7-S model, McKinsey 52

acceptance finding 58

accessibility 153, 212, 213

activity analysis 64

activity sampling 95

activity ‘threads’ in BAMs 1201

actors 117, 1869

Agile approach 1011

configuration management 221

and modelling 244

requirements 2024

software development 29, 2578

systems development 2535

Agile Manifesto 1011, 244

Alexander, Ian 181

ambiguity 198

analytical skills 22

APM (Association for Project Management) 27

architecture see business architecture

‘as is’ process analysis 13841

associations, classes 23942

attention to detail 22

attributes of entities 22930

automation 143

‘avoided costs’ 173

Balanced Business Scorecard (BBS) 534

BAMM (Business Analysis Maturity Model) 1315

BAMs see business activity models

Barker, Richard 229

baselining 220, 221

BBS (Balanced Business Scorecard) 534

BCS qualifications 334

benefit owner 2701

benefits dependency network 270, 2712

benefits management 29

benefits plan 270

benefits profiles 270

benefits realisation 12, 273

benefits reviews 2723

benefits, tangible and intangible 1723

Boston Box 49

bottlenecks, removing 142

boundary redefinition 143

BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) 1478

brainstorming 85

brainwriting 85

branding requirements 209

business activity models (BAMs) 11820

activity ‘threads’ in 1201

notation for 120

business actors 113, 114, 2556

see also stakeholders

business analysis 118

development of 36

future of 17

maturity models 1316

origins of 23

professionalism 1617

rationale for 13

scope of 612

Business Analysis Maturity Model (BAMM) 1315

business analysis process model 5671

change delivery 6971

investigation of situation 5961

needs analysis 635

options evaluation 657

problem solving approach 568

requirements definition 679

stages 589

stakeholder perspectives 613

business analysis skill levels, SFIA 323

business analyst (BA)

competencies 1934

importance of 5

as internal consultants 5

potential range of role 68

role in business change lifecycle 26573

role and responsibilities 1213

business architecture 27, 1568

structure 1589

techniques 15962

business case in the project lifecycle 4, 1634

business case development, knowledge of 24

business case management 272

business case presentation 1789

business case structure 16876

business change

business analyst supporting 1112

successful 45

business change lifecycle 45, 2489

business analyst role in 5, 26573

stages of 2645

see also systems development lifecycle

business continuity 21112

business environment

external 427

internal 479

business events (triggers) 64, 65, 1312

business feasibility 1667, 197

business finance knowledge 24

business knowledge 247

business modelling 28

business options 164

business perspectives see perspectives of stakeholders

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 1478

business process modelling 12350

alternative view of an organisation 1256

‘as is’ process analysis 13841

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 1478

business process models 1318, 206

improvement of business processes 1414

organisational context 1234

organisational view of business processes 1269

process measurement 1447

Six Sigma approach 1489

value propositions 12931

business process models 99, 1318

documentation 206

business representatives, requirements 1868

business requirements definition 156

business rules 1412

business solution delivery 26473

business analyst role 26573

stages of business change lifecycle 2645

business strategy see strategy analysis

business system analysis, POPIT model 910

business unit strategy 41

business use cases, modelling 2245

business users 1878

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) 1516

CARDI (Constraints, Assumptions, Risks, Dependencies and Issues) log 17980

career development 31, 345, 156

Carver, J.C. 1823

catalogue of requirements see requirements catalogue

CATWOE (Customer, Actor, Transformation, World view (weltanschauung), Owner, Environment) 11618

CBAP (Certified Business Analysis Professional) 16, 34

change 389

change control 2212

Checkland, Peter 115

CIs (configuration items) 220

class models 23744

classes 2389

CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) 1516

commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software solutions 25960

communication skills 20

company reports 73

competencies 1937

business knowledge 247

industry qualifications 334

industry skills frameworks 323

personal qualities 204

professional techniques 279

skills analysis matrix 2930

skills development 312

competitive advantage of IT 3

competitors 45, 105, 1256

configuration items (CIs) 220

configuration management 21921

conflicts in requirements, removing 197

consensus model 116, 118, 120

continuing professional development 16, 24

corporate strategy 41

cost-benefit analysis 1703

COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) software solutions 25960

