Section P.4 Factoring Polynomials

Before Starting This Section, Review

  1. 1 Exponents (Section P.2 )

  2. 2 Polynomials (Section P.3 )

  3. 3 Value of algebraic expressions (Section P.1 , page 11)


  1. 1 Identify and factor out the greatest common monomial factor.

  2. 2 Factor trinomials with a leading coefficient of 1.

  3. 3 Factor perfect-square trinomials.

  4. 4 Factor the difference of squares.

  5. 5 Factor the difference and sum of cubes.

  6. 6 Factor by grouping.

  7. 7 Factor trinomials.

Profit from Research and Development

The finance department of a major drug company projects that an investment of x million dollars in research and development for a specific type of vaccine will return a profit (or loss) of (0.012x332.928)(0.012x332.928) million dollars.

The company would have a “startup” cost of $12 million and is prepared to invest up to $24 million at a rate of $1 million per year. You could probably stare at this polynomial for a long time without getting a clear picture of what kind of return to expect from different investments. In Example 7, we use the methods of this section to rewrite this profit–loss polynomial, making it easy to explain the result of investing various amounts.

The Greatest Common Monomial Factor

  1. 1 Identify and factor out the greatest common monomial factor.

The process of factoring polynomials that we study in this section “reverses” the process of multiplying polynomials that we studied in the previous section. To factor any sum of terms means to write it as a product of factors. Consider the product


The polynomials (x+3)(x+3) and (x3)(x3) are called factors of the polynomial x29.x29. So, factoring is the opposite of multiplying. See the margin. When factoring, we start with one polynomial and write it as a product of other polynomials. The polynomials in the product are the factors of the given polynomial.

The first thing to look for when factoring a polynomial is a factor that is common to every term. This common factor can be “factored out” by the distributive property, ab+ac=a(b+c).ab+ac=a(b+c).

Factoring Out a Monomial

In this section, we are concerned only with polynomials having integer coefficients. This restriction is called factoring over the integers.

Polynomial Common Factor Factored Form
9+18y9+18y 9 9(1+2y)9(1+2y)
2y2+6y2y2+6y 2y 2y(y+3)2y(y+3)
7x4+3x3+x27x4+3x3+x2 x2x2 x2(7x2+3x+1)x2(7x2+3x+1)
5x+35x+3 No common factor 5x+35x+3

You can verify that any factorization is correct by multiplying the factors. We factored these polynomials by finding the greatest common monomial factor of their terms.

Example 1 Factoring by Using the GCF


  1. 16x3+24x216x3+24x2

  2. 5x4+20x2+25x5x4+20x2+25x

  3. x2(x3)+7(x3)x2(x3)+7(x3)


  1. The greatest integer that divides both 16 and 24 is 8. The exponents on x are 3 and 2, so 2 is the least exponent. So the GCF of 16x3+24x216x3+24x2 is 8x2.8x2. We write

    16x3+24x2=8x2(2x)+8x2(3).Write each term as the product ofthe GCF and another factor.=8x2(2x+3)Use the distributive property tofactor out the GCF.
    16x3+24x2==8x2(2x)+8x2(3).8x2(2x+3)Write each term as the product ofthe GCF and another factor.Use the distributive property tofactor out the GCF.

    We can check the results of factoring by multiplying.

    Check: 8x2(2x+3)=8x2(2x)+8x2(3)=16x3+24x2.8x2(2x+3)=8x2(2x)+8x2(3)=16x3+24x2.

  2. The greatest integer that divides 5, 20, and 25 is 5. The exponents on x are 4, 2, and 1 (x=x1),(x=x1), so 1 is the least exponent. So the GCF of 5x4+20x2+25x5x4+20x2+25x is 5x. We write


    You should check this result by multiplying.

  3. In this case, the GCF is the common binomial factor (x3).(x3). So,

    x2(x3)+7(x3)=(x3)(x2+7)Factor out the commonbinomial factor.
    x2(x3)+7(x3)=(x3)(x2+7)Factor out the commonbinomial factor.

