

Abbreviations, 400

Acadiso templates, 10, 18, 21, 669

Acad templates, 2, 10, 18, 669, 670

Access to Help tool, 6

Acme threads, 535539

Addendum, defined, 619

AGMA. See American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA)

Align below previous attribute definition box, 130

Aligned dimensions, 373375

Aligned sections, 296

Aligned tool, 363, 373374

American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA), 620

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 243244, 371, 375, 620

American National threads, 535536

Angle option, 374

Angles, bisector construction of, 139141

Angle units, 15

Angular dimensions, 360, 379381

Angularism tolerances, 491

Angular option, for construction lines, 40

Angular tolerances, 435436

Angular tool, 379, 436

Annotate panels, 5, 59, 79, 283

Annotate tab, 45, 46, 63, 283, 367

Annotation Type box, 486

ANSI. See American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

Aperture Size option, 94

Apparent Intersection tool, 9899

Arcs, 4851

Array command, 529, 555, 624, 643, 646

Array creation panels, 6972

Arrowhead box, 488

Arrowheads, 284286

Arrow size box, 285

A-size sheets, 15

Assembly drawings, 571573

Attribute Definition dialog boxes, 129, 130, 134135

Attributes, 129134

for blocks, 129135

defined, 129

editing, 133

Attributes panel, 129

Auxiliary views, 325343

defined, 325

irregular surface projection, 334

of oblique surfaces, 338

partial, 336337

projection between views, 326328

rounded surface projection, 332

secondary, 338341, 343

secondary view of, 343

sectional, 337338

transferring lines in, 329331

Axis endpoint tool, 5253


Backlash, 618

Ball bearings, 637

Baseline dimensions, 384385, 438440

Baseline tool, 384, 398, 439440

Basic dimensions, 494

Bevel gears, 617, 629633

Bilateral tolerances, 427428, 491

Bill of Materials (BOM), 581582

Bisectors, 139141

Block Attribute Manager dialog box, 131, 133

Block command, 135

Block Definition dialog box, 111

Block panel, 110, 119, 129, 131, 133

Blocks, 110117

attributes for, 129135

combining, 117

creating, 110111

defined, 110

exploding, 113

inserting, 110112, 114117

rectangles as, 56

scale changes, 112113

shape changes, 116117

title, 134135

working with, 113117


defined, 539

hexagon-shaped heads, 541543

square-shaped heads, 543545

BOM (Bill of Materials), 581582

Boolean panel, 684

Bosses, 231232

Boxes, 672673, 704707, 730

Box tool, 672, 679, 703704, 706, 707

Break at point tool, 75

Break command, 7576

Broken-out sectional views, 297298

Browse box, 119

Bushings, 639640



for holes, 228231

for threads (English units), 526527

for threads (metric units), 526

Cams, 641648

displacement diagrams for, 641643

followers, 647648

motions of, 643647


orthographic views of, 231233

sectional views of, 300301

solid modeling of, 737741

Cell styles heading, 79

Center distance, 618

Centerlines, 4547, 378379, 401

Center Mark tool, 45, 4647, 387388

Center option, 56, 99100

Center tool, 53, 56, 704

Chain dimensions, 438440

Chamfer command, 531, 543

Chamfers, 76, 398399

Chamfer tool, 7677, 742

Change orders (COs), 579

Circle command, 7, 692

Circle properties dialog box, 126


2-Point tool for, 43

3-Point tool for, 44

centerlines for, 4547

diameter tool for, 8, 4243

drawing, 4247

quadrant-sensitive applications for, 45

radius tool for, 7, 42

sketching, 171

tangent tangent radius option for, 44

Circle tool, 4244, 696, 697

Circularity tolerances, 478

Circular pitch, 618

Circular thickness, 619

Circular views, 222

Circumscribe option, 58

Clear all option, 75

Clearance, defined, 619

Clearance fits, 446

Close command, 27

Closed splines, 51

Color, of text, 65

Command Headings box, 34, 9, 10

Command line box, 78

Commands, 5, 3133. See also specific commands

Command tools, 89

Company names and logos, 578

Compare option, 368

Compound lines, 209

Compression springs, 557558

Cones, 710711, 733734

Construction Line command, 3842

Continue command, 385386

Coordinate dimensions, 402403

Coordinates panel, 673, 681683, 727, 730732, 734735

Coordinate systems. See User Coordinate System (UCS); World coordinate system (WCS)

