Chapter 2

In this chapter, we introduce the preliminaries for this book. In particular, we introduce all the building blocks of coded modulation (CM) and bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) transceivers. Although some chapters are more or less self-contained, reading this chapter before proceeding further is highly recommended. This chapter is organized as follows. We introduce the notation convention in Section 2.1 and in Section 2.2 we present a general model for the problem of binary transmission over a physical channel. Coded modulation systems are briefly analyzed in Section 2.3 and the channel models of interest are discussed in Section 2.4. In Section 2.5 constellations and binary labelings are discussed. Finally, in Section 2.6, we review some of the channel codes that will be used later in the book.

2.1 Notation Convention

We use lowercase letters c02-math-0001 to denote a scalar, boldface letters c02-math-0002 to denote a length-c02-math-0003 column vector; both can be indexed as c02-math-0004 and c02-math-0005, where c02-math-0006 denotes transposition. A sequence of scalars is denoted by a row vector c02-math-0007 and a sequence of c02-math-0008-dimensional vectors by

where c02-math-0010.

An c02-math-0011 matrix is denoted as c02-math-0012 and its elements are denoted by c02-math-0013 where c02-math-0014 and c02-math-0015. The all-zeros and the all-ones column vectors are denoted by c02-math-0016 and c02-math-0017, respectively. The sequences of such vectors are denoted by c02-math-0018 and c02-math-0019, respectively. The identity matrix of size c02-math-0020 is denoted by c02-math-0021. The inner product of two vectors c02-math-0022 and c02-math-0023 is defined as c02-math-0024, the Euclidean norm of a length-c02-math-0025 vector c02-math-0026 is defined as c02-math-0027, and the c02-math-0028 (Manhattan) norm as c02-math-0029. The Euclidean norm of the sequence c02-math-0030 in (2.1) is given by c02-math-0031.

Sets are denoted using calligraphic letters c02-math-0032, where c02-math-0033 represents the Cartesian product between c02-math-0034 and c02-math-0035. The exception to this notation is used for the number sets. The real numbers are denoted by c02-math-0036, the nonnegative real numbers by c02-math-0037, the complex numbers by c02-math-0038, the natural numbers by c02-math-0039, the positive integers by c02-math-0040, and the binary set by c02-math-0041. The set of real matrices of size c02-math-0042 (or–equivalently–of length-c02-math-0043 sequences of c02-math-0044-dimensional vectors) is denoted by c02-math-0045; the same notation is used for matrices and vector sequences of other types, e.g., binary c02-math-0046 or natural c02-math-0047. The empty set is denoted by c02-math-0048. The negation of the bit c02-math-0049 is denoted by c02-math-0050.

An extension of the Cartesian product is the ordered direct product, which operates on vectors/matrices instead of sets. It is defined as

where c02-math-0052 for c02-math-0053 and c02-math-0054.

The indicator function is defined as c02-math-0055 when the statement c02-math-0056 is true and c02-math-0057, otherwise. The natural logarithm is denoted by c02-math-0058 and the base-2 logarithm by c02-math-0059. The real part of a complex number c02-math-0060 is denoted by c02-math-0061 and its imaginary part by c02-math-0062, thus c02-math-0063. The floor and ceiling functions are denoted by c02-math-0064 and c02-math-0065, respectively.

The Hamming distance (HD) between the binary vectors c02-math-0066 and c02-math-0067 is denoted by c02-math-0068, the Hamming weight (HW) of the vector c02-math-0069 by c02-math-0070, which we generalize to the case of sequences of binary vectors c02-math-0071 as

i.e., the generalized Hamming weight (GHW) in (2.3) is the vector of HWs of each row of c02-math-0073. Similarly, the total HD between the sequences of binary vectors c02-math-0074 is denoted by c02-math-0075.

Random variables are denoted by capital letters c02-math-0076, probabilities by c02-math-0077, and the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of c02-math-0078 by c02-math-0079. The probability mass function (PMF) of the random vector c02-math-0080 is denoted by c02-math-0081, the probability density function (PDF) of c02-math-0082 by c02-math-0083. The joint PDF of the random vectors c02-math-0084 and c02-math-0085 is denoted by c02-math-0086 and the PDF of c02-math-0087 conditioned on c02-math-0088 by c02-math-0089. The same notation applies to joint and conditional PMFs, i.e., c02-math-0090 and c02-math-0091. Note that the difference in notation between random vectors and matrices is subtle. The symbols for vectors are capital italic boldface while the symbols for matrices are not italic.

