

2D games, 43

2D graphics professionals, 35

3D animators, 152

3D artwork, 116–120, 309

3D designers, 38

3D flyarounds, 86

3D games, 43

3D objects, 90

4:3 aspect ratio, 151

16:9 aspect ratio, 151


abbreviations, 167

absolute links, 281, 309

academic history/honors, 168

academic portfolios, xviii, 33, 106

acid–free paper, 97

ACM, 311

Acrobat Professional, 77, 142, 188, 269

Acrobat Reader, 188

acronyms, 165

ActionScript, 191

ActiveX files, 151

ADC, 312

admission portfolios, xviii, 33–34, 106


Acrobat Professional, 77, 142, 188, 269

After Effects, 127, 152, 314

Dreamweaver, 81, 188

Fireworks, 148

Flash. See Flash

Gamma control panel, 126

Illustrator, 77, 188

InDesign, 77, 188, 269

Lightroom, 103

Photoshop. See Photoshop

Premiere, 123, 124

Reader, 77, 188

Adobe Photoshop Restoration & Retouching, 124

Advanced Search option, Google, 62

advertising, 286

After Effects, 127, 152, 314

After Effects for Flash, Flash for After Effects, 314

AIA, 311

AIGA, 57, 80, 311

AKQA, 325

Alexander Isley, Inc., 322

aliases, folder, 100

alumni associations, 60

American Institute of Architects, 311

American Society of Media Photographers, 312

analog-to-digital conversions, 116

animated actions, 219

Animation World Network Television, 308

animators, 41, 230, 266–267


Aperture, 103

Final Cut Pro, 124, 125

Final Cut Studio, 123, 188

iWeb, 187, 188

Keynote, 77, 188

QuickTime. See QuickTime

Aquent, 311

architects, 37–38, 311

architectural designers, 90, 111

architectural presentations, 38

architecture, 200–203, 106–110, 298–300, 225–227, 24, 273–274, 66–69, 44, 176–181, 158–160, 133–134, 270–271

