Chapter 10. Establishing Web Links


  • Learning about Internet addresses

  • Linking Web pages

  • Dreamweaver Technique: Linking to Files

  • Pointing to a file

  • Creating anchors within Web pages

  • Dreamweaver Technique: Inserting Anchors

  • Targeting URLs

Links are the Web. Everything else about the medium can be replicated in another form, but without links, there would be no World Wide Web. As your Web design work becomes more sophisticated, you'll find additional uses for links: sending mail, connecting to an FTP site—even downloading software.

In this chapter, you learn how Dreamweaver helps you manage various types of links, as well as how to set anchors within documents to get smooth and accurate navigation and establish targets for your links. To give you a full picture of the possibilities, this chapter begins with an overview of Internet addresses, called URLs.

Understanding URLs

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. An awkward phrase, it is one that, nonetheless, describes itself well—the URL's function is to provide a standard method for finding anything on the Internet. From Web pages to newsgroups to the smallest graphic on the most esoteric of pages, everything can be referenced through the URL mechanism.

A typical URL for a Web page can have up to six different parts. Each part is separated by some combination of a slash, colon, and hash-mark delimiter. When entered as an attribute's value, the entire URL is generally enclosed within quotation marks to ensure that the address is read as one unit. A generic URL using all the parts looks like this:


Here's an example that uses every section:

From left to right, the parts are as follows:

  • http:—The URL scheme used to access the resource. A scheme is an agreed-upon mechanism for communication, typically between a client and a server. The scheme to reference Web servers uses the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Other schemes and their related protocols are discussed later in this section.

  •—The name of the server providing the resource. The server can be either a domain name (with or without the www prefix) or an Internet Protocol (IP) address, such as

  • :80—The port number to be used on the server. Most URLs do not include a port number, which is analogous to a telephone extension number on the server, because most servers use the defaults.

  • /Dreamweaver—The directory path to the resource. Depending on where the resource (for example, the Web page) is located on the server, the following paths can be specified: no path (indicating that the resource is in the public root of the server), a single folder name, or a number of folders and subfolders.

  • /index.htm—The filename of the resource. If the filename is omitted, the Web browser looks for a default page, often named index.html or index.htm. The browser reacts differently depending on the type of file. For example, GIFs and JPEGs are displayed by themselves; executable files and archives (Zip, StuffIt, and so on) are downloaded.

  • #bible—The named anchor in the HTML document. This part is another optional section. The named anchor enables the Web designer to send the viewer to a particular section of an HTML page.

Although http is one of the most prevalent communication schemes used on the Internet, other schemes are also available. Whereas HTTP is used for accessing Web pages, the other schemes are used for such things as transferring files between servers and clients or for sending email. Table 10-1 describes the most common schemes used in URLs.

Table 10-1. Common URL Schemes and Associated Protocols

Scheme Syntax




File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Links to an FTP server that is typically used for uploading and downloading files. The server may be accessed anonymously, or it may require a username and password.


HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Used for connecting to a document available on a World Wide Web server.



Although it is not part of a true URL, some browsers support a scheme of javascript:, indicating that the browser should execute JavaScript code. This provides an easy way to execute JavaScript code when a user clicks a link.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Opens an email form with the recipient's address already filled in. These links are useful when embedded in your Web pages to provide visitors with an easy feedback method.


Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)

Connects to the specified Usenet newsgroup. Newsgroups are public, theme-oriented message boards on which anyone can post or reply to a message.



Enables users to log on directly to remote host computers and interact directly with the operating system software.

Part of the richness of today's Web browsers stems from their capability to connect to all the preceding (and additional) services.


The mailto: scheme enables you not only to open up a preaddressed email form, but also, with a little extra work, to specify the topic. For example, if Joe Lowery wants to include a link to his email address with the subject heading "Book Feedback," he can insert a link such as the following:

mailto:[email protected]?subject=Book%20Feedback


The question mark acts as a delimiter that enables a variable and a value to be passed to the browser; the %20 is the decimal representation for a space that must be read by various servers. When you're trying to encourage feedback from your Web page visitors, every little bit helps.

Surfing the Web with Hypertext

Often, you assign a link to a word or phrase on your page, an image such as a navigational button, or a section of graphic for an image map (a large graphic in which various parts are links). To test the link, you preview the page in a browser; links are not active in Dreamweaver's Document window.

