

“Action bubble”, 300

Action feedback, confirmation of, 282

[Activate Remote Event], 183, 205–206

Actors, 4–7

Adaptive music, 238

Add Actor, 403

Add Static Mesh, 403

Adventure/action/shooter, 164

Aleatoric techniques, 229, 235

Always Play, 298, 308

Ambience, 8–14, 49–50

[AmbientSoundSimple] for Looping Sounds, 8–9

case study, 14–15

Ambience group, 9

Ambient (dialogue), 253

[AmbientSound], 54, 57, 58–61, 65, 86, 396

for noninteractive [SoundCue]s, 57–58

[AmbientSoundMovable], 305

[AmbientSoundNonLoop], 51–54, 57, 64, 65, 85, 114, 304

Ambient Sound Radii, 17–18

[AmbientSoundSimple], 7–9, 11–13, 25, 41, 43, 45, 49–50, 52, 54, 60, 65, 85, 100, 304

test area, 29

[AmbientSoundSimpleToggleable], 21–22, 23, 24, 30, 111, 114, 291, 293, 305, 330

Ambient zones, 112

additive effects, 117–118

and filtering, 119

multiple, 116–117

simple, 115–116

Amplitude min/max, 79

Android, 33

[Announcement], 175, 215, 329

Apply Effects, 308

[Arrangement] object, 193

Artificial intelligence (AI), 165, 264–266

[Attach to Actor] object, 178, 278, 279, 407

[Attach to Event], 406, 409

Attenuation, 15

[Attenuation], 56, 58–60, 64–67, 94–95, 105, 109, 173, 295, 399

AudioComponent class, 412

Audio concepting, 175

Audio Engineering Society Conferences, 381

Audio file compression, 38

Audio file finder utilities, 387

commercial, 388

free/donation ware, 387–388

AudioKinetic, 169

Audio Memory, usage of, 393, 395–397

Audio optimization, 392–395

Automated collisions, 129–132

Automated mixing systems, 302–303

“Automatic” dialogue replacement (ADR), 260

Automation, 329–330

Auto-save function, 402


Backup of work, 390

Basic folder guide, 399

Batch Process menu, 66

Batch renaming utilities, 388

“Begin Object Class” statement, 411

Binary space partitioning (BSP), 399

“Bored” switch, 203–208

Branching dialogue, 261–263

Bridge, constructing, 155

Builder brush, 91, 400

for geometry, trigger volumes, and reverb volumes, 400

Building process, 403

Bulk importing, of sounds, 398–399


Cameras and sound, 155

Cascading physics, 144–145

Casting, 254

Cave, reverb settings of, 92

Cave within a cave, reverb settings of, 92

Character biography sheet, 256

Character dialogue, 252

Chatter (dialogue), 252

Clicks and pops, 260

Clumsy game dialogue, 251

Cluster Sounds, 66

CMParamName, 411

Cocktail party effect, 273

Collision height, 22

Collision radius, 22

Collisions, 128–145

automated collisions, 129–132

custom movement sounds, 137–139

manual collisions, 128–129

scripting, 125, 132–139

Color commentary, 266

Combinatorial explosion, 66–73

horizontal concatenation, 68–73

vertical combinations, 66–68

Commentary, music as, 164

[Compare], 177

[Compare Float] object, 286

[Compare Int], 178, 183, 194–196, 325

Composers, 243, 378–379

Compound sentence, 267

Concatenate footsteps, 70–71

Concatenation, 68, 265, 270

crowds, 269–270

gunshots, 73–74

of multiple sample rates, 73–74

and sports, 265–270

Concatenation room, 68–69

fire, 70

radio chatter, 68–69

[Concatenator] node, 59, 68, 267

Concepting process, 167

Concept tracks, 274

Console Command, 328, 390

[Console Event], 323

Content Browser, 6–7, 12, 38, 53–54, 59, 64–67, 364, 395, 397–398, 402–403

Package Tree of, 398

[Continuous Modulator] node, 60

Copying and reusing sequences, 404–405

Cover Node, building, 403

Crashes, 389

Create Archetype, 283

Create New Sequence, 404

Crossfades, 188–189

Crowds, 269–270

Cultural connotations of instrumentation and style, 164

Custom scripts, UDK for, 409

Cut scenes

animations, 259

in-engine cut scenes, 270–271

with audio control, 157–159

with no audio control, 155–157


Debris sounds, 67–68

Decay problem, 205–208

De-essing, 260

“DefaultEngine.ini” file, 409

[Delay], 60, 65, 67, 77, 126, 145, 174, 180–181, 188, 208, 214–215, 217, 221, 233–234, 240, 263, 286, 293, 294, 314, 323, 328, 356, 371, 405

