
Array Keyword


type Name = array[Index type] of Base type;        // static array type
type Name = array[Index type, ...] of Base type;   // static array type
type Name = array of Base type;                   // dynamic array type
Name: array of Base type        // open array as a subroutine parameter
Name: array of const    // open variant array as a subroutine parameter


Delphi has several different kinds of arrays: static arrays, dynamic arrays, and open arrays:

  • A static array is a traditional Pascal array. You can use any ordinal type as an index, and an array can have multiple indices. The size of a static array cannot change at runtime.

  • A dynamic array is an array whose index type is Integer and whose size can change while the program runs. The lower bound of the index is always zero, and the upper bound is set with the SetLength procedure. To copy a dynamic array, call the Copy procedure. Assigning a dynamic array assigns a reference to the array without assigning the array’s contents. Delphi uses reference counting to manage the lifetime of dynamic arrays. Unlike strings, Delphi does not use copy-on-write for dynamic arrays.

  • A subroutine parameter can be an open array. You can pass any static or dynamic array to the subroutine. Delphi passes an additional, hidden parameter that gives the upper bound of the array. The subroutine cannot change the size of a dynamic array that is passed as an open array. Regardless of the index type of the actual array, the open array parameter uses an Integer index type, with zero as the lower bound.

  • A special kind of open array is a variant open array, which is declared as array of const. Each element of the array is converted to a TVarRec record. The most common use for a variant open array is to write a subroutine that takes a variable number of arguments (such as the Format function in the SysUtils unit).

  • An array of AnsiChar, Char, or WideChar is special when the index is an integer range starting from zero. Delphi treats such an array as a string or wide string (unless you disable the $ExtendedSyntax or $X compiler directives), except that you cannot pass a character array to a subroutine that has a var string parameter. You can also pass an array reference as an argument to a subroutine that takes a parameter of type PChar or PWideChar. Delphi automatically passes the address of the first character in the array.

  • Arrays are stored in column-major order, that is, the rightmost subscript varies fastest.


// Append a message to a log file.
// See the example with AssignFile for the other overloaded
// version of the Log procedure.
procedure Log(const Fmt: string; const Args: array of const); overload;
  Log(Format(Fmt, Args));

// Append a random number to a dynamic array of integers.
// Because dynamic arrays and open arrays use the same syntax,
// you must use a named type for the dynamic array parameter.
  TIntArray = array of integer;

procedure AppendRandomInt(var Ints: TIntArray);
  SetLength(Ints, Length(Ints) + 1);
  Ints[High(Ints)] := Random(MaxInt);

  Counter: Integer;
  TestInfo: string;
  Ints: TIntArray;
  I: Integer;
  Log('This is test #%d: %s', [Counter, TestInfo]);
  for I := 1 to 10 do

See Also

Copy Procedure, High Function, Length Function, Low Function, PAnsiChar Type, PChar Type, PWideChar Type, SetLength Procedure, Slice Function, Type Keyword, TVarRec Type, $ExtendedSyntax Compiler Directive, $X Compiler Directive
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