Designate links in HTML through the anchor tag pair: <a> and </a>. The anchor tag generally takes one main attribute—the hypertext reference, which is written as follows:

href="link name"

When you create a link, the anchor pair surrounds the text or object that is being linked. For example, if you link the phrase Back to Home Page, it may look like the following:

<a href="index.html">Back to Home Page</a>

If you attach a link to the image logo.gif, your code looks as follows:

<a href="home.html"><img src="images/logo.gif"></a>

Creating a basic link in Dreamweaver is easy. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Select the text, image, or object you want to establish as a link.

  2. In the Property inspector, enter the URL in the Link text box as shown in Figure 10-1. You can use one of the following methods to do so:

    • Type the URL directly into the Link text box.

    • Click the Browse for File folder icon to the right of the Link text box to open the Select File dialog box, where you can browse for the file.

    • Click the Point to File icon and drag your mouse to an existing page in the Files panel or anchor on the current page. This feature is explained later in this section.

You can enter your link directly into the Link text box, click the folder icon to browse for a file, or point to the file directly with the Point to File icon.

Figure 10-1. You can enter your link directly into the Link text box, click the folder icon to browse for a file, or point to the file directly with the Point to File icon.

You can also create a link by dragging a URL from the Assets panel onto a text or image selection, a procedure covered more fully later in this chapter.

Finally, you can create a link using the Insert menu or Insert bar. Without selecting any text, first choose Insert

You can enter your link directly into the Link text box, click the folder icon to browse for a file, or point to the file directly with the Point to File icon.
  • Tab index: A number specifying the order in which a user can tab through the page. Links with lower numbers are tabbed to first, and links with no tab index defined appear last in the tab order.

  • Title field: A description of the link. In Netscape 6.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0, the text appears as a ToolTip when the user holds the cursor over the link.

  • Access key: A single letter that serves as the keyboard equivalent for the hyperlink. Access keys work only in the most recent browser versions, and they do not work consistently. Pressing the Alt (Option) key plus the access key may just select the link, or it may actually execute the link.


If you don't see the Hyperlink dialog box when you insert a hyperlink, choose Edit

You can enter your link directly into the Link text box, click the folder icon to browse for a file, or point to the file directly with the Point to File icon.

Regardless of how you create a link in Dreamweaver, a few restrictions exist for specifying URLs. Dreamweaver does not support any letters from the extended character set (also known as High ASCII), such as ¡, à, or ñ. Complete URLs must have fewer than a total of 255 characters. You should be cautious about using spaces in pathnames and, therefore, in URLs. Although most browsers can interpret the address, spaces are changed to a %20 symbol for proper Unix usage. This change can make your URLs difficult to read.


Whitespace in your HTML code usually doesn't have an adverse effect on what is displayed in a browser. However, Netscape browsers are sensitive to whitespace when assigning a link to an image. If you isolate your image tag from the anchor tags as in this example:

<a href="index.htm">
<img src="images/Austria.gif" width="34"
You can enter your link directly into the Link text box, click the folder icon to browse for a file, or point to the file directly with the Point to File icon.
height="24"> </a>

some older Netscape browser versions attach a small blue underscore—a tail, really—to your image. Because Dreamweaver automatically codes the anchor tag properly, without any additional whitespace, this odd situation occurs only with hand-coded or previously coded HTML.

Text links are most often rendered with a blue color and underlined. Depending on the background color for your page, you may want to change the color of text links to improve readability. You can specify the document-link color by choosing Modify

You can enter your link directly into the Link text box, click the folder icon to browse for a file, or point to the file directly with the Point to File icon.

Eliminating underlines from links

Disabling the underline for the anchor tag, <a>, which is normally associated with hyperlinked text, is one modification commonly included in style sheets.


Be careful when using this technique. Underlined text is a standard method of indicating a hyperlink on the Web, and some clients or users may find your pages not as intuitive if the underline indicator is no longer visible.

To disable the underline on the anchor tag, follow these steps:

  1. Open the CSS Styles panel by choosing Window

    Eliminating underlines from links
  2. In the CSS Styles panel, click the New CSS Rule button. This action opens the New CSS Rule dialog box.

