Section 8.7 Probability

Before Starting this Section, Review

  1. 1 Set notation (Section P.1 , page 3)

  2. 2 Fundamental Counting Principle (Section 8.6 , page 767)

  3. 3 Permutations (Section 8.6 , page 769)

  4. 4 Combinations (Section 8.6 , page 771)


  1. 1 Find the probability of an event.

  2. 2 Use the Additive Rule for finding probabilities.

  3. 3 Find the probability of mutually exclusive events.

  4. 4 Find the probability of the complement of an event.

  5. 5 Find experimental probabilities.

Double Lottery Winner

Many people dream of winning a lottery, but only the most optimistic dream of winning it twice. When Evelyn Marie Adams won the New Jersey state lottery for the second time, the New York Times (February 14, 1986) claimed that the chances of one person winning the lottery twice were about 1 in 17 trillion. Two weeks later a letter from two statisticians that challenged this claim appeared in the Times. Although they agreed that any particular person had very little chance of winning a lottery twice, they said that it was almost certain that someone in the United States would win twice. Further, they said that the odds were even for another double lottery win to occur within seven years. In less than two years, Robert Humphries won his second Pennsylvania lottery prize.

Evaluating how likely an event is to occur is the realm of probability, which we study in this section. In Example 4, we determine the probability of winning a lottery in which 6 numbers are randomly selected from the numbers 1 through 53.

The Probability of an Event

  1. 1 Find the probability of an event.

Any process that terminates in one or more outcomes (results) is an experiment. For example, if we ask people what time of the day they typically eat their first meal or if we pull balls from a bag of colored balls, we have performed an experiment. The outcomes of the first experiment are the times of day given as responses to our question. The outcomes of the second experiment are the colors of the balls drawn from the bag.

The set of all possible outcomes of a given experiment is called the sample space of the experiment. Suppose the experiment is tossing a coin. Then we could denote the outcome “heads” by H; denote the outcome “tails” by T; and write the sample space, S, in set notation as

S={H, T}.

A single die is a cube, each face of which contains one, two, three, four, five, or six dots and no two faces contain the same number of dots. A roll of the die is an experiment, the outcome of which is the number of dots showing on the upper face, and the sample space S can be written in set notation as

S={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.

An event is any set of possible outcomes; that is, an event is any subset of a sample space. For the die-rolling experiment, one possible event is “The number showing is even.” In set notation, we write this event as E={2, 4, 6}. The event “The number showing is a 6” is written in set notation as E={6}.

Outcomes of an experiment are said to be equally likely if no outcome should result more often than any other outcome when the experiment is run repeatedly. In both the coin-tossing and die-rolling experiments, all of the outcomes are equally likely.

Because E is a subset of S, 0n(E)n(S). Dividing by n(S) yields 0n(E)n(S)1.

So the probability P(E) of an event E is a number between 0 and 1 inclusive.

Example 1 Finding the Probability of an Event

A single die is rolled. Write each event in set notation and find the probability of the event.

  1. E1: The number 2 is showing.

  2. E2: The number showing is odd.

  3. E3: The number showing is less than 5.

  4. E4: The number showing is greater than or equal to 1.

  5. E5: The number showing is 0.


The sample space for the experiment of rolling a die is S={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, so n(S)=6. For any event E, P(E)=n(E)n(S).

  1. E1={2}, so n(E1)=1. P(E1)=n(E1)n(S)=16

  2. E2={1, 3, 5}, so n(E2)=3. P(E2)=n(E2)n(S)=36=12

  3. E3={1, 2, 3, 4}, so n(E3)=4. P(E3)=n(E3)n(S)=46=23

  4. E4={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, so n(E4)=6. P(E4)=n(E4)n(S)=66=1

  5. E5=, so n(Es)=0. P(E5)=n(E5)n(S)=06=0

Practice Problem 1

  1. A single die is rolled. Write each event in set notation and give the probability of each event.

    1. E1: The number showing is even.

    2. E2: The number showing is greater than 4.

Notice in Example 1d that E4=S; so the event E4 is certain to occur on every roll of the die. Every certain event has probability 1. On the other hand, in Example 1e, the event E5=; so E5 never occurs, and P(E5)=0. An impossible event always has probability 0.

