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image Part I: Introducing LightSwitch

image Chapter 1: Introducing LightSwitch

What’s New in 2015

Understanding LightSwitch’s Architecture

The Data Tier

The Logic Tier

The Presentation Tier

Introducing the Model-Centric Architecture

Building Your Application

Understanding MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)

Walkthrough: Creating a LightSwitch Project


image Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Data

Choosing Where to Store Your Data

What Are Entities and Properties?

Creating Tables (Entities)

Creating Fields (Properties)

Storing Textual Data

Storing Numbers (Double and Decimal Types)

Storing Numbers (Integer Types)

Formatting Numeric Fields

Storing Images

Storing Binary Data

Storing Dates

Ensuring Unique Values

Changing Data Types

Using LightSwitch Business Types

Storing Email Addresses

Storing Monetary Values

Storing Phone Numbers

Storing Web Addresses and Percentage Values

Storing People Data

Examining What Happens in SQL Server

Creating Choice Lists

Choice List Versus Related Tables

Defining Relationships

Defining One-to-Many-Type Relationships

How Relationships Are Defined in SQL Server

Defining Self-Referencing Relationships

Defining Many-to-Many Relationships

Determining How Child Records Are Deleted

Attaching Existing Data

Attaching to an Existing Database

Attaching to SharePoint Data

Deleting a Data Source

Defining Relationships between Data Sources

Creating Computed Properties

Creating Summary Properties

Calculating Dates with Computed Properties

Summarizing Child Records with Computed Properties

Returning Images with Computed Properties

Sorting and Filtering by Computed Properties


image Chapter 3: Building HTML Applications

Building an HTML Application

Creating Screens

Walkthrough 3-1. Creating an Application

Using the Screen Designer

Understanding Top-Level Screen Layout

Using the Screen Designer Toolbar

Using Tabs

Laying Out Your Screen with Group Controls

Using Data Controls

Showing/Editing String Values

Working with Boolean Values

Showing/Editing Date Values

Showing/Editing Email or Web Addresses

Showing Lists of Records

Using Data Picker Controls

Positioning Controls

Setting Screen Properties

Building a Navigation Structure

Setting a Home Screen

Configuring the Navigation Menu

Navigating to Different Screens

Adding Navigation Buttons

Changing Button Icons


image Chapter 4: Creating Desktop Applications

What This Chapter Covers

What Are the Benefits of Desktop Applications?

