissions, 281
    7. rules, 281282
    8. simple configuration, 283
    9. time-share, 283
  23. Remote Ham Radio, 283
  24. Remote Operating for Amateur Radio, 282
  25. remote receivers, 140
  26. repeater contacts, starting, 120121
  27. repeater frequencies
    1. channel spacing, 136
    2. finding, 136138
    3. input, 136
    4. offset, 136
    5. output, 136
    6. understanding, 135136
  28. repeater pair, 136
  29. repeaters
    1. access control tones, using, 138139
    2. autopatch, 140
    3. basic system, 134135
    4. closed, 140141
    5. defined, 26, 101
    6. digital, 148149
    7. directories, 107
    8. D-STAR, 150151
    9. duplex operation, 134
    10. features of, 140141
    11. jargons, 354
    12. open, 140141
    13. remote receivers, 140
    14. satellites, 239
    15. time-out, 140
  30. repeats, 208
  31. resistors, 333
  32. Reverse Beacon Network, 210
  33. RF (radio-wave frequency)
    1. exposure, 294
    2. ground, 296
    3. interference, 296
    4. management, 296297
    5. problems, troubleshooting, 338339
  34. RF and audio generators, 332
  35. rhombic antennas, 352
  36. roll call, 181
  37. Romanchik, Dan (KB6NU), 38, 74
  38. roofing filters, 259
  39. Rookie Roundup, 217
  40. rotator plate, 275
  41. rotators, 275276
  42. roundtables, 117, 160
  43. Rover Log, 220, 301
  44. roving, 301, 313
  45. RT Systems, 142, 256
  46. run, 352


  1. safety, RF and electrical, 293295
  2. safety lockout, 293
  3. Sampol, Gab (EA6VQ), 105
  4. satellites
    1. accessing, 240
    2. basics, 239240
    3. digital, 239
    4. operating via, 238240
    5. OSCAR-1 satellite, 51, 238
    6. repeaters, 239
    7. telemetry, 239240
    8. tracking, 369370
    9. transponders, 239
    10. types, 239
    11. uplink, 239
    12. using, 26
  5. scanning, 137
  6. Schupack, Ben (NW7DX), 312
  7. scientific notation, 389
  8. scratchy, 127
  9. screwdriver antennas, 315
  10. SD by EI5DI, 220
  11. search-and-rescue (SAR) operations, 178
  12. searching and pouncing, 219, 222, 352
  13. selectivity, 25, 259
  14. self-supporting towers, 274
  15. semiconductors, 333
  16. sensitivity, 259
  17. separation kit, 313
  18. serial numbers, 218, 352
  19. services, 29
  20. shelves, 288289
  21. shield, 24, 267
  22. shortwave, 30
  23. shot noise, 355
  24. Shovkoplyas, Alex (VE3NEA), 205
  25. sidebands, 108
  26. signal reports, 126
  27. signals, 29
  28. signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio, 210
  29. signature, 344
  30. simplex, 101, 134, 144145
  31. single-sideband (SSB)
    1. calling frequencies, 156
    2. defined, 101
    3. receiving, 108111
    4. reporting quality, 127
    5. signal reports, 126
  32. Skimmer spots, 210
  33. skips, 103
  34. SKYWARN, 73, 178179
  35. sky wave propagation, 31
  36. slow-scan television, 241242
  37. Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA), 17
  38. soft reset, 341
  39. software, 26, 142143
  40. software-defined radio (SDR), 9, 190, 245, 258259. See also radios
  41. solar flare, 357
  42. solar flux, 357
  43. solar panels, 321
  44. soldering iron and gun, 327
  45. SolderSmoke, 39
  46. solid-state amplifiers, 253
  47. solvents, 330
  48. Somerville, Bill, 199
  49. special event call signs, 93
  50. special events, 225226
  51. special-event stations, 14
  52. specialty clubs
    1. AMSAT, 51
    2. competitive clubs, 49
    3. defined, 48
    4. Handiham, 50
    5. IOTA, 54
    6. joining, 40
    7. NPOTA, 54
    8. QRP, 53
    1. SOTA, 54
    2. TAPR, 52
    3. YLRL, 5253
  53. specialty operations
    1. awards, 224227
    2. contests, 216224
    3. digital modes, 190203
    4. DXing, 203216
    5. image communication, 240242
    6. Morse code, 227234
    7. QRP, 234238
    8. satellites, 238240
    9. software-defined radio, 190
  54. spectrum, 2930
  55. speed of light, 28
  56. splatter, 356
  57. split cores, 346
  58. split-frequency operation, 209
  59. sporadic E, 213
  60. spotting networks, 210
  61. sprays, 330
  62. squalor, 353
  63. standing wave ratio (SWR), 367368
  64. stations
    1. antennas, 260278
    2. basic, 2224
    3. basic parts, 246
    4. computer selection, 279280
    5. decisions for, 246247
    6. defined, 245246
    7. equipment tips, 359362
    8. fixed, 88
    9. goals, setting, 246250
    10. home operation, 247248
    11. maintaining, 335337
    12. miscellaneous gadgets, 2425
    13. mobile, 309317
    14. new versus used equipment for, 283284, 359362
    15. operation decisions, 247249
    16. portable operation, 248249
    17. radio selection, 250260
    18. relative expense breakdowns, 249
    19. remote control, 281283
    20. resource allocation, 249
    21. upgrading, 284
  65. Steele, Don (NTØF), 292
  66. stepped drill bit, 332333
  67. Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio, 178179
  68. straight key, 22, 230
  69. stubs, 25
  70. subaudible, 139
  71. sub-bands, 99
  72. Sub-Group Identification Number (SGIN), 9091
  73. Summits On the Air (SOTA), 54, 237, 319
  74. Sun, tracking, 207
  75. support groups
    1. ARRL, 4548
    2. blogs, 3738
    3. clubs, 4045
    4. email reflectors, 40
    5. hamfests and conventions, 5558
    6. mentors, 3536
    7. online communities, 3741
    8. podcasts, 38
    9. radio clubs, 4045
    10. social media, 3738
    11. specialty groups, 4854
    12. videos, 38
    13. webinars, 38
    14. web portals, 3940
  76. surface-mount devices, 333334
  77. swap-n-shop, 13
  78. switching power supplies, 345
  79. SWR meter, 332
  80. symbols, 192
  81. System Fusion, 111112, 148149


