Section P.6 Rational Exponents and Radicals

Before Starting This Section, Review

  1. 1 Absolute value (Section P.1 , page 9)

  2. 2 Integer exponents (Section P.2 , page 20)

  3. 3 Special-product formulas (Section P.3 , page 37)

  4. 4 Properties of fractions (Section P.1 , page 13)


  1. 1 Define and evaluate square roots.

  2. 2 Simplify square roots.

  3. 3 Define and evaluate nth roots.

  4. 4 Combine like radicals.

  5. 5 Rationalize denominators or numerators.

  6. 6 Define and evaluate rational exponents.

Friction and Tap-Water Flow

Suppose your water company had a large reservoir or water tower 80 meters or more above the level of your cold-water faucet. If there was no friction in the pipes and you turned on your faucet, the water would come pouring out of the faucet at nearly 90 miles per hour! This fact follows from a result known as Bernoulli’s equation, which predicts the velocity of the water (ignoring friction and related turbulence) in this situation to be equal to 2gh,2gh, where g is the acceleration due to gravity and h is the height of the water level above a hole from which the water escapes.

In Example 3, we use Bernoulli’s equation to find the velocity of water.

Square Roots

  1. 1 Define and evaluate square roots.

When we raise the number 5 to the power 2, we write 52=25. The reverse of this squaring process is called finding a square root. In the case of 25, we say that 5 is a square root of 25 and write 25=5. In general, we say that b is a square root of a if b2=a. We can’t call 5 the square root of 25 because it is also true that (5)2=25, so that 5 is another square root of 25.

The symbol , called a radical sign, is used to distinguish between 5 and 5, the two square roots of 25. We write 5=25 and 5=25 and call 25 the principal square root of 25.

If a=b, then a=b20. Consequently, the symbol a denotes a real number only when a0. The number or expression under the radical sign is called the radicand, and the radicand together with the radical sign is called a radical.

According to the definition of the square root, the number b must pass two tests for the statement a=b to be correct: (1) b2=a and (2) b0. These tests are used to decide whether the statements below are true or false.

Statement a=b Test (1) b2=a? Test (2) b0? Conclusion True when b passes both tests
4=2 22=4 202 True; 2 passed both tests.
4=2 (2)2=4 20 False; 2 failed Test (2).
19=13 (13)2=19 130 True; 13 passed both tests.
72=7 72=72 70 True; 7 passed both tests.
(7)2=7 (7)2=(7)2 70 False; 7 failed Test (2).

Side Note

Either |x|=xor|x|=x. Then |x|2=|x|·|x|=x·x=x2 or |x|2=|x|·|x|=(x)·(x)=x2 so |x|2=x2

The last Example (letting x represent 7) shows that x2 is not always equal to x. Now apply Test (1) and Test (2) to the statement x2=|x|, where x represents any real number.

Statement Test (1) Test (2) Conclusion
x2=|x| |x|2=x2 |x|0 True; |x| passed both tests.

If x=b, then by Test (1), b2=x and by Test (2), b is nonnegative. Replacing b with x in the equation b2=x yields the following result.

Example 1 Finding the Square Roots of Perfect Squares and Their Ratios


  1. 121

  2. 2581

  3. 16169


Write each radicand as a perfect square.

  1. 121=112=11

  2. 2581=5292=(59)2=59

  3. 16169=42132=(413)2=413

Practice Problem 1

  1. Find.

    1. 144

    2. 149

    3. 464

Simplifying Square Roots

  1. 2 Simplify square roots.

When working with square roots, we can simplify a radical expression by removing from under the radical sign perfect squares that are factors of the radicand. For example, to simplify 8, we write 8=42=42=22. We rely on the following rules.

Example 2 Simplifying Square Roots


  1. 117

  2. 612

  3. 48x2

  4. 363

  5. 25y39x2,x0,y0


  1. 117=913=913=313

  2. 612=612=662=622=622=62

  3. 48x2=48x2=163 x2=16 3x2=43|x|

  4. 363=363=12=43=43=23

  5. 25y39x2=25y39x2=25y2y9x2=25 y2y9x2=5|y|y3|x|x0,y0=5yy3|x||y|=y

Practice Problem 2

  1. Simplify.

    1. 20

    2. 68

    3. 12x2

    4. 20y327x2, x0, y0


It is important to note that a+b a+b. For example, with a=1 and b=4, 1+4 1+4 because 1+4=5, whereas 1+ 4=1+2=3 and 53. Similarly, ab ab.

Example 3 Calculating Water Flow from a Punctured Water Tower

From the introduction to this section, verify the claim that the water would come pouring out of the faucet at nearly 90 miles per hour.


