• i (imaginary unit), 119

  • Identities, 82, 145

  • Identity function, 249, 257

  • Identity matrix, 614

  • Identity property of real numbers, 12

  • Imaginary numbers, pure, 120

  • Imaginary part of a complex number, 120121

  • Imaginary unit (i), 119

  • Impedance, 119

  • Improper expressions, 353

    • rational, 540

  • Inconsistent equations, 82, 85, 86

  • Inconsistent inequalities, 145

  • Inconsistent systems of linear equations in three variables, 530

  • Increasing functions, 235237

  • Independent systems of linear equations, 530, 531

  • Independent variable, 185, 215

  • Indexes

    • different, radicals with, 6667

    • of nth roots, 64

    • of summation, 722

  • Induction, mathematical, 752758

  • Inequalities, 67, 144157

    • compound, 148151

    • conditional, 145

    • defined, 145

    • equivalent, 145

    • exponential, 482483

    • inconsistent, 145

    • involving absolute value, 160163

    • linear, 146148

    • logarithmic, 482483

    • nonlinear, 564

    • nonnegative, 145

    • quadratic, test-point method for solving, 151152

    • rational, test-point method for solving, 152153

    • solving, 145

    • solving using test points, 151153

  • Inequality symbols, 6, 144

  • Infinite geometric series, 738, 746747

  • Infinite sequences, 716

  • Integer(s), 3

  • Integer exponents, 56, 2021

  • Intercepts, 187, 190191

    • graphing linear equations using, 204205

  • Interest, 94, 430436

  • Interest rate, 94, 430, 434

  • Interindustry technology input-output matrix, 628

  • Intermediate Value Theorem, 338339

    • real zeros of a polynomial function and, 365

  • Intersections

    • of intervals, 9

    • of sets, 8

  • Interval(s), 89

  • Interval notation, 9

  • Inverse(s), of matricesa. See Matrix inverses

  • Inverse functions, 296306

  • Inverse property of real numbers, 12

  • Inverse variation, 406407

  • Investments, 454455

    • analyzing using systems of linear equations, 521522

    • annuities and, 744745

    • problems involving, modeling, 9495

    • in stock market, 551, 554555

  • Irrational numbers, 45

  • Irreducible polynomials, 42, 44

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