The expectation of an arbitrary function c02-math-0092 over the joint distribution of c02-math-0093 and c02-math-0094 is denoted by c02-math-0095 and the expectation over the conditional distribution is denoted by c02-math-0096. The unconditional and conditional variance of a scalar function c02-math-0097 are respectively denoted as

2.4 equation
2.5 equation

The moment-generating function (MGF) of the random variable c02-math-0100 is defined as

2.6 equation

where c02-math-0102.

The notation c02-math-0103 is used to denote a Gaussian random variable with mean value c02-math-0104 and variance c02-math-0105; its PDF is given by

2.7 equation

The complementary CDF of c02-math-0107 is defined as

2.8 equation

We also use the complementary error function defined as

2.9 equation

If c02-math-0110 and c02-math-0111, then c02-math-0112 is a normalized bivariate Gaussian variable with correlation c02-math-0113. Its PDF is given by

2.10 equation

and the complementary CDF by

2.11 equation
2.12 equation

The convolution of two functions c02-math-0117 and c02-math-0118 is denoted by c02-math-0119 and the c02-math-0120-fold self-convolution of c02-math-0121 is defined as

2.13 equation
2.14 equation

For any function c02-math-0124, we also define

2.15 equation
2.16 equation

For any c02-math-0127, with c02-math-0128 and c02-math-0129, the multinomial coefficient defined as

2.17 equation

can be interpreted as the number of all different partitions of c02-math-0131 elements into c02-math-0132 sets, where the partition is defined by the number of elements c02-math-0133 in the c02-math-0134th set. In particular, we have

2.18 equation

2.2 Linear Modulation

In this book, we deal with transmission of binary information over a physical medium (channel) using linear modulation. At the transmitter side, the sequence of independent and uniformly distributed (i.u.d.) bits c02-math-0137 is mapped (encoded) into a sequence of symbols c02-math-0138 which is then used to alter the amplitude of a finite-energy real-valued waveform c02-math-0139 which is sent over the channel. The whole transmitted waveform is then given by

2.20 equation

where c02-math-0141 is the signaling rate, which is proportional to the bandwidth occupied by the transmitted signals. The transmission rate is defined as

2.21 equation


2.22 equation

A general structure of such a system is schematically shown in Fig. 2.1.


Figure 2.1 A simplified block diagram of a digital transmitter—receiver pair

The channel introduces scaling via the channel gain c02-math-0144 and perturbations via the signal (noise) c02-math-0145 which models the unknown thermal noise (Johnson–Nyquist noise) introduced by electronic components in the receiver. The signal observed at the receiver is given by

The general problem in communications is to guess (estimate) the transmitted bits c02-math-0147 using the channel observation c02-math-0148.

We assume that c02-math-0149 varies slowly compared to the duration of the waveform c02-math-0150, that the noise c02-math-0151 is a random white Gaussian process, and that the Nyquist condition for c02-math-0152 is satisfied (i.e., for c02-math-0153, we have: c02-math-0154 if c02-math-0155 and c02-math-0156 if c02-math-0157). In this case, the receiver does not need to take into account the continuous-time signal c02-math-0158, but rather, only its filtered (via the so-called matched filter c02-math-0159) and sampled version. Therefore, sampling the filtered output c02-math-0160 at time instants c02-math-0161 provides us with sufficient statistics to estimate the transmitted sequence c02-math-0162. Moreover, by considering c02-math-0163 waveforms c02-math-0164 that fulfill the Nyquist condition, we arrive at the c02-math-0165-dimensional discrete-time model

where c02-math-0167 and c02-math-0168.

Using the model in (2.24), the channel and part of the transmitter and receiver in Fig. 2.1 are replaced by a discrete-time model, where the transmitted sequence of symbols is denoted by c02-math-0169 and c02-math-0170 is the sequence of real channel attenuations (gains) varying independently of c02-math-0171 and assumed to be known (perfectly estimated) at the receiver. The transmitted sequence of symbols c02-math-0172 is corrupted by additive noise c02-math-0173, as shown in Fig. 2.2.


