

Addison-Wesley book launch, 304

AddThis service, 36

Adobe Premiere Elements, 232

Alexa ranking, 82

Alexa’s web traffic analysis, 61

about, 251, 25556

Amazon Affiliate, 24, 265

Amazon Associate links on your author site, adding, 26667

Amazon Associates, signing up with, 26566

Amazon Bestseller Campaign, 272

Amazon Book Reviews, 26265

Amazon Book Reviews, managing, 26365

Amazon Customer Communities, join, 268, 273

Amazon Reviews, timing your first, 287

Amazon Sales Rank, 27071

Amazon Top Reviewers, 263, 273, 286

article bank, 182

author account, free, 256

Author Central, why use Amazon, 25658

Author Central page, adding site updates and Twitter RSS feeds to, 25960, 273

Author Central page, connecting your author website to, 26567

Author Central page, create your, 25862

Author Central page, editing book details and adding new books to, 261

Author Central page, linking your author website to, 26162

Author Central page, maintaining your, 26061

Author Central page, new books and biographical information, 260

Author Central page, new photos, 260

Author Central page, new videos, 261

Author Central page, up-coming events, 261

Author Page, 25762, 267

Author Page Discussions, 26768

author platform and, 255, 25759, 261, 263, 26869, 271

author platform publicity plan, 324

author websites, 2

Berrett-Koehler Publishing marketing department, 255

Blogger, 265

book website, 242, 251

checklist, 273

connect with your readers on your Author Page, 26768

create Listmania Lists, 26870

cross-link to all your online locations, 273, 324

Editorial Reviews at Trade Publications, 265

Kindle Singles, 27273

Listmania List, how to create a, 26970

McGraw-Hill marketing department, 255

new rule, xviii

Nielsen BookScan, 258

page copy of book website, 242

Penguin marketing department, 255

point-of-sale location, 256

sales, look into your, 27072

Search Inside the Book, join, 271

Shelfari connecting to, 292

spot reviews, 265

strategies, 26770

success spotlight: John C. Havens, 27475

why readers flock to, 256

Widgets, 259, 26667

Widgets tab, 266

YouTube, 261, 274

American Booksellers Association, 251

American Booksellers Book of the Year award, xxv

American Idol show, xl

American Library Association Book Trailer Awards, 220

Angelou, Maya (poet), 191

Anthony, Ray, 167, 312

appearances. See personal appearances

article bank

about, 17172

Amazon lists, 182

article bank database, your own, 177

article directories, 18485

article format, simple short prose, 183

article rights, brief guide to, 175

article writing, advantage of, 17375, 185

articles, choosing topics for original, 17576

articles, generating content for, 17980

articles, types of, 17677, 185

article-writing strategy, 17779

author brand, 172, 17475, 178

blogger connections to LinkedIn and Google+, 181

blogging, guest, 181

blogs: first stop for publishing articles, 181

book reviews, opportunities for, 175

byline, always include your, 178, 183

byline, need to get your first, 18485

checklist, 187

content for different audiences, spinning off, 180

“content is king” on Web 2.0, 173

cross-marketing, 174

duplication, a word about, 181

eHow and other demand media sites, 18586, 185, 185

Google Alert, sign up, 172

Google+ and LinkedIn, blogger connections to, 181

Google Authorship, 17374

Google+ Profile, 174, 187

Guest blogging, 181

Helium, 184

Huffington Post, 28, 182, 184, 233

interactivity between writer and audience via comments, 179

journal publishing on the Web, 3

key words, 178

lists, 178

magazines, 18283

multiple exposure, 174

new rule, xviii

newspapers, 18384

original content, reprinting, 179

original content, repurposing, 17980

page rank, higher search engine, 174, 187

publications seeking content, 18286

Slate and Salon, 182, 186

success spotlight: Bob LeVitus, 18889

titles and subheadings, catchy, 179

tone, casual, 179

web article style, best practices for, 17879

Web readers scan articles, 178

web traffic, long-term, 171

web traffic, short-term, 171

words, fewer, 179

The Writer magazine, 182

Writer’s Market, 182, 185, 185

Atwood, Margaret (best-selling author), 59, 315

Auden, W. H., 1

audio, radio and podcasts

about, 19192

author website, posting podcast episodes to your, 207

author website, record a sound clip for your, 19395

author website, upload your file to your, 19495

BlogTalkRadio (BTR), going live on, 205

BlogTalkRadio (BTR), live podcast radio at, 202

BlogTalkRadio (BTR), making a test show, 2045

BlogTalkRadio (BTR), using, 204

BlogTalkRadio (BTR) support forum, 202

checklist, 211

Dashboard page, 206

first recording, planning your, 19394

Help A Reporter Out (HARO), 202

interviewed, practice being, 198

iTunes, getting your podcast on, 2089

iTunes Store podcasts, 200201

National Public Radio (NPR), 199200

new rule, xviii and First Reads, 194

pitch, the, 19798

podcast directories, 202

podcast guests, finding, 2034

podcast hosts, linking up with, 2023

podcast interview opportunities, finding online, 200203

podcast into the directories, getting your, 2089

podcast logo, how to use your book cover as your, 21011

podcasts, pre-recorded, 201

radio shows, finding other national, 200

radio station (podcast), making your own online, 2037

radio stations, pitching to larger, 199200, 200, 202

record with free software, 194

Rockument audio channel, 209

Skype interviews, 2034

Sound Reporting: The NPR Guide to Audio Journalism and Production, 199 test broadcast, making, 206, going live on, 2067 to create and broadcast your show, using, 2056

