Section 5.5 Systems of Inequalities

Before Starting this Section, Review

  1. 1 Intersection of sets (Section P.1 , page 8)

  2. 2 Graphing a line (Section 2.3 , page 204)

  3. 3 Solving systems of equations (Sections 5.1 , 5.2, and 5.4)


  1. 1 Graph a linear inequality in two variables.

  2. 2 Graph systems of linear inequalities in two variables.

  3. 3 Graph a nonlinear inequality in two variables.

  4. 4 Graph systems of nonlinear inequalities in two variables.

What Is Horsepower?

The definition of horsepower was originated by the inventor James Watt (1736–1819). To demonstrate the power (work capability) of the steam engine that he invented and patented in 1783, he rigged his favorite horse with a rope and some pulleys and showed that his horse could raise a 3300-pound weight 10 feet in the air in one minute. Watt called this amount of work 1 horsepower (hp). So he defined

1 hp=33,000 foot-pounds per minute (3300×10=33,000)=550 foot-pounds per second (33,00060=550).
1 hp==33,000 foot-pounds per minute (3300×10=33,000)550 foot-pounds per second (33,00060=550).

Because horses were one of the main energy sources during that time, the public easily understood and accepted the horsepower measure. Watt labeled his steam engines in terms of equivalent horsepower. A 10 hp engine could do the work of 10 horses, or could lift 5500 pounds up 1 foot in one second. In the usual definition of power=(force)(distance)time,power=(force)(distance)time, the horse provides the force. In Exercise 85, we discuss engines with different amounts of horsepower.

Graph of a Linear Inequality in Two Variables

  1. 1 Graph a linear inequality in two variables.

The statements x+y>4, 2x+3y<7, yx,x+y>4, 2x+3y<7, yx, and x+y9x+y9 are examples of linear inequalities in the variables x and y. As with equations, a solution of an inequality in two variables x and y is an ordered pair (a, b) that results in a true statement when x is replaced with a and y is replaced with b in the inequality. For example, the ordered pair (3, 2) is a solution of the inequality 4x+5y>114x+5y>11 because 4(3)+5(2)=22>114(3)+5(2)=22>11 is a true statement. The ordered pair (1, 1) is not a solution of the inequality 4x+5y>114x+5y>11 because 4(1)+5(1)=9>114(1)+5(1)=9>11 is a false statement. The set of all solutions of an inequality is called the solution set of the inequality. The graph of an inequality in two variables is the graph of the solution set of the inequality.

Example 1 Graphing a Linear Inequality

Graph the inequality 2x+y>6.2x+y>6.


First, graph the equation 2x+y=6.2x+y=6. See Figure 5.12(a). Notice that if we solve this equation for y, we have y=2x+6.y=2x+6. Any point P(a, b) whose y-coordinate, b, is greater than 62a62a must be above this line. Therefore, the graph of y>2x+6,y>2x+6, which is equivalent to 2x+y>6,2x+y>6, consists of all points (x, y) in the plane that lie above the line 2x+y=6.2x+y=6. The graph of the inequality 2x+y>62x+y>6 is shaded in Figure 5.12(b).

Figure 5.12

Practice Problem 1

  1. Graph the inequality 3x+y<6.3x+y<6.

In Figure 5.12(b), the graph of the equation 2x+y=62x+y=6 is drawn as a dashed line to indicate that points on the line are not included in the solution set of the inequality 2x+y>6.2x+y>6. In Figure 5.13(a), however, the graph of the inequality 2x+y62x+y6 shows 2x+y=62x+y=6 as a solid line. The solid line indicates that the points on the line are included in the solution set. Note that the region below the line 2x+y=62x+y=6 in Figure 5.13(b) is the graph of the inequality 2x+y<6.2x+y<6.

Figure 5.13

In general, the graph of a linear inequality’s corresponding equation (found by changing the inequality symbol to the equality sign) is a line that separates the plane into two regions, each called a half plane. The line itself is called the boundary of each region. All of the points in one region satisfy the inequality, and none of the points in the other region are solutions. You can therefore test one point not on the boundary, called a test point, to determine which region represents the solution set.

Practice Problem 2

  1. Graph the linear inequality y2x+4.y2x+4.

Example 3 Graphing Inequalities

Sketch the graph of each inequality.