  1. tactical call signs, 183
  2. Taylor, Joe (K1JT), 32, 198
  3. TDMA (Time-Division Multiple Access), 153
  4. technical assistance, 12
  5. technical specialist (TS), 169
  6. Technician class license
    1. active population, 67
    2. call signs, 93
    3. defined, 65
    4. privileges, 65
    5. test, 65
  7. Technician license, 22
  8. telegrapher's laugh, 51
  9. telemetry, 239240
  10. Teleprinting over Radio (TOR), 197
  11. television, 343
  12. Terminal, 280
  13. terminal crimpers, 327
  14. terminal node controller (TNC), 185, 200, 255
  15. terminal programs, 280
  16. T-handled reamer, 333
  17. through-hole components, 333
  18. thrust bearing, 275
  19. tilt-over towers, 273
  20. tip-ring-sleeve (TRS), 356
  21. tone access, 120, 138139
  22. tone scanning, 141
  23. tone squelch, 139
  24. tools, repair and building, 331333
  25. tools maintenance, 326331
  26. top band, 206
  27. touch lamps, 343
  28. towers. See also antennas
    1. crank-up, 274
    2. manufacturers, 273
    3. self-supporting, 274
    4. tilt-over, 273
    5. welded lattice, 273
  29. TowerTalk, 275
  30. transceivers, 22, 246
  31. transmatch, 354
  32. transmission lines, 267
  33. transmitters, 22, 27
  34. transponders, 239
  35. trap dipole antennas, 264265
  36. trees, 271272
  37. tri-bander, 266
  38. trigonometry, 393395
  39. tripods, 272273
  40. troposphere, 214
  41. tropospheric propagation, 32, 214
  42. troubleshooting
    1. control problems, 340341
    2. data problems, 339341
    3. home and neighborhood, 341347
    4. interference, 342347
    5. operational problems, 339341
    6. overall, 336
    7. power problems, 337338
    8. problems, troubleshooting, 338339
    9. RF problems, 338339
  43. Tucson Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR), 52, 199
  44. tuning indicators, 105, 195
  45. tuning in signals, 105115
  46. twin-lead filters, 25, 353
  47. Twitter, 37
  48. Two-Way Radios and Scanners for Dummies, 137
  49. TW vertical dipole, 320