Stitcher SmartRadio, 202, 209

success spotlight: Thom Hartmann, 192, 21213

talk shows, pitching local, 19599

test show, making a, 2045

voice, getting used to your, 192

voice-over-Internet (VOIP), 204

YouTube, 206

audio readings of books, 284

audio tours, 316, 222

author brand

about, xli, xlvi

article bank, 172, 17475, 178

author brand, 45

author platform, 45

book reviews, 277, 279, 289

Facebook, 110, 11314

Google, 83, 87

LinkedIn, 132, 13435, 140, 148, 322

personal appearances, 155

Twitter, 65, 75, 321

video, xviii, 219

author platform and, 255, 25759, 261, 263, 26869, 271

audience, contact your interactive, 284

audio clips, radio or podcast interviews enhance your, 211

audio MP3 file on, 194

author brand, 45, 277

Bob LeVitus’s advice on, 189

book proposal and your, 23839

book reviews and, 278, 281, 284, 298

book website Press Room page, 246

build your, xlvi

David Busch’s advice on, 301

Google and the best content on your, 246

launch party and, 309, 31213, 318

radio programs, booking, 197

reviews incorporated Into your, 298

Tom Hartmann’s advice on, 213

Twitter, 62

video posting on Twitter, your Facebook author Page, LinkedIn, and Google+, 227

videos and, 21718, 22627, 233

YouTube and Vimeo connected to your, 234

author platform publicity plan

Step 1: your author website: home central, 321

Step 2: blog, 321

Step 3: Twitter, 32122

Step 4: Google, 322

Step 5: Facebook, 322

Step 6: LinkedIn, 32223

Step 7: personal appearances, 323

Step 8: article bank, repurposing content, 323

Step 9: audio, 323

Step 10: video, 324

Step 11: book website, 324

Step 12: Amazon’s Author Toolbox, 324

Step 13: reviews, 325

Step 14: launch: book parties and virtual tours, 325


article bank, 17374

book website, 248

community, 101

Google+, 83, 8586, 90, 9899, 101, 106, 248, 322

author website. See also book website; website(s)