Practice Problem 1

  1. Factor.

    1. 6x5+14x36x5+14x3

    2. 7x5+21x4+35x27x5+21x4+35x2

    3. 5x2(xy)+2(xy)5x2(xy)+2(xy)

Polynomials that cannot be factored as a product of two polynomials (excluding the constant polynomials 1 and 11) are said to be irreducible. A polynomial is said to be factored completely when it is written as a product consisting of only irreducible factors. By agreement, the greatest integer common to all of the terms in the polynomial is not factored. We also allow repeated irreducible factors to be written as a power of a single factor.

Factoring Trinomials of the Form x2+Bx+Cx2+Bx+C

  1. 2 Factor trinomials with a leading coefficient of 1.

Recall that (x+a)(x+b)=x2+(a+b)x+ab.(x+a)(x+b)=x2+(a+b)x+ab.

We reverse the sides of this equation to get the form used for factoring


Side Note

To factor a trinomial in standard form with a leading coefficient of 1, we need two integers a and b whose product is the constant term and whose sum is the coefficient of the middle term.

Example 2 Factoring x2+Bx+Cx2+Bx+C by Using the Factors of C


  1. x2+8x+15x2+8x+15

  2. x26x16x26x16

  3. x2+x+2x2+x+2


To factor x2+Bx+C,x2+Bx+C, we look for two integers a and b such that ab=Cab=C and a+b=B.a+b=B.

  1. We want integers a and b such that ab=15ab=15 and a+b=8.a+b=8.

    Because the factors 3 and 5 of 15 in the third column have a sum of 8,


    You should check this answer by multiplying.

  2. We must find two integers a and b with ab=16ab=16 and a+b=6.a+b=6.

    Because the factors 2 and 88 of 1616 in the fifth column give a sum of 6,6,


    You should check this answer by multiplying.

  3. We must find two integers a and b with ab=2ab=2 and a+b=1.a+b=1.

    Factors of 2 1, 2 1,21,2
    Sum of factors 3 33

    The coefficient of the middle term, 1, does not appear as the sum of any of the factors of the constant term, 2. Therefore, x2+x+2x2+x+2 is irreducible.

Practice Problem 2

  1. Factor.

    1. x2+6x+8x2+6x+8

    2. x23x10x23x10

Factoring Formulas

We investigate how other types of polynomials can be factored by reversing the product formulas on page 37.

Perfect-Square Trinomials

  1. 3 Factor perfect-square trinomials.

To factor a perfect square Trinomial, we use the special products:

A2+2AB+B2=(A+B)2and A22AB+B2=(AB)2
A2+2AB+B2=(A+B)2and A22AB+B2=(AB)2

Example 3 Factoring a Perfect-Square Trinomial


  1. x2+10x+25x2+10x+25

  2. 16x28x+116x28x+1


  1. The first term, x2,x2, and the third term, 25=52,25=52, are perfect squares. Further, the middle term is twice the product of the terms being squared, that is, 10x=2(5x).10x=2(5x).

  2. The first term, 16x2=(4x)2,16x2=(4x)2, and the third term, 1=12,1=12, are perfect squares. Further, the middle term is the negative of twice the product of terms being squared, that is, 8x=2(4x)(1).8x=2(4x)(1).


Practice Problem 3

  1. Factor.

    1. x2+4x+4x2+4x+4

    2. 9x26x+19x26x+1

Side Note

You should check your answer to any factoring problem by multiplying the factors to verify that the result is the original expression.

Difference of Squares

  1. 4 Factor the difference of squares.

To factor the difference of squares, we use the reverse of the special product A2B2=(A+B)(AB).A2B2=(A+B)(AB).

