

Absolute Threshold, 180–181

Access control, 95

Active satellites, 4, 9–10

adaptation_field_control, 124, 125

adaptation_field_extension_length, 137

adaptation_field_length, 136

additional_copy_info, 129

additional_copy_info_flag, 128

Addressing capability, 95

Adelman, Leonard, 107

Adjacent channel interference, caused by rain, 249–254

Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), 237

Advanced Communications Corporation (ACC), 23

allocation, 176

alternate_scan, 160, 161

Altitude control, 10

Amplifiers, 30

power curve for, 31

traveling wave tube (TWT-A), 50

Analog modulation, 255

Analysis Filterbank, 177

algorithm for, 177–178

ancillary_data, 174, 176

Angle modulation, 255

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 115


design of, 44

shaped reflector, 43–44, 45, 46

Antitaping control, 95

aspect_ratio_information, 145

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) packets, 122

AT&T, 9

ATS 1, 15


caused by rain, 243–248

coefficients for, 244

slant range reduction factor for, 246

Audio compression

decoding of, 173, 190–195

encoding of, 172–173, 177–190

issues in, 171

MPEG 4 coding of, 237–238

Audio Frame, 173, 174

components of, 174–176

audio_data, 174, 176

audio_stream_descriptor, 134

Automatic gain control (AGC), 256

AVOs (audio/video objects)

composition of, 234–235

interaction with, 235

multiplexing and synchronization of, 235

representation of, 233


B pictures, 158–159

decoding of, 165

Backoff, 30

backward_f_code, 148

Balewa, Abubakar, 13

BCH (Bose Chaudhuri Hoequemhem) block codes, 59, 69

decoding of, 266–269

generator polynomial of, 265–266

Bent pipe, defined, 28

Berlekamp’s algorithm, 269–271

bidirectional_predictive_coded, 148

Binary n-tuple, defined, 265

bit_rate_extension, 145, 146

bit_rate_value, 145

bitrate_index, of Audio Frame, 174

Block codes, 55–57

decoding of, 57–58

DES as, 101

geometric interpretation of, 58

types of, 59

Blocks, 151

recovery of, 159

Blue Bird, 15

Body stabilization, 16

bound, in Audio Frame, 175, 191

BPSK (binary phase shift keying), 46–47, 256, 257

Broadcast media, standards for, 117

broken_link, 148

BSB, 15

Buffer, 29


C-Band communications, 18–19

CA_descriptor, 134

CA_PID, 134

Carrier, modulation of, 255

CBP (Coded Block Pattern), 159

CCIR 601-1 standard, 142

channel, 176

Charyk, Joseph, 14

Checksum, defined, 273

Chiariglione, Leonardo, 114, 118, 232

Chroma subsampling, 142–143

chroma_format, 146

Chrominance, 141, 142–143, 150

Clarke, Arthur C, 4, 6–8, 19

clock_accuracy_exponent, 135

clock_accuracy_integer, 134, 135

closed_gop, 148

Code Excited Linear Predictive (CELP) coding tools, 237

Code rate, 55

Codebook, 154–155

Codebreakers, The, 96

Coded audio bitstream, 173

Codes. See also names of individual codes and algorithms

block, 55–59

concatenated, 63, 91–92

convolutional, 59–62, 75–79, 84–89

cyclic, 66–69

decoding of, 57–58

interleaving of, 62–63

performance of, 64–66, 87–89, 91–92

punctured, 89–92

Color, coding of, 141

colour_description, 146

colour_primaries, 146

Communications, history of, 3–6

Communism, defeat of, 12

Compact disk (CD), 171


audio, 171–195. See also Audio compression

MPEG standards of, 6, 19

raster vs. symbolic, 229–232

video, 140–169. See also Video compression

Compression layer, 127

Compression ratio, 33

Compressor/multiplexer, 201–203

COMSAT (Communication Satellite Corporation), 14


Concatenated codes, 63

performance of, 91–92

Conditional access (CA)

