

“ ,” for inserting new paragraphs, 316–318

. “/” element, 223, 236

. (period) character

combining text and data variable, 316

declaring CSS class selectors, 51

in rule names, 178

+ (plus) icon

in Bindings panel, 355, 363

in Databases panel, 346

in Server Behaviors panel, 361, 367, 370

# (hash mark)

creating hyperlink placeholder, 117

declaring CSS id selector, 51

enabling links, 222, 260

jumping to top of page, 230

in rule names, 178

$ (dollar sign)

declaring variables in PHP, 316

removing to update HTML data, 334–336


in creating Library items and, 146

in inserting SSIs, 151

tag functions of, 48



hyperlink anchor, 218

pseudoclass modification of, 116

tag functions of, 48


hyperlink pseudoclass, 116, 120

predefined rule function, 109

AATC (Adobe Authorized Training Center), xvi

absolute hyperlinks, 218–219

ACA (Adobe Certified Associate), xvi

Accordion widgets. see Spry Accordion widgets

.AccordionPanelTab class

accessing Live Code and, 390

customizing Spry Accordion and, 272–274

working with related files, 392

ACE (Adobe Certified Expert), xvi

ACI (Adobe Certified Instructor), xvi, xvii

action attribute, of <form> tag, 292

Action field, 313–314

Active Server Pages language. see ASP (Active Server Pages) scripting language

Add New Server icon

establishing remote sites and, 399, 403

setting up testing servers and, 341

Add Panel icon, 271

Adobe Authorized Training Center (AATC), xvi

Adobe Bridge, 202–203

Adobe BrowserLab, xvii

Adobe Certified Associate (ACA), xvi

Adobe Certified Expert (ACE), xvi

Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI), xvi

Adobe Community Help, xiv

Adobe CS Live, online services, xvii

Adobe CS Review, xvii

Adobe Design Center, xv

Adobe Developer Connection, xv

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 with ASP, ColdFusion, and PHP (Bardzell and Flynn), 318, 340

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 product home page, xv

Adobe Dreamweaver Help and Support, xv

Adobe Fireworks

copying/pasting from, 209–211

creating mockups in, 87

Adobe Flash CS5 Video Encoder, 283

Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Classroom in a Book, 280

Adobe Forums, xv

Adobe Help application, xiii

Adobe Labs, xv

Adobe Marketplace & Exchange

resource for tools, services, extensions and code samples, xv

web design resources, 260–261

Adobe Photoshop (PSD)

cloaked files, 405

copying/pasting from, 209–211

creating mockups in, 87

updating images in, 207–208

Adobe Story, xvii

Adobe TV, xv

Adobe Updater, xiii


customizing Spry menu bar and, 246–247

hyperlink pseudoclass, 116

modifying hyperlink behavior, 118–120

predefined rule function, 109

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

features of, 233

real time updating of, 328

Spry framework combined with, 326

Align attribute, 65, 199–200


hyperlink pseudoclass, 116

modifying hyperlink behavior, 118

predefined rule function, 109

Allow Multiple option, 311

alpha transparency

in graphic design, 195

in PNG, 196

alphanumeric characters

for number Spry data types, 330

for text fields, 296

alternative content, 281–282

Alternative FTP Move Method, 400

anchor code, 230–231

animation. see also graphics

Flash, adding to web pages, 279–283

with GIF, 195

AP div

creating custom ids, 113

inserting <div> components and, 93–94

as unique <div> element, 115

Application bar

location of, 4

setting up workspace and, xii

The Art & Science of CSS (Snook), 52

ASP (Active Server Pages) scripting language

adding repeat regions using, 361–362

creating a recordset using, 354–358

creating detail pages using, 374–377

creating dynamic tables using, 362–363

creating master page sets using, 363–365

creating record paging behavior using, 368–369

displaying data using, 358–360

displaying images dynamically using, 365–367

displaying multiple items using, 367–368

displaying record counts using, 371

features of, 339

hiding paging controls using, 369–370

inserting go-to-detail-page behavior using, 374

staging files on testing servers using, 360–361

styling dynamic data using, 371–374

supporting, 318

Assets panel

inserting images with, 198–199

inserting Spry menus as Library items and, 250–254

Library items in, 145

for updating templates, 141

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. see Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

At Home tab, 389, 390

Attach External Style Sheet dialog box

for converting style sheet for print, 126–127

styling forms and, 319–321

attributes. see also specific attributes

hyperlink, 218

Spry, 359

Auto Indent, 383

Automatically Upload Files To Server On Save option

for remote FTP site, 401

for remote site on local/network web server, 404


hyperlink pseudoclass, 116

modifying hyperlink behavior and, 118–119

predefined rule function, 109


background colors

changing with CSS Styles panel, 68–69

for creating faux columns, 121–123

customizing Spry Accordion, 272

of menu items, 99–100

modifying, 96–97

removing for printing, 128–129

styling Spry tables and, 333–334

background, HTML default item, 42, 49

background images

adding to header, 91–92

customizing Spry Accordion, 272

inserting into footer, 69–70

removing for printing, 128–129


adding as background image, 91–92

Flash, adding to web pages, 279–283

modifying page width to match, 96–97

behaviors. see also specific behaviors

Dreamweaver. see Dreamweaver behaviors

hyperlink, 118–121

Berners-Lee, Tim, 22–23

Bindings panel

creating a recordset and, 355–358

creating detail pages and, 375–377

creating master page sets and, 363–365

bit depth, 194

block elements

defined, 26, 31

formatting size of, 48–49

Blockquote button, 240

<blockquote> elements

HTML tag functions, 32

for text indents, 167

Blur option, 299

<body> element

HTML tag functions, 32

in web page structure, 27

writing HTML code and, 23

body rule

changing background colors and, 68–69

changing page width and, 67

defining structural elements, 109

body text, HTML default item, 42


on CSS formatting, 52

on HTML, 31

border-collapse property, 175


in CSS box model, 41

customizing Spry Accordion, 272–273

deleting Spry menu bar, 244–245

for images formatted with links, 226

object formatting of, 49

removing for printing, 129

styling table cells and, 176–177

styling tables and, 174–175

for text indents, 169–170

box model, CSS, 41

<br />

HTML tag functions, 32

inserting text and, 62

Brightness and Contrast, graphic tool, 214

Browse For File icon

for creating image-based links, 225–226

for creating internal links, 223–224


checking compatibility of, 102

creating external links and, 226–227

graphics resolution for, 193

HTML elements and, 42–43

previewing behaviors in, 261–262

previewing Flash elements in, 278–279

previewing forms in, 290–291

previewing graphics in, 196–197

previewing links in, 219–222

previewing page text in, 160–162

previewing template-based page in, 134–135

previewing web pages in, 76–77, 88, 106

putting site online and, 412

browser-compatability check, 409

Browser Compatibility report panel, 255

Browser Navigation toolbar, 4

Bulletproof Web Design (Cederholm), 52


Data Sources, 365

HTML element, on online forms, 292

radio, 292, 294, 306–307

submit, 311–312


<caption> elements

adding/formatting, 182–183

styling Spry tables and, 334

cascade theory, 44–45

cascading style sheets. see CSS (cascading style sheets)