Copy command, 6768, 300, 529, 632

Copy Edges tool, 750

Copy Faces tool, 749750

Corner option, 704

Corner tool, 703

COs (change orders), 579

Counterbores, 228230

Countersinks, 230

Create New Drawing dialog box, 9

Create panel, 704, 724, 725

Create tool, 131

Crest, 525

Cubes, 707708

Current layer box, 122


ogee, 141142

sketching, 171172

Thickness command for, 694695

Cutting plane lines, 283286

Cylinder command, 677, 708709, 740


drawing, 696697

drawing conventions, 226227

orthographic views of, 222, 224

solid modeling of, 708709, 734735

Cylinder tool, 674

Cylindricity tolerances, 479


Dashed linetype, 283284

Datums, 480, 487488

Datum Identifier box, 481

surfaces, 450

triangle filled option, 488

Decimal Degrees, 15

Dedendum, 619

Define Attributes tool, 129

Degree symbol, 381

Design layouts, 584585

Detail drawings, 582583

Detailed thread representations, 528531

Deviation method, for tolerances, 432

Dialog boxes. See specific dialog boxes

Diameter dimensions, 377378, 379

Diameter tool, 8, 4243, 377, 485

Diametral pitch, 618

Dimcen system variable, 4546

Dimension Edit tool, 433

Dimension Input, 38

Dimension lines, 359

Dimensions and dimensioning, 359405. See also Tolerances

aligned, 373375

angular, 360, 379381

baseline, 384385, 398

centerlines in, 378379, 401

Center Mark tool for, 387388

chain and baseline, 438440

chamfers in, 398399

Continue command for, 385386

conventions, 360361

coordinate, 402403

double, 437

editing in, 365367

errors to avoid, 361

fillets in, 395

holes, 392394

horizontal, 362, 363

irregular surfaces in, 397398

keys/keyseats/keyways in, 400

knurling, 399400

large radii in, 405

leader lines in, 360, 388391

linear, 360, 362367, 378379, 442443

ordinate, 381383

orthographic views in, 404

overdimensioning, 381

placement of, 394395

to points, 401402

polar, 398

Quick Dimension command for, 386387

radius and diameter in, 375379, 405

rectangular, 441

rounded shapes in, 395397

sectional views in, 403404

styles, 367371

symbols and abbreviations in, 400401

terminology, 359360

Text Angle tool for, 391

text options in, 363365, 370371

units in, 371373

vertical, 362363

Dimensions panel, 4547, 285, 359, 362, 367, 384, 385, 480

Dimension Style command, 362

Dimension Style Editor, limit tolerances and, 433434

Dimension Style Manager

arrowheads and, 285

centerlines and, 46, 387388

in dimensional values, 372373

functions of, 367368

ordinate dimensions, 383

in radius and diameter dimensions, 376377

for tolerancing, 430435, 482, 484

Dimension Style tool, 431

Dimension tool, 376, 379382, 384385

Direction tool, 72

Directrix, 142

Displacement diagrams, 641643

Display tab, 664

Dist command, 331, 340

Dot option, 390

Double dimensioning, 437

Drafting Settings dialog box, 19, 94

Drag mode, 139, 390

Draw commands, 5

Drawing notes, 584

Drawing numbers, 577

Drawing revision process, 579

Drawings. See also Sketching; 3D Modeling; Working drawings; specific objects and shapes