about, 12

about the author/praise page, 910

about your books, 10

audience, define your, 45

audience building with a regular newsletter, 1920

author photo, 5

author website, creating your, 710

author website, why it is a must, 23

author website pages, plan essential, 8

author website strategy, plan your, 37

author websites, review other, 7

bandwidth, 12

blog home, 3

blog page, 9

Blogger, 21

book cover photo, 9

brand tagline, 5

cascading style sheets (CSS), 18

checklist, 26

competition, carefully note your, 78

consolidation, 3

contact info, 9

control, 3

design theme, choosing a, 1819

disk space, 12

domain name, register your, 11

domain name, select and register a, 1011

dynamic content, 23

events page, 9

findability, 3

Gmail, 25

Google account, 25

Google Analytics for WordPress plugin, 25

greeting, 8

growth capability, 3

Internet host, find a, 1113

Internet service provider (ISP), 12

Jetpack plugin (WordPress), 25, 50

keywords, tags and measure results, 2425

landing-page site strategy, 26

list site pages and create a tab for each, 26

mailing list creation, 3

mass e-mail services, 20

metadata, 2425

model site and customize, finding a, 7

MySQL database, 1315

navigation tabs, 9

new rule, xvii

persona, online and live, 5

photo, your, 8

PHP scripting language, 13

reader’s email address, 19

self-introduction, plan your website, 56

site landing page, plan your, 6

social buttons, adding, 19

social networking buttons, 9

static content, 23, 26

static text of website, 67

success spotlight: David Meerman Scott, 2728

tabs and component parts of each page, 6

tagline, one-line, 8

third-party software support, 1213

website content, best practices for, 2226

widgets and more plugins, adding, 2122

WordPress, 13

WordPress, create your author site with, 1019

WordPress, uploading files, 1516

WordPress design theme for mobile web, optimize your, 2021

WordPress installation, 1618

WordPress site, install your, 1318

WPTouch plugin, 21

Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, 24

YouTube, 3, 25

author website count, 3

B, 251

Batterson, Mark, 171

BenBella, 251

author websites, 1

book websites, 244

Berrett-Koehler Publishing marketing department, 255

Bezos, Jeff (, 25556


about, 2930

about page, creating your, 41

advertise your blog when you email, 50

best practices, 4142

blog reviews, get, 51

Blogger, 29, 3740, 47

blogger community, join a, 47

Blogger/Blogspot, 3738

Blogger’s Code of Conduct, 48

blogging is essential, 32

Blogjet (Windows), 49

checklist, 55

collective, 35

colors, 42

columns, 42

comment boxes, 44

comment on others’ blogs, 51

comments on blog posts, getting, 4649

content, your blog is about more than, 3032

content creation for, 4446

copyright notice, 45

Creative Commons (CC) license for content, 45

date of post, 43

as “DVD extras,” 3435

email/newsletter lists, 54

Facebook link, 54

Google account, 38

Google+ link, 54

Google+ page, 38

guest blog, 51

headline, strong, 43

hosted blog, start with, 3740

how to create a blog, 4041

link your blog to other blogs, 50

LinkedIn link, 54

links, 44

MarsEdit (Mac), 49

measure your blog results, 5153

model blogs, 41

Movable Type/TypePad, 3839

naming your blog, 40

new rule, xvii

online sharing with your blog, encourage, 3637

permalinks, 44

permissions policy, 45

posts, writing blog, 4346

promotion strategies, author blog, 5051

Q&A blog, 35

as question & answer forum, 35

RSS feed on your blog site, 51

search engine terms report, 53

Send Pings, use, 51

shortcuts, 49

social sharing buttons, 50

social sites, link your blog to your, 54

statistics on your dashboard, 51

strategy, 3234

success spotlight: Andy Rathbone, 5657

template, choosing a, 42

text, blog post, 43

theme, choosing a, 42

top posts and pages lists, 53

tours, 317

traffic, 12

trolls, regarding, 48

Twitter link, 54

types of, 3437

visuals, 4344

web address, defining your, 4041

WordPress, 3940

WordPress post types, 49

WordPress statistics categories, 52, 51

YouTube, 38

YouTube channel link, 38


about, 21, 3740, 47, 82, 8485, 87, 105, 293, 265

author website, 21

blog, 29, 3740, 47

book reviews, 293

Google, Google+, 82, 8485, 87, 105

Blogger’s Code of Conduct, 48

bloggers who interview authors, 317, 47


guest, 181

is essential, 32

video, 23132

Blogging to Drive Business (Butow and Bollwitt), 36

Blogjet (Windows), 49

Blogspot, 37, 51, 220, 317

Blogster blogs, 30

BlogTalkRadio (BTR). See also radio

about, 204, 316, 202

going live on, 205

live podcast radio at, 202

making a test show, 2045

support forum, 202

using, 204

Blue Mountain Cards, 308

BNI. See Business Networking International (BNI)

Bolles, Richard Nelson, 10910

book club groups, 158

Book Expo America, 303

book launch party. See also launch parties and virtual tours; virtual book launch

Addison-Wesley book launch, 304

advantages of holding your, 3045

format, simple one-hour, 3089

Microsoft Press book launch, 3034

new rule, xix

steps to prepare your live, 3078

strategy, live, 3056

book postcards, 2

book review(s)

about, 27778

Amazon Reviews, timing your first, 287

Amazon Top Reviewers, 286

audio readings of books, 284

author brand, 277, 279, 289

author platform and, 278, 281, 284, 298

author platform audience, contact your interactive, 284

avoid fake, 283

best practices for getting, 28287

Blogger, 293

book review sites, online, 287298

checklist, 299

customers, staff, clients, contact, 285

forums/colleagues/subject matter experts, contact, 28586

free copies of books, publishers send out, 283

Goodreads, 287

Goodreads, adding images and videos, 28990

Goodreads, connecting with Facebook, 290

Goodreads, connecting with your website and blog, 290

Goodreads, giveaways, 29192

Goodreads, participating in groups, 291

Goodreads author dashboard, 28889

Goodreads author program, signing up for, 288

groups, professional organizations, and schools, contact, 28485

how to ensure reviews: build your audience in advance, 28082

incorporated Into your Author Platform, 298

LibraryThing, 294

LibraryThing, becoming an author with, 294

LibraryThing, connecting with your website and other networks, 29495

LibraryThing, groups on, 295

LibraryThing Early Reviewers program, 29596

LibraryThing giveaways, 29596

New York Times Book Review, 283

pre-publication, 286, 299

Prentice-Hall, on-campus sales representative, 280

reciprocal, 281

Red Room, 296

Red Room, becoming an author with, 296

Red Room, completing your profile with, 29697

Red Room, connect with Facebook and Twitter, 297

Red Room, connect with your website and blog, 297

Red Room, create and manage content on, 297

review others’ books, 298

reviewer for your book, contact everyone who is a potential, 28486

reviewers, free copies to potential, 299

Shelfari, 292

Shelfari, author page, 29293

Shelfari, connecting to Amazon, 292

Shelfari, connecting with your website and other networks, 293

Shelfari, participating in groups and other community activities, 29394

Shelfari Most Active Groups tab, 293

sites, online, 287298

strategy for managing negative, 282

success spotlight: David Busch, 300301

talk about your book, motivating readers to, 28182

why they are critical, 279

book sales, jump start, 305

book signing “bag stuffers,” xxvii

book trailer

Awards, 220

format, simple interview, 21920

“How to Create a Viral Book Trailer,” 223

making, 21925

Top Book Trailers list, 220

Tumblr for Book Trailers, 220

uploading for free, 30 places, 231

BookTV, 158

book website. See also author website; website(s)

