
ExceptObjProc Variable


var ExceptObjProc: Pointer;

function ExceptProc(var Rec: TExceptionRecord): TObject;
begin ... end;
ExceptObjProc := @ExceptProc;


When a Windows exception occurs, Delphi calls the procedure ExceptObjProc points to (if the variable is not nil). The ExceptObjProc function returns a new exception object that corresponds to the Windows exception. If ExceptObjProc is nil or if it returns nil, Delphi lets the Windows exception terminate the application.

The sole argument to the ExceptObjProc function is a pointer to an exception record.

Tips and Tricks

  • The Windows unit defines the TExceptionRecord type. See the Windows Platform SDK documentation to learn about this record.

  • The SysUtils unit sets ExceptObjProc to a function that maps all the Windows exceptions to appropriate Delphi exceptions, e.g., Status_Integer_Overflow becomes an EIntOverflow object.


// Call the ExceptClsProc procedure to get the exception class,
// then create and return the exception object.
function CustomExceptObjFunc(var Rec: TExceptionRecord): TObject;
  Result := CustomExceptClsFunc(Rec).Create;

ExceptObjProc := @CustomExceptObjFunc;

See Also

ExceptClsProc Variable, ExceptProc Variable, TExceptionRecord Type
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