of FTP user name/password, 399

in Windows/Linux/Unix servers, 341

cell phones, for Internet access/usage, 83–84


adjusting vertical alignment in table, 181–182

controlling column width in table, 178–179

styling table, 174–178

cellspacing attribute, 175

certification, Adobe, xvi

Change option, 299

Char Width field, 309

character entities, HTML, 33

Check Spelling dialog box, 184–185


<input> tag and, 294

inserting, 304–305

for online forms, 292

child pages

<caption> elements as, 182

producing, 138–140

class selectors, 51


creating custom, 111–113

creating dynamic tables for, 362–363

Classic workspace, 11–12

Classroom in a Book

introduction to, ix

recommended lesson order, xi

client-based functionality, 228

cloaked folders/files

putting site online and, 411–412

setting up remote sites and, 405–406

closing tags, 23, 218

code-hints menu, 386–388

Code Navigator

correcting styling difficulties, 112

editing CSS using, 248–249

locating rules with, 392

modifying content/formatting, 98–99

working with, 388–389

Code view

adding/formatting <caption> elements in, 182

applying/removing classes in, 112–113

creating lists in, 166–167

creating SSI in, 150–151

editing Library items in, 146

enforcing tabbing order in, 313

features of, 5–6

finding/replacing text in, 187–188

location of, 4

modifying formatting in, 98

options, 382–383

code, working with

accessing Live Code, 389–391

accessing Split Code view, 393

adding comments to code, 393–394

adding new code, 386–388

collapsing code, 384–385

expanding code, 385–386

overview, 380–381

review, 395

selecting code elements, 383–384

tools for, 382–383

using Code Navigator, 388–389

using Inspect mode, 391–392

working in related files, 392

Coder workspace, 12

Coding toolbar

expanding code and, 396

location of, 4, 13–14

selecting code and, 384–385

ColdFusion scripting language

adding repeat regions using, 361–362

creating a recordset using, 354–358

creating detail pages using, 374–377

creating dynamic tables using, 362–363

creating master page sets using, 363–365

creating record paging behavior using, 368–369

displaying data using, 358–360

displaying images dynamically using, 365–367

displaying multiple items using, 367–368

displaying record counts using, 371

features of, 339

hiding paging controls using, 369–370

inserting go-to-detail-page behavior using, 374

staging files on testing servers using, 360–361

styling dynamic data using, 371–374

supporting, 318

Collapse Full Tag icon, 385


adjusting text, 70–72

changing background, 68–69

customizing Spry menu bar, 246–247

on menu button borders, 120–121

modifying background, 96–97

in raster graphics, 194–195

styling forms and, 320


controlling width of, 178–179

copying/pasting tables and, 173

creating custom classes for, 180–181

creating faux, 121–123

creating tables and, 171–172

in database design, 343

formatting for, 176–178

in paging behaviors, 368–369

styling for Date and Cost, 333–334

for XML-based Spry tables, 336–338

comma-separated values (CSV) file, 180–181


adding to codes, 393–394

function of, 109

compound CSS rule

creating, 320–321

styling dynamic data and, 371–374


graphic quality and, 204–205

with PNG and JPEG, 196

Connects To Remote Host icon, 411

.container rule

changing page width, 67–68

defining structural elements, 109

modifying page width/background color, 96–97

.content .productmaster class, 371–374

.content rule

adding forms to pages and, 294–295

altering text size, 72–73

creating descendant selectors and, 110–111

defining structural elements and, 109

Flash banner animation and, 282–283

modifying page width and, 96–97

for styling tables, 174

.content table rule

styling table cells and, 176

styling tables and, 175

.content td rule

adjusting vertical alignment and, 182

styling table cells and, 176–177

.content th rule

adjusting vertical alignment and, 182

controlling column width and, 178

styling table cells and, 176–177

.content .w100 rule

controlling column width and, 178–179

inserting tables and, 180–181

copy and paste method

for inserting images, 209–211

for moving tables, 173

for transferring code, 188

Copy Dependent Files dialog box, 285

Creative Suite applications

Adobe Bridge and, 202–203

drag and drop capabilities in, 211–212

Crop, graphic tool, 214

CS Live services, xvii

CSS (cascading style sheets) basics

box model, 41

creating class selectors, 51

creating ID selectors, 51

formatting multiple elements, 50

formatting objects, 47–50

formatting text, 44–47

HTML defaults, 42–43

HTML vs. CSS formatting, 39–40

introduction to, 38–39

overview, 36–37

recommended books on, 52

review, 53

CSS class selectors, 51

CSS classes

adding new code and, 387–388

adjusting image positions with, 199–200

creating custom, 111–113

CSS code

CSS Styles panel and, 107

editing using Code Navigator, 248–249

CSS formatting

cascade theory, 44–45

descendant theory, 46

inheritance theory, 45–46

locating/editing with Inspect mode, 393–394

rule construction, 44

specificity theory, 47

CSS ID selectors

creating, 51

creating custom, 113–115

in CSS rule construction, 44

as link targets, 232

CSS layout. see also web page layout, creating

modifying existing, 88–91

selecting, 59

CSS panel location, 4

CSS Property inspector, 17

CSS rule construction, 44–47

CSS Rule Definition for body dialog box, 68–69

CSS Rule Definition for .content .profile dialog box, 168–169

CSS rules

creating custom, 268–269

creating new, 110–115

moving to external style sheet, 123–124

working with, 106–109

CSS style sheets

creating custom, 319–321

creating for other media types. see print style sheet creation

modifying SpryMenuBarVertical, 241–247

moving rules to external, 123–124

CSS Styles panel

changing background colors using, 68–69

changing page width using, 66–68

customizing Spry Accordion and, 272–274

inserting graphic background using, 69–70

moving rules to external style sheet using, 123–124

styling forms and, 319–321

styling Spry tables and, 333–334

working with, 106–109

CSS: The Missing Manual (McFarland), 52

CSS Web Site Design Hands-On Training (Meyer), 52

CSS, working with

creating custom classes, 111–113

creating custom ids, 113–115

creating descendant selectors, 110–111

creating faux columns, 121–123

creating interactive menus, 115–118

creating style sheets for print, 124–130

modifying hyperlink behavior, 118–121

moving rules to external style sheet, 123–124

overview, 104–105

previewing completed page, 106

putting site online and, 411

review, 131

working with CSS Styles panel, 106–109

CSV (comma-separated values) file, 180–181

custom classes

creating, 111–113

inserting tables and, 180–181

custom CSS rules, 110–115, 268–269

custom dictionary, 184–185

custom IDs, 113–115

custom keyboard shortcuts, 14–16

custom style sheets, 319–321

custom workspace, 14

customer information, in database design, 344

customers, website, 82–84


data. see also online data, working with

emailing, 315–318

HTML, 334–336

MS Excel, 180–181

processing, 313–314

styling, 371–374

data placeholder

converting, 360

creating dynamic tables and, 362–363

repeat regions and, 361–362

updating, 335–336

Data Sources button, 365

data tables, Spry

discarding, 358–359

rebuilding, 362–363

styling, 333–334

database applications, building

connecting to, 344–348

