
SysFreeMem Function


function SysFreeMem(P: Pointer): Integer;


SysFreeMem uses Delphi’s built-in memory manager to free the memory that P points to. It returns zero for success and a non-zero error code if P is invalid or nil.

SysFreeMem is a real function.

Tips and Tricks

  • SysFreeMem is useful if you are writing your own memory manager as a filter and want to call Delphi’s memory manager from your custom memory manager.

  • If you are not implementing a memory manager, use Dispose or FreeMem, not SysFreeMem, to free memory.

  • FreeMem and Dispose already check for a nil pointer, so SysFreeMem doesn’t have to.


// See SetMemoryManager for an explanation of this memory manager.

// Return True if the memory pointed to by PArray is a valid heap block
// and the guard words are intact. Return false for any error.
function GuardsAreOkay(PArray: PIntegerArray; Fill: Boolean): Boolean;
  DelphiInUseFlag = 2;
  MemMgrFlags = 7;
  Size: LongWord;
  // First get the block size. The size is the long word before
  // the start of the block. Delphi sets the size and stores flags
  // in the 3 LSBits. Delphi's format is subject to change in future
  // releases. The middle bit is set for an allocated block.
  PArray := PIntegerArray(PChar(PArray) - SizeOf(Size));
  Size := PArray[0];
  PArray := PIntegerArray(PChar(PArray) + SizeOf(Size));
  if (Size and DelphiInUseFlag) <> DelphiInUseFlag then
    Result := False;

  // Remove Delphi's flag from the size, and subtract the size of
  // Delphi's header.
  Size := Size and not MemMgrFlags - SizeOf(Size);

  // Check the guard words.
  if PArray[0] <> AllocatedGuard then
    Result := False

  // The size includes the 2 guard words, so the last guard word
  // is at the size-1 index.
  else if PArray[Size div GuardSize - 1] <> AllocatedGuard then
    Result := False

    // If we made it this far, the block looks okay.
    Result := True;

    // If the caller requests it (DebugFree does), fill the entire
    // block with the special FreeFill bit pattern, which helps
    // detect problems caused by referring to freed memory.
    if Fill then
      FillChar(PArray^, Size div 2, FreeFill);

    // Change the guard words to FreeGuard even if the caller doesn't
    // want the entire block filled.
    PArray[0] := FreeGuard;
    PArray[Size div GuardSize - 1] := FreeGuard;

// Return zero for success, non-zero for failure.
function DebugFree(Mem: Pointer): Integer;
  PArray: PIntegerArray;
  // Get the pointer to the true start of the memory block.
  PArray := PIntegerArray(PChar(Mem) - GuardSize);

  if not GuardsAreOkay(PArray, True) then
    Result := 1
    Result := SysFreeMem(PArray);

See Also

Dispose Procedure, FreeMem Procedure, FreeMemory Function, GetMemoryManager Procedure, IsMemoryManagerSet Function, IsMultiThread Variable, SetMemoryManager Procedure, SysGetMem Function, SysReallocMem Function, TMemoryManager Type
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