decoding, 111

encoding for, 101–109, 111

generic system for, 109–110

in MPEG 2 systems, 125

objectives for, 95

Conditional Access Table, 121, 131, 135

conditional_access_section, 130

Conjugate, defined, 263

constrained_parameters_flag, 145

Constraint length, 60

Continental (Loral), DBS channels of, 24

continuity_counter, 125

Convolutional codes, 59–62

encoders for, 75–79

performance of, 84–89

Copy control, 95

copyright, in Audio Frame, 175

copyright_descriptor, 135

Copyright flag, 128

copyright_identifier, 135

CRC. See Cyclical redundancy code

CRC_32 field, 131

crc_check, in Audio Frame, 175

current_next_indicator, 130

Cyclic codes

BCH, 59, 69, 265–269

binary, 66–69

defined, 67

encoding for, 68

Cyclical redundancy code

division to generate, 273–275

sample polynomials to generate, 277

shift register implementation of, 275–276


data_alignment_indicator, 128

Data Encryption Standard (DES), 101

algorithm of, 102–106

history of, 101

triple, 110, 111

DAVIC (Digital Audio Video Council), 109

DBSC of Delaware, DBS channels of, 24

DBS satellites, 16, 17, 18. See also Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) communication system

DBS-1, 15, 16, 17

DBS-3, 17

dc_dct_pred[cc], 160

DCT. See Discrete Cosine Transform

dct_dc_size, 160

Decimation, 184

Decoding, 173, 190–191

of blocks, 159

inverse DCT, 163

inverse quantization, 161–163

inverse scan, 160–161

in IRD, 209

Layer II, 191–195

motion compensation, 163–164

skipped macroblocks, 164–165

of subband samples, 192–194

variable length, 160

decoding_time_stamp, 128

decoding_time_stamp_next_access_unit, 137

Decompression engines, 29

Degree, of polynomial, defined, 261

Deinterleavers, 73–74, 74, 75

Delta rockets, 11

Demodulator, 29, 47, 209

DBS, 260

Demultiplexer, 29

Depolarization, caused by rain, 252–254

DES. See Data Encryption Standard

descriptor_length, 133

descriptor_tag, 133

Digital modulation, 255

Digital Satellite System (DSS™), 29

Digital signatures, 101, 108–109

Digital video, 140–143

chroma subsampling in, 142–143

color in, 141

interlace in, 141–142

standards for, 117

Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) standard, 122

Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) communication system, 5, 6, 19, 28

