• Dandelin, Germinal Pierre, 660

  • Dandelin spheres, 660

  • Dantzig, George, 570

  • Decay

  • Decibel scale, 493495

  • Decimals

    • converting to a quotient, 34

    • converting to scientific notation, 26

    • terminating and nonterminating, 3

  • Decomposition, of a function, 288

  • Decreasing functions, 235237

  • Deepwater Horizon, 281

  • Deer population, 185

  • Definitions, recursive, 226

  • Degenerate conic sections, 660

  • Degrees

    • of a monomial, 3031, 37

    • of a polynomial, 31

    • of a polynomial function, 332, 333

    • of a power function, 334335

  • Denominators, 13, 50

    • least common, 5456

    • rationalizing, 67

  • Dependent systems of linear equations, 530, 531

  • Dependent variables, 185, 215

  • Depressed equations, 358359

  • Descartes, René, 202

    • background information on, 176

    • coordinate plane discovery by, 175

  • Descartes’s Rule of Signs, 367368

  • Descending order, 31

  • Determinants, 636647

    • Cramer’s Rule and, 640644

    • minors and cofactors and, 637638

  • Devil’s Triangle, 144, 147148

  • De Vita Propria (Cardano), 376

  • Dice, rolling, 780

  • Difference(s). See also Subtraction

    • binomial, squaring, 3536

    • of cubes, factoring, 4546

    • of functions, 282

    • of squares, factoring, 4445

    • of terms, product of sum of terms and, 3638

  • Difference quotients, 243244

  • Digits, number of, logarithms and, 466467

  • Direction, of an inequality, 146

  • Directrix, of a parabola, 662

  • Direct variation, 404406

  • Discriminant, 112113, 126127

  • Distance formula, 178180

  • Distinguishable permutations, 773774

  • Distributive property of real numbers, 12

  • Dividends, 551, 554

  • Division. See also Quotient(s)

  • Division Algorithm, 352354

  • Division of polynomials, 352363

    • Division Algorithm and, 352354

    • long division for, 353354

    • synthetic division for, 355356

  • Domains

    • of an inequality, 145

    • of composite functions, 286288

    • of exponential functions, 426

    • of functions, 216, 220221, 223, 282, 283284

    • of logarithmic functions, 447448

    • of a rational expression, 5051

    • of a rational function, 385386

    • of a relation, 217

    • of a variable in an equation, 8182

    • of a variable in an inequality, 145

  • Double roots, 108

  • Drug bioavailability, 215, 225226

  • Drug research and development, profit from, 41, 4546

  • Drug testing, false positives in, 50, 51

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