9.3 Equivalent Labelings for Trellis Encoders

Conventionally, CM designs based on CENCs either optimize the encoder for a constellation labeled by a SP labeling (TCM), or simply connect an encoder designed for binary transmission with the BRGC (BICM). Of course, none of these approaches is optimal. Instead, a joint optimization over the labeling universe c09-math-0445 (see Section 2.5.2) and the CENC universe c09-math-0446 (see Section 2.6.1) should be performed. This problem is very difficult, even for the simplest cases. As an example, we consider the design of a trellis encoder based on an c09-math-0447 CENC with c09-math-0448 and an c09-math-0449-ary constellation. In this case, the labeling universe includes c09-math-0450 different binary labelings and the CENC universe (discarding catastrophic encoders) includes about c09-math-0451 encoders.5 An exhaustive search for this quite simple configuration would require checking about 6 billion combinations of encoders and labelings.

In this section we address the problem of the joint design of the CENC and the labeling for a trellis encoder, which, based on the analysis in the previous sections, can be used in combination with a BICM decoder. The analysis is based on a classification of binary labelings, which allows us to formally prove that in any trellis encoder the NBC can be replaced by many other labelings (including the BRGC) without causing any performance degradation, provided that the encoder is properly selected. This is also used to explain the asymptotic equivalence between BICM-T and TCM presented in Section 9.2.3.

9.3.1 Equivalent Trellis Encoders

We have seen in Fig. 9.4 that if the interleaver is removed in BICM, its performance over the AWGN channel is improved. Moreover, we showed that in terms of MED, a properly designed BICM-T performs asymptotically as well as TCM (see Tables 9.3 and 9.4). The transmitters for TCM andBICM-T for the c09-math-0453-state (overall constraint length c09-math-0454) CENC are shown in Fig. 9.5 (a) and c, respectively. A careful examination of the results in Table 9.3 reveals that the optimal trellis encoder found when analyzing BICM-T, in fact, is equivalent to the one proposed by Ungerboeck 30 years ago. For a 4PAM constellation, Ungerboeck's SP labeling (NBC) can be generated using the BRGC plus one binary addition (which we call transform) applied to its inputs, as shown in Fig. 9.5 (b) (see also Example 2.12). If the transform is included in the mapper, the encoder in Fig. 9.5 (a) is obtained, while if it is included in the CENC, the trellis encoder in Fig. 9.5 (c) is obtained. This equivalence also applies to encoders with larger number of states6 and simply reveals that for 4PAM a TCM transceiver based on the BRGC will have identical performance to Ungerboeck's TCM if the encoder is properly modified, where the modification is the application of a simple transform.


Figure 9.5 Three equivalent trellis encoders: (a) encoder for TCM, (b) equivalent encoder, and (c) encoder for BICM; (a) Ungerboeck's CENC c09-math-0456 from Table 9.4 and the NBC; (c) Optimal CENC c09-math-0457 Table 9.3 and the BRGC. The trellis encoder in (b) shows how a transformation based on a binary addition can be included in the mapper (to go from (b) to (a)) or in the code (to go from (b) to (c))

To formally study this equivalence, we consider the trellis encoder in Fig. 2.4, where for simplicity we assume that c09-math-0458. For a given constellation c09-math-0459 and overall constraint length c09-math-0460, a CM encoder is fully defined by the CENC matrix c09-math-0461 and the labeling of the constellation c09-math-0462, and thus, a trellis encoder is defined by the pair c09-math-0463. In this section we show how a joint optimization over all c09-math-0464 (i.e., over the CENC universe) and c09-math-0465 (i.e., over the labeling universe) can be restricted, without loss of generality, to a joint optimization over all c09-math-0466 and over a subset of c09-math-0467.

The output of a given trellis encoder c09-math-0468 at time c09-math-0469 depends only on c09-math-0470 information bits. Using (2.90), the transmitted symbol at time c09-math-0471 can then be expressed as

9.51 equation

where c09-math-0473, c09-math-0474 and c09-math-0475, i.e., c09-math-0476, where c09-math-0477 was used in (2.90). From now on, we use the notation c09-math-0478 to explicitly show the dependence of the mapper on the binary labeling c09-math-0479.

The following definition gives a condition for the trellis encoders to be equivalent, where this equivalence implies equivalence in terms of BEP and WEP.