axis system rotation, 328

boundaries for, 1518

circles, 4247

closing, 27

cylinders, 696697

ellipses, 5356

fasteners, 541548, 552553

gears, 619620, 624, 631633

lines, 3142

naming, 910

opening, 2526

pictorial, 178

points, 5859

polygons, 5758

polylines, 4751

rectangles, 5657

saving, 1112, 2325

scale changes, 369

splines, 5152

starting, 24, 910

text additions to, 5965

threads, 528533, 536539

units for, 1215

Drawing screen/editor, 4

Drawing Units dialog box, 1215

Drawing Utilities heading, 13

Draw panel, 7, 9, 31, 33, 3637, 41

Driven gears, 634

Driver gears, 634

Dtext command, 115, 429, 430

Dwells, 642

Dynamic grips, 707

Dynamic Input command, 3638

Dynamic Inputs dialog box, 38

Dynamic Prompts, 38


ECOs (engineering change orders), 579

Edge editing, 743750

Edit Attribute dialog box, 131, 133


attributes, 131, 133

in dimensioning, 365367

polylines, 135136, 646

in solid modeling, 743750

splines, 136138

text, 138139

in 3D Modeling, 678679

Edit Polyline, Fit option, 145

Edit Polyline command, 135, 646

Edit Polyline tool, 135136, 695, 716, 738

Edit Spline tool, 136137

Edit Vertex option, 138

Ellipse command, 219

Ellipses, 300

angle of rotation for, 55

Arc tool for, 5455

Center tool for, 53, 56

drawing, 5356

holes represented by, 219

secondary auxiliary views of, 343

sketching, 171

Ellipse tool, 52

Elliptical Arc tool, 5455

Endpoint command, 95, 141, 232, 330, 674

Engineering change orders (ECOs), 579

Erase command, 3435

Erase tool, 559

Esc key, 33

Explode command, 56, 113, 576

Explode tool, 56, 113, 560

Extend command, 7475, 340, 632, 646

Extend tool, 560

Extension lines, 359

Extension springs, 555557

Extrude command, 715717, 739

Extrude Faces tool, 745746


Face angle lines, 632

Face editing, 743750

Face width, 619

Family of drawings, 572

Fasteners, 539558

bolts, 539, 541545

head shapes, 541545

hole sizes for, 457458

keys, 553554

nuts, 539, 545548

rivets, 554555

screws, 539545, 550551

setscrews, 551552

springs, 555558

studs, 541

washers, 552553

Feathering, 168

Fillet, 299

Fillet command, 7778, 737, 740741

Fillets, 77, 231, 395

Fillet tool, 77, 740, 741

Finished nuts, 545

First-angle projections, 243246, 583584

First point option, 75

Fixed condition, 455457

Fixed fasteners, 499

Flatness tolerances, 474

Floating condition, 454455

Floating fasteners, 496497

Floating objects, 443

Focus, 142

Font, changing, 63

Form, tolerances of, 474

Freehand lines, 299


Gears, 617636

bevel, 617, 629633

center distance between, 626627

combining, 629

drawing, 619620, 624, 631633

helical, 617, 634635

rack, 617, 636

selecting, 625626

spur, 617620, 624626, 629

terminology, 618619, 629631

types of, 617

worm, 617, 633634

General patterns, 287

Geometric Tolerance dialog box, 480, 481, 485486

Geometric tolerances, 473502

angularism, 491

basic dimension creation, 482483

circularity, 478

cylindricity, 479

datums and, 480, 487488

defined, 473

design problems and, 500502

fixed fasteners and, 499

of flatness, 474

floating fasteners and, 496497

of form, 474

holes and, 484486

with leader lines, 486487

of orientation, 487

parallelism, 490491

perpendicularity, 488490

positional, 482, 485486, 494496

profiles, 491492

runout, 493494

of straightness, 475478

symbols for, 479480, 489

values, defining, 481

virtual conditions and, 496

Gib head keys, 553, 554

Gradients, 293294

Graph paper, 168

Grid command, 3, 1820

Grids, 668670

Grips, 105110

defined, 105

dynamic, 707

extending line length using, 106107

mirroring objects using, 109110

moving objects using, 107108

rotating objects using, 108

scale changes using, 108109

turning off, 105

Grips command, 105

Grips dialog box, 105106


Half sectional views, 297

Halfwidth option, 51

Harmonic motion, 645646

Hatch command, 400, 533, 633

Hatch tool, 288289, 301

Heads, for fasteners, 541545

Height, of text, 63

Helical gears, 617, 634635

Helixes, 144145, 718719

Help dialog box, 56

Hexagon-shaped heads, 541543

Hexagon-shaped nuts, 545547

Hidden layers, 202203

Hidden lines and layers, 199204

Hidden with edges visual style, 708

Hole basis tolerances, 447


callouts, 228231

in castings, 740

choosing a shaft for toleranced hole, 442443

dimensioning, 392394

limit feature tolerance for, 484486

in oblique surfaces, 220222

representations of, 217219

in sectional views, 293

in slanted surfaces, 218220

tolerances and, 441443

Home panels, 5

Horizontal dimensions, 362, 363

Horizontal option, for construction lines, 40

Hyperbolas, 143144


Imprint tool, 751

Inscribe option, 58

Insert dialog box, 111113, 116117, 559

Insert tab, 129

Insert Table dialog box, 79, 81

Insert tool, 110, 115, 119, 132

Interference fits, 446

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 243, 370371

Intersect command, 721722

Intersection drawings, 236237

Intersection tool, 9798, 140, 143, 543, 545

Irregular surfaces, 227228, 334, 397398

ISO. See International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Isometric sketches, 173175


