4. Invoicing and Collecting Income

Having a method for recording your income is likely one of the main reasons you purchased your QuickBooks program. Here are just some of the reasons why it’s important to have an accurate record of your income transactions.

• You need to be able to track your company’s revenue and record income transactions so you know how well your company is performing.

• You need a process to separate your income into appropriate accounts so that you can produce reliable financial statements that tell you where your company’s strengths and weaknesses are.

• You need the record-keeping ability necessary to provide your customers with an opportunity to make down payments and partial payments, as well as being able to give them the right to receive refunds and credits for returned merchandise or unfulfilled obligations.

• You need to properly track and record the dollar amount you deposit in your bank account.

• You need the convenience of sending an email invoice to your customers.

• If you incur expenses on behalf of a customer, you need to be able to charge those expenses to your customer.

• You need to be able to assess finance charges for late payments.

All of this and more can be accomplished through the invoicing and collection services available in your QuickBooks program. This chapter explains how you can meet all your revenue-collection obligations.

Setting Customers Preferences

You can customize some of the standard features that apply to invoices by making adjustments in the Sales & Customers preferences screen. The types of preferences that relate to your sales operations include setting a default shipping method, setting a standard markup percent for items you purchase and resell to customers, and indicating a standard FOB for your company. In addition, you indicate how you want reimbursements to be recorded in your financial records, in what order customer payments are to be applied to outstanding invoices, whether you want to be told you are about to issue a duplicate invoice number, and whether you want to use the QuickBooks Price Level feature. The QuickBooks Price Level feature enables you to easily apply discounts or price increases to items on your invoices. The settings you make here affect all your company’s invoices. Note that only a user with administrative rights can make changes to the company preferences for sales and customers.

Set Payments Preferences

image Select Edit, Preferences.

image Click the Payments icon.


image Click the Company Preferences tab.

image Click on the Explain link to learn more about Integrated Payment Processing.

image Check Automatically Apply Payments if you want QuickBooks to apply customer payments to outstanding invoices.

image Check Automatically Calculate Payments if you want to automatically calculate the amount of payments you received based on the invoices you check off on the Receive Payments list.

image Check Use Undeposited Funds As a Default Deposit to Account to designate your undeposited funds account as the default account when recording payments that you receive.

image Click OK.

Set Sales and Customers Preferences

image Select Edit, Preferences.

image Click the Sales & Customers icon.

image Click the Company Preferences tab.

image In the Sales Forms pane, indicate the Usual Shipping Method and Usual FOB, and place a check mark to Warn About Duplicate Invoice Numbers.

image In the Miscellaneous pane, indicate a default packing slip template.

image Check Use Price Levels to use the QuickBooks Price Levels feature for quickly adjusting amounts on sales forms by a preset percentage.


image Check Enable Sales Orders if you want to use the sales orders feature in QuickBooks. If you check this box, you have the option of checking the box to warn about duplicate sales order numbers and to prevent the printing of zero amounts.

image If you have enabled sales orders, choose the templates you prefer to use for sales order packing slips and sales order pick lists.

image Click OK.

Did You Know?

FOB stands for Free on Board. FOB refers to the physical place where the ownership of an item changes hands from the vendor to the purchaser. This designation is used when discussing shipping costs and is important for determining who has the responsibility of shipping and insurance costs. “FOB Our Warehouse,” for example, means the ownership of the item transfers to the purchaser when it leaves the seller’s warehouse. The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges and insurance on the item from the time it leaves the seller’s premises.

Creating an Invoice

The invoice is the basic form you use to charge your customers for goods and services. Invoices include detailed lists of all items that you charge to a customer. There are several types of invoice forms available in QuickBooks. Choose the form that best suits the type of business you do. You can use the invoice form as a document that you give or send to your customers, or you can use the form purely for internal purposes, to record sales that occur in your company.

image Select Customers, Create Invoices.


You can also click the Invoices icon on the Home page, or press Ctrl+I to start a new invoice.

image Select a customer and, if applicable, a job from the Customer:Job drop-down list.


image Verify that the date is correct, making any necessary changes.

See Also

Work more efficiently with the Attach Document feature, which is new in QuickBooks 2010. To learn more about this online subscription feature, see the section titled “Attaching Documents to Transactions” on page 157.

Did You Know?

