Chapter 5. Introducing XAML

XAML is an XML dialect, so you’ll see a lot of angle brackets here and throughout this book. In this chapter, we will have a look at the most important XAML elements used in a Silverlight application. It is virtually impossible to cover them all in a book of this size, but we will present as many as possible to let you dive into XAML with maximum speed and get a sense of the power of Silverlight markup.

If you have already worked with XAML for WPF applications, you already know most of what is covered in this chapter (and most of Chapter 7 as well). However, there are some subtle differences: Silverlight does not support the full XAML format that WPF does, but only a (quite decent) subset. Future releases of Silverlight will increase the percentage of supported WPF elements and attributes, but some things just will not work in a web browser as they do in a desktop application.

In Silverlight 1.0, the root element of every XAML file is <Canvas>, which defines the area that holds the Silverlight content (Positioning Elements later will show other uses for the <Canvas> element). This has changed with Silverlight 2, providing you with more flexibility. However, when you are using the Silverlight Script web site template, you indeed have <Canvas> as your root element, in the following fashion:

<Canvas xmlns="" 

If you are using the Silverlight Project template, the original structure looks different:

<UserControl x:Class="HelloWorld.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">

We are using the project template for most of this book. To facilitate a migration to the script template, most examples will use <Canvas> as the first element, either in the form of the root element (script template) or as the first element within <Grid> (project template). Whatever way you prefer, always remember to put the correct namespaces at the beginning.

Using Text

The first example used to introduce most technologies is some variation of “Hello World” (see Chapter 3 for such an example). This chapter will start with something like “Hello World” as well: we will add text to the Silverlight content developed in Chapter 4. The element used for this is <TextBlock> (an example of which is shown in Figure 3-5) and there are two ways to provide this text:

  • Within the Text attribute of the element

  • As a text node within the element

Example 5-1 uses the latter approach to output some simple text. Note that using text within <TextBlock> was not allowed in older Silverlight versions, but it worked nevertheless; Figure 5-1 proves that it still does.

Example 5-1. Using simple text, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project Text1)

<UserControl x:Class="Text1.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">

To repeat the structure of a Silverlight application from Chapter 3, you need more files to make this example work in a web browser. If you are using the project template, you already saw in Chapter 3 that the <asp:Silverlight> control (part of the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions) does the trick. If you are using the web site and do not want to rely on the Extensions, there is an alternative approach. First, you need JavaScript code that initializes the Silverlight content. The SDK and the script templates contain a file called Silverlight.js that provides you with the functionality to embed Silverlight content into an HTML page. The page hosting the Silverlight content uses the Silverlight.js file and calls one of its methods, Silverlight.createObjectEx(), as you can see in Example 5-2. For most of the remainder of this book, we will use the project-based template; however, it requires little effort to port these examples to the script web site template.

Example 5-2. Using simple text, the JavaScript code (excerpt from Default.html, project ScriptWeb)

if (!window.Silverlight) 
    window.Silverlight = {};

  Silverlight.createDelegate = function(instance, method) {
    return function() {
          return method.apply(instance, arguments);
  var scene = new ScriptWeb1.Scene();
    source: 'Scene.xaml',
    parentElement: document.getElementById('silverlightPlugInHost'),
    id: 'silverlightPlugIn',
    properties: {
      width: '100%',
      height: '100%',
      version: '1.0'
    events: {
      onLoad: Silverlight.createDelegate(scene, scene.handleLoad),
      onError: function(sender, args) {
      var errorDiv = document.getElementById("errorLocation");
      if (errorDiv != null) {
        var errorText = args.errorType + "- " + args.errorMessage;
        if (args.ErrorType == "ParserError") {
          errorText += "<br>File: " + args.xamlFile;
          errorText += ", line " + args.lineNumber;
          errorText += " character " + args.charPosition;
        else if (args.ErrorType == "RuntimeError") {
          errorText += "<br>line " + args.lineNumber;
          errorText += " character " +  args.charPosition;
        errorDiv.innerHTML = errorText;
    context: null 

Note the highlighted code elements:

  • The source property must be filled with the URL of the XAML file.