Demo reel/website/blog, 380–382

Design demos, 381–382

[Destroy], 239, 241

[Destroy Actor], 239

Developers Conference, 380

Dialogue, 251

casting, 254

concepts and planning, 251–254

ambient/incidental/chatter dialogue, 252

character dialogue, 252

informational dialogue, 251

localization, 253–254

nonspeech vocal elements, 252

repetition and variation, 252

X 3500000, 252–253

dilemma, 270–271

editing and processing, 259–260

breaths, 260

clicks and pops, 260

de-essing, 260

high-pass filter, 259–260

levels, 260

implementation, 261–270

AI and variation, 263–265

branching dialogue, 261–263

concatenation and sports, 265–267

in-engine cut scenes, 270–271

rapid prototyping, for dialogue systems, 260

recording, 257–259

ADR lines and motion capture recordings, 259

performance, 258–259

studio prep and setup, 257

wild lines, 257

recording preparation, 254–257

script format and planning, 255–257

session planning, 256–257

Diegetic music, 163, 170–172

Digital audio workstations (DAWs), 13–14, 301

Digital signal processing (DSP), 75–85

Directionality, 103–104

DirectMusic, 243

[Distance Crossfade], 60, 106, 107–108, 355

Distances, in UDK, 16

[Divide Float] object, 140–141, 221, 293

Doors, 148–150

Downloadable content (DLC), 34–35

DownLoadable Sounds (DLS), 243

Ducking, 311–318

dynamic range, preduck for, 317–318

notching, 315–317

volume ducking, 311–314

[Dynamic BlockingVolume], 174

Dynamic mix, planning for, 298–299

Dynamic music, 237

Dynamic range, 298, 299

preduck for, 317–318

[Dynamic Trigger], 193, 195, 196, 329

[DynamicTriggerVolume], 246, 406


Editing, importance of, 37–38

Editing and processing, for dialogue systems, 259–260

breaths, 260

clicks and pops, 260

de-essing, 260

high-pass filter, 259–260

levels, 260

Editor–Unreal Development Kit, 2

Editor window, 394

Elevator, 150–151

[Emitter], 171, 402

Emotional effect, 278

Engine-based vehicles, 368–369

with crossfades, 370

EngineRPMCurve, 368

Envelopes, 75–78

Exclusions, 121–122

Explosion/debris, 67–68


F (Focus) button, 7

“Fade In Time”, 77

Fade In values, 76

Fade in variables, 78

“Fade Out Time”, 77

Fade Out values, 76

Fade Out variables, 78

Faking filter over distance, 105–107

Feedback, 281–289

action feedback, confirmation of, 281–282

HUD/UI feedback, 282–284

NPC status feedback, 284–285

status feedback, 285–287

symbol/punishment/reward, 288–289

weapon status feedback, 287

File compression, 38

Filtering over distance, 104–105


sounds, reuse of, 49–50

Firelight Technologies, 168

First sound

adding, 12

changing, 9–11

packages, 9–11

importing, 12–13

FMod, 168, 223, 243

Football/soccer, 267–268

Footsteps and surface types, 129–132

ForceEndFire command, 335, 410

Frequency Min/Max, 79

[FSCommand], 282

Full mix, planning for, 299–303

automated mixing systems, 301–302

predetermined mix elements, 300–301

triggered mixing systems, 302–303

Full motion videos (FMVs), 253

Functions of sound in games, 275–276


Game Audio Curriculum Guideline, 380, 84–85

Game Developers Conference, 380

Game dialogue, 251, 255, 270–271

Game music, challenges of, 162, 169–170

Gameplay-based switching, 186–187

[Gate], 125, 154, 171, 174, 181, 195, 196, 206, 208, 214, 240, 241, 247, 265, 282, 285, 323, 331, 356

