5.4 Fading Channels

Up to now, we considered the case of transmission over fixed-gain channels. To address the problem of finding the distribution of the L-values in fading channels, we define the CDF in (5.31) explicitly conditioned on the SNR, i.e.,

Further, we average the CDF with respect to c05-math-0730, and obtain the PDF of the L-values by differentiating with respect to c05-math-0731, i.e.,

5.142 equation
5.143 equation

where, similarly to (5.141), we define

i.e., the dependence of c05-math-0736 on the c05-math-0737 is made explicit.

Having changed the order of differentiation and integration, the PDF of the L-values for fading channels in (5.144) and (5.145) is obtained by averaging c05-math-0738 over the distribution of the SNR. As we already derived c05-math-0739 for nonfading channels, we can thus reuse the results from the previous sections. Before presenting the result regarding the PDF of the L-values for fading channels, we introduce a useful lemma.


Figure 5.20 PDF of the L-values c05-math-0803 for 2PAM in Nakagami-c05-math-0804 fading channel for c05-math-0805 given by (5.165) and (5.166). The thick dashed line indicates the PDF of the L-values for the AWGN channel with c05-math-0806


Figure 5.21 PDF of the L-values for 4PAM labeled by the BRGC over a Rayleigh fading channel and the PDF pieces c05-math-0817 for c05-math-0818: (a) c05-math-0819 and (b) c05-math-0820

5.5 Gaussian Approximations

Although, as explained in the previous sections, we can find the PDF through the explicit derivation of the CDF, such an approach has two main disadvantages: (i) the expressions require analysis of the tessellation space and (ii) the resulting forms are piecewise functions. The former is critical when we have to deal with arbitrary constellations, particularly when the dimensionality of the signal space increases beyond c05-math-0821. The latter complicates the analysis of the operations on the PDFs. For example, recall that the maximum likelihood (ML) decoderadds L-values, and thus, to characterize the performance of the decoder, we need to be able to find the CDF of the sum of L-values. This in turn requires finding the convolution of the PDFs and the integration of its tail,10 which becomes difficult for PDFs defined via piecewise functions.

The main objective of this section is to provide a model for the PDF of the L-values, such that (i) its parameters are easy to find, (ii) its form simplifies operations on the PDF of the L-values (such as convolution), and (iii) the integration over its tail accurately estimates the actual value of the probability of error.

Assuming that the L-values are Gaussian is convenient because it will, indeed, simplify the operations of convolution (necessary to find the PDF of the sum of the L-values) and integration (necessary to find the error probability). The Gaussian model is also interesting because the expression we derived for nonfading channels already contains Gaussian pieces whose parameters (mean and variance) depend in closed form on the constellation and labeling. The main idea is thus to take only the Gaussian piece from the piecewise model and to ignore windowing and weighting (correction) factors. The resulting simplicity is indeed appealing and, in such a case, the corresponding approximate PDF conditioned on a transmitted symbol will be

where the mean and variance are the parameters related to a Gaussian piece c05-math-0823, indexed by c05-math-0824 and c05-math-0825, i.e.,

where c05-math-0828 and c05-math-0829 are given by (5.43) and (5.44), respectively. The main problem consists then in finding the indices c05-math-0830 and c05-math-0831 such that (5.167) represents “well” the PDF c05-math-0832.

We continue to keep in mind that the particular choice of c05-math-0833 and c05-math-0834 should be assessed using the criterion related to the objective we fixed, namely, an the accurate evaluation of the integration over the tails of the PDF. As the details on the performance evaluation of BICM receivers are mostly given in Chapter 6, here, we will only highlight the most important features of the two proposed heuristics with respect to their impact on the accuracy of evaluation of the BEP for uncoded transmission. While passing through Section 6.1 may be helpful, the following contents can be understood without such additional reading.

5.5.1 Consistent Model

For notational convenience, we will denote the transmitted symbol by c05-math-0835 and assume that it belongs to the subconstellation c05-math-0836, i.e., c05-math-0837 is the value of the c05-math-0838th bit in the label c05-math-0839, (c05-math-0840, see Section 2.5.2). The next definition introduces the first Gaussian model for the PDF of the L-values, namely, the so-called consistent model (CoM).