  1. x2x2

  2. y<3y<3

  3. x+y<4x+y<4


Steps Inequality
1. Change the inequality to an equality.

a. x2x2


b. y<3y<3


c. x+y<4x+y<4


2. Graph the equation in Step 1 with a dashed line (< or >)(< or >) or a solid line ( or ).( or ).
3. Select a test point. Test (0, 0) in x2; 02x2; 02 is a false statement. The region not containing (0, 0), together with the vertical line, is the solution set. Test (0, 0) in y<3; 0<3y<3; 0<3 is a true statement. The region containing (0, 0) is the solution set. Test (0, 0) in x+y<4;x+y<4; 0+0<40+0<4 is a true statement. The region containing (0, 0) is the solution set.
4. Shade the solution set.

Practice Problem 3

  1. Graph the inequality x+y>9.x+y>9.

Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables

  1. 2 Graph systems of linear inequalities in two variables.

An ordered pair (a, b) is a solution of a system of inequalities involving two variables if it is a solution of each of its inequalities. For example, (0, 1) is a solution of the system


because both 2(0)+112(0)+11 and 03(1)<003(1)<0 are true statements. The solution set of a system of inequalities is the intersection of the solution sets of all inequalities in the system. To find the graph of this solution set, graph the solution set of each inequality in the system (with different-color shadings) on the same coordinate plane. The region common to all of the solution sets (the one where all the shaded parts overlap) is the solution set. If there are no points common to all solutions, then the system is inconsistent, and the answer is .

Example 4 Graphing a System of Two Inequalities

Graph the solution set of the system of inequalities.



Graph each inequality separately in the same coordinate plane.

Inequality 1 Inequality 2
  1. Step 1 2x+3y=62x+3y=6

  2. Step 2 Sketch 2x+3y=62x+3y=6 as a dashed line by joining the points (0, 2) and (3, 0).

  3. Step 3 Test (0, 0) in

  4. Step 4 Shade as in Figure 5.14(a) .

  1. Step 1 yx=0yx=0

  2. Step 2 Sketch yx=0yx=0 as a solid line by joining the points (0, 0) and (1, 1).

  3. Step 3 Test (1, 0) in

  4. Step 4 Shade as in Figure 5.14(b) .

The graph of the solution set of the system of inequalities (1) and (2) (the region where the shadings overlap) is shown shaded in purple in Figure 5.14(c).

Figure 5.14

Graph of a system of two inequalities

Practice Problem 4

  1. Graph the solution set of the system of inequalities.


The point P(65, 65)P(65, 65) in Figure 5.14(c) is the point of intersection of the two lines 2x+3y=62x+3y=6 and yx=0.yx=0. Such a point is called a corner point, or vertex, of the solution set. It is found by solving the system of equations {2x+3y=6yx=0.{2x+3y=6yx=0.

In this case, however, the point P is not in the solution set of the given system because the ordered pair (65, 65)(65, 65) satisfies only inequality (2), but not inequality (1), of Example 4. We show P as an open circle in Figure 5.14(c).

Example 5 Solving a System of Three Linear Inequalities

Sketch the graph and label the vertices of the solution set of the system of linear inequalities.



First, on the same coordinate plane, sketch the graphs of the three linear equations that correspond to the three inequalities. Because either or occurs in all three inequalities, all of the equations are graphed as solid lines. See Figure 5.15.

Figure 5.15

Notice that (0, 0) satisfies each of the inequalities but none of the equations. You can use (0, 0) as the test point for each inequality.

Make the following conclusions:

  1. Because (0, 0) lies below the line 3x+2y=11,3x+2y=11, the region on or below the line 3x+2y=113x+2y=11 is in the solution set of inequality (1).

  2. Because (0, 0) is above the line xy=2,xy=2, the region on or above the line xy=2xy=2 is in the solution set of inequality (2).

  3. Finally, because (0, 0) lies below the line 7x2y=1,7x2y=1, the region on or below the line 7x2y=17x2y=1 belongs to the solution set of inequality (3).

Side Note

In working with linear inequalities, you must use the test point to graph the solution set. Do not assume that just because the symbol or << appears in the inequality, the graph of the inequality is below the line.

The region common to the regions in (i), (ii), and (iii) (including the boundaries) is the solution set of the given system of inequalities. The solution set is the shaded region in Figure 5.16, including the sides of the triangle.

Figure 5.16

Graph of the solution set

Figure 5.16 also shows the vertices of the solution set. These vertices are obtained by solving each pair of equations in the system. Because all vertices are solutions of the given system, they are shown as (solid) points.

  1. To find the vertex (3, 1), solve the system


    Solve equation (2) for x to obtain x=2+y.x=2+y. Substitute x=2+yx=2+y in equation (1).