Example 2 Tossing a Coin

What is the probability of getting at least one tail when a coin is tossed twice?


Tossing a coin once results in two equally likely outcomes: heads (H) and tails (T). Tossing the coin twice results in two equally likely outcomes for the first toss and, regardless of the first outcome, two equally likely outcomes for the second toss. By the Fundamental Counting Principle, there are 22, or 4, outcomes when we toss the coin twice. We can represent these outcomes as (first toss, second toss) pairs:


Because three of these outcomes, E={(H,T),(T,H),(T,T)}, result in at least one tail we have


Practice Problem 2

  1. What is the probability of getting exactly one head when a coin is tossed twice?

Equally likely outcomes occur in most games of chance that involve tossing coins, rolling dice, or drawing cards. Lotteries and games involving spinning wheels also are assumed to generate equally likely outcomes.

Example 3 Rolling a Pair of Dice

What is the probability of getting a sum of 8 when a pair of dice is rolled?


There are six equally likely outcomes for each die; so by the Fundamental Counting Principle, there are 66, or 36, equally likely outcomes when a pair of dice is rolled. It is useful to think of having two dice of different colors—say, red and green—in distinguishing the 36 outcomes. In this way, 2 on the red die and 6 on the green die is easily seen to be a different physical outcome from 6 on the red die and 2 on the green die, even though the same sum results.

We can represent the 36 outcomes as (red die, green die) pairs:

The highlighted ordered pairs in the sample space are the outcomes that have a sum of 8. In set notation, the event “The sum of the numbers on the dice is 8” is

E={(6, 2),(5, 3),(4, 4),(3, 5),(2, 6)}.

Because n(E)=5 and n(S)=36,


So the probability of getting a sum of 8 is 536.

Practice Problem 3

  1. What is the probability of getting a sum of 7 when a pair of dice is rolled?

Example 4 Winning the Florida Lottery

Table tennis balls numbered 1 through 53 are mixed together in a turning drum or basket. Six of the balls are chosen in a random way. To win the lottery, a player must have selected all six of the numbers chosen. The order in which the numbers are chosen does not matter. What is the probability of matching all six numbers?


Because the order in which the numbers are selected is not important, the sample space S consists of all sets of 6 numbers that can be selected from 53 numbers. Therefore, n(S)=C(53, 6)=22,957,480. Because only 1 set of 6 numbers matches the 6 numbers drawn, the probability of the event “guessed all 6 numbers ” is

P(winning the lottery)=P(guessed all 6 numbers)=122, 957, 4800.00000004

Whether you say your chances of winning are 1 in 22,957,480 or about 0.00000004, you definitely know they are not very good!

Practice Problem 4

  1. A state lottery requires a winner to correctly select 6 out of 50 numbers. The order of the numbers does not matter. What is the probability of matching all six numbers?

The Additive Rule

  1. 2 Use the Additive Rule for finding probabilities.

Consider the experiment of rolling one die. The sample space is S={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, and n(S)=6.

Let E be the event “The number rolled is greater than 4” and let F be the event “The number rolled is even.” Then

E={5, 6}andF={2, 4, 6}.

The event “The number rolled is greater than 4 and even” is EF.


Because n(E)=2,n(F)=3,n(EF)=1, and n(S)=6, we have


The event “The number rolled is either greater than 4 or even” is EF.

EF={2, 4, 5, 6}

Note that 6 is in both E and F, so it is counted once when n(E) is counted and a second time when n(F) is counted. However, 6 is counted only once when n(EF) is counted. We have n(EF)=n(E)+n(F)n(EF). That is, because 6 was counted twice in adding n(E)+n(F), we must subtract n(EF) to get an accurate count for EF.

n(EF)=n(E)+n(F)n(EF)n(EF)n(S)=n(E)n(S)+n(F)n(S)n(EF)n(S)Divide both sides by n(S).P(EF)=P(E)+P(F)P(EF)Definition of probability

This example illustrates the Additive Rule.