about, 23738, 252

about page, 246

affiliate program, what is it?, 252

Amazon, 251

Amazon page copy, include, 242, 251

BenBella, 251

BenBella and book websites, 244

book clubs, booksellers, and your book site, 24143

book sales, on-line, 241

book summary for booksellers, 241

book website for Timothy Keiningham and Lerzan Aksoy, 243

booksellers, linking to, 251

checklist, 252

coming soon page, 246

content, best practices for creating, 247

content strategy for, 24647

format, simple, 24446

Google Authorship, 248, 251

landing page, 245

media coverage, including 249

model book site, choosing a, 24344

navigation menu, 25051

new rule, xviii

online book sales, 241

online kiosk for selling, 252

press room page, 246, 24849

publisher, think like a, 23839

reader’s experience, categorize the, 242

recommended sites, 250

reviews page, 246

search results with incoming links, improving your, 248

speaking availability, indicate, 24243

success spotlight: Tee Morris, 25354

web interactivity to grow your audience, 244

website for each book, create a, 23941

WordPress, create your book site in, 24849

YouTube, 249

“Books Wanted” process, 5960

Boyd, Barbara, 312

BTR. See BlogTalkRadio (BTR), 221

Busch, David, 28586, 300301

Business Networking International (BNI), 158

Butow, Eric, 134, 144


always include your, 178, 183

need to get your first, 18485


Canfield, Jack (author), xxvxxxiii, 180

cascading style sheets (CSS), 18, 222

The Celebrity Address Book, xxviii

Cengage Learning, 280

Chabon, Michael, 315

checklist, 273

article bank, 187

audio, radio and podcasts, 211

author website, 26

blog, 55

book reviews, 299

book website, 252

Facebook, 127

Google, Google+, 106

launch parties and virtual tours, 318

LinkedIn, 148

personal appearances, 168

Twitter, 77

videos, book trailers, YouTube, 234

Cheever, John, 1

Chen, Steven (YouTube), 215

Chicken Soup book series, xxv

Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul (Canfield), xxxii

Chicken Soup for the Soul (Canfield), xxvii, xxviii, xxix, xxx, xxxii, xxxiii, 180

Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul (Canfield), xxx, xxxi

A Christmas Carol (Dickens), 109

The Circle Maker (Batterson), 171

Cisco survey (2012), xli

contact forms, 21

copyright notice, 45

Corel VideoStudio Pro X6, 232

Courtney, Bryce, xxxi

Covey Book Trailer Awards, 220

Creative Commons (CC) license, 45, 222

C-SPAN2, 158

CSS. See cascading style sheets (CSS)

CyberLink, 232


Dabble, 166

DeMuth, Mary, 42

Dennis, Felix, 1

Dickens, Charles, 109

Directory of Association Meeting Planners, 158

DNS. See domain name system (DNS)