  3. Select the Tag option and choose the anchor tag, a, from the drop-down list. Finally, select Define In This Document Only to create an internal CSS style sheet or choose an external style sheet from the drop-down list. Click OK, and the CSS Style Definition dialog box opens.


    You can also select the Advanced option rather than Tag and choose a:link from the drop-down list. You can even employ the a:hover style, which enables text to change color or style on rollover. You must, however, define the four CSS Selector styles in a particular order for them to work correctly. Start by defining the a:link class and then proceed to define a:visited, a:hover, and a:active, in that order. Note that you can preview only the a:link altered styles in Dreamweaver; to see the other styles, you need to preview the page in a browser.

  4. In the Style Definition window, make sure that the correct category is displayed by selecting Type from the list of categories.

  5. In the Decoration section of the Type category, select the None option. You can also make any other modifications to the anchor tag style, such as color or font size. Click OK when you're finished.

    The Dreamweaver CSS Styles panel helps you apply consistent styles to a Web page.

    Figure 10-2. The Dreamweaver CSS Styles panel helps you apply consistent styles to a Web page.


Many designers, myself included, like to make the link apparent by styling it bold and putting it in a different color.

The Style Definition window closes, and any style changes instantly take effect on your page. If you have any previously defined links, the underline disappears from them.

Now, when viewed through a browser, any links that you insert on your page still function as links—the user's pointer still changes into a pointing hand, and the links are active—but no underline appears.

One variation on this technique is to make the underline appear only when the mouse rolls over the link. To accomplish this variation, define a CSS rule for the a:hover selector and set the Decoration to Underline.


This technique works for any text used as a link. To eliminate the border around an image designated as a link, the image's border must be set to 0 in the Property inspector. Dreamweaver handles this automatically when a graphic is made into a link.

Inserting URLs from the Assets panel

Internet addresses get more complicated every day. Trying to remember them all correctly and avoid typos can make the Web designer's job unnecessarily difficult. You can use the Dreamweaver Assets panel's URLs category to drag-and-drop the trickiest URLs with ease.

The Assets panel lists URLs that are already referenced somewhere within your site. If you want to link to the same URL again, just drag it from the Assets panel.


To avoid rework, after you have typed a URL for a link in a document, test that link in a browser to be sure it's correct. Then when you assign the same URL to other links using the Assets panel, you can be confident that the link works as expected.

The Assets panel lists only full Internet addresses—whether to files (such as or to email addresses (such as ). Document- or site-relative links are not listed as Assets. To assign a link to a document- or site-relative page, use one of the other linking methods discussed in this chapter, such as pointing to a file.

To assign a URL from the Assets panel, follow these steps:

  1. If the Assets panel is not already visible, choose Window

    Inserting URLs from the Assets panel
  2. Click the URLs icon on the side of the Assets panel to display that category (see Figure 10-3).

    Banish typos from your absolute URLs by dragging a link from the Assets panel to any selected text or graphic.

    Figure 10-3. Banish typos from your absolute URLs by dragging a link from the Assets panel to any selected text or graphic.

  3. If necessary, click the Refresh Site List button on the Assets panel to list the most current links found in the site.


    As with other Assets panel categories, you need to click the Refresh Site List button to make available all the possible URLs in a site. Alternatively, you could choose Refresh Site List from the context menu on the panel. Either action causes Dreamweaver to scan all the Web pages within the site and extract all of the complete Internet addresses it finds.

  4. In the Document window, select the text or image you want the link assigned to.

  5. Drag the desired link from the Assets panel onto the selected text or image; alternatively, highlight the link in the panel and click the Apply button.

If you don't select text or an image before dragging the URL from the Assets panel, a link is still created in your document. In this situation, Dreamweaver uses the URL name as the hotspot.

The Edit button on the Assets panel is unavailable for the URLs category. Links cannot be edited; they can only be applied as shown in the preview area.

Pointing to a file

Dreamweaver provides an alternative method of identifying a link—pointing to it. By using the Point to File icon on the Property inspector, you can quickly fill in the Link text box by dragging your mouse to any existing named anchor or file visible in the Dreamweaver environment. With the Point to File feature, you can avoid browsing through folder after folder as you search for a file you can clearly see onscreen.