  • The parentElement property must be filled with a reference to the DOM element that will hold the Silverlight content.

  • The id property provides a value that JavaScript code may use to access the Silverlight content (see Chapter 15 for details).

Now let’s have a closer look at the HTML file that is used as the primary page to be loaded in the browser. The HTML page needs to contain a <div> container with the same ID that has been provided in the parentElement property. Finally, the page needs to include the JavaScript code from Example 5-2. Example 5-3 has the full code, and Figure 5-1 shows the output—the text appears.

Example 5-3. Using simple text, the HTML file (Default.html, project ScriptWeb)

<html xmlns="">

  <script type="text/javascript" src="Silverlight.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="Scene.js"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
    #errorLocation {
      font-size: small;
      color: Gray;
    #silverlightControlHost {
      height: 480px;
            width: 640px;


    <!-- Runtime errors from Silverlight will be displayed here.
  This will contain debugging information and should be removed or hidden 
    when debugging is completed -->
  <div id='errorLocation'></div>
  <div id="silverlightPlugInHost">
    <script type="text/javascript">
      if (!window.Silverlight) 
          window.Silverlight = {};
        Silverlight.createDelegate = function(instance, method) {
          return function() {
                return method.apply(instance, arguments);
        var scene = new ScriptWeb1.Scene();
          source: 'Scene.xaml',
          parentElement: document.getElementById('silverlightPlugInHost'),
          id: 'silverlightPlugIn',
          properties: {
            width: '100%',
            height: '100%',
            version: '1.0'
          events: {
            onLoad: Silverlight.createDelegate(scene, scene.handleLoad),
            onError: function(sender, args) {
            var errorDiv = document.getElementById("errorLocation");
            if (errorDiv != null) {
              var errorText = args.errorType + "- " + args.errorMessage;
              if (args.ErrorType == "ParserError") {
                errorText += "<br>File: " + args.xamlFile;
                errorText += ", line " + args.lineNumber;
                errorText += " character " + args.charPosition;
              else if (args.ErrorType == "RuntimeError") {
                errorText += "<br>line " + args.lineNumber;
                errorText += " character " +  args.charPosition;
              errorDiv.innerHTML = errorText;
          context: null 


Creating new Silverlight apps starts with copying and pasting most of the time. When creating new content, you need copies of the HTML file, the XAML file, and, optionally, the XAML JavaScript file (you will see such a file in action in Chapter 6). Then you just have to update all filenames and you are set. Therefore, we will print the HTML file only if it is beneficial to better understand the concept of a given example. We will also avoid reprinting the HTML file with the JavaScript code if there is no special additional information in it. The code downloads for this book always come with complete, running code.

Figure 5-1 shows the default layout for text: the text uses the Lucida font, has a size of 11 points, and is displayed in black. To make this possible, the font does not even have to be installed on the client (or on the server); it is part of the plug-in. Therefore, the experience on Mac OS X is almost the same, as Figure 5-2 shows.

The text is displayed

Figure 5-1. The text is displayed

The same text on Mac OS X

Figure 5-2. The same text on Mac OS X

Apart from the Lucida font, several other fonts are also supported cross-platform:

  • Arial

  • Arial Black

  • Comic Sans MS

  • Courier New

  • Georgia

  • Times New Roman

  • Trebuchet MS

  • Verdana

Other fonts, even if they are installed on the client, are not supported; Silverlight uses Lucida if the font name is invalid.


It is possible to load external OpenType or TrueType (TTF) fonts and use them within a Silverlight application. Refer to Chapter 16 for details.

There are several ways to apply these fonts. First of all, some of the <TextBlock> attributes come in handy:


The font family name (e.g., Arial).


The font size in points (e.g., 12).


How to display the font (e.g., Thin, ExtraLight, Light, Normal, Medium, SemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, Black, and ExtraBlack; unfortunately, IntelliSense provides you with additional, invalid choices).

You can easily apply these attributes to a <TextBlock> element. However, if you would like to use different formattings in one <TextBlock>, you have another option. Use the <Run> element within <TextBlock> to provide inline formatting options. This concept can be compared to HTML: imagine <TextBlock> as a <div> element and <Run> as a <span> element within that <div> element. The styles of the <div> element provide the basic layout of the text within, but <span> styles may override <div> styles.