In the following, we use c09-math-0484 to denote the set of all binary invertible c09-math-0485 matrices and c09-math-0486 to denote the set of all reduced column echelon binary matrices (see Definition 2.14) of size c09-math-0487.

Theorem 9.9 shows that a full search over c09-math-0520 and c09-math-0521 will include many pairs of equivalent trellis encoders. Therefore, an optimal trellis encoder with given parameters can be found by searching over a subset of c09-math-0522 and the whole set c09-math-0523 or vice versa. Here we choose the latter approach, searching over a subset of c09-math-0524.

The following theorem will be used to develop an efficient search algorithm we introduce in the next section. For a proof of the following theorem, we refer the reader to the references we provide in Section 9.4.

Theorem 9.10 shows that all binary matrices c09-math-0529 can be uniquely generated by finding all the invertible matrices c09-math-0530 (the set c09-math-0531) and all the different reduced column echelon matrices c09-math-0532 (the set c09-math-0533). In particular, we have

9.55 equation
9.56 equation

In Table 9.5, the values for c09-math-0536 and c09-math-0537 for c09-math-0538 are shown. In this table we also show the number of binary labelings (c09-math-0539), i.e., the number of matrices c09-math-0540 in the labeling universe.

Table 9.5 Number of modified Hadamard classes (c09-math-0541), their cardinality (c09-math-0542), and the total number of labelings (c09-math-0543) for different values of c09-math-0544

c09-math-0545 c09-math-0546 c09-math-0547 c09-math-0548 c09-math-0549 c09-math-0550 c09-math-0551
c09-math-0552 2 4 240 c09-math-0553 c09-math-0554 c09-math-0555
c09-math-0556 1 6 168 20 160 c09-math-0557 c09-math-0558
c09-math-0559 2 24 40 320 c09-math-0560 c09-math-0561 c09-math-0562

A modified Hadamard class is defined as the set of matrices c09-math-0563 that can be generated via (9.54) using the same reduced column echelon matrix c09-math-0564. There are thus c09-math-0565 modified Hadamard classes, each with cardinality c09-math-0566.

As a consequence of Theorems 9.9 and 9.10, the two trellis encoders c09-math-0567 and c09-math-0568 are equivalent for any c09-math-0569 and c09-math-0570, where c09-math-0571 and c09-math-0572 are given by the factorization (9.54). In other words, all nonequivalent trellis encoders can be generated using one member of each modified Hadamard class only, and thus, a joint optimization over all c09-math-0573 and c09-math-0574 can be reduced to an optimization over all c09-math-0575 and c09-math-0576 with no loss in performance. This means that the search space is reduced by at least a factor of c09-math-0577. For example, for c09-math-0578-ary constellations (c09-math-0579), the total number of different binary labelings that must be tested is reduced from c09-math-0580 to c09-math-0581. Moreover, as shown in Section 9.3.4, this can be reduced even further if the constellation c09-math-0582 possesses certain symmetries.

9.3.2 Modified Full Linear Search Algorithm

The problem of finding the set c09-math-0583 of reduced column echelon matrices for a given c09-math-0584 can be solved by using a modified version of the so-called full linear search algorithm (FLSA). Such a modified full linear search algorithm (MFLSA) generates one member of each modified Hadamard class, namely, the labeling that corresponds to a reduced column echelon matrix c09-math-0585. Its pseudocode is shown in Algorithm 1. In this algorithm, the (row) vector c09-math-0586 denotes the decimal representation of the columns of the matrix c09-math-0587. The first labeling generated (line 1) is always the NBC. Then the algorithm proceeds by generating all permutations thereof, under the condition that no power of two (c09-math-0588) is preceded by a larger value. By Definition 2.14, this simple condition assures that only reduced column echelon matrices are generated.

