• Calculators. See Graphing calculators

  • Calories, minimizing, 574575

  • Candy consumption, 20, 27

  • Car(s), counting possible selections of, 767768

  • Carbon dating, 470471

  • Carcharodon megalodon, 249, 250251

  • Card(s), drawing from a deck, 782783

  • Cardano, Gerolamo, 376

  • Carnarvon, Lord, 462

  • Carrying capacity (M), 475, 482

  • Carter, Howard, 462

  • Cartesian plane. See Coordinate plane

  • CAT scans, 527, 534535

  • Cayley, Arthur, 622

  • Center

    • of an ellipse, 676

    • of a circle, 191

    • of a hyperbola, 691

  • Change-of-base formula, 467468

  • Chapman, Helen, 198

  • Chessboard, grains of wheat on, 423

  • Chia Hsien, 760

  • Cholesterol-reducing drugs, 225226

  • Circles, 191192, 659

    • general form for equation of, 193194

    • graphing, 192

    • standard form for equation of, 191192

    • unit, 192

  • Closed interval, 8

  • Closure property of real numbers, 12

  • Coding messages, 621, 630631

  • Coefficients

    • binomial, 763764

    • leading, 31

    • of a monomial, 30, 37

    • of a polynomial, 31

  • Cofactors

  • Coffee

    • consumption of, 20, 27

    • hot, cooling of, 456

  • Coin toss, 780

  • Column matrices, 590

  • Combinations, 771773

  • Combined variation, 407409

  • Combining functions, 281284

  • Comentarii Academia Petropolitanae (Euler), 33

  • Common difference, of an arithmetic sequence, 729730, 732

  • Common logarithms, 452453

  • Common ratio, of a geometric sequence, 738739

  • Commutative property of real numbers, 12

  • Complements of an event, probability of, 783784

  • Completing the square, solving quadratic equations by, 109111

  • Complex conjugate product theorem, 124

  • Complex fractions, 5657

  • Complex numbers, 119129

    • adding and subtracting, 121

    • conjugates of, 123125

    • defined, 120

    • dividing, 123125

    • equality of, 121

    • multiplying, 122123

    • real and imaginary parts of, 120121

    • standard form of, 120

  • Complex polynomials, 377

  • Complex zeros of a polynomial function, 376383

  • Composite functions, 284290

  • Compound inequalities, 148151

  • Compounding annually, 432

  • Compound interest, 431434

  • Compound interest formula, 432

  • Compressing graphs of functions, 269272

  • Computer graphics, 606, 614616

  • Conditional equations, 82, 86

  • Conditional inequalities, 145

  • Conic sections, 658714. See also Circles; Ellipses; Hyperbolas; Parabolas

    • degenerate, 660

  • Conjugate(s), 6768

    • of complex numbers, 123125

  • Conjugate axis, of a hyperbola, 691

  • Conjugate Pairs Theorem, 378381

  • Consistent systems of linear equations in three variables, 530

  • Constant(s), 2

    • gravitational, universal, 408

  • Constant functions, 235237, 249, 257

  • Constant of variation (proportionality), 404

  • Constant term, 31

    • of a polynomial function, 332

  • Constraints, 571

  • Continuous compound interest formula, 434436

    • exponential and logarithmic forms of, 454455

  • Conway, John, 202

  • Coordinate(s), 6

  • Coordinate axes, 175

  • Coordinate line, 175. See also Number line

  • Coordinate plane, 175184. See also Graphs and graphing

    • Descartes’s discovery of, 175

    • distance between two points in, 178180

    • midpoint of a line segment and, 180181

  • Cormack, Allan, 527

  • Corner point, of the solution set of a system of inequalities, 563

  • Correspondence diagrams, 216

  • Costs, fixed, marginal, and variable, 227

  • Coughing, 235, 239

  • Counting principles, 767777

    • choosing method to use, 774775

    • combinations and, 771773

    • distinguishable permutations and, 773774

    • fundamental, 767769

    • permutations and, 769771

  • Cramer, Gabriel, 640

  • Cramer’s Rule, 640644

  • Cricket chirps, temperature and, 2, 1516

  • Crude oil consumption, 359360

  • Cryptography, 621, 630631

  • Cube(s), difference and sum of, factoring, 4546

  • Cube root(s), 64

  • Cube root function, 251252, 258

  • Cubic polynomials, 333

  • Cubing function, 257

  • Current (electric), alternating, 119, 125

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