audio parameters of, 173

conditional access (CA) for, 95–111

energy dispersal and, 39

full CONUS, 23, 24

link analysis of, 34–38

military use of, 228

modulation and demodulation in, 256, 259–260

multiple access and multiplexing in, 29–30, 33

partial CONUS, 23, 24

piracy of, 96

Region 2 frequency plan for, 22

synergy with MPEG, 114

technical overview of, 27–29

throughput of, 31–33

transponder power and configuration for, 31

uplink facilities of, 199–205

weather and, 38

DIRECTV™, 5, 6, 23, 32, 44, 114

discontinuity_counter, 125

discontinuity_indicator, 136

Discrete Cosine Transform, 151, 152

coefficients in, 160

inverse, 163

display_horizontal_size, 146

display_vertical_size, 146

Document Engineering Co. (DECO), 118

Dominion, DBS channels of, 24

drop_frame_flag, 148

DSM_trick_mode_flag, 128

DTS_next_au, 137

Dual LNB power-supply injector, 217

Dual prime mode, 164

DVB standard, 32, 71


Early Bird, 15

Echo satellite, 9

Echostar, DBS channels of, 23, 24

ECM generation, 110

Effects, audio, 238

EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power), 22

Electronic Program Guide (EPG), 211

Elementary Stream Clock Reference (ESCR), 126, 127

Elementary Stream decoders, 125

Elementary Stream Descriptors, 133

elementary_stream_clock_reference, 128

elementary_stream_priority_indicator, 136

elementary_stream_rate, 128

Elementary symmetric functions, 269

Elias codes, 55

emphasis, in Audio Frame, 175


bit allocation in, 184–190

encoding of subband samples in, 189–190

Filterbanks in, 177–178

packet formatting by, 190

Psychoacoustic Model 1 and, 179–184


algorithms for, 101–109

key for, 96

mathematics of, 97–100

Energy dispersal, 39

Entitlement Control Messages (ECM), 127

Entitlement Management Messages (EMM), 110, 127

Error correction

codes for, 55–71

defined, 53, 54

interleavers for, 71–84

performance of, 84–92

error_check, 173, 174

in Audio Frame, 175

Error-location numbers, 271

ESCR_base, 128

ESCR_ext, 128

ESCR_flag, 128

ES_info_length, 133

ES_rate, 127, 128

ES_rate_flag, 128

Euclidean Algorithm, 98

extension of, 99–100

extension_start_code, 144

extension_start_code_identifier, 145

external_clock_reference_indicator, 135

extra_bit_picture, 148

extra_bit_slice, 150


Fax, standards setting for, 115

FEC (forward error correction), 53. See also Error correction

Federal Communications Commission

licensing authority of, 21, 22–23

transponder allocation by, 23–24

Feige, Uriel, 109

FFT analysis, 179

layer II parameter of, 180

Fiat, Amos, 109

Field prediction, 165, 166

field_id, 129

field_motion_type, 165

field_rep_cntrl, 129

Filterbanks, 177

Filtering, in DBS modulation, 259

Forward error correction decoder, 29

forward_f_code, 148

frame_motion_type, 165

Frame prediction, 165, 166–167

frame_rate_code, 145

frame_rate_extension_d, 146

frame_rate_extension_n, 146

frame_rate_value, 146


band allocations, 21–22

band designations, 18–19

Frequency division multiplexing (FDM), 30

frequency_truncation, 129

full_pel_backward_vector, 148

full_pel_forward_vector, 148


Galois fields, 66

construction of, 261–262

properties of, 262–263

Generator matrix, 57

Geostationary satellites, 4, 6, 7–8, 13–15

Geosynchronous satellites, 5, 7–8, 11–13

Global Broadcast Service (GBS), 228

Global Spaceway, 224–227

GOP (group of pictures), 144, 146–148

Group of Pictures header, 144

group_start_code, 144, 148

grouping, 176


Hamming codes, 57, 59

Hamming distance, 59

Hann window, 179

Hash functions, one-way, 108

HDTV (high-definition television), standards for, 117, 118

horizontal_size_extension, 146

horizontal_size_value, 144

HS 601, 16, 17

HS 702, 15

Hudspeth, Thomas, 5

Huffman codes, 154–155, 156

Hughes Aircraft Co., 5, 14, 16

Spaceway satellite of, 221–227

Hybrid coder, 147

Hyland, Lawrence, 5


I pictures, 151–155

decoding of, 164–165

IBM, and DES encryption, 101

ID, of Audio Frame, 174

IEC (International Electrotechnology Commission), 116

Input high-pass filter, 177

INTELSAT (International Satellite Consortium), 14

satellites 1, 2, 4 of, 15

intensity_stereo, in Audio Frame, 175

Interference, caused by rain, 249–254

Interlace, 141–142


of codes, 62–63

Ramsay, 71–75

Intra Blocks, DC component of, 160

intra_coded, 148

