StrComp Function

Named Arguments



StrComp(string1, string2[, compare])


Use: Required

Data Type: String

Any string expression


Use: Required

Data Type: String

Any string expression


Use: Optional

Data Type: Integer constant

The type of string comparison to perform.

Return Value

A Variant of subtype Integer.


Determines whether two strings are equal and, if not, which of two strings has the greater value.

Rules at a Glance

  • The following intrinsic constants are available to use as the settings for the compare argument:

    Constant Value Comparison to perform
    vbBinaryCompare 0 Binary (default)
    vbTextCompare 1 Textual
    vbDatabase 2 Database (Microsoft Access only)

  • If compare isn't specified, the setting of Option Compare (if present) determines the type of comparison performed.

  • This table describes the possible return values from the StrComp function:

    Scenario Return Value
    string1 < string2 –1
    string1 = string2 0
    string1 > string2 1
    string1 or string2 is Null Null

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • If you just need to know if string1 is greater than string2 (or vice versa), couldn't you simply use the < or > comparison operators? When you're dealing with strings of characters, Visual Basic sees each character as a number. Simply using the comparison operators therefore compares the numerical value of one string with the other. Take this scenario:

    Dim sString1 As String
    Dim sString2 As String
    sString1 = "hello world"
    sString2 = "HELLO WORLD"

    Subjectively, because of the significance of uppercase letters in text, we'd probably say that sString2 is greater than sString1. But Visual Basic sees these strings as a series of Unicode numbers, and because uppercase characters have a lower Unicode number than lowercase numbers, the lowercase string (sString1) is greater.

    This is exactly how the default StrComp option vbBinaryCompare operates—comparing the Unicode numbers of each string at binary level. However, the vbTextCompare option effectively equalizes the case of both strings prior to conducting the comparison; vbTextCompare looks only for differences in the character. You could think of vbTextCompare as representing:

    If UCase(sString1) < UCase(sString2) Then
    ElseIf UCase(sString1) = UCase(sString2) Then
    End If

  • Even performing a simple single comparison like:

    If UCase(sString1) < UCase(sString2) Then

    shows a performance hit of about 30% over the much more elegant and efficient StrComp function call:

    If StrComp(sString1,sString2, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then

    The former version, though, is easier to read and makes the code self-documenting.

See Also

Option Compare Statement
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