Mutually Exclusive Events

  1. 3 Find the probability of mutually exclusive events.

Two events are mutually exclusive if it is impossible for both to occur simultaneously. That is, E and F are mutually exclusive events if EF contains no outcomes. In this case, P(EF)=0 and the Additive Rule is somewhat simplified.

A standard deck of 52 playing cards uses four different designs called suits:

Each suit has 13 cards: an ace, a king, a queen, and a jack, and cards numbered 2 through 10. The diamond and heart symbols are red, and the club and spade symbols are black. For the purposes of this section, we assume that all decks of cards are standard and well shuffled, so that all cards drawn or dealt from a deck are equally likely.

Example 5 Drawing a Card from a Deck

A card is drawn from a deck. What is the probability that the card is

  1. A king?

  2. A spade?

  3. A king or a spade?

  4. A heart or a spade?


The sample space S is the 52-card deck; so n(S)=52.

  1. There are four kings, one in each suit; so

  2. There are 13 spades in the deck; so

  3. By the Additive Rule, we have

    P(king or spade)=P(king)+P(spade)P(king and spade).

    Because there is only one card that is both a king and a spade,

    P(king and spade)=152. From parts a and b in this example,

    P(king or spade)=452+1352152=1652=413
  4. Because no card is both a heart and a spade, the events “Draw a heart” and “Draw a spade” are mutually exclusive. Thus,

    P(heart or spade)=P(heart)+P(spade)=1352+1352=12

Practice Problem 5

  1. What is the probability that a card pulled from a deck is a jack or a king?

The Complement of an Event

  1. 4 Find the probability of the complement of an event.

The complement of an event E is the set of all outcomes in the sample space that are not in E. The complement of E is denoted by E. Because every outcome in the sample space is in E or in E, the event EE is a certain event and P(EE)=1. Also, E and E are mutually exclusive events (EE=, and P(EE)=0), so P(EE)=P(E)+P(E). Thus, P(E)+P(E)=1 and P(E)=1P(E).

Example 6 Finding the Probability of the Complement

Brandy has applied to receive funding from her company to attend a conference. She knows that her name, along with the names of nine other deserving candidates, was put in a box from which two names will be drawn. What is the probability that Brandy will be one of the two selected?


It is easier to determine the probability that Brandy will not be selected. Because there are nine candidates other than Brandy, there are C(9, 2) ways of selecting two employees not including Brandy. There are C(10, 2) ways of selecting two employees from all ten candidates. Hence, the probability that Brandy is not selected is

P(Brandy is not selected)=C(9, 2)C(10, 2)=9!2! 7!2! 8!10!=810=45

The probability that Brandy is selected is

P(Brandy is selected)=1P(Brandy is not selected)=145=15

Practice Problem 6

  1. In Example 6 , what is the probability of Brandy being selected if three names are drawn from the box?

Experimental Probabilities

  1. 5 Find experimental probabilities.

The probabilities we have seen up to this point have been determined by some form of reasoning, not data. Data support the decision to assign the value 12 as the probability of a head resulting from one toss of a coin, but the assignment is not based on data. This is also true for the probabilities associated with drawing a card, rolling a pair of dice, drawing a ball from an urn, and so on. Probability assigned this way is called theoretical probability.

In contrast, we can assign probability values based on observation and data. If an experiment is performed n times (where n is large) and a particular outcome occurs k times, then the number kn is the value for the probability of that outcome. Probability determined this way is called experimental probability. A statement such as “The probability that a 10-year-old child will live to be 95 years old is 3100,000 ” refers to experimental probability.

Example 7 Using Data to Estimate Probabilities

Table 8.2 shows the gender distribution of students at four California city colleges.

Table 8.2

College Male Female
Los Angeles 6,995 8,179
San Diego 12,251 14,914
San Francisco 16,857 2,000
Sacramento 9,040 11,838

Find the probability that a student selected at random is:

  1. A female.

  2. Attending Los Angeles City College.

  3. A female attending Los Angeles City College.

Round your answers to the nearest hundredth.