design basics, 343–344

displaying data from, 358–360

overview, 343

Databases panel

connecting to MySQL and, 346

creating master page sets and, 363

date Spry data type, 330, 331

declarations, in CSS rule construction, 44

default background, 42, 49

default images folder, 56–57

dependent files

for playing Flash components, 285

putting site online and, 410–412

staging on testing servers, 360–361

descendant selectors

creating, 110–111

creating interactive menus and, 115–118

descendant theory, 46

Design view

adding/formatting <caption> elements in, 182–183

applying/removing classes in, 112–113

creating lists in, 166

editing Library items in, 146

features of, 5

finding/replacing text in, 187

location of, 4

previewing web pages in, 76

Style Rendering toolbar in, 125–126

viewing Code Navigator editing in, 249

viewing CSS rules in, 107

viewing SSIs in, 152

Designer workspace

for Classroom in a Book, xii

features of, 13

detail pages

creating, 374–377

inserting special behavior and, 374

dialog boxes. see also specific dialog boxes, 261

digital cameras, 196

display, of records

hiding paging controls and, 369–370

of record counts, 371

dithering, 194

<div> elements

AP div, 115

collapsing code based on, 385

for columnar designs, 121–123

inserting editable regions in, 137

inserting in web page layout, 93–96

tag selectors for, 384

for text indents, 168

Document title bar, 4

Document toolbar, 4, 13–14

dollar sign ($)

declaring variables in PHP, 316

removing to update HTML data, 334–336

Don’t Show Again option, 59

drag and drop method, 211–212

Dreamweaver behaviors

adding to hyperlinks, 268–269

applying, 265–266

features of, 260–261

previewing, 261–262

removing applied, 267–268

working with, 263–265

Dreamweaver Exchange (online), 260

Dreamweaver Help PDF, xiii

Dreamweaver information, xiii

Dreamweaver local root site

Lessons folder for, x

setting up, 56–57

uploading files to remote site. see websites, publishing of

Dreamweaver software installation, x

Dreamweaver web page, quick start

adjusting text font/color/size, 70–73

changing headings, 60–61

inserting images, 63–66

inserting text, 61–63

overview, 54–55

previewing page in Live view, 75

previewing pages in browser, 76–77

review, 78

saving page/modifying title, 60

selecting CSS layout, 59

selecting/modifying CSS styles, 66–70

setting up Dreamweaver site, 56–57

using Property inspector, 73–75

using Welcome screen, 58–59

DW-CIB, Lessons folder, x

dynamic content

elements in templates, 136, 144

putting site online and, 412

styling, 371–374

working with, 326

dynamic images, 365–367

dynamic pages, building with data

adding repeat regions, 361–362

creating a recordset, 354–358

creating detail pages, 374–377

creating dynamic tables for classes/seminars, 362–363

creating master page sets, 363–365

creating record paging behavior, 368–369

displaying data from databases, 358–360

displaying images dynamically, 365–367

displaying multiple items, 367–368

displaying record counts, 371

hiding unneeded paging controls, 369–370

inserting go-to-detail-page behavior, 374

overview, 352–353

review, 378

staging files on testing servers, 360–361

styling dynamic data, 371–374

dynamic placeholders, 374

dynamic tables, 362–363



hyperlinks, setting up, 227–228

sending form data by, 315–318

Edit, graphic tool, 214

Edit Image Settings, graphic tool, 214

editable regions

function of, 134–135, 136

inserting, 137–138

8-bit palette

with GIF, 195

in graphics color, 194

elements. see also specific elements

empty, 32

HTML, 47–50

order of in CSS styling, 90

targeting page, 229–230

working with list/menu, 309–311


applying inline formatting and, 26

creating password text fields and, 302

HTML tag functions, 32

em-width containers, 243

Email Link dialog box, 228

<embed> elements, 282

empty tags, 23

Enable File Check-Out option

for remote FTP site, 401–402

for remote site on local/network web server, 404


function of, 25

HTML character, 33

The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS4 with CSS. Ajax, and PHP (Powers), 318

Events table placeholder, 358–360

Extensible Markup Language (XML) data, 336–338


for ASP or ColdFusion coding, 314

automatic adding of correct, 347

for creating home pages, 407

for FLV files, 283

for PHP coding, 315

saving pages and, 60

supporting SSI functionality, 151

external CSS style sheet, 123–124

external hyperlinks

creating, 226–227

function of, 218


faux columns, 121–123


in database design, 343

<form> elements and, 293

including Spry text, 298–300

sets, creating in forms, 300–301

text. see text fields

<fieldset> element

adding submit buttons and, 312–313

for creating field sets, 300–301

creating password text fields and, 302–303

inserting checkboxes and, 304–305

file formats

proprietary, 22

for raster images, 195–196

for vector graphics, 192

File Transfer Protocol. see FTP (File Transfer Protocol)


adding . “/” to, 223

for creating home pages, 407

saving pages and, 60

for style sheets, 67

Files panel

location of, 4

putting site online and, 411–412

setting up jumpstart site and, xii

Filter panel, 202–203

Find And Replace command

Dreamweaver site-wide option, 57

features of, 186–188

updating HTML data using, 334–336


hyperlink destination shown in, 220

link destination shown in, 220

popularity statistics of, 43, 83


copying/pasting from, 209–211

creating mockups in, 87

fixed-width layout

CSS layout and, 59

text reflows and, 242–243

Flash embedding, 282

Flash Video (FLV) files, 283–286

Flash, working with

adding Flash animation, 279–283

adding FLV files, 283–286

cloaked files, 405

features of, 278

overview, 276–277

previewing Flash elements, 278–279

review, 287

flat file, 344

flexibility, of Dreamweaver behavior, 261

float attribute, 65–66

fltlft class, 200, 201, 206, 212

fltrt class, 200, 203, 211, 212

FLV (Flash Video) files, 283–286

focused behavior, 273

folders, Classroom in a Book lesson, xi

Font-size field

altering text size and, 73

creating descendant selectors and, 111

creating headings and, 164

customizing Spry Accordion and, 272

formatting <caption> elements and, 183

formatting text and, 44

inserting <div> components and, 95

styling forms and, 320

Font-weight field

formatting <caption> elements and, 183

formatting text and, 44

styling forms and, 320


adjusting, 70–72

HTML default item, 43

.footer rule

defining structural elements, 109

inserting graphic background and, 69–70

for reformatting footer, 101

<form> element

adding forms to pages and, 293–294

features of, 292

function of, 292

HTML tag functions, 32, 292–293

specifying form actions and, 313–314

forms, working with

adding submit buttons, 311–313

adding to web pages, 293–295

creating field sets, 300–301

creating password text fields, 301–303

creating radio buttons, 306–307

e-mailing form data, 315–318

enforcing tabbing order in, 313

features of, 292

including Spry Text fields, 298–300

incorporating text areas, 307–309

inserting checkboxes, 304–305

overview, 288–289

previewing, 290–291

review, 322

setting preferences, 295

specifying form actions, 313–314

styling, 319–321

using text fields, 296–297

working with list/menu elements, 309–311

Foundation Flex for Developers: Data-Driven Applications with PHP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, and LCDS (Jacobs), 318