    3(2+y)+2y=116+3y+2y=11Distributive propertyy=1Solve for y.
    3(2+y)+2y6+3y+2yy===11111Distributive propertySolve for y.

    Back-substitute y=1y=1 in equation (2) to find x=3.x=3. The vertex is the point (3, 1).

  2. Solve the system of equations {xy=27x2y=1{x7xy2y==21 by the substitution method to find the vertex (1, 3).(1, 3).

  3. Solve the system of equations {3x+2y=117x2y=1{3x+2y=117x2y=1 by the elimination method to find the vertex (1, 4).

Practice Problem 5

  1. Sketch the graph (and label the corner points) of the solution set of the system of inequalities.


Nonlinear Inequality

  1. 3 Graph a nonlinear inequality in two variables.

We follow the same steps that we used in solving a linear inequality.

Practice Problem 6

  1. Graph yx22.yx22.

Nonlinear Systems

  1. 4 Graph systems of nonlinear inequalities in two variables.

The procedure for solving a nonlinear system of inequalities is identical to the procedure for solving a linear system of inequalities.

Example 7 Solving a Nonlinear System of Inequalities

Graph the solution set of the system of inequalities.



Graph each inequality separately in the same coordinate plane. Because (0, 0) is not a solution of any of the corresponding equations, use (0, 0) as a test point for each inequality.

Inequality (1) Inequality (2) Inequality (3)
y4x2y4x2 y32x3y32x3 y6x3y6x3
Step 1 y=4x2y=4x2 y=32x3y=32x3 y=6x3y=6x3
Step 2 The graph of y=4x2y=4x2 is a parabola opening down with vertex (0, 4). Sketch it as a solid curve. The graph of y=32x3y=32x3 is a line through the points (0, 3)(0, 3) and (2, 0). Sketch a solid line. The graph of y=6x3y=6x3 is a line through the points (0, 3)(0, 3) and (12, 0).(12, 0). Sketch a solid line.
Step 3 Testing (0, 0) in y4x2y4x2 gives 04,04, a true statement. The solution set is below the parabola. Testing (0, 0) in y32x3y32x3 gives 03,03, a true statement. The solution set is above the line. Testing (0, 0) in y6x3y6x3 gives 03,03, a true statement. The solution set is above the line.
Step 4 Shade the region as in Figure 5.17(a). Shade the region as in Figure 5.17(b). Shade the region as in Figure 5.17(c).

Figure 5.17

The region common to all three graphs is the graph of the solution set of the given system of inequalities. See Figure 5.17(d).

Use the substitution method to locate the points of intersection A, B, and C of the corresponding equations. See Figure 5.17(d). Solve all pairs of corresponding equations.

The point A(2, 0) is the solution of the system

{y=4x2Boundary of inequality (1)y=32x3Boundary of inequality (2)
y=4x2y=32x3Boundary of inequality (1)Boundary of inequality (2)

The point B(0, 3)B(0, 3) is the solution of the system

{y=32x3Boundary of inequality (2)y=6x3Boundary of inequality (3)
y=32x3y=6x3Boundary of inequality (2)Boundary of inequality (3)

Finally, the point C(1, 3)C(1, 3) is the solution of the system

{y=6x3Boundary of inequality (1)y=4x2Boundary of inequality (2)
{y=6x3y=4x2Boundary of inequality (1)Boundary of inequality (2)

Practice Problem 7

  1. Graph the solution set of the system of inequalities.


Section 5.5 Exercises

Concepts and Vocabulary

  1. In the graph of x3y>1,x3y>1, the corresponding equation x3y=1x3y=1 is graphed as a                           line.

  2. If a test point from one of the two regions determined by an inequality’s corresponding equation satisfies the inequality, then                           in that region satisfy the inequality.

  3. In a system of inequalities containing both 2x+y>52x+y>5 and 2xy3,2xy3, the point of intersection of the lines 2x+y=52x+y=5 and 2xy=32xy=3 is                           solution of the system.

  4. In a nonlinear system of equations or inequalities,                           equation or inequality must be nonlinear.

  5. True or False. There are always infinitely many solutions of an inequality ax+by<c,ax+by<c, where a, b, and c are real numbers and a0.a0.

  6. True or False. If x2+2y<5x2+2y<5 is one of the inequalities in a system of inequalities, then the point (2, 1) cannot be used as a test point in graphing the system.