Creating a Desktop Client

Setting the Application Type

Choosing a Screen Template

Walkthrough 4-1. Creating New Data Screens

Designing Screens

Setting Screen Properties

Grouping and Laying Out Controls

Choosing Data Controls

Displaying Data Using Data-Item Containers

Using Data-Selection Controls

Using the Auto-Complete Box Control

Using the Modal Window Picker Control

Displaying Static Text and Images

Setting Control Appearances

Positioning Control Labels

Styling Labels and Static Text Controls

Making Controls Read-Only

Including Related Data Items

Using the Data Grid and Data List Controls

Creating an Editable Grid Screen

Configuring Data Grid Settings

Setting Data Grid Header Buttons

Creating a List and Details Screen

Creating a Search Screen

Creating Details Screens

Walkthrough 4-2. Using Details Screens

Setting Application Properties

Configuring Screen Navigation

Designing Screens at Runtime

Reducing Project Sizes


image Part II: Working with Data

image Chapter 5: Querying Your Data

Introduction to Data Retrieval

LightSwitch Queries Always Return Entities

Understanding the Query Pipeline

Using LightSwitch’s Default Queries

Filtering and Sorting data

Creating Queries Based on Entities

Applying Filters

Comparing Against Other Fields/Properties

Passing Arguments into a Query

Filtering by Global Values

Modifying Screen Queries

Sorting Data

Sorting Data Grids in Desktop Applications

Examining User-Setting Files

Walkthrough: Working with Queries

5-1. Filtering Controls

5-2. Using Queries on Screens


image Chapter 6: Writing Data-Access Code

LightSwitch Data API

Retrieving Single Records by ID Value

Working with Records and Nullable Data Types

Using JavaScript Promises

Walkthrough 6-1: Client-Side Data-Access Code

Executing Queries Remotely

Working with the Save Pipeline

Walkthrough 6-2: Working with Change Sets

Managing Transactions in LightSwitch

Understanding Transactions

Walkthrough 6-3: Creating Transactions in the Save Pipeline

Understanding Concurrency

Displaying a Data-Conflict Screen

Walkthrough 6-4: Handling Conflicts in Code


image Chapter 7: Validating Data

Understanding Validation in LightSwitch

How Client Validation Works in Desktop Clients

How MVVM Applies to Validation

Defining Simple (Predefined) Validation Rules

Writing Custom Property Validation

Identifying Where Validation Runs

Creating Validation Rules and Warnings

Custom Validation Examples

Comparing against Other Properties

Mandating Data with Conditions

Validating Patterns with Regular Expressions

Checking against Child Collections

Validating Data on the Client

HTML Client Validation

Desktop Client Validation

Validating Data at the Database

Walkthrough 7-1. Enforcing Data Rules

Enforcing Uniqueness and Preventing Duplicates

Validating Deletions on the Server


image Part III: Writing ScreenCode

image Chapter 8: Refinining HTML Clients Screens with JavaScript/CSS

Examining the JavaScript API

Handling Screen Events

API Objects

Performing Screen Tasks with JavaScript

Setting Default Screen Values

Hiding Controls and Setting Screen Titles

Displaying Custom Content on Screens

Adding Custom Text on Screens

Adding Custom HTML to Screens

Using Popups

Walkthrough 8-1. Confirming Actions with Popups

Using Data-Binding Techniques

Formatting Data

Running Code When Data Changes

Using Custom Controls

Displaying Data with Custom Controls

Editing HTML Data with Custom Controls

Customizing the Appearance of Your Application

Theming Your Application

Bespoke Customization

Walkthrough 8-2. Customizing the UI

Creating Custom Navigation

Creating Custom Buttons


image Chapter 9: Enhancing Desktop Screens with .NET Code

Adding Code to Your Application

General Methods

Access Control Methods

Collection Methods

Screen Property Methods

Working with Code and Data

Displaying Custom Text and Information

Accessing Grid and List Values

Setting the Screen Title in Code

Setting Default Screen Values

Navigating Screens

Opening Screens from Buttons or Links

Adding Unbound Auto-Complete Boxes

Refreshing All Open Screens

Passing Arguments into Screens

Showing MessageBox and InputBox alerts

Working with Controls

Finding Controls Using FindControl

Referencing the Underlying Silverlight Control

Handling Silverlight Control Events

Working with Threads

Finding Out Which Thread Your Code Is Executing On

Understanding When to Execute Code on a Different Thread

Reacting to Data Changes

Using PropertyChanged on a New Data Screen

Using PropertyChanged on a Details Screen

Walkthrough: Practical Screen Enhancements

Creating a Continuous New Data Screen

Designing an Add/Edit Screen

Customizing Data-Grid Dialogs


image Part IV: Refining Your Application

image Chapter 10: Searching Data

An Overview of Built-In Search

Walkthrough 10-1. Building Custom Search

Defining a Search Query

Creating the Search Screen

Building Advanced Searches

Introducing LINQ

Practical Querying Examples

Filtering by Related Child Items

Exists, In

Not Exists, Not In

Filtering by Date Elements

Top N Records

String-Matching Examples

Matching Non-Concurrent Words

Matching Multiple Words (Optionally)