Table 9.6 Output of the MFLSA for c09-math-0621 (read row by row)

01234567 10234567 12034567 12304567 12340567 12345067 12345607 12345670
01243567 10243567 12043567 12403567 12430567 12435067 12435607 12435670
01245367 10245367 12045367 12405367 12450367 12453067 12453607 12453670
01245637 10245637 12045637 12405637 12450637 12456037 12456307 12456370
01245673 10245673 12045673 12405673 12450673 12456073 12456703 12456730
01234657 10234657 12034657 12304657 12340657 12346057 12346507 12346570
01243657 10243657 12043657 12403657 12430657 12436057 12436507 12436570
01246357 10246357 12046357 12406357 12460357 12463057 12463507 12463570
01246537 10246537 12046537 12406537 12460537 12465037 12465307 12465370
01246573 10246573 12046573 12406573 12460573 12465073 12465703 12465730
01234675 10234675 12034675 12304675 12340675 12346075 12346705 12346750
01243675 10243675 12043675 12403675 12430675 12436075 12436705 12436750
01246375 10246375 12046375 12406375 12460375 12463075 12463705 12463750
01246735 10246735 12046735 12406735 12460735 12467035 12467305 12467350
01246753 10246753 12046753 12406753 12460753 12467053 12467503 12467530
01234576 10234576 12034576 12304576 12340576 12345076 12345706 12345760
01243576 10243576 12043576 12403576 12430576 12435076 12435706 12435760
01245376 10245376 12045376 12405376 12450376 12453076 12453706 12453760
01245736 10245736 12045736 12405736 12450736 12457036 12457306 12457360
01245763 10245763 12045763 12405763 12450763 12457063 12457603 12457630
01234756 10234756 12034756 12304756 12340756 12347056 12347506 12347560
01243756 10243756 12043756 12403756 12430756 12437056 12437506 12437560
01247356 10247356 12047356 12407356 12470356 12473056 12473506 12473560
01247536 10247536 12047536 12407536 12470536 12475036 12475306 12475360
01247563 10247563 12047563 12407563 12470563 12475063 12475603 12475630
01234765 10234765 12034765 12304765 12340765 12347065 12347605 12347650
01243765 10243765 12043765 12403765 12430765 12437065 12437605 12437650
01247365 10247365 12047365 12407365 12470365 12473065 12473605 12473650
01247635 10247635 12047635 12407635 12470635 12476035 12476305 12476350
01247653 10247653 12047653 12407653 12470653 12476053 12476503 12476530

9.3.3 NBC and BRGC

Another way of interpreting the result in Theorem 9.9 is that for any trellis encoder c09-math-0617, a new equivalent trellis encoder can be generated using an encoder c09-math-0618 and a labeling c09-math-0619 that belongs to the same modified Hadamard class as the original labeling c09-math-0620. One direct consequence of this result is that any trellis encoder using the NBC labeling can be constructed using the BRGC and an appropriately selected encoder. To clarify this, consider the following example.

The above relation between the NBC and the BRGC is generalized to an arbitrary order c09-math-0628 in the following theorem.

Theorem 9.15 can be understood as follows. Any trellis encoder using the NBC c09-math-0632 and a CENC c09-math-0633 is equivalent to a trellis encoder using the BRGC c09-math-0634 and a CENC c09-math-0635 with c09-math-0636 given by (2.56). Example 9.14 and Theorem 9.15 explain, in part, the results obtained in Section 9.2.3, where it is shown that BICM-T with the optimal encoders and the BRGC perform asymptotically as well as TCM. The “in part” comes from the fact that in BICM-T a (suboptimal) BICM receiver is used while in TCM an ML decoder is used.

9.3.4 c09-math-0637 and c09-math-0638 Constellations

While all the previous results are fully general in the sense that they are valid for any constellation, any memoryless channel, and any receiver, in this section we study well-structured one- and two-dimensional constellations, i.e., c09-math-0639PAM and (c09-math-0640PSK) constellations defined in Section 2.5.

c09-math-0641PAM constellations are symmetric around zero. Because of this, two trellis encoders based on an c09-math-0642PAM constellation, the first one using the labeling c09-math-0643 and the second one using a “reverse” labeling

9.62 equation

are equivalent for any c09-math-0645. This result implies that the number of binary labelings that give nonequivalent trellis encoders is c09-math-0646. To generate only the c09-math-0647 nonequivalent labelings for c09-math-0648PAM, the MFLSA in Algorithm 1 can be modified as follows. Replace c09-math-0649 on lines c09-math-0650 and c09-math-0651 with c09-math-0652, where the integer function c09-math-0653 is defined as c09-math-0654 if c09-math-0655 and c09-math-0656 otherwise. This has the effect of only generating labelings, in which the all-zero label is among the first c09-math-0657positions.

