6.1.3 Bounding Techniques

The approach we used to evaluate the TP in 2D constellations can be extended to the general c06-math-0253-dimensional case. However, the geometric considerations get more tedious as the dimension of the integration space increases. Therefore, simple approximations are often used, which may also be sufficient for the purpose of the analysis and/or design. A popular approach relies on finding an upper bound on the TP c06-math-0254, which we do in the following.

For a given c06-math-0255, and for any c06-math-0256 with c06-math-0257, we have

6.72 equation

which follows from the fact that, by using one inequality, we relax the constraint imposed by c06-math-0259 inequalities defining c06-math-0260. The TP is therefore upper bounded, for any c06-math-0261, as

Setting c06-math-0263 we obtain the bound


It is easy to see that

6.76 equation

is the PEP, i.e., the probability that after transmitting c06-math-0267, the likelihood c06-math-0268 is larger than the likelihood c06-math-0269 (or equivalently, that the received signal c06-math-0270 is closer to c06-math-0271 than to c06-math-0272). We can calculate (6.75) as

6.77 equation
6.78 equation

To tighten the bound in (6.74), we note that (6.73) is true for any c06-math-0276, so a better bound is obtained via


6.82 equation


In other words, we find the index c06-math-0281 of the linear form c06-math-0282 defining the Voronoi region c06-math-0283 such that c06-math-0284, so as to maximize the distance between the half-space c06-math-0285 and c06-math-0286, and next, we calculate the probability that, conditioned on c06-math-0287, the observation c06-math-0288 falls into the half-space we found, i.e., that the 1D projection of the zero-mean Gaussian random variable c06-math-0289 falls in the interval c06-math-0290.

To tighten the bound even further, instead of finding the half-space that contains c06-math-0291, we can consider finding the wedge containing c06-math-0292, i.e., we generalize the bound in (6.80) as


where c06-math-0296 and c06-math-0297 are the indices minimizing (6.85).5

It is easy to see that the three bounds presented above satisfy

6.87 equation

Among the three bounds, the PEP-based bound in (6.74) is the simplest one. Not surprisingly, however, with decreasing implementation complexity, the accuracy of the approximation also decreases. On the other hand, the two bounds in (6.81) and (6.85) are tighter, but algorithmic, i.e., they require optimizations to find the relevant linear forms. The advantage of (6.81) and (6.85) is that they can be used for any c06-math-0300-dimensional constellation, but at the same time, they are based on 1D or 2D integrals (and not on c06-math-0301-dimensional ones).


Figure 6.9 Evaluation of TPs for 8PSK and the AWGN channel: (a) c06-math-0346, (b) c06-math-0347, (c) c06-math-0348, and (d) c06-math-0349

6.1.4 Fading Channels

The previous analysis is valid for the case of nonfading channel, i.e., for transmission with fixed SNR. Although we did not make it explicit in the notation, the BEP depends on the SNR, i.e., c06-math-0350. The BEP for fading channels should then be calculated averaging the previously obtained expressions over the distribution of the SNR, i.e.,

6.97 equation


In the previous sections we have shown that the TP c06-math-0353 can always be expressed via Q-functions c06-math-0354 or via bivariate Q-functions c06-math-0355. But because c06-math-0356, to obtain (6.98) it is enough to find c06-math-0357. In order to calculate the latter we will exploit the following alternative form of the bivariate Q-function (2.11) valid for any c06-math-0358



6.101 equation

The expression in (6.99) can be used for any c06-math-0362; however, some of the expressions we developed for the TP have negative arguments. For these cases, we use the identity

The results in (6.102) show that to evaluate (6.98), it is enough to consider the case c06-math-0364. The following theorem gives a general expression for the expectation c06-math-0365 for Nakagami-c06-math-0366 fading channels.

The main challenge now consists in calculating c06-math-0381. In what follows we provide a closed-form expression without giving a proof. Such a proof can be found in the references we cite in Section 6.5. The closed-form expression for c06-math-0382 and any c06-math-0383 is


6.110 equation

c06-math-0386 for c06-math-0387 and c06-math-0388.