Jogged tool, 405

Join option, 717, 739

Justifying text, 6364


Keys, 400, 553554

Keyseats, 400, 553

Keyways, 400, 553, 554

Knuckle threads, 535536

Knurling, 399400


Lay, of surfaces, 452

Layer control box, 125126

Layer Properties Manager dialog box, 121, 125, 126, 202203

Layer Properties tool, 121, 129, 202

Layers, 120129

changing, 126127, 203204

color and linetype for, 122125

creating, 121122

defined, 120

drawing on, 125126

hidden, 202203

Match tool for, 128

turning off, 129

Layers panel, 121, 202

Layer tool, 203

Leader command, 389

Leader lines, 360, 388391, 486487

creating with text, 388389

drawing curved, 389390

drawing with a dot at its end, 390

Leader Settings dialog box, 390, 486

Leaders panel, 283

Limits command, 18

Limit tolerances, 432435

Linear dimensions, 360, 362367, 378379, 442443

Linear dimension tool, 434

Linear tool, 362364, 384385, 429, 439, 482

Line command, 3133, 646, 692

Line profile tolerances, 491492

Lines, 3142

closed areas, creating, 33

compound, 209

construction, 3842

dynamic inputs for, 3638

erasing, 3435

gripping, 330

length and location of, 3133

moving, 330331

orthographic views, precedence in, 205

rotating, 331

sketching, 168170

snap spacing technique for, 3536

transferring between views, 329331

Line tool, 31, 33, 36

Linetype Manager dialog box, 200201, 284

Linetypes, 122125, 200202

List command, 743

Load box, 201

Load or Reload Linetypes dialog box, 124, 201, 284

Locational tolerances, 489

Locknuts, 545, 547548

Lock washers, 552, 553

Loft tool, 720721

Lower value box, 432, 433, 484


Major diameter, 525

Make Object’s Layer Current tool, 126

Manage Attributes command, 133

Massprop command, 743

Match tool, 128

Material Condition dialog box, 485

Maximum material condition (MMC), 476477, 485486, 489490, 491, 496, 497

Measurement scale, 369

Mechanical tab, 558

Menu Browser, 3, 16, 20, 21, 25, 27

Meshing spur gears, 624

Method box, 431, 484

Middle right option, 64

Midpoint option, 97

Minor diameter, 525

Mirror command, 69, 300

Mirroring objects, 109110

Mleader command, 388391

MMC. See Maximum material condition (MMC)