We can use Bernoulli’s equation to find the velocity of the water from the faucet. If we ignore friction, the velocity of water will be 2gh, where g is the acceleration due to gravity and h is the height of the water level above the faucet.

We replace h with 80 meters and roughly approximate g by 10 meters per second per second (g10 m/s2) in the expression 2gh.

Thus, the velocity of the water is

=2gh2(10 m/s2)(80 m)=1600 m2/s2=40 meters per second=40×60×60 meters per hour60×60 seconds each hour=144×1000 meters per hour144×0.6214 mph1000 m 0.6214 miles=89.4816 mph90 miles per hour

Practice Problem 3

  1. Repeat Example 3 if the water tower is 45 meters high.

Other Roots

  1. 3 Define and evaluate nth roots.

If n is a positive integer, we say that b is an nth root of a if bn=a. We next define the principal nth root of a real number a, denoted by the symbol na.

We use the same vocabulary for nth roots that we used for square roots. That is, na is called a radical expression, is the radical sign, and a is the radicand. The positive integer n is called the index. The index 2 is not written; we write a rather than 2a for the principal square root of a. It is also common practice to call 3a the cube root of a.

Example 4 Finding Principal nth Roots

Find each root.

  1. 327

  2. 364

  3. 416

  4. 4(3)4

  5. 846


  1. The radicand, 27, is positive; so 327=3 because 33=27 and 3>0.

  2. The radicand, 64, is negative and 3 is odd; so 364=4 because (4)3=64.

  3. The radicand, 16, is positive; so 416=2 because 24=16 and 2>0.

  4. The radicand, (3)4, is positive; so 4(3)4=3 because 34=(3)4 and 3>0.

  5. The radicand, 46, is negative and the index, 8, is even; so 846 is not a real number.

Practice Problem 4

  1. Find each root.

    1. 38

    2. 532

    3. 481

    4. 64

The fact that the definition of the principal nth root depends on whether n is even or odd results in two rules to replace the square root rule x2=|x|.

The product and quotient rules for square roots can be extended to apply to nth roots as well.

Example 5 Simplifying nth Roots


  1. 3135

  2. 4162a4

  3. 3564

  4. 437


  1. We find a factor of 135 that is a perfect cube. Here 135=275 and 27 is a perfect cube (33=27). Then

  2. We find a factor of 162 that is a perfect fourth power. Here 162=812 and 81 is a perfect fourth power: 34=81. Thus,

  3. 3564=35364Quotient rule=35464=43, so 364=4

  4. 437=437Power rule=127

Practice Problem 5

  1. Simplify.

    1. 372

    2. 448a2

    3. 364

Like Radicals

  1. 4 Combine like radicals.

Radicals that have the same index and the same radicand are called like radicals. Like radicals can be combined with the use of the distributive property.

Example 6 Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions


  1. 45+720

  2. 5380x33270x


  1. We find perfect-square factors for both 45 and 20.

    45+720=95+74545=95; 20=45=95+745Product rule=35+7259=3; 4=2=35+145Like radicals=(3+14)5Distributive property=175
  2. This time we find perfect-cube factors for both 80 and 270.

    5380x33270x=53810x332710x80=810;270=2710=538310x3327310xProduct rule=52310x33310x38=2;327=3=10310x9310xLike radicals=(109)310xDistributive property=310x

Practice Problem 6

  1. Simplify.

    1. 312+73

    2. 23125x3340x


In general:



na+nb cannot be added if ab.


na+ma cannot be added if nm.

Radicals with Different Indexes

Suppose a is a positive real number and m, n, and r are positive integers. Then the property


is used to multiply radicals with different indexes.

Example 7 Multiplying Radicals with Different Indexes

  1. Write 235 as a single radical.

  2. Write 4x3, 3y2, and 6z5 as radicals with the same lowest index.


  1. Because 2 can also be written as 22 we have


    and similarly,



  2. To express each of the three radicals with the same index of lowest order, we choose the least common multiple of the three indexes. Here, the least common multiple of 4, 3, and 6 is 12. We express each radical with index 12. We have:


Practice Problem 7

    1. Write 352 as a single radical.

    2. Write 6x5 and 8y7 with the same lowest index.

Rationalizing Radical Expressions

  1. 5 Rationalize denominators or numerators.

Removing radicals in the denominator or the numerator is called rationalizing the denominator or rationalizing the numerator, respectively. The procedure for rationalizing involves multiplying the fraction by 1, written in a special way, so as to obtain a perfect nth power.