Figure 2.2 Simplified block diagram of the model in Fig. 2.1 where the continuous-time channel model is replaced by a discrete-time model

The main design challenge is now to find an encoder that maps the sequence of information bits c02-math-0174 to a sequence of vectors c02-math-0175 so that reliable transmission of the information bits with limited decoding complexity is guaranteed. Typically, each element in c02-math-0176 belongs to a discrete constellation c02-math-0177 of size c02-math-0178. We assume c02-math-0179, which leads us to consider the output of the encoder as c02-math-0180-ary symbols represented by length-c02-math-0181 vectors of bits c02-math-0182.

It is thus possible to consider that encoding is done in two steps: first a binary encoder (ENC) generates a sequence of c02-math-0183 code bits c02-math-0184, and next, the code bits are mapped to constellation symbols. We will refer to the mapping between the information sequence c02-math-0185 and the symbol sequence c02-math-0186 as CM encoding. This operation is shown in Fig. 2.3, where the mapper c02-math-0187 is a one-to-one mapping between the length-c02-math-0188 binary vector c02-math-0189 and the constellation symbols c02-math-0190, i.e., c02-math-0191. The modulation block is discussed in more detail in Section 2.5 and the encoding block in Section 2.6. At the receiver, the decoder will use maximum likelihood (ML) decoding, maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding, or a BICM-type decoding; these are analyzed in Chapter 3.


Figure 2.3 A simplified block diagram of the model in Fig. 2.2. The CM encoder is composed of a encoder (ENC) and a mapper (c02-math-0192). The CM decoder uses one of the rules defined in Chapter 3

The rate of the binary encoder (also known as the code rate) is given by

2.25 equation

where c02-math-0194, and thus,

2.26 equation

The CM encoder in Fig. 2.2 maps each of the c02-math-0196 possible messages to the sequence c02-math-0197. The code c02-math-0198 with c02-math-0199 is defined as the set of all codewords corresponding to the c02-math-0200 messages.1 Similarly, we use c02-math-0202 to denote the binary code, i.e., the set of binary codewords c02-math-0203. Having defined c02-math-0204, the sets c02-math-0205 and c02-math-0206 are equivalent: the encoder is a one-to-one function that assigns each information message c02-math-0207 to one of the c02-math-0208 possible symbol sequences c02-math-0209, or equivalently, to one of the corresponding bit sequences c02-math-0210. At the receiver's side, the decoder uses the vector of observations c02-math-0211 to generate an estimate of the information sequence c02-math-0212.

In the following section, we briefly review three popular ways of implementing the encoder–decoder pair in Fig. 2.2 or 2.3.

2.3 Coded Modulation

We use the name coded modulation to refer to transceivers where c02-math-0213. In what follows we briefly describe popular ways of implementing such systems.

2.3.1 Trellis-Coded Modulation

Ungerboeck proposed trellis-coded modulation (TCM) in 1982 as a way of combining convolutional encoders (CENCs) (very popular at that time) with c02-math-0214-ary constellations. Targeting transmission over nonfading channels, TCM aimed at increasing the Euclidean distance (ED) between the transmitted codewords. In order to maximize the ED, the encoder and the mapper c02-math-0215 are jointly designed; Ungerboeck proposed a design strategy based on the so-called labeling by set-partitioning (SP) and showed gains are attainable for various CENCs.

A typical TCM structure is shown in Fig. 2.4, where a CENC with rate c02-math-0216 is connected to an c02-math-0217-ary constellation. The resulting transmission rate is equal to c02-math-0218. At the receiver, optimal decoding (i.e., finding the most likely codeword as in (1.5)) is implemented using the Viterbi algorithm. Throughout this book, we refer to the concatenation of a CENC and a memoryless mapper as a trellis encoder.


Figure 2.4 TCM: The encoder is formed by concatenating a CENC and a mapper c02-math-0219. The ML decoder may be implemented with low complexity using the Viterbi algorithm

2.3.2 Multilevel Coding

Another approach to CM known as multilevel coding (MLC) was proposed by Imai and Hirakawa in 1977 and is shown in Fig. 2.5. The MLC encoder is based on the use of a demultiplexer (DEMUX) separating the information bits into c02-math-0220 independent messages c02-math-0221 which are then encoded by c02-math-0222 parallel binary encoders. The outcomes of the encoders c02-math-0223 are then passed to the mapper c02-math-0224.