You can point to another open document, to a document in another frame in the same window, or to any named anchor visible on the screen. If your desired link is a named anchor located farther down the page, Dreamweaver automatically scrolls to find it. You can even point to a named anchor in another document, and Dreamweaver will enter the full syntax correctly. Named anchors are covered in detail later in this chapter.

Perhaps one of the slickest ways to apply the Point to File feature is to use it in tandem with the Files panel. The Files panel lists all the existing files in any given Web site, and when both it and the Document window are onscreen, you can quickly point to any file.

Pointing to a file uses what could be called a drag-and-release mouse technique, as opposed to the more ordinary point-and-click or drag-and-drop method. To select a new link using the Point to File icon, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text or the graphic that you'd like to make into a link.

  2. In the Property inspector, click and hold the Point to File icon located to the right of the Link text box.

  3. Holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse until it is over an existing link or named anchor in the Document window or a file in the Files panel. As you drag the mouse, a line extends from the Point to File icon, and the reminder Drag to a file to make a link appears in the Link text box.

  4. When you locate the file you want to link to, release the mouse button. The filename with the accompanying path information is written into the Link text box, as shown in Figure 10-4.

    The Point to File icon enables you to quickly insert a link to any onscreen file.

    Figure 10-4. The Point to File icon enables you to quickly insert a link to any onscreen file.

Addressing types

Three types of URLs are used as links: absolute addresses, document-relative addresses, and site-root–relative addresses. The following list briefly looks at these address types.

  • Absolute addresses require the full URL, as follows:
  • This type of address is most often used for referencing links on another Web server.

  • Document-relative addresses know the scheme, server, and path aspects of the URL. Include additional path information only if the link is outside the current Web page's folder. Links in the current document's folder can be addressed with their filenames only. To reference an item in a subfolder, just name the folder, enter a forward slash, and then enter the item's filename, as follows:

  • Site-root–relative addresses are indicated with a leading forward slash:

  • This example links to a file named upndown.html stored in the navigation directory at the current site root. Dreamweaver translates site-relative links to document-relative links when the Preview in Browser feature is used.


You can set your preference for document- or site-root–relative links on a site-by-site basis. Open your Site Definition dialog box by double-clicking the displayed site name in the Files panel drop-down list. In the General category of the Site Definition dialog box, choose the Links Relative To option you'd prefer.

Checking links

A Webmaster must often perform the tedious but necessary task of verifying the links on all the Web pages in a site. Because of the Web's fluid nature, links can work one day and break the next. Dreamweaver includes powerful link-checking and link-updating capabilities.

Dreamweaver can generate reports for broken links, for external links (links to files outside your site), and to orphaned files (files in your site with no links to them). You can check links for an open document, for all documents in a site, or for selected documents in the Files panel.

To check links in the current document, choose File

Checking links


To stop an in-progress link check, click the Cancel button in the Link Checker panel.

All these methods open the Link Checker panel, displaying the results of the link check. In the Show drop-down list at the top of the Link Checker panel, select the report you want to see: Broken links, External links, or Orphaned Files. The Orphaned Files report is only available if you check the entire site. The broken links report verifies not only clickable hotspots to other HTML files, but also references to graphics and other external files.

You can save the link report by clicking the Save Report button on the Link Checker panel, or by right-clicking (Control+clicking) in the panel and choosing Save Results from the pop-up menu. To clear the Link Checker panel, right-click (Control+click) in the Link Checker panel and choose Clear Results.

Double-clicking an entry in the Link Checker panel opens the document where the error occurred, with the broken link selected. You can quickly correct the link using the Property inspector or by choosing Modify

Linking to Files

Adding an Email Link

Email links are very common on the Web. When a user clicks an email link, it displays a window for sending a new email message (rather than opening a new Web page as a regular link does). The message window is convenient because it is preaddressed to the recipient. All the user has to do is add a subject, enter a message, and click Send.

Dreamweaver includes an object that streamlines the process of adding email links. Just enter the text of the line and the email address, and the link is ready. Email links, like other links, do not work when clicked in Dreamweaver. They must be previewed in a browser.

To enter an email link, follow these steps:

  1. Position your cursor where you want the email link to appear.

  2. From the Common category on the Insert bar, click the Email Link button. The Email Link dialog box, shown in Figure 10-5, appears.

