Dim Statement

Named Arguments



Dim varname[([subscripts])] [As [New] type] [, 
    varname[([subscripts])] [As [New] type]] . . .


Use: Required

Your chosen name for the variable.


Use: Optional

Dimensions of an array variable.


Use: Optional

Keyword that creates an instance of an object.


Use: Optional

The data type of varname.


Declares and allocates storage space in memory for variables. The Dim statement is used either at the start of a procedure or the start of a module to declare a variable of a particular data type.

Rules at a Glance

  • In addition to the Visual Basic data types listed in Chapter 3, type can be an Object, an object type, or a user-defined type. The default data type, when no type is explicitly declared, is Variant.

  • Variable-length strings are declared using the syntax:

    Dim variablename As String

    Fixed-length strings, on the other hand, are declared using the syntax:

    Dim variablename As String * length

  • You can declare multiple variables in a single Dim statement, but each variable you declare must use a separate As type clause.

  • Variables have the following values when they are first initialized with the Dim statement:

    Data Type Initial Value
    Numeric 0
    Variable-length string Zero-length string ("")
    Fixed-length string Padded with zeros
    Variant Empty
    Object Nothing

  • To use an object variable that has not been declared using the New keyword, the Set statement must assign an object to the variable before it can be used, as the following code fragment illustrates:

    Dim oMySubObj As TestObject.SubObject
    Set oMySubObj = oMyObj.SubObject

    If, however, you use the New keyword, a new instance of the object is automatically created when you first reference the variable, as shown in the following code fragment:

    Dim oMyObj As New TestObject

  • To declare array variables, use the following syntax:

    Fixed length, single dimension

    Dim arrayname(lower To upper) As type

    Example: Dim myArray(1 To 10) As Integer

    Fixed length, multidimension

    Dim arrayname(lower To upper, lower To upper, ...)

    Example: Dim MyArray(20,30) As Integer

    Variable length, single or multidimension

    Dim arrayname()

    Example: Dim myArray() As Integer

  • You can declare a multidimensional array with up to 60 dimensions.

  • Variable-length arrays can be resized using the ReDim statement. Fixed-length arrays can't be resized.

  • If you don't state lower, the index of the first element of the array is either the number indicated in the Option Base statement, or zero if Option Base hasn't been used.


Public Sub Main()

Dim varArr As Variant
Dim intCtr As Integer

varArr = MakeArray()

For intCtr = 0 To UBound(varArr)
   Debug.Print intCtr & ": " & varArr(intCtr)

End Sub

Private Function MakeArray() As Variant

Dim x As Variant

x = Array(5, 6, 7, 8)
MakeArray = x

End Function

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • It's accepted practice to place all the Dim statements to be used in a particular procedure at the beginning of that procedure.

  • To declare a multidimensional array that can handle different types of data in each dimension, declare the array as a Variant.

  • When you declare an object reference as WithEvents, that object's events can be handled within your application. Object variables must be declared WithEvents at the module level to allow you to provide an error handler. The reason for this is that if you declared the object variable WithEvents inside a procedure, the object variable would have scope and lifetime only within that procedure.

    When you declare an object variable as WithEvents in the declarations section of the module, the name of the object variable appears in the Object drop-down list at the top left of your code window. Select this, and note that the events exposed by the object are available in the Procedure drop-down list at the top right of the code window. You can then add code to these event procedures in the normal way, as shown below:

    Private WithEvents oEmp As Employee
    Private Sub oEmp_CanDataChange(EmployeeCode As String, Cancel As Boolean)
        'event handling code goes here
    End Sub
    Private Sub oEmp_DataChanged(EmployeeCode As String)
        'event handling code goes here
    End Sub

    For a fuller description and discussion of the uses of WithEvents, Event, and RaiseEvent, see the Event, RaiseEvent, and WithEvents entries, as well as Chapter 4.

  • The way in which you declare an Object variable with the Dim statement dictates whether your application uses late binding or early binding. Early binding allows object references to be resolved at compile time and objects to be initialized as your program is loaded into memory; therefore, they are available for use within your program almost instantaneously. Late binding, on the other hand, resolves an object reference and initializes an object only when it's referenced in the code at runtime; therefore, your program can appear to "hang" in mid-air while you wait for the object to be created in memory. To optimize the performance of your application, you should use early binding whenever possible. For more information, see Chapter 4.

  • Variables declared with Dim at the module level are available to all procedures within the module. At the procedure level, variables are available only within the procedure.

  • If you are calling a function that returns an array, define the array variable as a simple variant. When the function returns, it's a variant array, as the previous example illustrates.

  • Take care when dimensioning fixed-length strings; you can't use them to pass data to external DLLs that are expecting string arguments.

See Also

Const Statement, Def... Statement, Global Statement, Private Statement, Public Statement, ReDim Statement, Set Statement, Static Statement, Type Statement, Chapter 4
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