archiving files, 103, 125

Armstrong, Rita, 318

art category, creative professional, 33–36

art directors, 29, 312

Art Directors Club, 312

Art in Context Center for Communications, 310

Art Law Center, 308

art schools, 60

Art to the Nth Power, 33. See also

artifacts, 128

artist statements, 171

artists, fine, 34–35, 310, 308, 35, 192, 325

ArtPostcards service, 310

ArtVitae, 310


for admission portfolios, 33

altering someone else’s, 261

cleaning up digitized, 124–125

derivative, 261–262

digitizing, 120–122

getting permission to use, 255

labeling, 143, 166, 276

licensing, 267

organizing, 98–99

oversized. See oversized artwork

photographing, 97, 99, 115, 116–120

protecting rights to, 265. See also copyright

repurposing, 139–141

shooting 3D, 116–120

storing, 97

viewing on Mac vs. PC, 126

aspect ratio, 151

assessment, 5, 291. See also self–assessment

Association for Computing Machinery, 311

associations, professional, 57, 61, 311–312

attachments, email, 75–77

audience. See target audience

audio codecs, 154

Automator, 104–105

AVI files, 125, 151, 152, 154, 155, 308


backgrounds, 119, 129–130, 221

backups, 75, 96, 103

Batch Process function, Fireworks, 148

BBK Design, 64

BDA, 312

Behance, 80–81, 86, 282, 310, 308

Bennett, Thom, 156–161, 318

biographical information

for book’s contributors, 317–327

including in portfolio, 168–169

blend modes, 140

Blogger, 187

blogs, 82–83, 172–173, 195

blunders, concept, 199

BMP artwork, 101


designing covers for, 18

vs. onscreen content, 208

software self–help, 314–315

Borosky, Michael, 318

Boston University Photographic Resource Center, 283

Braithwaite, Rick, 176–181, 318

Braley, Michael, 143, 144, 319

Braley Design, 143, 144, 319

brand–design specialists, 11, 39, 176, 200


agencies, 11, 200

personal, 230

Broadcast Designers of America, 312

brochure portfolios, 193–194

broken links, 281, 296

browsers. See web browsers

Browsershots, 280–281

Budelmann, Kevin, 64–69, 319

bugs, 280, 281

Building Design Portfolios: Innovative Concepts for Presenting Your Work, 284

bulk renaming, 104–105

business cards, 72, 286


cable modem connections, 146

Cafe Press, 260

Cahan, Bill, 319

Cahan & Associates, 319

Calder, Thane, 200–205, 320

cameras, 116–120, 125

capabilities portfolios, 194

capital letters, 165

captions, 166–167, 171

Caradonio, Jackie, 18, 106, 195


counseling, 60

events, 57

objectives, 168

placement services, 60

websites, 59, 313–314

Cascading Style Sheets, 185. See also CSS

case studies

including in portfolios, 69, 171, 178

by name of site owner/partner

Bennett, Thom, 156–161

Braithwaite, Rick, 176–181

Budelmann, Kevin, 64–69

Calder, Thane, 200–205

Hallman, Jonnie, 22–27

Heasty, David, 132–137

Keramat, Layla, 222–227

Kim, Yang, 64–69

Laffon de Mazières, Emmanuel, 86–91

Laird, Jay, 246–251

Locke, John, 106–111

Loh, Ken, 298–303

Scobie, Will, 44–49

Sinani, Emin, 272–277

Verstegen, Pascal, 272–277

Weigler, Stefanie, 132–137

Williams, Luke, 22–27

by topic

creating written content, 176–181

digitizing files, 132–137

dividing strategy, 86–91

expressing personal style, 44–49

interface design, 222–227

knowing your market, 64–69

partnering, 22–27, 272–277

presenting portfolio, 298–303

reels, 246–251

repurposing/optimizing, 156–161

structural metaphors, 200–205

virtues of organization, 106–111

by website name, 200–205

Emmanuel–, 86–91, 106–111, 298–303, 222–227, 22–27, 246–251, 272–277, 64–69, 44-49, 176–181, 156–161, 132–137

catalog software, 102, 103

catalog thumbnails, 102

catalogs, 18

CD portfolios, 188, 191

CD projects, 19


business-card, 72

distributing portfolio on, 72–74

and frame rate, 154

labeling, 285

and window size, 154

cease and desist order, 256

Cefaratti, Mike, 289, 320

CG Channel, 309

CG Society, 309

channels, 127, 128, 131


portfolio as, 13

self-assessment, 7–9

Cinepak, 151, 154

classic projects, 18–19

client-centric portfolios, 194

clientele, looking for, 54

clip art, 259–260

CloudRaker, 11, 40, 175, 200–205, 320

CMYK bar test, 98

codecs, 151–152, 154

cold–calling, 290

collaborative efforts, 272–277. See also partnering

collages, 260–261

collecting material, 96–97

color combinations, 199

color fidelity, 118

color management, 123

color palette, 219

color profiles, 149

columns, 217, 325, 311

commercial art portfolios, 33

Communication Arts, 30, 63, 80, 311

company research, 53. See also research

company–specific portfolios, 56

compression formats, 126, 151–152, 154

comps, design, 258–259

computer animators, 41

computer graphics, 309

computers, testing portfolio on different, 280

Computing Machinery, Association for, 311

concepts, portfolio, 198–199

confidentiality, xviii, 288–289

connection speeds, 148

consistency, design, 284

contacts, personal, 57–58

content, 163–181

adapting for portfolio, 15–16

avoiding errors in, 164–165

case study, 176–181

creativity in, 32

explaining creative thinking in, 170–173

greeking, 217

importance of, 163

language considerations, 166

legibility of, 218

onscreen vs. print, 208

quality of, 15, 163

quantity of, 15–16

for specific sites, 204–205

Emmanuel–, 90, 111, 300–303, 222–225, 25, 247–248, 274–276, 69, 46–48, 181, 161, 134–136