Example 8 Rationalizing the Denominator

Rationalize each denominator.

  1. 52

  2. 3439


  1. 52=5222=104=102

  2. 3439=34393333=312327=3123

Practice Problem 8

  1. Rationalize each denominator.

    1. 78

    2. 3334


Pairs of expressions of the form ax+by and axby are called conjugates. We form the product of these two conjugates.

(ax+by)(axby)=(ax)2(by)2Difference of two squares=a2xb2y(ac)2=a2c2; (z)2=z

We see that the product contains no radicals. So the product of conjugates can be used to rationalize the denominator or the numerator.

Example 9 Rationalizing the Numerator

Rationalize each numerator.

  1. 524

  2. x+3x29


  1. 524=5245+25+2=(5)2(2)24(5+2)(ab)(a+b)=a2b2=524(5+2)=34(5+2)

  2. x+3x29=x+3x29x3x3=x3(x29)(x3)(x+3)(x3)=x3=x3(x3)(x+3)(x3)x29=(x3)(x+3).=1(x+3)(x3)Remove common factor.

Practice Problem 9

  1. Rationalize each denominator.

    1. 275

    2. x2x+2

Rational Exponents

  1. 6 Define and evaluate rational exponents.

Previously, we defined such exponential expressions as 23, but what do you think 21/3 means? If we want to preserve the power rule of exponents, (an)m=anm, for rational exponents such as 13, we must have


Because (21/3)3=2, it follows that 21/3 is the cube root of 2, that is, 21/3=32.

Such considerations lead to the following definition.

Example 10 Evaluating Expressions with Rational Exponents


  1. 161/2

  2. (27)1/3

  3. (116)1/4

  4. 321/5

  5. (5)1/4


  1. 161/2=16=4

  2. (27)1/3=327=3(3)3=3

  3. (116)1/4=4116=4(12)4=12

  4. 321/5=532=525=2

  5. Because the base 5 is negative and n=4 is even, (5)1/4 is not a real number.

Practice Problem 10

  1. Evaluate.

    1. (14)1/2

    2. (125)1/3

    3. (32)1/5

The box below shows a summary of our work.

We have defined the expression a1/n. How do we define am/n, where m and n are integers? If we insist that the power-of-a-product rule of exponents holds for rational numbers, then we must have




From this, we arrive at the following definition.

Note that for am/n the numerator m of the exponent mn is the exponent of the radical expression and the denominator n is the index of the radical in (na)m. When n is even and a<0, the symbol am/n is not a real number.

When rational exponents with negative denominators such as 35 and 27 are encountered, we use equivalent expressions such as 35 and 27, respectively, before applying the definition. Similarly, we reduce the exponent mn to its lowest terms before applying the definition. Note that (8)2/6[(8)1/6]2 because (8)1/6=68 is not a real number but (8)2/6 is a real number. Writing 26=13, we have


Example 11 Evaluating Expressions Having Rational Exponents


  1. 82/3

  2. 165/2

  3. 1003/2

  4. (25)7/2


  1. 82/3=(38)2=22=4

  2. 165/2=(16)5=45=1024

  3. 100 3/2=(1001/2)3=(100)3=1(100)3=1103=11000

  4. (25)7/2=[(25)1/2]7Not a real number because=(25)725 is not a real number

Practice Problem 11

  1. Evaluate.

    1. (25)2/3

    2. 363/2

    3. 165/2

    4. (36)1/2

All of the properties of exponents we learned for integer exponents hold true for rational exponents. For convenience, we list these properties next.

Example 12 Simplifying Expressions Having Rational Exponents

Simplify. Express the answer with only positive exponents. Assume that x represents a positive real number.

  1. 2x1/35x1/4

  2. 21x2/37x1/5

  3. (x3/5)1/6


  1. 2x1/35x1/4=25x1/3x1/4Group factors with the same base.=10x1/3 +1/4Add exponents of factors with thesame base.=10x4/12  +3/12=10x7/12

  2. 21x2/37x1/5=(217)(x2/3x1/5)Group factors with the same base.=3x2/31/5=3x10/153/15=3x13/15=3(1x13/15)=3x13/15

  3. (x3/5)1/6=x(3/5)(1/6)=x1/10=1x1/10

Practice Problem 12

  1. Simplify. Express your answer with only positive exponents.

    1. 4x1/23x1/5

    2. 25x1/45x1/3,x>0

    3. (x2/3)1/5, x0

Example 13 Simplifying Radicals by Using Rational Exponents

Assume that x represents a positive real number. Simplify.