[GatPlaySound], 220, 221, 226, 372, 374

General MIDI (GM), 242–243

“General MIDI Specifications”, 242–243

Generative music, 228

Geometry, building, 400, 403

[Get Distance], 221, 293–294

[Get Property], 221

[Give Inventory] object, 276

GoogleDoc spreadsheet, 393


Harmonically and rhythmically aware stingers, 182–184

Hearing audio, 390–391

High-pass filter, 259–260

Home console systems, 34–35

Horizontal concatenation, 68–73

HUD/UI feedback, 282–284


IASIG Game Audio Education Working Group, 380

Immersion, 277–279

Importing your own sounds, 12–13

Incidental (dialogue), 255–256

Incremental naming, 389–390

In-engine cut scenes, 270–271

Info Actor menu, 402

Informational device, music as, 164

Informational dialogue, 251

Information and feedback, 279–294

Information to the player, 279–280

Inside/outside toggle, 29–31

Instigators, 406

Instruction to the player, 280–284

[Int Counter], 126, 127, 145, 174, 181, 182, 206, 239, 240, 241, 265, 314, 328

Interactive Audio Special Interest Group (IASIG), 243, 380

Interactive mixing and power of subjectivity, 294–331

ducking, 311–318

dynamic range, preduck for, 317–318

notching, 315–317

volume ducking, 311–314

dynamic mix, planning for, 298–299

full mix, planning for, 299–303

automated mixing systems, 301–302

predetermined mix elements, 300–301

triggered mixing systems, 302–303

listening levels, 297–298

soundclasses and soundmodes, 303–309

soundmodes, 309–310

subjective sound states, 318–331

automation, 328–329

“Fury!!” Mode, 327–328

listen mode, 323–324

player health, 325–327

shell shock, 319–320

simultaneous soundmodes and modifier mix, 330–332

sniper focus, 320–322

voice instance limiting and prioritization, 295–296

Interactive music, 83, 168–169, 191, 198, 213, 220, 240–241

adaptive music, 237

challenges and responses to, 241–242

death waits for musical measure, 240–241

dynamic music, 237

gains and losses, 242–244

interactive music system, 237–238

performative systems, 238

reactive music system, 237

[InterpActor], 81–82, 148–150, 154–155, 171, 174, 189, 214

iPhone, 33

IsMusic, 307

IsUISound, 307

iXMF format (Interactive eXtensible Music Format), 244


Jobs and work, 377–382

composers, 378–379

jobs and skills, 379–380

IASIG Game Audio Education Working Group, 380

personal contacts, work through, 380

demo reel/website/blog, 380–382

working of, 382

sound designers, 377–378

Joystick icon, 8


[KActor], 140–141, 277, 290, 402

KillZ property, 404

Kismet, 18–19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 31, 61, 63, 68, 76, 81–82, 95, 114, 127, 140–141, 172–173, 178, 182, 190, 246, 263, 287, 311, 331, 351, 386, 395, 404

alternatives, 394

commands, 382

copying and reusing sequences, 404–405

instigators, 406

Named Variables, 407

runtime versus placeable actors, 405–406

sequence, 404–405

sequences/subsequences, 404

spawning and controlling bots, 407

system, 404

Take Damage function, 406

Kismet [Actor Factory] Action, 407

Kismet [Trigger] “Touch” to Toggle Sounds, 24

Kismet [Trigger Volume] Take Damage and [Oscillator], 82

Kismet [Trigger Volume] “Touch” Switching for Occlusion, 31


Layering for variation, 67–68

Leitmotif, 165

and combinatorial explosion, 224–227

Level, 260

building, 403–404

creation of, 399–400

Level fly-throughs, 159

[Level Loaded], 180

[Level Start], 172

LFE Bleed, 307

Light Actor, 5

Light Color property, 401

Lighting, 401, 403

“Lightmass”, 401

Light quality settings, 401, 403

Lights, camera, action, 159

Linear music, 167, 172–173

Listening levels, 297–298

“Listen” mode, 322–324

ListSounds, 392, 393

List view, 9, 304

Localization, 253–254, 399

Location-based switching, 184–186

[Log], 404

[Loop], 65, 219, 346

Looping, 24

machinery, 13

mechanical weapon, 344–347

music, 172–173

sci-fi weapon, 347–350 see also “Automatic” dialogue replacement (ADR)

