
IOResult Function


function IOResult: Integer;


Delphi has two ways to report an I/O error: runtime errors or the IOResult function. By default, Delphi reports I/O errors as runtime errors, and the SysUtils unit maps runtime errors to exceptions. If you use the $I- or $IOChecks Off directives to turn off I/O runtime errors, Delphi returns the status of input and output operations in the IOResult function. It is the programmer’s responsibility to call IOResult to test the success or failure of each I/O procedure or function call.

IOResult returns zero for success or an error code for failure. The error code might be a Windows error code, or one of the following Delphi error codes.

Error Number



Read past end of file.


Disk is full.


AssignFile has not yet been called.


The file is closed.


File not open for input.


File not open for output.


Incorrectly formatted input for Read.

After you call IOResult, the I/O result code is reset to zero. IOResult is a real function.

Tips and Tricks

  • Each thread keeps its own I/O result code, so be sure to call IOResult in the context of the correct thread.

  • It is the programmer’s responsibility to call IOResult after each I/O routine. If you don’t check IOResult, a subsequent I/O call can overwrite the old error code with a new one.

  • The SysUtils unit maps I/O errors to the EInOutError exception. This exception class maps only a few I/O error codes to strings. In a real application, you should catch EInOutError and map the error code yourself. For example, you might use the following as an application OnException handler:

procedure TForm1.AppEventsException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
  sEOF         = 'Attempt to read past end of file';
  sNotAssigned = 'File not assigned';
  sNotOpen     = 'File not open';
  sNotRead     = 'File not open for input';
  sNotWrite    = 'File not open for output';
  sBadRead     = 'Input format error';
  if E is EInOutError then
    case EInOutError(E).ErrorCode of
    100: E.Message := sEOF;
    101: E.Message := SysErrorMessage(Error_Disk_Full);
    102: E.Message := sNotAssigned;
    103: E.Message := sNotOpen;
    104: E.Message := sNotRead;
    105: E.Message := sNotWrite;
    106: E.Message := SBadRead;
    else E.Message := SysErrorMessage(EInOutError(E).ErrorCode);


// Create a directory. If the directory already exists, do nothing.
procedure CreateDir(const Dir: string);
  TErrorProc = procedure(Error: integer; Addr: Pointer);
  Error: Integer;
  {$IOChecks Off}
  {$IOChecks On}
  Error := IOResult;
  if (Error <> 0) and (Error <> Error_Already_Exists) then
    // Some error other than that the directory already exists.
    TErrorProc(ErrorProc)(Error, @CreateDir);

See Also

Append Procedure, AssignFile Procedure, BlockRead Procedure, BlockWrite Procedure, ChDir Procedure, CloseFile Procedure, Eof Function, Eoln Function, Erase Procedure, FilePos Function, FileSize Function, Flush Procedure, MkDir Procedure, Read Procedure, ReadLn Procedure, Rename Procedure, Reset Procedure, Rewrite Procedure, RmDir Procedure, Seek Procedure, SeekEof Function, SeekEoln Function, SetTextBuf Procedure, Truncate Procedure, Write Procedure, WriteLn Procedure, $I Compiler Directive, $IOChecks Compiler Directive
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