Part IV Review

Keep track of your part review progress with the checklist in Table P4-1. Details about each task follow the table.


Table P4-1 Part IV Part Review Checklist

Repeat All DIKTA Questions

For this task, use the PCPT software to answer the “Do I Know This Already?” questions again for the chapters in this part of the book.

Answer Part Review Questions

For this task, use PCPT to answer the Part Review questions for this part of the book.

Review Key Topics

Review all key topics in all chapters in this part, either by browsing the chapters or by using the Key Topics application on the DVD or companion website.

Create Command Mind Map by Category

Create a command mind map to help you remember the ACL commands in Chapters 16 and 17. This exercise does not focus on every single parameter of every command, or even their meaning. The goal is to help you organize the commands internally so that you know which commands to consider when faced with a real-life problem or an exam question. Create a mind map with the following categories of commands from this part of the book:

numbered standard IPv4 ACLs, numbered extended IPv4 ACLs, named IPv4 ACLs

Create QoS Terminology Mind Map

Chapter 18, “Quality of Service (QoS),” introduces a large amount of terminology. Without looking back at the chapter or your notes, create a mind map with all the terminology you can recall from Chapter 18. Your job is as follows:

Image Think of every term that you can remember from Chapter 18 of the book.

Image Organize the terms into these divisions: general, classification and marking, queuing, shaping and policing, and congestion avoidance.

Image After you have written every term you can remember into the mind map, review your notes for other terms, or add any terms from this list that you did not happen to add to your mind map:

application signature, Assured Forwarding (AF), AutoQoS, bandwidth, Class of Service (CoS), Class Selector (CS), classification, delay, Differentiated Services (DiffServ), Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), Expedited Forwarding (EF), Integrated Services (IntServ), IP Precedence (IPP), jitter, loss, low latency queue, marking, MPLS Experimental Bits, Network Based Application Recognition (NBAR), one-way delay, policing, policing rate, Priority Code Point (PCP), priority queue, quality of experience (QoE), Quality of Service (QoS), queuing, Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), round robin, round-trip delay, shaping, shaping rate, tail drop, TCP synchronization, TCP window, time interval (shaper), traffic class, trust boundary, Type of Service (ToS)

Appendix E, “Mind Map Solutions,” lists sample mind map answers. If you do choose to use mind map software, rather than paper, you might want to remember where you stored your mind map files. Table P4-2 lists the mind maps for this part review and a place to record those filenames.


Table P4-2 Configuration Mind Maps for Part IV Review

Do Labs

Depending on your chosen lab tool, here are some suggestions for what to do in lab:

Pearson Network Simulator: If you use the full Pearson CCNA simulator, focus more on the configuration scenario and troubleshooting scenario labs associated with the topics in this part of the book. These types of labs include a larger set of topics, and work well as Part Review activities. (See the Introduction for some details about how to find which labs are about topics in this part of the book.)

Config Labs: In your idle moments, review and repeat any of the Config Labs for this book part in the author’s blog; launch from and navigate to Hands-On > Config Lab.

Other: If using other lab tools, here are a few suggestions: When building ACL labs, you can test with Telnet (port 23), SSH (port 22), ping (ICMP), and traceroute (UDP) traffic as generated from an extra router. So, do not just configure the ACL; make an ACL that can match these types of traffic, denying some and permitting others, and then test.

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