Definition 5.15 states that the tessellation region c05-math-0843 that provides the most “representative” Gaussian piece (i.e., the one whose parameters will be used for the approximation in (5.167)) is obtained by considering the transmitted symbol c05-math-0844 and the closest symbol from c05-math-0845. From (5.43), we know that

5.172 equation
5.173 equation


Using (5.174) and (5.175) in (5.168) and (5.169), we conclude that for any c05-math-0850,

5.176 equation
5.177 equation


5.178 equation

is the distance between c05-math-0854 and the closest symbol having a different bit at position c05-math-0855. Therefore, (5.167) becomes

which has the same form we would obtain for a 2PAM constellation if we used c05-math-0857 and c05-math-0858 in (5.52).

The PDF in (5.179) also satisfies the consistency condition in Definition 3.8. This particular property explains the name we gave to the model that also corresponds to decomposing the BICM into “virtual” 2PAM transmissions, each characterized by the distance between the corresponding virtual 2PAM symbols.


Figure 5.22 PDF of the L-values c05-math-0875 and its approximations based on the CoM c05-math-0876 and ZcM c05-math-0877 for an 8PSK constellation labeled by the BRGC and two SNR values: (a) c05-math-0878 and (b) c05-math-0879


Figure 5.23 PDF of the L-values c05-math-0880 for c05-math-0881 and its approximations for an 8PSK constellation labeled by the BRGC and two SNR values. In this case, c05-math-0882

Let us now verify how the obtained models affect the calculation of the BEP, which is an important parameter characterizing digital communications.11 Here, the BEP for uncoded transmission in (3.110) can be obtained directly from the definition of the L-value.

5.187 equation
5.188 equation


is the BEP conditioned on the transmitted symbol c05-math-0886.

For the case in Example 5.16, using the approximate PDF in (5.183), we obtain c05-math-0887 and c05-math-0888, and from (5.184), we obtain c05-math-0889. Thus,

We note that the expressions in (5.190) and (5.191) are similar to the exact error probability expressions given in (6.58) and (6.60), respectively. Although the dominant Q-function c05-math-0892 correctly appear in the expressions derived using the CoM, differences appears when other terms are compared. We also note that for sufficiently high SNR, c05-math-0893. Thus, depending on the position c05-math-0894, the transmitted bits are more (or less) prone to errors. This so-called unequal error protection (UEP) will be analyzed in Chapter 8.

For the case in Example 5.17, we obtain

The first (dominating) terms in (5.192) and (5.193) are again the same as the dominating terms in the exact expressions (6.65) and (6.66), and the differences appear only in the remaining terms.

Finally, it interesting to analyze the CoM at high SNR. When c05-math-0897, c05-math-0898 is increasingly narrow and centered around c05-math-0899. After the transformation c05-math-0900, the L-values are most likely to lie in the vicinity of c05-math-0901. In other words, for high SNR, c05-math-0902 is centered around c05-math-0903 and the components c05-math-0904 for c05-math-0905 or c05-math-0906 vanish. This is in fact what is observed in Figs. 5.22 and 5.23 for c05-math-0907, i.e., the CoM approximates well the true PDF around its mean value. This observation has often been used as a justification to use the CoM to approximate the PDF of the L-values.

5.5.2 Zero-Crossing Model

For any c05-math-0908, the conditional BEP in (5.189) can be expressed as

which shows that to have a good approximation of the conditional BEP, an accurate model of the tail of the PDF is necessary. When observing the results obtained with the CoM (see e.g., Fig. 5.22 (b)), we note that the (left) tail of the PDF is not well approximated. Consequently, the second terms in the BEP expressions obtained in Examples 5.16 and 5.17 do not match the terms that appear in the exact evaluation.

In this section, we introduce the zero-crossing model (ZcM) which aims at approximating the PDF well around c05-math-0910, and thus, removing some of the discrepancies (in terms of BEP) observed when using the CoM. Before giving a formal definition, we introduce this model using an example. Consider an 8PSK constellation labeled by the BRGC, c05-math-0911, c05-math-0912, and c05-math-0913. The exact PDF and the CoM approximation are shown in Fig. 5.24, where the shaded regions represent the integral in (5.194). This figure clearly shows that the CoM approximation fails to predict well the conditional BEP in (5.194). On the other hand, this figure also shows the ZcM defined below, which uses the Gaussian piece around c05-math-0914. This results in a PDF that approximates much better the tail of the exact PDF, and thus, the conditional BEP in (5.194).


