
Default Directive


property Declaration; default;
property Declaration default Ordinal constant;


The default directive has two uses in property declarations:

  • To make an array property the class’s default property

  • To supply a default value for an ordinal-type property

A class can declare one array property as the default property for the class. The default property lets you refer to an object reference as an array without mentioning the property name. For example, TList declares the Items property as its default array property. If List is a variable of type TList, you can refer to a list element as List[Index], which is a shorthand for List.Items[Index]. A class can have only one default property. Derived classes can define a different default property from that of an ancestor class.

An ordinal-type property (integer, enumeration, set, or character type) can list a default value. The default value has no effect on the property’s initial value. Instead, the default value is stored in the class’s RTTI, and Delphi’s design-time and runtime environments use the default value to reduce the size of a .dfm file or resource. Non-ordinal properties (e.g., floating-point, string, class) always use zero (empty string, nil, etc.) as the default value.

Tips and Tricks

  • If you do not specify a default directive, Delphi assumes you mean nodefault and stores the smallest integer (-2,147,483,648) as the property’s default value. A side effect is that you cannot use the smallest integer as a property’s default value. If you do, Delphi interprets it as nodefault.

  • Because the default directive affects only a class’s RTTI, you must write your constructor to set the default value for each property. You can use RTTI to your advantage by reading the default values from the class’s RTTI and setting the object’s default values accordingly, as shown here:

// Set an object's default values by getting those values from
// the class's RTTI. Call this procedure from the constructor
// of any class that uses the default directive.
procedure SetDefaultValues(Obj: TObject);
  tkOrdinal = [tkEnumeration, tkSet, tkInteger, tkChar, tkWChar];
  NoDefault = Low(Integer);
  Count, I: Integer;
  PropList: PPropList;
  // Make sure the class has published properties & RTTI.
  if (Obj <> nil) and (Obj.ClassInfo <> nil) then
    // Get the number of ordinal-type properties
    Count := GetPropList(Obj.ClassInfo, tkOrdinal, nil);
    GetMem(PropList, Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo));
      // Get the ordinal-type properties.
      GetPropList(Obj.ClassInfo, tkOrdinal, PropList);
      for I := 0 to Count-1 do
        // For each property, if the property has a default value,
        // set the property's value to the default.
        if PropList[I].Default <> NoDefault then
          SetOrdProp(Obj, PropList[I], PropList[I].Default);


See the property keyword for examples of using the default directive.

See Also

Class Keyword, Dispinterface Keyword, Interface Keyword, Nodefault Directive, Property Keyword, Read Directive, Stored Directive, Write Directive
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