You can change preference settings on invoice forms. The settings you make in the Sales & Customers Preferences dialog box affect all of your company’s invoices. However, you can override these settings, if necessary, on the actual invoices.

image Click the Template drop-down menu if you want to choose a different style of invoice.


image Enter the terms that apply to this customer.

image Enter each of the items that this customer is purchasing, along with quantities and rates. (The rates might appear automatically, depending on how the items are entered in your records.) The Amount column is automatically calculated.

image Check To Be Printed or To Be E-mailed.

image Select a save option.

Did You Know?

A new feature in QuickBooks 2010 enables you to customize your forms to add a professional look to all of your QuickBooks forms, and it is FREE! Click the Customize icon on the Create Invoices dialog and choose Customize Design and Layout.

Previewing or Printing Invoices

When it’s time to send your invoice to a customer, it pays to first take a look at the form and double-check to make sure everything is the way you want it. After previewing the invoice, you can choose to print the form right away or save it for printing later, perhaps with a batch of other invoices.

Preview or Print a Single Invoice

image Prepare an invoice.

image If you want to print this invoice later with a batch of invoices, as described in the next task, check the To Be Printed box, save your invoice, and skip the rest of this task.


image To print this invoice now, click the drop-down arrow next to the Print button on the invoice form toolbar. Select Preview if you are not yet ready to print the invoice.


You can also press Ctrl+P to print the invoice.

image Select Print to print the invoice.

image Click Print in the Print One Invoice dialog box that display.


image Save your invoice.

See Also

See the following related topics for more information on coordinating the invoice date with various QuickBooks functions:

Setting Finance Charge Preferences,” page 118.

Creating Payment Terms,” page 246.

Creating a Monthly Statement,” page 119.

Printing a Batch of Invoices

image Select File, Print Forms and then select Invoices.

image Check each invoice you want to print at this time.



You can save time by using the Select All and Select None buttons, and then checking or unchecking the invoices.


You cannot make changes in this window. If you discover that the amount on an invoice is incorrect, you cannot enter a change here. Close the Select Invoices to Print window and open the original invoice, make your changes, and return to this window for printing.

image Click OK.

image Click the Print button in the Print Invoices dialog box.


Did You Know?

Memo information does not print on the invoice. You can enter comments for your own use in the Memo field of an invoice. Your customer won’t see this field on the printed invoice.

Emailing an Invoice

The most popular form of communication these days seems to be email, so why not take advantage of this medium to dispatch your invoices? Email is easy, and you can get your invoice into the hands of your customer quickly. One word of warning: Make sure your customer expects the e-invoice so your message won’t get lost in the shuffle of junk that permeates email boxes. If your customer is keen on electronic communication, you might be able to encourage an electronic payment, which reduces the turnaround time on your invoice even more.

Setting Email Preferences

image From the Edit menu, select Preferences.

image Select the Send Forms menu.


image On the My Preferences tab, place a check mark to Auto-check the To Be Emailed box (optional).

image Select the Company Preferences tab.


image Define your default salutation, subject, and generic content for your email communications.

image Click OK.

Indicate Email Status on an Invoice

image Create an invoice, or open an invoice form already created but not yet printed.

image Check the To Be E-mailed box to initiate email delivery.


image Click a Save option.

image If the customer’s email address was not entered previously, you are prompted to enter it now.


image Click OK.

Did You Know?

Email addresses entered on-the-fly are saved for future use. If you are prompted to enter your customer’s email address, you only have to enter it once. Your entry is saved with this customer’s information for future use.

Send One Invoice by Email

image Open the invoice on which you indicated email delivery.

image Click the drop-down arrow next to the Send button.


image Select E-mail Invoice.

image Verify that the information in the cover letter is correct.


image Make changes or additions to the cover letter if necessary.

image Click the Send Now button.

Send a Batch of Email Invoices

image Select File, Send Forms.

image Click in the first column to check off each form you want to send. Check marks appear to the left of each selected form.


image Double-click any form to display a preview of the accompanying cover letter.

image Click Send Now.

Did You Know?

There’s no need to save as you go. When creating default cover letters, you don’t have to save your work as you switch from one letter to the next. All your letters are saved at once when you click the OK button.