Example 4 Factoring the Difference of Squares


  1. x24x24

  2. 25x24925x249


  1. We write x24x24 as the difference of squares.

  2. We write 25x24925x249 as the difference of squares.


Practice Problem 4

  1. Factor.

    1. x216x216

    2. 4x2254x225

What about the sum of two squares? Let’s try to factor x2+22=x2+4.x2+22=x2+4. Notice that x2+4=x2+0x+4x2+4=x2+0x+4 so that the middle term is 0=0x.0=0x. We need two factors, a and b, of 4 whose sum is zero (a+b=0).(a+b=0).

Factors of 4 1, 4 1,41,4 2, 2 2,22,2
Sum of factors 5 55 4 44

Because no sum of factors is 0, x2+4x2+4 is irreducible. A similar result holds regardless of what integer replaces 2 in the process. Consequently, x2+a2x2+a2 is irreducible for any integer a.

Example 5 Using the Difference of Squares Twice

Factor x416.x416.


We write x416x416 as the difference of squares.


From Example 4, part a, we know that x24=(x+2)(x2).x24=(x+2)(x2). Consequently,

x416=(x2+4)(x24)=(x2+4)(x+2)(x2)Replace x24 with (x+2)(x2).
x416==(x2+4)(x24)(x2+4)(x+2)(x2)Replace x24 with (x+2)(x2).

Because x2+4,x+2,x2+4,x+2, and x2x2 are irreducible, x416x416 is completely factored.

Practice Problem 5

  1. Factor x481.x481.

Difference and Sum of Cubes

  1. 5 Factor the difference and sum of cubes.

We can also use the reverse of the special-product formulas to factor the difference and sum of cubes.

Example 6 Factoring the Difference and Sum of Cubes


  1. x364x364

  2. 8x3+1258x3+125


  1. We write x364x364 as the difference of cubes.

  2. We write 8x3+1258x3+125 as the sum of cubes.


Practice Problem 6

  1. Factor.

    1. x3125x3125

    2. 27x3+827x3+8

Example 7 Determining Profit from Research and Development

In the beginning of this section, we introduced the polynomial 0.012x332.9280.012x332.928 that gave the profit (or loss) a drug company would have after an investment of x million dollars. If the company had an initial investment of $12 million and invests an additional $1 million each year, determine when this investment returns a profit. What will the profit (or loss) be in six years?


First, notice that 0.012 is a common factor of both terms of the polynomial because 32.928=(0.012)(2744).32.928=(0.012)(2744). We now factor 0.012x332.9280.012x332.928 as follows:

0.012x332.928=0.012x3(0.012)(2744)=0.012(x32744)Factor out 0.012.=0.012(x3143)2744=143=0.012(x14) (x2+14x+196)Difference of cubes
0.012x332.928====0.012x3(0.012)(2744)0.012(x32744)0.012(x3143)0.012(x14) (x2+14x+196)Factor out 0.012.2744=143Difference of cubes

This product has three factors, and the factor x2+14x+196x2+14x+196 is positive for positive values of x because each term is positive. The sign of the factor x14x14 then determines the sign of the entire polynomial. The factor x14x14 is negative if x is less than 14, zero if x equals 14, and positive if x is greater than 14. Consequently, the company receives a profit when x is greater than 14. Because the initial investment is $12 million, with an additional $1 million invested each year, it will be two years before the company breaks even on this venture. Every year thereafter it will profit from the investment. In six years, the company will have invested the initial $12 million plus an additional $6 million ($1 million per year). So the total investment is $18 million. To find the profit (or loss) with $18 million invested, we let x=18x=18 in the profit–loss polynomial: 0.012(18)332.928=$37.056 million0.012(18)332.928=$37.056 million.

The company will have made a profit of over $37 million in six years.

Practice Problem 7

  1. In Example 7 , what will the profit be in four years?

Factoring by Grouping

  1. 6 Factor by grouping.

