Chapter 6
Performance Evaluation

This chapter describes different methods that can be used to evaluate the performance of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) receivers. We focus on bit-error probability (BEP), symbol-error probability (SEP), and word-error probability (WEP) as performance metrics, as these are often considered relevant in practical systems. We pay special attention to techniques based on the knowledge of the probability density function (PDF) of the L-values we developed in Chapter 5, and in particular to the Gaussian models introduced in Section 5.5.

This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 6.1 we review methods to evaluate the performance for uncoded transmission and in Section 6.2 we study the performance of decoders (i.e., coded transmission). Section 6.3 is devoted to analyzing the pairwise-error probability (PEP), which appears as the key quantity when evaluating coded transmission. Section 6.4 studies the performance of BICM based on the Gaussian approximations of the PDF of the L-values.

6.1 Uncoded Transmission

By uncoded transmission we mean that the channel coding is absent (or is ignored), and thus, the decision on the transmitted symbols is made without taking into account the sequence of symbols (i.e., the constraints on the codewords). We are instead interested in deciding which symbol was transmitted at a given time instant c06-math-0001 using the channel output c06-math-0002. These are “hard decisions” (briefly discussed in Section 3.4) which might eventually be fed to the channel decoder.

The criterion for making a hard decision depends on how it will be used. Probably the simplest and most intuitive approach is to minimize the SEP. Assuming an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and equally likely symbols, we then obtain the expression we already showed in (3.100), i.e.,

Similarly, assuming equally likely bits, to minimize the BEP, the decision on the transmitted bits is

6.2 equation

which can also be expressed as

or in terms of L-values, as

From (6.4) we conclude that a hard decision on the transmitted bits is equivalent to making a decision on the sign of the L-values in (3.50).1

The implementation of (6.3) has a complexity dominated by the calculation of the sum of exponential functions so simplifications may be sought. In particular, we may apply the max-log approximation, which used in (6.3) gives

The hard decision on the bits shown in (6.5) is also equivalent to determining the sign of the L-values calculated via the max-log approximation (i.e., when c06-math-0008 in (6.4) are max-log L-values). This was already shown in (3.106).

As we showed in Theorem 3.17, the decision in (6.5) is equivalent to the decision in (6.1), and thus, we can consider the vector of hard decisions on the bits

where c06-math-0010. Owing to this equivalence we focus on the symbol-wise hard decisions in (6.1), or equivalently, on the bitwise hard decisions in (6.6) based on max-log L-values.

Since the hard decisions are equivalent to a one-bit (sign only) quantization of the L-values, we may continue to view them as a part of the BICM channel, which now becomes a binary-input binary-output channel. Methods for analyzing the performance of such a BICM channel in terms of SEP or BEP for uncoded transmission have been studied in the communication theory community over decades. The main reason for focusing on these quantities is that SEP/BEP for uncoded transmission are relatively easy to obtain compared to similar quantities in coded transmission. The underlying assumption is that systems with the same SEP/BEP will perform similarly when coding/decoding is added. As we will see in Chapter 8, this is, in general not true, as the design of the interleaver may change the performance of the coded transmission, while uncoded transmission is unaffected by interleaving.

6.1.1 Decision Regions

The SEP is defined as

6.7 equation


where the decision region of the symbol c06-math-0014 is defined using (6.1) as

and where c06-math-0017 is given by (3.54).

The set c06-math-0018 is the so-called Voronoi region of the symbol c06-math-0019. In many practically relevant cases, the form of the Voronoi regions can be found by inspection. For example, when the constellation points are located on a rectangular grid (i.e., for c06-math-0020-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (c06-math-0021QAM) constellations) or on a circle (i.e., for c06-math-0022-ary phase shift keying (c06-math-0023PSK) constellations), finding the decision regions c06-math-0024 consists in determining the closest constellation points to the symbol c06-math-0025 along each dimension of the grid. In the case of c06-math-0026QAM there are at most four such symbols, and in the case of c06-math-0027PSK constellations there are only two of them. In the more general case of irregular constellations, the Voronoi regions may be found using numerical routines.


Figure 6.1 Voronoi regions for (a) 16QAM and (b) 8PSK constellations. The Voronoi region c06-math-0031 is highlighted with gray

Let c06-math-0032 be the probability of detecting c06-math-0033 when c06-math-0034 was transmitted, i.e.,

6.13 equation

From now on, we refer to c06-math-0038 as the transition probability (TP).

Using (6.12), the SEP (6.8) can then be expressed as

where to pass from (6.15) to (6.16) we used (6.9).