Do Share (on Google Chrome browser), 98

domain name system (DNS), 10

Dubner, Stephen, xxxix


Editorial Reviews at Trade Publications, 265

Elad, Joel, 134

Elements of Style (Strunk and White), 109

EscapePod podcast, 314

Evans, Bill, 199

event calendars, 21, 185



about, 11011

audience dialogue builds community, 112

audience reach, 111

author brand, 110, 11314

author brand presence on personal page, 110

author page, adding profile picture and description to your, 11415

author page, buying ads for your, 11617

author page, setting up your, 114

average user checks their profile 14

times per day, 110

best practices, 122

blog, embedding Facebook posts in your, 122

book page, postings on, 11718

book page, setting up your, 117

book page connections, 120

book page description, 118

book page links, 11820

book page photo and banner, 117

book review(s), 297

Buy Now button, 112, 119

checklist, 127

content added to your author page, 11516

Craig Johnston’s book suite, 126

dashboard, 110, 117

direct advertising, 112

event planning, 12526

Events, 315

Get More Likes heading, 116

Google, Google+, 98, 106

Group, creating a, 12326

Group, joining, 123

Group, running a, 125

Group, sharing with your, 124

groups increase the audience, 111

Landing page content, 119

Like button, 119

mobile apps, 12627

new rule, xviixviii

newsletter, Opt-in signup button, 119

page for your book with Likes and comments, 11011

pages, posting your, 12122

pages, your, 11320

personal page, always Like from your, 123

personal vs. professional (author) pages, 11213

Press/Media Kit tab, 119

profile, 11213

Promote Page, 11617

search engine optimization (SEO), 111

social proof of audience, 111

strategy, developing, 12022

success spotlight: Kellyann Petrucci, 12829

website/blog, driving audience to, 112

“Welcome” Landing Page tab, 119

why Facebook is necessary for authors, 11112

The Family Food Allergy Book (Schwartz), 186

Feiler, Jesse, 113

Ferris, Tim, 22021

file transfer, 2

FileZilla, 15

Flickr, 223

The 4-Hour Chef (Ferris), 22021

free copies of books, publishers send out, 283, 222

French, Nigel, 161


Gaiman, Neil, 315

Gallo, Carmine (Forbes), 151

Gandhi, Mahatma, 191

GIMP, 89

Gladstone, William (Waterside Productions), 21920

Gladwell, Malcolm, xxxix


author website, 25

Google+, 85

LinkedIn, 138

Twitter, 67, 185


about, 278, 287

adding images and videos, 28990

author dashboard, 28889

author program, signing up for, 288

connecting with Facebook, 290

connecting with your website and blog, 290

giveaways, 29192

participating in groups, 291

widgets, 290


about, 8182

account, 86, 8889, 103

AdSense, 38

AdWords, 105

Alerts, 1056

Alexa ranking, 82

Analytics, 25, 55, 105, 228, 321

anonymity vs. privacy, 84

Apple App Store, 103

author brand, 83, 87

Authorship community, 101

basic information, 88

Blogger, 82, 8485, 87, 105

Calendar, 85

checklist, 106

circle, who to, 9193

circle people in Google+, 9091

circles, someone adds you to their, 93

“circles” of people in your life, 84

comment on others’ posts, 96

communities, join, 9394

community, creating a, 9495

consistency, check for, 87

contact information, 88

Do Share (on Google Chrome browser), 98

education, 88

Facebook and Twitter posts, duplicate, 98, 106

Gmail, 85

Google Author Rank, 99

Google Authorship, 83, 8586, 90, 98101, 106, 322

Google Authorship, content connected through, 98101

Google Communities, 106

Google Events, 1023

Google Hangouts, 103, 159

Google Play, 103

Google Plus Link box, 100

Hangouts app, 103

hashtags, 97

HootSuite, 98

importance to authors, 8290

introduction/bragging rights, 88

Jetpack plugin (WordPress), 89, 99, 106

links, 88

mobile app for Google+, 103

new rule, xvii

photo, your profile, 87

places, 88

plan, use your, 87

plus one(+1) post or comment, 96

posting on Google+, strategy for, 97

posts on Google+, automate your, 98

profile, set up your, 8788

profile and cover photos, add your, 8889

reading and posting tools, 1012

Recommended for You tab, 94

Ripples, 102

Search, 102

search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, 86

SEO keywords, 8687

share others’ posts, 96

show approval: three levels of enthusiasm, 95

social media brand identity, 81

“social search engine,” 101

Structured Data Testing Tool box, 100

success spotlight: Dave Taylor, 1078

tagline, develop a, 87

website domain and email to match it, 9899

What’s Hot?, 102, 106

work/occupation, 88

your blog and social identity, keeping control of, 8384

YouTube, 82, 85, 103, 105


Account to your website, connecting your, 1056

authorship, 85

author website, link, 89

best practices for interacting on, 9597

Circles, xxxvii, 90

join, 8586

Navigation menu, 102

Profile, 83, 8586, 8990, 98, 106

social network, 8283

Google account

author website, 25

blog, 38

Google+, 86, 8889, 103

video, 22627

Google Books page for Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, 104

Google Chrome browser, 86, 98

Google+ For Dummies (Stay), 85

Google News page, 85

Google+ Profile, 83, 8586, 8990, 98, 106

article bank, 174

videos, 22628

GoToMeeting (web-conferencing service), 165

Goyer, Tricia, 42, 187

Greninger, Richard (videographer), 220

Grossman, Lev, 29

Guardian, 278


The Handmaid’s Tale (Atwood), 315

Hartmann, Thom, 42, 192

Help A Reporter Out (HARO), 202

Hoffman, Reid (LinkedIn), 13132


Google+, 98

launch parties and virtual tours, 316

LinkedIn, 133

Twitter, 7071

Houston, Jean, 53

“How to Create a Viral Book Trailer,” 223

How to Do Everything: Facebook Applications (Feiler), 113

How to Succeed in Business Using LinkedIn: Making Connections and Capturing Opportunities on the World’s #1 Business Networking Site (Butow and Taylor), 134, 144

Huffington Post, 28, 182, 184, 233

Hurley, Chad (YouTube), 215


iChatAV, 315

images sites, royalty-free, 221

iMovie, 22324, 227

Incompetech, 221, 251

Instagram, 316

instant messaging, 2

in-store promotional book signings, xxvi, 1

Internet TV, 231

iSight, 315

iStockPhoto, 221


app, 201

getting your podcast on, 2089

Store podcasts, 200201


Jamendo Pro, 222

Jetpack plugin (WordPress)

author website, 25, 50

Google+, 89, 106

WordPress, 25, 50

Jobs, Steve, 15152

Just Kids (Smith), 277


Keillor, Garrison, 199

Killer Presentations with Your iPad: How to Engage Your Audience and Win More Business with the World’s Greatest Gadget (Anthony), 167, 312

Kindle Singles, 27273

King, Stephen, 161

King Jr., Martin Luther, 191

Kingsolver, Barbara, 1, 196

Knaster, Scott (Google), 81, 83, 97


Lamott, Anne, 1

launch parties and virtual tours

about, 3034

Addison-Wesley book launch, 304

Audio Tours, 316

author platform and, 309, 31213, 318

blog tours, 317

bloggers who interview authors, 317

BlogTalkRadio, 316

Blue Mountain Cards, 308

book sales, jump start, 305

checklist, 318

EscapePod podcast, 314

Facebook Events, 315

Google+ Events and Hangouts, 315

HootSuite, 316

Instagram, 316

LinkedIn Group, 315

Lively Words, 316

Microsoft Press book launch, 3034

mini books, 316

National Public Radio podcast, 314

New Yorker podcast, 314

NY Times Book Review Podcast, 314

Pinterest, 316

podcasts, literary, 314

Reddit, 316

Selected Shorts podcast, 314

Splash, using, 306

Twitter chat, 316

virtual book launch, strategy for, 31112

virtual tour stops, 315

Writers Out Loud, 316

YouTube, 313, 315

LBN. See Local Business Network (LBN)