Modeling. See Solid modeling; 3D Modeling

Modeling panel, 677, 679, 683, 706, 733

Modified uniform motion, 644

Modify box, 47, 79

Modify commands, 105

Modify Dimension Style: Standard dialog box, 368, 369, 373, 482, 484

Modify menu, 693

Modify option, 368

Modify panel, 34, 48, 56, 65, 67, 68, 72, 560

Modify Table Style: Standard dialog box, 79

Modules, gear, 619

Mouse Wheel, 672

Move command, 59, 6567, 74, 134, 300, 326, 486, 624

Move Faces tool, 747

Move option, 138

Move tool, 65, 560, 576, 742

Mtext command, 134, 364, 383, 429

Mtext Edit option, 139

Mtext Properties dialog box, 63

Multileader Style Manager dialog box, 390, 488

Multileader tool, 283285

Multiline Text tool, 5960, 63, 374, 576

Multitext screen, 139


Name box, 111, 112

Nearest option, 102, 107

New command, 3

New Layer box, 122

New Layer tool, 203

New option, 368

New tool, 9, 10, 574, 669

Nominal sizes, 447, 453454

None radio button, 376

Notes, 584

Numbers, drawing, 577

Nuts, 539, 545548


Object Snap dialog box, 93, 94. See also Osnap commands; Osnap tool

Objects radio button, 117

Oblique sketches, 176178

Oblique surfaces

auxiliary views of, 338

orthographic views of, 211212, 220222

Offset command, 329, 330, 631

Offset Faces tool, 747748

Offset sections, 294295

Offset tool, 42, 68

Ogee curves, 141142

Open box, 119, 120, 574

Open command, 2526

Open splines, 51

Options dialog box, 94, 664

Ordinate dimensions, 381383

Ordinate tool, 381, 383

Orientation tolerances, 487

Origin option, 382

Orthographic views, 195246, 751. See also Auxiliary views

of castings, 231233

compound lines in, 209

of cylinders, 222, 224

defined, 195

in dimensioning, 404

drawing standards for, 243245

hidden layers in, 202203

hidden lines in, 199204

holes in, 217222, 228231

of internal thread representations, 533534

of intersection drawings, 236237

irregular surfaces in, 227228

line precedence in, 205

modifying existing parts, 242243

of oblique surfaces, 211212, 220222

positioning of, 196197

projection between, 206207

rounded surfaces in, 214215, 224

slanted surfaces in, 205206, 218220, 224

of thin-walled objects, 234235

third- and first-angle projections, 245246

in 3D Modeling, 690692, 736737

visualization of, 197198

Ortho Mode command, 383, 720

Osnap commands, 93102, 486

accessing, 9394

Apparent Intersection option, 9899

Center option, 99100

cursor box size, 94

Endpoint option, 9395, 141, 232, 330, 674

Intersection option, 9798, 140, 143, 145, 543, 545

Midpoint option, 97, 141, 559

Nearest option, 102

Perpendicular option, 100101

Quadrant option, 100

Snap From option, 9596

Tangent option, 101102, 232, 644, 646, 648

turning on, 94

Osnap tool, 111

Outside diameter, 619

Overdimensioning, 381

Override option, 368


Page Setup Manager dialog box, 16

Page Setup option, 16

Palettes dialog box, 558

Palettes panel, 558

Panels, 56

Paper size box, 16

Parabolas, 142143

Parallel grids, 668670

Parallelism tolerances, 490491

Partial auxiliary views, 336337

Partial sectional views, 297

Parts lists, 581582

Pattern panel, 288

Pdmode, 5859

Pencils, 168

Perpendicularity tolerances, 488490

Perpendicular option, 100101

Perspective grids, 668670

Perspective sketches, 178179

Phantom linetypes, 283

Pickbox, 34

Pick point box, 111, 118

Pictorial drawings, 178


diameter, 618

of knurls, 399

of threads, 526

Plain washers, 552553

Plan view, 664

Point command, 5859

Pointer Input, 38

Polar Array command, 144, 145

Polar Array tool, 7172

Polar dimensions, 398

Polygon command, 57, 541, 715

Polygons, 5758

Polylines, 4751, 135136

Polyline tool, 4750, 135136, 694

Polysolids, 719720

Positional tolerances, 482, 485486, 494495, 496

Pratt & Whitney keys, 553

Precision box, 14, 373, 430, 432, 435, 484

Preferred pitches, 618

Pressure angle, 619

Preview option, 25

Primary Units dialog box, 372

Primary Units option, 373

Print command, 16

Printer/Plotter dialog box, 16

Profile tolerances, 491492

Prompt box, 130

Properties command, 693

Properties dialog box, 127, 284, 366367, 693

Properties option, 63, 127, 202

Properties palette, 202

Proportions, in sketching, 170171


Qleader command, 388391, 486

Quadrant option, 100

Quadrant-sensitive applications, 45

Quick Dimension command, 386387

Quick Properties option, 126, 204, 365


Rack gears, 617, 636

Radius dimensions, 375377, 379, 405

Radius tool, 7, 42, 375

Realistic visual style, 681

Reams, 228, 229

