Chapter 5
Probability Density Functions of L-values

To characterize complex systems such as bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) receivers, it is convenient to study their building blocks independently. An important building block in a BICM receiver is the demapper c05-math-0001, whose role consists in calculating the L-values. In this chapter, we formally describe its behavior from a probabilistic point of view. The models developed here will be used in the chapters that follow, to study the performance of BICM transceivers.

This chapter is organized as follows. Section 5.1 motivates the need for finding the probability density function (PDF) of the L-values and shows its challenges. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 explain how to calculate the PDFs for 1D and 2D constellations, respectively. PDFs of the L-values in fading channels are discussed in Section 5.4 and Gaussian approximations are provided in Section 5.5.

5.1 Introduction and Motivation

5.1.1 BICM Channel

The BICM channel is defined as the entity that encompasses the interleaver, the mapper, the channel, the demapper, and the deinterleaver, as shown in Fig. 5.1. As the off-the-shelf binary encoder/decoder used in BICM operates “blindly” with respect to the channel, the BICM channel corresponds to an equivalent binary-input continuous-output (BICO) channel that separates the binary encoder and decoder.


Figure 5.1 The BICM channel provides a single interface, which models the effect of the interleaver, the mapper c05-math-0002, the channel, the demapper c05-math-0003, and the deinterleaver

At the output of the BICM channel, we obtain a sequence of L-values c05-math-0004. However, because the interleaving is a one-to-one operation, without loss of generality, we can focus on the sequence of L-values at the output of the demapper c05-math-0005 instead. This observation can lead us to define a different BICM channel as shown in Fig. 5.2. In this new model, the interleaver and the deinterleaver become parts of the binary encoder and the decoder, respectively, showing that setting boundaries of the “BICM channel” interface is somewhat arbitrary. Regardless of whether we use the model in Fig. 5.1 or the one in Fig. 5.2, we recognize the demapper c05-math-0006 as the key component in the receiver.


Figure 5.2 The BICM channel here provides the single interface that models the effect of the mapper c05-math-0007, the channel, and the demapper c05-math-0008. The interleaver and the deinterleaver become parts of the binary encoder and the decoder, respectively

The model from Fig. 5.2 indicates that the L-values c05-math-0009 in (3.50) are functions of the channel outcome c05-math-0010, which is a random variable. The L-values are then functions of a random variable, and thus, are also random variables. Therefore, from now on, we use c05-math-0011 to denote the L-values. To obtain the PDF of c05-math-0012 conditioned on the bit c05-math-0013, we marginalize its PDF over all the symbols in c05-math-0014, i.e.,

To pass from (5.1) to (5.2) we used (2.77) and to pass from (5.2) to (5.3) we use the fact that for any c05-math-0018, conditioning on the symbol and the c05-math-0019th bit is equivalent to conditioning on the symbol only.

From the model in Fig. 5.1, we see that the outputs of the BICO channel are the deinterleaved L-values c05-math-0020, which are next passed to the decoder. These L-values are also random variables, which we denote by c05-math-0021. Under some assumptions on the interleaver structure, it can be shown that the L-values passed to the decoder are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables with PDF1

where c05-math-0023 is a binary random variable that models the input to the BICM channel in Fig. 5.1.

The rest of this chapter is aimed at characterizing the PDFs c05-math-0024, which owing to (5.3) and (5.4), allows us to model the BICM channels in Figs. 5.1 and 5.2. The explicit objective of the modeling is to develop analytical tools for performance evaluation, e.g., in terms of bit-error probability (BEP). This is necessary because, even if the performance may be evaluated via Monte Carlo integration, analytical forms simplify the calculations and provide insight into relevant design parameters.

5.1.2 Case Study: PDF of L-values for 4PAM

While it is simple to obtain the PDF of the L-values in the case of a 2PAM constellation (see Section 3.3.1), the case of an c05-math-0025-ary constellation is more challenging. In this section, we show an example to illustrate the difficulty of tackling this problem without any simplification.

We consider the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and the simplest case of a multilevel 1D constellation (c05-math-0026), i.e., a constellation with c05-math-0027 points, which is well exemplified by a 4PAM constellation defined in Section 2.5. The labeling used is the binary reflected Gray code (BRGC),2 i.e.,

5.5 equation

The constellation and labeling are shown in Fig. 5.3.


Figure 5.3 4PAM constellation labeled by the BRGC

Throughout this chapter, we use c05-math-0029 introduced in Section 3.3.1 to denote the functional relationship between c05-math-0030 and c05-math-0031. We start by calculating the PDF of the L-value c05-math-0032 for the bit position c05-math-0033, for which the relation between c05-math-0034 and the observation c05-math-0035 in (3.50) is given by3


For the case of a 4PAM constellation, c05-math-0040.