The term randomly selected means that every possible selection is equally likely. In our example, this means that each student is equally likely to be selected. With random ­selection, the percentage of students in a given category gives the probability that a student in that category will be chosen.

  1. The total number of students is 82,074. The total number of female students is 36,931. Thus, P(female)=36,93182,0740.45.

  2. The total number of students is 82,074. The total number of students attending Los Angeles City College is 15,174. Hence,

    P(attends Los Angeles City College)=15,17482,0740.18.
  3. There are 8179 female students attending Los Angeles City College. Consequently,

    P(female and attending Los Angeles City College)=817982,0740.10.

Practice Problem 7

  1. In Example 7 , find the probability that a student selected at random is a male or attends Sacramento College.

Section 8.7 Exercises

Concepts and Vocabulary

  1. If no outcome of an experiment results more often than any other outcome, the outcomes are said to be                           .

  2. A certain event has probability                          , and an impossible event has probability                           .

  3. If it is impossible for two events to occur simultaneously, then the events are said to be                           .

  4. If the probability that an event occurs is 0.7, then the probability that the event does not occur is                           .

  5. True or False. The probability of any event is a number between 0 and 1.

  6. True or False. If an experiment is performed 100 times and an event E occurs 65 times, then the experimental probability of the event is 0.65.

  7. True or False. If an experiment has 10 possible outcomes, then each outcome must have probability 110 of occurring.

  8. True or False. If two events are mutually exclusive, then the probability that one or the other occurs is 1.

Building Skills

In Exercises 9–14, write the sample space for each experiment.

  1. Students are asked to rank Wendy’s, McDonald’s, and Burger King in order of preference.

  2. Students are asked to choose either a hamburger or a cheeseburger and then pick Wendy’s, McDonalds, or Burger King as the restaurant from which they would prefer to order it.

  3. Two albums are selected from among Thriller (Michael Jackson), The Wall (Pink Floyd), Eagles: Their Greatest Hits (Eagles), and Led Zeppelin IV (Led Zeppelin).

  4. Three types of potato chips are selected from among regular salted, regular unsalted, barbecue, cheddar cheese, and sour cream and onion.

  5. Two blanks in a questionnaire are filled in, the first identifying race as white, African American, Native American, Asian, other, or multiracial, and the second indicating gender as male or female

  6. A six-sided die is chosen from a box containing a white, a red, and a green die. Then the die is tossed.

In Exercises 15–18, find the probability of the given event if a year is selected at random.

  1. Thanksgiving falls on a Sunday.

  2. Thanksgiving falls on a Thursday.

  3. Christmas in the United States falls on December 25.

  4. Christmas falls on January 1.

In Exercises 19–28, classify each statement as an example of theoretical probability or experimental probability.

  1. The probability that Ken will go to church next Sunday is 0.85.

  2. The probability of exactly two heads when a fair coin is tossed twice is 14.

  3. The probability of drawing a heart from a deck of cards is 0.25.

  4. The probability that an American adult will watch a major network’s evening newscast is 0.17.

  5. The probability that a person driving during the Memorial Day weekend will die in an automobile accident is 158,000.

  6. The probability that a student will get a D or an F in a college statistics course is 0.21.

  7. The probability of drawing an ace from a deck of cards is 113.

  8. The probability that a person will be struck by lightning this year is 1727,000.

  9. The probability that a plane will take off on time from JFK International airport is 0.78.

  10. The probability that a college student cheats on an exam is 0.32.

  11. Match each given sentence with an appropriate probability.

    An event that has probability
    is very likely to happen 0
    will surely happen 0.5
    is a rare event 0.001
    equally likely to happen or not 1
    will never happen 0.999
  12. A coin is tossed three times. Rearrange the order of the following events from the most probable event (first) to the least probable event (last).

    • {exactly two heads}, {the sure event},

    • {at least one head}, {at least two heads}.

In Exercises 31–36, a die is rolled. Find the probability of each event.

