
Dispose Procedure


procedure Dispose(var P: Pointer-type);
procedure Dispose(var P: ^object; Destructor);


Memory that you allocate with New must be freed with Dispose. Dispose quietly ignores an attempt to free a nil pointer. If you try to free a pointer that was already freed or was not allocated by New, the results are unpredictable. Dispose is not a real procedure.

When disposing of an old-style object instance, you can also pass a destructor call as the second argument. Use the destructor name and any arguments it requires.

Tips and Tricks

  • Delphi calls Finalize for you before freeing the memory.

  • After Dispose returns, the pointer P contains an invalid value. If the pointer is not a local variable, be sure to set it to nil.

  • Call FreeMem to free memory allocated by GetMem. Call Dispose to free memory allocated by New.


  PLink = ^TLink;
  TLink = record
    Info: string;
    Next: PLink;
    Previous: PLink;
  FreePattern = Pointer($BAD00BAD);

// Free a link in a doubly linked list.
procedure FreeLink(var Link: PLink);
  Tmp: PLink;
  if Link.Previous <> nil then
    Link.Previous.Next := Link.Next;
  if Link.Next <> nil then
    Link.Next.Previous := Link.Previous;

  // Referring to Link or Link.Next, etc., after freeing Link would
  // be an error. Help detect such errors by storing a particular
  // pointer patter in Link. If the program raises an access
  // violation, and the erroneous pointer is this pattern, the
  // problem is probably caused by a dangling reference to Link.
  Link.Next := FreePattern;
  Link.Previous := FreePattern;
  Tmp := Link;
  Link := FreePattern;

See Also

Finalize Procedure, FreeMem Procedure, IsMultiThread Variable, New Procedure, Object Keyword
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