
Debra Levin Gelman is a writer, researcher, designer, and strategist in the field of interactive children’s media. She has worked with clients including PBS Kids, Sprout, Scholastic, Crayola, NBC Universal, and Comcast to create sites, apps, and virtual worlds for kids. She led the research and design of Planet Orange—a financial-literacy site for elementary-school students, teachers, and parents—which won a USA Today Education “Best Bet” award.

Deb held a variety of agency and in-house positions before she landed in the Digital Strategy and Experience Design team at EPAM, where she currently serves as Director of User Experience. She speaks and leads workshops regularly at conferences including WebVisions, IA Summit, IxDA, UX Lisbon, and UXPA, and has written for A List Apart and UX Magazine.

Originally from the Philadelphia, PA area, Deb earned undergraduate degrees in Visual Media and Psychology from American University, and a masters in Information Design and Technology from The Georgia Institute of Technology. She returned to Philadelphia in 2000 where she lives, works, and plays with her amazing husband, Josh, and fabulous daughter, Samantha, who wants to be a princess paleontologist when she grows up.

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