Charging Expenses to a Customer

When you make a purchase on behalf of a customer, you need to designate the customer on the bill. Then, when you create an invoice for the customer, you can request that expenses be charged, as well as any other items that go on the invoice. This is commonly referred to as time and materials billing or cost plus billing. You can also select a markup for the expense if you intend to sell this to your customer at a profit.

Designate the Customer When Making a Purchase

image Prepare a new bill for a purchase, or open an existing bill.

image Enter the customer’s name and, if applicable, a job.


image Save the bill.

Did You Know?

You can associate an expense with a customer without charging the customer for the expense. If you uncheck the box in the Billable field next to the customer’s name on a bill, the amount is not charged to the customer.

You can remove the markup amount from the customer invoice. If you increase the expenses charged to your customer by a markup amount, this amount display on your customer invoice unless you check the Print Selected Time and Costs as One Invoice Item option. When you check this box, the markup still display on your screen version of the invoice, but the printed version combines the markup with the billed expense into one amount.

Place Expenses on a Customer Invoice

image Open an invoice form and enter the customer information.

image If this pop-up dialog box display, choose the option to Select the Outstanding Billable Time and Costs to Add to This Invoice, and then click OK. Note that you can check a box at the bottom of the dialog box if you want to make this your default choice for future invoices that have time or costs assigned to them.


image If the pop-up dialog box did not appear, click the Add Time/Costs button.

image Click the Expenses tab.


image Enter the markup amount or percentage, if applicable.

image Verify the account to which the markup should be recorded, if applicable.

image Check any item you want to include on this invoice.

image Indicate whether the expenses are taxable to the customer.

image If you are charging more than one item to the customer, and if you want all the items to appear as a single item on the customer invoice, check this box.

image Click OK to place the selected expenses on the customer’s invoice.

image Complete the invoice and save it.

Setting Finance Charge Preferences

Do you charge your customers a fee for late payments? If so, you can create several settings to ensure that the process of assessing finance charges is consistent and automatic. Any settings you establish here can be revised later, but you’ll save yourself time by thinking through these options and configuring the settings before you start dealing with customers who made late payments.

image Select Edit, Preferences.

image Click the Finance Charge icon.


image Click the Company Preferences tab.

image Indicate in the Annual Interest Rate field the amount of interest that your company charges for past-due customer payments.

image Indicate in the Minimum Finance Charge field the amount, if any, that your company assesses on late payments.

image Enter the number of days in the Grace Period (days) field allowed before finance charges are assessed.

image Choose from the Finance Charge Account drop-down list the account you use to track finance charges.

image Check Assess Finance Charges on Overdue Finance Charges if you add previous finance charges to the balance when computing additional finance charges.

image Select an option in the Calculate Charges From section.

image Check Mark Finance Charge Invoices “To Be Printed” if you want to send an invoice to customers when finance charges are assessed. If you check this box, QuickBooks automatically places the finance charge invoices in your printer queue.

image Click OK.

Creating a Monthly Statement

It’s not unusual to have some customers who don’t pay their invoices on time. If you have customers like this, you probably want to send them a reminder that they owe you money. The monthly statement lists outstanding invoices and also provides you with an opportunity to assess a finance charge.

image Select Customers, Create Statements.


Clicking the Statements icon on the Home page also opens the Create Statements dialog.

image Indicate the date that will appear on the statement.


image Choose dates in the Statement Period From fields, or choose All Open Transactions as of Statement Date to create a statement for all outstanding invoices.

image If you choose to prepare statements for all outstanding invoices, check this box to limit the statements to invoices more than a designated number of days overdue.

image Select the customers who will receive statements. If you select any option other than All Customers, you can then select the specific customers who will receive statements.

See Also

See “Invoice Dates” on page 109 for more information on coordinating the invoice date and due date with monthly statements.

Did You Know?

You can’t save statement options. If you make selections in the statement dialog box and then click Close rather than printing or emailing your statements, the choices you made are not saved.

image Select a template to use for the statements from the Template drop-down list.


image Choose between creating one statement per customer or one statement per job.

image Check Show Invoice Item Details on Statements to provide detailed information from the invoice(s) on the statement.

image Choose to print statements by billing address ZIP Code.

image Check options under the Do Not Create Statements heading to customize the selection of which customers receive statements.

image Click Print or E-mail.