Figure 5.24 PDF of the L-values c05-math-0915 and its approximations based on the CoM c05-math-0916 and ZcM c05-math-0917 for an 8PSK constellation labeled by the BRGC, c05-math-0918 and c05-math-0919. The shaded regions represent the conditional BEP in (5.194)

We can now compare the ZcM in Definition 5.18 with the CoM in Definition 5.15. First of all, we see that both ZcM and CoM require finding the symbol from c05-math-0922 which is closest to c05-math-0923. This symbol (and the corresponding index) are thus common in both models. The difference is how to determine the complementary index c05-math-0924 (when c05-math-0925) or c05-math-0926 (when c05-math-0927). In Definition 5.15, this index is simply taken as equal to c05-math-0928, while in Definition 5.18, we perform a search over c05-math-0929 to find c05-math-0930 closest to c05-math-0931. In some cases, both definitions yield exactly the same results, namely, when the symbols c05-math-0932 and c05-math-0933 belong to the tessellation region c05-math-0934 they define, i.e., c05-math-0935. In these cases, the PDF conditioned on c05-math-0936 or c05-math-0937 obtained from ZcM and CoM will be same.

Similarly to (5.190) and (5.191), now that we have the ZcM PDF of the L-values for 4PAM labeled by the BRGC in (5.197) and (5.198), we can calculate the BEP. As we have already stated in Example 5.19, the only difference with the CoM occurs for c05-math-0962 and c05-math-0963, where we have c05-math-0964 and then we obtain

Again we compare the expressions in (5.201) and (5.202) with the exact expression in (6.58) and (6.60). Unlike in the CoM case, for the ZcM, the error probability for c05-math-0967 coincides with the exact calculation. For c05-math-0968, the result is the same as in (5.191).

5.5.3 Fading Channels

The extension of the developed formulas to the case of the fading channel may be done by averaging the approximate Gaussian PDF in (5.167) over the distribution of the fading

5.208 equation

In the particular case of Rayleigh fading, using the same approach as those leading to (5.160), we obtain

where c05-math-0982 and c05-math-0983 depend also on the Gaussian simplification strategy (CoM vs. ZcM).


Figure 5.25 PDF of the L-values for a 4PAM constellation labeled by the BRGC in Rayleigh fading channel and c05-math-0984. The exact expression c05-math-0985 and the approximations via the ZcM c05-math-0986 and the CoM c05-math-0987 for c05-math-0988 are shown for (a) c05-math-0989 and (b) c05-math-0990

5.5.4 QAM and PSK Constellations

Two of the most practically relevant constellations are the c05-math-1001PAM and c05-math-1002PSK constellations labeled by the BRGC. In these cases, it is possible to determine the forms of the approximate PDF without algorithmic steps. This is thanks to the structure of the binary labeling as well as to the regular geometry of the constellation. In other words, in these cases we are able to determine the parameters of the approximate PDF (i.e., the indices c05-math-1003 and c05-math-1004 of the representative tessellation regions c05-math-1005) as a function of the index c05-math-1006 of the transmitted symbol c05-math-1007.

We start by considering the BRGC for 16PAM shown in Fig. 5.26. We note that for a given c05-math-1008, the constellation may be split into c05-math-1009 groups of c05-math-1010 consecutive symbols. These groups are identified by rectangles on the left-hand side (l.h.s.) of Fig. 5.26. Furthermore, because of the symmetry of the labeling, it is enough to consider the PDF conditioned on c05-math-1011, which implies that only the symbols c05-math-1012 are relevant for the analysis. For any symbol c05-math-1013 within each group, the closest symbol from c05-math-1014 lies also within the group. Because of the symmetries of the constellation, it is enough to analyze the first group, shown as shaded rectangles in Fig. 5.26.


Figure 5.26 Tessellation regions for a 16PAM constellation labeled by the BRGC. The shaded rectangles gather the symbols that are relevant for the PDF computation. The subconstellations c05-math-1015 and c05-math-1016 are indicated by white and black circles, respectively, and the tessellation regions that define the zero-crossing for the relevant group of bits are shown by a thick line

To obtain the CoM, we note that for any c05-math-1017 (because we analyze c05-math-1018, it follows that c05-math-1019), the closest symbol from c05-math-1020 is c05-math-1021 (e.g., we have c05-math-1022 for c05-math-1023, c05-math-1024 for c05-math-1025, etc.). The distance between the symbols is given c05-math-1026, so we obtain

By using (5.210) in (5.179), we obtain the CoM PDF for an c05-math-1028PAM constellation labeled by the BRGC, namely, for any c05-math-1029 (c05-math-1030),