For polynomials having four terms and a GCF of 1, when none of the preceding factoring techniques apply, we can sometimes group the terms in such a way that each group has a common factor. This technique is called factoring by grouping.

Example 8 Factoring by Grouping


  1. x3+2x2+3x+6x3+2x2+3x+6

  2. 6x33x24x+26x33x24x+2

  3. x2+4x+4y2x2+4x+4y2


  1. x3+2x2+3x+6=(x3+2x2)+(3x+6)Group terms so that eachgroup can be factored.=x2(x+2)+3(x+2)Factor the grouped binomials.=(x+2)(x2+3)Factor out the commonbinomial factor x+2.x3+2x2+3x+6===(x3+2x2)+(3x+6)x2(x+2)+3(x+2)(x+2)(x2+3)Group terms so that eachgroup can be factored.Factor the grouped binomials.Factor out the commonbinomial factor x+2.

  2. 6x33x24x+2=(6x33x2)+(4x+2)Group terms so that eachgroup can be factored.=3x2(2x1)+(2)(2x1)Factor the groupedbinomials.=(2x1)(3x22)Factor out the commonbinomial factor 2x1.6x33x24x+2===(6x33x2)+(4x+2)3x2(2x1)+(2)(2x1)(2x1)(3x22)Group terms so that eachgroup can be factored.Factor the groupedbinomials.Factor out the commonbinomial factor 2x1.

  3. x2+4x+4y2=(x2+4x+4)y2Group terms so that each groupcan be factored.=(x+2)2y2Factor the trinomial.=(x+2y)(x+2+y)Difference of squaresx2+4x+4y2===(x2+4x+4)y2(x+2)2y2(x+2y)(x+2+y)Group terms so that each groupcan be factored.Factor the trinomial.Difference of squares

Practice Problem 8

  1. Factor.

    1. x3+3x2+x+3x3+3x2+x+3

    2. 28x320x27x+528x320x27x+5

    3. x2y22y1x2y22y1

Example 9 Factoring by Making a Perfect Square

Factor: x4+3x2+4x4+3x2+4


Notice that a change in the middle term would give the perfect square (x2+2)2=x4+4x2+4.(x2+2)2=x4+4x2+4.

x4+3x2+4=x4+4x2x2+43x2=4x2x2=x4+4x2+4x2Rewrite.=(x2+2)2x2x4+4x2+4=(x2+2)2=(x2+2+x)(x2+2x)Difference of two squares=(x2+x+2)(x2x+2)Rewrite in standard form.
x4+3x2+4=x4+4x2x2+4=x4+4x2+4x2=(x2+2)2x2=(x2+2+x)(x2+2x)=(x2+x+2)(x2x+2)3x2=4x2x2Rewrite.x4+4x2+4=(x2+2)2Difference of two squaresRewrite in standard form.

Practice Problem 9

  1. Factor: x4+5x2+9x4+5x2+9

Factoring Trinomials of the Form Ax2+Bx+CAx2+Bx+C

  1. 7 Factor trinomials.

To factor the trinomial Ax2+Bx+CAx2+Bx+C as (ax+b)(cx+d),(ax+b)(cx+d), we use FOIL and combine like terms to get Ax2+Bx+C=acx2+(ad+bc)x+bd.Ax2+Bx+C=acx2+(ad+bc)x+bd. Notice that AC=acbd=(ad)(bc)AC=acbd=(ad)(bc) and B=ad+bcB=ad+bc. We can factor Ax2+Bx+CAx2+Bx+C if we can find integer factors of the product AC whose sum is B. We illustrate a procedure for doing this in the next example.