  1. The number showing is a 1 or a 6.

  2. The number 5 is showing.

  3. The number showing is greater than 4.

  4. The number showing is a multiple of 3.

  5. The number showing is even.

  6. The number showing is less than 1.

In Exercises 37–42, a card is drawn randomly from a ­standard 52-card deck. Find the probability of each event.

  1. A queen is drawn.

  2. An ace is drawn.

  3. A heart is drawn.

  4. An ace of hearts or a king of hearts is drawn.

  5. A face card (jack, queen, or king) is drawn.

  6. A heart that is not a face card is drawn.

In Exercises 43–48, a digit is chosen randomly from the digits 0 through 9; then 3 is added to the digit and the sum recorded. Find the probability of each event.

  1. The sum is 11.

  2. The sum is 0.

  3. The sum is less than 4.

  4. The sum is greater than 8.

  5. The sum is even.

  6. The sum is odd.

Applying the Concepts

  1. A blind date.  The probability that Tony will like his blind date is 0.3. What is the probability that he will not like his blind date?

  2. Drawing cards.  The probability of drawing a spade from a standard 52-card deck is 0.25. What is the probability of drawing a card that is not a spade?

  3. Gender and the Air Force.  In 2012, about 20% of members of the U.S. Air Force were women. What is the probability that an Air Force member chosen at random is a woman?


  4. Movie attendance.  If 85% of people between the ages of 18 and 24 go to a movie at least once a month, what is the probability that a randomly chosen person in this age group will go to a movie this month?

  5. Gender and the Marines.  In 2012, about 6% of members of the U.S. Marines were women. What is the probability that a Marine chosen at random is a man?

    (Source: DMDC-June 2005, TFDW-June 2005)

  6. Movie attendance.  If 20% of people over 65 go to a movie at least once a month, what is the probability that a randomly chosen person over 65 will not go to a movie this month?

  7. Raffles.  One hundred twenty-five tickets were sold at a raffle. If you have ten tickets, what is the probability of your winning the (only) prize? If there are two prizes, what is the probability of your winning both?

  8. Committee selection.  To select a committee with two members, two people will be selected at random from a group of four men and four women. What is the probability that a man and a woman will be selected?

  9. Gender of children.  A couple has two children. Assuming that each child is equally likely to be a boy or a girl, find the probability of having

    1. Two boys.

    2. Two girls.

    3. One boy and one girl.

  10. Gender of children.  A couple has three children. Assuming that each child is equally likely to be a boy or a girl, find the probability that the couple will have

    1. All girls.

    2. At least two girls.

    3. At most two girls.

    4. Exactly two girls.

  11. Car ownership. The following table shows the number of cars owned by each of the 4440 families in a small town.

    No. of families 37 1256 2370 526 131 120
    No. of cars owned 0 1 2 3 4 5

    A family is selected at random. Find the probability that this family owns

    1. Exactly two cars.

    2. At most two cars.

    3. Exactly six cars.

    4. At most six cars.

    5. At least one car.

  12. Mammograms.  According to the American Cancer Society, 199 of 200 mammograms (for breast cancer screening) turn out to be normal. Find the probability that a mammogram of a woman chosen at random is not normal.

  13. Lactose intolerance.  Lactose intolerance (the inability to digest sugars found in dairy products) affects about 20% of non-Hispanic white Americans and about 75% of African, Asian, and Native Americans. What is the probability that a non-Hispanic white American has no lactose intolerance? Answer the same question for a person in the second group.

  14. Guessing on an exam.  A student has just taken a ten-question true–false test. If he must guess to answer each of the ten questions, what is the probability that

    1. He scores 100% on the test.

    2. He scores 90% on the test.

    3. He scores at least 90% on the test.

  15. Committee selection.  A five-person committee is choosing a subcommittee of two of its members. Each member of the committee is a different age. The subcommittee members are chosen at random.

    1. What is the probability that the subcommittee will consist of the two oldest members?

    2. What is the probability that the subcommittee will consist of the oldest and the youngest members?

  16. Children in the U.S.  In 2012, the total number of children ages 0–17 in the U.S. was 73.7 million. The age distribution (in millions) is given in the following table.