4-bit color space, in raster graphics, 194

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

for connecting to remote sites, 398

Passive, 400

setting up remote sites with, 398–402

troubleshooting, 401

FTP Performance Optimization, 400


of built-in Dreamweaver behavior, 261

collapse, 384–385

creating server-based, 315–318

for sorting tables interactively, 327

of Spry checkboxes, 304


generic hyperlinks, 97–100

Get commands

cloaking folders/files and, 406

putting site online and, 412

GET method, 314

GIF (graphic interchange format), 195

go-to-detail-page behavior

creating, 375–377

inserting, 374


adding Flash animation to pages, 279–283

adjusting position with CSS classes, 199–200

copying/pasting from Fireworks/Photoshop, 209–211

inserting background into footer, 69–70

inserting by drag and drop, 211–212

inserting dynamic, 365–367

inserting incompatible file types, 204–206

inserting into web page, 197–199

inserting, with Dreamweaver, 63–66

optimizing with Property inspector, 212–214

previewing, 196–197

raster, 192–195

raster image file formats, 195–196

tools for, 214

using Adobe Bridge, 202–203

vector, 192

working with Insert panel, 201

working with Photoshop Smart Objects, 207–208

greendata database folder, 345


<h1> elements

creating descendant selectors and, 110–111

in CSS box model, 41

default margins in, 50

functions of, 25, 32

in HTML code structure, 23

HTML defaults and, 42

selecting code and, 383–384

<h2> elements

creating headings with, 163–165

inserting Spry Accordion widgets and, 269

<h3> elements

applying behaviors and, 265–266

applying Swap Image Restore behavior and, 267

creating headings and, 163

hash mark (#)

creating hyperlink placeholder, 117

declaring CSS id selector, 51

enabling links, 222, 260

jumping to top of page, 230

in rule names, 178

<head> element

function of, 27

in HTML code structure, 23

inserting JavaScript code in, 267

inserting Spry menus as Library items and, 251

Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML (Freeman & Freeman), 31


adding background image to, 91–92

fields, testing table behaviors and, 334

predefined rule function, 109

table cell, 177–178

updating templates and, 143


changing, 60–61

creating, 163–165

HTML default item, 42

tags, for text formatting, 25–26

Height field

copying/pasting images and, 210–211

customizing Spry Accordion and, 273

inserting graphics and, 206

modifying in Property inspector, 212–213

hexadecimal colors, 68–69

Hidden Characters, 383

hidden form elements, 292

high color, for smart phones, 195

Highlight Invalid Code, 383

home page

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 product, xv

creating, 407–408

horizontal menu

creating custom IDs and, 115

for creating internal links, 222–223

updating templates and, 143–144

horizontal rule (empty tag)

in HTML code structure, 23

HTML tag functions, 32


definition of, 201

Fireworks and, 87

hover effect

Ajax scripting and, 327

customizing Spry Accordion and, 273

freezing JavaScript, 390–391

in Spry Accordion, 388–389

styling Spry tables and, 333

working with XML-based Spry table, 337–338

htdocs folder

PHP/MySQL configuration and, 346

setting up testing servers and, 341–342

HTML and XHTML Pocket Reference (Robbins), 31

HTML-based tables, 328–332

HTML character entities, 33

HTML code

basic structure, 23

frequently used, 31–33

inserting, 25

Live Code and, 389

writing, 23–24

HTML comments, 393–394

HTML-compatible codes, 386–388

HTML data, 334–336

HTML defaults, 42–43

<html> element

adding structure and, 27

HTML tag functions, 32

writing HTML code and, 23

HTML elements

formatting borders of, 49

formatting margins of, 50

formatting padding of, 50

formatting position of, 47–48

formatting size of, 48–49

HTML formatting vs. CSS formatting, 39–40

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) basics

adding structure, 27

applying inline formatting, 26

basic code structure, 23

formatting text, 25–26

frequently used codes, 31–33

future of, 34

inserting HTML code, 25

introduction to, 22–23

overview, 20–21

recommended books on, 31

review, 35

understanding HTML syntax, 24

writing HTML code, 23–24

writing in Dreamweaver, 28–31

HTML Property inspector. see Property inspector

HTML Spry data type, 330

HTML syntax, 24

HTML tags

frequently used, 32–33

for paragraph structure, 25

for text formatting, 25–26

HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide (Castro), 31

hyperlink behavior

adding visual appeal, 120–121

modifying default, 118–119

modifying existing, 119–120

hyperlink pseudoclasses, 116

hyperlink rules, 130


adding Dreamweaver behavior to, 268–269

creating external, 226–227

creating image-based, 225–226

creating internal, 222–225

creating named anchors for, 230–231

creating with code hinting, 386–388

customizing appearance of Spry menu bar, 241–247

generic, 97–100

hotspots, 201

inserting Spry menu bars and, 234–239

internal and external, 218, 222–225

modifying Spry menus directly, 239–241

names, exact spelling of, 237

relative vs. absolute, 218–219

setting up e-mail, 227–228

targeting page elements, 229–230

targets, using ID attributes as, 232

updating website, 408–409

HyperText Markup Language. see HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) form e-mail function, 315–318