Leary, Brent, 62

Levitt, Steven, xxxix

LeVitus, Bob, 17475


becoming an author with, 294

Early Reviewers program, 29596

giveaways, 29596

groups on, 295

website and other networks, connecting with your, 29495


about, 131

advanced people search, 139

Advertise, 146

All Publishers list, 144

article bank and, 181

articles to repost, 14344

author brand, 132, 13435, 140, 148, 322

author platform, 227

author platform publicity plan, 32223

author profile, creating and optimizing your, 13437

best practices for networking, 14647

blog link, 54

book announcements, post your, 133

Business Services, 146

checklist, 148

company profile page, create, 142

connections, how to increase LinkedIn, 13742

contact information, 137

definition of, 132

email import, 13839

“endorsements,” collect public, 134

experience, 136

finding people on LinkedIn, 13839

Gmail, 138

Group and launch parties, 315

Group to discuss your book, create, 144

groups, about, 133

Groups, joining, 14042

headline, 135

HootSuite, 133

importance to authors, 13234

Influencer Posts, 143

InMail (internal mail system), 142, 147

LinkedIn ads, 14546

LinkedIn Today, 143

name, 135

new rule, xviii

organizations and businesses, connect to, 133

photo, 135

Premium Accounts, benefits of, 14748

profile, getting started, 13537

profile, updating your, 142

Profile Organizer, 147

projects, 137

publications list, 13637

Pulse news feed, 143

recommendations, ask for, 145

recommendations, share public, 134

résumé, showcase your, 13233

search, unlimited advanced, 147

“Six Degrees of Separation,” 132

social authority, 132, 134, 137

status reports, 144

strategies, 14445

success spotlight: Ed Tittel, 14950

summary, 13536

top influencer, are you a, 141

updates, control your, 133

web searches, rank higher on, 133

Who’s Viewed Your Profile, access full list of, 14748

YouTube and, 136, 216, 227, 231

LinkedIn For Dummies (Elad), 134

Lions Club, 158

LiveJournal, 30

Lively Words, 316

Local Business Network (LBN), 158

LongPen, 315

Looper, Kyle (John Wiley editor), 60


MailChimp, 20, 49

MarsEdit (Mac), 49

mass e-mail services, 20

McDaniel, Aaron, 166

McGraw-Hill marketing department, 255

metadata, 2425

Microsoft Press book launch, 3034

mini books, 316

Moby Awards—Best and Worst Book Trailers, 220

MorgueFile, 221

Morris, Tee, 35

MOV format (Mac), 225

Movie Maker, 223

multilevel marketing companies, xxvi

music downloads, 29

My Blog Guest, 51

MySpace, 110

MySQL database, 1315


National Book Award, 277

The National & Professional Trade Association Directory, 158

National Public Radio (NPR), 199200

podcasts, 314

national radio shows, 200, 211, 278, 323

The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations, and Business (Schmidt), 81

New Rules by chapter number, xviixviii, 255

articles, 171

audio, radio, and podcasts, 191

author website, 1

book launch, 303

book reviews, 277

book website, 237

blogs, 29

Facebook, 109

Google, 81

LinkedIn, 131

personal appearances, 151

Twitter, 59

video, 215

New York Times, 278

New York Times Book Review, 283

podcast, 314

New Yorker podcast, 314

news releases, 1

The NeXT Book, 8

Nielsen, Jakob, 23

Nielsen BookScan, 258

NPR. See National Public Radio (NPR)


On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (King), 161

online book sales, 241

online kiosk for selling, 252. See also book website

OpenClipArt, 221

Optimize: How to Attract and Engage More Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing (Odden), 29


Paintshop Pro, 89

Penguin marketing department, 255

permissions policy, 45

Person of the Year Award, 29

personal appearances

about, 15152

American Library Association, 158

author brand, 155

best practices for teaching and training, 15961, 158

checklist, 168

Dabble, 166

format, simple course, 16162, 158

Google Hangouts, 159

GoToMeeting, 165

live personal appearances, advantages of, 15556

new rule, xviii

online “events,” 159

opportunities for, 15758

options, 15455

presentation, after, 162

presentation, before, 161

presentation, during, 161

short talk vs. long speech, 15254

Skillshare, 168

social authority, 153

speakers bureau listing, 166

speaking, online or in person, 15758

speaking practice, 162

speaking strategy, live, 16768

speech format, simple author short, 16768

strategy of, 15659

success spotlight: Jay Elliot, 16970

teaching, online or in person, 157

teaching, types of live, 16567

teaching and training, online, 16365

teaching and training strategy, 162

TED Commandments, 15354

TED talks, 152

teleseminar, 163, 16465

TV and Internet interview opportunities, 15859

TV interviews, 158

UStream videos, 164

webcast, creating a, 16364

webinar, 163, 165

YouTube, 151

Petersel, Brett, 65

photo editors, 89

Photoshop, 89

PHP scripting language, 13

Pinterest, 316

plugins, WordPress, 2122, 100, 160


Barnes and Noble, 233

BlogTalkRadio (BTR), 202

directories, 202

directories, getting your podcast into the, 2089

EscapePod, 314

guests, finding, 2034

hosts, linking up with, 2023

interview opportunities, finding online, 200203

iTunes, getting your podcast on, 2089

iTunes Store, 200201

literary, 314

logo, how to use your book cover as your, 21011

National Public Radio, 314

New Yorker, 314

NY Times Book Review, 314

pre-recorded, 201

ReadingRockets, 233

Selected Shorts podcast, 314

The Power of One (Courtney), xxxi

PowerDirector, 232

A Prairie Home Companion (Keillor), 198

Prentice-Hall, on-campus sales representative, 280

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs (Gallo), 15152

presentations. See personal appearances, 187

publisher websites, 1


Q&A blog, 35


radio. See also audio, radio and podcasts; BlogTalkRadio (BTR)