creative problem solving model 568

Critical Success Factors (CSFs) 54, 77, 856

critical thinking 22

cross-referencing 219

CSFs (Critical Success Factors) 54, 77, 856

cultural requirements 209

current situation, documenting 96101, 169

Customer, Actor, Transformation, World view, Owner, Environment (CATWOE) 11618

customers 104, 116

user analysis 901

value expectations 1456

data finding 57

data-gathering forms 945

data model, requirements document 2067

data modelling 28

class modelling 23744

entity relationship modelling 22937

system data 228

‘decision gates’ 164, 272

decision tables 267, 268

Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control (DMAIC) 1489

deliverables 2612

delivery of solution 257

design, business analyst role 267

development of software solution 25660

business analyst role 267

prioritisation 2589

Scrum 258

software package approach 25960

Unified Process 2578

diagrammatic techniques 96101

discounted cash flow (DCF) method 1778

DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) 1489

document analysis 956


current situation, diagrams 96101

requirements 20518

studying 734

domain knowledge 25

DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method) 1011, 215, 257

duckrabbit 184

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) 1011, 215, 257

economic influences 43

elicitation of requirements 18993

Ellis, Harry 229

employees 1056, 1556

entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) 22937

environment 117

environmental influences 44

ethnographic studies 82, 191

exclusive relationships 2356

explicit knowledge 1923, 194

external environmental analysis 427

Five Forces model 447

PESTLE analysis 434

SWOT analysis 4950

facilitation skills 289

feasibility assessment 66, 1668, 197

finance knowledge 24

financial case 1768

financial feasibility 167, 197

financial resources 48

fishbone diagrams 1001

Five Forces model, Porter 457

focus groups 867

force-field analysis 168

formal observation 801

Foundation in Business Analysis, BCS 34

front-story/back-story 1901

function models 206

functional requirements 21011

Gantt charts 175

gap analysis 28, 635, 151

framework for 152

identifying areas of concern 1512

information and technology elements 1534

organisation 1545

people 1556

processes 1523

general requirements 2089

generalisation, classes 2423

generic Agile model, systems development 2535

global vs local 39

glossary of terms, requirements document 207

hand-offs analysis 13940

hardware 176, 209

Harmon, Paul 125


organisational 767

process model 1367

of requirements 2078, 213

holistic approach 910

horizontal traceability 218

hothouse workshop 86

human resources 48

idea finding 578

IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis) 16, 32, 34

impact assessment 174, 175, 222

implementation stage, business analyst role 26970

incremental delivery lifecycle 2523

industry engagement 32

industry qualifications 334

industry skills frameworks 323

influencing skills 21

inheritance, classes 2423

Intangible benefits 173

intangible costs 172

intangible resources 48

interest/power stakeholder analysis 10610

internal environmental analysis 4750

MOST analysis 478

portfolio analysis 489

Resource Audit 48

SWOT analysis 4950

internal rate of return (IRR) 178

International Diploma in Business Analysis, BCS 34

International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) 34

interoperability requirements 20910

interviews 7480

conducting 789

following up 7980

preparing for 768

pros and cons 756

intuitive understanding 1913

investigation techniques 28, 72102

documentation 96101

interviews 7480

observation 802

prior research 724

prototyping 912

quantitative approaches 926

scenarios 8790

suitability of techniques 96, 97

user analysis 901

workshops 827

investment appraisal 1768

Isaksen, S.G. 568

IT knowledge 256

IT support 10, 153

IT systems analysis 7

iterative systems development 2535

key performance indicators (KPIs) 54

leadership skills 23

legal influences 44

legal requirements 209

lifecycles 24855

business change lifecycle 2489

pros and cons 2556

systems development lifecycles 24955

maintenance of system, use of models in 245

managers 106

manuals, studying 734

many-to-many relationships 2335

McKinsey’s 7-S Model 52

measurement of processes 1447

mess finding 56, 57

mind maps 989

modelling requirements see requirements modelling

MoSCoW 2589

MOST (Mission, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics) technique 478

needs analysis 635

net present value (NPV) 1778

non-functional requirements 21113


BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) 1478

business activity models 120

data modelling, UML 237, 2434

ER diagrams 229, 230, 236

Object Management Group (OMG) 147, 257

Objectives, Scope, Constraints, Authority, Resources (OSCAR) 59, 183

objects 2378

observation 802

one-to-many relationships 230

one-to-one relationships 231

operational guidance 141

operational strategy 41

optionality, ER diagrams 2313


evaluation of 657

formulating 156

identifying 66, 1646


chart 74, 1234

gap analysis 1545

hierarchy 767

model, Harmon 1256

POPIT model 9, 1545

structure 26, 39, 174

organisational view of business processes 1269

outsourcing 3

owners/ownership 105, 117, 120, 125

benefit owner 2701

product owner 258

requirements 200, 21415, 219

and risk assessment 175

payback calculation 1767


employees 1056

gap analysis 1556

POPIT model 9, 1556

workshops 83

see also customers

performance measurement 1447

performance speed 211

personal qualities 204

perspectives of stakeholders 613, 11521

analysing, CATWOE 11618

business activity models (BAMs) 11821

real-world situations, SSM 11516

PESTLE analysis 434, 167

physical resources 48

political awareness 22

political influences 43

POPIT (People, Organisation, Process, Information and Technology) model 9, 1523

Porter’s Five Forces model 447

portfolio management 29

power/interest stakeholder analysis 1067

nine basic situations 10710


priority of requirements 215

solution development 2589

problem finding 57

problem identification 138, 1512

problem investigation 5961

problem solving approach 568

problem solving skills 223

process maps 1269

process modelling see business process modelling


POPIT model 1523

see also business process modelling

professional body for BAs 16

professional development 24, 156

professional techniques 279

professionalism 1617

project feasibility 1668

project initiation document 59, 61, 63, 68, 113, 216

project lifecycle

business case in 1634

stakeholder management in 103

project management 27

organisation, use case diagram 225

project managers 27, 188, 225, 226, 227, 228

project sponsor, responsibilities of 1867

project team, requirements 1889

protocol analysis 81, 190

prototyping 912

qualifications 16, 334

quality criteria, requirements 198

quantitative approaches 926

questionnaires 934

RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed) chart 11213

RAID (Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies) log 17980

RASCI (Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consulted and Informed) charts 11314