A trellis encoder based on an c09-math-0667PSK constellation is not affected by a circular rotation of its labeling, i.e., without loss of generality it can be assumed that the all-zero label is assigned to the constellation point c09-math-0668. The consequence of this is that for c09-math-0669PSK constellations, the number of reduced column echelon matrices that give nonequivalent trellis encoders is reduced further by a factor of c09-math-0670. For c09-math-0671 the labelings can be obtained from the MFLSA by setting c09-math-0672 in line c09-math-0673, which gives the FLSA.

9.4 Bibliographical Notes

BICM-T was introduced in [1] and later analyzed in detail in [2] for a rate c09-math-0678 encoder and 4PAM, where the performance analysis developed in this chapter as well as the optimal encoders were also introduced. Very recently, it was shown in [3] that for BICM-T, the asymptotic loss in terms of PEP introduced by the suboptimal BICM receiver is bounded by c09-math-0679. Furthermore, [3] also shows that this loss is in fact zero for a wide range of linear codes, including all rate c09-math-0680 CENCs we studied in this chapter.

TCM designs based on SP are considered heuristic [4, pp. 525, 531], [5, Section 3.4], and thus, they do not necessarily lead to an optimal design [6, p. 680]. Indeed, the results in [7, Tables 2–3], [8, Chapter 6; 9] show the suboptimality of using an SP labeling. For a good explanation about this, we refer the reader to [10, Section I]. The problem of using non-SP labelings for TCM has been studied in the literature. In [6, Section 13.2.1], a trellis encoder that uses a rate c09-math-0681 ODS CENC and a 4PSK constellation labeled by the BRGC was presented (see also [11, Example 18.2]). The same configuration was presented in [6, Problem 13–11], where the problem of selecting an appropriate labeling for a given encoder was analyzed. Another example is the so-called pragmatic TCM [12, Section 8.6, 13] (see also [14 15, Section 9.2.4]), where a non-SP labeling was used together with an off-the-shelf MFHD/ODS CENC. For 4PSK, this labeling corresponds to the BRGC, but for larger constellations it is not a Gray labeling (although it has a particular structure). A similar labeling was also used in [16]. A binary labeling for BICM-T was heuristically proposed in [1] for c09-math-0682PAM constellations for c09-math-0683.

The idea of using a Gray labeling and an MFHD CENC in fact dates back to [17 18], which correspond to the first pragmatic TCM approaches. Trellis encoders using a constellation labeled by the BRGC were designed in [7] where a search over CENCs maximizing the MED was performed. In [8, Chapter 6; 9], and in the same spirit of the ODS CENCs, Zhang used a non-Gray non-SP labeling and tabulated trellis encoders with optimal spectrum. Gray-coded TCM codes for fading channels were studied in [19–21].

The classification of labelings is inspired by the one in [22], where the so-called Hadamard classes were used to solve a related search problem in source coding and where the FLSA was also introduced. The modified Hadamard classes introduced in this chapter are narrower than the regular Hadamard classes defined in [22], each including c09-math-0684 reduced column echelon matrices. For a proof of Theorem 9.10, we refer the reader to [23, p. 187, Corollary 1].

The idea of applying a linear transformation to the labeling/encoder was first introduced in [8, Fig. 6.5], (see also [9 24, 25, Chapter 2]). The equivalence between TCM encoders and encoders optimized for the BRGC and the NBC as well as the relationship between the encoders in [2 26] were first pointed out to us by R. F. H. Fischer [27]. In the same way the encoders in [26, Table I], (which we reproduced in Table 9.4) and [2, Table III] are equivalent, it was shown in [25, Chapter 2], that the encoders found in [8, Chapter 6], using a non-Gray labeling are equivalent to those found with a Gray-labeled constellation in [7]. The formalism of using modified Hadamard classes to study the equivalence of trellis encoders was introduced in [28 29], where the MFLSA was also introduced and trellis encoders with optimum distance spectrum were tabulated.

In a related work, Wesel et al. introduced in [10] the concept of edge profile (EP) of a labeling, and argued that in most of the cases, the EP can be used to find equivalent trellis encoders in terms of MED. The EP is also argued to be a good indication of the quality of a labeling for TCM in [10, Section I]; however, its optimality is not proven. Nevertheless, all the labelings found in [28] have optimal EP. This makes us conjecture that good trellis encoders can be found by using the EP of [10] on top of the Hadamard-based classification. This approach would indeed reduce the search space; however, the optimality would not be guaranteed.


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