local talk shows, 19599

National Public Radio (NPR), 199200

national radio shows, 200, 211, 278, 323, 202

stations, non-Internet, 192

Stitcher Radio, 202, 200, 202

Rakuten LinkShare, 251

reading resources

articles, 320

audio and video, 320

blogs, 319

personal appearances, 320

social networks, 31920

websites, author and book, 319

Red Room

about, 296

becoming an author with, 296

completing your profile with, 29697

connect with Facebook and Twitter, 297

connect with your website and blog, 297

create and manage content on, 297

Reddit, 316


contacting potential, 28486

free copies to potential, 299


author platform, incorporated Into your, 298

avoid fake, 283

best practices for getting, 28287

managing negative, 282

new rule, xix

others’ books, 298

pre-publication, 286, 299

reciprocal, 281

why they are critical, 279

Rice, Anne, 1

Roach, Mary, 154

Robbins, Bob, 180

Rohlander, David, 230

Rotary, 158

RSS feed (Really Simple Syndication), 51, 25960, 273

Rule, Ann, 1, 5

Russell, Bertrand (philosopher), 303


Schindler, Esther, 65

Schmidt, Eric (Google), 81

Schwartz, Mireille, 186

search engine optimization (SEO), xlii, 21, 35, 86, 111

Search Inside the Book, 271

Selected Shorts podcast, 314

self-publishing, xlii, 109, 172, 217, 238, 273

SEO. See search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO keyword tags, 43