    Age Number of Children
    0–5 24.1
    6–11 24.5
    12–17 25.1

    If a child from this age group is chosen at random, what is the probability that he/she is at least 6 years old?

  17. A test for depression.  Suppose that 10% of the U.S. population suffers from depression. A pharmaceutical company is believed to have developed a test with the following results: The test works for 90% of the people who are tested and are actually depressed (as diagnosed through other acceptable methods). In other words, if a patient is actually depressed, there is a probability of 0.9 that this patient will be diagnosed as a depressed patient by the pharmaceutical company. The test also works for 85% of people who are tested and not depressed. Suppose the company tests 1000 people for depression. Complete the following table.

    Number of people who are Depressed according to the test Normal according to the test
    actually depressed    
    actually normal    
  18. Playing marbles.  Natasha and Deshawn are playing a game with marbles. Natasha has one marble (call it N), and Deshawn has two (call them M1 and M2). They roll their marbles toward a stake in the ground. The person whose marble is closest to the stake wins. Assume that measurements are accurate enough to eliminate ties. List all of the sample points. Use the notation M1NM2 to denote the sample point when M1 is closest to the stake and M2 is farthest from the stake. If the children are equally skillful (when the sample points are all equally likely), find the probability that Deshawn wins.

  19. Gender among siblings.  If a family with four children is chosen at random, are the children more likely to be three of one gender and one of the other gender than two boys and two girls? (Assume that each child in a family is equally likely to be a boy or a girl.)

  20. Hospital treatments.  Hospital records show that 11% of all patients admitted are admitted for surgical treatment, 15% are admitted for obstetrics, and 3% are admitted for both obstetrics and surgery. What is the probability that a new patient admitted is an obstetrics patient or a surgery patient or both?

  21. Pain relief medicine.  A pharmaceutical company testing a new over-the-counter pain relief medicine gave the new medicine, their old medicine, and a placebo to different groups of patients. (A placebo is a sugar pill with no medicinal ingredients. However, it sometimes works, supposedly for psychological reasons.) The following table shows the results of the tests.

    Amount of Pain Relief
    Medicine Some Complete None
    Placebo 12 4 34
    Old 25 25 10
    New 18 40 12
    Total 55 69 56

    Find the probability that a randomly chosen person from the group of 180 people receiving one of the three types of ­medicines

    1. Received the placebo or had no pain relief.

    2. Received the new medicine or had complete pain relief.

Beyond the Basics

  1. A famous problem called the birthday problem asks for the probability that at least two people in a group of people have the same birthday (the same day and the same month but not necessarily the same year). The best way to approach this problem is to consider the complementary event that no two people have the same birthday. Assume that all birthdays are equally likely.

    1. Find the probability that in a group of two people, both have the same birthday.

    2. Find the probability that in a group of three people, at least two have the same birthday.

    3. Find the probability that in a group of 50 people, at least two have the same birthday.

  2. What is the probability that a number between 1 and 1,000,000 contains the digit 3? [Hint: Consider the complementary event.]

  3. A business executive types four letters to her clients and then types four envelopes addressed to the clients. What is the probability that if the four letters are randomly placed in envelopes, they are placed in correct envelopes?

  4. Juan gave his telephone number to Maggie. She remembers that the first three digits are 407 and the remaining four digits consist of two 3s, one 6, and one 8. She is not certain about the order of the digits, however. Maggie dials 407-3638. What is the probability that Maggie dialed the correct ­number?

Critical Thinking / Discussion / Writing

  1. The March 2005 population survey by the U.S. Census Bureau found that among the 187 million people aged 25 or older, 59,840,000 reported high school graduation as the highest level of education attained. Find the probability that a person chosen at random from the 187 million in the survey would report his or her highest level of education as high school graduation.

  2. Find the probability of randomly choosing a dark caramel from a box that contains only light and dark caramels and has twice as many light as dark caramels.

  3. If a single die is rolled two times, what is the probability that the second roll will result in a number larger than the first roll?

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