Receiving Payments for Invoices

You’ve received a check from a customer! Now you need to record the payment and indicate that the invoice has been paid. Doing so clears your accounts receivable account and places the funds in an undeposited funds holding area in your QuickBooks file until you deposit the funds. When you actually deposit the money, the undeposited funds account is cleared and cash is increased.

image Select Customers, Receive Payments.


Click the Receive Payments icon on the Home page to go immediately to the Receive Payments dialog box.

image Enter the customer’s name in the Received From field.


image Enter the amount received.

image Confirm the date on which the payment was received.

image Enter the payment method.

image Enter the check number or other applicable reference number.

image Verify that the amounts are applied appropriately to the outstanding invoices by checking the invoices in order of how the payment will be applied.

image If the full amount owing has not been paid, indicate whether you want the remainder to be left as an underpayment or written off as either a discount or uncollectible.

image Click a save option.

Did You Know?

You can speed up the processing of your customer payments by one of several new payment options offered by Intuit Payment Solutions. To get more information about adding credit card processing, setting up recurring charges and adding eCheck processing, click the appropriate link on the left side of the Accept Payments dialog.

Issuing a Credit or Refund

If a customer returns an item or if for any other reason you need to issue a credit or a refund to a customer, you can do so easily. You are given room to fully describe the reason for the credit or refund, and you can indicate whether tax applies to the amount.

image Select Customers, Create Credit Memos/Refunds, or click the Refunds & Credits icon on the Home page.

image Enter the customer’s name and, if applicable, the job to which this credit or refund relates in the Customer:Job field.


image Verify that the date is correct.

image Enter the item for which the credit or refund is being issued.

image Describe the reason for the credit or refund.

image Enter the quantity, and, if applicable, the rate.

image Enter an optional customer message. If you have not used this message before, you will be prompted to add the message to your message list. Click Quick Add to add the message.

image Indicate if you want to print the credit memo or send it by email. (These two options are not mutually exclusive—you can do both if you want.)

image Save the credit memo.

image If the Available Credit window display, select an option to indicate how you want the credit to be treated. If you choose to apply the credit to an invoice, you will see a list of open invoices for this customer, and you can select the invoice(s) on which the credit should be applied.


image Click OK.

Did You Know?

Customer messages are saved in QuickBooks. If you enter a message in the Customer Message area, and this is the first time you’ve used that message, you are prompted to add the message to your saved messages so that you can select the message again in the future, without having to retype it. Click the down arrow in the Customer Message area to view other messages that have been saved.

Recording Cash Sales (COD)

Companies that make cash sales need to record these sales, just as companies that issue invoices record their sales. If yours is a cash business, such as a retail store, you might not keep a list of all of your customers. For sales to anonymous customers, you can create a customer and name it something such as Cash Customer or simply Customer and still record your sales properly in QuickBooks.

image Select Customers, Enter Sales Receipts, or click the Create Sales Receipts icon on the Home page.

image Enter a generic name for the cash customer in the Customer:Job field.


image Select Quick Add to add this name to your customer list if the name has not been used previously.

image Verify the date of the sale.


image Enter the item(s) sold.

image Enter the quantity and rate.

image Indicate if you want the invoice to be printed or emailed, or you can choose to print the invoice now by clicking the Print button at the top of the form.

image Save the form.

Making Bank Deposits

In the Sales & Customers preferences, you have the option of choosing whether you want payments to be routed to an undeposited funds account for future depositing instead of being recorded immediately as deposits. If you’ve chosen to deposit the funds later, you need to follow these steps to record the actual deposit.

image Select Banking, Make Deposits, or click the Record Deposits icon on the Home page.

image Change the payment type if you want to view a particular type of payment (such as only cash or only MasterCard and Visa).


image Check off each of the deposits you want to make at this time. You can use the Select All button to check off the entire list at once.

image Click OK.

image Verify the account to which the money will be deposited.


image Verify the date of the deposit.

image Verify all deposit information.

image If you intend to take cash back from the deposit, enter the account that the money should be assigned to.

image Enter an optional memo regarding the cash back.

image Enter the amount of the cash back.

image Click the Print button if you want to print a deposit slip or a summary of the deposit.

image Choose which documents you want to print.


image Click the OK button.

image Save the deposit.