  1. 8x2

  2. 493

  3. 3x8


  1. 8x2=(x2)1/8=x2/8=x1/4=4x

  2. 493=91/431/2=(32)1/431/2=32/431/2=31/231/2=31/2+1/2=31=3

  3. 3x8=(x8)1/3=x8/3=(x8/3)1/2=x8/31/2=x4/3=x1+1/3=x1x1/3=x3x

Practice Problem 13

  1. Simplify.

    1. 6x4

    2. 4255

    3. 3x12

Example 14 Simplifying an Expression Involving Negative Rational Exponents

Simplify x(x+1)1/2+2(x+1)1/2. Express the answer with only positive exponents and then rationalize the denominator. Assume that (x+1)1/2 is defined.


x(x+1)1/2+2(x+1)1/2=x(x+1)1/2+2(x+1)1/21(x+1)1/2=1(x+1)1/2=x(x+1)1/2+2(x+1)1/2(x+1)1/2(x+1)1/2a1=abb=x(x+1)1/2+2(x+1)(x+1)1/2(x+1)1/2(x+1)1/2=x+1=x+2(x+1)(x+1)1/2=3x+2(x+1)1/2Add fractions and simplify.

To rationalize the denominator (x+1)1/2=x+1, multiply both numerator and denominator by (x+1)1/2.


Practice Problem 14

  1. Simplify x(x+3)1/2+(x+3)1/2.

Section P.6 Exercises

Concepts and Vocabulary

  1. Any positive number has                         square roots.

  2. To rationalize the denominator of an expression with denominator 25, multiply the                         and                         by                        .

  3. Radicals that have the same index and the same radicand are called                        .

  4. The radical notation for 71/3 is                        .

  5. True or False. For all real x, x2=x.

  6. True or False. The radicals 35 and 125 are “like radicals.”

  7. True or False. 1amn=amn

  8. True or False. 912=3

Building Skills

In Exercises 9–24, evaluate each root or state that the root is not a real number.

  1. 64

  2. 100

  3. 364

  4. 3125

  5. 327

  6. 3216

  7. 318

  8. 32764

  9. (3)2

  10. 4(3)2

  11. 416

  12. 664

  13. 51

  14. 71

  15. 5(7)5

  16. 5(4)5

In Exercises 25–48, simplify each expression using the product and quotient properties for square roots. Assume that x represents a positive real number.

  1. 32

  2. 125

  3. 18x2

  4. 27x2

  5. 9x3

  6. 8x3

  7. 6x3x

  8. 5x10x

  9. 15x3x2

  10. 2x218x

  11. 38x3

  12. 364x3

  13. 3x6

  14. 327x6

  15. 532

  16. 350

  17. 38x3

  18. 378x3

  19. 42x5

  20. 4516x5

  21. x8

  22. 4x425y6

  23. 9x6y4

  24. 5x15y5

In Exercises 49–62, simplify each expression. Assume that all variables represent nonnegative real numbers.

  1. 23+53

  2. 722

  3. 655+45

  4. 57+3727

  5. 98x32x

  6. 45x+20x

  7. 324381

  8. 354+316

  9. 33x2324x+3375x

  10. 316x+3354x32x

  11. 2x5532x+18x3

  12. 250x5+72x3372x

  13. 48x5y4y3x3y+y3xy3

  14. x8xy+42xy318x5y

In Exercises 63–76, rationalize the denominator of each expression.

  1. 23

  2. 105

  3. 715

  4. 38

  5. 12+x

  6. 15+2x

  7. 323

  8. 512

  9. 13+2

  10. 653

  11. 525+2

  12. 7+373

  13. x+hxx+h+x

  14. ax+3ax3

In Exercises 77–84, rationalize the numerator of each expression.

  1. 4+h2h

  2. y+93y

  3. 24xx

  4. x+22x

  5. x2x4

  6. x5x225

  7. x2+4xx2

  8. x2+2x+3x2+32

In Exercises 85–94, evaluate each expression without using a calculator.

  1. 251/2

  2. 1441/2

  3. (8)1/3

  4. (27)1/3

  5. 82/3

  6. 163/2

  7. 253/2

  8. 93/2

  9. (925)3/2

  10. (127)2/3

In Exercises 95–106, simplify each expression, leaving your answer with only positive exponents. Assume that all variables represent positive numbers.

  1. x1/2x2/5

  2. x3/55x2/3

  3. x3/5x1/2

  4. x5/3x3/4

  5. (8x6)2/3

  6. (16x3)1/2

  7. (27x6y3)2/3

  8. (16x4y6)3/2

  9. 15x3/23x1/4

  10. 20x5/24x2/3

  11. (x1/4y2/3)12

  12. (27x5/2y3)1/3

In Exercises 107–116, convert each radical expression to its rational exponent form and then simplify. Assume that all variables represent positive numbers.