Example 5-4 shows some styling options. It also introduces a new XAML element:

The <LineBreak> element

This element defines, well, a line break.

The Foreground attribute

This defines the foreground (here it is text) color. You can use a defined color name (Red, Green, Blue, etc.), or an RGB triple (#ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ff, etc.), or aRGB. The “a” stands for alphatransparency. Just provide a value between 0 (00) and 255 (ff) that defines the degree of the nontransparency. If you set it to 00, the element is fully transparent (e.g., the background is seen, the element is not). If you set it to ff, the element is not transparent at all, so you do not see the background. If you use a value in between, the background shines through at the given degree. For instance, #7fffff00 is a yellow (ffff00) that is about 50% transparent (7f is hex for 127).


You can also provide the background color for an element, using the Background property.

Refer to Figure 5-3 for the output in the browser.

Example 5-4. Text styling options, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project Text2)

<UserControl x:Class="Text2.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Blue" FontFamily="Arial" FontSize="24" FontWeight="Bold">
        Arial, 24pt, Bold, Blue
        <LineBreak />
        <Run FontSize="36" FontWeight="Light" Text="Arial, 36pt, Light, Blue" />
        <LineBreak />
        <Run FontFamily="Times New Roman" Foreground="#7fffff00" Text="Times New Roman, 
        24pt, Bold, Yellow" />
Different text styling options

Figure 5-3. Different text styling options

Using Shapes

Most typical Silverlight visual elements are shapes: geometrical elements that make up the visual experience of the application. This section will cover many of the available options.

Before we dive into the different supported shapes, we will examine formatting options. There are several of them, and many of them are specific to certain shapes, but the following three properties are shared among all shapes:


How to fill the inner area of a shape (e.g., by providing a color)


How to paint the outline of a shape (e.g., by providing a color)


The width of the outline, in pixels (must not be an integral value)

We start with probably the easiest shape: a line, represented in XAML by the <Line> element. You need to provide the start and end points of the line and use the Silverlight coordinate system (which is pixel-based; the origin is in the top-left corner). The associated attribute names are X1, Y1, X2, and Y2. Example 5-5 paints a simple triangle, using three lines, and Figure 5-4 shows the browser output. Note that thanks to the 5-pixel width of the strokes, the corners of the triangle are not perfect.

Example 5-5. A triangle with three lines, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project Line)

<UserControl x:Class="Line.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
      <Line Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="5" X1="200" Y1="50" X2="350" 
        Y2="250" />
      <Line Stroke="Green" StrokeThickness="5" X1="350" Y1="250" X2="50" 
        Y2="250" />
      <Line Stroke="Blue" StrokeThickness="5" X1="50" Y1="250" X2="200" 
        Y2="50" />
The triangle in the browser

Figure 5-4. The triangle in the browser

If you want to create a closed shape, such as a triangle, rectangle, and so on, you would be better off using the <Polygon> element, which combines all points. In the Points property, you need to provide a list of points, using this format:

X1,Y1 X2,Y2 X3,Y3 ... Xn,Yn

The rendering algorithm is as follows: the first point is connected with the second one, the second one with the third one, and so on; at some time, point number n–1 is connected with point n. Finally, Silverlight connects point n with the very first point.


If you want to omit the final step (e.g., if you create a shape that is not closed because the last point is not connected with the first one), use <Polyline> instead of <Polygon>.

Example 5-6 once again creates the same triangle as before, but this time the corners are much better, as Figure 5-5 shows. Since we cannot use alternating edge colors when using <Polygon>, we added an additional visual effect by setting the Fill property.

Example 5-6. A triangle as a polygon, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project Polygon)

<UserControl x:Class="Polygon.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
      <Polygon Points="200,50 350,250 50,250" 
        Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="5" Fill="Orange" />
The (improved) triangle in the browser

Figure 5-5. The (improved) triangle in the browser

A special case of a polygon is a rectangle, represented in Silverlight with the <Rectangle> element. Here you do not provide the coordinates of all corners (or of the top-left and bottom-right corner), but take a different approach: you provide the width and height of the rectangle in its Width and Height attributes. The actual position of the rectangle is provided using the technique introduced in Positioning Elements later, so we will omit this feature for now. However, we would like to showcase another feature of <Rectangle>: rounded corners.