[Looping], 60, 65, 196, 232, 398

Looping Sound, toggleable, 18

[AmbientSoundSimpleToggleable] for, 21–22

Kismet 101, 18–20

Lossless format, 38

Lossy format, 38

Low-Frequency Effects (LFE) channel, 307

Low-pass filter, 50, 104–105

attenuate with, 104–105

function of, 50f

LPFRadius Max, 50


Manta, 265–368

Manual collisions, 128–129

Mastering Unreal Technology, 397

Materials, usage of, 402

Matinee, 146–148, 154

Matinee doors, 150

[Matinee] object, 84, 146–152, 154–157, 159, 249–250, 265, 277, 282, 312, 323

Matrix, 201

Max, 274

Mechanical systems, repetition in, 43

Mechanical weapon, looping, 344–347

Memory saving techniques, squaring triangle, 37, 83

Metadata, 209

Meta generative, 234–237

Mickey Mousing, 165–166

Micro generative, 234

Microsoft, 38

[Mixer], 60, 67–68, 230

Modifier mix, 330, 332

[Modify Health], 286, 292

ModifySoundClass, 390

Modulate volume/modulate pitch, 79

[Modulation], 56, 73, 234

[Modulator], 60, 64–65, 67, 68, 230, 398

Mono attenuation and spatialization, 95

Motion capture recordings, and ADR lines, 259

Move Rotate scale, 16f

Movers and “Matinee”, 145–155

movers that sound, 148–155

moving sound, 145–148

Multichannel ambience, 103

Multichannel sources, 101

Multilayer online games, 163

Multiplayer gaming, 280

Multiple sounds solution, 27–29

number-of-voices problem, 28

panning problem, 28

phasing problems, 28–29

Multiple start points, 74–75

Music, as input, 238–244

Musical structures maintenance, in horizontal transitions, 193–213

chunks, write in, 193–198

decay problem, 209

switch points, marking up existing tracks, 208–209

transitions and transition matrices, 198

Music arrangements, 191

Music crossfade, 176, 188, 190

Music generative, 233

Music layers, 218, 221, 223, 269

Music phasing, 231

Music stingers, 178

Music switch, 184–186

Music systems, 161

branching approach, 198

chunk, 193–197

clunky switching, 184

gameplay-based switching, 186–187

location-based switching, 184–186

smoke and mirrors, 187–188

diegetic music, 170–172

game music, challenges of, 169–170

“interactive” music, as input, 237

gains and losses, 242–244

interactive music system, 237–238, 241–242

performative systems, 238–241

reactive music system, 237

leitmotifs and combinatorial explosion, 224–227

linear music, 172–173

looping music, 172–173

musical structures, maintaining, 193

chunks, write in, 193–197

decay problem, 209–213

switch points, 208–209

transitions and transition matrices, 198–208

music-based games, 244

abstract music “game”, 248–250

piano hero, 247

simon, 245–246

non-time based approaches, using ambiguous music, 175–178

parallel forms/vertical layering, 213

mixing layers, 218–224

simple mute/unmute, 213–218

roles and functions, in games, 163

commentary, music as, 164

concepting, 167

cultural connotations of instrumentation and style, 164

informational device, music as, 164

line between love and hate, 166–167

making right choice, 163

playing action, 165–166

playing mood, 165–166

prototyping, 168

punishment, music as, 164

to reveal character, 165

reward, music as, 164

signifier, music as, 163–164

spotting, 167–168

surprise effect, music for, 165

testing, 168–169

source music, 170–172

stingers, 178–184

style and game genres, 162

adventure/action/shooter, 163

driving, 162

multilayer online games, 163

platformer/arcade, 162

role-playing games, 163

simulation, 162

social /casual/puzzle, 162

sports, 162

strategy (real time and non), 163

timed event music, 173–175

transitional forms/horizontal switching, 184

better switching, crossfades, 188–192

clunky switching, 184–188

UDK’s (legacy) music system, 186–188

“variation” question, 227

generative music, problem with, 234–237

low-level generative processes, 232–234

set phasing to stun, 231–232

vertical recombinations, 228–230


[Named Variable], 180, 407

Naming conventions, 387–388

Navigation of player, 2–7, 289–294

attracting players, 289–290

orientation, 294

repelling players, 290–292

tracking devices, 292–294

New Event Using Trigger (***)/Touch, 24, 31, 64, 68, 178

New Level from Selected Actors, 395

New Variable/Float/Random Float, 77, 78

Nintendo DS, 33, 34

No Default Inventory for Player option, 403

Nodes, 55–56, 59–60

Nondiegetic music, 163

Nondisclosure agreement (NDA), 34

Nonplayer character (NPC), 102, 122, 129, 138, 139, 263, 292, 296, 297, 358–360, 406