  1. UHF (ultra high frequency) bands
    1. chewing the rag on, 156
    2. defined, 30, 98
    3. digital voice, 147148
    4. listening on, 100101
  2. UHF radios. See VHF/UHF radios
  3. unit conversion, online tutorials, 392
  4. Universal Licensing System (ULS), 8688
  5. uplink, 239
  6. upper sideband (USB), 101, 109
  7. Up the Tower, 271


  1. vacuum-tube amplifiers, 253
  2. vanity call signs, 9293
  3. variable-frequency oscillator (VFO), 109
  4. Varicode, 193
  5. vehicle ignition noise, 345
  6. vertical antennas. See also antennas; HF antennas
    1. ground-independent, 265
    2. ground-plane, 261, 265
    3. quarter-wave whips, 261
  7. VFO mode, 141
  8. VHF (very high frequency) bands
    1. chewing the rag on, 156
    2. defined, 30, 9899
    3. digital voice, 147148
    4. DXing on, 211216
    5. listening on, 100101
  9. VHF/UHF antennas. See also antennas
    1. beam, 260261
    2. polarization, 261
    3. whips, 261262
    4. Yagi, 262
  10. VHF/UHF Century Club, 215, 355
  11. VHF/UHF radios. See also radios
    1. all-mode, 253
    2. amplifiers, 257
    3. defined, 253
    4. multimode, 253
    5. preamplifiers, 257
  12. Vibroplex, 231
  13. ViewProp, 105
  14. Vimeo, 38
  15. VOACAP, 300
  16. voice keyer, 277
  17. VoIP (Voice Over IP), 149150
  18. volunteer examiner coordinator (VEC) organizations, 47, 68, 78, 84
  19. volunteer examiners (VEs), 14, 47, 6869, 84
  20. Volunteer Examiners Club of America, 78
  21. volunteering, 168169
  22. vsariable-frequency drive, 344345


  1. W1AW station, 229
  2. W1HKJ, 112
  3. W4VEC, 78
  4. W5YI VEC, 73, 78
  5. wallpapers, 224
  6. wall warts, 345
  7. WARC bands, 158
  8. waterfall displays, 192, 258
  9. wattmeter, 332
  10. wavelength, 2729
  11. weak-signal contacts, 115
  12. weather monitoring, 127, 178179
  13. web portals, 3940
  14. WebSDR, 282
  15. welded lattice towers, 273
  16. West, Gordon (WB6NOA), 74, 228
  17. whips, 261262
  18. white noise, 356
  19. WiFi, 33, 148, 187
  20. Wilson, Peter (K4CAV), 311
  21. window line, 353
  22. Winlink, 13, 184186
  23. WINMOR, 197198
  24. Win-Test, 220
  25. wire antennas. See also antennas; HF antennas
    1. dipole, 262264
    2. full-wavelength loop, 264
    3. inverted-V, 264
    4. non-resonant doublet, 264
    5. random-length, 265
    6. trap dipole, 264265
  26. wire cutters, 326
  27. wireless local area network (WLAN), 202
  28. WIRES-X, 151152, 156
  29. Worked All States (WAS) program, 215
  30. working DX, 204
  31. working split, 209
  32. work parties, 45
  33. WPM (words per minute), 192
  34. WriteLog, 220, 277, 299
  35. WSJT, 32, 198199


  1. xterm, 280


  1. Yagi, 262, 266
  2. Young Ladies' Radio League (YLRL), 5253
  3. Youngster on the Air (YOTA), 319320
  4. YouTube, 38, 75


  1. Zepp, 353
  2. zero beat, 110
  3. Ziegler, Brad (KCØBSZ), 291
  4. zone, 352
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