ID attributes

creating custom, 113–115

in CSS rule construction, 44

as link targets, 232

selectors, creating, 51

Illustrator, 87

image-based links, 225–226

Image Description field, 210

image placeholders

adding Dreamweaver behaviors and, 263–265

dynamic, 374

inserting, 100–101

Image Preview dialog box

copying/pasting images and, 209–210

inserting incompatible file types and, 204–206

reopening to improve images, 207

Image Property inspector. see also Property inspector, 17

Image Tag Accessibility Attributes dialogue box

inserting images and, 64–65

inserting images by drag and drop and, 212

using Adobe Bridge and, 203

working with Insert panel and, 201

images, working with

adjusting positions, 199–200

copying/pasting from Fireworks/Photoshop, 209–211

graphic tools, 214

inserting by drag and drop, 211–212

inserting dynamic, 365–367

inserting images, 197–199

inserting incompatible file types, 204–206

inserting, with Dreamweaver, 63–66

optimizing with Property inspector, 212–214

overview, 190–191

previewing graphics, 196–197

raster graphics, 192–195

raster image file formats, 195–196

review, 215

using Adobe Bridge, 202–203

vector graphics, 192

working with Insert panel, 201

working with Photoshop Smart Objects, 207–208

<img> element, 199–200

Import Tabular Data dialog box, 180–181

important page content, 25–26

include command, 151, 153

indents, text, 167–170

information, Dreamweaver application features, xiii

inheritance theory, 45–46

inline elements

defined, 31

formatting text with, 26

<input> element

HTML form elements and, 294

using text fields and, 296–297

Input Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box

adding submit buttons and, 312–313

creating password text fields and, 302–303

incorporating text areas and, 307–309

inserting menu elements and, 309–311

inserting Spry Text Fields and, 298–300

using text fields and, 296–297

Insert panel

adding forms to pages and, 293–294

inserting images, 201

inserting placeholder text, 364–365

inserting Spry Accordion widgets, 269–271

location of, 4

Inspect mode, 391–392

installation, of Classroom in a Book files, x

interactive link behavior

adding visual appeal, 120–121

modifying default, 118–119

modifying existing, 119–120

interactive menus, 115–118

interactivity, adding

adding additional panels, 271

adding behavior to hyperlinks, 268–269

applying Dreamweaver behaviors, 265–266

applying Swap Image Restore behavior, 266–267

customizing Spry Accordion, 272–274

inserting Spry Accordion widgets, 269–271

learning Dreamweaver behaviors, 260–261

overview, 258–259

previewing behaviors in completed page, 261–262

removing applied behaviors, 267–268

review, 275

working with Dreamweaver behaviors, 263–265

internal hyperlinks

creating, 222–225

function of, 218

Internet access, cell phones for, 83–84

Internet Explorer

Flash Player and, 286

hyperlink destination shown in, 220

link destination shown in, 220

popularity statistics of, 83

intranet, 398

IPV6 Transfer Mode, 400



Dreamweaver behaviors and, 260–261

freezing with hover effect, 390–391

inserting in <head> section, 267

uploading, 411

working with HTML data and, 332

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 196


method, xi

site, setting up, xii


keyboard shortcuts, 14–16

keys, unique, 343


<label> element

creating field sets and, 300

creating radio buttons and, 306–307

incorporating text areas and, 308

using text fields and, 296

layout. see CSS layout; web page layout, creating

Legend field, 300–301


jumpstart method for, xi–xii

recommended order, xi

Lessons folder, x

<li> elements

building menu buttons using, 120

collapsing code and, 385

collapsing code based on, 385

creating lists and, 166

expanding code and, 385–386

HTML tag functions, 32

modifying existing content and, 98

updating links and, 409

using Inspect mode and, 391

Library items

cloaking of, 405–406

creating, 144–148

inserting Spry menus as, 250–254

overview, 144

updating, 148–149

for updating links, 408–409

Line-height field

in CSS rule construction, 44

formatting <caption> elements and, 183

Line Numbers

Code view and, 106

collapsing code and, 385

function of, 383

Link Checker panel, 255

Link field

for creating internal links, 222–223

inserting Spry menu bars and, 237–239

modifying Spry menus and, 240–241

setting up e-mail links and, 228

link placeholder

adding behavior to hyperlinks and, 268–269

creating home pages and, 408

link targets, 232

links. see hyperlink(s)

list/menu elements

<input> tag and, 294

for online forms, 292

overview of, 309–311

List Values dialog box, 310–311

lists, working with. see also text, working with

creating lists, 165–167

overview, 158–159

previewing page containing, 160–162

review, 189

Live Code

accessing, 389–391

accessing Split Code view and, 393

using Inspect mode and, 391–392

Live view

examining <caption> elements in, 183

Inspect mode and, 391–392

observing updated pages in, 149

previewing dependent files in, 360–361

previewing FLV files in, 285–286

previewing online data in, 326–327

previewing SSIs in, 152–153

previewing template child page in, 140

previewing web page in, 75, 76

test Spry menu bar in, 247

Local Site Folder field, 57

local site(s)