The BEP for the c06-math-0041th bit was already defined in (3.110) for max-log metrics.2 For exact L-values, we have the following analogous definition

6.17 equation
6.19 equation

where c06-math-0045 are given by (6.3) and (6.4) and the “decision regions” for the c06-math-0046th bit are thus

Similarly, in the case of max-log L-values, for the c06-math-0048th bit in (3.110) with c06-math-0049 given by (6.5), the BEP is expressed as

where the decision regions in this case are

which follows from the fact that c06-math-0052 is the c06-math-0053th bit of the label of the detected symbol via (6.1) (see (6.6)).


Figure 6.2 Decision regions c06-math-0062 (light gray) and c06-math-0063 (dark gray) in (6.20) for 16QAM with the M16 labeling shown in Fig. 2.5: (a) c06-math-0064, c06-math-0065; (b) c06-math-0066, c06-math-0067; (c) c06-math-0068, c06-math-0069; and (d) c06-math-0070, c06-math-0071. The subconstellations c06-math-0072 and c06-math-0073 are indicated, respectively, with white and black circles

The calculation of c06-math-0074 in (6.18) requires integration over the decision region c06-math-0075, i.e.,

6.23 equation

This is in general quite difficult, mainly because c06-math-0077 is defined via nonlinear equations in (6.20) which, moreover, depend on c06-math-0078 (as we showed in Example 6.2).

On the other hand, with the max-log approximation, the decision region c06-math-0079 is the union of the Voronoi regions c06-math-0080 in (6.10), and thus, (i) it is independent of the SNR and (ii) it is defined via linear equations only. The BEP in this case is calculated as

where (6.24) follows from the law of total probability, (6.25) from (6.10) and (6.21), and where the c06-math-0083 is given by (6.12). The BEP averaged over the bits' positions is then defined as

where c06-math-0087 is the Hamming distance (HD) between the binary labels of c06-math-0088 and c06-math-0089, and where to pass from (6.27) to (6.28) we simply reorganized the summations.

From (6.16) and (6.28) we see that once the Voronoi regions c06-math-0090 in (6.10) are found, the challenge of calculating the SEP and BEP is reduced to the calculation of the TPs c06-math-0091 in (6.12). The problem then boils down to efficiently calculating the integral (6.14). This is the focus of the following sections.

6.1.2 Calculating the Transition Probability

Before proceeding further, we express the Voronoi regions in (6.11) using the c06-math-0092 nonredundant inequalities defining c06-math-0093, i.e.,

where the linear forms in this case are

We use an arbitrary variable c06-math-0096 to index the nonredundant inequalities defining the region, and thus, the definitions in (6.29) and (6.30) are similar to those we already used in (5.87) and (5.88).3

We start by analyzing the simplest possible case where only one nonredundant inequality c06-math-0105 exists (i.e., c06-math-0106). In this case, the problem is one-dimensional, and thus, the Voronoi region c06-math-0107 is a half-space. In this case, we express the TP in (6.14) as

where with slight abuse of notation we use c06-math-0109 in c06-math-0110 (without the argument c06-math-0111) to denote the parameters c06-math-0112 and c06-math-0113 defining the linear form c06-math-0114 in (6.30). The TP in (6.31) can be expressed as

where (6.32) follows from the fact that c06-math-0116 is a zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian random variable.

The result shown in Example 6.3 can also be obtained by simple inspection: because the symbol c06-math-0124 is at distance c06-math-0125 from the limit of the decision region c06-math-0126, and the noise c06-math-0127 is Gaussian with variance c06-math-0128, the calculation of c06-math-0129 yields (6.33). Nevertheless, we use the formalism of the decision region defined by the line c06-math-0130 for illustrative purposes.

The next step is to consider the region defined by two nonredundant inequalities c06-math-0131 and c06-math-0132 (i.e., c06-math-0133). In this case, the Voronoi region c06-math-0134 is a wedge, which we define in analogy to (5.95) as

6.34 equation

For convenience, we also define a “complementary” wedge

The wedges c06-math-0137 and c06-math-0138 are schematically shown in Fig. 6.3. These simple forms of c06-math-0139 are important because they appear, e.g., in the case of c06-math-0140PSK constellations (see Fig. 6.1). As we will see later, the analysis of a wedge also leads to expressions that can be used to study c06-math-0141PAM, c06-math-0142QAM, as well as arbitrary constellations.