A rounded corner is actually an ellipsis (which will get coverage of its own next). You can now provide the radius of that ellipsis. If the horizontal and vertical radii are the same, you get a circle, which is the most common option for a rounded corner. However, you can also provide different radius values to create a different visual effect. The attributes you need to use are RadiusX and RadiusY.

Example 5-7 uses an ellipsis with a RadiusX:RadiusY ratio of 100:1. In Figure 5-6 you see the result: the rounded corners slightly overlap the two horizontal edges of the rectangle.

Example 5-7. A rectangle with rounded corners, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project Rectangle)

<UserControl x:Class="Rectangle.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
      <Rectangle Width="200" Height="150" 
        Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="5" Fill="Orange"
        RadiusX="100" RadiusY="1"/>
The rectangle with rounded corners

Figure 5-6. The rectangle with rounded corners

The final shape is also the most important one, especially if you have a complex design, such as a path, or the <Path> element. Its most important property is Data, which contains information defining the path. To tell the truth, it’s usually design tools that create paths, since any shape, regardless of how complex it is, can be transformed into a path. This section will provide you with a crash course on path syntax.

A path consists of several painting instructions: moving the virtual “pen” to a certain position, drawing certain shapes, and ending the drawing. Every instruction starts with a (case-insensitive) letter that identifies the instruction, and several parameters may follow.

The first part of a path is the so-called fill rule. This takes care of a special case: what happens if elements in the path overlap. You may choose between the default values F0 and F1:


Stands for EvenOdd, meaning that points that have an even number of path segments between them and the end of the canvas are considered outside the path; points with an odd number are considered inside and would be filled.


Stands for NonZero, meaning that all points where a line between the point and the end of the canvas crosses the path from the left side as often as from the right side are considered inside the path.

Generally, EvenOdd is what you will want, and since it is the default value, you do not have to provide it at all.

Next up are the instructions. The first one is usually M, which stands for “move.” This moves the virtual pen to a certain position but does not start drawing. The following path would put the pen at x coordinate 40 and y coordinate 30:

M 40,30

Starting from that point, several shapes are possible. We will start once again with a line, denoted by the L command. You have to provide only the end point of the line—the starting point is defined by the current pen position! The following path would therefore draw a line from (40,30) to (70,80):

M 40,30 L 70,80


Special cases of lines are horizontal lines (H command) and vertical lines (V command). For horizontal lines you need to provide only the x coordinate of the end point; for vertical lines you need to provide only the y coordinate of the end point.

By using lines, you can create any geometric shape that does not have curves. For curves, however, several options exist. The A command draws an elliptical arc. You need to provide a set of parameters:

  • The x and y radii of the ellipsis

  • The rotation angle of the ellipsis (use degrees)

  • Whether the angle is larger than 180 degrees (1) or not (0)

  • Whether the arc is drawn in a positive direction (1) or not (0)

  • The end point of the arc

The following markup would create an arc from (50,50) to (100,50), using an x and y radius of 75 each, with a 90-degree rotation angle in the positive direction:

M 50,50 A 50,50 90 0 1 100,50

A type of curve that is very common in the vector graphics field is the Bézier curve, named after French automobile designer Pierre Bézier. Assume that you have two points, A and B. Bézier defined a couple of mathematical equations that define curves between those points. The easiest one is a linear curve, but they are easy to draw without any extra help from Silverlight. However, there are more complex variants. A quadratic Bézier curve (called that because in the defining formula values are squared) uses a so-called control point to shape the exact look of the curve. The associated Silverlight path command, Q, provides the coordinates of this control point and also of the end point; remember that the start point is again defined by the current position of the pen.

