Mid-Chapter Mixed Review

Determine whether the statement is true or false.

  1. The y-intercept of the graph of the function P(x)=52x3 is (5, 0). [4.2]

  2. The degree of the polynomial x12 x43x6+x5 is 6. [4.1]

  3. If f(x)=(x+7)(x8), then f(8)=0. [4.3]

  4. If f(12)=0, then x+12 is a factor of f(x). [4.3]

Find the zeros of the polynomial function and state the multiplicity of each. [4.1]

  1. f(x)=(x210x+25)3

  2. h(x)=2x3+x250x25

  3. g(x)=x43x2+2

  4. f(x)=6(x3)2(x+4)

In Exercises 912, match the function with one of the graphs (a)(d) that follow. [4.2]

  1. f(x)=x4x36x2

  2. f(x)=(x1)3(x+2)2

  3. f(x)=6x3+8x26x8

  4. f(x)=(x1)3(x+1)

Using the intermediate value theorem, determine, if possible, whether the function has at least one real zero between a and b. [4.2]

  1. f(x)=x32x2+3; a=2, b=0

  2. f(x)=x32x2+3; a=12, b=1

  3. For the polynomial P(x)=x46x3+x2 and the divisor d(x)=x1, use long division to find the quotient Q(x) and the remainder R(x) when P(x) is divided by d(x). Express P(x) in the form d(x)Q(x)+R(x). [4.3]

Use synthetic division to find the quotient and the remainder. [4.3]

  1. (3x4x3+2x26x+6)÷(x2)

  2. (x55)÷(x+1)

Use synthetic division to find the function values. [4.3]

  1. For g(x)=x39x2+4x10, find g(5).

  2. For f(x)=20x240x, find f(12).

  3. For f(x)=5x4+x3x, find f(2).

Using synthetic division, determine whether the numbers are zeros of the polynomial function. [4.3]

  1. 3i, 3; f(x)=x34x2+9x36

  2. 1, 5; f(x)=x635x4+259x2225

Factor the polynomial function f(x). Then solve the equation f(x)=0. [4.3]

  1. h(x)=x32x255x+56

  2. g(x)=x42x313x2+14x+24

Collaborative Discussion and Writing

  1. How is the range of a polynomial function related to the degree of the polynomial? [4.1]

  2. Is it possible for the graph of a polynomial function to have no y-intercept? no x-intercepts? Explain your answer. [4.2]

  3. Explain why values of a function must be all positive or all negative between consecutive zeros. [4.2]

  4. In synthetic division, why is the degree of the quotient 1 less than that of the dividend? [4.3]

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