intra_dc_precision, 160

intra_quantizer_matrix[64], 145

intra_slice, 150

intra_slice_flag, 149

intra_slice_refresh, 129

Inverse DCT, 163

Inverse quantization, 161–163

Inverse scan, 160–161

Ionosphere, 3

IRD (integrated receiver decoder), 28

architecture of, 209–211

components of, 29, 207–208

electronic program guide of, 211

indoor unit of, 208, 209

menu selection in, 211–217

multiple TV set use of, 215, 217–218

outdoor unit of, 207, 208

report-back feature in, 221

retail price of, 207

Irreducible, defined, 67, 262

ISO (International Standards Organization), 6, 115

address of, 118

organization of, 116

ISO 11172, 118, 119

ISO 13818, 118, 119

ISO_639_language_descriptor, 134

ISO-9000, 115

ITU (International Telecommunications Union), 115

ITU-R, 115

ITU-T, 115


Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1), 116, 117


Kahn, David, 96

Kennedy, John F., 13

Kepler, Johannes, 6

Kepler’s laws, 6–7

Key, encryption, 96

Kingsport, U.S.S., 12

Ka-Band communications, 19

Ku-Band communications, 19


L-Band communications, 19

last_section_number, 131

legal_time_window_flag, 137

legal_time_window_offset, 137

legal_time_window_valid_flag, 137

Level, defined, 140

LNB (low-noise block), 28, 48–50, 208

load_intra_quantizer_matrix, 145

Local oscillator (LO), 209

Low bit rate encoding, 232

low_delay, 146

Low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, 4, 9

ltw_flag, 137

ltw_offset, 137

ltw_valid_flag, 137

Luminance, 141, 142–143, 150


MAC (message authentication codes), 101

macroblock_address_increment, 150

macroblock_escape, 150

macroblock_intra, 167, 168

macroblock_motion_backward, 167, 168

macroblock_motion_forward, 167, 168

Macroblocks, 149, 150–151

defined, 129

skipped, 164–165

marker_bit, 128, 145

Mask-to-noise ratio (MNR), 188

Masking, tonal and nontonal, 184

Masking Threshold, 180

determination of, 181–182

Global, 182–184

matrix_coefficients, 146

Maximum bitrate descriptor, 135

MCI, DBS channels of, 23, 24

MD4 hash function, 108

MD5 hash function, 108

Message authentication, 108

Message digest, 108

Minimal polynomial, defined, 263

Mismatch control, 162

mode, of Audio Frame, 174

mode_extension, in Audio Frame, 175

Modulation, 46–49

DBS, 256, 259

defined, 255

Modulator, of DBS uplink facility, 203–205

Modulo arithmetic, 97–98

Moore, Gordon, 19

Moore’s law, 19

Morse code, 154

Motion compensation, 156–157, 158

in decoding, 163–164

Motion vectors, coding of, 167–169

motion_vertical_field_select, 169

MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group), 6, 114

background of, 118

history of, 116–118

MPEG 1 audio compression. See Audio compression

MPEG 1 standard, 19, 117

MPEG 1 systems, packet length in, 122

MPEG 2 standard, 19, 32, 114, 117–118

MPEG 2 systems

backward compatibility of, 202–203

demultiplexing in, 126

multiplex-wide operations in, 125–126

packet length in, 122–123

program specific information in, 130–136

stream-specific operations in, 126–129

synchronization in, 126–127

timing model in, 125

transport streams in, 120–121

MPEG 2 video compression

decoding of, 159–165

details of, 151–159

prediction modes in, 165–169

structure of, 144–151

MPEG 3 standard, 117


audio, 237–238

history and background of, 232–233

technical details of, 235–240

treatment of AVOs by, 233–235

video standards of, 238–240

MPEG systems, roles of, 119–120

MPEGl_MPEG2_identifier, 129

MPSK (M-ary Phase Shift Keying), 256, 258


enabling technology for, 232–233

MPEG 4 and, 232

Multiple access, 29

Multiplexing (MUX), 29

statistical, 33, 204

techniques of, 30

Multiswitch, 218


NBS (National Bureau of Standards), 101

Network Information Table, 121, 135

network_PID, 132, 135

Newton’s identities, 269

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), 101

NSA (National Security Agency), 101

NTSC (National Television Systems Committee), 115

NVOD (near video on demand), 33


One-way hash functions, 108

OPCR_flag, 136

OPTUS-B, 15–16

Orbital positioning, 10

Orbital slots, maximizing, 33

original/copy, in Audio Frame, 175

original_or_copy, 128

original_program_clock_reference_base, 137

original_program_clock_reference_extension, 137

original_stuff_length, 129


P pictures, 155–158

decoding of, 165