Figure 2.5 MLC: The encoder is formed by a demultiplexer, c02-math-0225 parallel encoders, and a mapper. The decoder can be based on MSD or PDL

The decoding of MLC can be done using the principle of successive interference cancelation, known as multistage decoding (MSD). First, the first sequence c02-math-0226 is decoded using the channel outcome according to the ML principle (see (1.5)), i.e., by using the conditional PDF c02-math-0227. Next, the decoding results c02-math-0228 (or equivalently c02-math-0229) are passed to the second decoder. Assuming error-free decoding, i.e., c02-math-0230, the second decoder can decode its own transmitted codeword using c02-math-0231. As shown in Fig. 2.6 (a), this continues to the last stage where all the bits (except the last one) are known.


Figure 2.6 Decoding for MLC: (a) multistage decoding and (b) parallel decoding of the individual levels

Removing the interaction between the decoders and thus ignoring the relationships between the transmitted bitstreams c02-math-0232 results in what is known as parallel decoding of the individual levels (PDL), also shown in Fig. 2.6 (b). Then, the decoders operate in parallel, yielding a shorter decoding time at the price of decoding suboptimality.

In MLC, the selection of the c02-math-0233 rates of the codes is crucial. One way of doing this is based on information-theoretic arguments (which we will clarify in Section 4.4). One of the main issues when designing MLC is to take into account the decoding errors which propagate throughout the decoding process.

2.3.3 Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation

BICM was introduced in 1992 by Zehavi and later analyzed from an information-theoretic point of view by Caire et al. A general BICM system model is shown in Fig. 2.7 where the CM encoder in Fig. 2.3 is realized as a serial concatenation of a binary encoder (ENC) of rate c02-math-0234, a bit-level interleaver c02-math-0235, and a mapper c02-math-0236.


Figure 2.7 The BICM encoder is formed by a serial concatenation of a binary encoder (ENC), a bit-level interleaver (c02-math-0246), and a memoryless mapper (c02-math-0247). The BICM decoder is composed of a demapper (c02-math-0248) that calculates the L-values, a deinterleaver, and a binary decoder (DEC). For a BICM with iterative demapping (BICM-ID) decoder, the channel decoder and the demapper exchange information in an iterative fashion

In the model in Fig. 2.7, any binary encoder can be used. The encoders we consider in this book are briefly introduced in Section 2.6. The interleaver c02-math-0237 permutes the codewords c02-math-0238 into the codewords c02-math-0239. Thus, the interleaver may be seen as a one-to-one mapping between the channel code c02-math-0240 (i.e., all possible sequences c02-math-0241) and the code c02-math-0242. The interleaving is often modeled as a random permutation of the elements of the sequence c02-math-0243 but of course, in practice, the permutation rules are predefined and known by both the transmitter and the receiver. More details about the interleaver are given in Section 2.7. The mapper c02-math-0244 operates the same way as before, i.e., there is a one-to-one mapping between length-c02-math-0245 binary vectors and constellation points.

The BICM decoder is composed of three mandatory elements: the demapper c02-math-0249, the deinterleaver c02-math-0250, and the binary decoder DEC. The demapper c02-math-0251 calculates the logarithmic-likelihood ratios (LLRs, or L-values) for each code bit in c02-math-0252. These L-values are then deinterleaved by c02-math-0253 and the resulting permuted sequence of L-values c02-math-0254 is passed to the channel decoder DEC. The L-values are the basic signals exchanged in a BICM receiver. We analyze their properties in Chapters 3 and 5.

Recognizing the BICM encoder as a concatenation of a binary encoder and an c02-math-0255-ary mapper, the decoding can be done in an iterative manner. This is known as bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding/demapping (BICM-ID). In BICM-ID, the decoder and the demapper exchange information about the code bits using the so-called extrinsic L-values calculated alternatively by the demapper and the decoder. Soon after BICM-ID was introduced, binary labeling was recognized to play an important role in the design of BICM-ID transceivers and has been extensively studied in the literature.

2.4 Channel Models

Although in practice the codebook is obtained in a deterministic way, we model c02-math-0256 as c02-math-0257-dimensional independent random variables with PMF c02-math-0258 (more details are given in Section 2.5.3), which is compatible with the assumption of the codebook c02-math-0259 being randomly generated. Under these assumptions, and omitting the discrete-time index c02-math-0260, (2.24) can be modeled using random vectors

where c02-math-0262 is an c02-math-0263-dimensional vector with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian-distributed entries, so c02-math-0264, where c02-math-0265 is the power spectral density of the noise in (2.23).

