Folder.Delete Method (VB6)

Named Arguments



oFolderObj.Delete [Force]


Use: Required

Data Type: Folder object

Any object variable returning a Folder object.


Use: Optional

Data Type: Boolean

If set to True, any read-only flag on a file is ignored and the file deleted.


Removes the current folder and all its files and subfolders.

Rules at a Glance

  • If any of the files within the folder are open, the method fails with a "Permission Denied" error.

  • The Delete method deletes all the contents of the given folder, including other folders and their contents.

  • The default setting for Force is False.

  • If Force is set to False and any of the files in the folders are set to read-only, the method fails.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • If an error occurs while deleting more than one file or folder, the Delete method exits immediately, thereby leaving the rest of the folders or files undeleted. There is also no roll-back facility to undo the deletions prior to the error.

  • Unlike the FileSystemObject's DeleteFolder method, which accepts wildcard characters in the path parameter and can therefore delete multiple folders, the Delete method deletes only the single folder represented by the Folder object.

  • Immediately after the Delete method executes, the Folders collection object containing the Folder object is automatically updated. The deleted folder is removed from the collection, and the collection count reduced by one. You shouldn't try to access the deleted Folder object again, and you should set the local object variable to Nothing, as the following snippet demonstrates:

    Set ofsSubFolder = ofsSubFolders.Item("roottwo")
        MsgBox ofsSubFolders.Count
        ofsSubFolder.Delete False
        MsgBox ofsSubFolders.Count
    Set ofsSubFolder = Nothing

See Also

FileSystemObject.DeleteFolder Method, RmDir Statement
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