    The Email Link dialog box helps you create links that make it simple for your Web page visitors to send email messages.

    Figure 10-5. The Email Link dialog box helps you create links that make it simple for your Web page visitors to send email messages.

  3. Enter the visible text for the link in the Text field.

  4. Enter the email address in the E-Mail field.


    The email address must be in the format . Dreamweaver does not check to ensure that you've entered the address in the proper format.

  5. Click OK when you're finished.


If you already have the text for the email link in the document, you can use the Property inspector to insert an email link. Just highlight the text, and in the Link field of the Property inspector, enter the URL in the following format:

mailto:[email protected]

Make sure that the URL is a valid email address with the @ sign properly placed.

Navigating with Anchors

Whenever you normally link to an HTML page, through absolute or relative addressing, the browser displays the page from the top. Your Web visitors must scroll to any information rendered below the current screen. One HTML technique, however, links to a specific point anywhere on the page regardless of the display window's contents. This technique uses named anchors. A named anchor is simply an HTML anchor tag pair (<a>...</a>) that includes a name attribute. The named anchor serves as a target for links, allowing links to the middle of a page, or wherever the named anchor is located within the document.

Using named anchors is a two-step process. First, you place a named anchor somewhere on your Web page. This placement is coded in HTML as an anchor tag using the name attribute, with nothing between the opening and closing tags. In HTML, named anchors look like the following:

<a name="bible"></a>

The second step includes a link to that named anchor from somewhere else on your Web page. If used, a named anchor is referenced in the final portion of an Internet address, designated by the hash mark (#), as follows:

<a href="">

You can include any number of named anchors on a page and any number of links to named anchors on the current page or different pages. Named anchors are commonly used with a table of contents or index.

To insert a named anchor, follow these steps:

  1. Place the cursor where you want the named anchor to appear.

  2. Choose Insert

    Navigating with Anchors
  3. The Named Anchor dialog box opens. Type the anchor name in the text box.


    Named anchors are case-sensitive and must be unique within the page.

    When you click OK, Dreamweaver places a named anchor symbol in the current cursor location and opens the Named Anchor Property inspector (shown in Figure 10-6).


    In Design view, named anchors are represented by a small yellow icon with—surprise!—an anchor image on it in the page. If you can't see the named anchor symbol, choose View

    Navigating with Anchors
    The Named Anchor tag enables you to link to specific areas of a Web page.

    Figure 10-6. The Named Anchor tag enables you to link to specific areas of a Web page.

  4. To change an anchor's name, click the named anchor symbol within the page and alter the text in the Property inspector.

As with other invisible symbols, the named anchor symbol can be cut and pasted or moved using the drag-and-drop method.

Moving within the same document

One of the major advantages of using named anchors is the almost instantaneous response viewers receive when they link to named anchors from the same page. The browser just scrolls to the particular place in the document because the entire page is already loaded. For long text documents, this capability is an invaluable timesaver.

After you have placed a named anchor in your document, you can link to the anchor. You can create more than one named anchor in your document before adding links to the anchors. To create a link to a named anchor in the same document, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text or image that you want to designate as a link.

  2. In the Link text box of the Property inspector, type a hash mark (#) followed by the exact anchor name:


    Remember that anchor names are case-sensitive and must be unique in each document.


Place the named anchor one line above the heading or image to which you want to link the viewer. Browsers tend to be quite literal. If you place the named anchor on the same line, the browser renders it against the top of the window. Placing your named anchor up one line gives your topic a bit of breathing room in the display.

In Dreamweaver, you can also use the Point to File icon to choose a named anchor link. If your named anchor is in the same document, just drag the Point to File icon to the named anchor symbol. When you release the mouse, the address for the named anchor is inserted into the Link text box. If the named anchor is on the same page, but offscreen, Dreamweaver automatically scrolls the Document window as you drag toward the edge. In Windows, the closer you move to the edge, the faster Dreamweaver scrolls. Dreamweaver returns the screen to your original location, with the new link at the top of the screen after you release the mouse button.

In long documents with a table of contents or index linking to a number of named anchors, it's common practice—and a good idea—to place a link back to the top of the page after every screen or every topic. This technique enables your users to return to the menu quickly and pick another topic without having to manually scroll all the way back.

