The Language Reference, Part 3: Get Statement–PV Function

Get Statement

GetAllSettings Function

GetAttr Function

GetAutoServerSettings Function

GetObject Function

GetSetting Function

GoSub...Return Statement

Goto Statement

Hex, Hex$ Functions

Hour Function

If...Then...Else Statement

IIf Function

IMEStatus Function

Implements Statement

Initialize Event

Input, Input$, InputB, InputB$ Functions

Input # Statement

InputBox Function

Instancing Property (VB only)

InStr, InStrB Functions

InstrRev Function (VB6)

Int Function

IPmt Function

IRR Function

IsArray Function

IsDate Function

IsEmpty Function

IsError Function

IsMissing Function

IsNull Function

IsNumeric Function

IsObject Function

Join Function (VB6)

Kill Statement

LBound Function

LCase, LCase$ Functions

Left, Left$, LeftB, LeftB$ Functions

Len, LenB Functions

Like Operator

Line Input# Statement

Load Statement

LoadResData Function

LoadResPicture Function

LoadResString Function

Loc Function

Lock Statement

LOF Function

Log Function

LSet Statement

LTrim, LTrim$ Functions

Me Operator

Mid, Mid$, MidB, MidB$ Functions

Mid, MidB Statements

Minute Function

MIRR Function

MkDir Statement

Month Function

MonthName Function (VB6)

MsgBox Function

MTSTransactionMode Property (VB6 only)

Name Property

Name Statement

Now Function

NPer Function

NPV Function

Oct, Oct$ Functions

On Error Statement

Open Statement

Option Base Statement

Option Compare Statement

Option Explicit Statement

Option Private Module Statement

Persistable Property (VB6 Only)

Pmt Function

PPmt Function

Print # Statement

Printer Object and Printers Collection

Private Statement

Property Get Statement

Property Let Statement

Property Set Statement

Public Statement

Put Statement

PV Function

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