Case Sensitivity

Phonetic Searching

Debugging Queries

Walkthrough 10-2. Opening a Search Screen


image Chapter 11: Building Practical Application Features

Working with Files

Adding File Support to HTML Client Applications

Adding File Support to Desktop Client Applications

Validating File Sizes

Selecting Multiple Records

Assigning and Unassigning Self-Joined Data

Creating Screens to Work with Single-Row Tables

Nesting Data-Selection Controls

Working with Locations

Picking Up GPS Locations

Integrating with Mapping Systems

Summarizing Data

Showing Aggregate Counts/Sums/Averages

Querying Data Remotely

Merging Data


image Chapter 12: Supporting Multiple Languages


Supported Languages

Preparing an Application for Localization

Localizing Server Objects

Translating Table Field Names

Testing a Localized Application

Translating .NET Server Messages

Localizing HTML Client Resources

Localizing Screen Titles and Menu Items

Localizing JavaScript Messages

Localizing Dates and Numbers

Localizing Desktop Apps

Localizing Screen Titles and Menu Items

Localizing Silverlight .NET Code


image Chapter 13: Creating and Using Custom Controls

Using Custom Controls

Specifying a Custom Control

Binding Data to Custom Controls

Binding Data Collections to Custom Control

Converting Values When Data Binding

Creating a Custom Silverlight Control

Understanding Dependency Properties

Creating a New Control and Dependency Property

Binding Dependency Properties to the Data Context

Adding the Duration Control to a Screen

Calling Custom Control Methods via Dependency Properties

Calling Screen Code from a Custom Control


image Part V: Extending the Reach of Your Data

image Chapter 14: Optimizing Data Connectivity with RIA Services

The History behind RIA Services

Creating an RIA Services Project

Creating a New Project

Creating an Entity Class

Creating a Domain Service Class

Retrieving Data

Retrieving a Connection String from web.config

Updating Data

Calling SQL Stored Procedures

Consuming Your RIA Service


image Chapter 15: Sharing Data with OData


Using External Data Sources

Finding Third-Party Data Sources to Use

Determining Connection Settings

Connecting to an OData Data Source

Understanding Default Data-Source Options

Exposing Your LightSwitch Data Via OData

Finding Your Application’s Endpoint URL

Querying OData

Securing OData Feeds

Consuming LightSwitch Data

Connecting to LightSwitch Data from Excel

Connecting to LightSwitch Data from .NET

Connecting to LightSwitch from Other Platforms


image Part VI: Getting Data Out

image Chapter 16: Creating Reports

Introduction to Reporting

Using ASP.NET to Create Reports

Showing Grid Data on a Web Form

Displaying Grids within Grids

Creating Charts

Securing and Deploying Reports

Using Microsoft Reporting Services

Installing Reporting Services

Installing the Report Designer Components

Creating Reports

Deploying Reports

Using the Report Viewer Control

Linking Reports from Desktop Applications

Opening Reports in a New Browser Window

Displaying Reports inside LightSwitch Screens

Printing Reports

Linking Reports from HTML Client Applications

Displaying Content inside an iframe

Adding Hyperlinks


image Chapter 17: Generating Office Documents

Overview of Techniques

Using the OpenXML SDK

Performing COM Automation

Performing Mail Merges with Word

Creating Adobe PDF Documents


image Chapter 18: Sending Email

Overview to Sending Email

Sending Email Notifications

Using Configuration Settings to Save Credentials

Creating a Reusable Email Class

Sending the Email

Initiating Emails from LightSwitch Clients

Building an Email service

Sending Messages from HTML Client Applications

Sending Messages from Desktop Applications

Sending Mail with Microsoft Outlook


image Part VII: Extending LightSwitch

image Chapter 19: Creating Control Extensions

Using LightSwitch Extensions

Installing LightSwitch Extensions

Using the Many-to-Many Data Control

Preparing Your Computer to Develop Extensions

Understanding Custom Control Types

Creating Value Controls

Specifying Which Data Types to Support

Supporting the FindControl Method

Setting the Control Icon

Optimizing Controls for Data-Grid Use

Retrieving Height, Size, and Property Settings

Running and Deploying Your Extension

Setting Product/Installation Attributes

Creating a Detail Control (ComboBox)