The following markup moves the pen to (125,125) and creates a Bézier curve to (175,75), using (110,60) as a control point:

M 125,125 Q 110,60 175,75

A cubic Bézier curve goes one step further and uses two control points. The associated Silverlight path command is C. Here is an example—the curve goes from (150,125) to (50,100), using the two control points (125,175) and (20,125):

M 150,125 C 125,175 20,125 50,100


More advanced Bézier curves are available as well: they take the previous point of the curve into account, making the curve look smoother. For “smooth,” the sister of the quadratic Bézier curve uses the S command, and the “smooth” cubic Bézier curve uses T. The syntax is the same as with the Q and C commands.

One final command is missing. It is called Z and it closes a path, meaning that the pen draws a straight line to the beginning of the path.

Example 5-8 shows several of the previous path commands in action. In Figure 5-7, working clockwise, you can see a straight line, an elliptical arc to the right of the straight line, a quadratic Bézier curve to the right of the arc, and a cubic Bézier curve. The control points for the Bézier curves have been marked with an X so that you can see which points the curves are approaching. These markers have also been created using a path (drawing two crossing lines).

Example 5-8. Using paths, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project Path)

<UserControl x:Class="Path.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">

      <Path Data="M 20,10 L 40,70" 
        Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="5" />

      <Path Data="M 50,50 A 50,50 90 0 1 100,50" 
        Stroke="Yellow" StrokeThickness="5" />

      <Path Data="M 125,75 Q 200,100 175,125" 
        Stroke="Green" StrokeThickness="5" />
      <Path Data="M 195,95 L 205,105 M 205,95 L 195,105" 
        Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="2" />

      <Path Data="M 150,125 C 125,175 20,125 50,100" 
        Stroke="Blue" StrokeThickness="5" />
      <Path Data="M 120,170 L 130,180 M 130,170 L 120,180" 
        Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="2" />
      <Path Data="M 15,120 L 25,130 M 25,120 L 15,130" 
        Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="2" />

Various paths

Figure 5-7. Various paths

As mentioned at the beginning of this section, creating a path manually can be painful, so you should use graphics software for that. However, you can now analyze and understand paths that are created by vector graphic programs.


If you have used SVG before, this path syntax will be very similar to what you are used to. Most vector formats use the same features for their paths, so the different forms of syntax are very alike.

One more shape should not be forgotten: an ellipse, represented by the <Ellipse> element. The most important attributes are Width and Height, defining the size of the ellipse. Example 5-9 shows the code for using an ellipse, and Figure 5-8 shows the browser output.

Example 5-9. Using an ellipse, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project Ellipse)

<UserControl x:Class="Ellipse.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
      <Ellipse Width="400" Height="300" 
        Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="5" Fill="Orange" />
The ellipse

Figure 5-8. The ellipse


When the ellipse has the same width and height, you get a circle.

Positioning Elements

If you don’t specify the position of an element, it is positioned at the origin (0,0) of the display area. You can try this out yourself: create a Silverlight XAML file and put some <TextBlock> elements on it. The text contents within those elements will overlap, since all text is displayed with the top-left corner at (0,0).

You can change this for most elements by setting their Canvas.Top and Canvas.Left properties. These properties denote the x and y coordinates of the element, respectively. The following text block would be shown 50 pixels to the right, 100 pixels to the bottom:

<TextBlock Canvas.Left="50" Canvas.Top="100" Text="Silverlight" />

However, there is more to positioning, and here the <Canvas> element comes into play again. A canvas can also have a position:

<Canvas Canvas.Left="50" Canvas.Top="100">

The clue is that all elements within the canvas are positioned relative to the surrounding canvas. Have a look at Example 5-10, for instance.

Example 5-10. Nested, positioned canvases in the XAML file (Page.xaml, project Canvas)

<UserControl x:Class="Canvas.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
    <Canvas Width="500" Height="500" Background="Red">
      <Canvas Canvas.Left="50" Canvas.Top="50" Background="Green"  
          Width="400" Height="400">
        <Canvas Canvas.Left="50" Canvas.Top="50" Background="Yellow" 
            Width="300" Height="300">
          <Canvas Canvas.Left="50" Canvas.Top="50" Background="Blue" 
              Width="200" Height="200">
            <TextBlock Canvas.Left="50" Canvas.Top="50" FontSize="20" 

It contains several canvases, each (except for the outer one) having Canvas.Left="50” and Canvas.Top="50”. Inside the innermost <Canvas> element resides a <TextBlock> element with Canvas.Left="50” and Canvas.Top="50” as well. Each indentation always refers to the parent canvas and is not an absolute coordinate. Therefore, each canvas starts 50 pixels to the right and 50 pixels to the bottom from where its parent canvas starts. The Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top properties are also called dependency properties: they depend on their parent <Canvas> element. Likewise, <Canvas> elements may be called dependency objects. Figure 5-9 shows the browser output.