Receiving Advances, Retainers, and Down Payments

You might require that your customers or clients give you advance payments, retainers, layaway payments, or down payments on purchases of goods or services. If the payment you receive is a down payment on the purchase of goods, you can create an invoice for the goods and then record the payment as a partial payment for that invoice (see “Receiving Payments for Invoices,” earlier in this chapter). If you are taking an advance payment or a retainer for goods or services that have not yet been invoiced, the procedure for recording the payment is somewhat different, as shown in this task.

image Select Banking, Make Deposits.


If the Payments to Deposit window display, ignore that window at this time by clicking the X in the upper-right corner to close the window.

image Indicate the account into which this money will be deposited.


image Enter the date of the deposit.

image Enter the name of the customer and, if applicable, the job related to this deposit.

image Enter the account in which the deposit will be recorded. Typically this is a current liability account, not an income account.

image Enter an optional memo.

image Enter optional information about the method of payment.

image Enter the amount of the deposit.

image Click Print to print a deposit slip or deposit summary.

image Save the deposit.

Issuing Discounts

If you offer discounts to your customers, you can record that information on a separate Discounts & Credits screen in QuickBooks. There are three types of discounts you can issue—sales discounts that you enter on a customer’s invoice, early payment discounts recorded automatically for customers who pay within a specified time period, and company-wide discounts such as when your company has a clearance sale on excess inventory items. The first two types of discounts are discussed here. Company-wide discounts are discussed in the “Adjusting the Price of Inventory” section of Chapter 14, “Using Inventory Features.”

Enter a Sales Discount on an Invoice

image Press Ctrl+I to open an invoice.

image Enter the relevant customer information and a description of the items this customer is purchasing.


image Enter a Discount item in the Item section.

image Add a description of the discount, or revise the description that display.

image Enter the percent or exact amount of the discount. Enter the percent or amount as a positive number—QuickBooks automatically changes the discount to a negative for you. If you enter a percent, the discount is calculated based on the item on the line above.

image Save the invoice.

Did You Know?

A discount can be applied to more than one invoice item. Use Subtotal as an invoice item if you want to subtotal two or more items above the subtotal line, and then apply the discount to the subtotal line.

Enter a Discount for Early Payment

image Select Customers, Receive Payments.


Another way to get to the Receive Payments window is to click the Receive Payments icon in the Customers section of the Home page.

image Enter the customer’s name.


image Verify the date on which the payment is received.

image Enter the amount received.

image Click the invoice to which you want to apply a discount.

image Click Discount & Credits to open the Discount & Credits window.

Did You Know?

Date of receipt can differ from date of deposit. When issuing a discount for an early payment, the date on which the payment was received is of paramount importance. QuickBooks automatically enters today’s date when you open the Receive Payments form. Make sure the date on which the payment was actually received display on this form.

image Confirm the discount amount as computed by QuickBooks, and make any necessary changes.


image Verify the account to which the discount will be charged.

image Click Done.

image Check off the invoice(s) being paid.


image Note that the discount has been applied.

image Save the to customer payment screen.

Did You Know?

A discount date display next to invoices eligible for early payment discount. If the terms you assigned to an invoice make the invoice eligible for early payment discount, the date of eligibility display in the Disc. Date column in the Receive Payments window.

Tracking Accounts Receivable

QuickBooks keeps track of all amounts owed to you by your customers. In addition, QuickBooks produces aging reports to show you how long overdue these outstanding amounts are. Examine these reports frequently so you can keep on top of your company’s collection effectiveness and so you’ll know which customers have trouble making timely payments.

image Select Reports, Customers & Receivables, or click the Customers & Receivables option in the Report Center.


image Select A/R Aging Summary to see a list of customers and the amounts owed by them.

image Select A/R Aging Detail to see every invoice that is overdue.

image Double-click any amount on the report to see the actual invoice form.

image Press Esc to close the reports.

Did You Know?

You can change the interval for the number of days on your accounts receivable reports. The default interval when displaying the accounts receivable reports is from 30 days through 90 days overdue. You can change this by entering a different number of days (for example, 60, 90, 120, and so on) in the Interval fields at the top of the report.

Viewing the Open Invoices Report

How much is owed to your company and who owes it? This information is readily available on the Open Invoices report. This report shows the detail of all amounts due from every customer and job. Information on this report is grouped by customer and job.

image Select Reports, Customers & Receivables; then select Open Invoices from the side menu.