The PDF of the channel output in (2.27), conditioned on the channel state c02-math-0266 and the transmitted symbol c02-math-0267, is given by

The channel gain c02-math-0269 models variations in the propagation medium because of phenomena such as signal absorption and fading2 and is captured by the PDF c02-math-0270. Throughout this book, we assume that the receiver knows the channel realization perfectly, obtained using channel estimation techniques we do not cover.

If we use the so-called fast-fading channel model, the channel gain c02-math-0277 is a random variable, so the instantaneous SNR in (2.29) is a random variable as well, i.e.,

2.32 equation

As the average SNR depends on the parameters of three random variables, it is customary to fix two of them and vary the third. For the numerical results presented in this book, we keep constant the transmitted signal energy and the variance of the channel gain, i.e., c02-math-0282 and c02-math-0283.

Each transmitted symbol conveys c02-math-0295 information bits, and thus, the relation between the average symbol energy c02-math-0296 and the average information bit energy c02-math-0297 is given by c02-math-0298. The average SNR can then be expressed as

2.37 equation
2.38 equation

2.5 The Mapper

An important element of the BICM transmitter in Fig. 2.7 is the mapper c02-math-0305, which we show in Fig. 2.8. This mapper, using c02-math-0306 bits as input, selects one of the symbols from the constellation to be transmitted. The mapper is then fully defined by the constellation c02-math-0307 used for transmission and the way the bits are mapped to the constellation symbols. Although in a general case we can use many-to-one mappings (i.e., c02-math-0308), our analysis will be restricted to bijective mapping operations c02-math-0309, i.e., when c02-math-0310.


Figure 2.8 The role of the mapper c02-math-0301 in Fig. 2.7 is to generate the symbols from the constellation c02-math-0302 using c02-math-0303 binary inputs c02-math-0304

2.5.1 Constellation

The constellation used for transmission is denoted by c02-math-0311, and the constellation symbols by c02-math-0312, where c02-math-0313. The difference between two constellation symbols is defined as

The constellation Euclidean distance spectrum (CEDS) is defined via a vector c02-math-0315. The CEDS contains all the c02-math-0316 possible distances between pairs of constellation points in c02-math-0317, where c02-math-0318. The minimum Euclidean distance (MED) of the constellation is defined as the smallest element of the CEDS, i.e.,

where from now on we use c02-math-0320 to enumerate all the constellation points in c02-math-0321.

The input distribution is defined by the vector

For a uniform distribution, i.e., where all the symbols are equiprobable, we use the notation

2.42 equation

We assume that the constellation c02-math-0324 is defined so that the transmitted symbols c02-math-0325 have zero mean

and, according to the convention we have adopted, the average symbol energy c02-math-0327 is normalized as

We will often refer to the practically important constellations pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), phase shift keying (PSK), and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), defined as follows:

  • An c02-math-0335PSK constellation is defined as
    2.45 equation

    where c02-math-0337. In Fig. 2.9, three commonly used c02-math-0338PSK constellations are shown. For 8PSK, we also show the vector c02-math-0339 in (2.39) as well as the MED (2.40). For c02-math-0340, (2.43) and (2.44) are satisfied.

  • An c02-math-0341PAM constellation is defined as
    2.46 equation

    where the CEDS is c02-math-0343 with c02-math-0344. For c02-math-0345,

    2.47 equation

    which guarantees that (2.43) and (2.44) are satisfied.

  • A rectangular c02-math-0347QAM constellation is defined as the Cartesian product of two c02-math-0348PAM constellations, i.e.,
    2.48 equation

    where c02-math-0350, c02-math-0351, and c02-math-0352.

  • A square c02-math-0353QAM is obtained as a particular case of a rectangular c02-math-0354QAM when c02-math-0355. In this case, we have c02-math-0356. Again, for a uniform input distribution c02-math-0357, to guarantee (2.43) and (2.44), we will use the scaling
    2.49 equation

    The MED is c02-math-0359.


Figure 2.9 c02-math-0329PSK constellations c02-math-0330 for (a) c02-math-0331, (b) c02-math-0332, and (c) c02-math-0333. The vector c02-math-0334 in (2.39) and the MED in (2.40) for 8PSK are shown

One of the simplest constellations we will refer to is 2PAM, which is equivalent to 2PSK and is also known as binary phase shift keying (BPSK). Constellations with more than two constellation points are discussed in the following example.


