Part III Review

Keep track of your part review progress with the checklist shown in Table P3-1. Details about each task follow the table.


Table P3-1 Part III Part Review Checklist

Repeat All DIKTA Questions

For this task, answer the “Do I Know This Already?” questions again for the chapters in this part of the book using the PCPT software.

Answer Part Review Questions

For this task, answer the Part Review questions for this part of the book using the PCPT software. Refer to the Introduction to this book, in the section “How to View Part Review Questions,” for more details.

Review Key Topics

Review all key topics in all chapters in this part, either by browsing the chapters or by using the Key Topics application on the DVD or companion website.

Create Terminology Mind Map

The chapters in this part weave in and out of different topics. Without looking back at the chapters or your notes, create a mind map with all the terminology you can recall from Part III of the book. Your job is as follows:

Image Think of every term that you can remember from Part III of the book.

Image Organize the terms into these divisions: serial links, PPP/MLPPP, Metro Ethernet, MPLS, Internet access, VPN concepts, GRE, DMVPN, and PPPoE.

Image After you have written every term you can remember into the mind map, review the Key Terms list at the end of Chapters 13 through 15. Add any terms you forgot to your mind map.

Create Command Mind Maps by Category

Part III of this book also introduced both configuration and EXEC commands. Create one mind map (or a section of a larger mind map) for each of the categories of commands in this list:


For each category, think of all configuration commands and all EXEC commands (mostly show commands). For each category, group the configuration commands separately from the EXEC commands.

Appendix E, “Mind Map Solutions,” lists sample mind map answers. If you do choose to use mind map software, rather than paper, you might want to remember where you stored your mind map files. Table P3-2 lists the mind maps for this part review and a place to record those filenames.


Table P3-2 Configuration Mind Maps for Part I Review

Do Labs

Depending on your chosen lab tool, here are some suggestions for what to do in lab.

Pearson Network Simulator: Once the Pearson network simulator has been updated for the 100-105, 200-105, and 200-125 exams, you will see labs for all these topics that are easily found in the “Sort by Chapter” tab of the Sim. Do those labs. (The version of the Sim that existed when this book was released also included labs on GRE and PPP.)

Config Labs: In your idle moments, review and repeat any of the Config Labs for this book part in the author’s blog; launch from and navigate to Hands-On > Config Lab.

Other: If using other lab tools, everything in this section can be tested with a couple of routers. The PPP labs require serial interfaces, while the PPPoE labs require Ethernet interfaces.

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