Figure 6.10 Evaluation of TPs for 8PSK in Rayleigh fading channel


Figure 6.11 BEP c06-math-0423 and the corresponding bounds c06-math-0424 for c06-math-0425 and an 8PSK constellation labeled by the BRGC in a Rayleigh fading channel

6.2 Coded Transmission

When trying to analyze the performance of the decoder we face issues similar to those appearing in the uncoded case. However, because geometric considerations would require high-dimensional analysis, exact solutions are very difficult to find. Instead, we resort to bounding techniques based on the evaluation of PEPs, which are similar in spirit to those presented in Section 6.1.3.

The decisions made by the maximum likelihood (ML) and the BICM decoders can both be expressed as (see (3.9) and (3.22))

where c06-math-0427 is a decoding metric that depends on the considered decoder. Note that with a slight abuse of notation, throughout this chapter we also use the notation c06-math-0428 and c06-math-0429 to denote this metric.

An error occurs when the decoded codeword c06-math-0430 is different from the transmitted one c06-math-0431. The probability of detecting an incorrect codeword is the so-called WEP and is defined as

6.130 equation

where c06-math-0433 and c06-math-0434 are the random variables representing, respectively, the transmitted and detected codewords.

The WEP can be expressed as

6.131 equation

where c06-math-0437 denotes the pairs c06-math-0438 taken from c06-math-0439 and to obtain (6.132) we assumed equiprobable codewords, i.e., c06-math-0440.

Similarly, weighting the error events by the relative number of information bits in error, we obtain the average BEP, defined as

where c06-math-0442 and c06-math-0443 are the sequences of information bits corresponding to the codewords c06-math-0444 and c06-math-0445, respectively.

6.2.1 PEP-Based Bounds

The expressions (6.132) and (6.133) show that the main issue in evaluating the decoder's performance boils down to an efficient calculation of

where c06-math-0448 is the decision region of the codeword c06-math-0449 defined as

6.136 equation


6.137 equation

As in the case of uncoded transmission, the evaluation of c06-math-0452 in (6.134) boils down to finding the decision region c06-math-0453 and, more importantly, to evaluating the multidimensional integral in (6.135). Since usually c06-math-0454 is very large, the exact calculation of this c06-math-0455-dimensional integral is most often considered infeasible. One of the most popular simplifications to tackle this problem is based on a PEP-based bounding technique. Let the PEP be defined as

6.138 equation

By knowing that c06-math-0458 and using c06-math-0459 we can then upper bound c06-math-0460 in (6.134) as

6.140 equation

The WEP in (6.132) is then bounded as

where to pass from (6.141) to (6.142) or (6.143) we use the fact that the mapping between the binary codewords c06-math-0465 and the codewords c06-math-0466 or c06-math-0467 is bijective. In a similar way, we can bound the BEP in (6.133) as

where c06-math-0470 and c06-math-0471 are the sequences of information bits corresponding to the codewords c06-math-0472 and c06-math-0473, respectively.

We emphasize that while the equations for the coded and uncoded cases are very similar, the PEP depends on the metrics used for decoding. In the following sections we show how these metrics affect the calculation of the PEP.

6.2.2 Expurgated Bounds

For uncoded transmission, we have already seen in Example 6.12 that PEP-based bounds such as those in (6.141) and (6.144) may be quite loose and to tighten them it is possible to remove or expurgate some terms from the bound. This expurgation strategy can be extended to the case of coded transmission, which we show below.

We start by re-deriving (6.141) in a more convenient form. To this end, we write (6.132) as

We note that

and thus, applying a union bound to (6.146) we obtain

where the inequality in (6.148) follows from the fact that, in general, the sets c06-math-0477 in the right-hand side (r.h.s.) of (6.147) are not disjoint. The general idea of expurgating the bound consists then in eliminating redundant sets in the r.h.s. of (6.147), while maintaining an inequality in (6.148). In other words, we aim at reducing the number of terms in the r.h.s. of (6.148), and by doing so, we tighten the bound on the WEP. We consider here decoders for which the decoding metric c06-math-0478 can be expressed as

In fact, in view of (3.7) and (3.23), we can conclude that the decoding metrics of the ML and BICM decoders can both be expressed as in (6.149).