Another way to get to the Open Invoices report is to click the Customers & Receivables option on the Reports Center, and then select Open Invoices.

image Click the down arrow if you want to select a different method of sorting the report.


image Click Print to print a paper copy of the report.

image Double-click any amount to see the actual invoice.

image Press Esc to close the report.

Did You Know?

The open invoices report is also useful for finding unapplied payments or credits. Just click on each payment to edit which invoice it should be applied to.

Creating a Collection Letter

Of course, you can open your word processing program and write an extemporaneous letter to the customer who owes you money. Or you can save time and use a standard form letter that is available to send to any customers who owe you money, anytime. Before printing the letters, you have the capability to customize the letters and add personal information if necessary.

image Select Company, Prepare Letters with Envelopes; then select the type of letter you want to create. For this example, a collection letter is selected.


image Select from the various options to determine who will receive this letter.


image Click Next.

image Choose to sort your list alphabetically by customer name or by amount, lowest to highest.


image The list that display here is the result of the selections you made in Step 2. Check off all members of the list who will receive the letter. Use the Mark All and Unmark All buttons to help with your selections.

image Click Next.

image Choose from a variety of available letters, or click the Create or Edit a Letter Template option to customize your mailing. If you choose to create a letter from scratch, a Microsoft Word document where you can customize your letter will appear. For this example, the Friendly Collection letter template has been chosen.


image Click Next.

image Enter the name and title of the person who will sign the letters.


image Click Next. A Microsoft Word document containing all the letters will open.

image Scroll through the letters to make sure they read the way you want them to. If necessary, you can add information to any letter.

image Select File, Print from the Word menu bar.

image In QuickBooks, click Next if you want to print envelopes. If you choose this option, you are asked to verify the size of the envelopes. In the Microsoft Word document that display, click OK to print the envelopes.


image If you don’t want to print envelopes, click Cancel.

image In QuickBooks, click Finish to close the Letters and Envelopes window.

Recording Bad Debts

If your company keeps records on an accrual basis, you’ve already recorded income when a job is completed and invoiced, even though you haven’t yet received the payment from your customer. So when you discover that the customer isn’t going to pay, you need to offset the income you recorded with a bad debt expense.

image Select Customers, Receive Payments, or click the Receive Payments icon on the QuickBooks Home page.

image Enter the name of the customer and job, if applicable, for whom you will record a bad debt.


image Click to place a check mark to the left of an uncollectible invoice.

image QuickBooks will pre-fill the Amount box with the remaining amount due for the selected invoice.

image Click the Discounts & Credits button.

Did You Know?

You might receive a warning about automatically calculating payments. Depending on the preferences you set for your company, you might receive a warning telling you that QuickBooks will automatically enter a payment in the amount of the invoice you checked. To override this calculation, click No when this warning display. Note that clicking No turns off the company preference for automatically applying payments. To reset this preference, select Edit, Preferences and click the Sales & Customers icon and the Company Preferences tab. Check the box to automatically apply payments.

image Enter as a discount the amount of the uncollectible debt.


image If necessary, change the discount account field to reflect the account where you record bad debt expenses.

image Click the Done button.

image Save the Receive Payments window.

Did You Know?

Bad debts get entered as positive numbers. Even though you are reducing the amount owed by the customer, enter the amount as a positive number. QuickBooks will reduce the amount due by the number you enter.

Did You Know?

Program advertisements appear from time to time. When you make certain selections in QuickBooks, you might notice extra windows appearing, offering more information about special features, such as how to print labels or how to order preprinted supplies. When these windows appear, you can check a box in the window to keep the window from appearing again in the future, or you can simply click OK to close the window.

Working with Multiple Currencies

Today, business economy is ever changing and for many businesses that means reaching into the global economy to conduct business. If your business buys or sells its products or services in a currency different from your home currency, then you will benefit from using the Multicurrency feature in QuickBooks.

To begin using Multiple Currencies in QuickBooks you first enable the feature, a task that cannot be reversed. To keep your financial records current you use the exchange rate download and home currency adjustment tools. Your home currency is the currency of the country where your business is located. Using this feature, you can report your business financials in your home-based currency as well as foreign currencies.


Before you begin using Multiple Currency features in QuickBooks, review the information available in the Intuit Community. To access this information, select Manage Currency from the Company menu and then choose the Multicurrency Resource option on the right (Internet connection required).

