
Constructor Keyword


type Class declaration
  constructor Name;
  constructor Name(Arguments...);


A constructor is a special kind of method. If you call a constructor using a class reference, Delphi creates a new instance of that class, initializes the instance, and then calls the constructor proper. If you call a constructor using an object reference, Delphi calls the constructor as an ordinary method.

A natural consequence of Delphi’s rules is that a constructor can call another constructor of the same class or call an inherited constructor. The call uses an object reference (namely, Self) so the constructor is called as an ordinary method.

When called using a class reference, Delphi calls the NewInstance method to create the instance. TObject.NewInstance allocates memory for the new object and fills that memory with all zeros, but you can override NewInstance to create the object in a different manner.

Tips and Tricks

  • A common error for new Delphi programmers is to call a constructor using an object-type variable. Rather than creating the object, such a call invariably results in access violations because the object reference is most likely invalid. The compiler can warn you about such errors if you enable compiler warnings in the project options. For example:

  ObjRef: TSomething;
  ObjRef.Create;                 // wrong
  ObjRef := TSomething.Create;   // right
  • If you are writing an abstract base class, and the constructor is virtual so you can write a class factory, do not make the constructor abstract. Derived classes should always call an inherited constructor, but if the constructor is abstract, that isn’t possible. If the abstract base class has nothing to do in its constructor, you should supply a constructor that does nothing except call an inherited constructor. For example,

constructor TAbstractBaseClass.Create;
  inherited Create;
  • Always call an inherited constructor. Even if you know that the inherited constructor does nothing (such as TObject.Create), you should call it. The overhead of calling the inherited constructor is small, but the potential payback is enormous. Imagine, for example, that a future revision to the class changes its base class. The new base class constructor might do something important. Even if the base class remains the same, the base class constructor might change from doing nothing to doing something. Changing a base class during code maintenance should be easy, and should not require a laborious search through all derived class constructors, checking to see whether they call an inherited constructor.

See Also

Class Keyword, Destructor Keyword, Inherited Keyword, TObject Type
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