For my wife Erna, who has provided me with unwavering support and encouragement for the last 30 years. No matter how silly my ideas or risky my endeavors, she has been my anchor and safe harbor. She is the love of my life.
For my sons, Geoffrey and Lars; while they have taken different paths in life, they are both fine men in their own right, of whom I am forever proud.
God has poured out abundant grace on my life. Apart from God saving me through the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross, rescuing me from sin and death, this is nowhere more evident than in the instruction and love my parents have shown me.
For my mother; you have been a pillar of support and refuge of care. You have always been there when I needed you, ready with an encouraging word and sage guidance as I weather the storms of life.
For my father; you have taught me what it means to be a man. Your example of sacrifice, diligence, and indefatigable labor for the sake of our family has left an indelible mark on me. If I grow to become half the man you are, I will consider my life well lived.
Soli Deo Gloria
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