The relationship (5.6) is shown in Fig. 5.4 for different values of c05-math-0041, where the nonlinear behavior of c05-math-0042 is evident. This figure also shows that for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values, c05-math-0043 adopts a piecewise linear form.


Figure 5.4 Nonlinear relationship c05-math-0044 given by (5.6) for a 4PAM constellation

As the L-value is a function of the observation c05-math-0045, c05-math-0046, its cumulative distribution function (CDF) conditioned on the symbol c05-math-0047 can be calculated by the definition of a CDF, i.e.,

5.8 equation
5.9 equation

where we are able to pass from (5.10) to (5.11) because the signal c05-math-0052 is 1D (c05-math-0053) and c05-math-0054 is bijective, and thus, its inverse c05-math-0055 exists.

The PDF c05-math-0056 is obtained via differentiation of (5.11), i.e.,


is obtained from (5.6). Using (2.31) and (5.13) in (5.12), we obtain the final expression for the PDF

The main difficulty in evaluating (5.14) is to obtain the inverse function c05-math-0060, which for this case cannot be found analytically. But, for a given c05-math-0061, we can find c05-math-0062 by solving c05-math-0063. This has to be done numerically. The results obtained are shown in Fig. 5.5.4


Figure 5.5 PDF (not to scale) of the L-values c05-math-0064 obtained as a transformation of the variable c05-math-0065 with PDF c05-math-0066 via the function c05-math-0067 for a 4PAM constellation; here, c05-math-0068

We can repeat the same analysis for c05-math-0069. In this case, we have

which is shown in Fig. 5.6.


Figure 5.6 Nonlinear relationship c05-math-0071 given by (5.15) for a 4PAM constellation

The function c05-math-0072 shown in Fig. 5.6 has no inverse, which was essential in deriving the PDF for c05-math-0073. To deal with this problem, we tessellate the space of c05-math-0074 into two disjoint regions c05-math-0075 and c05-math-0076 such that c05-math-0077, where c05-math-0078 and c05-math-0079. Over each of the sets, the function c05-math-0080 is bijective, and thus, we can define the “pseudoinverse” functions c05-math-0081 and c05-math-0082 that map c05-math-0083 to the values c05-math-0084 with c05-math-0085, i.e., c05-math-0086 if c05-math-0087.

As c05-math-0088 c05-math-0089 (see Fig. 5.6), we immediately see that the CDF c05-math-0090 for c05-math-0091. For c05-math-0092, we obtain

The PDF is now calculated by differentiating (5.16):


The negative sign in the second term of (5.17) is a consequence of the differentiation with respect to the lower integration limit of the second term of (5.16). This negative sign is compensated by the negative sign of c05-math-0096 with c05-math-0097, so only nonnegative functions are added.


Figure 5.7 Discontinuous PDF (not to scale) of the L-values c05-math-0098 obtained as a transformation of the variable c05-math-0099 with PDF c05-math-0100 via the function c05-math-0101 for a 4PAM constellation; here, c05-math-0102

The transformation of the PDF c05-math-0103 into the PDF c05-math-0104 is shown in Fig. 5.7, where we can observe a “peak” appearing around c05-math-0105. This is perfectly normal and happens because c05-math-0106, see (5.18). The PDF c05-math-0107 is thus undefined for c05-math-0108.

5.1.3 Local Linearization

While it is definitely possible to calculate the PDF of the L-values (as shown in Section 5.1.2), a significant numerical effort may be required, as we do not known the analytical forms of the inverse or pseudoinverse of c05-math-0132. Moreover, such numerical results provide little insight into the properties of BICM systems.

The problem of finding the PDF of the L-values is greatly simplified when we consider the max-log approximation from (3.99), which reduces the function c05-math-0133 to piecewise linear functions. This linearization is typically exploited at the receiver to reduce the complexity of the L-values calculation. Here, we take advantage of the max-log approximation to obtain a piecewise linear model for the L-values. This model will be used in the following sections to develop analytical expressions/approximations for the PDF of the L-values.

The linearization caused by the max-log approximation can be formalized by rewriting the L-values in (3.99) as


for c05-math-0136, c05-math-0137 and c05-math-0138.

The tessellation region c05-math-0139 in (5.27) contains all the observations c05-math-0140, for which c05-math-0141 and c05-math-0142 are the closest (in the sense of Euclidean distance (ED)) symbols to the constellations c05-math-0143 and c05-math-0144, respectively. This tessellation principle is valid for any number of dimensions c05-math-0145. We note that although the sum over c05-math-0146 and c05-math-0147 in (5.26) covers all possible combinations of the indices (i.e., there are c05-math-0148 sets c05-math-0149), some of the sets c05-math-0150 are empty.