The nested canvases

Figure 5-9. The nested canvases


Only <Canvas> elements that have a fixed width and height show their background color. If you omit this information, the background remains the default, which in our example is white.

Of course, these canvases overlap each other. Silverlight uses the following approach: all elements are stacked onto each other, so there is a (virtual) third dimension. Therefore, the text from Example 5-10 resides on top of all canvases, since this element comes last in the document. This is why the text can be seen at all. In CSS, there is a property called z-index that assigns the “z coordinate” of an element: the higher the value, the further up on the stack it is.

Silverlight uses the same principle. You may assign a z-index by setting the Canvas.ZIndex property. Note that you can also nest z-index values; however, these values are compared only on the same element level. Assume that you have a canvas with z-index 3 that contains two rectangles with z-index 2 and z-index 1. The rectangle with the higher z-index is placed above the one with the lower z-index. However, the outer canvas will not overlap the rectangles, although its z-index is higher.

Example 5-11 is a variation of Example 5-10: everything except the outer canvas is gone, but we added rectangles. Usually they would overlap, similar to Figure 5-9, but this time we set Canvas.ZIndex so that the “inner” elements have a lower z-index. Therefore, the first rectangle is drawn over the second one, the second one is drawn over the third one, and so on. The lowest z-index is assigned to the text block. This text block is now overlapped by the blue rectangle. Therefore, the text itself is not visible, as Figure 5-10 shows.

Example 5-11. Setting the z-index, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project ZIndex)

<UserControl x:Class="ZIndex.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
    <Canvas Width="500" Height="500" Background="White">
      <Rectangle Canvas.Left="50" Canvas.Top="50" Fill="Red"
        Width="200" Height="200" Canvas.ZIndex="5"/>
      <Rectangle Canvas.Left="100" Canvas.Top="100" Fill="Green"
        Width="200" Height="200" Canvas.ZIndex="4"/>
      <Rectangle Canvas.Left="150" Canvas.Top="150" Fill="Yellow"
        Width="200" Height="200" Canvas.ZIndex="3"/>
      <Rectangle Canvas.Left="200" Canvas.Top="200" Fill="Blue"
        Width="200" Height="200" Canvas.ZIndex="2"/>
      <TextBlock Canvas.Left="250" Canvas.Top="250" FontSize="20"
        Text="Silverlight" Canvas.ZIndex="1"/>
Overlapping rectangles with z-index

Figure 5-10. Overlapping rectangles with z-index

Using Images

Although Silverlight is a vector-based technology, pixel images are supported too. The XAML element is (conveniently) named <Image>. Apart from the default properties, such as Canvas.Left, Canvas.Top, Height, and Width, <Image> needs to know which graphics to show. This information is provided in the Source property. You can use both local and remote URLs, and you can use two supported graphics formats: JPEG and PNG. Example 5-12 has the code, and Figure 5-11 shows the associated output.

Example 5-12. Using an image, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project Image)

<UserControl x:Class="Image.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
      <Image Source="silverlight.png" />
The pixel image within the Silverlight content

Figure 5-11. The pixel image within the Silverlight content


When using images, you can also track the data transfer using JavaScript, as Chapter 16 shows.

Using Brushes

The final basic XAML elements used to design a static (i.e., nonmoving) UI are brushes. A brush is used just like a “real” brush—you can paint with it. However, Silverlight brushes offer more: you can paint with color, you can paint gradients, you can paint images, and you can even paint videos.