Setting the Control’s Metadata

Finding the Summary Property for an Entity

Creating Custom Property Editors

Customizing Visual Studio’s Property Editor

Preparing Your Project

Creating a Custom Control Editor

Linking Your Property with the Editor

Customizing the Runtime Designer

Creating a Group Control Extension

Setting the Visibility of Labels

Creating a Command Control Extension


image Chapter 20: Creating Data and Presentation Extensions


Creating a Business Type Extension

Associating Custom Controls with Business Types

Enforcing Validation

Associating Validation Logic with a Business Type

Defining Property Sheet Attributes

Applying Validation Logic

Creating Custom Property Editor Windows

Using Your Business Type

Creating a Custom Shell Extension

Preparing Your Project

Defining the Look of Your Shell

Binding Data to Your Shell

Displaying Your Application’s Logo

Adding Code That Supports Our Custom Shell

Managing Screens

Executing Commands

Performing Navigation

Persisting User Settings

Setting the Name and Description

Using Your Custom Shell

Creating a Custom Theme Extension

Applying a Different Font

Setting Different Colors

Creating a Screen Template Extension

Setting Template Properties

Defining the Data-Source Type

Generating Screen Controls

Generating Screen Code

Creating More Complex Screen Templates

Creating an HTML Screen Template Extension

Creating a Data-Source Extension

Creating an Entity Class

Creating the Data Service Class

Using the Data-Source Extension


image Part VIII: Securing Your Application

image Chapter 21: Authenticating Your Users

Choosing an Authentication Method

No Authentication

Enabling Windows Authentication

Forms Authentication

Understanding Where User Details Are Stored

Changing the Password Complexity Rules

Changing Password Encryption Settings

Sharing Forms Authentication Data with ASP.NET

Allowing Users to Log Out of Desktop Web Applications


image Chapter 22: Authorizing Your Users

Applying Permissions

Defining Permissions

Creating an Application Administrator

Managing Roles and Users

Debugging Permission Code

Securing Server Objects

Applying Table-Level Access Control

Applying Query-Level Permissions

Securing Client Objects

Securing HTML Client Applications

Custom Authorization Examples

Associating Logins with Your Data

Opening Screens Conditionally at Login

Restricting Row-Level Access to Data

Setting Screen Control Properties by Permission

Allowing Users to Bypass Validation


image Part IX: Going Live with Your Application

image Chapter 23: Deploying Applications

Getting Started with Deployment

Choosing an Application Topology

Choosing Whether to Publish or Package

Setting Up Your Workstations

Setting Up SQL Server

Using the Publish Wizard

Data Connections Page

Prerequisites Page

Security Page

Digital Signature/Certificate Page

Setting Up Your Web Server

Installing the .NET 4.6 Framework

Setting Up IIS on Windows Server 2012/2008

Setting Up IIS on Windows 7 and Above

Configuring the Web Deploy Tool

Setting Up IIS Application Pools

Configuring SQL Server for Windows Authentication

Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Installing the Packages

Installing a Two-Tier Desktop Application

Installing a Three-Tier Application in IIS

Three-Tier Manual Deployment

Deploying Data

Updating an Application

Troubleshooting Deployment Errors

Tracing Your Application

Deploying to Azure

Connecting Visual Studio to Azure

Selecting a Service Type

Creating a Database

Completing the Publishing Process

Publishing to SharePoint


image Appendix A: Culture Names

image Appendix B: Data Type Identifiers

image Appendix C: Using Properties in Custom Controls

image Appendix D: Custom Screen Template View IDs

Desktop Client View IDs

HTML Client View IDs

image Appendix E: Data Schemas

Help Desk Tables

External Tables

Database Diagram


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