For decoders with decoding metric in the form of (6.149), the sets c06-math-0480 can be expressed as

6.150 equation


6.151 equation

We assume that the codeword c06-math-0484 can be expressed as c06-math-0485, where the binary error codewords c06-math-0486 and c06-math-0487 are orthogonal (i.e., c06-math-0488). We also assume that c06-math-0489 and c06-math-0490 are codewords. Because of the orthogonality of c06-math-0491 and c06-math-0492, the codewords c06-math-0493 and c06-math-0494 differ with c06-math-0495 at different time instants, and thus, we can decompose (6.152) as

6.153 equation

This allows us to conclude that if c06-math-0497, then either c06-math-0498 or c06-math-0499, which also means that if the condition c06-math-0500 is satisfied then either c06-math-0501 or c06-math-0502 is satisfied. We then immediately obtain

From (6.154), we conclude that if the sets c06-math-0504, c06-math-0505, and c06-math-0506 all appear in the r.h.s. of (6.147), the set c06-math-0507 is redundant and can be removed from the union. Therefore, the term c06-math-0508 can be removed from (6.148), and thus, the bound is tightened.

The above considerations were made using only two codewords c06-math-0509 and c06-math-0510; however, they straightforwardly generalize to the case where the codewords are defined via c06-math-0511 orthogonal error codewords c06-math-0512. In such a case, if we can write c06-math-0513, and c06-math-0514, then the contribution of c06-math-0515 can be expurgated.

6.2.3 ML Decoder

The ML decoder chooses the codeword via (3.9), and thus, the metric in (6.129) is

6.155 equation

where (6.156) follows from (2.28). The PEP is then calculated as

6.157 equation
6.158 equation
6.159 equation


6.161 equation


6.163 equation

For known c06-math-0525, c06-math-0526 and c06-math-0527, we see from (6.162) that c06-math-0528 are independent Gaussian random variables with PDF given by

This explains the notation c06-math-0530, i.e., c06-math-0531 has the same distribution as an L-value conditioned on transmitting a bit c06-math-0532 using binary modulation with symbols c06-math-0533 and c06-math-0534 ; see (3.63) and (3.64).

In the case of nonfading channels, i.e., when c06-math-0535, we easily see that c06-math-0536 is also a Gaussian random variable with PDF

6.165 equation

Thus, similarly to (6.79),

In fading channels, i.e., when c06-math-0539 is modeled as a random variable c06-math-0540, the analysis is slightly more involved so we postpone it to Section 6.3.4.

Since the PEP in (6.166) is a function of the Euclidean distance (ED) between the codewords only, in what follows, we define the Euclidean distance spectrum (EDS) of the code c06-math-0541 and the input-dependent Euclidean distance spectrum (IEDS) of the respective coded modulation (CM) encoder.

We note here the analogy between the EDS c06-math-0558 in (6.167) and the distance spectrum (DS) c06-math-0559 of the code c06-math-0560 in (2.105) (cf. also c06-math-0561 in (6.168) and c06-math-0562 in (2.111)). The difference is that the index c06-math-0563 in c06-math-0564 has a meaning of ED, while in c06-math-0565 it denotes HD. We also emphasize that the IEDS is a property of the CM encoder (i.e., it depends on how the information sequences are mapped to the symbol sequences) while the EDS is solely a property of the code c06-math-0566.

Now, combining (6.142) with (6.166), we obtain the following upper bound on the WEP for ML decoders:

Similarly, using (6.145), the BEP is bounded as

At this point, it is interesting to compare the WEP bound in (6.170) with the one in (6.178) (cf. also (6.172) and (6.179)). In particular, we note that c06-math-0616 in (6.170) does not enumerate all the codewords in the code c06-math-0617 (but c06-math-0618 does). Specifically, the codewords c06-math-0619 corresponding to a path in the trellis that diverged from c06-math-0620, converged, and then diverged and converged again, are not taken into account in c06-math-0621 (while they are counted in c06-math-0622). However, because c06-math-0623 (where c06-math-0624 and c06-math-0625 are orthogonal and correspond to two diverging terms), c06-math-0626 and c06-math-0627 are all codewords, from the analysis outlined in Section 6.2.2 we know that removing the contribution of c06-math-0628 only tightens thebound.8 Consequently, (6.178) and (6.179) may be treated as expurgated bounds and we may write

6.181 equation
6.182 equation

where the approximation is due to the expurgation.


Figure 6.12 WEP and BEP bounds (lines) in (6.178) and (6.179) and simulations (markers) for Ungerboeck's encoders and CENCs optimal in terms of c06-math-0648 for c06-math-0649, c06-math-0650PAM, c06-math-0651, and c06-math-0652

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