• Face, 5354

  • Facebook, 38

  • Face-giving/saving concerns, 5454, 260261

  • Face threat sensitivity (FTS), 53

  • Face-to-face negotiations, 309311, 314, 325326

  • Facial expressions, 349, 353, 356357

  • Facilitation, 363364

  • Fairness

    • egocentric judgments of, 6266

    • equity principle and, 5859

    • equity restoration and, 5960

    • importance of, 53

    • norms of, 4950

    • principles of, 54

    • procedural justice and, 6061

    • in relationships, 62

    • situation-specific rules of, 5456

    • social comparison and, 5658

    • strikes and, 66

    • variations in views of, 137

  • False conflict, 72

  • False consensus effect, 189

  • Family businesses, 146147

  • Faulty perceptions, 270

  • Feedback

  • Females. See Gender

  • Final-offer arbitration, 109, 362

  • Fixed-pie perception

    • explanation of, 13, 173

    • issues related to, 72, 181

  • Flaming bias, 315316

  • Flattery, 133134

  • Focal points, 16

  • Forked-tail effect, 139

  • Formulation, 363364

  • Fortress story, 187

  • Forum, 110

  • Fractionating negotiations, 180

  • Framing effects, 321

  • Fraternal twin model, 10

  • Fraudulent statements, 161. See also Lying

  • Free riders, 295

  • Friends

  • Friendship

  • Front-page test, 170

  • Functional distance, 132

  • Functional fixedness, 193

  • Fundamental attribution error, 271

  • Future, focus on, 130

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