what to include in, 166–173

writing for target audience, 173

contests, 287

contributors, this book’s, 317–327

copy stands, 115, 119

copyright, 255–271

assignment of, 265–267

contracts/agreements, 267

determining who owns, 263–267

expiration dates, 256

and fair use, 256–258

financial implications of, 263

infringement, 256, 258, 267, 270–271

protecting, 267–271

registering, 267–268

resources, 308

respecting, 258–262

symbol, 268

terminology, 256

copyright-free images, 259

copywriting. See content

Core77, 61, 86, 311

Coroflot, 86, 282, 311

corporate identity designers, 39, 230

Correll, David, 136

cover art, 18

cover letters, 169–170

cover pages, 142–143


digital, 114

and fine art, 35

and technology, 32, 35

Creative Commons, 260

Creative Digital Darkroom, The, 314

Creative Group, 313

Creative Hotlist site, 80

creative influences, 262

creative partnerships, 20–21, 272

creative professionals, 32–43

art category, 33–36

design category, 37–41

game design category, 42–43

motion and interaction category, 41–42

performing artist category, 43

and portfolio mix, 32

creative services portfolio sites, 79–81

creative signature, 31, 44

creative thinking, explaining, 170–173, 30, 313

creativity, in content vs. presentation, 32

credits, 20, 21, 263, 272, 276

critiques, portfolio, 59, 282–283

CSS, 187, 218, 298

CSS Zen Garden, 189–190

curves, 127, 128


DeBabelizer Pro, 146

degrees, professional, 10

delivery/format options, 72–83

email, 75–77

online, 77–83

portable media, 72–75

delivery technology, 186–191

complex movement/interaction, 190–191

instant portfolios, 186

portfolio helpers, 187–189

simple motion/interaction, 190

static websites, 189–190

demo reels, 42, 43, 153, 229, 246–251. See also reels

derivative art, 261–262

Descreen option, 128, 129

description tags, 63

design briefs, 171

design category, creative professional, 37–41

design comps, 258–259

design consistency, 284

design schools, 60, 61, 321

developing portfolios, 85

diary portfolios, 195–196, 197

DigiMarc, 308

digital branding agencies, 11, 200

digital cameras, 116–120, 125

Digital Classroom series, 314

digital craft, 114

digital files

backing up, 96, 103

choosing file type for, 125–126

cleaning up, 124–125

compressing, 126

creating alternate versions of, 100

downsizing, 130

grouping, 99–100

naming/renaming, 100–102, 104–105, 155

optimizing, 144–151

organizing, 99–103

password–protecting, 269

stability of, 98

storing, 97

transferring physical media to, 111. See also digitizing

updating, 103

weeding out, 102

digital photos, 130, 129. See also photographs

digital portfolio. See also portfolio

capturing material for, 111. See also digitizing

case studies. See case studies

choosing structure for, 191

copyright issues. See copyright

delivery/format options, 72–83

delivery technologies, 186–191

flexibility of, 72

getting feedback on, 282–283

goals for, 8, 12

how people judge images in, 114

identifying work in, 166–167

interface design process, 210–219

metaphors, 66, 186, 191–197

navigation. See navigation

organizing artwork/files for, 98–105

presenting, 279, 291–295

vs. printed work, xvii–xviii

promoting, 286–287

quality vs. quantity in, 15–16

reworking, 16

showing 3D pieces in, 116–120

testing, 21, 280–282

types of, xvi–xvii

use of humor in, 173, 174–175

written content for. See content

digital signatures, 269

digital zoom, 117

digitizing, 113–137

3D artwork, 116–120

case study, 132–137

cleaning up after, 124–125

file-type considerations, 125–126

flat art, 120–122

getting help with, 114–116

how to approach, 114

slides/negatives, 123

video tapes, 116, 123–124

directories, 61

disc package, designing, 284–285

disc portfolios, 72–74, 191

discs. See also CDs; DVDs

hybrid, 188

labeling, 285

printing, 285

-R/-RW, 74

discussion groups, 59

dispersing portfolios, 84–85

displacement maps, 140–141

dividing strategy, portfolio, 83–84, 86

DivX codec, 152

Dolby Laboratories, 324

doubling portfolios, 85

download speeds, 148

downloads, testing, 282

downsampling, 130

Dreamweaver, 81, 188

dress code, presentation, 293–294

Dropbox, 77