Rectangles, 5657

Rectangular Array tool, 70

Rectangular dimensions, 441

Rectangular views, 222

Redraw All command, 387

Redraw View command, 387

Regardless of feature size (RFS) conditions, 475477, 491

Release blocks, 580581

Release dates, 578

Removed sectional views, 298299

Repeat Construction Line option, 40

Repeat Insert option, 114

Repeat LINE option, 33

Repeat Offset option, 68

RESISTOR block, 113114

Revision blocks, 578579

Revolve tool, 717

RFS. See Regardless of feature size (RFS) conditions

Ribs, 300

Rivets, 554555

Root, 525

Root diameter, 619

Rotate command, 624, 632

Rotate Faces tool, 748

Rotate tool, 7273, 331

Rotation option, 113, 331

Roughness, of surfaces, 452

Rounded shapes

external, 396397

internal, 395396

Rounded surfaces, 214215, 224, 332

Rounds, 231

Runouts, 231

Runout tolerances, 493494


Save As command, 2325

Save command, 2325

Save Drawing As dialog box, 1112, 2324

S-breaks, 299300

Scale, of drawings, 109, 112113, 369, 578

Schematic thread representations, 528, 531533


defined, 539540

hexagon-shaped heads, 541543

shapes of, 550551

square-shaped heads, 543545

S-Curves, 141142

Secondary auxiliary views, 338341, 343

Sectional auxiliary views, 337338

Sectional views, 281301

aligned, 296

breaks in, 299300

of castings, 300301

cutting plane lines in, 283286

defined, 281282

detailed thread representations in, 530531

in dimensioning, 403404

drawing conventions in, 296297

gradients in, 293294

half, partial, and broken out, 297298

Hatch tool for, 288289, 301

holes in, 293

of internal thread representations, 535

location of, 292293

multiple, 295296

offset, 294295

removed, 298299

Section lines, 288, 291292

Select Color dialog box, 122

Select cursor, 34

Select Drawing File dialog box, 119

Select Linetype dialog box, 123, 203

Select Object option, 374375

Select Objects box, 111, 118

Select objects button, 529

Select template dialog box, 24, 10, 574

Set Current option, 368

Setscrews, 551552

Shaded with edges visual style, 744

Shaft basis tolerances, 447

SHAPE block, 112

Shape parameters, 145147

Sheet numbers, 578

Sheet sizes, 1517

Shoulder screws, 558

Simplified thread representations, 528, 533

Single Line option, 392

Sketch command, 297298, 299

Sketching, 167180

curves, 171172

in different orientations, 180

establishing style for, 167

graph paper for, 168

isometric, 173175

lines, 168170

oblique, 176178

pencils for, 168

perspective, 178179

proportions in, 170171

Slanted surfaces, 205206, 218220, 224, 338

Slots, 395

Snap commands, 3, 1820, 141, 328, 706

Snap From option, 9596

Snap option, 40

Snap to Midpoint tool, 97

Solid box, 672

Solid Editing panel, 721, 722, 735, 740, 743751

Solid modeling, 704751

boxes, 672673, 704707, 730

castings, 737741

combining objects in, 727732

cones, 710711, 733734

cubes, 707708

cylinders, 708709, 734735

Extrude command in, 715717

face and edge editing in, 743750

helixes, 718719

Intersect command in, 721722

List command in, 743

Loft tool in, 720721

Massprop command in, 743

polysolids, 719720

Revolve tool in, 717

spheres, 708

Subtract command in, 722725

thread representations in, 741742

torus, 714715

Union command in, 722724

User Coordinate System in, 725727

viewports for orthographic views in, 736737

wedges, 712714, 730731

Solid tab, 684

Specify a point command, 38

Spheres, 708, 709

Spirals, 144

Spline option, 390

Splines, 5152, 135138

Spotfaces, 230231

Springs, 555558

Spur gears

combining, 629

drawing, 619620, 624

meshing, 624

overview, 617

selecting, 625626

terminology, 618619

Square keys, 553

Square-shaped heads, 543545

Square threads, 535536

external, 536537

internal, 537

Standard panel, 48

Standards, drawing, 243245

Standard tolerance values, 371

Star washers, 552, 553

Straightness, defining values for, 481

Straightness tolerances, 475478

Stretch option, 107

Studs, 541

Subtract command, 722725, 740

Surface control symbols, 452453

Surface finishes, 450452

Surface profile tolerances, 491492

Surface texture, 452

Swatch option, 291

Symbol commands, 64

Symbol dialog box, 481, 485

Symbols, 400, 479480, 489

Symbols and Arrows option, 47, 376, 377, 387

Symbols and Arrows tab, 285

Symmetrical method, for tolerances, 431432


Table Command, 7879

Tables, 7981

Table Style dialog box, 79

Table tool, 581

Tabs, defined, 5

Tag box, 129

Tags, 130

Tangent option, 101102, 232, 644, 646, 648