root folder, 56–57, x

synchronizing remote and, 413–414

local web servers

configuring, 340

establishing remote site on, 398, 402–404

Loop option, 280

lossy compression, with JPEG, 196


Macintosh instructions, vs. Windows instructions, xiii

Maintain Synchronization Information option

for remote FTP site, 401

for remote site on local/network web server, 404

MAMP (Windows/Macintosh Apache MySQL PHP) server

connecting to databases using, 341–342

setting up, 341–342

Manage Sites dialog box

establishing remote site on local/network web server and, 402–404

setting up remote FTP site and, 398–402

setting up testing servers and, 340–342


in CSS box model, 41

HTML default item, 43

object formatting of, 50

styling tables and, 174–175

master page sets, 363–365

Max Chars attribute field, 296


adding visual appeal to, 120–121

customizing Spry, 241–247

inserting as Library items, 250–254

inserting Spry, 234–239

interactive, 115–118

Menu bar location, 4

modifying Spry, 239–241

vertical, 144–148, 241–247

vertical navigation, 97–100, 408–409

Microsoft Internet Explorer. see Internet Explorer

Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, 398

mockups, in Fireworks/Photoshop, 87

Move To First Page dialog box, 368–369

MS Excel data, 180–181

multicolumn designs, 121–123

multiple items

choosing, 292

displaying, 367–368

MySQL Connection dialog box, 346

MySQL database

connecting to, on PHP server, 345–348

server-based capabilities of, 343


named anchors, 230–231

navigation, working with

checking pages, 254–255

creating external links, 226–227

creating image-based links, 225–226

creating internal links, 222–225

creating named anchors, 230–231

customizing appearance of Spry menu bar, 241–247

editing CSS using Code Navigator, 248–249

hyperlink basics, 218–219

inserting Spry menu bars, 234–239

inserting Spry menus as Library items, 250–254

modifying Spry menus directly, 239–241

overview, 216–217

previewing links, 219–222

review, 256

setting up e-mail links, 227–228

targeting page elements, 229–230

using ID attributes as link targets, 232

network web servers

definition of, 398

establishing remote site on, 402–404

New CSS Rule dialog box

creating descendant selectors and, 110

creating headings and, 164–165

creating interactive menus and, 117–118

styling forms and, 319–321

styling Spry tables and, 333–334

normalization, 50

now() function, 357

number Spry data type, 330, 331


<object> elements, 282

object formatting, in CSS

borders and shading, 49

margins and padding, 50

positioning, 47–48

size, 48–49

Object Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box, 280

odd/even effects

styling Spry tables and, 333

working with XML-based Spry table, 337–338

<ol> elements

creating lists and, 166

default margins in, 50

default margins with, 50

HTML tag functions, 32

online data, working with

choosing server models, 338–339

configuring local web servers, 340

database design basics, 343–344

overview, 324–325

previewing online data, 326–327

review, 350

setting up testing servers, 340–342

styling Spry tables, 333–334

updating HTML data, 334–336

working with dynamic content, 326

working with HTML data, 328–332

working with XML data, 336–338

online forms. see forms, working with

online services, Adobe CS Live, xvii

onMouseOut attribute

of Swap Image behavior, 268

of Swap Image Restore behavior, 267

onMouseOver attribute

of Swap Image behavior, 265–266

of Swap Image Restore behavior, 267

opening tags

adjusting image positions and, 200

creating custom classes and, 112

creating Library items and, 146

in HTML code structure, 23

options. see also specific options

for FTP server, 400

synchronization, 414

orders table, 344


<p> elements

adding new code and, 386–388

creating external links and, 226

creating headings and, 163

creating lists and, 166–167

creating lists with, 166–167

creating named anchors and, 231

default margins in, 50

HTML defaults and, 42

HTML tag functions, 32

HTML vs. CSS formatting and, 39

inserting image placeholders and, 100

inserting text and, 62–63

styling forms and, 320

styling tables with CSS and, 174

targeting page elements and, 229–230

targeting page elements with, 229–230

using Property inspector and, 74


in CSS box model, 41

in Flash banner animation, 282–283

HTML default item, 43

object formatting of, 50

padding fields

styling forms and, 320

styling table cells and, 176

page elements

CSS styles and, 106

in Design view, 75

specifications of, 97

targeting, 229–230

page layout. see web page layout, creating

page titles, 60

page width, 66–68

paging controls

hiding unneeded, 369–370

inserting, 368–369

palette, in raster graphics, 194


features of, 4–5

floating/dragging, 9

grouping/stacking/docking, 10–11

minimizing, 8

standard grouping, 7

paragraph structure, 25

parent element

hiding subitem menus with, 248

updating links and, 409

Passive FTP, 400

password text fields, 301–303

pencil sketches

thumbnails, 84–86

wireframes, 86–87

period (.) character

combining text and data variable, 316

declaring CSS class selectors, 51

in rule names, 178

Personal Home Page, 339

personalized preferences, 14

Photoshop (PSD)

cloaked files, 405

copying/pasting from, 209–211

creating mockups in, 87

updating images in, 207–208

PHP form e-mail function, 315–318

PHP (Hypertext Processor)

adding repeat regions using, 361–362

creating a recordset using, 354–358

creating detail pages using, 374–377

creating dynamic tables using, 362–363

creating master page sets using, 363–365

creating record paging behavior using, 368–369

displaying data using, 358–360

displaying images dynamically using, 365–367

displaying multiple items using, 367–368

displaying record counts using, 371

features of, 339

hiding paging controls using, 369–370

inserting go-to-detail-page behavior using, 374

PHP/MySQL server installation, 345–348

staging files on testing servers using, 360–361

styling dynamic data using, 371–374

picture elements. see pixels


in raster graphics, 192–193

resolution and, 193

width set in, 243–244

placeholder headings

changing, 60–61

creating lists and, 165

creating text indents and, 167

importing text and, 163

inserting text and, 62

placeholder text

changing, 97–100

creating master page sets and, 364–365

in HTML-based tables, 326–327

inserting, 101

plus (+) icon

in Bindings panel, 355, 363

in Databases panel, 346

in Server Behaviors panel, 361, 367, 370

PNG (Portable Network Graphic), 196

Point To File tool, 223–225

positioning, 47–48

POST method, 314

power position, 86

prebuilt workspace layouts

Classic, 11–12

Coder, 12

Designer, 13

predefined options, checkbox, 304


personalizing, 14

setting for accessible forms, 295

prerequisites, to using Classroom in a Book, ix

Preview States menu

creating radio buttons and, 307

inserting Spry Text Fields and, 299–300

print style sheet creation

converting existing style sheet, 126–127

displaying Style Rendering toolbar, 125–126

hiding unwanted page areas, 127–129

overview, 124–125

removing unneeded styles, 130

product information, in database design, 344

progressive download, of FLV files, 283–286

Property inspector

adding/removing panels in, 271

creating custom CSS formatting, 73–75

creating external links with, 226–227

creating image-based links with, 225–226

creating internal links with, 222–225

displaying width/height values, 93

Flash banner animation in, 280–281

HTML/CSS tabs of, 16–17

image properties of, 17

location of, 4

modifying Spry menu bars in, 236–239

optimizing images with, 212–214

refreshing after Code view changes, 30

proximity, in CSS rule construction, 45

Proxy, 400

PSD. see Photoshop (PSD)