packet_field_length, 129

packet_header_field, 129

packet_header_field_flag, 129

packet_start_code_prefix, 127, 129

packet_unit_start_indicator, 124

Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) packets, 27, 121

in multimedia objects, 235

structure of, 127–129

padding_bit, of Audio Frame, 174

padding_byte, 129


Parental lockout, 95

Passive satellites, 4, 9

payload_unit_start_indicator, 124

PCR_flag, 136

PCR_PID, 133

Pearl Harbor, 4

pel_pred_backward[y][x], 164

pel_pred_forward[y][x], 164

pel_pred_opposite_parity, 164

pel_pred_same_parity, 164

PES See Packetized Elementary Stream packets

PES_CRC_flag, 128

PES_extension_field_length, 129

PES_extension_flag, 128

PES_extension_flag_2, 129

PES_header_data_length, 128

PES_packet_data_bytes, 129

PES_packet_length, 128

PES_priority, 128

PES_private_data, 129

PES_private_data_flag, 129

PES_scrambling_control, 128

picture_header, 148

picture_start_code, 144, 148

Pictures. See also Video entries

coding of, 148

decoding of, 159–165

motion compensation in, 156–157, 158

quantization of, 152–153

residual image coding in, 157–158, 159

spatial compression of, 151

spatial transform of, 151–152

subdivisions of, 148–151

piecewise_rate, 137

piecewise_rate_flag, 137

Piracy, 96

pointer_field, 124

Point-to-multipoint, defined, 221

Polynomials, characteristics of, 67–68

Power-sum symmetric functions, 268

PRBS (pseudorandom binary sequence), 39

Prediction, 165, 169

special modes of, 166

of vectors, 167–169

predictive_coded, 148

presentation_time_stamp, 128

previous_PES_packet_CRC, 129

Primitive, defined, 67, 262

priority_breakpoint, 149

Private section, of PSI table, 131, 136

private_bit, of Audio Frame, 174

private_data_byte, 137

private_data_length, 137

private_section, 131, 135, 136

profile_and-level_indication, 146

Profile, defined, 140

Program Association Table, 121, 131–132

Program Clock Reference (PCR), 126

Program definition, 133

Program Map Table, 121, 131, 132–135

Program Specific Information (PSI), 119, 121, 130–136

table parameters for, 131

program_association_section, 130

program_clock_reference_base, 137

program_clock_reference_extension, 137

program_info_length, 133

program_map_PID, 132

program_map_section, 132

program_number, 132, 133

program_packet_sequence_counter_flag, 129

program_packet_sequence_counter, 129

Program_Stream_Map, 127

Progressive display, 142

progressive_sequence, 146

protection_bit, of Audio Frame, 174

PSI. See Program Specific Information

P-STD_buffer_flag, 129

P-STD_buffer_scale, 129

Psychoacoustic algorithm, 177

Psychoacoustic Model

in audio encoding, 172

result of, 179

SPL calculation in, 179–180

PTS_DTS_flags, 128

Public key encryption, 101, 106–107

Punctured codes, 89–91

performance of, 91–92


q_scale_type, 162

QPSK (Quaternary Phase Shift Keying), 27, 31, 47–48, 256, 257

PSD for, 259

Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), 256

Quant matrices, 152, 153

quant_scale, 161, 162

Quantization, 152–153

inverse, 161–163

Quantizer scale factors, 162

quantizer_scale_code, 150, 162


Radio frequency subsystem, elements of, 43–51

Radio, standards for, 115


adjacent channel interference and depolarization caused by, 249–254

attenuation by, 243–248

effects of, 254

rate distributions of, 248

region 2 model, 247

required margins for, 46

shaped reflectors and, 43

signal degradation by, 38

and system noise temperature, 249

Ramsay interleavers, 71–73

random_access_indicator, 136

Raster video compression, 229–232

Rate 1/2 codes, 59–62

performance of, 87–89

Reed-Solomon block codes, 27, 59, 69–70

decoding of, 71

Reference picture, 155

Regional Administrative Radio Council (RARC), 21–22

Regional blackout, 95

Registration descriptor, 134

Relay technology, 3, 4

reliability of, 4

Residual image coding, 157–158, 159

Rivest, Ronald, 107, 108

Rosen, Harold, 5, 8, 14, 221

RSA encryption, 101, 107


S-Band communications, 19

sample, 176

samplecode, 176

sampling_frequency, of Audio Frame, 174

Satellite channel, characteristics of, 256

Satellite communications

birth of, 4

Direct Broadcast. See Direct Broadcast Satellite communication system

early history of, 8–10

evolution of, 15–16

hardware elements of, 43–51


active, 4, 9–10