Example 10 Factoring Using FOIL and Grouping


  1. 6x2+17x+76x2+17x+7

  2. 20x27x620x27x6


  1. Ax2+Bx+C=6x2+17x+7.Ax2+Bx+C=6x2+17x+7. We have AC=67=42.AC=67=42. We are looking for two factors of 42 whose sum is 17. We have 42=31442=314 and 3+14=17.3+14=17. So

    6x2+17x+7=6x2+3x+14x+717x=3x+14x=(6x2+3x)+(14x+7)Group terms.=3x(2x+1)+7(2x+1)Factor out the common factor.=(3x+7)(2x+1)Distributive property
    6x2+17x+7====6x2+3x+14x+7(6x2+3x)+(14x+7)3x(2x+1)+7(2x+1)(3x+7)(2x+1)17x=3x+14xGroup terms.Factor out the common factor.Distributive property
  2. 20x27x6.20x27x6. We have (20)(6)=120.(20)(6)=120. The two factors of 120120 whose sum is 77 are 1515 and 8. So

    20x27x6=20x215x+8x67x=15x+8x=(20x215x)+(8x6)Group terms.=5x(4x3)+2(4x3)Factor out the common factor.=(5x+2)(4x3)Distributive property
    20x27x6====20x215x+8x6(20x215x)+(8x6)5x(4x3)+2(4x3)(5x+2)(4x3)7x=15x+8xGroup terms.Factor out the common factor.Distributive property

Practice Problem 10

  1. Factor.

    1. 5x2+11x+25x2+11x+2

    2. 4x2+x34x2+x3

Section P.4 Exercises

Concepts and Vocabulary

  1. The polynomials x+2x+2 and x2x2 are called                         of the polynomial x24.x24.

  2. The polynomial 3y is the                         factor of the polynomial 3y2+6y.3y2+6y.

  3. The GCF of the polynomial 10x3+30x210x3+30x2 is                        .

  4. A polynomial that cannot be factored as a product of two polynomials (excluding the constant polynomials ±1±1) is said to be                        .

  5. True or False. When factoring a polynomial whose leading coefficient is positive, we need to consider only its positive factors.

  6. True or False. The polynomial x2+7x2+7 is irreducible.

  7. True or False. The polynomial x24x24 is irreducible.

  8. True or False. Factoring is the opposite of multiplying.

Building Skills

In Exercises 9–26, factor each polynomial by factoring out the GCF.

  1. 8x248x24

  2. 5x+255x+25

  3. 6x2+12x6x2+12x

  4. 3x2+213x2+21

  5. 7x2+14x37x2+14x3

  6. 9x318x49x318x4

  7. x4+2x3+x2x4+2x3+x2

  8. x45x3+7x2x45x3+7x2

  9. 3x3x23x3x2

  10. 2x3+2x22x3+2x2

  11. 8ax3+4ax28ax3+4ax2

  12. ax42ax2+axax42ax2+ax

  13. x(xy)+3(xy)x(xy)+3(xy)

  14. 2a(a+1)3(a+1)2a(a+1)3(a+1)

  15. 3x(2x+y)+5y(2x+y)3x(2x+y)+5y(2x+y)

  16. 2x(5x3y)+7y(5x3y)2x(5x3y)+7y(5x3y)

  17. (y+2)23(y+2)(y+2)23(y+2)

  18. (y+1)2+(y+1)(y+1)2+(y+1)

In Exercises 27–36, factor by grouping.

  1. x3+3x2+x+3x3+3x2+x+3

  2. x3+5x2+x+5x3+5x2+x+5

  3. x35x2+x5x35x2+x5

  4. x37x2+x7x37x2+x7

  5. 6x3+4x2+3x+26x3+4x2+3x+2

  6. 3x3+6x2+x+23x3+6x2+x+2

  7. 12x7+4x5+3x4+x212x7+4x5+3x4+x2

  8. 3x7+3x5+x4+x23x7+3x5+x4+x2

  9. xy+ab+bx+ayxy+ab+bx+ay

  10. 2a2xbbx+2a22a2xbbx+2a2

In Exercises 37–56, factor each trinomial or state that it is irreducible.