pseudoclasses, hyperlink

functions of, 116

modifying hyperlink behavior and, 120

Style Rendering toolbar and, 125–126

public folder name, of FTP server, 399

publishing websites. see websites, publishing of

purpose, website, 82

Put command

cloaking folders/files and, 406

putting site online and, 410–412


radio buttons

creating, 306–307

<input> tag and, 294

for online forms, 292

raster graphics

color in, 194–195

overview, 192–193

raster image file formats, 195–196

resolution in, 193

size in, 194

RDS (Remote Development Services), 398

real time updating, 328

recommended lesson order, for Classroom in a Book, xi

record paging behavior

creating, 368–369

in Recordset menu, 361


in database design, 343

display, 369–371

Recordset dialog box

creating a recordset and, 355–358

creating detail pages and, 375–377

creating dynamic tables and, 362–363

creating master page sets and, 363–365

Recordset Navigation Status dialog box, 371

recordsets, 354–358

regular expressions, 185

Related Files interface, 392

relational databases, 344

relative hyperlinks, 218–219

Remote Development Services (RDS), 398

remote sites

definition of, 398

synchronizing local and, 413–414

Render Print Media Type icon

hiding unwanted page areas and, 127–129

removing unneeded styles and, 130

repeat regions

adding, 361–362

displaying multiple items with, 367–368

inserting paging controls, 368–369

Resample, graphic tool, 214


with JPEG and PNG, 196

in raster graphics, 193

resources, xiv

Resources for educators, xv

rollover effect, 261

root directory name, of FTP server, 399

<root> elements

function of, 27

in HTML code structure, 23


adjusting vertical alignment in, 181–182

copying/pasting tables and, 173

creating tables and, 171–172

in database design, 343

in paging behaviors, 368–369

styling Spry tables and, 333–334

for XML-based Spry tables, 336–338

rule construction, CSS, 44–47


moving to external style sheet, 123–124

naming of, 178

order of in CSS styling, 177

removing for printing, 130


Save All command

creating custom keyboard shortcuts and, 15–16

moving rules to external style sheet and, 124

for updated multiple files, 144

updating templates and, 144

Save As Template dialog box, 136

Save Optimized As dialog box, 211

Save Web Image dialog box

copying/pasting images and, 209

inserting incompatible file types and, 206

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), 192

screen-media style sheet, 126–127

<script> elements

Flash Player and, 282

HTML tag functions, 33

inserting Spry elements and, 252

inserting Spry menus as Library items and, 252

scripting languages. see also specific scripting languages

displaying data changes, 328

supporting, 318

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), 398

select effects

Ajax scripting and, 327

styling Spry tables and, 333

working with XML-based Spry table, 337–338

Select External Editor dialog box, 210

Select File dialog box

adding Flash animation and, 280

creating internal links and, 223

inserting go-to-detail-page behavior and, 374

Select Image Source dialog box

inserting dynamic images and, 365–367

inserting images and, 197–198

working with Insert panel and, 201

Select Parent Tag icon, 384

Selector Name field, 111


creating class and id, 51

creating descendant, 110–111

in CSS rule construction, 44

seminars, dynamic tables for, 362–363

server-based databases, vs. stand-alone databases, 343

server-based e-mail, 315–318

Server Behaviors panel

adding repeat regions and, 361–362

displaying multiple items and, 367–368

server models, 338–339

server-side functionality, 228

server-side includes (SSIs)

creating, 150–151

implementing menus as, 254

inserting, 151–153

updating, 153–155

uploading, 411

using, 149–150

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), 398

shading, 49

Sharpen, graphic tool, 214

Show Log option

for updating links, 409

for updating templates, 142

Show Region behaviors, 370

.shtml extension, 151, 153

.sidebar1 rule

for creating faux columns, 122–123

defining structural elements, 109

Site Name field, 57

Site Setup dialog box

configuring testing servers in, 340

creating sites for lessons, xi

setting up Dreamweaver site and, 56–57

setting up jumpstart site, xii

setting up jumpstart site and, xi

setting up remote FTP site and, 398–399

SiteCatalyst NetAverages, xvii

16-bit color space, 195


altering text, 72–73

of heading tags, 165

of image, matching container, 94

of image, optimizing with Property inspector, 212–213

object formatting of, 48–49

in raster graphics, 194

of Spry menu bar, 242–246

Smart Objects (Photoshop), 207–208

smart phones, 195

software installation, Dreamweaver, x

Source (Bardzell and Flynn), 340

specificity theory, 47

spell-checking, 184–185, 409

Split Code view, 393

Split view

creating field sets in, 300

creating lists in, 166

editing CSS in, 248

features of, 6–7

HTML vs. CSS formatting and, 39–40

inserting checkboxes in, 305

using Code Navigator in, 388

working with CSS Styles panel in, 109

writing HTML code in, 28

spreadsheets, 343

Spry Accordion widgets

adding additional panels to, 271

Code Navigator and, 388–389

customizing, 272–274

inserting, 269–271

overview, 269

Spry Data, 233

Spry data placeholders, 360

Spry Data Set dialog box

working with HTML data and, 329–331

working with XML data, 336–338

Spry Data Set-Insert Table dialog box, 331–332

Spry data tables

discarding, 358–359

rebuilding, 362–363

styling, 333–334

Spry data types, 330

Spry Effects, 233

Spry Form widgets, 233

Spry framework

creating detail pages using, 374–377

creating master page sets using, 363–365

creating record paging behavior using, 368–369

displaying images dynamically using, 365–367

displaying multiple items using, 367–368

displaying record counts using, 371

features/tools of, 233

harnessing Ajax’s power, 326

hiding paging controls using, 369–370

inserting go-to-detail-page behavior using, 374

styling dynamic data using, 371–374

working with HTML data, 328–332

Spry Layout widgets, 233

Spry menus

customizing appearance of, 241–247

editing CSS using Code Navigator, 248–249

inserting, 234–239

inserting as Library items, 250–254

modifying directly, 239–241

Spry Textarea

incorporating text areas and, 307–309

inserting menu elements and, 309–311

Spry Validation Radio Group, 306–307

Spry Validation Text Fields, 298–300

SSIs. see server-side includes (SSIs)