Figure 2.10 c02-math-0362PAM constellations c02-math-0363 for (a) c02-math-0364, (b) c02-math-0365, and (c) c02-math-0366


Figure 2.11 Square c02-math-0367QAM constellations c02-math-0368 for (a) c02-math-0369 and (b) c02-math-0370. The 16QAM constellation is generated as the Cartesian product of two 4PAM constellations (shown in Fig. 2.10 (b)) and the 64QAM as the Cartesian product of two 8PAM constellations (shown in Fig. 2.10 (c))

Up to this point, we have considered the input constellation to be a set c02-math-0383. As we will later see, it is useful to represent the constellation symbols taken from the constellation c02-math-0384 in an ordered manner via the c02-math-0385 matrix c02-math-0386. Using this definition, the elements of c02-math-0387 are c02-math-0388 with c02-math-0389, and the elements of c02-math-0390 are c02-math-0391 with c02-math-0392. This notation will be useful in Section 2.5.2 where binary labelings are defined.

Another reason for using the notation c02-math-0393 for a constellation is that with such a representation, 2D constellations generated via Cartesian products (such as rectangular c02-math-0394QAM constellations) can also be defined using the ordered direct product defined in (2.2). A rectangular c02-math-0395QAM constellation is then defined by the matrix c02-math-0396 formed by the ordered direct product of two c02-math-0397PAM constellations c02-math-0398 and c02-math-0399, i.e.,

The notation used in (2.55) (or more generally in (2.53)) will be used in Section 2.5.2 to formally define the binary labeling of 2D constellations.

We note that although the 4PSK constellation in Fig. 2.9 (a) is equivalent to 4QAM (generated as c02-math-0404), the ordering used in Fig. 2.9 (a) is different, i.e., we use a more natural ordering for c02-math-0405PSK constellations, namely, a counterclockwise enumeration of the constellation points.

2.5.2 Binary Labeling

The mapper c02-math-0406 is defined as a one-to-one mapping of a length-c02-math-0407 binary codeword to a constellation symbol, i.e., c02-math-0408. To analyze the mapping rule of assigning all length-c02-math-0409 binary labels to the symbols c02-math-0410, we define the binary labeling of the c02-math-0411 constellation c02-math-0412 as an c02-math-0413 binary matrix c02-math-0414, where c02-math-0415 is the binary label of the constellation symbol c02-math-0416.

The labeling universe is defined as a set c02-math-0417 of binary matrices c02-math-0418 with c02-math-0419 distinct columns. All the different binary labelings can be obtained by studying all possible column permutations of a given matrix c02-math-0420, and thus, there are c02-math-0421 different ways to label a given c02-math-0422-ary constellation.3 Some of these labelings have useful properties. In the following, we define those which are of particular interest.

According to Definition 2.8, a constellation is Gray-labeled if all pairs of constellation points at MED have labels that differ only in one bit. As this definition depends on the constellation c02-math-0431, a labeling construction is not always available; in fact, the existence of a Gray labeling cannot be guaranteed in general. However, it can be obtained for the constellations c02-math-0432 and c02-math-0433 we focus on.

While Gray labelings are not unique (for a given constellation c02-math-0434, in general, there is more than one c02-math-0435 satisfying Definition 2.8), the most popular one is the binary reflected Gray code (BRGC), whose construction is given below. Throughout this book, unless stated otherwise, we use the BRGC, normally referred to in the literature as “Gray labeling”, “Gray coding”,4 or “Gray mapping”.

In Fig. 2.12, we show how the BRGC of order c02-math-0445 is recursively constructed.


Figure 2.12 Recursive expansions of the labeling c02-math-0446 used to generate the BRGC of order c02-math-0447

The importance of the BRGC is due to the fact that for all the constellations defined in Section 2.5, the BRGC (i) minimizes the bit-error probability (BEP) when the SNR tends to infinity and (ii) gives high achievable rates in BICM transmission for medium to high SNR. More details about this are given in Chapter 4.

Another labeling of particular interest is the natural binary code (NBC). The NBC is relevant for BICM because it maximizes its achievable rates for c02-math-0448PAM and c02-math-0449QAM constellations in the low SNR regime. For c02-math-0450PAM and c02-math-0451QAM constellations, the NBC is also one of the most natural ways of implementing Ungerboeck's SP labeling, and thus, it is very often used in the design of TCM systems.