Using named anchors in a different page

If your table of contents is on a separate page from the topics of your site, you can use named anchors to send the viewer anywhere on a new page. The technique is the same as that already explained for placing named anchors, but with one minor difference when it comes to linking. Instead of placing a hash mark and name to denote the named anchor, you must first include the URL of the linked page.

Suppose you want to call the disclaimer section of a legal page from your table of contents. You could insert something like the following in the Link text box of the Property inspector:


This link, when activated, first loads the referenced Web page (legal.htm) and then goes directly to the named anchor place (#disclaimer). Figure 10-7 shows how you enter this in the Property inspector. Keep in mind that you can use any form of addressing prior to the hash mark and named anchor.

You can link to any part of a separate Web page by using named anchors.

Figure 10-7. You can link to any part of a separate Web page by using named anchors.

Creating null links

One of the more obscure uses for named anchors comes into play when you are trying to use Dreamweaver's JavaScript Behavior feature. Because JavaScript needs to work with a particular type of tag to perform onMouseOver and other events, a useful trick is to create a null link—a link that doesn't actually link to anywhere.

You create a null link by marking some text or an image with a link to #nowhere. You can use any name for the nonexistent named anchor. In fact, you don't even have to use a name—you can just use a hash mark (#) by itself.

There's one problem to note, however: Netscape browsers have a tendency to send the page to the top if a link of this type is used. Many programmers have begun to substitute an empty call to a JavaScript function instead, such as javascript:;. Dreamweaver itself now uses javascript:; instead of # when a new behavior is attached to an image.

Targeting Your Links

Thus far, all the links discussed in this chapter have had a similar effect: They open another Web page or section in your browser's window. What if you want to force the browser to open another window and load that new URL in the new window? HTML enables you to specify the target for your links.


Targets are most often used in conjunction with frames—that is, you can make a link in one frame open a file in another. For more information about this technique, see Chapter 16.

Targets do more than just display a page in a certain frame. Take a look at one of the HTML predefined targets used in a situation where you want to load another URL into a new window.

To specify a new browser window as the target for a link, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text or image you want to designate as your new link.

  2. In the Property inspector, enter the URL into the Link text box. After you've entered a link, the target option becomes active.

  3. In the Target drop-down list, select _blank, as shown in Figure 10-8. You can also type it in the list box. Either way, Dreamweaver inserts a _blank option in the Target list box. Now, when your link is activated, the browser spawns a new window and loads the referenced link into it. The user has both windows available.

    With the Target attribute, you can force a user's browser to open a separate window to display a specific link.

    Figure 10-8. With the Target attribute, you can force a user's browser to open a separate window to display a specific link.

The _blank target is most often used when the originating Web page is acting as a jump station and has numerous links available. By keeping the original Web page open, the user can view another site without losing the origin point. You can even use a _blank target with links to named anchors in the same document.


Some versions of key online services, such as America Online and MSN TV (formerly WebTV), don't enable their built-in browsers to open new windows. Every link that is accessed is displayed in the same browser window.

Three other system-wide targets exist: _top, _parent, and _self. Both _top and _parent are primarily used with framesets: The _top target replaces the outermost frameset, and _parent replaces the frameset containing the current page. These two have the same effect, except in the case of nested framesets. The _self target is the default behavior, and only the current page is replaced.


Whether they are links for Web site navigation or jumps to other related sites, hypertext links are an essential part of any Web page. Dreamweaver gives you full control over your inserted links. Keep in mind the following points about links:

  • Through a unique URL, you can access virtually any Web page, graphic, or other item available on the Internet.

  • The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is one of the most common methods of Internet connection, but Web pages can link to other formats, including FTP, email, and newsgroups.

  • Any of the three basic address formats—absolute, document-relative, or site-root–relative—can be inserted in the Link text box of Dreamweaver's Property inspector to create a link.

  • Dreamweaver has several quick linking capabilities in the Assets panel and Point to File feature.

  • Named anchors give you the power to jump to specific parts of any Web page, whether the page is the current one or one that is located on another server.

  • With the _blank target attribute, you can force a link to open in a new browser window, leaving your original window available to the user.

In the next chapter, you learn how to work with AP elements and <div> tags in Dreamweaver.

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