  1. 432

  2. 452

  3. 3x9

  4. 3x12

  5. 3x6y9

  6. 38x3y12

  7. 493

  8. 4497

  9. 3x10

  10. 364x6

In Exercises 117–124, convert the given product to a single radical with lowest index. Assume that all variables represent positive numbers.

  1. 3253

  2. 3342

  3. 3x24x3

  4. 5x27x5

  5. 92m2n35m5n2

  6. 3xy39x2y2

  7. 5x4y36x3y5

  8. 53a4b267a2b6

In Exercises 125–130, factor each expression. Use only positive exponents in your answer.

  1. 43x1/3(2x3)+2x4/3

  2. 43x1/3(7x+1)+7x4/3

  3. 4(3x+1)1/3(2x1)+2(3x+1)4/3

  4. 4(3x1)1/3(x+2)+(3x1)4/3

  5. 3x(x2+1)1/2(2x2x)+2(x2+1)3/2(4x1)

  6. 3x(x2+2)1/2(x22x)+(x2+2)3/2(2x2)

Applying the Concepts

  1. Sign dimensions. A sign in the shape of an equilateral triangle of area A has sides of length 4A3 centimeters. Find the length of a side assuming that the sign has an area of 692 square centimeters. (Use the approximation 31.73.)

  2. Return on investment. For an initial investment of P dollars to mature to S dollars after two years when the interest is compounded annually, an annual interest rate of r=SP1 is required. Find r assuming that P=$1,210,000 and S=$1,411,344.

  3. Terminal speed. The terminal speed V of a steel ball that weighs w grams and is falling in a cylinder of oil is given by the equation V=w1.5 centimeters per second. Find the terminal speed of a steel ball weighing 6 grams.

  4. Model airplane speed. A spring balance scale attached to a wire that holds a model airplane on a circular path indicates the force F on the wire. The speed of the plane V, in m/sec, is given by V=(rF)/m, where m is the mass of the plane (in kilograms) and r is the length of the wire (in meters). What is the top speed of a 2-kilogram plane on an 18-meter wire if the force on the wire at top speed is 49 newtons?

  5. Electronic game current. The current I (in amperes) in a circuit for an electronic game using W watts and having a resistance of R ohms is given by I=WR. Find the current in a game circuit using 1058 watts and having a resistance of 2 ohms.

  6. Radius of the moon. The radius of a sphere having volume V is given by r=(3V4π)1/3. Assuming that we treat the moon as a sphere and are told that its volume is 2.19×1019 cubic meters, find its radius. Use 3.14 as an approximation for π.

  7. Atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure P, measured in pounds per square inch, at an altitude of h miles (h<50) is given by the equation P=14.7(0.5)h/3.25. Compute the atmospheric pressure at an altitude of 16.25 miles.

  8. Force from constrained water. The force F that is exerted on the semicircular end of a trough full of water is approximately F=42r3/2 pounds, where r is the radius of the semicircular end. Find the force assuming that the radius is 3 feet.

Beyond the Basics

  1. Show that 138187+176165+152=5.

  2. Show that 11+2+12+3+13+4+14+5+15+6+16+7+17+8+18+9=2.

  3. Let x=2+3. Show that

    1. x+1x=4.

    2. x2+1x2=14.

  4. Let x=322. Show that x2+1x2=34.

In Exercises 143–145, arrange the given numbers in increasing order of magnitude without using a calculator.

  1. 5, 311, 6123

  2. 48, 3, 870

  3. 3, 37, 410

In Exercises 146–148, simplify each expression.

  1. (23+32)2

  2. (35+43)(3543)

  3. (2+35)(2+3+5)

  4. Let a, b, x, and y be rational numbers and let c be an irrational number.

    1. Show that if a+bc=0, then a=0 or b=0.

    2. Use part (a) to show that if a+bc=x+yc, then a=x and b=y.

  5. Suppose a+c=x+y, show that ac=|xy|.

  6. Find x and y if x+y=16+255. [Hint: Square both sides to get x+y=a and xy=c.]

  7. Find 531210. [Hint: 531210=532360=xy]

Getting Ready for the Next Section

In Exercises 153–156, perform the indicated operation.

  1. 73+32

  2. 3623

  3. 32127

  4. 35÷1215

In Exercises 157–160 simplify the given expression.
  1. 7x+2x

  2. x+(5x)

  3. (4x5)+(7x3)

  4. 6x2(2x2)

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