Similarly, in the case of the ZcM, it is enough to characterize the PDF of the symbols within the first group we identified because the closest “zero-crossing” tessellation region c05-math-1032 is also defined by the symbols from the same group. These regions are shown as thick lines in Fig. 5.26. Namely, for c05-math-1033, we easily find c05-math-1034 and c05-math-1035; for c05-math-1036, we obtain c05-math-1037 and c05-math-1038; and so on; then, we also find c05-math-1039. More generally, for any c05-math-1040, c05-math-1041 and c05-math-1042. Thus, for any c05-math-1043 in the group and c05-math-1044, we find from the relations (5.43) and (5.44) that

where (5.212) follows from using c05-math-1047. Using (5.212) and (5.213) in (5.167) gives

The results in (5.211) and (5.214) are summarized in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 c05-math-1049PAM constellations labeled by the BRGC: parameters c05-math-1050 and c05-math-1051 defining the Gaussian PDF in (5.167) for c05-math-1052(i.e., c05-math-1053)

Gaussian Model c05-math-1054 c05-math-1055
CoM c05-math-1056 c05-math-1057
ZcM c05-math-1058 c05-math-1059

The case of c05-math-1073PSK shown in Fig. 5.27 may be treated in a similar way. The main difference is that the L-value c05-math-1074 and c05-math-1075 will have the same distribution because the groups of the symbols for c05-math-1076 and c05-math-1077 have the same form due to the circular symmetry of the constellation, i.e., the first and the last symbols (c05-math-1078 and c05-math-1079 in Fig. 5.27) become adjacent. It is thus enough to calculate the parameters of the simplified form of the PDF for c05-math-1080 and consider only symbol c05-math-1081, i.e., c05-math-1082. Again, for the CoM, we have c05-math-1083 and c05-math-1084, so from (5.135), we obtain c05-math-1085. For the ZcM, we use c05-math-1086 and c05-math-1087 and thus c05-math-1088 and from (5.132), we get

5.215 equation

Figure 5.27 Tessellation regions c05-math-1090, for a 16PSK constellation labeled by the BRGC. The subconstellations c05-math-1091 and c05-math-1092 are indicated by white and black circles, respectively, and the regions c05-math-1093 in which the zero-crossing occurs are shaded: (a) c05-math-1094, (b) c05-math-1095, (c) c05-math-1096, and (d) c05-math-1097

These results are summarized in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 c05-math-1060PSK constellation labeled by the BRGC: parameters c05-math-1061 and c05-math-1062 defining the Gaussian PDF in (5.167) for c05-math-1063, c05-math-1064 (i.e., c05-math-1065) and c05-math-1066

Gaussian Model c05-math-1067 c05-math-1068
CoM c05-math-1069 c05-math-1070
ZcM c05-math-1071 c05-math-1072

5.6 Bibliographical Notes

The idea of the BICM channel can be tracked to [1], where the model from Fig. 5.2 corresponds to the model in [1, Fig. 3]. The model in Fig. 5.1 corresponds to the one introduced and formalized later in [2, Fig. 1]. The statistics of the L-values for the performance evaluation have been used in various works, e.g., in [1–4]. The formalism of using the PDF to evaluate the performance of the decoder in BICM transmissions was introduced in [5]. A probabilistic description of the L-values was also considered for the analysis of the decoding in turbo codes (TCs), low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, or turbo-like processing in [6–8], respectively.

The probabilistic model for the L-values and 2PAM is well known [6 8, 9]. The explicit modeling of the PDF for BICM based on quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellations appeared in [10–13], for phase shift keying (PSK) constellations labeled by the BRGC in [14], and for the case of arbitrary 2D constellations in [15 16]. The effect of fading on the PDF of L-values was shown for 2PAM in [2 6], for c05-math-1098PAM in [17–19], and for 2D constellations in [20]. The probabilistic modeling of the L-values has also been considered in relay channels [21], and in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission [22].

The Gaussian model of the L-values is well known and has been applied in [23]. The CoM defined in Section 5.5.1 has been used in [24] while the ZcM defined in Section 5.5.2 was proposed in [10 11], formalized in [12], and extended to the case of nonequidistant constellations in [25]. The ZcM has been recently used in [26] to study the asymptotic optimality of bitwise (BICM) decoders.

The space tessellation discussed in Section 5.3.1, based on solving the set of inequalities in (5.72), exploits the well-known duality between the line and points description [27, Chapter 8.2]. For details of finding a convex hull, we refer the reader to [27, Chapter 1.1], [28, Sec. 2.10]. The description of a method to find the vertices of the hull may be found in [28, Sec. 2.12].


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