Tangent tangent radius option, 44

Taper Faces tool, 748749

Templates, 2, 574576


adding, 5965

color changes, 65

in dimensioning, 363365, 370371

editing, 138139

font changes, 63

height changes, 63

justifying, 6364

Text alignment box, 371

Text Angle tool, 391

Text dialog box, 61

Text Editor dialog box, 374

Text Editor panels, 63, 364, 367

Text option, 383, 429430

Text Override tool, 366, 430

Text placement box, 370

Text Style dialog box, 80

Thickness command, 692697

Thin-walled objects, 234235

Third-angle projections, 245246

THREAD block, 116

Threads, 525539

acme, 537539

callouts, 526527

orthographic views of, 533534

representations of, 528533

sectional views of, 535

in solid modeling, 741742

square, 536537

terminology, 525526

types of, 535536

3D Basics workspace, 703, 722

3D Modeling. See also Solid modeling

accessing, 670672

editing in, 678679

length and width changes, 678679

orthographic views in, 690692, 736737

Thickness command in, 690697

3-Point tool in, 676

User Coordinate System and, 663, 672673, 676677, 681683, 695

visual errors in, 685

visual styles in, 679681, 704705

3D Modeling workspace, 703704, 716, 722, 731

3D Orbit command, 198

3-Point tool, 44, 676, 725, 730, 731

Thumbnails option, 25

Title blocks, 134135, 576578

Title option, 80

Tolerance blocks, 580

Tolerance format dialog box, 432, 433

Tolerances, 427458. See also Dimensions and dimensioning; Geometric tolerances

angular, 435436

angularism, 491

chain and baseline dimensions and, 438440

defined, 392

design problems and, 453458

deviation method for, 432

direct methods, 427428

double dimensioning and, 437

expressions, 428429

fixed condition of, 455457

floating condition of, 454455

hole locations and, 441442

limit, 432435

linear dimensions and, 442443

plus and minus, 427, 429432

preferred and standard sizes and fits, 449450

rectangular dimensions and, 441

sizes, preferred and standard, 449450

standard, 436437

standard fits (inch values), 448449

standard fits (metric values), 444447

surface finishes and, 450452

symmetrical method for, 431432

Tolerances tab, 431, 433, 484

Tolerance studies, 440441

Tolerance tool, 480, 481, 485

Tolerance values, 371

Tool Palettes tool, 558560

Tools, defined, 8

Tooltips, 9

TopBox option, 676

Top drawings, 572

Torus, 714715

Transition fits, 446

Trim command, 7374, 738

2-Point tool, 43


UCS. See User Coordinate System (UCS)

Undo tool, 35, 48, 113, 683

Unified National Coarse (UNC) standards, 526, 527

Unified National Extra Fine (UNEF) standards, 526, 527

Unified National Fine (UNF) standards, 526, 527

Uniform acceleration/deceleration, 646647

Uniform motion, 643644

Uniform patterns, 287

Unilateral tolerances, 427428

Union command, 722724

Union tool, 684, 685, 735

Upper value box, 431433, 484

User Coordinate System (UCS)

creating, 673674, 696

features of, 664, 672

returning to, 675676

rotating, 681682

saving, 674675

in solid modeling, 725727

3-Point tool for defining, 676677


Value box, 130

Vertical dimensions, 362363

Vertical option, for construction lines, 40

View command, 665666

View Cube, 690

View Manager, 668

View Manager dialog box, 665, 704

Viewpoints, 665667

Viewports, 688690, 736737

Viewports Configuration panel, 736

Views. See Auxiliary views; Orthographic views; Sectional views

Virtual conditions, 496

Visual errors, 685

Visualization, 197198

Visualize tab, 736

Visual styles, 679681, 704705

Visual styles tool, 734


Washers, 552553

Wblocks, 117120

changing size of, 119120

creating, 117119

WCS. See World coordinate system (WCS)

Wedges, 712714, 730731

Whole depth, 619

Width option, 51

Windows Character chart, 65

Wireframe visual style, 680, 741

Woodruff keys, 553554

Working depth, 619

Working drawings, 571585. See also Drawings

assembly drawings, 571573

design layouts for, 584585

detail drawings, 582583

first-angle projection and, 583584

notes for, 584

parts list for, 581582

release blocks for, 580581

revision blocks for, 578579

templates for, 574576

title blocks for, 576578

tolerance blocks for, 580

World coordinate system (WCS), 663666, 670, 675676

World tool, 675, 697, 727, 732, 735

Worm gears, 617, 633634

Write Block dialog box, 117118


X-axis tool, 683, 735

X Scale box, 116


Y-axis tool, 683, 735


Z-axis tool, 683, 731

Zero suppression box, 372

Zoom command, 733

Zoom tool, 728, 739

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