staging server, 398, 402

stand-alone databases, vs. server-based databases, 343

standard panel grouping, 7

Standard toolbar, 13–14

statistics, on website access/usage, 83

status bar, 220

streaming, of FLV files, 283

string Spry data type, 330

<style> elements

CSS rules contained in, 106–107

in CSS Styles panel, 106–107

HTML tag functions, 33

Style Rendering toolbar

displaying, 125–126

location of, 13–14

style sheets. see CSS style sheets

Stylin’ with CSS: A Designer’s Guide (Wyke-Smith), 52

submit buttons, 311–313

Submit option, 299

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 192

Swap Image behavior

adding to hyperlinks, 268–269

applying, 265–266

removing, 267–268

Swap Image Restore behavior

applying, 266–267

removing, 267–268

synchronization, of local/remote sites, 413–414

Syntax Coloring, 383

Syntax Error Alerts In Info Bar, 383


tabindex attribute

commenting codes and, 393

enforcing tabbing order, 313

table cell text, 42

table cells

displaying data and, 360

HTML tag functions, 33

inserting tables and, 182

styling, 176–178

table headers

displaying data and, 359

HTML default item, 43

styling table cells and, 176

Table Property inspector, 17

<table> tag selector

<caption> elements and, 182–183

copying/pasting tables, 173

creating named anchors and, 231

creating tables and, 172

finding/replacing text and, 188

inserting tables and, 180–181

styling Spry tables and, 334

styling tables and, 174–175

for targeting page elements, 229–230

using ID attributes as link targets and, 232

tables, working with

adding/formatting <caption> elements, 182–183

adjusting vertical alignment, 181–182

controlling column width, 178–179

copying/pasting, 173

creating dynamic, 362–363

creating from scratch, 171–172

inserting, from other sources, 180–181

inserting paging controls as, 368–369

overview, 158–159, 170

previewing page containing, 160–162

review, 189

styling table cells, 176–178

styling with CSS, 174–175

tag-based syntax, 339

Tag Inspector panel

accessing Dreamweaver behaviors from, 260

adding behavior to hyperlinks in, 268–269

applying Swap Image behavior in, 265–266

applying Swap Image Restore behavior in, 267

tag selectors

HTML, 25–26, 32–33

location of, 4

selecting code using, 383–384

targeted links

methods used for, 229–230

using ID attributes as, 232

<td> elements

adjusting vertical alignment and, 182

for formatting columns, 176–177


cloaked folders, 405–406

creating from existing layout, 135–136

creating server-side includes, 150–151

editing horizontal menu in, 222

inserting editable regions, 137–138

inserting server-side includes, 151–153

for inserting Spry menus as Library items, 251–253

overview, 132–133

previewing completed page, 134–135

producing child pages, 138–140

review, 156

updating, 141–144

updating server-side includes, 153–155

using Library items, 144–149

using server-side includes, 149–150

Test SQL Statement dialog box

creating a recordset and, 356

creating detail pages and, 375–377

creating master page sets and, 364

testing servers

final steps for, 349

setting up, 340–342, 345–348

for SSIs, 153, 155

staging files on, 360–361


applying classes to, 112–113

color, 70–72

font, 70–72

formatting, 25–26

inserting, with Dreamweaver, 61–63

modifying existing content, 97–100

reflows, 243

size, altering, 72–73

Text-align field menu

controlling column width and, 179

styling table cells and, 176

text areas

incorporating, 307–309

<input> tag and, 294

for online forms, 292

text-based hyperlinks, 222–225

text editor

opening templates in, 138

writing HTML code and, 23–34

text fields

creating field sets, 300–301

creating password, 301–303

<input> tag and, 294

inserting Spry, 298–300

for online forms, 292

using, 296–297

text, working with

adding/formatting <caption> elements, 182–183

adjusting vertical alignment, 181–182

controlling column width, 178–179

copying/pasting tables, 173

creating headings, 163–165

creating lists, 165–167

creating tables, 170–172

creating text indents, 167–170

finding/replacing text, 185–188

importing text, 162–163

inserting tables, 180–181

overview, 158–159

previewing completed page, 160–162

review, 189

spell-checking web pages, 184–185

styling table cells, 176–178

styling tables with CSS, 174–175

text wraps, 243

<th> elements

adjusting vertical alignment and, 182

controlling column width and, 179

for formatting columns, 176–177

32-bit color space

for graphic design, 195

with PNG, 196

three-dimensional effect, 120–121

thumbnails, 84–86

<title> elements

adding to web pages, 27

template editable region in, 137

titles, page, 60


adjustments, 13–14

features, 4–5

tools, for images, 214

training and certification, Adobe, xvi


backgrounds and, 49

with GIF, 195

with PNG, 196

Trash Can icon, 122

triggering elements

Blur/Change/Submit options, 299

for Dreamweaver behaviors, 260–261

onMouseOut as, 267

onMouseOver as, 265–266, 267

troubleshooting, 401

true color, 195

Turn Styles On button, 240

24-bit color space, 195

Type-size field, 174


<ul> elements

collapsing code based on, 385

creating lists and, 167

expanding code based on, 385–386

inserting Spry Accordion widgets and, 269–271

ul.MenuBarVertical rule

customizing Spry menu bar and, 242–247

editing CSS and, 248–249

ul.nav li rule

adding vis menus and, 120

formatting menu button and, 120–121

predefined rule function, 109

<ul.nav> tag selector

for creating library items, 144–146

for creating SSI, 150–151

Uniform Resource Locator. see URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

unique IDs

for converting radio buttons to checkboxes, 306

in database design, 343

for forms/form elements, 293

for Spry data set, 329

for text fields, 296

unique keys, 343

unordered lists, 165–167

Update From Original, graphic tool, 214

Update Pages dialog box

creating image-based links and, 225–226

creating internal links and, 224

inserting editable regions and, 138

inserting Spry menus as Library items and, 253

updating links and, 409

updates, checking for, xiii

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

for creating external links, 226

field, inserting folder names into, 366

of FTP server, 399

in HTML code structure, 218

of local web server, 403

for MAMP installation, 345

testing servers in, 342



definition of, 298

with Spry Text Fields, 298–300

Value column field, 175

values, for radio buttons, 306

variables, in PHP, 316

vector-based animation, 279–283

vertical menu

creating Library items from, 144–148

customizing Spry, 241–247

updating templates and, 144

vertical-nav item

for creating Library items, 144–148

for updating Library items, 148–149

vertical navigation menu

modifying existing content/formatting, 97–100

updating, 408–409

video formats, 283–286


Code. see Code view

Design. see Design view

Live. see Live view

Split. see Split view

visibility, modifying paging link, 369–370



on creating SVG, 192

SQL tutorial offered by, 354

website access/usage statistics, 83

WAMP/MAMP (Windows/Macintosh Apache MySQL PHP) server, 344–348

web-based forms. see forms, working with

web design. see also graphics; images, working with

Adobe Marketplace & Exchange resources, 260–261

basics of, 82–84

thumbnail, 85–86

Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDav), 398

web page layout, creating

adding background image to header, 91–92

checking browser compatibility, 102

creating thumbnails, 84–86

creating wireframes, 86–87

inserting image placeholders, 100–101

inserting new <div> components, 93–96

inserting placeholder text/modifying footer, 101

inserting Spry Accordion widgets, 269–271

modifying existing content/formatting, 97–100

modifying existing CSS layout, 88–91

modifying page width/background color, 96–97

overview, 80–81

previewing, 88

review, 103

web design basics, 82–84

web pages

adding Flash animation to, 279–283

adding forms to, 293–295

dynamic. see dynamic pages, building with data

graphics color for, 194

graphics resolution for, 193

hiding unwanted areas for printing, 127–129

image size for, 194

modifying width, 96–97

saving/modifying title, 60

spell-checking, 184–185

using JPEG for graphics, 196

writing HTML by hand, 23–27

writing HTML in Dreamweaver, 28–31

web-safe color palette, 194

web servers, local, 340

WebDav (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning), 398

websites, publishing of

cloaking folders and files, 405–406

completing sidebar content, 410

creating home pages, 407–408

defining remote sites, 398

establishing remote site on local/network web server, 402–404

overview, 396–397

prelaunch checklist, 409

putting site online, 410–412

review, 415

setting up remote FTP site, 398–402

synchronizing local/remote sites, 413–414

updating links, 408–409

weight, in CSS rule construction, 47

Welcome screen, 58–59

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor, 3–4


adding additional panels to, 271

customizing menu bar appearance, 241–247

customizing Spry Accordion, 272–274

features of, 233

inserting, 234–239

inserting Spry Accordion, 269–271

inserting Spry Text Fields, 298–300

modifying directly, 239–241

Width field

controlling column width and, 178–179

copying/pasting images and, 210–211

inserting graphics and, 206

modifying in Property inspector, 212–213

styling tables and, 174

of text fields, 296

width set in ems/pixels, 243

Windows instructions, vs. Macintosh instructions, xiii

wireframes, 86–87

Word Wrap, 383


Coder, 12

creating custom, 14

setting up, xii

workspace, customizing

custom keyboard shortcuts, 14–16

design/code-editing tools, 4–5

overview, 2–3

panels, functions of, 7–11

personalizing preferences, 14

review, 18

switching/splitting views, 5–7

toolbar adjustments, 13–14

using Property inspector, 16–17

workspace layout selection, 11–13

Workspace menu

location of, 4

for prebuilt workspaces, 11

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, 3–4


XML (Extensible Markup Language) data, 336–338

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