Brushes can be used as alternatives to attributes such as Background, Fill, and Stroke. However, you need to alter your syntax a bit. Instead of using the attribute, you use a subelement, <ElementYouWantToBrush.OldAttribute>. For example, filling a rectangle would look as follows:

    <!-- brushes go here -->

The “easiest” brush is called SolidColorBrush because it uses only one solid color, and there are no changes within the color or gradients. Actually, when using attributes such as Background, Fill, or Stroke as we have done so far in this book, we were implicitly using a SolidColorBrush. However, the alternative syntax works as well. Example 5-13 has the same output as Example 5-11 (Figure 5-10), but it is using the <SolidColorBrush> element. Note how the color used by the brush is defined by its Color attribute.

Example 5-13. Using a solid color brush, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project SolidColorBrush)

<UserControl x:Class="SolidColorBrush.Page"
    Width="500" Height="500">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
    <Canvas Width="500" Height="500" Background="White">
      <Rectangle Canvas.Left="50" Canvas.Top="50" Width="200" Height="200" 
          <SolidColorBrush Color="Red" />
      <Rectangle Canvas.Left="100" Canvas.Top="100" Width="200" Height="200" 
          <SolidColorBrush Color="Green" />
      <Rectangle Canvas.Left="150" Canvas.Top="150" Width="200" Height="200" 
          <SolidColorBrush Color="Yellow" />
      <Rectangle Canvas.Left="200" Canvas.Top="200" Width="200" Height="200" 
          <SolidColorBrush Color="Blue" />
      <TextBlock Canvas.Left="250" Canvas.Top="250" FontSize="20" 
        Text="Silverlight" Canvas.ZIndex="1"/>

Brushes can do unique things. The most typical example is gradients. A common form of a gradient is a radial gradient: the gradient starts at a given origin (quite often the center of an object) and then goes radially to the borders of the object. You can define an arbitrary number of stop points: these are points where a certain color must be matched. So, all you need to do is to define the stop points and associated colors; Silverlight automatically calculates and draws all colors in between. The XAML element for the brush is <RadialGradientBrush>.

You must define a few parameters for this gradient:


The center of the objects. You need to provide values between 0 and 1 for both the x and y coordinates. Silverlight then calculates the actual coordinates based on the dimension of the target object.


The center of the gradient. Again, provide values between 0 and 1 for both coordinates.

RadiusX, RadiusY

The x and y radii of the gradient, again as values between 0 and 1.

Stop colors are defined using the <GradientStop> element. You need to provide the color (Color attribute) and the offset (Offset attribute, value between 0 and 1). Example 5-14 shows a radial gradient with three stop colors, and Figure 5-12 has the output.

Example 5-14. Using a radial gradient, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project RadialGradientBrush)

<UserControl x:Class="RadialGradientBrush.Page"
    Width="600" Height="600">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
      <Ellipse Width="600" Height="600" Stroke="Black">
            Center="0.5 0.5" GradientOrigin="0.33 0.67" 
            RadiusX="0.5" RadiusY="0.5">
            <GradientStop Color="Red" Offset="0"/>
            <GradientStop Color="Green" Offset="0.33"/>
            <GradientStop Color="Blue" Offset="0.67"/>
The radial gradient. Do you see the center and the stop colors?

Figure 5-12. The radial gradient. Do you see the center and the stop colors?

The other form of gradient is a linear gradient: the color change does not happen radially, but instead along a gradient axis. In the associated XAML element, <LinearGradientBrush>, you need to assign a start point and an end point, once again using values between 0 and 1, which are then mapped to the actual coordinates. Example 5-15 shows <LinearGradientBrush> in action, and also includes a line and markers that represent the radial axis and the stop points (trust me with the values), as you can see in Figure 5-13.