Enable Multiple Currency in QuickBooks

image From the Edit menu, select Preferences and choose the Multiple Currencies option.


image Select the Company Preferences tab.

image Click Yes, I use more than one currency.

image Click Yes to the warning that you are enabling multicurrency in your data file



The preference to enable Multiple Currency affects your financial reporting and cannot be disabled, so make sure you have made a backup of your data file prior to selecting this option. If you have an existing business, it is also advisable to discuss this change with your accounting professional.

image Select your home currency from the drop-down menu options.

image Click OK to close the Preferences dialog.

image Click OK to the warning (not shown) that your company file will close and reopen with the changes made.

Assign a Currency to Your Foreign Customer or Vendor

image From the Icon bar select Customer Center (not shown).

image Click on New Customer (not shown).

image Type a Customer Name.


image From the Currency drop-down, select the default currency to use for this customer.

image Enter additional customer information as needed.

image Click OK.

image From the icon bar select Vendor Center (not shown).

image Click on New Vendor (not shown).

image Type a Vendor Name.


image From the Currency drop-down, select the default currency to use for this vendor.

image Enter additional vendor information as needed.

image Click OK.


You will assign the default currency to your customer and vendor records so that the correct currency will default on their respective transactions. If your customer or vendor has had transaction activity before using the multicurrency feature, you will have to create a new customer or vendor record for the foreign activity.

Did You Know?

Review the “Adding Customers” and “Adding Vendors” sections in Chapter 3, “Adding or Changing Information After the Interview Is Completed,” for more information on completing the additional information.

Select the Foreign Currencies You Will Be Using

image From the Company menu, select Manage Currency.


image Select Currency List.

image If you are adding or removing a currency, click Include Inactive.


image Scroll through the list of exchange currencies.

image With your mouse click to remove the “x” in front of a currency to make it available for use or click to add the “x” to a list item to make it inactive.

Did You Know?

Inactive currencies will not display in drop-down lists when creating foreign transactions. However, inactive currencies, if used during a reporting period, will appear on reports. You can make an inactive currency active again at a later date.

image When you have finished selecting the currencies you want to work with, uncheck Include Inactive to shorten the list of currencies displayed in the list view.


image Click the red (x) on the top right of the Currency List to close.

Add Foreign Chart of Accounts

image From the List menu, select Chart of Accounts and choose New from the Account drop-down menu (not shown).

image Select Bank or Credit Card from the Add New Account: Choose Account Type dialog (not shown). QuickBooks automatically creates the necessary foreign Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable accounts when the foreign currency is used on a transaction.

image Click Continue.

image Enter your new account Number, if the accounting numbering preference is enabled.


image Type an Account Name.

image Select the appropriate currency from the Currency drop-down list.

image Enter the optional information as needed.

image Click a Save option.

Did You Know?

Currencies can be assigned to the following account types: bank, credit card, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. The currency of accounts receivable and accounts payable must match the currency of the customer/vendor used in the transaction. QuickBooks will default to or create the proper accounts receivable or payable account when you create your first sales or purchase transaction using that foreign currency. You must manually create any additional foreign bank or credit card accounts needed.

Update the Foreign Exchange Rates

image From the Company menu, select Manage Currency.

image Select Download Latest Exchange Rates. You can also access this functionality from the Currency List menu, Activities menu.

image Click OK to the message (not shown) that QuickBooks successfully updated the exchange rates

image Click OK to the message (not shown) that the rates downloaded successfully.

image You can edit the exchange rate by selecting a currency from the Currency drop-down menu and then choosing Edit Currency.


image Click the Change Format (not shown) to modify how the currency displays, click OK (not shown) to return to the Edit Currency dialog.

image Browse through the displayed calendar to select a date for the new exchange rate.


image In the Exchange Rate column enter the appropriate rate.

image Click OK.

Record Foreign Sales Transactions

image To create a customer invoice, from the Home Page (not shown) click on Invoices.

image Select your foreign customer.


image The default currency Accounts Receivable account is selected.

Did You Know?