DSL modem connections, 146

Duggan, Sean, 314

duplicating portfolios, 83

DV codec, 151

DV files, 126

DVD-creation software, 188

DVD Maker, 188

DVD portfolios, 188, 191

DVD projects, 19

DVD-R format, 116

DVD services, 116

DVD Studio Pro, 188

DVDit, 188


distributing portfolio on, 72–74

and frame rate, 154

labeling, 285

testing, 281

transferring video to, 124

and window size, 154


Easter eggs, 181

editing program, professional, 127


checklist, 7

vs. experience, 6

including in résumés, 168

Eisenman, Sara, 284

Eismann, Katrin, 124, 314

Electronic Arts, 324

electronic media projects, 29

Eleven, Inc., 318


contacting target audience via, 288

distributing portfolio via, 75–77

including résumé with, 288–290

signatures, 286

embossing, 141, 21, 86–91

encoders, 151–152

encoding settings, 152–155

environmental-design portfolios, xvii

EPS files, 125

event posters, 19

exhibit designers, 90


vs. education, 6

filling gaps in, 20–21

including in résumés, 168

experience designers, 29, 40

experience portfolios, 197, 200

Expression Media, 103


Facebook, 82, 173

fair use, 256–258

Fast Start feature, 151

feedback, 282–283

Fernandes, Herculano, 236–237, 244, 320

file drawers, 98

file formats, 125–126

file-naming methods, 100–102, 144, 155

file types, 125–126

files. See digital files

film scanners, 115, 123

Final Cut Pro, 124, 125

Final Cut Studio, 123, 188

fine artists, 34–35, 171

fine-arts resources, 309–310

Firefox, 280

Fireworks, 146

Firm List, The, 313, 10, 242, 324

FLA files, 143


content, 89–90

drawbacks, 161

and experience portfolios, 197

FLV video format, 152

internal programming language, 191

mastering, 191

Flash-based websites, 143, 210

flash photography, 117

Flash Player, 152

flatbed scanners, 121–122, 309

Flickr, 16, 36, 37, 78

flow-charting software, 214

flowcharts, 214, 223

FLV files, 152, 153

folder icons, 100–101, 102


creating, 99

linking, 100

naming, 100–102

follow-up, presentation, 295–296

fonts, 218, 279. See also typography

format/delivery options. See delivery/format options

forums, 59, 282, 308–311

Foster, Henry, 73, 320

fps, 154

frame rate, 154

free speech, 257


animators, 41, 266–267

copyright considerations, 264

graphic designers, 39

illustrators, 36

importance of portfolio for, xvi

vs. independent contractors, 264

multimedia designers, 40

photographers, 35–36

production developers, 41

videographers, 41–42

and work-for-hire projects, 265–267

Fron, Janine, 192

FTP sites, 77


Gallery of 3D, 309

gallery portfolios, xvii, 192–193

gallery presentations, hosted, 82

gallery sites, 82, 193

GamaSutra, 310

game art, 42

game artists, 43

game-design resources, 310

game designers, 42–43, 172, 230, 248

game programmers, 42–43, 310

gamma settings, 126

Garbage In=Garbage Out, 114

Gaussian Blur filter, 129

GDNet Lounge, 310

Geduld, Marcus, 314

generalists, 230–231

Georgia typeface, 218

GIF files, 146, 147, 150

GIGO, 114


assessing, 6

checklist, 8

importance of, 12

long-term vs. short-term, 12

Goldfarb Associates, Roz, 313, 318

Google, 60–62, 187, 271, 313

Gottesman, Deb, 294, 106–111, 323

graduate school portfolios, 34

grammatical errors, 164–165

graphic artists, 36, 312

Graphic Artists Guild, 312

Graphic Arts, American Institute of, 57

Graphic-arts resources, 310–311

Graphic Design, Society for Professional, 57

graphic designers, 29, 39, 59

Graphis, 63

greeking, 217

group portfolios, 20

group sites, 308–311

grouping files, 99–100

grouping schemes, interface design, 211–213, 217, 223

groups, discussion, 57. See also forums

Gunnar Swanson Design Office, 326


Hallman, Jonnie, 22–27, 193, 321

Harrington, Richard, 314

HD encoding, 152

headlines, 218

headshots, 144

Heasty, David, 132–137, 321

helpers, portfolio, 187–189

hint tracks, 151

histograms, 127

Hoefig, Nancy, 321

Holzschlag, Molly E., 314

honors, academic, 168

hosted gallery presentations, 82

HTML, 190

humor, 173, 174–175, 199

hybrid discs, 188


ICC color profiles, 149

ICO files, 101

icons, folder, 100–101, 102

ID portfolios, 86

identity design, 132, 136, 230

IDSA, 57, 312

iDVD, 188

illustrations, scanning, 121

Illustrator, 77, 188