status feedback, 284–285

Non-point sources, 100–101

Nonspeech vocal elements, 252

Non-time based approaches, using ambiguous music, 175–178

Notching, 315–317

Numbers, in UDK, 17

Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, 40


Object script, 410

Obstructions, 120–121

and exclusions, 121–122

Occlusion, 109–122

ambient zones, 112–119

Off-axis frequency response, 259

Offset Min/Max, 79

One Shot Weapon, 334–336

“One-track-orchestra”, 242

One_Shot_Pistol, 334–336, 410

“Orchestra”, 163, 213, 242–243

Organization tips, 385

audio file finder utilities, 386–387

commercial, 387

free/donation ware, 386–387

batch renaming utilities, 388

bookmarks, usage of, 385

naming conventions, 387–388

Orientation, 157, 294

[Oscillator], 60, 78–81, 82


pitch for flies, 80–82

volume for wind, 78–79

Output to Screen option, 404

Overlapping sounds, phasing problem of, 28–29


Panning, 28, 29, 95, 96, 157, 160, 270, 300

Parallel forms/vertical layering, 213–224

mixing layers, 218–224

simple mute/unmute, 213–218

[Particle Emitter], 177

Particle Systems, 402

Paths, building, 403

[Pawn Attached], 151, 180, 182

Performative systems, 238–242

Persistent level, 7, 395, 396

Phasing, 24, 29, 231–232, 339–340

loops, 24–26, 231–232

problems, 26–31

of overlapping sounds, 28–29

“Phasing” Ambient Loops, 24–26

Physics, 139–144

cascading physics, 144–145

“Piano Master”, 245, 247


power of, 43–49

randomization, 51

Pitch shift, 43–49

multiple usage using, 43–46

Pitch up/play down, 46–49

Placeable actors, 399

versus runtime, 405–406

Platformer/arcade, 162

[Play Announcement], 174, 328

Play-by-play commentary, 266


attracting, 289

feedback to, 281–289

information to, 279

instruction to, 280–281

repelling, 290–292

status feedback, 285–287

[Player], 64, 175

Player health, 325–327

[PlayerStart], 403

Playing action, 165–166

Playing mood, 165–166

[Play Music Track], 191

Play Selected Node option, 57

[PlaySound], 31, 61, 63, 64, 68, 76–78, 82, 94, 95, 102, 103, 105, 114, 128, 129, 140, 141, 142, 154, 171, 172, 173, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 184, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 196, 197, 205, 208, 214, 218, 220, 227, 234, 235, 236, 239, 247, 248, 263, 265, 267, 269, 286, 287, 293, 314, 318, 325, 328, 329, 351, 353, 356

Play SoundCue button, 56

PlayStation 3 (PS3), 33, 34, 35, 38

PlayStation Portable (PSP), 33, 34, 74

Point sources, 96–97

Portable consoles, 34, 42, 48

[PostProcessVolume], 325

creating, 403

Predetermined mix elements, 300–301

Primary snapshot, 331, 332


reverb, 92–94

of sound, 297

and voice instance limiting, 295–297, 299

Procedural music, 228

Pronunciation sheet, 256

Propagation, 89–109

directionality, 103–104

faking filter over distance, 105–107

filtering over distance, 104–105

reveal detail over distance, 107–109

reverb, 89–94

sound sources and spatialization, 94–103

Propagation crossfade, 107–109

Propagation filter, 106–107

Propagation of sound, 89–109

directionality, 103–104

faking filter over distance, 105–107

filtering over distance, 104–105

reveal detail over distance, 107–109

reverb, 89–94

sound sources and spatialization, 94–103

Prototyping, 167, 168

for dialogue systems, 260

Proximity effect, 258, 259

Punishment, 164, 288–289

music as, 164

pickup sound, 288


Quinn, Andrew, 393


Radio chatter, 68–69

Radio crackle, 68–69

Radio Filter Volume, 307

Radius Min value, 100

Raiders of the Lost Ark, 167

Rain sound, 14, 112, 113

types, 14–15

RAM budget

and streaming, 34–36

tracking, 391

[Random], 56, 62–64, 65, 66, 68, 137, 138, 229, 230, 234, 236, 264, 335, 358, 399