A unique Accounts Receivable account is automatically created when a foreign currency is used on sales transactions. The currency selected is defaulted from the New or Edit Customer dialog.

image Confirm the date and invoice number assigned by default are correct.

image Enter the item or items being sold to the customer.

image The Exchange Rate as of the date assigned to the customer invoice is displayed. Accept the default exchange rate (recommended) or modify as needed.

image The Balance Due is displayed in both the home currency and the foreign currency.

image Click a Save option.

image Click, Receive Payments on the Home Page (not shown) to receive payments from the foreign customer.

image Select the foreign Customer.


image QuickBooks will display the default A/R Account or you can select a different account.

image Enter the foreign currency Amount received or change if needed.

image Select the Date the funds were received.

image Confirm the default Exchange Rate for the selected date is correct, or edit if needed.

image Complete the remaining information.

image Verify that the calculated Amount Received agrees with your banking records.

image Click a Save option.

Record Foreign Purchase Transactions

image To create a vendor bill, from the Home Page (not shown) click on Enter Bills.

image Select your vendor.


image Confirm the default currency Accounts Payable account assigned to your New or Edit vendor record.

image Enter the Date you want to record for the vendor bill.

image Enter the vendor’s bill number in the Ref. No. field.

image Enter the item or items being purchased from the vendor.

image The Amount Due displays both the foreign currency and home currency cost for the exchange rate as of the bill date.

image Accept the default exchange rate (recommended) or modify as needed.

image Click a Save option.

image Click Pay Bills on the Home Page (not shown) to pay the vendor bill.

image Select to Show All Bills, or only bills due on or before a specific date.


image Select the A/P Account for the foreign vendor.

image Filter or sort the Pay Bills listing as desired.

image Select the bills to be paid.

image Complete the remaining information.

image Verify the correct Exchange Rate is listed for your bill payment date. Modify as needed.

image Click Pay Selected Bills.

See Also

For more detailed information about completing the Pay Bills process, read the “Paying Bills section in Chapter 5, “Making Purchases and Recording Payments.”

Prepare Unrealized Gains and Losses Report

image To prepare an Unrealized Gains & Losses report, select Reports, Company & Financial from the menu bar.


image Select Unrealized Gains & Losses report.

image In the Enter Exchange Rates dialog that displays, select the date you want to report the Unrealized Gains and Losses for.


image If the proper Exchange Rate does not default, enter the appropriate rate for the selected date.

image Click Continue.


You can assure that your financials are properly reported with the correct exchange rate if you make it a daily task to download or manually enter the updated exchange rates. See the previous section titled “Update the Foreign Exchange Rates.”

image The Unrealized Gains & Losses report is displayed and for each currency with unpaid transactions, the rate used for the report is displayed.


Prepare Realized Gains and Losses Report

image To prepare a Realized Gains & Losses report, select Reports, Company & Financial from the menu bar (not shown).

image Select Realized Gains & Losses to display the report showing transaction details of the recognized gain or loss on the reporting transactions.


image View your Profit & Loss, by selecting Reports, Company & Financial and selecting Profit & Loss Standard.

image Change the dates if needed.


image View the Exchange Gain or Loss amount reported on the Profit & Loss and compare to the Realized Gains & Losses report prepared above.

Did You Know?

When you invoice your client, or receive a bill from a vendor, the sales price or cost is reported in your financials at the “then current” exchange rate. However, because exchange rates fluctuate daily, your “realized” amount received or paid will probably differ from what was originally reported. This accounting is known as the “realized gain or loss” and is computed by taking the difference between the original document value and the new value at the current exchange rate. QuickBooks automatically creates this entry for you! Be sure to keep the exchange rates in your data file current by following the guidelines in section titled, “Updating the Foreign Exchange Rates.”

Make a Home Currency Adjustment

image To restate your business financials in the home currency as of a specific date range, click Company, Manage Currency (not shown) and choose the Home Currency Adjustment.

image The Home Currency Adjustment dialog displays. Select the date for which you are restating your financial statements.


image Select Currency from the drop-down menu.

image The default Exchange Rate displays; if needed it can be modified here.

image Click Calculate Adjustment.

Did You Know?

It is very important when you are presenting your business financials to a banking institution or others for review that you have prepared the Home Currency Adjustment prior to preparing the necessary reports. The Home Currency Adjustment will calculate any net gain or loss using the Home Currency Adjustment Exchange Rate, as if the transactions are completed and realized.

image Click Select All (recommended) or choose individual transactions to include in the Home Currency Adjustment.

image Click a Save option.

image QuickBooks restates your foreign Balance Sheet accounts in the value of the home currency and posts the offsetting entry to an Other Expense type account named “Exchange Gain or Loss.”

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