Following the steps we have already taken in (3.51)–(3.53), we express (5.26) as

5.28 equation

where c05-math-0153 and c05-math-0154 are given by (3.55) and (3.54), respectively.

To clarify the definitions above, consider the following example based on the natural binary code (NBC) in Definition 2.11.


Figure 5.8 Tessellation regions c05-math-0164 (bottom shaded regions) and c05-math-0165 (top shaded regions) for the NBC in Definition 2.11 and a 4PAM constellation. The piecewise linear functions c05-math-0166 in (5.29) whose pieces are labeled as c05-math-0167 are also shown

The CDF of the L-value c05-math-0168 conditioned on the symbol c05-math-0169 can be written using (5.29) as

5.30 equation


Differentiation of (5.31) with respect to c05-math-0173 produces the conditional PDF


5.34 equation

We also define the set

which is the “image” of c05-math-0177 after transformation via c05-math-0178. Of course, c05-math-0179 is an interval because it is a linear transformation of the convex set c05-math-0180, i.e.,



are the (normalized by c05-math-0184) limits of the interval.

5.2 PDF of L-values for 1D Constellations

In this section, we use the linearization procedure presented in Section 5.1.3 and show how to calculate the PDF of the max-log L-values for arbitrary 1D constellations. In this case, the tessellation regions c05-math-0185 in (5.27) are intervals (see Fig. 5.8 for an example), i.e.,

5.39 equation

so the limits of the intervals c05-math-0187 (5.37) and (5.38) are given by

The following theorem gives a closed-form expression for the conditional PDF of the L-values c05-math-0190 for arbitrary 1D constellations.

In view of (5.33), each linear function c05-math-0213 and the corresponding interval c05-math-0214 will “contribute” to the PDF with a piece of a Gaussian function (truncated over the interval c05-math-0215, as shown in (5.42)) and whose mean and variance are given by (5.43) and (5.44), respectively. This transformation is illustrated in Fig. 5.9 and is rather intuitive: the Gaussian random variable c05-math-0216, after being transformed via a piecewise linear function c05-math-0217, has its mean transformed to c05-math-0218 and its variance to c05-math-0219.


Figure 5.9 A piecewise linear transformation of a Gaussian PDF c05-math-0220 yields a truncated Gaussian function c05-math-0221. The dotted lines show the extension of the function c05-math-0222 before its truncation and c05-math-0223 marks the solution of c05-math-0224

We observe that while the variance of the Gaussian piece in (5.42) depends solely on the distance between the symbols c05-math-0225 and c05-math-0226 defining the tessellation regions c05-math-0227 (see (5.44)), the mean in (5.43) depends also on the symbol c05-math-0228. We also note that the limits of the interval c05-math-0229 in (5.35) scale linearly with SNR and so do the mean and the variance in (5.43) and (5.44).


Figure 5.10 Tessellation regions c05-math-0255 (bottom shaded regions) and c05-math-0256 (top shaded regions) for a 4PAM constellation labeled by BRGC. The piecewise linear functions c05-math-0257 in (5.29) whose pieces are labeled as c05-math-0258 are also shown


Figure 5.11 PDF (not to scale) of the L-values c05-math-0287 obtained as a transformation of the variable c05-math-0288 with PDF c05-math-0289 via the function c05-math-0290 based on the max-log approximation for a 4PAM constellation labeled by the BRGC and c05-math-0291: (a) c05-math-0292 and (b) c05-math-0293. The discontinuity of the PDF shown by small white/black circles is due to the piecewise linear form of c05-math-0294.

So far, all the PDFs we have shown were presented to facilitate the understanding of the concept of the linear transformations involved, and thus, are not to scale. In Fig. 5.12, we show the true PDFs c05-math-0295 and c05-math-0296 with c05-math-0297 and c05-math-0298 for the exact and max-log L-values. This set of PDFs completely characterize the PDFs c05-math-0299, as c05-math-0300 and c05-math-0301. The importance of these PDFs is that they fully characterize the L-values of the practically relevant case of a 16QAM constellation labeled by the BRGC shown in Fig. 2.14(b).


Figure 5.12 PDFs c05-math-0302 of the exact L-values (solid lines) and max-log L-values (dashed lines) for a 4PAM constellation labeled by the BRGC and c05-math-0303: (a) c05-math-0304, c05-math-0305, (b) c05-math-0306, c05-math-0307, (c) c05-math-0308, c05-math-0309, and (d) c05-math-0310, c05-math-0311. Differences are particularly notable in the vicinity of the borders of the intervals c05-math-0312, i.e., around c05-math-0313. The discontinuities of the PDF are shown as small black/white circles. In the case of max-log L-values, they are a consequence of the piecewise linear form of c05-math-0314, while in the case of exact L-value and c05-math-0315, the discontinuity is because of the null derivative c05-math-0316

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