illustrator portfolios, 33, 44–49

illustrators, 36

image collages, 260–261

image-compression formats, 126


programs, 127, 128

techniques, 126–131

terms, 128

images. See also photographs

adjusting brightness/contrast in, 128

compressing, 126

copyrighted. See copyright

editing background for, 129–130

eliminating moiré pattern in, 128–129

fixing tonal problems in, 126–127

optimizing, 144–150

quailty considerations, 114

resizing, 130, 146

scanning. See scanning

sharpening, 131

slicing, 146

sources of, 258–259

testing, 282

watermarking, 259, 308

Incase, 322

independent contractors, 264

InDesign, 77, 188, 269

industrial design portfolios, 86

industrial designers, 38, 90

Industrial Designers Society of America, 57, 312

InfoDesign, 313

infringement, copyright, 256, 258, 267, 270–271, 309

instant portfolios, 186

intellectual property, 256, 271

interactive designers, 29, 42, 168

interactive websites, 190–191

interactive wrappers, 38. See also wrappers

interface design, 207–227

avoiding distractions in, 219–221

and book metaphor, 208

case study, 222–227

process, 210–219

typography considerations, 218

interface designers, 29

Internet Archive Wayback Machine, 270–271

Internet Explorer, 149, 280

interpolation, 130

Interview Rehearsal Book, The, 294

invitation-only sites, 80

IPG Art Law Center, 308

iPod-like scroll wheel, 273–274

Isley, Alexander, 322

Issuu, 79, 80, 106, 259

italic fonts, 218

iTunes, 151

iWeb, 187, 188


Jardine, Mark, 303, 39, 76, 325

JavaScript, 190, 191, 298, 314

JavaScript and Ajax for the World Wide Web, 314

jewel cases, 284, 285

job listings, 61, 116, 313–314

job searches, 54

jokes. See humor

JPEG files

and digital cameras, 117, 125

editing, 126

and ICC color profiles, 149

optimizing, 146, 150

vs. raw files, 117, 125

and screen shots, 143

JPG files, 100, 142

K, 298–303, 323

Keramat, Layla, 79, 222–227, 322

key frames, 154

Keynote, 77, 188

Kim, Yang, 64, 322

KISS principle, 219



artwork, 143, 166, 276

disc, 285

Laffon de Mazières, Emmanuel, 21, 75, 86–91, 322

Laird, Jay, 172, 246–251, 323

laptop portfolios, 74–75, 222–225

lawyers, intellectual property, 271, 222–227

leave-behinds, 284, 287, 294–295

legal issues

copyright. See copyright

fair use, 256–258

resources, 308

legal rights, 270

legibility, 284

Leo Burnett Advertising, 327

letters, cover, 169–170

levels, 127, 128

license-free images, 259–260

licensing fees, 260

lighting, 117

Lightroom, 103

line art, 120–122

LinkedIn, 58, 286

linking decisions, 217

links, 281–282, 296, 18, 106, 195

LiveBooks, 81

Locke, John

biographical information, 169, 323

blog site, 18, 106, 195

case study, 106–111

online portfolio, 38, 106

PDF portfolios, 111

Loh, Ken, 169, 298–303, 323

Longo, Kevin, 14, 196, 324

Ludden, Jack, 192, 19, 22–27, 84, 327



Automator app, 104–105

Bulk-renaming feature, 104–105

catalog software, 103

DVD-creation software, 188

flow-charting software, 214

folder icons, 102

portfolio helpers, 187, 188–189

testing portfolio on, 280

Time Machine, 103

video format, 151

video software, 151

viewing artwork on, 126

web browsers, 280

magazines, 63

mail-to links, 296

mailers, 287

mailings, 290–291


displacement, 140–141

site, 214–215, 223, 280

market research, 52–53. See also research

masks, 128

Masson, Terrence, 324

media, portable, 72–75

Media Photographers, American Society of, 312

Media Player, 188

message boards, 59

meta tags, 63

metallic inks, 141

metaphors, portfolio, 66, 186, 191–197, 200

Metaversal Studios, 172, 246–251, 323


Internet Explorer, 149, 280

PowerPoint, 77, 188

Visio, 214

Windows. See Windows

Word, 164–165

mini CDs, 72, 36, 327, 290

modularity, 210

moiré patterns, 123, 128–129, 313

motion and interaction category, creative professional, 41–42

motion graphics professionals, 41–42

MOV files, 125, 151, 153, 154

Movie Maker, 125

MP3 files, 126

MP4 files, 126

MPEG-4 codec, 151

MPEG files, 126

multimedia designers, 40

MySpace, 82


naming files, 100–102, 144, 155

narrative portfolios, 196–197, 200

native files, 125

navigation, 200–203, 86–90, 106–110, 298–300, 225–227, 24, 247–248, 273–274, 64–69