  7. True or False. None of the points on the graph of the line 3x+5=73x+5=7 are solutions of the inequality 3x+5>73x+5>7.

  8. True or False. The intersection point of the graphs of the equations of the system {2x+4y12x7y<14{2x+4y12x7y<14 is a solution of this system.

Building Skills

In Exercises 9–24, graph each inequality.

  1. x0x0

  2. y0y0

  3. x>1x>1

  4. y>2y>2

  5. x2x2

  6. y3y3

  7. yx<0yx<0

  8. y+2x0y+2x0

  9. x+2y<6x+2y<6

  10. 3x+2y<123x+2y<12

  11. 2x+3y122x+3y12

  12. 2x+5y102x+5y10

  13. x2y4x2y4

  14. 3x4y123x4y12

  15. 3x+5y<153x+5y<15

  16. 5x+7y<355x+7y<35

In Exercises 25–30, determine which ordered pairs are solutions of each system of inequalities.

  1. {x+y<22x+y6{x+y<22x+y6

    1. (0, 0)

    2. (4, 1)(4, 1)

    3. (3, 0)

    4. (0, 3)

  2. {xy<23x+4y12{x3x+y4y<212

    1. (0, 0)

    2. (165, 35)(165, 35)

    3. (4, 0)

    4. (12, 12)(12, 12)

  3. {y<x+2x+y4{yx+y<x+24

    1. (0, 0)

    2. (1, 0)

    3. (0, 1)

    4. (1, 1)

  4. {y2xx+y1{yx+y2x1

    1. (0, 0)

    2. (0, 1)

    3. (1, 2)

    4. (1, 1)(1, 1)

  5. {3x4y12x+y45x2y63xx5x+4yy2y1246

    1. (0, 0)

    2. (2, 0)

    3. (3, 1)

    4. (2, 2)

  6. {2+y3x2y35x+2y32x5x++y2y2y333

    1. (0, 0)

    2. (1, 0)

    3. (1, 2)

    4. (2, 1)

In Exercises 31–46, graph the solution set of each system of linear inequalities and label the vertices (if any) of the solution set.

  1. {x+y1xy1{x+yxy11

  2. {x+y1yx1{x+y1yx1

  3. {3x+5y152x+2y8{3x+5y2x+2y158

  4. {2x+y23x+2y4{2x3x++y2y24

  5. {2x+3y64x+6y24{2x+3y4x+6y624

  6. {x+2y62x+4y4{x+2y62x+4y4

  7. {3x+y84x+2y4{3x4x++y2y84

  8. {x+2y122x+4y8{x+2y2x+4y128

  9. {x0y0x+y1xx+yy001

  10. {x0y0x+y>2xx+yy>002

  11. {x0y02x+3y6x2x+y3y006

  12. {x0y03x+4y12x3x+y4y0012

  13. {x+y1xy12x+y1x+y1xy12x+y1

  14. {x+y1xy12x+y1x+y1xy12x+y1

  15. {x+y1xy<2x+y3x+y4x+yxyx+yx+y<1234

  16. {x+y12xy>22x+y32x+2y4x2x2x2x+++yyy2y>1234

In Exercises 47–52, use the following figure to indicate the regions (AG) that correspond to the graph of the given system of inequalities.

  1. {x+y23x2y1y4x7x3xy+y2y4x217

  2. {x+y23x2y1y4x7x3xy+y2y4x217

  3. {x+y23x2y1y4x7x3xy+y2y4x217

  4. {x+y23x2y1y4x7x3xy+y2y4x217

  5. {x+y23x2y1y4x7x3xy+y2y4x217

  6. {x+y23x2y1y4x7x3xy+y2y4x217

In Exercises 53–66, use the procedure for graphing a nonlinear inequality in two variables to graph each inequality.

  1. yx2+2yx2+2

  2. y<x23y<x23

  3. y>x21y>x21

  4. yx2+1yx2+1

  5. y(x1)2+3y(x1)2+3

  6. y>(x+1)2+4y>(x+1)2+4

  7. x2+y2>4x2+y2>4

  8. x2+y29x2+y29

  9. (x1)2+(y2)29(x1)2+(y2)29

  10. (x+2)2+(y1)2>4(x+2)2+(y1)2>4

  11. y<2xy<2x

  12. yexyex

  13. y<log xy<log x

  14. yln xyln x

For Exercises 67–72, use the following figure to indicate the region or regions that correspond to the graph of each system of inequalities.

