• Parabolas, 660, 661675. See also Quadratic functions

  • Parallel circuits, 539

  • Parallel lines, 205206

  • Parallel property of resistors, 539

  • Partial fraction(s), 540

  • Partial-fraction decomposition, 539550

    • with distinct irreducible quadratic factors, 545

    • with only distinct linear factors, 540541

    • with repeated irreducible quadratic factors, 546548

    • with repeated linear factors, 543544

  • Pascal, Blaise, 759, 760

  • Pascal’s Triangle, 759, 760761

  • Perfect squares, factoring by making, 47

  • Perfect-square trinomials, 109

    • factoring, 44

  • Perga, Apollonius of, 659

  • Permutations, 769771

  • Perpendicular lines, 205206

  • Petroleum consumption, 359360

  • Pharmacokinetics, 215, 225226

  • Photographs, counting arrangements for, 769770

  • pH scale, 488490

  • Piecewise functions, 252256

  • Pitch, musical, 495496

  • Pizza toppings, choosing, 773

  • Points

    • corner, of the solution set of a system of inequalities, 563

    • distance between, finding, 1011, 178179

    • on a graph, 222

    • plotting, 186187

    • symmetry about, 188

    • turning, 341342

    • writing a piecewise function from the set of, 254255

  • Point-slope form, 200201

  • Poiseuille, Jean Louis Marie, 263

  • Polygons, transformed, area of, 643644

  • Polynomial(s), 3040

  • Polynomial functions, 332351

  • Positive numbers, 7

    • on number line, 6

  • Power(s)

    • binomial, expanding using Binomial Theorem, 762

    • binomial, expanding using Pascal’s Triangle, 761

    • direct variation with, 405406

  • Power functions, 334335

  • Power growth model, 500

  • Power-of-a-power rule for exponents, 23, 27

  • Power-of-a-product rule for exponents, 2324, 27

  • Power-of-quotient rules for exponents, 24, 27

  • Price-supply function, 227

  • Principal, 94, 430

  • Principal square root, 61

  • Prizewinners, counting, 1048

  • Probability(ies), 778788

    • additive rule and, 781782

    • of an event, 778788

    • complements of events and, 783784

    • experimental, 784785

    • mutually exclusive events and, 782783

    • theory of, 759

  • Product(s). See also Multiplication

    • of functions, 282

    • scalar, of matrices, 608

    • special, 3435, 37

    • of sum and difference of terms, 3638

    • of the sum and difference of terms, 3638

  • Product rule for exponents, 2122, 27

  • Product rule for logarithms, solving logarithmic equations using, 480481

  • Profit function, 227

  • Programming, 570

  • Proper expressions, 353

    • rational, 540

  • Proportionality, constant of, 404

  • Ptolemy, 497

  • Pure imaginary numbers, 120

  • Pythagorean Theorem, 178

    • converse of, 179

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