If we denote the entries of c02-math-0457 and c02-math-0458 by c02-math-0459 and c02-math-0460 for c02-math-0461 and c02-math-0462, we find that c02-math-0463 and c02-math-0464 for c02-math-0465. Alternatively, we have c02-math-0466 for c02-math-0467, or, in matrix notation, c02-math-0468 and c02-math-0469, where

2.56 equation

In (2.59), we highlighted in bold each first nonzero element of the c02-math-0476th row of the labeling matrix. These elements are called the pivots of c02-math-0477, and are used in the following definition.

The matrix c02-math-0482 for c02-math-0483 in Example 2.13 (or more generally c02-math-0484 for any c02-math-0485) is a reduced column echelon matrix while c02-math-0486 is not because it does not fulfill the first condition in Definition 2.14.

Other binary labelings of interest include the folded binary code (FBC) and the binary semi-Gray code (BSGC). These labelings, together with that for the BRGC are shown in Fig. 2.13 for an 8PAM constellation.


Figure 2.13 8PAM labeled constellations: (a) BRGC, (b) NBC, (c) FBC, and (d) BSGC

Square and rectangular c02-math-0487QAM constellations are relevant in practice, and also very popular for BICM systems. In what follows, we describe one of the most common ways of labeling an c02-math-0488QAM constellation using the BRGC. Although we show it for the BRGC, the following way of labeling QAM constellations can also be used with the NBC, FBC, or BSGC. It is also important to notice at this point that to unequivocally define the labeling of a 2D constellation, the use of the ordered constellation points (via c02-math-0489) is needed.

Again, a square c02-math-0503QAM is a particular case of Definition 2.15 when c02-math-0504. One particularly appealing property of this labeling is that the first and second dimension of the constellation are decoupled in terms of the binary labeling. This is important because it reduces the complexity of the L-values' computation by the demapper.


Figure 2.14 Constellations labeled by the BRGC: (a) 4QAM and (b) 16QAM

It is important to note that c02-math-0512 in (2.61) and (2.62) do not coincide with the definition of the BRGC in Definition 2.10. This is because each constituent labeling is a BRGC; however, the ordered direct product of two BRGC labelings is not necessarily a BRGC.


Figure 2.15 16QAM constellation with the M16 labeling

For our considerations, it is convenient to define the subconstellations

2.63 equation

We also define c02-math-0516 where c02-math-0517 as the set of indices to all the symbols in c02-math-0518, i.e., c02-math-0519.


Figure 2.16 Subconstellations c02-math-0527 for 8PAM labeled by the BRGC from Fig. 2.13 (a), where the values of c02-math-0528 for c02-math-0529 are highlighted. The values of c02-math-0530 are also shown

We conclude this section by discussing the labeling by SP, initially proposed by Ungerboeck for TCM. To formally define this idea for a given constellation c02-math-0531 and labeling c02-math-0532, we define the subsets c02-math-0533 for c02-math-0534, where


Additionally, we define the minimum intra-ED at level c02-math-0536 as

2.67 equation

Figure 2.17 Three SP labelings: (a) NBC, (b) SSP, and (c) MSP

2.5.3 Distribution and Shaping

Signal shaping refers to the use of nonequally spaced and/or nonequiprobable constellation symbols. The need for shaping may be understood using an information-theoretic argument: the mutual information (MI) c02-math-0552 can be increased by optimizing the distribution c02-math-0553 in (2.41) for a given constellation c02-math-0554 (probabilistic shaping), by changing the constellation c02-math-0555 for a given c02-math-0556 (geometrical shaping) or by optimizing both (mixed shaping). This argument relates to the random-coding principle, so it may be valid when capacity-approaching codes are used. In other cases (e.g., when convolutional codes (CCs) are used), different shaping principles might be devised because the MI is not necessarily a good indicator for the actual performance of the decoder.

We will assume that c02-math-0557 are independent binary random variables. Sufficient conditions for this independence in the case of CENCs are given in Section 2.6.2. Moreover, even if in most cases the bits are i.u.d., nonuniform bit distributions can be imposed by an explicit injection of additional ones or zeros. This allows us to obtain c02-math-0558, and thus, the entire distribution is characterized by the vector

2.71 equation

The probability of the transmitted symbols is given by

or equivalently, by

2.73 equation

For future use, we define the conditional input symbol probabilities as

2.74 equation
2.75 equation

When the bits are uniformly distributed (u.d.) (i.e., c02-math-0564), we obtain a uniform input symbol distributions, i.e.,


2.77 equation
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