[Random Float] variable, 77


in time, pitch, and volume, 51–54

using [SoundCue], 54–65

Randomized [SoundCue], 65–66

[Randomized] node, 60

“Randomize Without Replacement” option, 63, 138, 264, 265

[Random Variable], 78, 236

Rapid prototyping, for dialogue systems, 260

Reactive music system, 237

“Read only” option, 409

Realistic sound, 273

Reality and characterization, 276–277

“Real” sound for gameplay, 122–127

stealth, 122–125

and distraction, 125–127

Real Time option, 8

“Real Time Parameter Controllers” (RTPCs), 223

Real-time volume changes, 223–224

Recording, 257

ADR lines, and motion capture recordings, 259

performance, 258–259

near and far, 258

proximity effect, 258

voices at distance, 258–259

preparation, 254–257

script format and planning, 255–256

session planning, 256–257

studio prep and setup, 257

wild lines, 257

[Remote Event], 205, 206, 208, 236, 370, 372

Repetition, 288

in mechanical systems, 43

in symbolic sounds, 43

and variation, 252

Retriggered firing, 336–338

with tail, 339–340

Reveal detail over distance, 107–109

Revealing character, music for, 165

Reverb, 89–92, 300, 307

prioritization, 92–94

[ReverbVolume], 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 112, 115, 116, 117, 122, 123, 352, 400, 403

[ReverbVolumeToggleable], 123, 125, 325

Reward, 288–289

music as, 164

Rhythm action, 246, 249–250

Rhythmically aware stingers, 180–184

Role-playing games, 163

Roles of sound in games, 275–276

Room tone, 8

Runtime Actors

versus placeable actors, 405–406


Sample rates, 39–42, 73–74

choice of, 42


widget, 16, 22, 93, 400, 402

Scene manager, 385

Schmidt, Brian, 54

Sci-fi weapon, looping, 347–350

Scorpion, 368–370

Scripting, 132–137, 409–411

custom scripts, UDK for, 409


contents in, 409–411

editing, 409

files, 409

format and planning, 255–256

Search Filter, 10, 55

Searchlight chunks, 193

[See Enemy], 187, 408

Sequences/subsequences, 20, 142, 217, 404

copying and reusing, 404–405

Session planning, 256–257

[SetSoundMode], 309, 310, 311, 312, 314, 331

[Set Variable], 126, 194, 215, 222, 223, 265

Shell shock, 319–320

feature, 331

mode, 331

“ShellShock mix”, 330

Shock effect, 278, 330

Signifier, music as, 163

Simon, 245–246

Simple music switch, 186

Simulation, 162, 365, 374–375

Simultaneous soundmodes and modifier mix, 330–332

Smoke and mirrors, 187–188

Snapshot priorities, 331

Snapshot tracking, 331

Snap values, 400


focus, 320–322

mode, 321

rifle, 321, 355–356

Social/casual/puzzle games, 162

SoundClasses, 311

and soundmodes, 303–311

SoundClassesandModes package, 304, 310, 314, 324, 390

SoundCue, 47, 56, 59, 62, 64, 65, 67, 336, 338, 398, 411

reuse of, 57–58

SoundCue Editor, 55, 56, 62, 65, 67, 398

[SoundCue]s, 54–66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 94, 95, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109, 114, 115, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 144, 145, 146, 147, 150, 152, 154, 158, 159, 171, 172, 175, 179, 180, 181, 182, 189, 190, 191, 196, 197, 214, 219, 221, 225, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, 248, 250, 254, 261, 262, 264, 265, 267, 270, 280, 283, 284, 285, 286, 289, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 303, 304, 306, 307, 314, 316, 323, 324, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 341, 342, 346, 347, 349, 354, 357, 358, 360, 361, 364, 366, 367, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 397