planning, 217

and portfolio metaphor, 191, 44, 176–181, 158–160, 133–134

negatives, digitizing, 123

Negrino, Tom, 314

newsletters, 19

Niederst, Jennifer, 314

Nikon COOLPIX cameras, 117

Noa Studios, 272–277, 326, 327

Nolo Press, 258, 267, 308

Northeastern University, 324


Oakley, 323

objectives, career, 168

OmniGraffle, 214

online contests, 287

online forums. See forums

online portfolios, xvi–xvii, 77–83, 130. See also digital portfolio

optical zoom, 117

optimizing, 144–151

animation files, 155

case study, 156–161

defined, 144

image files, 144–150

purpose of, 144–146

tools, 146

video files, 150–151

ways of approaching, 148

organizations, professional, 57, 61, 311–312


artwork, 98–99

case study, 106–111

digital files, 99–103

samples, 98–99

orphan projects, 258

outreach portfolios, 194, 197

oversized artwork

backup considerations, 96

photographing, 115, 116–120, 140–141

repurposing, 140

scanning, 115

ownership, terms of, 256

Ozkurt, Cemre, 10, 242, 324


package designers, 39

packaging, portfolio, 284–285

page layout grids, 215, 216

page size, 215, 221

paper samples, scanning, 140

paper stock, 97, 284

partnering, 20–27

benefits of, 20

case studies, 22–27, 272–277

your role in, 20–21

password-protected files, 269

PDF files

and 2D images, 77

avoiding scrolling in, 143

file–size considerations, 143

locking, 77

naming, 144

password-protecting, 269

repurposing published work with, 142–144

software for creating, 77, 142

as standard for publishing layouts, 126

tips for creating, 142–144

PDF portfolios, 39, 76, 111, 142

Peachpit Press, 114, 315

Pendaflex folders, 98

People Design, 64–69, 194, 216, 319, 322

performance digital portfolios, 43

performing artists, 43

permissions, 255, 258, 267. See also copyright

personal blogs, 82–83, 172–173. See also blogs

personal branding, 230

personal contacts, 57–58

personal information, 167–169

personal websites, 78

personality, assessing, 6, 9, 14

photo collages, 260–261

photo scanners, 115

photographers, 35–36, 312

Photographers, American Society of Media, 312

Photographic Resource Center, Boston University, 283

photographs. See also images

of 3D pieces, 116–120

optimizing, 146–150

of oversized books, 140–141

resizing, 130

royalty-free, 255

scanning, 113. See also scanning

sharpening, 131


cleaning up digitized art in, 124

combining scanned images in, 115

creating illusion of 3D in, 116

download-speed estimator, 148

fixing tonal problems in, 127

and ICC color profiles, 149

opening raw files in, 125

optimizing features, 146

resizing images in, 130

setting gamma in, 126

slicing feature, 146

squaring up art in, 121

physical portfolios, xvii–xviii. See also portfolio

pixelated images, 120

placeholder text, 217

platforms, testing portfolio on different, 280

players, video, 151–152, 269

PNG files, 126, 146, 150

portable media, 72–75

portfolio. See also digital portfolio

case studies. See case studies

case-study approach to, 69

concepts, 198–199

copyright issues. See copyright

creating company-specific version of, 56

determining mix of elements in, 32

developing, 85

digital vs. physical, xvii–xviii

dispersing, 84–85

dividing, 83–84

doubling, 85

duplicating, 83

expressing personality in, 14

helpers, 187–189

important ingredients in, 31–32

interface design process, 210–219

as marketing tool, 13

metaphors, 66, 186, 191–197

navigation. See navigation

neutralizing, 5

presenting, 279, 291–295

purpose of, xv–xvi, xix, 30–31

reels. See reels

resources, 307–315

reviews, 5, 12, 282–283

in second language, 166

selecting material for, 15–16

for specific professions, 32–43

stretching limits in, 43

target audience for. See target audience

templates, 34, 187

testing, 21, 55, 280–282

understanding goals for, 12

what it’s not, 13

Portfolio feature, Adobe Acrobat Professional, 142

postcards, 290–291, 310

posters, 19, 140

PowerPoint, 77, 188

Premiere, Adobe, 123, 124

presentation programs, 188

presenting portfolio, 279–303

case study, 298–303

designing disc package, 284–285

dress code for, 293–294

following up after, 295–296

hints for, 294

as part of portfolio design, 279

rehearsing prior to, 291–293

testing prior to, 280–282

print designers, xxiii, 29

print portfolios, xvii–xviii, 79, 284