Figure 6.3 The wedges c06-math-0143 and c06-math-0144 are delimited by the lines c06-math-0145 and c06-math-0146. The distances from c06-math-0147 to the lines (the length of the dotted lines) are c06-math-0148 and c06-math-0149

For the case of the Voronoi region being a wedge, we denote the TP in (6.14) as

6.36 equation

where in analogy to (5.96)

6.38 equation

The TP in (6.37) can be expressed as

6.40 equation


6.42 equation
6.43 equation

Owing to the normalization, c06-math-0158 and c06-math-0159 can be shown to be zero-mean, unit-variance Gaussian random variables with correlation

Using (6.41)–(6.44) (6.37) can be expressed as

where c06-math-0162 is given by (2.11).4

In the same way we defined a complementary wedge in (6.35), we define a “complementary” TP as

Following similar steps to those in (6.39)–(6.45), we find that the complementary TP in (6.46) is given by

6.47 equation

The general expression (6.45) for the TP when the Voronoi region is a wedge particularizes to two interesting cases, which are shown schematically in Fig. 6.4.


Figure 6.4 In two particular cases, 2D integration can be obtained via 1D integrals. (a) When the lines c06-math-0163 and c06-math-0164 are orthogonal, the 2D integral is the product of two 1D integrals calculated independently along each of the orthogonal directions. (b) When the lines are parallel, the 2D integral becomes a difference of 1D integrals

  • When c06-math-0167, the lines c06-math-0168 and c06-math-0169 are orthogonal, and thus, the variables c06-math-0170, c06-math-0171 in (6.41) are independent. We then obtain c06-math-0172, and thus,
  • When c06-math-0174, the lines c06-math-0175 and c06-math-0176 are parallel, and thus, the wedge c06-math-0177 “degenerates” into a stripe. In this case, the variables in (6.41) satisfy c06-math-0178, and thus, using c06-math-0179 in (2.12), we obtain
    6.50 equation

    which is valid for c06-math-0182 (see (2.12)), i.e., when the linear inequalities are not contradictory. The 2D integral is thus reduced to a 1D integration of a zero-mean Gaussian PDF along a line orthogonal to the stripe's limits.

With the expressions we have developed in (6.32) and (6.49), we are in a position to compute the SEP and BEP for any 1D constellation. In the following example we show how to do this for 4PAM and the binary reflected Gray code (BRGC).

As we showed in Example 6.4, the TP need not always be calculated for all pairs of the transmitted symbols. Instead, the regularity and the symmetry of the constellation can be exploited to simplify the calculations. This can also be done for 2D constellation as we show in the following example.


Figure 6.5 In c06-math-0209PSK constellations, the decision region c06-math-0210 is a wedge defined by the two symbols closest to c06-math-0211

The expressions we derived in the previous example are entirely general; yet, particular cases of c06-math-0212PSK constellations lead to simpler results that do not need bivariate Q-functions or, in fact, exploit the simplicity of the particular cases we analyzed in (6.48) and (6.49). We show this in the following example.


Figure 6.6 Decision regions c06-math-0234 for an 8PSK constellation labeled by the BRGC: (a) c06-math-0235 and (b) c06-math-0236

In Example 6.5 we were able to express c06-math-0237 for c06-math-0238PSK constellation using bivariate Q-functions. Our objective now is to do the same in the case of an arbitrary 2D constellation. First, we assume that c06-math-0239 is a closed polygon defined by c06-math-0240 linear forms c06-math-0241 corresponding to the polygon's sides. We assume that the linear pieces are enumerated counter-clockwise, as shown in Fig. 6.7. In such a case, using the complementary wedge we defined in (6.35), the whole space can be expressed as a union of disjoint sets, i.e.,

6.68 equation

The TP in (6.12) can then be expressed as

6.69 equation

where c06-math-0244 is given by (6.46).


Figure 6.7 If the decision region c06-math-0245 is a polygon delimited by the lines c06-math-0246, the observation space can be represented as a union of c06-math-0247 and complementary wedges

Similarly, if c06-math-0248 is an “infinite” polygon as shown in Fig. 6.8, we can write


Figure 6.8 If the decision region is an infinite polygon, the TP can be expressed using a sum of integrals over wedges and complementary wedges

6.70 equation

and then,

6.71 equation

We conclude then that the TPs for any 2D constellation can be calculated using only functions c06-math-0251, which as we showed before, are expressed in terms of bivariate Q-function. These bivariate Q-functions now play the same role that the Q-function has when calculating c06-math-0252 for 1D constellations.

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