Example 5-15. Using a linear gradient, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project LinearGradientBrush)

<UserControl x:Class="LinearGradientBrush.Page"
    Width="600" Height="600">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
      <Rectangle Width="600" Height="600" Stroke="Black">
          <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.1 0.9" EndPoint="0.9 0.1">
            <GradientStop Color="Red" Offset="0"/>
            <GradientStop Color="Green" Offset="0.33"/>
            <GradientStop Color="Blue" Offset="0.67"/>
      <Path Stroke="Black" Data="M 55 535 L 65 545 M 65 535 L 55 545" />
      <Path Stroke="Black" Data="M 215 375 L 225 385 M 225 375 L 215 385" />
      <Path Stroke="Black" Data="M 375 215 L 385 225 M 385 215 L 375 225" />
      <Line X1="60" Y1="540" X2="540" Y2="60" Stroke="#7f000000" />
The linear gradient, with highlighted gradient axis and stop points

Figure 5-13. The linear gradient, with highlighted gradient axis and stop points

A final brush option is to use a special “filling” for a brush: an image or a video file. So, when you have an image to fill an object, Silverlight can automatically stretch the content so that it fits. You could also play a video as a background for a rectangle or within an ellipsis, just to give you a few ideas.

Using both brushes, ImageBrush and VideoBrush, is quite similar. You have to provide the name of the source file in an associated attribute, which is called ImageSource for <ImageBrush> and SourceName for <VideoBrush>. You can instruct Silverlight on how to stretch the content so that it fits using the Stretch attribute, assigning one of these values:


The original content size remains.


The content fills up the whole available area, losing its aspect ratio.


The content size is increased, maintaining the aspect ratio, until the content has either the width or the height of the display area.


The content size is increased, maintaining the aspect ratio, until the content width and height are greater than or equal to the width and height of the display area. If necessary, parts of the content are cropped.

Example 5-16 shows an image that is used to fill an ellipsis. You can see in Figure 5-14 that this works as expected and that you can display a rectangular image and video content as well as use other shapes. You can find more information on using video in general in Chapter 8.

Example 5-16. Using an image brush, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project ImageBrush)

<UserControl x:Class="ImageBrush.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
      <Ellipse Canvas.Top="75" Width="300" Height="150" Stroke="Black">
          <ImageBrush ImageSource="silverlight.png" />
The ellipsis is filled with the image brush

Figure 5-14. The ellipsis is filled with the image brush


An alternative approach to defining the outline of an object is to use the Clip property and provide a Geometry object as its value, which will define the desired shape.

There are many shapes in XAML, almost too many to keep track of, but we covered the most important ones. And honestly, usually the UI comes out of a design tool; as a programmer, you just have to add functionality, and you’ll learn how to do that in Chapter 6!

Using Grids and Panels

The big advantage of using <Canvas> elements is that you can give them absolute positions. The big disadvantage of using <Canvas> elements is that you can give them absolute positions. Absolute coordinates allow you to create a layout that looks exactly the same on every client, no matter what its screen resolution is. Sometimes this is the desired behavior (think modal dialog boxes). However, sometimes this is exactly what you do not want (imagine a web browser that only works in an 800×600 resolution, even if you have a much bigger screen). If you want your elements to adapt to the window and screen size, you have to use other elements.

One of them is the <StackPanel> element, which does exactly what its name suggests: it stacks elements, either next to each other or above and below each other. The latter case is the default behavior, but of course you can change that. <StackPanel> elements support a great number of attributes; here is a selection of useful ones:


The margin (in pixels) to use between the to-be-stacked elements


Horizontal align: Center, Left (default), Right, or Stretch


The orientation of the stack: Vertical (default) or Horizontal


Vertical align: Bottom, Center, Stretch, or Top (default)

Example 5-17 uses both vertical and horizontal orientation modes, as you can see in Figure 5-15.

Example 5-17. Using StackPanel, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project StackPanel)

<UserControl x:Class="StackPanel.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="10" VerticalAlignment="Center">
      <TextBlock Text="one" FontSize="24" />
      <TextBlock Text="two" FontSize="36" />
      <TextBlock Text="three" FontSize="48" />
    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="10" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
      <TextBlock Text="four" FontSize="72" />
      <TextBlock Text="five" FontSize="64" />
      <TextBlock Text="six" FontSize="60" />
The text blocks are stacked

Figure 5-15. The text blocks are stacked

Another XAML element that facilitates setting up a layout is Grid. It can be compared to HTML tables and allows you to structure content in rows and columns. Future updates of this book will add more detailed coverage of this XAML element.

Further Reading

XAML in a Nutshell by Lori A. MacVittie (O’Reilly)

A good introduction to XAML

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