print projects, 140–141, 142–144

printers, disc, 285

prints, scanning, 115

problem-solving, 32

process comments, 171

process work, 32, 40

product designers, xvii, 38, 90

product developers, 41

product packaging, 179

professional associations, 57, 61, 311–312

professional degrees, 10

professional editing programs, 124, 127

professional photographers, 35–36, 312

professionals, creative. See creative professionals

project descriptions, 170

project titles, 166–167

projectors, 74, 292


creating your own, 17

describing, 170

examples of classic, 18–19

recommended number of, 15–16

reworking, 16

showing variety of, 15, 312

promotion, 286–287

protection technologies, 268–271

prototypes, 32, 40, 43

public domain, 256

publication design, 132

publicity, 286


quality control, 21

quality of content, 15

quantity of content, 15–16

QuickTime, 151, 155, 188

QuickTime Pro, 125, 189


-R/-RW discs, 74

RA files, 155

Rabun, Cynthia, 324

Raffile, Kyle, 153, 325

raw files, 117, 125

real estate projects, 19

RealNetworks, 152

RealPlayer, 152, 155

reels, 229–251. See also demo reels

audience sweeteners for, 240–243

case study, 246–251

creating multiple, 243–245

delivery options for, 243–245

developing, 231–234

as exercise in personal branding, 230

and the market, 230–231

purpose of, 229

sequential nature of, 230

structure of, 234–240, 248–251

updating, 251

wrapping, 245

registration, copyright, 267–268

rehearsals, presentation, 291–293

relative links, 282


artwork, 139–141

case study, 156–161

with PDFs, 142–144

resampling, 130

research, 52–63

purpose of, 52

stages, 52–56

tools, 56–63

updating, 63

resizing images, 130

resolution, 121, 122, 123, 130

resources, 307–315

career sites, 313–314

copyright/legal issues, 308

group sites/forums, 308–311

professional organizations, 311–312

software self-help books, 314–315

specialized, 313

résumés, 13, 167–168, 288–290, 297, 44–49, 326

reviews, portfolio, 5, 12, 59, 282–283, 313, 318

Rhode Island School of Design, 312

Richards, Stan, 325

Richards Group, The, 325

rights, assignment of, 265–267

Ring, Jason, 39, 76, 325, 60, 312

RM files, 155

Roxio DVDit, 188

royalty-free images, 255, 259–260

Roz Goldfarb Associates, 313, 318


Safari, 280


collecting, 96

organizing, 98–99

Sandor, Ellen, 35, 192, 325

Sandstrom Design, 176–181, 212, 318

Save for Web and Devices function, 130, 146

scanners, 115, 120–124


books, 115

eliminating moiré pattern when, 128–129

embossed pieces, 141

getting help with, 114

line art, 120–122

metallic inks, 141

negatives, 123

paper samples, 140

prints, 115

recommended book on, 123

resolution considerations, 122, 123

slides, 115, 123

Scanning Negatives and Slides: Digitizing Your Photographic Archives, 123

schematics, 215–219, 225

school projects, 96

Scobie, Will, 37, 44–49, 46, 81, 326

screen shots, 143

screen size, 215

scrolling, 143, 221, 273, 274

seamless backgrounds, 119

search tools, 56–63

alumni associations, 60

books/magazines, 63

forums/directories, 59

Google, 60–62

personal contacts, 57–58

schools/universities, 60

social networking, 58–59

security issues, xviii, 268–269

SEGD, 57, 312

self-assessment, 5–14

challenges of, 5

checklist, 7–9

of goals, 12

importance of, 6

of personality, 14

purpose of, 5

of strengths/weaknesses, 10–12

subjective nature of, 6

of values, 13

self-confidence, 12

self-help books, 314–315

self-publishing sites, 78–79, 286

serif typefaces, 218

Sharpen filter, 131

Shea, Dave, 314


digital, 269

email, 286

Sinani, Emin, 272–277, 326

site maps, 214–215, 223, 280

site navigation. See navigation, 14, 196

sleeves, disc, 285

slicing images, 146

slide scanners, 115, 123

slides, digitizing, 123

slideshows, 77, 103, 187, 188

SMIL format, 152, 155

Smith, Dori, 314

snail mail, sending portfolio via, 290–291

social networking sites, 20, 58–59, 69, 80. See also specific sites

societies, professional, 57, 310. See also associations

Society for Environmental Graphic Design, 57, 312


Easter eggs, 181

Self-help books, 314–315

training, 7, 10

Sorenson codec, 154

soul-searching, 4. See also self–assessment

spec sheets, 193–194

speed, testing, 282

speed estimator, 148

spelling errors, 164–165

Spiekermann, Erik, 218

sRGB profiles, 149