  1. {yx25x2+y225x0yx2+y2xx25250

  2. {yx25x2+y225x0yx2+y2xx25250

  3. {yx25x2+y225x0yx2+y2xx25250

  4. {yx25x2+y225y0yx2+y2yx25250

  5. {yx25x2+y225y0yx2+y2yx25250

  6. {yx25x2+y225y0yx2+y2yx25250

In Exercises 73–80, graph the region determined by each system of inequalities and label all points of intersection.

  1. {x+y6yx2{x+yy6x2

  2. {x+y6yx2{x+yy6x2

  3. {y2x+1yx2+2{y2x+1yx2+2

  4. {y2x+1yx2+2{y2x+1yx2+2

  5. {yxx2+y21{yx2+y2x1

  6. {yxx2+y21{yx2+y2x1

  7. {x2+y225x2+y5{x2x2++y2y255

  8. {x2+y225x2+y5{x2x2++y2y255

Applying the Concepts

  1. Grocer’s shelf space. Your local grocery store has shelf space for, at most, 40 cases of Coke and Sprite. The grocer wants at least ten cases of Coke and five cases of Sprite. Graph the possible stock arrangements and find the vertices.

  2. DVD players. An electronic store sells two types, A and B, of DVD players. Each player of type A and type B costs $60 and $80, respectively. The store wants at least 20 players in stock and does not want its investment in the players to exceed $6000. Graph the possible inventory of the players and find the vertices.

  3. Home builder. A builder has 43 units of material and 25 units of labor available to build one- and/or two-story houses within one year. Assume that a two-story house requires seven units of material and four units of labor and a one-story house requires five units of material and three units of labor. Graph the possible inventory of houses and find the vertices.

  4. Financial planning. Sabrina has $100,000 to invest in stocks and bonds. The annual rate of return for stocks and bonds is 4% and 7%, respectively. She wants at least $5600 income from her investments. She also wants to invest at least $60,000 in bonds. Graph her possible investment portfolio and find the vertices.

  5. Engine manufacturing. A company manufactures 3 hp and 5 hp engines. The time (in hours) required to assemble, test, and package each type of engine is shown in the table below.

    Engine Assemble Test Package
    3 hp 3 2 0.5
    5 hp 4.5 1 0.75

    The maximum times (in hours) available for assembling, testing, and packaging are 360 hours, 200 hours, and 60 hours, respectively. Graph the possible processing activities and find the vertices.

  6. Pet food. Vege Pet Food manufactures two types of dog food: Vegies and Yummies. Each bag of Vegies contains 3 pounds of vegetables and 2 pounds of cereal; each bag of Yummies contains 1.5 pounds of vegetables and 3.5 pounds of cereal. The total amount of vegetables and cereal available per week are 20,000 pounds and 27,000 pounds, respectively. Graph the possible number of bags of each type of food and find the vertices.

Beyond the Basics

In Exercises 87–94, write a system of linear inequalities that has the given graph.

In Exercises 95–104, graph each inequality.

  1. xy1xy1

  2. xy<3xy<3

  3. y<2xy<2x

  4. y2x1y2x1

  5. y3x2y3x2

  6. y>3xy>3x

  7. yln xyln x

  8. y<ln xy<ln x

  9. y>ln(x1)y>ln(x1)

  10. yln(x+1)yln(x+1)

In Exercises 105 and 106, graph the solution set of each inequality.

  1. 1x2+y291x2+y29

  2. x2y4x2x2y4x2

Critical Thinking / Discussion / Writing

In Exercises 107 and 108, graph the solution set of each inequality.

  1. |x|+|y|<1|x|+|y|<1

  2. |x+2y|<4|x+2y|<4

Getting Ready for the Next Section

In Exercises 109–112, find the point of intersection of the two lines.

  1. x+2y=40x+2y=40 and 3x+y=303x+y=30

  2. 3x+y=303x+y=30 and 4x+3y=604x+3y=60

  3. x2y=2x2y=2 and 3x+2y=123x+2y=12

  4. 3x+2y=123x+2y=12 and 3x+2y=33x+2y=3

In Exercises 113 and 114, find the vertices of the triangle whose sides lie along the given lines.

  1. yx=1, 2y+x=8,yx=1, 2y+x=8, and y+2x=13y+2x=13

  2. y+x=3, y3x=5,y+x=3, y3x=5, and 5y3x=235y3x=23

  3. Consider the following system of linear inequalities:

    1. Graph and shade the solution set of the system of inequalities.

    2. List the coordinates of the corner points of the region in part (a).

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