fast creation of, 398–399

nodes and functions within, 59–60

time, pitch, and volume, randomization in, 54–66

advantages, 57

Sound designers, 273, 377–378

Sound Library, 12, 17, 31, 53, 64, 65, 68, 103, 147, 150, 283, 387, 393

SoundMode, 309–311, 315–316, 318, 319–320, 324, 330–332, 392

[SoundMode] object, 324, 328

[Sound Node Mature] node, 60

SoundNodeWave, 9, 17–18, 38, 60, 65, 66, 102, 103, 262–263, 328, 364, 398

[SoundnodeWaveParam], 60

SoundobjectWave, 64

Sound Previewer, 38


importing, 397–398

bulk importing, 398

Sounds and music, mix of, 295

SoundSlot, 49–50, 53

SoundThemes, 283

Source music, 170–172

Sources, of sound, 94–103

multichannel surround, 101–103

nonpoint, 100–101

playing back sounds from objects, 94–95

stereo, 94

Spatialization, 100

and mono attenuation, 95

of sound, 94–103

Spatial_Tails weapon, 352–353

Spawning, and controlling bots, 407–408

Speaker icon, 8

[Speaker] node, 56, 59, 64

Split view, 9

Spoken Text field, 262

Sports, 162

dialogue, 265–270

Spotting, 167–168, 186–187

roles, and functions of sound in games, 275–276

reality, mood, information, 275–276

Spreadsheets, 255, 256, 257, 275, 393–394

StartingBot variable, 267

Stat Audio command, 391, 394, 396

Static Mesh Actor, 5, 140

[Static Mesh], 21, 95, 116, 140, 148, 171, 172

Stealth, 122–125, 202, 208

and distraction, 125–127

Stealth-based games, 122–125

Stereo ambience, 35, 94, 95, 96

Stereo attenuation, 94–95

Stereo Bleed, 307

Stereo sources, 94

Stingers, 166, 178–184

aligned, 181–182

harmonically and rhythmically aware, 182–184

rhythmically aware, 180–182

“Stitching”, 267

“Stomps”, 235

Strategy (real time and non), 163

Streaming, 243, 394–396

and RAM budgets, 34–36

Studio prep, and setup, 257

Styles and game genres, 162–163

adventure/action/shooter, 163

driving, 162

multilayer online games, 163

platformer/arcade, 162

role-playing games, 163

simulation, 162

social/casual/puzzle, 162

sports, 162

strategy (real time and non), 163

Subjective sound states, 318–332

automation, 328–329

“Fury!!” Mode, 327–328

listen mode, 322–324

player health, 325–327

shell shock, 319–320

simultaneous soundmodes and modifier mix, 330–332

sniper focus, 320–322

Sudden sounds, 278

and shock effect, 278

Surprise effect, music for, 165

[Switch], 171, 172, 182, 195, 196, 205, 206, 234, 236

Symbolic sounds, 278, 284, 288

repetition in, 43

System-based occlusion fudge, 122–125


[Take Damage], 81, 82, 171, 179, 181, 182, 239, 246, 250, 406, 408

Terrain, 129–130, 402

Terrain Editing mode, 402

Tessellation options, 402

Testing, 168–169

music, 167–169

Text-to-speech (TTS) programs, 260, 261, 262

3D point sources and attenuation curves, 96–99

Thumbnail view, 9

THX-certified surround-sound setup, 298

Time, pitch, and volume, randomization in, 51–66

[AmbientSoundSimpleNonLoop], for randomized sounds, 51–54

using [SoundCue], 54–66

Timed event music, 173–175

[Toggle], 21, 22, 23, 24, 239, 265, 289, 402

[Toggle Hidden], 174

Toggle sounds, 18, 22–24

Touched Event, 406

Tracking devices, 292–294

Transitional forms/horizontal switching, 184–190

better switching, crossfades, 188–190

clunky switching, 184–188

Transition cues, 200–201

Transitions, 169, 202–208

musical structures, maintaining, 193–213

problem, 184

and transition matrices

cues, 200–201

matrix, 201–208

transition times/switch points, 199–200

Transition times/switch points, 199–200

“Triangle of compromise”, 36

combinatorial explosion, 66–74

DSP, 75–85

editing, importance of, 37–38

file compression, 38–39

multiple start points, 74–75

sample rates, 39–42

sounds, reuse of, 43–54

time, pitch, and volume, randomization in, 54–66

Triangle of pain see “Triangle of compromise”