Serafinn, Lynn, 6465

Sha, Dr. Zhi Gang, 104

Shaw, Eva, 171


about, 292

Amazon, connecting to, 292

author page, 29293

groups and other community activities, participating in, 29394

Most Active Groups tab, 293

website and other networks, connecting with your, 293

“Six Degrees of Separation,” 132

Skillshare, 168

Skype, 2, 315

Slate and Salon, 182

Smith, Patti, 277

social authority

LinkedIn, 132, 134, 137

personal appearances, 153

Twitter, xvii, 62

social media network, 2

Soul Print (Batterson), 171

Sound Reporting: The NPR Guide to Audio Journalism and Production, 199, 222

Southern California Book Publicists Award, xxv

spam fighters, 21

speakers bureau listing, 166


online or in person, 15758

practice, 162

strategy, live, 16768

speech format, simple author short, 16768

Splash, using, 306

to create and broadcast your show, using, 2056

going live on, 2067

test broadcast, making a, 206

Stay, Jesse, 85

Stewart, Roger, 278

Stitcher SmartRadio, 202, 209, 186

success spotlight

Alman, Dr. Brian, 23536

Busch, David, 300301

Cox, Susie, 7879

Elliot, Jay, 16970

Hartmann, Thom, 192, 21213

Havens, John C., 27475

LeVitus, Bob, 18889

Morris, Tee, 25354

Petrucci, Kellyann, 12829

Rathbone, Andy, 5657

Scott, David Meerman, 2728

Taylor, Dave, 1078

Tittel, Ed, 14950


Taylor, Dave, 35, 86, 99, 1078


online or in person, 157

training and, online, 16365

training and, strategy, 162

types of live, 16567

tear-out sheets, 32125

Tech News Today to iPad Today to Ham Nation, 231

TED Commandments, 15354

TED talks, 152

third-party software support, 1213

Toastmasters International, 158, 162

Top Book Trailers list, 220

top-selling books, authors, 60, 171, 242, 269

Trade associations, 158

Trade shows, 158

traffic surge, 12, 47

Tumblr, 21, 30

TurboTax, 60

Tweetmeme plugin, 36

The Twelve (Gladstone), 21920


about, 5961

alerts, 69, 25960, 273

appreciation, 70

author brand, 65, 75, 77, 321

author platform, 62, 227

author platform, other parts of your, 62

best practices, 63

blog link, 54

book review(s), 297

brainstorming, 70

build up buzz, 63

chat, 316

chat and launch parties and virtual tours, 316

chats, hosting and organizing, 7577

checklist, 77

complementing others, 63

conversations, Twitter handle to start, 74

defined, 64

direct messages, sending, 74

Discover, 72

email notifications, 6768

Find Friends, 72

first steps on, 7277

first tweet, before sending your, 6566

getting started on, 6670

Gmail, 67

Google, Google+, 98, 106

handle, choosing your, 66

hashtags, xl, 7475

helping others, 70

how to tweets, 70

‘influencer,’ 60

links, 70

live tweets, 70

new fans, connecting with, 63

new rule, xvii

140-character limit, 67

Popular Accounts, 7273

posting, 7375

posts, plan, write and automate, 6869

posts automated with HootSuite, 7071

profile page, customize your, 6768

questions, 70, 74

requests for help, 70

sharing resources, 70

on smartphone, 67

social authority, xvii, 62

strategy, 6466

success spotlight: Susie Cox, 7879

tweet types, 6970

URL-shortening for long tweets, 74

why it is important, 62 for analytics, 71

YouTube, 65

TypePad, 21, 3739, 293


uniform resource locator (URL), 10, 40

UStream videos, 164


video, book trailers. See also Vimeo; YouTube; book trailer

about, 21516

Amazon, 216, 233

author brand, xviii, 219

Barnes & Noble video page, 233

Berrett-Koehler Author Videos, 233

blogging, 23132

book trailer, making a, 21925

book trailer format, simple interview, 21920

book trailer uploading for free, 30

places, 231

Book TV on C-SPAN2, 233

checklist, 234

Cisco survey (2013), 215

The Colbert Report, 232

Comscore (2010), 215

Creative Commons, 22122

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, 232

David Rohlander, 230

editing, 225

editing software, 232

embedding site information, 22728

Google account, 22627

Google+ Profile, 22628

Google+ profile page and YouTube, 226

graphics, collect the right, 221

Huffington Post Book Videos, 233

images sites, royalty-free, 221

iMovie, importing sound and images to, 224

Internet Retailer (2010), 215

Internet TV, 231

interviews, 23233

interviews, self-made, 233

LinkedIn, 216, 227, 231

media types that fit your book, prepare, 22122

models, finding, 219

movie maker, importing sound and images to, 223

music, royalty-free, 22122

music, select the right, 22122

new rule, xviii

Oprah’s Book Club Videos, 233

Penguin video page, 233

posting, 233

posting on Twitter, your Facebook author Page, LinkedIn, and Google+, 227

Reading Rockets video page, 233

Scholastic Video Page, 233

sharing sites for authors, 233

software, choosing your, 223

“storyboard” on paper, make a simple, 22024

strategy, author, 21819

success spotlight: Dr. Brian Alman, 23536

tagging, 226

This Week in Tech (TwiT), 231

TV show interviews, local, 232

uploading, 22528

video as part of your platform, reasons to make, 21718

web camera, record video clips of yourself with your, 22425

Windows Media Video (WMV), 225

Workman Author Videos, 233

Vimeo. See also videos, book trailers

account, setting up your, 229

Book Trailers and Author Interviews group, 231

Groups, 23031

helps make your video, 22930

uploading your videos to, 22831

Video School, 225, 230

videos, linking your, 231

virtual book launch. See also book launch party; launch parties and virtual tours

strategy for, 31112

tour, 31011

tour, advantages of, 311

tour, steps to creating your, 31214

virtual book signings, 315

virtual tour(s), 315. See also launch parties and virtual tours

voice-over-Internet (VOIP), 204


Waging Heavy Peace (Young), 277

Waterside Productions

build your author platform, xlvi

how this book is organized, xliiixlv

it takes an audience, xxxixxl

new rules apply to all authors, xlii

our author clients and publishing partners, xxxviixxxviii

our unique agency at, xxxvixxxvii

our unique experience and value to authors, xxxvxxxvi

take the “acid test,” xlvxlvi

this book propels you forward, xlxlii

Waterside Conferences, xxxvii

Waterside website, xxxvii

why are there 14 steps?, xliii

why this book was written, xxxv

webcast, 16364

webinars, 163, 165, 327

website(s). See also author website; book website, 2, 5657, 185, 185, 35, 1078, 222, 251, 251, 220, 47, 202, 308, 18889, 158, xlvi, 22, 222, 2728, 12829, 14950, 185, 14, 223, xxxix, 222, xxxix, 185, 187, 70, 251

Jamendo Pro, 222, 16970, 327, 27475, 164, 164, 20, 154, 51, 187, 200, 202, 167, 222, 306, 202, 209, 186, 78, 166, 35, 25354, 220, 47, 231, 164 sites, 39, 182

Weebly blogs, 30

Wells, H. G., 191

What Color Is Your Parachute? (Bolles), 10910

“What inspired you to write this book” trailer, 220


Amazon, 259, 26667

Associates Central, 266

for author website, 2122

Goodreads, 290

WordPress, 21, 267

Windows Media Video (WMV), 225

Wojcicki, Susan (Google), 237, 71

word of mouth, xlii

WordPress 24-Hour Trainer (Plumley), 21

WordPress-based websites, 13

about, 13

Akismet (comment-spam fighter) plugin, 22

blog, 3940

blog post types, 49

blog statistics categories, 52

blogs, 30

book website, adding a navigation menu, 25051

book website, creating your, 24849

book website, how to create your press room and other pages, 24849

create your author site with, 1019

design theme for mobile web, optimize your, 2021

Google Analytics for WordPress plugin, 25

Hello Dolly plugin, 2122

installation, 1618

Jetpack plugin, 25, 50, 89, 106

Sharing Buttons option, 50

site, install your, 1318

statistics categories, 52

Touch plugin, 21

uploading, 1516, 51

Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, 24

YouTube Subscribe Widget plugin for WordPress, 227 sites, 39

WPEngine, 13

The Writer magazine, 182

Writer’s Market, 182

Writers Out Loud, 316

writing and publishing conferences, 158


Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, 24

Young, Neil, 277

The Young Professional’s Guide to the Working World (McDaniel), 166

YouTube. See also videos, book trailers

about, xviii, 25, 324, 261, 274

audio, 206

author platform and, 234

author website, 3, 25

blog, 38

book website, 249

Channel, creating your own connected, 22627

channel link, 38

Google+, 82, 85, 103, 105

Google+ profile page and, 226

launch parties and virtual tours, 313, 315

LinkedIn and, 136, 216, 227, 231

personal appearances, 151

rise of, 21617

Subscribe Widget plugin for WordPress, 227

top videos, 217

Twitter, 65

uploading your videos to, 227

video, xviii, 324


Zuckerberg, Mark (Facebook), 109

Don’t Be Anonymous


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