interface design, 210–219

research, 52–56

static websites, 189–190

statistics, 59

stock images, 259–260

Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works, 218

storing original art, 97

storytelling skills, 200

streaming data, 151

strengths, assessing, 7–8, 10–12


portfolio, 191, 200

reel, 234–240, 248–251

student portfolios, 33–34, 38

student projects, 96

students, hiring, 116

studio blogs, 82–83


vs. concept, 198

derivative, 261–262

expressing personal, 44–49

presenting identifiable, 31

style sheets, 185. See also CSS

surveys, 59

Swanson, Gunnar, 326

SWF files, 142, 152, 188, 269


tags, meta, 63

tape reels, 230

tapes, digitizing, 116, 123–124

target audience, 51–69

case study, 64–69

changing, 64

cold-calling, 290

contacting, 287–291

creating projects for different, 17

and portfolio mix, 32

researching, 52–63

and typography, 218

writing for, 173, 156–161, 318

teamwork, 270. See also partnering

technical virtuosity, 41


delivery. See delivery technology

effect on design, 186

and fine art portfolios, 34

merger of art and, 34

protection, 268–271

using inappropriate, 32

templates, portfolio, 34, 187

testing portfolio, 21, 55, 280–282

text. See content

thank-you notes, 296

thumbnails, catalog, 102

TIF/TIFF files, 125, 143

time-and-motion portfolios, 41

Time Machine, 103, 73, 320

tonal problems, 126–127

tonal values, 127

trademarks, 256

traditional portfolios, xvii–xviii. See also portfolio

training vs. experience, 6

transparent overlays, 140

travel prospectus projects, 19

Triboro Associates, 321

Triboro Design, 132–137, 262

tripods, 119

Twitter, 69, 106, 286

typography, 10, 156, 167, 218


Unsharp Mask filter, 131


digital file, 103

portfolio, 25, 26, 296–297

résumés, 297

uppercase words, spell–checking, 165

U.S. Copyright Office, 266–267, 308, 313


values, assessing, 6, 9, 13


in fine artist portfolio, 35

in production specialist portfolio, 41

pros and cons of, 31

in time-and-motion portfolio, 41

Vault, The, 59, 314

Veloso, Bryan, 303

Vernooij, Wip, 42, 326

Verstegen, Pascal, 272–277, 327

VGA adapters, 74

VHS tapes, digitizing, 123–124


codecs, 151

encoders, 151–152

encoding settings, 152–155

formats, 126, 150

optimizing, 150–151

players, 151–152, 188

services, 116

viewing encoded, 151–152

walkthroughs, 90

video-compression formats, 126

video-editing process, 125

video-editing programs, 123, 124, 127

video-sharing sites, 152

video tapes, digitizing, 123–124

videoconferencing, 154

videographers, 41–42

Vimeo, 152

violations, copyright, 270–271

Visio, 214

Visual QuickStart Guides, 114, 314, 315, 324

VUE, 214


watermarks, 152, 259, 269, 308

WAV files, 126

Wayback Machine, 270–271

weaknesses, assessing, 7–8, 10–12

web browsers

and ICC color profiles, 149

testing portfolio on different, 280–281

and video formats, 152

Web Design in a Nutshell, 314

web-publishing programs, 188

web text, 166. See also content


interactive, 190–191

static, 189–190

weighted optimization, 147

Weigler, Stefanie, 132–137, 321

Weiss, Mitch, 36, 327


Western States Arts Federation, 310

white balance, 117, 118–119, 128

white matte backgrounds, 119

wide-angle lenses, 119

Wiley Digital Classroom series, 314

Williams, Luke

biographical information, 22, 327

case study, 22–27

copyright notice, 268

future plans, 26

photographic essay, 27, 84

presentation leave-behinds, 287, 295

window size, 153–154, 157, 209


bulk-renaming feature, 104

catalog software, 103

DVD-creation software, 188

Expression Media, 103

Flow-charting software, 214

folder icons, 101, 102

and ICC color profiles, 149

Media Player, 151, 155, 188

Movie Maker, 125

portfolio helpers, 188–189

testing portfolio on, 280

video format, 151

viewing artwork on, 126

web browsers, 280, 42, 174, 326

WMV files, 155

Wondershare PPT2Flash Standard, 188

Word, Microsoft, 164–165

work experience. See experience

work-for-hire projects, 96, 264–265

work in process, 32, 40

World Wide Arts Resources, 309

wrappers, 40, 43, 161, 219, 245

writing errors, 164–165

written content. See content, 309


XML, 26, 161


Yahoo discussion groups, 59

YouTube, 42, 78, 152, 308


Zazzle, 260

Zen of CSS Design, The, 314

zoom feature, camera, 117

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