[Trigger], 5, 21, 22, 23, 24, 64, 68, 73, 74, 94, 102, 105, 125, 147, 153, 156, 171, 172, 174, 175, 178, 180, 184, 186, 190, 214, 221, 234, 278, 292, 307, 402, 405

[Trigger Dynamic], 177, 193, 195, 278, 370, 371

Triggered mixing systems, 302–303

[TriggerVolume], 29–31, 63, 81, 82, 91, 93, 110, 111, 126, 127, 128, 129, 154, 171, 177, 179, 186, 189, 193, 194, 195, 196, 219, 248, 265, 277, 278, 286, 290, 291, 292, 312, 320, 351, 353, 395, 396, 400, 406, 407

Troubleshooting, and optimization, 389

audio optimization, 391–394

crashes, 389

hearing audio, 390–391

streaming, 394–396

version control, 389–390

Twitter, 380



distances in, 16

numbers, in, 17

[UDKMapMusicInfo], 192

UDK packages, 10, 103, 388

UDK tips

basic folder guide, 399

builder brush, 400

building, 403–404

emitters and particle effects, 402

key binding, 408–409

Kismet tips, 404–406

copying and reusing sequences, 404–405

instigators, 406

Named Variables, 407

runtime versus placeable actors, 405–406

sequences/subsequences, 404

spawning and controlling bots, 407–408

Take Damage function, 406

levels, creation of, 399–400

lighting, 401

materials usage, 402

saving, 400–401

scaling and widgets, 400

scripting, 409–411

custom scripts, UDK for, 409

script, contents in, 409–411

scripts, editing, 409

[SoundCue]s, fast creation of, 398–399

sounds, importing, 397

bulk importing, 398

Static Meshes, 401–402

terrain, 402

water, 403

weapons, 403, 397, 398, 399, 400, 411

UDK’s (Legacy) music system, 191–192

UDK’s system for UI menus, 283

Unreal Development Kit (UDK), 1, 2, 38, 91

UnRealScript code, 405

UTPawnSoundGroup, 132, 133, 137, 409, 410

UTUISoundTheme Actor, 283

UTWaterVolume, 286

creating, 403

UTWeapon, 410


“Variation” question, 227–237

generative music, problem with, 234–237

low-level generative processes, 232–234

set phasing to stun, 231–232

vertical recombinations, 228–230

Vehicle systems, 365

engine-based, 368–370

with crossfades, 370–374

simple, 365–368

Version control, 389

incremental naming, 389–390

Vertical combinations, 66–68

Vertical mix tension layers, 213–218

Vertical simple, 218

Voice Center Channel Volume, 307, 314

Voice instance limiting and prioritization, 295–297

“Voice of God” sequence, 258

Volume ducking, 302, 311–314

Vorbis Data Size column, 38


“Walls” Problem, 26–31

multiple sounds solution, 27–29

[Trigger Volume] Switching Solution, 29–31

WASD keys, 1, 2

Water material, 403

Waves envelope, 75–78

Wavetables, 83–84

Wav files, 37, 50, 54, 75, 209, 210, 211, 242, 260

Weapon status feedback, 341–342


Weapon systems, 333–364

adding sound to animations, 362–364

feedback system, 341–342

impacts, 356–358

loading, handling, and selecting sounds, 361

Make_a_Point, 342–344

mechanical weapon, looping, 344–347

NPCs and player characters, impacts on, 358–360

one shot, 334–336

retriggered firing, 336–338

retriggered firing with tail, 339–340

sci-fi weapon, looping, 347–350

sniper rifle, 355–356

sounds, 354–355

spatial tails, 352–353

spatial_layers, 350–352

whizz-bys, 361

Widget, 400

Wii, 33, 34, 42, 243

Wild lines, 257

Wind oscillator, 78–79

Words, 165

Wwise, 168, 223, 243, 244, 375, 378, 381


Xbox 360, 33, 34, 38

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