communications bands of, 18–19

geostationary, 4–5, 7–8, 13–15

geosynchronous, 5, 7–8, 11–13

LEO, 4, 9

passive, 4, 9

stabilization of, 16

Saturation function, 162

sb_bound, in Audio Frame, 175

sblimit, in Audio Frame, 175, 191

SC 29 (Subcommittee 29), 116

Scalable coding, in MPEG 4, 239

scalefactor, 176


calculation of, 185

coding of, 185–187

Scene description, in MPEG 4, 239–240

scfsi, 176, 192

Schneier, Bruce, 108

Scientific Atlanta, 109

SCR. See System Clock Reference

seamless_splice_flag, 137

section_length, 130

section_number, 131

section_syntax_indicator, 130

Secure Hash Standard, 108

sequence_end_code, 144

sequence_error_code, 144

sequence_extension, 145

sequence_header_code, 144

Shamir, Adi, 107, 109

Shannon, Claude, 64

Shaped reflector antenna, 43–44, 45, 46

benefits of, 44

Signal-to-mask ratio (SMR), 188

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 188

Skipped macroblocks, 164–165

Sky Cable, 114

Slant range reduction factor, 246

slice_header, 149

slice_start_code, 144

slice_start_code, 149

slice_vertical_position, 149

slice_vertical_position_extension, 149

Slices, 149–150

Sound. See Audio entries

Sound pressure level (SPL), calculation of, 179–180

Sound synthesis, 237, 238


communications system of, 223

global reach of, 224–227

history of, 221

overview of, 222–223

Spatial compression, 151

Spatial frequency, 152

Speech, raster compression of, 230–232

Speech synthesis, 237–238

splice_countdown, 137

splice_type, 137

splicing_point_flag, 136

Sputnik, 8

Stabilization, satellite, 10

Standards, establishment of and need for, 115

Statistical multiplexing (stat MUX), 33, 204

Stream Descriptors, 133

stream_id, 127

stream_type, 133

stuffing_byte, 129, 137

subband, 176

sync_byte, 124

Synchronization, 126–127

SYNCOM satellites, 5, 6, 12, 15

communication by, 11–14

launch of, 11

positioning of, 10

powering of, 11

stabilization of, 10

SYNCOM 1, 11

SYNCOM 2, 5, 11–13

SYNCOM 3, 5, 13

syncword, of Audio Frame, 174


creating, 68, 69

defined, 57

Synthesis Filterbank, 177

algorithm for, 194–195

System clock descriptor, 134

System Clock Reference (SCR), 126

System noise temperature, rain and, 249

system_clock_frequency, 136


table_id, 130

target_background_grid_descriptor, 133, 134

TCI/Tempo, DBS channels of, 24

TDM. See Time division multiplexing

Telecommunications, standards for, 115

Telstar, 9

temporal_reference, 148

Time division multiplexing (TDM), 30

time_code, 148

time_code_minutes, 148

time_code_pictures, 148

time_code_seconds, 148

Tokyo Olympics, broadcast of, 13–14

transfer_characteristics, 146

Transponders, 27–29

bandwidth of, 31–32

power and configuration for, 31

throughput of, 32–33

Transport Stream System Target Decoder (T-STD), 126

Transport Streams, 120–121, 122

packet header of, 123–125

rate of, 123

transport_error_indicator, 124

transport_priority, 125

transport_private_data_flag, 124, 136

transport_scrambling_control, 125

transport_stream_id, 132

Traveling wave tube amplifier (TWT-A), 50

trick_mode_control, 129

TS_program_map_section, 132

Tuner, 29, 209

2001: A Space Odyssey, 7


Unscramblers, 73

Uplink facilities, 199

constituents of, 201

subsystems of, 201–205

User control, 95

user_data_start_code, 144

USSB (United States Satellite Broadcasting), 23

DBS channels of, 24


Variable length code (VLC), 151, 154

Variable length decoding, 160

vbv_buffer_size_extension, 145

vbv_buffer_size_value, 145

vbv_delay, 148

version_number, 130

vertical_size_extension, 146

vertical_size_value, 144

Video compression

concepts in, 140–143

MPEG 2, 144–169

MPEG 4, 238–240

need for, 139

raster, 229–232

standards of, 140

Video objects (VO)

characteristics of, 238–239

interrelationship among, 239–240

scalable coding of, 239

Video sequence, 144

video_format, 146

video_stream_descriptor, 133, 134

video_window_descriptor, 133, 134

Viterbi, Andrew, 79

Viterbi decoding, 62, 63, 79–80

algorithm for, 80–84

in IRD, 209

Voices from the Sky, 8, 19

von Braun, Werner, 8–9


Weighting matrices, 162

Williams, Donald, 5, 10

Williams patents, 10

World Administrative Radio Council (WARC), 21

X-Band communications, 19

Zig zag scan, 154, 155

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