real-world situations, analysing 11516

realisation stage, business analyst role 2702

recruitment of staff 155

redesign of processes 144

regulators 105

relationship building skills 21

relationships between entities 2306

exclusivity 2356

many-to-many 2335

names of relationships 235

one-to-many 230

one-to-one 231

optionality 2313

reputation, intangible resource 48

requirements 156, 1812

actors 1869

Agile approach 2024

analysis 195200

delivery of 24662

documenting 20518

elicitation 18993

engineering framework 1856

list 1935

managing 21822

modelling 22445

problems with 1824

validation 2002

requirements analysis 1856, 195200

requirements catalogue 186, 200, 206, 20718

documenting a requirement 21317

example 223

hierarchy of requirements 213

types of requirements 20713

requirements delivery 24662

delivering the solution 2467

development and delivery approach 25660

lifecycle 24856

organisational context 2478

roles 2601

techniques 262

requirements document 2057

requirements elicitation 185, 18993

best practice techniques 193

tacit knowledge 18993

requirements engineering (RE) 28, 67, 181

framework for 1856

requirements filters 196200

requirements list 1935

requirements management 21822

change control 2212

configuration management 21921

cross-referencing 219

identification of requirements 219

origin and ownership 219

software support 222

requirements modelling 22445

Agile approaches 244

business use cases 2245

class models 23744

entity relationship modelling 22837

model use in system maintenance 245

system use cases 2258

requirements validation 186, 2002

researching a company 724

resource audit 48


benefits 251, 2723

validation of requirements 2002

reward systems 156

rich pictures 56, 57, 60, 61, 968

risk assessment 1745


business analyst 1213

business representatives 1868

project team 1889

solution delivery 2601

round robin discussions 85

SARAH (Shock, Anger, Rejection, Acceptance, Hope) model 26970

SBUs (strategic business units) 41, 49

scenarios 8790

Scrum 257

SDLC (Systems Development Lifecycle) 24956

security issues 211

self-belief 234

self-study 31

sensitivity analysis 1778

SFIA (Skills Framework for the Information Age) 323

Business Analysis skill Levels 323, 367

shadowing 81

simplification of processes 142

situation investigation 5961

Six Sigma 1489

skills analysis matrix 2930

skills development 312, 266

Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) 323

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time framed) objectives 48, 54, 200

social media 114

socio-cultural influences 44

Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) 11516

software 176, 209

software support 222

solution definition 15162

business architecture 15662

gap analysis 1516

solution finding 58

spaghetti maps 99100

special purpose records 945

SSM (Soft Systems Methodology) 11516

staff issues, gap analysis 1556

stakeholders 27, 10322, 216

categories of 1036

defining stakeholder involvement 11214

management of 11112

management strategies 10710

perspectives 613, 11521

power/interest grid 1067

social media, use of 114

standards 16

state chart 268

sticky (post-it) note exercises 85

STOP model, organisation hierarchy 767

strategic business units (SBUs) 41, 49

strategy analysis 67, 27, 3855

context for strategy 389

development of strategy 42

executing strategy 514

external environmental analysis 427

internal environmental analysis 4750

strategy concept 3941

SWOT analysis 4950

STROBE (STRuctured Observation of the Business Environment) 193

subject matter expert (SME) 25, 1867

suppliers 105, 125

bargaining power 45, 46

management 267

relations 174

surveys 934

swimlane diagramming technique 1328

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis 4950

system data modelling 228

system use cases, modelling 2258

systems analysis 7

systems development lifecycles (SDLCs) 24956

tacit knowledge 18993

taken-for-granted information 190

tangible benefits 1723

tangible costs 1712

task analysis 1356

tasks, sequence change 1423

team working ability 212

techniques of solution development 262


business analyst knowledge of 256

PESTLE analysis 44

POPIT model 10, 1534

technical feasibility 167, 189, 197

technical options 164

technical requirements 20910

testing 2678

timeboxing 253

timeline for a process, estimation of 1467

traceability 198, 202, 218, 219

training 31, 155

transformation 116

Treffinger, D.J. 568

unconscious skills 190

Unified Modeling Language (UML) 90, 132, 148, 256, 257

class modelling 23744

modelling business use cases 2248

Unified Process (UP) 257

usability 212

use case descriptions 227, 267

use case modelling 2248

user acceptance testing, business analyst role 2678

user analysis 901

‘V’ model 2501

validation of requirements 2003

value chain 1289

value propositions 12931

version numbers/numbering 214, 217, 2202

vertical traceability 218

visualisation techniques 85

Walia, G.S. 1823

waterfall lifecycle 24950

website research 723

Weltanschauung (world view) 62, 64, 116, 117

workplace experience 31

workshops 827

facilitating 846

following 867

preparing for 834

pros and cons 823

world view (weltanschauung) 62, 84, 116, 117

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