Mid-Chapter Mixed Review

Determine whether the statement is true or false.

  1. The product of a complex number and its conjugate is a real number. [3.1]

  2. Every quadratic equation has at least one x-intercept. [3.2]

  3. If a quadratic equation has two different real-number solutions, then its discriminant is positive. [3.2]

  4. The vertex of the graph of the function f(x)=3(x+4)2+5 is (4, 5). [3.3]

Express the number in terms of i. [3.1]

  1. 36

  2. 5

  3. 16

  4. 32

Simplify. Write answers in the form a+bi, where a and b are real numbers. [3.1]

  1. (32i)+(4+3i)

  2. (5+i)(24i)

  3. (2+3i)(45i)

  4. 3+i2+5i

Simplify. [3.1]

  1. i13

  2. i44

  3. (−i)5

  4. (2i)6

Solve. [3.2]

  1. x2+3x4=0

  2. 2x2+6=7x

  3. 4x2=24

  4. x2+100=0

  5. Find the zeros of f(x)=4x28x3 by completing the square. Show your work. [3.2]

In Exercises 2224, (a) find the discriminant b24ac, and then determine whether one real-number solution, two different real-number solutions, or two different imaginary-number solutions exist; and (b) solve the equation, finding exact solutions and approximate solutions rounded to three decimal places, where appropriate. [3.2]

  1. x23x5=0

  2. 4x212x+9=0

  3. 3x2+2x=1

Solve. [3.2]

  1. x4+5x26=0

  2. 2x5x+2=0

  3. One number is 2 more than another. The product of the numbers is 35. Find the numbers. [3.2]

In Exercises 28 and 29, (a) find the vertex; (b) find the axis of symmetry; (c) determine whether there is a maximum or a minimum value, and find that value; (d) find the range; (e) find the intervals on which the function is increasing or decreasing; and (f ) graph the function. [3.3]

  1. f(x)=x26x+7

  2. f(x)=2x24x5

  3. The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 16 in. Find the dimensions for which the area is a maximum. [3.3]

Collaborative Discussion and Writing

  1. Is the sum of two imaginary numbers always an imaginary number? Explain your answer. [3.1]

  2. The graph of a quadratic function can have 0, 1, or 2 x-intercepts. How can you predict the number of x-intercepts without drawing the graph or (completely) solving an equation? [3.2]

  3. Discuss two ways in which we used completing the square in this chapter. [3.2], [3.3]

  4. Suppose that the graph of f(x)=ax2+bx+c has x-intercepts (x1, 0) and (x2, 0). What are the x-intercepts of g(x)=ax2bxc? Explain. [3.3]

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