  1. x2+7x+12x2+7x+12

  2. x2+8x+15x2+8x+15

  3. x26x+8x26x+8

  4. x29x+14x29x+14

  5. x23x4x23x4

  6. x25x6x25x6

  7. x24x+13x24x+13

  8. x22x+5x22x+5

  9. 2x2+x362x2+x36

  10. 2x2+3x272x2+3x27

  11. 6x2+17x+126x2+17x+12

  12. 8x210x38x210x3

  13. 3x211x43x211x4

  14. 5x2+7x+25x2+7x+2

  15. 6x23x+46x23x+4

  16. 4x24x+34x24x+3

  17. x2xy20y2x2xy20y2

  18. 8p22pq15q28p22pq15q2

  19. 15x228+x15x228+x

  20. 24y+35+4y224y+35+4y2

In Exercises 57–64, factor each polynomial as a perfect square.

  1. x2+6x+9x2+6x+9

  2. x2+8x+16x2+8x+16

  3. 9x2+6x+19x2+6x+1

  4. 36x2+12x+136x2+12x+1

  5. 25x220x+425x220x+4

  6. 64x2+32x+464x2+32x+4

  7. 49x2+42x+949x2+42x+9

  8. 9x2+24x+169x2+24x+16

In Exercises 65–74, factor each polynomial using the difference-of-squares pattern.

  1. x264x264

  2. x2121x2121

  3. 4x214x21

  4. 9x219x21

  5. 16x2916x29

  6. 25x24925x249

  7. x41x41

  8. x481x481

  9. 20x4520x45

  10. 12x47512x475

In Exercises 75–84, factor each polynomial using the sum-or-difference-of-cubes pattern.

  1. x3+64x3+64

  2. x3+125x3+125

  3. x327x327

  4. x3216x3216

  5. 8x38x3

  6. 27x327x3

  7. 8x3278x327

  8. 8x31258x3125

  9. 40x3+540x3+5

  10. 7x3+567x3+56

In Exercises 85–92, factor by making a perfect square.

  1. x4+x2+25x4+x2+25

  2. x4+x2+1x4+x2+1

  3. x4+15x2+64x4+15x2+64

  4. x47x2+9x47x2+9

  5. x4x2+16x4x2+16

  6. x416x2+36x416x2+36

  7. x4+4x4+4

  8. x4+64x4+64

In Exercises 93–124, factor each polynomial completely. If a polynomial cannot be factored, state that it is irreducible.

  1. 116x2116x2

  2. 425x2425x2

  3. x26x+9x26x+9

  4. x28x+16x28x+16

  5. 4x2+4x+14x2+4x+1

  6. 16x2+8x+116x2+8x+1

  7. 2x28x102x28x10

  8. 5x210x405x210x40

  9. 2x2+3x202x2+3x20

  10. 2x27x302x27x30

  11. x224x+36x224x+36

  12. x220x+25x220x+25

  13. 3x5+12x4+12x33x5+12x4+12x3

  14. 2x5+16x4+32x32x5+16x4+32x3

  15. 9x219x21

  16. 16x22516x225

  17. 16x2+24x+916x2+24x+9

  18. 4x2+20x+254x2+20x+25

  19. x2+15x2+15

  20. x2+24x2+24

  21. 45x3+8x24x45x3+8x24x

  22. 25x3+40x29x25x3+40x29x

  23. ax27a2x8a3ax27a2x8a3

  24. ax210a2x24a3ax210a2x24a3

  25. x216a2+8x+16x216a2+8x+16

  26. x236a2+6x+9x236a2+6x+9

  27. 3x5+12x4y+12x3y23x5+12x4y+12x3y2

  28. 4x5+24x4y+36x3y24x5+24x4y+36x3y2

  29. x225a2+4x+4x225a2+4x+4

  30. x216a2+4x+4x216a2+4x+4

  31. 18x6+12x5y+2x4y218x6+12x5y+2x4y2

  32. 12x6+12x5y+3x4y212x6+12x5y+3x4y2

Applying the Concepts

  1. Garden area. A rectangular garden must have a perimeter of 16 feet. Write a completely factored polynomial whose value gives the area of the garden, assuming that one side is x feet.

  2. Serving tray dimensions. A rectangular serving tray must have a perimeter of 42 inches. Write a completely factored polynomial whose value gives the area of the tray, assuming that one side is x inches.

  3. Box construction. A box with an open top is to be constructed from a rectangular piece of cardboard with length 36 inches and width 16 inches by cutting out squares of equal side length x at each corner and then folding up the sides, as shown in the accompanying figure. Write a completely factored polynomial whose value gives the volume of the box (volume=length×width×height).(volume=length×width×height).

  4. Surface area. For the box described in Exercises 127, write a completely factored polynomial whose value gives its surface area (surface area == sum of the areas of the five sides).

  5. Area of a washer. As shown in the figure, a washer is made by removing a circular disk from the center of another circular disk of radius 2 cm. Assuming that the disk that is removed has radius x, write a completely factored polynomial whose value gives the area of the washer.

  6. Insulation. Insulation must be put in the space between two concentric cylinders. Write a completely factored polynomial whose value gives the volume between the inner and outer cylinders if the inner cylinder has radius 3 feet, the outer cylinder has radius x feet, and both cylinders are 8 feet high.

  7. Grazing pens. A rancher has 2800 feet of fencing that will fence off a rectangular grazing pen for cattle. One edge of the pen borders a straight river and needs no fence. Assuming that the edges of the pen perpendicular to the river are x feet long, write a completely factored polynomial whose value gives the area of the pen.

  8. Centerpiece perimeter. A decorative glass centerpiece for a table has the shape of a rectangle with a semicircular section attached at each end, as shown in the figure. The perimeter of the figure is 48 inches. Write a completely factored polynomial whose value gives the area of the centerpiece.

Beyond the Basics

In Exercises 133–140, factor each expression.

  1. x3+y3+x+yx3+y3+x+y

  2. x411x2+1x411x2+1 [Hint: x411x2+1=(x21)29x2x411x2+1=(x21)29x2]

  3. x4+y4+x2y2x4+y4+x2y2

  4. x4+4y4x4+4y4

  5. x664x664

  6. x626x327x626x327

  7. (x23x)238(x23x)80(x23x)238(x23x)80

  8. 4x2y2z2+2yz4x2y2z2+2yz

  9. In Exercises 110 of Section P.3, page 40, you were asked to show that if a+b+c=0,a+b+c=0, then a3+b3+c3=3abc.a3+b3+c3=3abc. Now show that: If a3+b3+c3=3abc,a3+b3+c3=3abc, then show that either a+b+c=0a+b+c=0 or a=b=c.a=b=c. [Hint: From Exercises 110, page 40, we have a3+b3+c33abc=a3+b3+c33abc=



  10. Factor (xy)3+(yz)3+(zx)3.(xy)3+(yz)3+(zx)3.

  11. Factor z3(xy)3+x3(yz)3+y3(zx)3.z3(xy)3+x3(yz)3+y3(zx)3.

  12. Simplify (x2y2)3+(y2z2)3+(z2x2)3(xy)3+(yz)3+(zx)3.(x2y2)3+(y2z2)3+(z2x2)3(xy)3+(yz)3+(zx)3.

Getting Ready for the Next Section

In Exercises 145–148, combine each expression to form a single fraction in lowest terms.

  1. 14+1614+16

  2. 3811238112

  3. 92016279201627

  4. 23562356

In Exercises 149–152, factor the numerator and denominator and write each expression in lowest terms.

  1. 2x4x+62x4x+6

  2. 2x3+3xx2+x2x3+3xx2+x

  3. x2+3x+2x2+4x+3x2+3x+2x2+4x+3

  4. x2x6x24x2x6x24

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